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  • Complain about the school to the Ministry of Education anonymously. School complaint: sample and design rules

    Complain about the school to the Ministry of Education anonymously. School complaint: sample and design rules

    It is at school that the child receives most of the necessary knowledge for life, develops, not only intellectually, but also physically, improves his communication skills. Since the school has a huge impact on the formation of personality, knowledge and character of a person, it is very important that kind and competent people are engaged in his training.

    Parents are often afraid to entrust the upbringing and teaching of a child to bad teachers, who can harm not only the child's education process, but also his psyche. Therefore, many moms and dads try to control the child's communication with the teacher, his relationship and pastime at school. And when doubts arise about the actions of teachers, other school workers and the organization of the educational process, parents need to know where to turn and complain.

    Please see this article to learn how to file a complaint against a school or a specific teacher.

    Reasons for Complaints

    Since the child spends most of the time at school, there can be many reasons for complaints about school, of course, it all depends on the organization of educational and extracurricular processes by teachers.

    Usually the reasons for complaints are:

    • The rudeness of the teacher;
    • Violations of the schedule of classes (cancel the lesson);
    • Poor heating system in the school;
    • "Pulling" money from parents for charity, class renovation and more;
    • Unsanitary conditions in the school cafeteria, poor food;
    • Child abuse;
    • Incompetence of the teacher;
    • Lack of medical staff on the staff of the school;
    • Lack of security guards at the school.

    Where can you complain?

    There are many places, directors and school. The location of the complaint should be chosen according to the severity of the violation. If a complaint is about a teacher or a school, you can first address it to the school principal. If this does not help or the violation is serious, you can contact:

    • RONO;
    • Department of Education;
    • District Education Department;
    • Ministry of Education;
    • About poor quality food and unsanitary conditions - to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

    If the violations concern not only the educational process, but also extortions at school, encroachments on the mental and physical health of children, it is worth writing a statement to:

    • The police;
    • The prosecutor's office;


    In Moscow, a special center for combating illegal extortions has been created at the school of the Department of Education, you can contact them by phone 366-81-94 (on weekdays, from 10.00 to 17.00) or the website The helpline number of the Department of Education in Moscow is 366-70-94.

    Of course, such methods should be adopted only if the violations are very serious and the situation cannot be eliminated without outside interference. But if there is an opportunity to resolve the situation peacefully, it is better to first resort to this method. After all, it is quite possible that your claims will be heard and their reasons will be eliminated.

    Rules for drawing up and filing a complaint

    Currently, there is no single sample of complaints against a school, but there are certain rules for drafting appeals and documents that must be followed when drafting. So, the application can be written in free form, both by hand and using a computer. The main thing is to follow the general rules for drafting complaints - write without errors, do not use abbreviations, do not make corrections. It is imperative to indicate information about the applicant and the recipient, the name of the organization referred to in the complaint and the names of specific persons. In the application, describe the essence of the complaint, the request for action and the solution of the situation.

    As for who you can file a complaint with:

    • Parents or legal representatives personally;
    • Multiple parents - a collective complaint.

    Usually complaints made by the team are processed faster.

    Sample complaints

    More about drawing up an application:

    1. Written on a regular A4 sheet;
    2. Freehand or printed version;
    3. Be sure to indicate:
    • School name;
    • Information about the applicant;
    • Signature, date of writing the application.
    1. The statement itself describes:
    • In which institution the child is studying;
    • The essence of the complaint;
    • Names of teachers who commit illegal / immoral acts;
    • Requests;
    • Links to laws.

    Once again, we assure you that they cannot refuse to consider your application due to the fact that it is not written according to the model, since there is no statutory sample. It is important that the conditions described above are met. However, we recommend that you use the templates below to file complaints against schools.

    What penalties can be applied?

    Of course, after filing a complaint, I want to know that measures have been taken and an unpleasant situation at school has been corrected, explanatory work has been carried out with the teacher. All this information must be provided to the applicant independently or at the request, which is indicated in the complaint. Parents also want to understand in advance what a certain violation of the rules by a teacher or school threatens, who can be punished and how.

    If you file a complaint with such authorities as RONO, then most likely, a check will be carried out on the fact of the complaint, possibly an explanatory conversation, a reprimand or disciplinary action. The worst end in this case is dismissal.

    If, however, you had weighty reasons for the complaints, and it was filed with the supervisory or law enforcement agencies, the court - a case can be opened against a specific teacher or head of an educational institution. The punishment can be both administrative in the form of fines, compulsory work, and criminal - up to a real prison term. It all depends on the degree of violations at school.


