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  • How to make a voodoo doll in real life. Voodoo doll - how to do it yourself at home

    How to make a voodoo doll in real life.  Voodoo doll - how to do it yourself at home

    In this article:

    Voodoo, as a religious movement, originated in South and Central America among black slaves. Voodoo magic is built on sacrifice, which helps to cleanse a person from negativity and disease. Also, through Voodoo magic, powerful protective amulets and talismans are created. Often rituals are performed with a Voodoo doll, which will be discussed in this article.

    The Voodoo doll allows the magician to influence a specific person, under whom it is made. After a special ceremony, the doll turns into an intermediary between the sorcerer and the object, connecting the first with the second. Is it easy to connect a person with a doll? It is easy enough for a magician if he has a small part of a person in the form of a strand of hair, nails, pieces of clothing and other things.

    Often the doll is given the name of a person, his facial features are drawn. All this connects the doll and the person, uniting their energy into one whole.

    When an invisible thread is installed on the doll, a curse is imposed, and at the same time - on the person. First, the magician beats the doll, then reads the curse, pierces the head, neck, heart with needles. Sometimes part of the doll is burned. Woodists believe that wounds inflicted on the doll will appear on the victim's body in the form of physical or energetic wounds. When the ritual ends, the doll is thrown to the victim, hidden at her house, buried in the ground.

    The Voodoo doll has an analogue - the Naviy doll, which is made within three days, constantly thinking about who she identifies. Indians from Peru also indulge in dolls, who put the clothes of the victim on the mannequin, curse her and “kill”.

    A negative opinion and associations have formed about the Voodoo doll, but it is not always and in all cases directed towards the negative, with its help Voodoo shamans also know how to do good.

    Any magic is divided into black and white, the same applies to Voodoo magic.

    The dark and bad Voodoo doll was made by MAS-MEDIA, cinema and fiction. The man, as usual, believed in what he was told and shown. But we will not deny that Voodoo magic mainly chooses the dark side of the world, as a result of which it is often called satanic.

    History of Voodoo

    The Voodoo religion is the heir to the traditions of African beliefs. This religion appeared approximately from 6,000 to 10,000 years ago in Guinea and Congo (Africa). This is a fairly young religion when compared with Islam and Shinto.

    Voodoo owes its popularity all over the world to the mixing of different religious traditions during the French colonial slavery. Slaves were forbidden to practice their own religion and outwardly they obeyed, but in fact they continued to practice Voodoo, which was their faith and the power that kept them on earth. But over time, the Voodoo religion mixed with other beliefs, forming a completely new religious movement, which to this day is a branch of Catholicism and is called Vodun - "spirit". This current is built on ancient African beliefs, but does not have the slightest manifestation of Voodoo black magic. The voodoo doll and deadly plots are new to the New Orleans voodoo branch, heavily influenced by the tabloids and Hollywood.

    Preparing for the Voodoo Doll Making Ritual

    The first step is Purification. Before making a Voodoo doll, it is necessary to clean the materials from which it will be made. Under the rite of purification is meant the removal of the energy available on the materials, that is, its neutralization. Most of the items that dolls are made of are not taken from nature, they are produced by industry, such as fabric, thread, buttons, beads, glue, paints and much more. All these materials, before falling into the hands of the magician, passed through more than one hand, which left their energy imprints on them. Purification is carried out in several ways: salt, frankincense, sandalwood oil, earth.

    Salt, frankincense, sandalwood oil and earth

    The second step is to create a puppet. The ritual for creating a doll is a whole ritual, and not a simple collection of designer details. Thoughts, state of mind, energy of the author are involved in the process. A store doll does not have the same power as a hand-made one, according to all the rules and canons. When creating a doll, the most important thing is the image of intentions, which must be constantly present in your head, without mixing with your emotions.

    If your doll is made to attract good luck and financial well-being, during its manufacture you should always think about money, repaying debts, repaying a loan and other monetary situations, imagining how they are resolved, improving your financial situation. When making a doll, every word, intonation, voice power, volume is important. Of course, do not be silent, but do not shout, do not curse those who are to blame for your problems and difficulties, because this is not the energy that the doll should absorb.

    The third step - consecration and baptism is the final in the process of preparing the doll. To consecrate the doll, you need to light a white candle purchased in the church and put it in front of you. After that, dried sage, cedar needles or incense are set on fire. The doll is held above the smoke, and you say:

    “I consecrate you with the powers of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Spirit. I conjure you to serve good, to obey my will and God. I urge you to be faithful to your master in this world, between worlds and in all worlds. Let it be so".

