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  • Do I need auto insurance when registering? Do I need to issue an insurance policy when registering a car

    Do I need auto insurance when registering? Do I need to issue an insurance policy when registering a car

    Many car enthusiasts have a problem when a car is purchased, and they may not have enough money for various formalities, or they really want to save money. Among the most expensive of these formalities is the purchase of an OSAGO policy for the possibility of registering a car. But it can be purchased for various periods, and its price directly depends on this. What is the minimum insurance period for registering a car with the traffic police and is it possible to register a car with insurance for 20 days, let's find out!

    Let's start with the very basics - the legislative regulation of the obligation to have insurance and finding out what terms are in OSAGO.

    What is the obligation to have insurance for registration?

    This obligation is prescribed by 2 legal acts at once: the Federal Law "On OSAGO" and the rules for registering vehicles (Order No. 399). According to the latter, after we acquire ownership of the car, we are obliged to register it for ourselves with the traffic police within 10 days.

    Moreover, to say in this context "register" is incorrect - this is only the re-registration of the car with a change in the owner in the necessary documents. And the car is already registered with the traffic police.

    The Federal Law "On OSAGO", in turn, prescribes the obligation to buy insurance within the same 10 days after buying a car.

    The countdown of 10 days in both regulations starts from the date of signing the sales contract.

    Federal Law "On OSAGO", Art. 4:

    2. When the right of ownership of a vehicle arises (acquiring it into ownership, receiving it into economic management or operational management, and the like) the owner of the vehicle is obliged to insure his civil liability before registering the vehicle, but no later than ten days after the emergence of the right to own it.

    Order No. 399, p. 6:

    6. The owner of the vehicle is obliged to register the vehicle or make changes to the registration data of the vehicle in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules. within 10 days after the purchase ...

    Where are the terms of insurance regulated?

    In the Federal Law "On OSAGO". Here should be divided insurance term and period of use car, then you will understand the answer to the question.

    So, the insurance period (the conclusion of a standard OSAGO contract) is always 1 year. But the period of using the machine may be less, but not less than 3 months.

    1. Owners of vehicles have the right to conclude compulsory insurance contracts, taking into account the limited use of vehicles that are in their ownership or possession.
    Limited use of vehicles owned or in the possession of citizens is considered to be driving only by the drivers specified by the insured and (or) seasonal use of vehicles for 3 or more months in a calendar year.

    At the same time, do not forget that with limited use of the car, an increased coefficient is applied when calculating the cost of the policy. This means that the price of insurance for 3 months will be higher than if you just take a policy for 12 months and divide it by four.

    Thus, for registration with the traffic police, the minimum insurance period can be 3 months.

    Is insurance for 20 days suitable for registration?

    No, it won't, and here's why! Although, indeed, the legislation in force for 2019 allows a car to be insured for such a short period of only 20 days, certain conditions are required for this to be possible. But the main thing is that a 20-day policy is not suitable for registering a car with the traffic police.

    Let's start with what this insurance is called " transit". And it is possible under the following conditions:

    1. for driving the car to the place of registration in the traffic police,
    2. for driving the car to the place of technical inspection.

    At the same time, the law directly states that in both cases, for registration, a contract for one year must be concluded (although it is possible with a minimum period of use of the vehicle, as we talked about above).

    3. The owner of the vehicle has the right to conclude a compulsory insurance contract for period not exceeding 20 days in the absence of the documents specified in subparagraph "f" of paragraph 3 of Article 15 of this Federal Law, in the event of:

    • a) the acquisition of a vehicle (purchase, inheritance, acceptance as a gift, etc.) to follow to the place of registration of the vehicle. In this case, the owner of the vehicle, prior to its registration, is obliged to conclude a compulsory insurance contract for one year in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article;
    • b) following to the place of the vehicle technical inspection, repeated technical inspection of the vehicle.

    Thus, registering a car with a minimum insurance period of 20 days will not work.

    The owner of the vehicle becomes the owner only after passing the vehicle registration procedure. Special departments of the traffic police have the right to carry out registration actions. A certain set of documents is required for registration.

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    The result of the procedure is the receipt by the car owner of a registration certificate and license plates.

    What the legislation says

    Many people ask the question: do you need insurance when registering a car in 2018? Let's try to figure it out based on the existing legislation.
    Each vehicle must be insured against damage to road users ().

    The owner is obliged to insure the vehicle from the moment of purchase of the vehicle. When operating a vehicle, various situations may arise that lead to a road traffic accident.