    Remember that you have the right to protect your child and defend his rights at school, in front of teachers and in any other institution until he comes of age. School will end, but psychological trauma may remain, so it is better to avoid questionable situations at school and promptly respond to illegal actions of teachers and other school employees.

    Date of publication of the material: 07/23/2019

    Last update: 07/23/2019

    Medical examination of schoolchildren without parental consent, poor quality food in the school cafeteria, rude attitude or nagging from the teacher. There can be many reasons for complaining about a school - both in an "elite" and in the simplest educational institution. How to protect your child's rights? Read about it in our new article!

    Note! If after reading the article you still have questions, you can always use the specialists of the TsentrSoveta website.

    When can you file a complaint against a school?

    Many parents believe that it makes sense to complain about the school only in the most extreme cases - for example, if the teacher allows himself to “let go”, and the headmaster engages in outright extortion. However, this approach is not entirely correct, since you have the right to file a complaint against the school when any violation of your child's rights. Based on practice, we can say that most often complaints about a school are filed in the following cases:

    • The student is not allowed to class or removed from the lesson;
    • School leadership forces students to engage in "socially useful work" (participation in subbotniks, cleaning the school territory, etc.) without parental consent;
    • The teacher exceeds his official authority (for example, arranges public proceedings against a student);
    • School students are forced to attend electives or additional activities;
    • Schoolchildren are discriminated against (for example, girls were obliged to clean the office, and boys were allowed not to do it);
    • Bullying occurs in the classroom , and teachers turn a blind eye to this.

    Note! Before filing a complaint, we advise you to talk to the parents of other students in the school. Chances are high that your case is not an isolated one, but a collective complaint is a more powerful argument than an individual one.

    Who can file a complaint against a school?

    Only one of the child's legal representatives can make a formal complaint against a school: a parent, adoptive parent or guardian.

    How do I file a complaint against a school?

    Like any written grievance, a school grievance is free form and signed by the complainant. It is recommended to include the following information in the text of the complaint:

    • The name of the state body or the name of the official to whom the complaint is submitted;
    • Your data (name, postal address, phone number, email address);
    • Subject of the complaint;
    • Your demands (for example, to conduct a check or punish those responsible);
    • Date of the complaint;
    • List of attached documents.

    Important! Try to make your appeal as correct as possible. The presence of threats, insults and obscene language may become the basis for refusal to consider.

    Where can I find a sample school complaint?

    Are you having difficulty filing a complaint about your school? You can download our template and use it as the basis for your own application!

    Where to complain about school?

    If you have a need to file a complaint against your child's school, we recommend that you follow the following algorithm:

    Step one: contact the principal

    Any disputes and conflicts between teachers and parents are primarily considered by the school principal.

    In the event that a complaint with the school's management did not bring any result, parents should contact the authorized state bodies in the field of education.

    Step two: contact the Department of Education

    One of the main tasks of the Department is to create conditions for effective work of schools and to ensure the protection of the rights of participants in the educational process.

    • Address of the Department of Education in Moscow: st. Academician Tupolev Embankment, 15, bldg. 4;
    • Schedule: from Monday to Friday - from 8.00 to 20.00, on Saturday - from 9.00 to 15.00;
    • Official website:

    Step three: contacting the prosecutor's office

    As the legal representative of the child, you have the right to apply to the bodies of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in order to supervise the implementation of laws and the observance of your rights and the rights of the child.

    A written complaint is considered a very effective way to resolve a school conflict. If he is objective. Parents, before drawing up a document, should collect complete, most objective information. It is likely that it is not the teacher who is biased towards your child, but the child is against the teacher.

    Some moms and dads are not stopped by this, and they do not take into account the moral assessment and consequences of such "intercession". However, if you are sure of a violation of the student's rights, you have evidence, and you are ready to refer to the legislation, then defend your position firmly - file a complaint against the teacher (sample below). And if the headmaster did not help in solving the issue, go higher.

    What is a teacher complaint

    The complaint is sometimes the only tool to draw the attention of the relevant authorities to the conflict. Usually, parents first try to resolve the situation in an oral conversation with the director, presenting claims and demanding participation. Because even without paperwork, the family, especially the child, the proceedings are stressful and anxious. And if talking is enough to solve the problem, so much the better.

    But when the parents are not satisfied with the attitude of the school administration to the conflict, all that remains is to write a complaint. Sometimes moms and dads start drawing it up, not trying to solve the issue differently. However, there are a number of situations in which "sorry, it won't happen again" - it is not appropriate and the intervention of the Department of Education or even the Prosecutor's Office is needed.