    The spell must be cast seven times. At the end of the ceremony, the doll will serve only you and no one else, but no one should know about its existence, as well as see it, and even more so - touch it. After consecration, the doll must be named - give it a name. This way you bring the doll to life. The name of the doll should personify the person to whom it belongs and with whom it is connected by invisible threads.

    Baptism. Light a white candle and place it in front of you, saying:

    “I baptize you [name] in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. You are who I want you to be. I alone command your desires, dreams and actions. From now on, you are a humble servant of mine and my family, your life is for me and my thoughts.

    How to make a classic voodoo doll

    The classic Voodoo doll belongs to the New Orleans branch of the Voodoo religion. For its manufacture you need:

    • 2 sticks;
    • rope or lace;
    • textile;
    • glue;
    • 2 beads or buttons;
    • articles of human clothing or hair, nails, etc.;
    • spanish moss.

    All materials are more than affordable, which makes making a Voodoo doll quite hassle-free and simple. It is not easy to find only the last element - Spanish moss, which is common in New Orleans. Moss can be replaced with cotton wool or straw.

    Voodoo requires conscious work. Don't turn this into a game.

    Now let's figure out how to make a Voodoo doll step by step:

    First, a cross is made from two sticks, which is fixed with a cord. Wax helps to make the fastening stronger, with which you need to rub the cord or cord in advance. After that, the resulting cross is wrapped in moss from the middle to the head, and then from the middle to the legs. It is better to use large solid pieces of moss so that there are no gaps. Now cut the fabric into small long strips, which should be wrapped around the body of the doll. The fabric is tied to the body of the doll with threads and glued with glue. Next, the doll is given a face. Beads or buttons can be used as eyes. The mouth is embroidered with threads. The next stage is to give the doll the energy of the person for whom it is intended. Ideally, a tuft of hair from a specific person is attached to the doll's head. Also, the doll should be given the features of this very person, for example, in clothes, accessories, faces, etc. So shreds of a person’s clothes are added to the doll, smeared with blood. We can assume that the toy is ready, proceed to its consecration and baptism with the assignment of a name.

    Voodoo doll refers to ancient African magic. This magical tool is used to achieve good and bad goals. A doll can be a talisman, a means of causing harm or attracting benefit. This is a dangerous tool and must be used with great care. Before creating such a doll, you need to assess your risks.

    Rules for making a doll

    It is important to remember that harming a person can come back like a boomerang. The spirits that are addressed in the process of witchcraft will certainly take their payment. It can be various illnesses or the death of someone close. Only experienced practitioners are able to pay off them.

    To make a Voodoo doll with your own hands, wood, straw, wax, wool, and cotton fabric are used. The appearance of the doll can be anything, if it does not refer to a specific person. Otherwise, there must be a resemblance to the victim. The color of the doll also depends on the purpose.

    • Yellow - success;
    • white - sincerity, honesty, peace;
    • red - passion, love relationships, energy;
    • purple - healing, wisdom, protection;
    • green - well-being, health;
    • blue - sympathy;
    • blue - protection from evil;
    • pink - well-being, friendliness, harmony;
    • black - a change in habits, inducing damage;
    • brown - timidity, doubt;
    • gray - hopelessness;
    • orange - triumph, addiction.

    When making a doll, it is important to tune in to achieve your goal. For example, if a doll is created to attract material well-being, then you need to think about favorable solutions to money issues. It is necessary to talk with the doll, refraining from curses.

    The Voodoo doll must be made at night alone: ​​for luring - with a growing moon, and for deliverance - with a waning one.

    How to make a classic voodoo doll at home?

    Prepare materials:

    • two branches
    • rope,
    • textile,
    • glue,
    • beads,
    • a piece of the victim (for example, hair or shreds from clothes),
    • Spanish moss (analogues: cotton wool and straw).

    Clear materials from someone else's energy using salt, incense or earth. Fold two small branches crosswise, fasten with wax and cord. Wrap the base with moss, going from the middle, first up, then down. Wrap the workpiece with thin strips of fabric of the desired color. Decorate the face of the doll: sew on the eyes, embroider the mouth. Attach the hair of the hidden person to the head and give the doll a resemblance to him.

    The finished doll should be consecrated with fire. To do this, light a candle and fumigate the room with the aroma of incense or sage. Then hold the doll over the flame of the candle and say a spell seven times, calling the instrument to serve.

    “Zamr kor opr ​​vukmel, opos karm (doll name) smart shorp.”

    The doll should be named after the victim. If on such a doll, then it will also affect a person. After that, the doll must be discreetly placed in the victim's house.

    How to take away health with a doll?

    African Voodoo magic belongs to the section of black magic. It's no secret that with the help of a doll, basically, they try to exterminate a person or "dry" him.

