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  • What to do if you buy an apartment with debt. How to buy an apartment with housing and communal services debts without consequences? What the law says

    What to do if you buy an apartment with debt. How to buy an apartment with housing and communal services debts without consequences? What the law says

    You decided to move and bought an apartment. The deal went smoothly, we got a certificate from Rosreestr. We went to register with the management company. And then they tell you that there will be no registration until you pay off the debt for paying utility bills ...

    Common situation? Alas, yes. Not all apartment sellers are conscientious, and even a deal with a realtor is not a 100% guarantee that there will be no problems with new housing. What advice can you give to the new owner of the apartment if they are trying to bill him for the debts of the previous owner?

    What does the law say about buying an apartment with utility bills?

    In this case, the law is on the side of the new owner of the apartment. Article 153 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation directly states that the obligation to pay for utilities and maintenance of housing from the owner of an apartment, room and other housing arises from the moment of acquiring ownership of this living space. From a legal point of view, this moment is considered date of issue of a certificate of ownership to the new owner of the apartment. Accordingly, all debts for housing and communal services that appeared before this date must be paid by the previous owner of the apartment.

    However, there is an important nuance here: sometimes the new owner of the apartment still has to pay off the debts of the old owner for utilities. This happens if, when transferring an apartment, you completely forgot to check and record the readings of metering devices. In this case, it is difficult to establish what readings were on the water or electricity meters at the time you got the apartment. It is good if the former owner at least regularly transmitted his testimony to the management company. If the readings were not transferred at all, or the old landlord regularly underestimated them, the amount of debt can increase significantly.

    To avoid paying off debts for utilities for the old owner of the apartment, make an acceptance certificate for the apartment in 2 copies and sign it together with the seller. In the act, it is necessary to note the meter readings for water, heating, electricity, gas on the actual date of transfer of the apartment.

    The management company demands to pay off the debt of the previous owner of the apartment

    Alas, management companies and HOA chairmen do not always know the law well. A very common misconception of public utilities is that the debt hangs not on the owner, but on the apartment itself. In fact, this is not the case. If the previous owner moved out without paying for utilities, his debt does not go anywhere and does not go to the new owner of the apartment. In case of non-payment of the debt, the Criminal Code can always collect the debt for housing and communal services from the old owner in court - which, by the way, is the direct responsibility of the Criminal Code, for which tenants pay money to it. The new bona fide owner of the apartment should in no way suffer for the "sins" of the previous owner.

    Most often in this unpleasant situation, the management company threatens:

    • "Until you pay off the debt, we will not issue a residence permit."
    • "If you don't pay, we'll turn off your water supply."
    • "Pay now, or we will charge a penalty."

    All this, of course, is illegal.

    The debt on contributions for overhaul goes to the new owner of the apartment

    We will separately discuss the situation with contributions for overhaul. In part 3 of article 158 of the Housing Code, it is said that the obligation to pay the costs of overhaul in the apartment building appears with the owners from the moment the ownership of the premises in the house arises. However, in the event of a transfer of ownership (for example, when selling an apartment), all obligations of the previous owner of the apartment to pay the cost of capital repairs are simultaneously transferred to the new owner. That is, the debts on payments for overhaul, left over from the previous owner, will have to be paid off by the new owner of the apartment.

    An exception to this rule is provided by law for apartments that used to belong to the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities: they will have to cover their debts on contributions for overhaul themselves until the transfer of ownership to the new owner.

    What to do if the apartment has debts of the previous owner?

    1. Immediately inform the Criminal Code of the change of the owner of the apartment.
      As soon as possible after registering the transaction with Rosreestr and receiving a certificate of ownership of the apartment, go to an appointment with your management company or the chairman of the HOA. Bring a copy of the certificate of ownership or an extract from the USRN for the apartment, as well as a copy of the acceptance certificate for the apartment with meter readings and ask to change the information in the personal account. Now all bills for housing and communal services must be issued in your name, and without other people's debts.
    2. Write a claim to the management company.
      If the employees of the Criminal Code insist that you should cover the debts of the previous owner of the apartment, first describe the situation politely to them and refer to the legislation (Article 153 of the RF LC). In many cases, a competent conversation helps to remove all claims. Failed to agree? Submit a written application addressed to the director of the management company or the chairman of the HOA. In this application, in any form, again describe the entire situation, cite the law, attach copies of documents to the apartment. Print the application in 2 copies so that the Criminal Code will sign for its receipt on your copy.
    3. File a complaint with the Housing Inspectorate.
      This state body controls the correctness of charging utility bills. If the management company unreasonably includes other people's debts in the receipt, this is a violation. The Housing Inspectorate can check the correctness of the calculation of utility bills and issue the Criminal Code an order for recalculation.
    4. Write a claim to the real estate agent.
      If a realtor conducted the purchase and sale of an apartment for you, we recommend that you file a claim with him in connection with poor quality services. According to Article 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", you can, for example, ask for a refund of part of the cost for the poor performance of a realtor who poorly checked the legal purity of the transaction.

