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  • Jsc pcb 88005557042 where it is located. JSC "First Collection Bureau": reviews

    Jsc pcb 88005557042 where it is located. JSC

    (21 estimates, average: 3,38 out of 5)

    Debts in banking organizations are a very unpleasant fact, because after some time, the bank sells the debt to a kind of "bouncers", who are officially called collectors.

    Collectors can threaten relatives, friends, children and the debtor himself. Naturally, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not support such acts, so the collectors' talk that they will take the case to court will remain only talk afterwards.

    What if the collectors threaten over the phone or in person?

    During the sale of a borrower's debt to collectors, the borrower is usually lost, which is what the employees of the First Collection Bureau and other similar collection agencies use (for example, "", "" or ""). Collectors' threats, as a rule, do not go beyond words. However, there are also sad situations when, in order to intimidate the "money bouncer", they turn to real measures - they illegally describe the property, come to the debtor's home, shout, swear and so on. Additionally, you can study what for.

    Legal illiteracy of citizens is very beneficial for collectors. That is why society should know the action plan in dealing with collectors:

    1. First of all, need to get rid of fears ... If the debtor is afraid of the collectors, they will immediately feel it. Therefore, you need to talk on the phone with collectors in a confident voice, showing that they will not be able to put pressure on you psychologically.
    2. Secondly, calls from collectors with threats fall under article 163 of the criminal code - "extortion of money" ... Many facts can be used in their own direction, because the bank also has no right not only to sell debt to collectors, but even to disclose information about your credit debt to third parties - friends and relatives. There is such a concept "bank secrecy". Use this knowledge in a conversation with collectors, and they will no longer be able to be too sure of your legal illiteracy.
    3. Thirdly, collectors often scare debtors that they fall under the article "fraud". Don't believe it. Financial problems and economic crises can arise for everyone, which means that it will not be possible to prosecute for a loan debt in a bank. Since the debtor does not refuse to pay further, but now, due to some circumstances, he simply cannot do this, the bank should have provided the borrower with restructuring or credit holidays, and not sold the debt to collectors.
    4. Fourthly, unfortunately, a mobile group of collectors still arrives at the debtor's apartment. Remember - your home is your private property, and you have the right to exclude intruders. ... If persistent collectors are trying to illegally enter the apartment, feel free to call the police and write a statement to the prosecutor's office and Rospotrebnadzor.

    We also invite you to watch a video about the conversation with the collector of the First Collection Bureau:

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    Before contacting a special company for help, which is ready to provide assistance in debt collection, you need to carefully study the reviews. The First Collection Bureau is one of the largest participants in the domestic market, working with problem debtors. Feedback from both clients and employees about the firm's work is mostly positive. The history of the corporation began in 2005. In just 10 years of work, the company has managed not only to earn the title of a reliable and trusted partner, but also to be awarded the title of a leader in a very specific sector. OJSC “First Collection Bureau” is the “pioneer” of the collection business in many parts of the country.

    Company geography

    The collection company is successfully operating in many parts of the country. The largest offices are located in Moscow and Khabarovsk, in St. Petersburg. Assistance in debt collection is provided in many regions, from the Far East to Siberia. According to preliminary estimates of experts, in just a decade of operation, the company managed to conquer about 34% of the debt collection services market. Even large players of this segment cannot compete with the association, since the reputation and level of work of the latter are practically impeccable. You will not find negative reviews about the company. First Collection Bureau is the leader of the domestic market with an impeccable reputation.

    Prosperity paths

    The main activities of the joint-stock company are not only the collection of problem debts, but also the active development of the collection business in general, assistance in ensuring the full functioning of the domestic banking system, creating conditions for the formation of civilized communication between debtors and creditors. Politics led to the fact that she was one of the first to join the professional Association of Collectors of Russia.