    There are many techniques for working with a doll to worsen the victim's health or even death. An example is the following, simple but effective ritual.

    • Make a doll out of scraps of black fabric. On her figure, write the name of the offender.
    • As an impact tool, take seven new needles of the same length. They must be purchased on the waning moon.
    • With the first needle, pierce the head of the victim’s doll through and through and slowly say a curse: “I (your name), I pierce you (the name of the victim), I bind your body tightly (the name of the victim), as I pierce, I bind the body of this doll tightly.”
    • With the second needle, pierce the offender’s heart area and say: “Take my oath (name of the victim), in the name of Loa, that from now on you will not know peace!”.
    • Insert the third needle into the stomach area, saying: “Take my oath (name of the victim) that by the forces of Loa, all life will flow out of you.”
    • Insert the fourth and fifth needles into the thighs of the doll with the words: "From now on, you are in my power."
    • Fasten the sixth and seventh needles in the area of ​​​​the feet of the doll, completing the spell with the words: "You are forever bound by the forces of my curse, and only I can save you."

    From now on, your enemy is doomed. He will quickly lose his vital energy, acquire illnesses and soon leave his physical shell. The doll must be hidden in a secluded place so that no one can pick it up. If you wish to spare your enemy, then you need to carefully separate the needles from the doll, disassemble it into its component parts and burn it.

    By the way, treat random needles with great care. , perhaps - this is a magical lining.

    Love spell with voodoo doll

    Voodoo doll is often used for love purposes, as it can easily bewitch a person for the rest of his life.

    This ritual is performed during the full moon phase after midnight.

    • Take a doll made of red scraps with the name of the object of your love written on it.
    • Light a candle and heat three needles in its flame.
    • Pierce with needles the area of ​​​​the heart, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe third eye and the genitals, saying the following spell:

    “How sharp are my needles, so let your thoughts (the name of the victim) about me (your name) be sharp. From now on, your feelings will be hot for me, like these needles, and also durable for all eternity. I don’t stick needles, but I kindle a fire, I awaken love, but I don’t cause pain.

    Destruction of the voodoo doll

    There are three ways to destroy an unwanted or broken doll:

    1. Wrap the doll with a white cloth and sprinkle with sea salt. You should turn to the spirit of the forest or river. To do this, you need to bring gifts in the form of coins and fruits to the chosen spirit. And after that, ask the spirits to cancel the evil action. Having offered thanks to them, you need to bury the doll in the forest ground or throw it into the river. After getting rid of the tool, without turning around, return to the house and take a bath with sea salt under the light of a white candle.

    2. Wrap the doll with a white cloth and go outside. It is necessary to move as far as possible from your house and dig a small hole at the foot of some lonely tree. In this hole you need to burn the doll. Then sprinkle the remains of the fire with consecrated water and fill the hole. At home, take a bath with sea salt by the light of a white candle. This ceremony can only be performed on the Sabbath day.

    3. Disassemble into its component parts, pull out all the needles, and burn the doll.

    Voodoo doll is a powerful tool that needs the right approach even at the stage of preparation for creation. Do not make a doll for the sake of curiosity. Also, you should not damage another person under the influence of a surge of emotions. This magic should be taken seriously.

    Voodoo magic is a special magic, religious dogmas, mysterious rituals and unusual magic tools are intertwined in it. Sacrifice, trance and divination on the bones of birds did not particularly take root among Slavic practitioners, but the use of Voodoo dolls, or as it is more customary for us to call it: Volta Dolls, has found its place in modern practical magic.

    Voodoo doll is one of the most popular magical tools used in voodoo magic rituals.

    What is a voodoo volt doll

    In scientific terms, the Voodoo doll is one of the most popular magical tools used in Voodoo magic rituals as a weapon and as an instrument. And if you characterize the Voodoo volt with the language of a magician, then this is an almost perfect witchcraft weapon that can have a very strong impact on the energy of a person with whom the doll is connected on a spiritual level.

    Cinema firmly instilled in the minds of the townsfolk the fact that the Volt of Voodooism can only cause harm. If you conduct a survey among those who are unfamiliar with the historical past of the Voodoo religion, the results will show that Voodoo rituals are feared, associating them only with dark magical influences. For the townsfolk, a Voodoo doll personifies death, or rather deadly rituals aimed at the death of a person, his spiritual or physical destruction. But in fact, Voodoo sorcerers use volts for treatment, and for rituals for love, and for money magic, and much more. No, well, I won’t deny that the volt is used in rituals for death, for illness, for ruin, as a magical tool for inducing damage and as part of rituals for strong life-long love spells. In evil and cruel hands, the Voodoo doll is a deadly weapon, in stupid and inexperienced hands it is a large-scale bomb, and in good hands it is a tool for getting rid of ailments, a tool for enriching and attracting good luck.