    Reasons for complaining about a teacher

    Some "school" problems may have obvious references to legislative acts, to the Constitution in particular, or to administrative documents of the education system.

    When do you need to write a complaint against a teacher:

    • if your child is being persecuted because of religion or nationality - any form of discrimination;
    • if the student is forced to attend certain confessional-oriented lessons, for example, as part of the course "Foundations of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics";
    • when publicly discussing the beliefs of the child and his actions, which resulted in moral harm and damage to mental health;
    • if the child is forced to engage in physical education, when there are medical recommendations on limiting physical activity, and other situations in which the principles of health care are not observed;
    • when a child is not allowed to attend lessons or removed from classes (failure to provide educational services is a very gross violation, provided that the student does not threaten the safety of other children; the teacher can react to hooligan antics through the school administration; appearance, lack of homework, and the like reasons are not grounds for removal from the lesson);
    • with a biased attitude and exaggerated requirements that differ from those applied to all other children in the class;
    • if the child is underestimated;
    • with insults, humiliation and violence.

    Where to complain about the teacher

    A complaint against a teacher can be directed to the school principal, to the city or district department / department of education, the department of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, as well as to the prosecutor's office, police or court.

    1. Director and head teacher. Contacting the director of an educational institution is appropriate if the teacher does not comply with moral standards, behaves unprofessionally, does not show respect for students and acts non-pedagogically.
    2. Department of Education. The territorial departments of the Ministry of Education should be contacted if the school director did not take the necessary measures to resolve the conflict. Please clarify this when filing a complaint.
    3. Ministry of Education. Contacting this authority is appropriate if the actions or inaction of the district / city education department did not satisfy you.
    4. The prosecutor's office and the police. If the teacher's behavior affected the child's mental state or physical health, then a statement is written - a complaint against the teacher (a sample of writing an application will be provided at the station, after asking the parents about the reason for the appeal). The reason for it may also be the requirement for a bribe from the parents.
    5. Court - if moral compensation or material compensation is required.

    How to write a complaint against a school teacher: general rules

    Making a complaint against a teacher on the principle of “paper will endure everything” is not good. Emotionality, dozens of exclamation marks are superfluous. You need to state the facts.

    A complaint against the teacher is drawn up in a standard way - by filling in the "header". Indicate the name of the institution, where the document is addressed and to whom. Enter your details: full name, address and contacts. Further in the center of the sheet is "complaint", and a statement of the essence of the conflict. At the end, you need to indicate which way out of the situation the parents consider the most appropriate, for example, a request to dismiss the teacher or a severe reprimand.

    How to write a complaint to the director's name

    When filing a complaint about a teacher that will “go” to the principal, do not deviate from general standards. Having indicated the necessary information in the "head" of the document, do not forget to clarify the details of the teacher against whom this complaint is actually being filed. Describe in detail the situation that caused the request. Rely only on facts that actually take place, it is desirable to back up the words with evidence. Prepare links to legislation that the teacher has violated. Do not deviate from specifics and do not blame all the problems in one text. There is a separate complaint for each conflict.

    Complaint to a school principal against a teacher: a sample

    A complaint against a teacher might look like this:

    per teacher

    My daughter, _______________ (child's name), _________ year of birth, is a student in grade ___________. After school, she complained at home that teacher _______________ (teacher's name) refused to accept written homework, describing my child's handwriting as "like a chicken with a paw", and demanded to complete the homework on the computer, and for this she expelled _______ from the class (other teacher actions, the essence of the conflict).

    This behavior is considered unacceptable and please take action against _____________ (teacher's name).

    This is only a sample of a complaint against a teacher to the director; in each case, the appeal may look different. It all depends on the nature of the violation committed by the teacher.

    Sample complaint against a teacher from parents to the Ministry of Education

    In a collective complaint against a teacher, it is necessary to indicate the names of all applicants, the names and details of the parents should be entered in the “header” of the complaint. Next is the text.

    A collective complaint against a teacher (sample) might look like this:

    to the Ministry of Education (region, region) on teachers on the fact of humiliation of children

    We, parents ______________, ________, ___________ (children's names). Our children study in ______ class ___________ of high school no. City _______. Teacher _________ (teacher's name) insulted our children in chemistry class and kicked them out of the classroom door. The teacher decided that during the test, they cheated and distracted each other from completing the assignment. The teacher called __________ boorish, ________ ignorant. And then she tore up the children’s notebooks and demanded to leave the class. This whole situation took place in front of classmates, who fully confirm the story of our children about what happened.