    Bond issue - confirmation of professionalism

    The prosperity and active development of the corporation is evidenced by positive reviews. “First Collection Bureau” is ranked higher than its competitors not only by satisfied customers. This year, on April 15, the collection of applications for bonds will begin, the total cost of which will be about 1.5 billion rubles. The order book will be open on April 10 and will close on April 17. The first coupon rate is approximately 16.5-17.5% per annum. Estimated yield - from 17.55% to 18.68% per annum. The rates from the second to the twelfth coupons will be equal to the rates of the first coupons.

    Conditions for investing in PKB through bonds

    The nominal price of one security will correspond to 1000 rubles with an open subscription. The circulation period will be three years with the possibility of early repayment at 14.28% per annum of the par value. The organizers of the placement will be Vostochny CB, Svyaz-Bank and Region BC. The underwriter is Vostochny Design Bureau. The issue of securities is evidence of something that is generating investor interest and promising promise. First Collection Bureau replenishes its budget with bonds in order to actively buy out bad debts from banks and further develop its network.

    Shareholders and management

    PKB is a domestic company that is developing at an incredibly fast pace. She not only specializes in problem debts, but also takes on the responsibility of managing late payments. Shares of OJSC First Collection Bureau, reviews of which are mostly positive, belong simultaneously to several large shareholders:

    • 30% of the Cyprus company Evison Holdings Limited.
    • 21.25% is owned by which in parallel acts as a shareholder of the bank "East Express" and is a member of its board of directors.
    • 9.03% are owned by Alexander Taranov, who is also a member of the board of directors and at the same time a shareholder of Orient Express Bank.
    • Baring Vostok Foundation became the owner of 30% of the shares of the OJSC.

    All shareholders are personally interested in the prosperity and development of the company, being participants in the Russian financial market, they make a lot of effort and contribute to the development of society.

    Debt portfolio is one of the largest in Russia

    Not only positive reviews speak about the successful and active development of the company. The First Collection Bureau constantly warms up the media with unexpected statements. This applies not only to the issue of shares, which is very unusual for this segment of activity. More recently, information has been received that the company has received from the Deposit Insurance Agency bad debts of the Sakhalin-West Bank. Cooperation with the government structure suggests that the company not only operates within the framework of the law, but also enjoys great confidence. The demand for the company's services is justified by statistics. Thus, in 2010, the volume of overdue debts in Russia amounted to 271 billion rubles against 115.9 billion rubles in 2008. Indicator in 2013-2014 increased at least twice due to the availability of loans. OJSC “First Collection Bureau” has certain benefits against the background of the situation in the country. In addition, in 2010 the size of the loan portfolio of the organization corresponded to 30 billion rubles, it was the largest on the market. As a result, the company's income amounted to 491.5 million rubles, of which 118.4 million is

    Development potential: transfer of problem debts by banks

    The First Collection Bureau (who has sued him knows how accurately and professionally the association's specialists operate) reports that in 2016 banks will continue to independently resolve problems related to early debts, which account for about 85% of total number of problem loans. The share of debt collection is expected to increase in the traditional area of \u200b\u200blong arrears. In terms of agency service, the time period will be reduced from 180 to 120 days, as well as by assignment from 640 days to 240 days. The amount of debts that the First Collection Bureau will receive in the future, employee reviews of which are positive, albeit slightly increased. In the next three years, the growth of the loan portfolio will be from 0.3% to 1.5% during the year. According to preliminary estimates, the loan portfolio in 2016 will be 323 billion rubles.

    Debt buying - a leap in development

    "First Collection Bureau", reviews of which have remained positive for many years, plans to actively increase its portfolio this and next years by purchasing bad debts. The expected growth rate ranges from 14% to 22% annually. In 2016, the amount of debts repurchased from financial institutions may reach 165 billion rubles. The share of debts paid through the services of collectors will steadily increase. The general director of the company is actively committed to partnering with banks. He focuses on the fact that if banks are more attentive to lending to customers and respond promptly to delays, transferring them to collectors under an agency scheme, the percentage of delays in payments will be significantly reduced by the end of 2015. First Collection Bureau (Moscow) is ready to continue to occupy the position of the leading player in the assignment market, increasing its power and actively expanding its geography.