    In my practice, there were people who came to order a ritual for a love spell, but they ran and were baptized and spat when they heard that one of the options for a love spell was a ritual using a Voodoo doll. I will not condemn people who perceive voodooism as something terrible, sinister and unclean. I will just try to tell you what a Voodoo doll is, what is its strength, how it works and what is its peculiarity and how to make a Voodoo doll with your own hands.

    How a voodoo volt doll is made

    As I have already repeated, and more than once, in my writings, the creation of any magical instrument requires not only knowledge of the basics, but also knowledge of the depths. Just knowing how to make a Voodoo doll at home is not enough, but here making a really effective volt is a whole science in which every little thing is important, starting with the preparation of the magician and ending with the incantation of this magical accessory.

    Preparing for the ritual of creating a Voodoo doll

    The stage of preparation of the magician himself is no less important than the stage of creating a volt. Practicing magicians have long realized the main law - the creator of any magical instrument rewards it with the largest charge of energy, and it is easier to produce a magical effect through a properly charged instrument. That is, the power of this thing, and its efficiency and its strength in work, depend on the creator, you can make a Voodoo doll perfect in shape, but not give it the necessary charge. Many of my colleagues do not agree that one of the stages of preparation should be a three-day fast, but I still insist that this is a mandatory ritual of self-purification and should not be ignored. That's just a trip to the Catholic or Christian church from the preparation stage, I would withdraw. The thing is that Voodoo is an independent religion, although it has many canons from Christianity and Catholicism, but it is independent. Therefore, you should not humiliate the spirits of this religion, treat with understanding. I would advise to conduct a ritual of sacrifice. Voodooism contains many sacrificial rituals, but among all of them, I single out the ritual of burning a black rooster with particular effectiveness. The magician buys a black domestic rooster, preferably young and strong, for three days while the magician keeps the fast, the bird must be fed live food and pure grain. Living food is earthworms, beetles and so on. It is also advisable to buy grain, and each time pouring it into the bird, think that this is your small sacrifice to the spirits.

    After three days, the bird must be slaughtered by bleeding into the ground. Now the carcass must be burned at the stake, sacrificing in honor of the spirits. During the burning process, you need to ask the Loa (spirits) to accept your sacrifice and help you create the doll.

    Before creating a Voodoo doll, the magician buys a black domestic rooster

    Choice of material for volt

    The first and main rule when choosing materials for the manufacture of a volt is naturalness. Do not use artificial, synthetic materials, their energy is not acceptable for such purposes. When creating dolls, volts, I use:

    • dry grass, hay;
    • tree, thin branches, tree bark;
    • natural fabric, often linen, cotton and so on;
    • beeswax;
    • natural paints;
    • white, yellow clay;
    • cotton wool.

    Depending on the purpose for which the volt will be used, the choice of material may also differ. You can make volta from the fabric of the victim's personal belongings, and if there is no such material, sew the base from any piece of natural fabric.

    If I make volts for love rituals, I use wax, if volts are created for rituals to attract money, I use natural fabric, grass, wood. The choice of material largely determines the power of the volt and just the work with it. Grass and a tree in mythology personify the richness of nature, because they are ideal for making a money volt, but the wax material allows you to seal the hair into it when making a doll, the nails of a person on whom a love spell is being made. That in the first, that in the second case, the doll needs to be dressed. For a love volt, I use fabric from the personal belongings of the one who needs to bewitched as a material for clothes, and for a money volt, just pure natural fabric becomes clothes.

    The creation of different dolls has its own characteristics. But since most of all clients are interested in the volt for love magic, the volt for damage and the money doll, we will consider the creation of these magical tools.

    How to make a wax volt, a voodoo wax doll

    A Voodoo wax doll is the most common version of making a volt for performing rituals for death, damage to love, that is, a love spell or drying, and dislike, that is, drying, a lapel, and so on. Even a few practitioners know that wax is no worse than salt and sugar capable of accumulating, transforming and storing information. Many practitioners, rather out of ignorance and inexperience, create wax volts from candles taken in a Christian temple, in a church. I'm not going to say that it is categorically impossible to do so. Can. That's just this volt will be a Christian doll for rituals, Slavic, but not a Voodoo doll.

    What to cook for work

    To make a Voodoo wax volt, you need to take:

    • three ordinary white candles;
    • four thin sticks, from any tree;
    • thin thread from natural fiber;
    • iron container;
    • tripod;
    • dry alcohol;
    • medical gloves.