    Criminal Code refuses to register due to debts of the previous owner

    Some particularly persistent management companies may create a problem when registering in a new apartment, refusing to accept the passports of the new owner and his family members. If passport officers from the Criminal Code place the possibility of registration under the condition of paying off the debts of the old owner of the apartment, apply for registration in a new apartment directly to the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in your city. An application for deregistration at the old address and for registration at a new address can be submitted simultaneously. It is convenient to do this through the State Services website.

    How not to buy an apartment with debts for housing and communal services and overhaul?

    • Demand confirmation of the absence of debts for housing and communal services and overhaul.
      Before signing any contracts, transferring money and registering with Rosreestr, require the owner of the apartment to provide documentary evidence that he has paid off all his debts for utilities and payments for overhaul. Let him show you a certificate from the management company, energy sales, water utility (if utilities are paid directly by them), the regional capital repair fund about the absence of debt.
    • Check the apartment yourself.
      There are many publicly available methods that will allow you to verify the purity of the transaction and the absence of debt. You can call the management company or check the list of debtors on its website, see the amount payable in the Sberbank payment terminal (at the apartment address, personal account number). It is also worth checking the owner of the apartment and all tenants on the Bank of Enforcement Proceedings of the Bailiff Service.
      Detailed instructions for checking the purchased apartment are on our website:
    • Record meter readings.
      If the apartment has individual meters for light, water, heating, gas, be sure to check their readings. When signing the acceptance certificate of the apartment, reflect in it the final readings of the meters with which the previous owner gives you the apartment. In case of disputes with the management company, you will have documentary evidence of the testimony for which the previous owner is responsible. Additionally, you can ask the Criminal Code in connection with the upcoming sale of the apartment to check the correctness of taking readings by the old owner of the apartment.

    I am the head of a peasant farm, and very often I come across questions about the specifics of state registration of property rights to the property of members of a peasant farm, in particular, about the procedure for inheriting property in the event of the death of a member of a peasant farm. Explain this point.

    On July 1, 2019, the rule of compulsory use of escrow accounts begins in Russia: the transition from equity financing of construction to project financing is due to the need to minimize risks for all participants in the primary real estate market. According to experts from the Federal Cadastral Chamber, the new investment model will make it easier for citizens to register their property in a new building.

    A common everyday situation: a citizen owns a residential building. The necessary documents have been completed: a technical passport and a Certificate of ownership (issued earlier) or a technical plan and an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (issued now). But it became necessary to expand the living area of \u200b\u200bthe house, for example, to make a warm annex or build on the second floor. From the point of view of modern legislation, it will be reconstruction. If a citizen decides to rebuild something in his apartment, for example, to demolish the wall between the kitchen and one of the rooms, and make a large kitchen-dining room, then this will be a redevelopment.

    Having decided to engage in individual housing construction, a citizen acquires a land plot with the type of permitted use - for individual housing construction. But over time, plans for the land change. A citizen does not visit the acquired territory for a long time, and the land is overgrown with weeds. In this case, his actions will be qualified under Part 3 of Article 8.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: non-use of the land plot provided for construction. The commission of this violation entails the imposition of a fine on citizens from 20 to 100 thousand rubles, on legal entities - from 400 to 700 thousand rubles.

    Of the documents for the land plot, I have only the gardener's membership book. I bought this plot twenty years ago, then they rewrote my membership book from the seller to me. I have not registered the property, but now I would like to. How to be?