    Having learned about the conflict, we, the Applicants, turned to the headmaster of school No. _______________ (headmaster's name), but after listening to us, she said that the teachers had nervous work and suggested that we forget about the “misunderstanding,” as the headmaster put it. It should be noted that neither the school administration nor the teacher made an apology, and in no way show regret about the situation. When we, the parents, explained to the teachers that our children refuse to go to school because they are ashamed and embarrassed after the teacher's public insults, we were threatened with expulsion from school, which is a violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the school.

    Please pay attention to the problem and resolve the conflict.

    Complaint about a teacher who has humiliated the dignity of a child or because of bias: a sample

    A complaint against a teacher who, by his actions or words, allowed a student to humiliate, begins with a standard “cap”. Further, a specific and detailed description of the situation and proof of the fact of underestimation of estimates will be required.

    We, the parents of _____________ (name of the child), enrolled in ___________ grade, school number ____________ in the city of __________ Our child is under constant stress and pressure from teacher ____________ (teacher's name). She believes that our daughter, who is the regional champion in rhythmic gymnastics, is only capable of physical education. This is exactly what she periodically and with the whole class declares. Although our daughter cannot achieve positive marks only on the subject of this teacher. In addition to algebra, our child has only fours and fives, often invited to participate in olympiads and contests. We have hired an algebra tutor who also thinks that ____________ is biased towards our daughter's knowledge of the subject.

    Periodic humiliation in the ____________ lesson forced us to turn to a child psychologist. Our repeated requests to stop discrimination were denied.

    Please understand the situation and take action. Explanatory notes of the child psychologist and tutor are attached to the complaint.

    Complaint against a teacher in primary school

    Very often, an appeal to a psychologist is required for parents who want to write a complaint against a primary school teacher. The process is complicated by the fact that young children can invent a lot from the teacher's actions or keep silent about violations. Only a specialist can answer the question of whether it was a violation on the part of the teacher, or is it a child's fantasy. And also determine what is the reason for the suddenly changed behavior of the little student. A professional psychologist can easily get to the bottom of the truth. Therefore, attach the written opinion of the child psychologist to the complaint against the primary school teacher. Otherwise, the document hardly differs from the form of other complaints.

    What to do when at school the teacher oppresses your child instead of approval and support? Complaining about the teacher is an extreme, but sometimes the only way to resolve the situation.

    The difficulty also lies in the fact that the teacher does not conduct a conversation about the current situation with the parents, but directs all his strength to the student himself: all his "flaws" are discussed in the classroom, the child can be shamed in full view of everyone. And, of course, this position of the teacher is reflected in the grades, which may be clearly underestimated.

    What to do when teachers at school bully your child

    This behavior of the teacher is unsafe for the student, since the child's age and personality are not taken into account. And this can lead to psychological and emotional overload of the student.

    Noticing the unlawful actions of the teacher in relation to the student, you can contact the teacher himself or the director orally.

    Usually such situations end with a consideration of the cause of what happened, and this is where the conflict is settled. But it happens that a peaceful conversation does not lead to anything. Then you cannot do without filing an official complaint against the teacher.

    How to file a complaint correctly

    A complaint (sample can be downloaded) is essentially a simple written statement. It must be drafted on behalf of the parent of the oppressed student to an official.

    Before writing a statement, you still need to consider the current circumstances from a legal point of view. The complaint must be substantiated by a specific violation:

    • insulting a person;
    • non-compliance with regulations and norms prescribed by the education department, the ministry of education and internal school rules;
    • incorrect touch on religious and moral values;
    • physical attacks.

    But when making a complaint, it is important to separate the truth from the imaginary, because children often tend to misinterpret the actions of adults.

    Take note: you can seek help from a psychologist. Thus, you will have an official confirmation from a specialist, which can be attached to the application.

    The structure of the complaint

    The complaint must consist of:

    1. Caps - the name and position of the official to whom the application is being addressed, as well as the name of the applicant.
    2. The main part - here it is indicated about the incident that happened. The date of the incident is mandatory and the situation is described in detail. It is necessary to indicate the requirements put forward by the parents:
    • change the attitude towards the student;
    • reprimand or refuse the services of such a teacher;
    • ask for a replacement teacher.

    Try to write emotionlessly. Date and sign the applicant.