    The condition of having medical gloves and working in them is not a law. That is, if it is easier for you to work with your bare hands, work with your bare hands, if you are wearing gloves, work with gloves.

    To make a Voodoo wax volt, you need to take 3 white candles

    If you are creating a wax doll, don't forget to give it a soul. The soul of the doll will be the link that will connect it with your victim. To do this, you need to prepare in advance:

    • victim's hair
    • nails;
    • small personal item.

    It is allowed to use everything that can be rolled into wax for a volt.

    How to make a voodoo wax doll

    The procedure for making the doll itself is just as important as the procedure for performing the rituals. A correctly made doll receives the right charge from its creator, and this is important.

    The creation of the doll will take place in several stages.

    Stage one: we make the base for the doll

    We will make the basis of the doll, its core from wooden sticks.

    1. First of all, choose the longest stick. It will serve as the basis.
    2. He wraps the second stick with threads to the first one, so that we get a figure that resembles a Slavic cross.
    3. Now you need to attach two more sticks to the bottom of the figure.
    4. You should get a figure similar in shape to a little man.
    5. This is the base of your doll.
    Stage two: work with wax
    1. Put dry alcohol in a saucer. Place a tripod over it, and place a heat-resistant container on it.
    2. Crumble the candles by removing the wick from them. Pour the wax crumbs into a container that is installed on a tripod.
    3. Light the alcohol on fire and watch the wax begin to melt. It is not necessary to bring the mass to a boil, it is enough that the wax just softens. But the mass must be sufficiently liquid and elastic so that it can be molded from it.
    4. When the wax is warm enough, we take it out of the container and begin to stick around the wooden base of the doll.
    5. It is important to adhere to the parameters of the human figure of the doll you are creating. If this man can reward him with a muscular torso or other signs, we sculpt a female figure, adhering to female signs: long hair, waist, chest, etc. Volt should look as close as possible to how your victim looks.

    When I create dolls, if I have the victim’s nails at my disposal, I add them to the total mass, but I attach the hair to the doll’s head.

    Stage three: dressing the doll

    You can dress the doll in clothes from any fabric, but it is preferable for such purposes to use fabric from the victim's personal belongings. No need to create designer models, this is superfluous, just sew something like a shirt and that's enough. Volt Voodoo for a love spell is important in itself, and not the fact in the form of what clothes he is wearing.

    You can dress the doll in clothes from any fabric.

    If you have a photo of the victim, use it for the doll. Just cut out the face from the photo and stick it on the doll in the head area.

    As a practicing magician, I advise you to conduct an energy cleansing with them before using the materials. I advise you to make a smoking mixture with bay leaves, dry leaves of any fruit tree, and dry cloves. The mixture must be set on fire and the materials from which the doll will be made must be fumigated with this smoke.

    When the doll is ready, you can use it for the rituals you need. But before that, you need to connect it with the person in the way that it is. To do this, the doll needs to be named, it's easier to say give her the name of your victim:

    “From now on, your name (the name of the person), you are one with this doll.

    As with the doll, so with you. Let it be so! Ago, Ago, Ago!”

    Such a doll is ideal for love rituals, and for damage, and for lapel.

    How to make a money voodoo doll

    The money doll is special in its own way. It is made not from wax, but from natural materials. To create a money doll I use:

    • natural fabric, two types;
    • dry grass;
    • sawdust.

    Like love, money volts are created in several stages.

    Stage one: sew the base of the doll

    Each magician makes a money doll in his own way, I will tell you how I make such volts.

    From one small piece of fabric we sew a cover, but we make it in such a way that it repeats the shape of the human body. I make a blank, for a money volt, in the form of such a tumbler: a head, handles and a body in the form of a cone or bag. Remember that such a volt is more of a puppet amulet, talisman or amulet than a magic tool. Such a volt is not used for a love spell, with its help it is impossible to kill or harm, it will not work to spoil life with such a volt.

    Stage two: fill the volt

    When the base is ready, it needs to be filled. I use dry herbs and spices as filling. Be sure to add a bay leaf, in most countries the bay leaf represents wealth and prosperity. After filling the doll, carefully sew up the hole through which you introduced the filler, make the seam neat and inconspicuous.

    Stage Three: Give Volt a Face

    The filled doll now needs to be personified, that is, to draw her face. For such purposes, I often use embroidery. Threads should be taken only from natural fibers. After drawing the Volta's face, decorate it: make his hair out of thread, decorate his head with a ribbon or lace. It also retains the condition that the materials must be natural.

    When the doll is ready, you can use it for voodoo enrichment rituals or other types of witchcraft.