    The perpetrator of the accident is obliged to compensate for the damage to the injured party, but he cannot always do this in a timely manner. The CTP policy gives the owner of the damaged car the right to receive the necessary amount for the repair of the vehicle.

    Registration actions performed by traffic police officers are based on the order () on the procedure for their conduct.

    Registration is made for:

    • maintaining state registration of vehicles and levying transport tax;
    • the possibility of monitoring the technical condition of transport, the absence of violation of structural integrity and compliance with the norms of safe traffic;
    • identification and timely suppression of violations of existing legislation.

    Carrying out all the above actions is impossible without providing OSAGO.

    Thus, when considering the legislation on OSAGO, it is required to be guided by the following documents:

    • an order on the procedure for registering vehicles;
    • compulsory auto insurance law;
    • oSAGO rules.

    Actions when buying an already insured car

    When purchasing a used car for which an OSAGO policy was previously issued, the new owner has the right to:

    • purchase a new insurance policy;
    • make changes to existing insurance.

    Registration of a new policy

    The owner of the vehicle has the right to choose an insurance company at his own discretion.

    To get a car license you will need:

    • an application for the conclusion of an insurance contract;
    • passport of the car owner or a copy of the certificate of state registration of the company (for individuals and legal entities, respectively);
    • the owner's driver's license or a copy of the identity card of a person admitted at the request of the owner to drive a car;
    • passport of the car with the changes made to it about the owner. Notes are made after the conclusion of the vehicle sale and purchase agreement;
    • or another document confirming the serviceability of the vehicle.

    During the conclusion of the contract, the car owner pays the insurance company a certain amount, which determines the amount of insurance premium required in the event of an accident.

    After signing the contract and paying the fee, the car owner receives in his hands:

    • an accident notification form, which is filled out at the scene and signed by both parties and witnesses (if any);

    • a list of the company's representative offices (with addresses and telephone numbers) in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    After registration of OSAGO, the car owner and the circle of persons represented by him (in limited insurance no more than 5 people) are allowed to operate the car.

    The former owner of the vehicle can terminate the previously concluded insurance contract and receive the remaining insurance amount in cash, excluding the amount spent on the insurance business (approximately 23% of the money paid).

    To terminate the insurance contract, you must write a corresponding application to the company. Payment of money is made within 14 days from the date of termination of the contract.

    It should be noted that early termination of OSAGO is possible only if this aspect is directly provided for by the concluded agreement.

    Many insurance companies limit the possibility of terminating the contract to a certain period (for example, 6 months after the conclusion of the contract) or other factors.

    However, the legislation directly provides for situations when the unused part of the insurance must be returned.

    These include (the list is based on the existing rules for registering OSAGO with amendments made to the document for 2018):

    • death of the owner or liquidation of the company that owns the vehicle;
    • liquidation of an insurance company or loss of a license to engage in insurance activities;
    • death or complete loss of transport;
    • change of the car owner;
    • identification by the owner of false information provided by the representative of the insurance company.

    Fitting into existing insurance

    The second way to reissue OSAGO when selling a car is to make changes to an existing insurance policy. This action is based on.

    According to the specified document, the transfer of ownership of the previously insured property entails the transfer of the insurance contract.

    To make changes, all of the above documents are required for the new owner of the vehicle and the previous owner with his own passport. The transfer of ownership is reflected in the column of the policy "Special notes".

    The new owner of the vehicle, by agreement, returns the unused part of the insurance premium to the car seller.

    This aspect can be fixed by a receipt or other document on the transfer of a certain amount of money, or by writing a corresponding clause in the sales contract.

    This method is considered the most acceptable for the seller, since the latter receives most of the money from the new owner.

    On the other hand, renewal of insurance limits the car buyer in choosing an insurance company. This procedure can be carried out only with the full consent of both parties.

    Is an insurance policy required when registering a car

    Do I need insurance to register a car with the traffic police? Yes. This document is mandatory for the registration of a vehicle (car registration rules). Moreover, the period of validity of the insurance policy must be at least 1 year.

    Other required documents include:

    • application of the established form (the document is filled in by the new owner of the transport). The application form can be obtained from the traffic police department dealing with registration actions or on the website of the specified organization;

    • citizen's passport;
    • vehicle inspection report. Issued by traffic police officers at specialized points. The document certifies the compliance of numbered units and the serviceability of vehicles;

    • if previously issued, then "Transit" license plates;

    • receipts for payment of the state fee for registration actions and, if necessary, for the issuance of new license plates. The amount of the fee can be found out by calling the traffic police reference service or on the official website.