    Sample Teacher Complaint


    Position held to whom you are applying

    FULL NAME. parent of student

    Class ____ (full name of the student).

    A complaint

    Dear Valery Fedorovich!

    On March 7, 2015, the English teacher (full name), in the 7th "B" class, where my son (full name) is studying, uttered impolite expressions towards my son. He said that (write the words spoken by the teacher or state in detail the whole situation in which the teacher took such liberty).

    I, as a mother, believe that such expressions can disturb the psyche of the child and subsequently negatively affect the formation of the further personality of my son.

    Considering all of the above, I ask you to bring the teacher (full name) to disciplinary responsibility and conduct an explanatory conversation with the entire teaching staff in order to avoid such situations.

    In the event of such situations or your inaction, I will have to contact the higher authorities in order to preserve the rights of the child and comply with the law.

    Date Signature

    Where to file a complaint against a teacher

    If you intend to write a complaint, you should decide on the addressee. It can become:

    • head teacher;
    • district department of education;
    • Department of Education;
    • service for licensing and certification of educational workers and educational institutions;
    • Ministry of Education and Science.

    Typically, the first application is made to the head of the school. He is the first to be responsible for the teacher's work. If the desired result has not been achieved, you should contact the higher authorities.

    What to consider when applying

    A complaint can be sent to several instances at the same time. And to track the progress of your application, you can ask for the phone number of the reception. When you call you should answer all your questions.

    Good to know: in case of refusal to consider the complaint or the adoption of a decision that does not comply with the law, it is necessary to contact the higher authorities with the same statement, but with the attached answer.

    It must be remembered that in disputable situations between a teacher and a student, it is better to try to peacefully resolve the issue in order to keep both parties calm and restore the child's good attitude to school.

    For tips on how to write a complaint correctly, see the video:

    Teachers are not allowed to exceed their official authority. The provision of psychological pressure and the use of physical force by a teacher in relation to a student is unacceptable.

    Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how to solve your problem - contact a consultant:


    It is fast and IS FREE!

    In a major conflict between a teacher and a student, where the instigator of the quarrel is an employee of an educational institution, the parents have the right to complain to higher authorities and demand a fair punishment.

    Where to complain about a school teacher anonymously in your city? There are two options for the parents of the affected children: the regional education department and the prosecutor's office.

    The resolution of the situation with the participation of the director of the educational institution gives little. Involving law enforcement agencies in the process is the best way to restore justice.

    A complaint against a teacher is made either individually or collectively, and is sent mostly anonymously. What is a document and what effect does it have? This is a written claim that allows conflicts between teacher and student to be resolved in accordance with the current legal framework.

    Knowing their rights provided by the Law on Education in the Russian Federation, the Charter of the school, parents can quickly achieve the consideration of the complaint and the adoption of real measures.

    What the new education law says

    The principle of the new law on education in the Russian Federation is to bring complete clarity to any relationship between all participants in the educational process at all stages.

    According to clause 9 of Article 34 of the Federal Law No. 273 On Education in the Russian Federation, students are granted academic rights to:

    • protection from any form of violence (physical and psychological);
    • freedom of speech (of one's own opinion, expression of one's views on a particular topic);
    • protection of life and health.

    These were the key points to know.

    According to clause 1 of article 41 "Health protection of students", employees of educational institutions are obliged to do the following:

    • provide primary health care in accordance with health legislation;
    • determine the optimal teaching load;
    • ensure the safety of students during their stay on the school grounds.

    The director and teachers are obliged to create the necessary conditions for protecting the health of students: pay attention to the state of health of children, carry out sanitary and hygienic measures, investigate and keep records of accidents that happened to students during their stay on the territory of an educational institution.

    Key rights, responsibilities of parents:

    • protection of the rights and legitimate interests of their children;
    • obtaining information about any planned examinations of a psychological and psychological-pedagogical nature;
    • presence during medical examinations of children.

    It is important to know and remember that parents have a responsibility to respect the honor and dignity of teachers. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of duties, one can incur liability under the legislation of the Russian Federation. If a conflict with a teacher occurred through the fault of one or two parents, the teacher has the right to report to the law enforcement agencies.

    According to Article 47 of the Federal Law No. 273 On Education in the Russian Federation, the range of teachers' rights is as follows:

    • freedom of teaching, free expression of opinion;
    • freedom of choice of teaching and upbringing methods;
    • the right to creative initiative, development and application of teaching and education methods within the educational program, subject;
    • the right to protection of professional honor and dignity.

    Teachers have no less privileges than students and their parents.