    The filled doll now needs to be personified, that is, draw her face

    How to dispose of a used doll

    The condition that you have to get rid of the volt applies rather to those dolls that took part in rituals for love, for damage, and so on. There is no need to get rid of the money volt.

    When you have performed the ritual with the chrysalis and you no longer need it, you need to get rid of it. I suggest burning unnecessary ritual instruments. But in order not to harm the person on whom the doll was made (if you have plans not to harm), the doll must first be released, and the person must be freed from the doll. The ritual of release is quite simple. You just need to douse the volt with holy water while condemning:

    “I cleanse the doll with holy water,

    I release you (name),

    there is no longer her power over you,

    and your name is not given to her now. Amen".

    With such a ritual, you free the doll from the person and the person from the doll. After that, you can give a volt to the fire. You also need to know how to properly destroy volts according to the rules.

    A few last words

    The most frequent questions that sound regarding the Voodoo volt are: “Isn't such magic dangerous for the practitioner himself?”. I will not dissemble and say yes such magic is dangerous. It is many times more dangerous than our Slavic magic. The point here is that much more ancient rituals have been preserved in Voodooism than in Slavic magic. Also, the fact is that when creating a doll, the magician introduces quite a strong energy into it. In general, the effect of a Voodoo doll in terms of strength, as I already mentioned, can only be compared with the power of rituals involving a photo of the victim. I never undertake to judge whether it is good or bad to do love spells, spoilage, prisushki or rituals for ruin, illness or trouble. We are not talking about morality, we are talking about efficiency. It is very important that the magician knows how to control himself, because it often happens that the very first successful ritual gives the master a feeling of omnipotence, and these are very dangerous thoughts that can lead to trouble. Learn to work with energy, but know how to control yourself.

    We offer a hollow disclosure of the topic: "how to make a voodoo doll for a person, with your own hands, at home.?" with the most detailed description.

    The Voodoo doll allows the magician to manipulate the person under whom it was created. After a magical ritual, the doll becomes an intermediary between its creator and the victim. Pairing a person with a Voodoo doll is easy if you have their hair, pieces of clothing, or other personal bits.

    You can use black or white magic on your own and make a Voodoo doll for the person you need.

    • If the sorcerer wants to take revenge on the offender, then it is better to use animal hair and rag materials. With a slight pressure on the stomach of such a chrysalis, the victim will begin to suffer pain in the stomach or intestines.
    • When creating a magical doll to attract love relationships, it is advisable to attach a photograph of a loved one to the head. And on the body of the product, draw a heart, a smile and create genitals.
    • When creating a deadly doll, use wax and draw 666 or 13 on the back of your product.

    Volt or Voodoo doll is a projection of a person on whom a magical effect is planned. When creating a volt, the magician must use particles of the body of the object on whom the doll is being created. It can be nails, hair, tears, blood, anything that carries the energy of the “victim”. The doll is given the name of a person and further magical manipulations are carried out with it. Rites with volts are performed for good and for harm.

    Colors play a very important role in Voodoo magic. Whether it's clothes for a volt, the color of a candle, or the head of a pin.

    • Black - to destroy diseases, needs, addictions.
    • Red is love.
    • Green - for the acquisition of material wealth.
    • White - health.
    • Blue is a sacred color that wards off evil.

    How to create a magic doll

    Voodoo magic came from the African continents. This is an ancient pagan magic based on the worship of one God. Shamans never speak directly to God, they communicate through the spirits of the Loa. Most people consider Voodoo to be one of the manifestations of black magic created to harm other people, but this is not at all the way black and white rites exist. This magic is based on a sacrifice that cleanses a person of negativity. But also with its help, protective talismans are created.

    You can make a Voodoo doll for a person at home, the main thing is to collect all the ingredients and follow the manufacturing rules. To create Voodoo and conduct rituals, you will need parts of the victim. The more the sorcerer was able to take from the victim, the more power the magical manipulator awakens. The main elements that give magical power:

    1. Handkerchief (used);
    2. Hair;
    3. Nails;
    4. Piece of clothing;
    5. Decoration or trinket.

    If you did not manage to get to personal things, then natural materials should become the rest of the components of the doll. Only they are able to absorb the energy of the victim. It can be natural fabric, natural threads, twigs, wax and more. After collecting everything you need, you can begin to create a chrysalis. A certain image does not exist, it is more important what materials the volt was made of. Since, it can be made not only from wax, but from branches and fabric, or from fabric and wool or hair.

    Voodoo doll for a quick death

    A special Voodoo doll is made of wax, it is easy to sculpt and you can easily add bits of the victim to it. Most importantly, don't forget to give the volt a name and represent your enemy during crafting. In the process of sculpting, say the words:

    "I will hurt you, I will get joy, I will give my soul to demons (name)."