    After registration, the car owner receives:

    • all submitted documents, with the exception of the inspection report;

    • number plates.

    What happens if the car owner refused to issue a policy

    Each driver of a motor vehicle is obliged to provide the traffic police with an OSAGO insurance policy (upon request).

    If there is no insurance or the policy has expired, then a fine of 800 rubles () is imposed on the driver.

    If a traffic police officer detects an offense, the latter has the right:

    • write out a receipt for payment of the fine in the amount prescribed by law;
    • to withdraw license plates of the vehicle.

    After the actions committed by the traffic police officer, the driver has the right to operate the car for 1 day and only to the place of parking, storage or correction of the offense.

    • pay a fine;
    • undergo a technical inspection of the vehicle required to obtain an insurance policy. If a valid MOT coupon has a period of 6 months, then an additional inspection is not required;
    • contact the insurance company and issue a new CTP policy;
    • with all the documents, apply to the registration authorities of the traffic police and get your license plates.

    All disagreements with the traffic police officers are resolved in court at the location of the traffic police department. Any car owner can challenge the actions of police officers if he believes that they were not lawful.

    OSAGO is a compulsory insurance policy that every car owner must draw up. Without a document, it is impossible to register vehicles with the traffic police.

    In addition to the already mentioned OSAGO policy, when registering a car with the traffic police, paid receipts should be brought (the size of the state duty is 1800 rubles: issue of numbers - 1500, registration certificate - 300 rubles).

    However, the police insist that they do not use it and, even worse, take their word for it. If the police had enforced the law and collected their license plates, it is possible that a criminal lawyer would not have gone out with a car without license plates.

    The police carriage pulled him to the right, asked for his ID and asked him to blow up the etiote. Gafon replied that he did not have documents for him, but gave his name and breathed etiota.

    The police also checked him in the database, where they noticed that the man had a driver's license, but also that his technical inspection had expired.

    After making sure that you have a complete package of documents, you can take the queue at the reception by taking a coupon or having agreed in advance by phone. It is even easier to book an appointment through the website of your local registration office.

    First, let's consider what is needed to register a car:

    1. Sign up for registration with the MREO traffic police.
      This can be done via a phone call or online, there is no need to start from the place of registration.
    2. It is imperative that you have an OSAGO policy, since you will not be able to register a car without insurance.
      Now you can apply for OSAGO online, which greatly simplifies the procedure.
    3. Pay the fee, the amount of which is specified directly in the MREO or on their website.
    4. Pass a technical inspection, which you must come prepared, having all the necessary documents with you.

    It is also impossible to register a car without insurance. Nothing has changed here. The procedure itself is faster - do not wait in a first line.

    Previously, you had to go to a special window in order to apply for registration, then go to the site to inspect the car and return to the window to complete the registration of the vehicle.

    Now it is possible to print the application yourself and immediately go to the site, which significantly saves time during registration.

    It should be remembered that in this case, the application must be completed and also do not forget about paying the state fee.

    After completing the inspection, the paperwork process will begin, and later you will receive all documents and new numbers, if necessary. According to the information, the whole process should take no more than an hour, especially if you used online registration when registering.

    To register a car, there is no one price for everyone, since the payment depends on various factors.

    • registration of a car without a run with new signs - 2000 rubles;
    • registration of a supported car with old signs will cost 850 rubles;
    • transit numbers - 1600 rubles;
    • for the preparation of the certificate, you must pay 500 rubles;
    • registration of any certificate will cost 350 rubles.

    All these prices are approximate, the total amount will depend specifically on your case. If you delay registration, most likely you will receive a fine for late registration, in which case the price will be even higher.

    It should also be remembered that if you ignore this point, you can lose your rights or pay an even larger fine.

    Immediately after buying a car and concluding a sale and purchase agreement, you can register the car.

    The procedure is a series of actions provided for by legislation on entering information into a special database about vehicles, their characteristics, features and owner. The end result is the receipt of a state sample document - STS.

    It can be issued by:

    1. traffic police departments;
    2. centers of municipal services "My Documents";
    3. multifunctional centers (MFC).

    At the end of 2013, a new Administrative Regulation came into force, which regulates the procedure for registering vehicles. This document introduced a number of significant changes to the registration procedure for road transport. So, you can register a car at any traffic police department.

    Anti-insurance - building block

    The car registration procedure begins with the preliminary collection of documents. The application form can be filled in electronically or by hand by printing out the form from the traffic police website.