    Main directions of activity

    OJSC “PBK” offers its assistance in a wide variety of areas, and this is not only dry collection of debts from persons who do not pay loans on time. The company provides:

    • Financial intermediation.
    • Services in the field of law, accounting and audit.
    • Professional consulting in matters of commercial activity and enterprise management.
    • Market analysis and public opinion assessment.

    Above is a list of additional services. The priority area of \u200b\u200bactivity followed by the First Collection Bureau (Moscow), which has been positively reviewed, remains a set of measures aimed at supporting the difficult accounts receivable of both individuals and legal entities throughout Russia. Activities can be carried out both in a judicial and pre-trial order. The possibility of carrying out works with pledges and support of enforcement proceedings is provided.

    Various debts can cause quite big problems for the debtor. If the bank or other creditor fails to collect the debt on their own, they can transfer it to professional collectors, such as the First Collection Bureau company. But when working with collectors, debtors often face various difficulties, starting with how to look at the list of debtors to the need to fight illegal collection methods.

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    The first collection bureau - what is it?

    The First Collection Bureau (PKB) is a professional organization specializing in the collection of various overdue debts: on loans, to insurance companies, telecom operators, etc.

    Important! The first collection bureau is a commercial organization operating in the form of a non-public joint stock company. She is not a representative or partner of government agencies such as the Federal Bailiff Service.

    The company was founded in 2005 and initially was active exclusively in the Far East and Siberia. But over 12 years, the organization has grown significantly and was able to create an impressive regional network of its own offices and representative offices, and the head office of the organization moved to Moscow.

    At present, according to experts, PKB occupies up to 30% of the market for the purchase of bad debts. In 2016, the company passed state registration as a professional collector of overdue debts and received a corresponding certificate.

    How to check yourself against the list of debtors in the First Collection Bureau

    The first collection bureau, for the convenience of debtors, has developed an online service that allows you to check yourself against the list, find out the amount of debt and repay it, as well as receive various information about discounts in the company and certificates of absence of debt.

    Let's consider step by step the procedure for viewing debt on the PKB website:

    If the system cannot automatically recognize the debtor, then it will offer to contact the chat or email. On the site you can also pay off your debt online or get a certificate of fulfillment of obligations.

    If it is impossible to use the site to obtain information on your own, you can find out your debt in the PKB in the following ways:

    • by phone 8-800-234-40-04;
    • by email: [email protected] ;
    • in the chat on the site;
    • by requesting information by letter by regular mail, sent to the address of the PKB: 108811, Moscow, Kievskoe highway, 22 km, house building. 6, bldg. 1, bldg. A4a.

    Do I need to pay my debt?

    It is best to fulfill your contractual obligations and make payments to the bank or other original creditor on time. But if the client was nevertheless transferred to the collection service, then he needs to first determine how really legal the requirements are.

    If the client has not received any notifications of the assignment of debt from the bank (the original creditor), then he should request from the collectors documents confirming the legality of their collection (cession agreement). You can try to find out about the transfer of the contract by contacting directly the original lender (for example, the bank that issued the loan).

    It will not be superfluous to check whether the original agreement established a ban on the transfer of debt to third parties.

    Even if all the formalities are met, it should be understood that the limitation period for debts is 3 years. If they have already expired, then the company may try to collect the debt and even go to court, but you can indicate this fact in the application and the court will terminate the proceedings.

    The only reason why it might be necessary to pay off the old debt with the expired statute of limitations is to correct the credit history. Although a long delay in any case will negatively affect it, but much less than an unpaid debt at all.

    What is the work of a collection bureau

    All over the world, collection bureaus and agencies specialize in achieving a situation where the debtor repays the debt in full or at least returns to the payment schedule. But if in civilized countries collectors perform primarily the functions of financial consultants and help in solving the problem between the creditor and the debtor, then in Russia they are precisely the collectors, and sometimes the "knock-out" of debts.

    Most collection companies in the Russian Federation prefer to work with banks, MFOs and other creditors on the basis of an agency agreement. In this case, they perform only the functions of a representative of the creditor and receive a certain payment for this.