    For the ritual you will need:

    1. Wax Volt;
    2. Needles (7 pieces);
    3. Black candles (3 pieces);
    4. A small bonfire made from twigs.

    Volta must be heated over the fire, and the needles over the candles, after inserting the heated needle into the doll. If you want a fatal outcome for your victim, then stick an odd number of needles in the head and chest. If you just want to take revenge on the enemy, then the needles are stuck an even number of times in the arms, legs and stomach.

    Voodoo doll for love

    If you want to make a person fall in love with you, then you need to make a Voodoo doll out of fabric. It is made of good fabric, be sure to use red threads (symbolize love). If it is necessary that, in addition to love, the chosen one become a successful person and bring a lot of money into the house, add yellow threads. Before starting the ritual, lay out all the materials so that you can count them and see them, then cast the spell:

    "These are all parts of the body of (person's name)."

    Now we begin to collect the doll and represent our chosen one, you can even fantasize your meetings, wedding and relationships. In the manufacture, you can not use needles or other sharp objects (everything sharp will harm the chosen one, and while you make the doll, he will not only get sick or be injured, but also die). Already at the very end, you need to draw or attach a heart with the words:

    "For the love of me."

    Attaching the organs of the lower body (genitals) say:

    "For relationships, marriage and having children."

    Now your volt is ready and is the embodiment of your chosen one. Carry it everywhere with you and one day they will fall head over heels in love with you.

    Doll in red clothes

    Sprinkle a doll in red tones with cinnamon and say:

    “Let the cinnamon in my hand become the fire in the heart (man or woman) that I seek. May he (she) not find peace until he is with me.

    You need to repeat this spell three Fridays in a row.

    Voodoo conspiracy to return a loved one

    This spell is aimed at returning a loved one if they had a fight or parted. He will need it. Voodoo doll, sheet of paper, subjugating oil made from (bergamot oil, rose oil, frankincense), cinnamon, a piece of red silk.

    1. The ritual is performed at night.
    2. Make a doll in red clothes.
    3. The name of a loved one is written on a piece of paper and attached to the doll.
    4. Lubricate with subordinating oil, sprinkle with powder.
    5. They speak words.
    6. Repeat everything done for two more nights.
    7. On the third night, wrap the product in silk and hide in a dark place.

    Voodoo magic scares many people because it has powerful power. It all depends on the intentions of the person. As in any other magic, it has a black and white beginning.

    voodoo ritual for money

    For a ritual for money, you must independently make a volt in green clothes by hiding a few coins inside. When making a doll, say the words:

    “I made you to help you get rich. May money come to my house, may prosperity come with it.

    Volta must be hidden so that no one would find.

    • About the whole terminology of the cult.
    • Another way to attract love.

    The doll is one of the most ancient crafts with a long history. It is worth remembering only Slavic protective dolls, which for a long period of time protected our ancestors, and now in modern homes they increasingly perform a decorative function. However, those who know how to use the experience of their ancestors choose things with meaning that will not only decorate the house, but also protect it from evil. As for Voodoo dolls, they have a slightly different purpose. And we will talk about how to make a Voodoo doll and how to use it in this article.

    A voodoo doll

    Voodoo is considered one of the oldest beliefs, in which a special doll, which is also called "volt", was often used for witchcraft and to achieve any goal.

    The very process of creating this craft is magical, endowing an inanimate object with power and making it ready for further magical actions. If you decide to learn how to make a Voodoo doll, then this means that you have decided to influence some person.

    Such crafts are made most often for dark purposes, when someone wants to harm, damage or cast a love spell on the person symbolized by the volt. However, you can use this little thing as a talisman.

    Almost any means at hand can be used to make a magic item, although it is best to give preference to natural materials. Below we will look at the process of making an item and answer the main question of how to make a Voodoo doll.

    Making a voodoo doll

    As mentioned above, it is best to choose natural, natural materials for making magical crafts. Experts recommend staying on wax as the basis of the subject. You will also need parts of the person with whom the little thing will be connected. These can be items of clothing, hair, nails, blood, saliva, semen, dust from shoes.

    The main stages in the manufacture of Voodoo kula:

    The wax is melted, from which the body of the magic item will be made.
    From melted wax, a semblance of a human figure is created, reminiscent of the one whom the little thing symbolizes. While sculpting the arms, legs, head, and so on, try to think and imagine the person.

    Next, you need to add those parts of the person that you have to the wax. Nails, saliva, hair, semen and so on should be used here. Try to place them where the little thing has the necessary details. So, say, nails in toy hands, hair in the head area, and so on.