    In addition to the already mentioned OSAGO policy, when registering a car with the traffic police, paid receipts should be brought (the size of the state duty is 1800 rubles: issue of numbers - 1500, registration certificate - 300 rubles).

    READ ALSO: OSAGO at Tinkoff Insurance 2018

    CTP calculator

    Until July 10, 2017, the driver had to provide a paper MTPL policy when contacting the traffic police, but now the insurance policy has been excluded from the list of mandatory documents.

    When a new vehicle is registered, the process usually takes longer and the costs are more tangible. This is because the new car needs to be provided with license plates and the vehicle must be registered.

    The answer to the question "is it possible to register a car without insurance and technical inspection?" will be unambiguously negative.

    Since clause 2 of the special order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of state services for the registration of motor vehicles and trailers for them" establishes the compulsory MTPL.

    In the absence of such a policy, the traffic police inspector simply does not have the right to start inspecting the vehicle.

    At the same time, the absence of state registration marks does not imply a refusal to issue an OSAGO policy.

    Slightly different rules apply to CASCO.

    Before putting a car on state registration, it is necessary to sort out the questions:

    • the necessary conditions;
    • algorithm of actions;
    • specific terms;
    • possible difficulties;
    • design nuances;
    • the legislative framework.

    The necessary conditions

    To carry out the process of registering a vehicle, a certain number of conditions must be met.

    It is worth noting an important feature - recently it has become possible to register a vehicle not only at the place of permanent residence.

    But in general, with any region, at the location of the defendant. This question is best studied in advance. In this simple way, many problems can be avoided. And also delays.

    As is clear from the above reasoning, it is still impossible to bypass the auto insurance measures. Probably, this requirement will not be revised at all.

    Nevertheless, drivers do not despair, but are diligently looking for a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to register a car without insurance and technical inspection. You can only do without CASCO insurance, this policy is issued at the request of the owner or at the insistence of the insurance company when buying a new car.

    Most drivers believe that when they part with a car, they must in any case remove it from the register. But according to the law, you need to contact the traffic police to remove the vehicle from registration for the following reasons:

    1. In order not to pay tax for the vehicle when scrapping a car under the state program.
    2. In case of illegal actions (car theft, etc.).
    3. When selling a car, if the new owner has not reissued the purchase for himself within the prescribed period (10 days).
    4. When leaving the Russian Federation for a long time.

    To stop registering a car, it is not necessary to visit the traffic police department in person. It is easy to do with the help of the State Service portal.

    Is it possible to remove the vehicle from the register without insurance

    Having considered the numerous aspects of the issue, one cannot fail to mention whether insurance is needed when the car is deregistered. On the website of the State Service, a list of documents has been published without which the procedure would have been impossible.

    Starting from July 10 of this year, an order came into force at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to which some changes are made to the regulations for registering personal vehicles of citizens. They are designed to simplify the renewal procedure and make it more convenient.

    Often, car owners are interested in whether it is possible to register a car without OSAGO, that is, compulsory motor third party liability insurance.

    Insurance is a mandatory item that must be completed to register the car. It is also impossible to reissue a car without insurance. AT

    In order to be able to issue a new policy, the car owner has the right to contact any insurance company. You should remember about the period for registration, which is 10 days.

    The procedure for issuing an OSAGO policy is simple: after collecting the documents, it is necessary to pay the amount, on which in the future it will depend on how much the insurance company will compensate for damage in the event of an accident.

    After registration, the car owner will receive an OSAGO policy and an accident notification form, which is required to be filled in in case of an accident, as well as a list of representative offices, which includes addresses and phone numbers.

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    As for a used car, there is another option - to reissue the policy for yourself, that is, to enter it into the existing insurance. After the sale of the vehicle, the old contract is transferred to the new owner. In order to make changes, you need both owners with documents.

    Registration of the car at the inspection without its preliminary insurance is impossible. When registering a car, the new owner hands over to the traffic police a certain package of documentation, which includes an insurance policy.

    Let's say you have a CTP and MTPL policy on hand. You need to register the car. You can register a car for yourself, even without a license, a driver's license is not needed. To do this, you need the following documents: - passport, sales contract, vehicle title, paid receipts for registering the vehicle, transit numbers, OSAGO policy, as well as the car itself for inspection by an inspector.

    Now for the money

    Registration - we have 2,000 rubles (duties), numbers and a certificate of registration of the vehicle are included. If you do not bet through an official traffic police station, but there are also such ones, I personally put my car like that, then another 500 rubles for their services.