    PKB is one of the few companies on the professional recovery market that specializes in the redemption of bad debts and their further collection on their own. At the same time, debts are acquired at once in packages, without a special sample for specific borrowers or amounts. The PKB can deal with the collection of both a debt of several hundred rubles and several hundred thousand or even millions.

    Legal and illegal methods of work of a collection bureau

    The activities of collection agencies and similar companies are not prohibited by Russian legislation. But they are quite seriously limited in the list of possible actions. PKB and other collection agencies may use the following as legal methods of debt collection:

    • Informing by phone. Collectors can call the debtor a maximum of 1 time a day, 2 times a week and 4 times a month. All calls must be made from 8 to 22 hours local time (for the debtor), and on weekends and holidays - from 9 to 20 hours.
    • Personal meetings. No more than 1 visit per week is allowed. The debtor may refuse to let the collectors into the housing.
    • SMS informing. Collectors can send notifications in the form of text messages to the debtor's phone, but no more than 2 SMS per day and no more than 4 per week.
    • Going to court. The final decision in a debt case can only be made by the court. If the debtor loses it, then the collectors can turn to the bailiffs to enforce debt collection.

    Collectors can also send letters to the home address of debtors by Russian Post. But they have no other legal options for conducting debt collection activities. However, often such organizations are not stopped by the restrictions established by law, and they begin to use various methods of illegal debt collection.

    Let's consider what illegal methods are used by collectors in their work most often:

    • threats against the debtor, his family, relatives;
    • disclosure of information about debt to third parties;
    • physical violence;
    • dissemination of negative, false and other defamatory information (posting ads with different wording and information about the debtor);
    • attempts to make an independent inventory of property and / or its seizure without obtaining a court decision and involving bailiffs;
    • damage to the property of the debtor, neighbors or other persons.

    The first collection bureau - how to deal with it

    If employees of the First Collection Bureau or any other debt collection organization behave incorrectly or violate the law, then the debtor should try to collect as much evidence of this fact as possible. You should record all conversations, calls, save letters, photographs of illegal actions (for example, graffiti on the walls), etc. This will help if the client decides to complain about the collectors and fight them.

    Important! In the event of threats, the debtor or his relatives should immediately report them to the police, if possible attaching evidence of illegal actions.

    The Federal Bailiff Service supervises the activities of professional collectors. It is the bailiffs who should first of all file a complaint about illegal working methods. If the FSSP does not take action and ignores appeals, then the debtor can also file a complaint with the prosecutor's office. But this is usually not required.

    You can file a complaint with the FSSP in one of the following ways:

    • on the official website of the FSSP through the Internet reception;
    • personally visiting the department of bailiffs at the place of residence;
    • by sending the application by regular mail.

    The first collection bureau is quite loyal to the debtors, whose debts have passed to him. You can find out the amount of debt on the company's website. But nevertheless, the debtor must always understand that his rights are also protected by law, and collectors often violate it and one must be able to defend his interests.

    Leave your comments, share your opinion. If you have any questions, competent specialists will help and advise you how to find out your debts or communicate correctly with the employees of the First Collection Bureau.

    What if you suddenly called from a collection agency? How to behave? Why are they threatened with non-repayment of debt? Why did the collectors have your debt, although you took money from the bank? Many such questions are of interest to users every day. Let's try to find answers to them.

    "First Collection Bureau" - what is it?

    It is a limited liability company. It has absolutely nothing to do with state bodies, and therefore does not have the authority to collect debts from non-payers either. The "First Collection Bureau" reviews of debtors, naturally, have negative ones. Only claimants can write positive reviews, and these are, as a rule, banks. The majority of Russian residents still do not understand why there is such a link between the bank and the debtor as a collection agency.

    The work of a collection agency is to buy from banks for 7-12% of the original debt of receivables. In other words, defaulters' debts are acquired. Moreover, collectors buy all debts indiscriminately: from several thousand rubles to amounts exceeding 100 thousand rubles. Debt is acquired with pleasure, which has already outlived several statute of limitations (ID is 3 years). Then interest, fines and other commissions are charged on this debt, so that in the future, using the legal illiteracy of the debtors, try to recover it.