    Concluding real estate transactions without understanding civil law is risky. When drawing up all types of contracts, there are a lot of legal issues that are best dealt with before carrying out registration actions. Our legislation allows many options for the alienation of real estate: it can be sold, exchanged or donated. In this article, we will consider one of the most common types of contracts - a donation contract.

    Many people who want to exchange an apartment hope for more comfortable living conditions in a new one. What exactly do they have the ability to count on? Change of area of \u200b\u200bresidence and only? A huge role in solving this problem is played by the status of housing and the status of the transaction, its current state. If the apartment is municipal, that is, not privatized, you are unlikely to be able to exchange it for something better. Most likely, the best option would be the same apartment in a similar building, but in a different area.

    After a visit to the notary, Natalya Sergeevna was confused. The notary explained: "The mere fact of living together without registering a marriage, between you, cannot indicate an agreement on the creation or acquisition of property on the basis of joint (shared) ownership."

    The Buyer decided to put the documents on the house in order. And they cannot find the Seller, the phone does not answer. Somehow, through many acquaintances, they still found him. And it began…. The seller says: “And you will buy a house together with the land, otherwise we will sell the land to other people .... And there is no money yet for the paperwork ... I stopped by here, looked - I didn't recognize the house, the picture: the roof and the fence are new, the windows are plastic, the walls are sheathed with siding. And… again the Seller was “lost”. What to do?"

    In Russia, the problem of garage real estate, or rather registration of property rights to it, has long been ripe. According to the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) contains information on almost 37 thousand legal entities registered as garage (garage-building) cooperatives. There are more than 5.6 million garages registered in Rosreestr and cadastral records. It is very difficult to count the number of unregistered garages in the established order, but experts suggest that about 70% of garage objects are not officially registered.

    By mistake, the state fee for registration of rights to real estate was paid in a larger amount. What to do and how to get your money back?

    Buying an apartment is a serious transaction that requires special attention from the buyer. Before signing a purchase and sale agreement, you need to pay attention to several aspects that will allow you to protect yourself as a buyer, and make a deal without worrying about being deceived or evicted.

    For several months, the country has been running a mortgage subsidy program for families in which a second and / or third child is born from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022. Rosrielt was investigating whether such a loan for housing is really beneficial for citizens with children, and also how affordable it is for them.

    According to the Constitution, Russia is a social state that provides the conditions necessary for a dignified life and human development. In accordance with these provisions, in Russia citizens have the opportunity to receive housing for free from the state. As a rule, these are low-income and needy citizens who are not themselves able to purchase residential premises into their own property. Housing is provided in the order of priority, but some categories of citizens have priority. Who has the right to a free apartment today, said lawyer Oleg Sukhov.

    In the real estate market, it is not so rare that a buyer discovers that a stranger is registered in the acquired premises. This circumstance does not entail the cancellation of the purchase and sale agreement, but gives the registered person the right to live in the apartment. In most cases, it is possible to dismiss such a person forcibly in a judicial proceeding, however, how easy it will be to do depends on the category of the registered person. What actions should be taken in such a situation, said lawyer Oleg Sukhov.

    My husband and I are going to take out a mortgage for secondary housing. But nowadays absolutely everything needs to be checked. How can you protect yourself when buying an apartment? What if the participant in the shared construction passed away before the building was put into operation? Who can qualify for the housing to be built? After all, the money for the residential premises has already been paid to the developer, but in fact it is impossible to register ownership of it.

    The era of cooperatives has sunk into oblivion, leaving behind a rich legacy in the form of unregistered apartments, unpaid shares and confused tenants who feel like full-fledged owners of their homes, but are not de jure. Lawyer Oleg Sukhov recommends adhering to certain rules for registering cooperative real estate, when the share is not fully listed.

    The first indicator of the liquidity of an elite new building is the developer's reputation. Moreover, potential buyers should pay attention not only to the portfolio of projects implemented by the developer, but also to the strict implementation of their original concept. In the real estate market of elite and premium class, there are examples when, during construction, the developer deviates from the original concept, for example, using cheaper materials or adding commercial premises to the complex that were not originally planned. As a rule, such decisions negatively affect the comfort of living in the complex and significantly reduce the liquidity of the apartments located in it. Therefore, if a developer has previously changed the concept of his residential complexes, it is worth weighing the pros and cons before investing in his project.

    Buying an apartment with utility bills can have both advantages and disadvantages. The price for such real estate is a priori lower when compared with other options - no debt.