    The penalty for delayed transit - now they have risen in price (since September 1, 2013) from 500 to 800 rubles, if they are caught the first time, if they are caught the second time, then 5000 rubles.

    In your case, we go by car to the traffic police station, you will still get a fine there, pay the fine and put the car on record. If you were stopped and a fine was issued to you, and then stopped after 2 kilometers, then we tell the inspector that we are going to the traffic police, and that you have just been given a fine, here we show it, as a rule, the inspector will not write you a fine a second time in a few minutes.

    Upon arrival, we must pay the fine, keep the payment slip next to us, and present it to the inspector when registering the car.

    This issue causes a lot of controversy, both among experts and drivers. Let us consider what position the judges of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation take. So, when considering a case on challenging points of traffic rules, including clause 2.1.1, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on 17.04.2012 made a decision NAKPI12-205.

    The judge ruled that until the end of the ten-day period allotted to the owner of the vehicle for concluding the OSAGO contract, the driver of the car has the right to drive it without an appropriate insurance policy, which follows from clause 2.1.1, which provides for the obligation of the motorist to have insurance with him only in cases stipulated by law about OSAGO.

    A similar position was stated by the judge in the Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 15.10.2014 No. 41-AD14-15. He ruled that the car owner, under the law on OSAGO, had ten days from the date of purchase of the vehicle to purchase a compulsory motor third party liability insurance policy, and therefore, to bring him to justice under Art. 12.37 is illegal.

    He does not violate the current traffic rules and therefore, it is illegal to punish him with a fine.

    As a rule, a lot of people come to register a car, especially in big cities. Therefore, it is not worth postponing the procedure until the last day of the prescribed period. Preliminary registration in the queue is carried out by calling the MREO traffic police department or on the website of public services.

    When registering a car, the car owner must present the following package of documents:

    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • oSAGO insurance;
    • vehicle registration certificate;
    • contract of sale;
    • previous registration certificate, if the car is used.

    To stop registering a car, it is not necessary to visit the traffic police department in person. It is easy to do with the help of the State Service portal. Tips for those who want to deregister a car.

    Is it possible to remove the vehicle from the register without insurance

    When purchasing a used car, for which an OSAGO policy was previously issued, the new owner has the right to:

    • purchase a new insurance policy;
    • make changes to existing insurance.

    Registration of a new policy

    Do I need insurance to register a car with the traffic police? Yes. This document is mandatory for the registration of a vehicle (car registration rules). Moreover, the period of validity of the insurance policy must be at least 1 year.

    Steps when buying an insured vehicle

    The new list of mandatory documents includes:

    • documents on the temporary import of a car;
    • documents confirming disposal;
    • expert documents on the basis of which the vehicle is identified.

    Can I register a car without insurance? This question is of interest to many new vehicle owners. The stage of registration of a vehicle is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1001.


    In order to register a vehicle, you must provide documents:

    • STS (if the car is not new);
    • owner's passport;
    • purchase and sale agreement;
    • statement;
    • oSAGO insurance policy.

    Employees issue the application form. It contains a line in which you must enter the number of the insurance policy, as well as the name of the insurance company, the date of issue. So is it possible to register a car without insurance? It becomes clear that the OSAGO agreement is a mandatory document.

    Electronic policies

    Is it possible to register a car without OSAGO insurance? In 2017, it became possible to purchase electronic OSAGO policies. Therefore, it is now possible not to provide a paper version of the insurance contract. Employees cannot refuse to register a vehicle if an electronic policy has been issued. But they will check its presence in the database, and only then will they register it.

    Electronic policies have become popular as you can purchase an insurance contract without leaving your home. But in order to register a car, information about the policy must go to the PCA database. Therefore, before proceeding with registration, you must check the information yourself. Typically, the PCA system receives information about the purchase of an insurance contract within 3-5 days.

    The need for OSAGO

    Can I register a car without insurance? When registering a motor vehicle, an OSAGO insurance contract is required. This obligation is regulated by law, it is specified in three acts:

    • oSAGO insurance rules;
    • Federal Law "On OSAGO";
    • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1001.

    Also, the legislation obliges new owners to register vehicles within a maximum of ten days. And in order not to break the law, you need to purchase a genuine insurance policy, and then register. If the owner does not have time to register the car within this period of time, then a fine will follow. But the insurance policy is issued in a short time, so you can register a car one day in advance.