    The “First Collection Bureau” reviews of debtors who were able to defend their interests are of a different nature: from negative to indignant. And the reason for everything is the untimely given debt.

    The emergence of collection agencies and their work

    The first collection agencies began to appear in Russia not so long ago - 10-15 years ago. And they came to us from abroad. In many countries where collection agencies operate, their activities are regulated by laws and regulations. In Russia, collection agencies terrorize debtors by resorting to various methods: calls at any time, SMS bombing, threats to the life and health of the defaulter, as well as promises to cause various kinds of harm to family members and friends of the debtor. The outrageous incidents that occurred in 2016 finally pushed the State Duma to pass a law that would regulate collection activities and also limit aggression from its employees. The first collection bureau has negative reviews about its work with debtors, like all organizations of this kind.

    Debtor Relationship Methods

    The whole essence of the work of a collection agency is to "knock out" the debt from the defaulter. And the methods of the collectors are not always legal.

    At the earliest stage, when the collectors have just acquired the defaulter's debt, the maximum possible information is collected about him. Calls are made to all phone numbers that the borrower left for communication with him when the loan was issued. The first stage is easy, here the employees of the collection agency should be as gentle as possible to persuade the debtor to pay off the resulting debt. The policy of persuasion includes "valuable" advice from the bureau's employees, in which they offer to borrow money from friends or relatives, arrange another loan, sell something "unnecessary", but close the debt to collectors. If the debtor is in no hurry to use such "valuable" instructions, but continues not to pay the debt, or allows himself unflattering comments about the collectors and the banking system in Russia, then the conversation with him immediately turns into another plane.

    Telephone threats

    "First Collection Bureau" reviews of debtors about the methods of working with them are unsatisfactory. By refusing to voluntarily pay off his debt, the defaulter risks: collectors are able to find the phone numbers of his close relatives and friends and start sending them bulk SMS, in which they will tell in detail about who owes how much and to whom. And if relatives are able to understand, then not all acquaintances and friends will react the same way. It is not uncommon for collectors to find information about a debt and send it to friends using the Internet.

    Outgoing groups

    Mobile groups, which are threatened in conversation by the employees of the First Collection Bureau, can actually visit the debtor. Previously, a letter will be sent to the postal address, which will include the date and time when the group will arrive. Also, the letter will contain information from which it follows that in order for the debtor not to obstruct the exit group, a district inspector will be involved. The purpose of the visit is a preliminary inventory of the debtor's property. This is a violation of Article 25 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which says: "no one can enter a dwelling without the will of those living in it." Since there was no court, accordingly, no court decision was made and, therefore, the entry into the debtor's home is illegal.

    If the mobile group insists on an inventory of the property owned by the debtor, then the law "On Enforcement Proceedings" is violated. Only bailiffs have the right to describe the property of a defaulter and only if there are documents of title.

    The most reasonable thing is not to open the doors of the so-called exit group at all. But the debtor must be prepared that when the collection group leaves his house, offensive inscriptions about him and his debt may appear on the walls of the entrance.

    Summarizing the above, we can come to the conclusion that the debtors' reviews about the First Collection Bureau are not the best. It is clear from the actions of the employees of this collection agency that they are ready to take any illegal actions, just to force the defaulter to pay off the debt.

    "First Collection Bureau": reviews of debtors. Do they work legally?

    From article 382, \u200b\u200bclause 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it follows that "the lender, with the written consent of the borrower, has the right to assign his rights and claims to third parties under an assignment agreement." If a clause is included in the loan agreement, which says that in case of non-payment of the debt, the creditor has the right to assign his debt to a third party, and the debtor signs it, then he thereby agrees with this procedure.

    From article 382, \u200b\u200bclause 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it follows that "if the loan agreement does not contain a wording on the transfer of debt to a third party, then such a transfer is illegal." But there is a reservation that such an assignment of rights will be considered invalid if it is possible to prove that the other party knew or should have learned about the lack of permission from the borrower.