    It is possible to buy housing, the previous owner of which owes money for housing and communal services, but the registration process is more laborious. Everything goes smoothly if the information about the debts is true. Otherwise, the negligent owner can be held accountable by law.

    Obligation of the new owner to pay off utility debt

    According to paragraph 1 of Art. 131 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and clause 5 of part 2 of Art. 153 of the RF LCD, a person who has acquired real estate must pay off the debt for utilities. However, in the sale and purchase agreement, you can prescribe that this obligation is assigned to the previous owner, if the parties have agreed on this.

    Debts may include the following items of expenditure:

    1. Payment for the premises. Its content includes:
      • payment for current repairs of joint property;
      • the cost of services for the management of an apartment building;
      • waste disposal fee.
    2. Overhaul of the premises.
    3. Making payments for the use of housing and communal services (water supply, heating, electricity, gas supply).

    According to Art. 210 Civil Code, the acquirer is not responsible for the debt obligations of the previous owner of the apartment. Debts can be repaid in part, that is, the burden can be divided equally. Debt transfer implies the transfer of this obligation to the new owner, which is usually done by mutual agreement.

    As Art. 210 of the Civil Code, the obligation to pay off debts is assigned to each owner, that is, to both the former and the present. But there is one exception - this is a major overhaul in an apartment building.... According to Part 3 of Art. 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the new owner is obliged to pay off the debt, if any, on the contributions of the previous one.

    Have a question or need legal help? Take advantage of a free consultation:

    As for the rest of the debts, it should be indicated in the act of acceptance and transfer of the clause that the obligations to repay utility debts lie with the previous owner of the apartment. In this act, all current meter readings should be recorded, which guarantees the payment for the services consumed until the transfer of the right to the object has occurred according to the law. After that, the management company will be obliged to renegotiate contracts with energy suppliers.

    In the interval between the submission of documents to Rosreestr and the registration of the right, but strictly before the transfer of the object, the buyer needs to come to the management company in order to register his own personal account. Thus, the old debts of the previous owner will be credited to him.

    What to do if you bought an apartment with utility bills?

    It is difficult to foresee everything in real estate transactions. It so happens that the buyer of the apartment hoped for the good faith of the seller and did not check whether all the debts were paid. Or the notice came after the purchase, and the new owner does not know how the debt appeared at all. The new owner begins to pay utility bills from the moment the title to the premises is transferred.

    Steps to assert your legal rights:

    Step 1. The previous owner should be asked for a certificate of debt. However, you cannot rely on honesty alone. You can get this document in other ways:

    • apply to the Criminal Code and demand a certificate of debts or their absence for the entire period preceding the transaction;
    • check: how long has the UK, LCD or HOA been engaged in house maintenance, and if earlier, judging by the documents and receipts, the house was served by another company, contact there.

    Step 2.Draw up an application with an attachment about the applicant's utility bills. A document of title is attached to this document.

    Practice shows that in resolving controversial issues, the new owner has priority, because he is not obliged to pay debts for the previous owner. But if an agreement has been reached, then the new owner is already dealing with the debt. This can be justified if a decent discount is made on the price of the apartment. If no agreement is reached, and the old owner “forgot” about the debts, utilities have the right to demand their payment within three years. Thus, the procedure becomes protracted and unpleasant for the new owner.

    The nuances of buying a home with housing and utility debt

    There are lucrative offers on the market for properties acquired through privatization. However, such apartments have special requirements with regard to debts:

    • transparency of the transaction, that is, notification of all parties about the debt;
    • the signing of an agreement that the debts will be repaid, for example, from the amount of the advance payment (if the owner does not have free funds available);
    • an indication of the presence of debt in the contract with an attachment confirming that the debt is attributed to the seller.

    These measures help to avoid problems for the former owner, and not for the buyer, because it is he who, according to the law, must pay off the debts.

    How to avoid risks in a purchase and sale transaction?

    The Civil Code clearly states how real estate with debts should be registered. The rules are as follows:

    • both the acquirer and the seller must participate on an equal footing in the process;
    • for real estate, it is required to collect the entire package of documentation that clarifies the situation with debts;
    • the contract should be drawn up carefully, in strict accordance with the law and on all points related to the payment of debts.