    Purchase of an insured vehicle

    Can I register a car without insurance if it is insured by the previous owner? Sometimes there are times when it is necessary to sell a vehicle in a short time. But at the same time, the car remains with a valid insurance agreement. What can be done? Do I need to give my policy to the new owner?

    You cannot reissue a valid policy for another person. According to the law, the first owner can terminate the contract due to the sale, and after two weeks receive the remaining funds. Consider the following: the less time is left until the end of the policy, the less money the policyholder will receive. Also, the insurance company will deduct 23% of the insurance premium for costs. The remaining amount will depend on the number of months. It should be noted that after the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement, the insurance contract becomes invalid. The new owner of the vehicle acquires the OSAGO policy independently.

    Can I register my car without insurance and technical inspection? It is not possible to register a vehicle without OSAGO. But is it possible to do without technical inspection? There is no mention of the diagnostic card in the list of required documents. But the form of a diagnostic card is required when drawing up an insurance contract for OSAGO. If the car requires a technical inspection, then the consultants of the insurance companies will not issue a policy. That is, when buying OSAGO, if necessary, the policyholder must provide a diagnostic card.

    Car owners are required to inspect the vehicle and purchase a diagnostic card if the car is more than three years old. For cars under three years old, there is no need to purchase a diagnostic card.

    But if the car already has a technical inspection from the previous owner, is it necessary to go through this procedure again? A technical inspection can be omitted if the previous owner has a valid contract. The diagnostic card becomes a confirmation of permission to operate this tool. Therefore, the new owner can use the seller's diagnostic card.


    The question "how can you register a car without insurance" can be answered unequivocally - not. It is impossible to register a vehicle without a mandatory insurance policy. OSAGO is regulated by three laws. It will not be difficult to acquire a valid insurance contract, since there are many insurance companies operating around the country that have the appropriate license, which will be able to provide a policy in a short time. The legislation has established a period within which new owners must register their funds. After this period (10 days), a fine will follow. Ten days is not a short period, during this time it is quite possible to have time to register.

    When purchasing a car, the new owner will definitely get acquainted with the peculiarities of its registration for temporary or permanent registration. No matter how tedious this stage may be, the obligation to register a car falls on every motorist.

    In this case, it is advisable not to use the services of intermediary firms. If you want to use legal services, it is better to contact a lawyer who is a professional in the field of automotive law.

    The procedure is a series of actions provided for by legislation on entering information into a special database about vehicles, their characteristics, features and owner. The end result is the receipt of a state sample document - STS.

    It can be issued by:

    1. traffic police departments;
    2. centers of municipal services "My Documents";
    3. multifunctional centers (MFC).

    Regulatory framework for registration

    Legal relationships, the occurrence of which is associated with actions for the registration of vehicles, is contained in a specifically fixed list of legislative acts.

    • Federal Law "On the Police".
    • Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services."
    • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.08.1994 No. 938 "On state registration of motor vehicles and other types of self-propelled equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation."
    • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 1001 of November 24, 2008 "On the procedure for registering a vehicle."
    • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 605 of 08/07/2013 "On approval of the administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of state services for the registration of motor vehicles and trailers for them"

    1. contact the traffic police department in person;
    2. submit an application to the MFC or the My Documents Center;
    3. apply for a service through the electronic government portal "Gosuslugi".

    The list of documents will be the same everywhere:

    • a statement of the appropriate form;
    • PTS or information about electronic PTS;
    • STS (when staging a car that was bought on the secondary market);
    • oSAGO policy;
    • document confirming the identity of the applicant;
    • power of attorney (if submitted through a representative).

    Types of insurance contracts

    There are two types of contracts related to motor vehicles.

    OSAGO is a type of contract, which the law obliges each driver to conclude. Only the liability of the person driving the vehicle is insured. An insured event is understood as the negative consequences of an accident committed by the driver. According to the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, as well as the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1001, the presence of a policy is a necessary condition for transport.

    CASCO is a voluntary insurance contract where the owner of the vehicle insures the car against negative consequences, where damage will be caused to his car. The obligation to acquire such an agreement is not provided for by current legislation.

    Vehicle accounting without policy

    Based on the requirements of the law, it is impossible to issue a car without OSAGO insurance. However, the law does not say anything about the need to obtain a CASCO policy for registration actions.

    After getting acquainted with this material, many were able to give an unequivocal answer to the question: is it possible to put a car on record without insurance and what regulatory acts regulate these legal relations. Now each driver knows the necessary list of papers that will be useful to him in carrying out this procedure.