    As for the duties of teachers, they are as follows:

    • implementation of activities at the proper level;
    • compliance with all legal, moral and ethical standards;
    • respect for the honor and dignity of students;
    • taking into account the peculiarities of the psychophysical development of students and their state of health;
    • compliance with the charter of the educational organization.

    The Department of Education and the Prosecutor's Office operate under the new law on education in Russia. When filing a complaint against a teacher, you need to know the boundaries of what is allowed for teachers, students, and their parents.

    In order to protect the rights of students, parents have the right:

    • send to higher authorities complaints about violation or infringement of the rights of students by the teacher;
    • use different methods of protecting rights and interests not prohibited by law.

    When drawing up a complaint, the legislation on education, in the field of health protection, criminal acts and norms is studied.

    The rights of students in the course of classes and being on the territory of the school:

    • freedom of views, beliefs, opinions, conscience, religion;
    • rest in between lessons;
    • receiving benefits and material assistance in accordance with current regulations;
    • use of the right to home schooling, early exams;
    • a statement about changes in the school's activities on the councils.

    These are the key features that parents of school children should be aware of.

    Video: Children Complain

    Types of complaints

    There are individual and collective complaints. Any of them is drawn up in duplicate. One of them is submitted to the appropriate authority, the other is signed by the accepting person (secretary of the school principal or assistant to one of the heads of the department of education / prosecutor) and the date.

    An individual complaint is drawn up on the basis of the facts presented by the parents of one child. Sent to the headmaster as it is more personal. Reason for creating such paper, can serve as a preconceived attitude of the teacher towards the student, for example.

    There is no reason to draw up a claim addressed to the heads of the department or a person working in the authorities, since the complaint is not massive.

    If the case of biased behavior of the teacher towards students is not an isolated one, a collective complaint is made. Such a document is being considered urgently.

    If the teacher's illegal actions were committed against several students, before applying, it is necessary to enlist the support of a significant number of parents who have specific facts of the violations that occurred.

    Where to complain about a school teacher

    Want, but do not know where to complain about the school teacher - anonymously in your city?

    You have several options:

    • regional department of education;
    • law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, courts.

    The choice of instance depends on the actual circumstances. If the reason for filing a complaint is the teacher's bias in assessing the knowledge of the child (children), it makes no sense to go to court. It will be quite simple to have a written claim addressed to the director.

    The department and the prosecutor's office are contacted if the head of the educational institution did not take note of the parents' comments and did not resolve the situation. In case of manifestations of similar actions on the part of the teacher, it is recommended to contact the higher authorities.

    Sample application

    Before filing a complaint, you must make sure that it is correct. A typical complaint should look like this:

    • a cap. It is specified to whom the complaint is addressed, the city and the number of the educational institution, the full name of the director are indicated. Written from: name of parents, their place of residence.
    • basic information. The reason for drawing up the complaint is indicated - the subject of the dispute, the description of the situation, violations under the current legislation by such and such a teacher.
    • signature and date. The time of compilation of the certificate is indicated. The term for consideration by the director is a month. If, after the expiration of the time, measures regarding the situation were not taken, the claim is sent to the department, the prosecutor's office.

    Sample of a collective complaint:

    Director of School No. 15 in Vladivostok

    Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov

    From Ekaterina Vladimirovna Smirna

    A complaint

    My daughter, Alisa Maksimovna Smirnova, born in 2008, is a student of your school. On 04/05/2017, after returning home after classes, Alisa complained that the English teacher Tatyana Olegovna Ivanova used offensive language when talking to her and other students in the class. After these actions T.O. Ivanova put the child out of the office door.

    I consider this behavior of the teacher unacceptable, and therefore

    Conduct a check on this fact, take action against the specified teacher.


    As for the rules for drafting a collective complaint, they are largely identical to the requirements for an individual complaint. Nuances:

    • a cap. The recipient and addressee of the document are indicated. Only instead of the specific name of the parent, they write this: parents of grade 3A of school №15 in Vladivostok.
    • main part. The subject of the complaint is described.
    • signature and date. All parents who have complaints against the teacher must sign on paper.

    It is recommended to attach information about the parents of the injured children to the collective complaint (name, address, contact phone number). The text is composed from the first name using the pronouns "we", "us", "our". When filing a complaint, it is advisable to use references to legislative acts, clauses, articles.


    Special hotlines have been set up to advise parents on such issues. Half of them were opened at the initiative of education departments.

    One way or another, the hotline is an opportunity to call, ask a question to a specialist and get a competent answer.