    The owner of the apartment prepares the following package: passport, title document, technical passport of the object, extract from Rosreestr.

    In the case of privatization, the seller must additionally submit:

    • document on the state of the personal account;
    • information about registration;
    • a certificate from the USRR;
    • marriage certificate;
    • child's birth certificate;
    • technical plan of the object;
    • income document.

    These documents serve as confirmation that the landlord is able to pay the debt... However, this can be done after purchasing a home.

    Buying an apartment with debt has the advantage that the total cost is significantly lower than buying a home without debt. But in order not to get into a mess with debts, you need to take care of the correct execution of the purchase and sale transaction, which is especially true for a privatized apartment. Otherwise, a conflict of interests may arise: the management company, the old owner and the bona fide acquirer. It is better to check each clause of the contract together with a qualified lawyer who can take into account all the legal subtleties.

    Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in this article may become out of date. However, each situation is individual.

    To resolve your issue, fill out the following form or call the phones listed on the site, and our lawyers will advise you free of charge!

    Buying a new home may not always be a pleasant experience. Sometimes negative moments come up.

    I bought an apartment in a five-story building, the transaction went smoothly, no visible problems arose. I received a certificate for real estate, but when I went to make a registration in the management company that serves the house, they told me that they would not register me until I paid off the debt for utilities. They also threatened to cut off the water. The former owner of the apartment had 50 thousand rubles in debt! What should I do? I do not want to pay debts for the former owner, - Nikolai Petrovich, a resident of Dzhankoy, addresses the editorial office. "Krymskaya Gazeta" understood the situation.

    Everything except overhaul

    As the lawyer Anna Perepyolkina says, unfortunately, such situations often happen. And in such cases, you should not rely on the good faith of the sellers.

    You should not count on a 100% guarantee that there will be no problems with new housing, even if you made the transaction through a realtor, - the lawyer adds and explains what to do in Nikolai Petrovich's situation.

    According to her, first of all, it is necessary to study in detail the purchase and sale agreement. A correctly drawn up document should initially contain a clause about the impossibility of transferring utility bills debt from the old to the new owner. If so, then Nikolai Petrovich, in fact, has nothing to fear.

    The Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 153) notes that the obligation to pay for residential premises and utilities appears with the owner of the premises from the moment the right of ownership arises. Thus, from a legal point of view, the owner of a home can accumulate debts and is obliged to pay for them only from the moment he received the title documents for the apartment. All past debts should not worry him - this is the concern of the former owner. The management company may well collect the debt from him through the courts.

    The only exception is the payment of overhaul costs. The fact is that when the ownership of the premises in an apartment building is transferred to the new owner, the obligation of the previous owner to pay the costs of the overhaul is also transferred. Including the obligation not fulfilled by the previous owner to pay contributions (Article 158 of the LC). That is, the debts for overhaul left over from the previous owner will have to be repaid by the new owner of the apartment.

    Another important nuance: if, when buying an apartment, the new owner forgot to check the metering devices for the consumption of light, gas and water and fix the indicators properly (best of all in the purchase and sale agreement or annex to it), then it will be difficult to prove where his debt is, and where - the former owner of the property.

    Before purchasing an apartment, in order to avoid paying off utility bills for the old owner in the future, it is necessary to make an act of acceptance and transfer of housing in two copies and sign it together with the seller, - says Anna Perepyolkina. - In the act, it is necessary to indicate the readings of the meters of water, gas, electricity, data on heating - and all this must be on the real date of the transfer of the apartment.

    We write letters ...

    If the meter readings were recorded, and there is not a line in the purchase and sale agreement that the debt on utility bills is transferred to the new owner of the apartment, but at the same time the management company is required to pay the debts, you need to write a statement to the Criminal Code demanding that bills for the period when you did not own the apartment. You should attach a copy of the purchase and sale agreement and a copy of the certificate of state registration and meter readings to the application. It is best to send the documents by registered mail or hand them over against receipt to the company's office. This way you will be protected. Any actions to collect funds after this appeal can be considered as extortion and will be punished by law (Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

    In addition, you can always contact the housing inspectorate - here they will check the correctness of the calculation of utility bills and issue the Criminal Code an order for recalculation.

    You can also apply to a realtor with claims if he was in the sale and purchase of an apartment and did not warn that there were debts for the real estate. Based on the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (Article 29), the realtor can be required to return part or the full cost of his services "upon detection of defects in the work performed."

    As experienced lawyers advise, if you urgently need a residence permit, but the management company refuses it because of the communal debts of the former owner of the apartment, you can register through the State Services website.

    Last update: 29.06.2017


    I am buying an apartment, the owner of which cannot pay off the utility bills. What should I do? And what if I have already bought an apartment with communal debts?


    It happens that the seller of an apartment has accumulated debts on housing and communal services for several years, and does not want or cannot pay for them. But his ownership did not suffer from this, which means that he may well sell his apartment. Such cases are not uncommon in practice. How can a Buyer be here? How is this solved in practice?

    You can buy an apartment with communal debts. It is only necessary to correctly understand the consequences of this, and to take measures in advance so that these debts do not hang on the Buyer as an additional burden. To do this, you need to know the following.

    First, in practice, if someone is willing to buy an apartment with utility bills, then this is an objective reason to reduce the selling price. Moreover, the decrease is not only in the amount of debts, but also a little more ( with a margin), since the solution of this problem is taken by the Buyer instead of the owner.

    Secondly, the Buyer must understand that, in fact, the debts themselves are not tied to the apartment ( to the object), and to its owner ( to the subject), so the new owner, who has already bought the apartment with debts, is not at all obliged to pay the obligations of the old owner. Opens in a new tab. "\u003e P / n 5, clause 2, article 135 of the RF LC clearly states that obligation for rent and utility bills arises from the Buyer only from the moment he receives it. All debts that arose BEFORE the purchase of the apartment are irrelevant to the Buyer. But this is by law and in theory. In practice, the opposite happens.

    The debtor seller, immediately after the sale of his apartment, disappears from the sight of the management company, to which he owes for utilities and rent. What should utilities do? Not to pay off debts for him. And there is no reason to look for it either - our country is large. Therefore, as a rule, the management company begins to press on the new owner of the apartment, trying to compensate for the losses at his expense. The fact that such requirements for a new tenant do not have any legal basis does not bother the utilities. The conversation is usually built in the following way: “ You will not pay the debt for the apartment, we will turn off the water-light-gas!»

    Of course, the Buyer can start suing them, and will certainly win the process. But few people want to start life in a new place with a scandal with the management company. And the new owner of the apartment will have to apply to the same Criminal Code more than once for various certificates, documents, calls to plumbers, etc. Therefore, in order not to provoke a conflict with the Criminal Code, the Buyer voluntarily agrees to pay off utility bills for the former owner of the apartment, but on condition.

    He sets the condition for the Seller. Voluntary commitment of the Buyer of the apartment pay off debts on rent and utility bills should be reflected in ( or in a separate annex to the agreement), and the price of the apartment itself in the contract must be adequately reduced.

    In order to correctly reflect such encumbrances in the contract, and to be sure that the Seller does not dispute the transaction on the grounds specified in Opens in a new tab. "\u003e Clause 3, Art. 179 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation ( extremely unfavorable transaction that a person was forced to complete under the influence of difficult circumstances), it is better to draw up and certify such an agreement with.

    This all applies to cases when someone is going to buy an apartment with a large amount of utility bills (for example, several hundred thousand rubles). If the debt is relatively small, and comparable to, then it makes sense for the Buyer to agree with the Seller that he would use the received advance to pay off his utility debts and enter into a deal with a “clean” apartment.

    Of course, this condition must also be correctly reflected in the advance agreement, and this can also help. Notary... The advance agreement drawn up by him and its notarization will protect the Buyer if the Seller tries to evade the transaction after receiving the advance and solving his debt problems.

    When buying an apartment with rent and utility bills, the Buyer needs to remember one more thing. In case of long-term non-payments, the management company can sue the owner, and the apartment can be arrested at the time of the proceedings. It will no longer be possible to buy such an apartment - the transaction will not be registered with Rosreestr.

    Before making an advance payment, the Buyer should find out if there is an arrest for the apartment. To do this, he can independently, order ( incl. through the Internet) .

    If any negligent Buyer, through an oversight nevertheless bought an apartment with communal debts, and this debt for housing and communal services came as a surprise to him, then here everyone is already acting in accordance with their temperament and the size of their wallet. True, as they say, on his side, and market practice is on the side of the management company ( UK).