    Dust from shoes needs to be shaken for crafts;
    Some of the worn clothing of a person is used as clothing, the best is underwear.
    Now you need to give a name to the Voodoo doll. Her name should be the same as the person she designates.

    To give a name, a conspiracy is pronounced:

    “Your name is now (name), you are one with him.
    What happens to the doll will happen to the person!

    This completes the ritual of creating a Voodoo item. And it can be used for the purposes for which it was created.

    Making a voodoo doll on yourself

    A Voodoo doll is created for itself in order to attract good luck, luck, love and other benefits. In addition, she can protect a person.

    However, remember that if something happens to the craft, it may affect you. Therefore, you should not joke with magic.

    The process of creating crafts for yourself is almost the same as for another person. However, at the time of creating the body of the doll, you need to add coins if you want to attract wealth, a horseshoe or other symbol of good luck to attract success, and so on.

    If you want to attract love, then place a homemade red heart in the case. After that, complete the rite by giving a name.

    You need to store it in an inaccessible place, because if it falls into someone's hands, he can cause you severe harm.

    How to get rid of a voodoo doll

    The process of getting rid of the Voodoo doll deserves special attention, because simply by throwing it away or breaking it, you can harm yourself and another person. To get rid of it, you should sprinkle the craft with spring water and say three times:

    “I cleanse the doll with water, I deprive her of her name.
    She will have no power over (person's name)!

    Both the creation and destruction of the Voodoo doll are specific processes that require strict adherence to instructions and faith in the result. It is worth treating rituals of such a plan very responsibly, so as not to harm anyone and not incur misfortunes.

    If you decide to conduct the darkest and most mysterious rite of magic, then you will definitely face the question of how to make a voodoo doll with your own hands at home. With its help, you can perform various conspiracies and love spells, which will have great power. But for this, you should follow all the established recommendations, first of all, regarding the creation of a doll.

    In the event that the voodoo doll is created correctly, you will get the image and likeness of a particular person. With its help, it is enough just to get the necessary access to the consciousness, thoughts and feelings of a particular person, completely subordinating him to his will.

    What is volt

    Often, novice and inexperienced magicians confuse two concepts: a voodoo doll and a volt. They are often identified, which is fundamentally wrong.

    The differences between these two things are visible both in the manufacturing process and in magical features.

    The voodoo doll is made from improvised means of only natural origin and always has a solid, most often wooden, base.

    Such a craft may also contain wax, but it is never made entirely from it alone.

    A voodoo doll

    But the volt is a piece of softened wax, which is given the shape and appearance of the right person. In both cases, it is possible to use biological material, which significantly enhances the rite itself. But if in the manufacture of a doll both blood and hair and nails can be used, then the volt most often receives only hair, which is laid in the basis of the pupa.

    But the most important difference between them lies in the energy sector: Volt works only directly with the very aura of a person, making the required changes in it. Voodoo magic is more complicated, ancient forces and spirits are involved in the participation, which fulfill your request. Such an impact is much stronger, but also more dangerous.

    Preparing to create a doll

    Before you start the actual process of making a doll, you need to carefully prepare. To do this, you will have to go through several steps:

    • Cleaning stage. The first thing you need to do is to clean up all the materials prepared to create a voodoo doll, especially if you took them or bought them from other people. Extraneous energy remains on any object, which will only interfere with you. To remove such factors, use items that can absorb any extraneous magic: salt, earth, sandalwood oil or incense.
    • Creation stage. When making a voodoo doll, do not forget that it is important not how you do it, but what feelings you put into the process. Your head should be occupied exclusively with thoughts about what you want: think about how you will achieve this and what feelings you will experience. Creating the likeness of a person, it is necessary to mentally represent him.
    • Stage illumination and baptism of the doll. After you finish making a doll, you need to consecrate it. To do this, light a wax candle purchased in the church and burn some incense in its flame. Fumigating the finished doll in smoke, say these words:

    “I consecrate you with the powers of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Spirit. I conjure you to serve good, to obey my will and God. I urge you to be faithful to your master in this world, between worlds and in all worlds. Let it be so".

    This phrase must be spoken at least seven times in a row, after which your doll is ready for use.

    It must be kept in a secret place where no one will know about it, let alone touch it. Also, there is no need to dedicate anyone to the details of its existence or use.

    Materials for making a doll

    If you are faced with the question of how to make a voodoo doll at home with your own hands, the first thing you need to do is choose the right material for making it. It is not allowed to use any synthetic materials: you must be sure that you only use natural items.

    The most commonly used materials are:

    • Tree.
    • Straw.
    • Wax.
    • Wool.
    • Cotton.

    A voodoo doll can have any shape, but for correct and easier identification with a specific person, it is necessary that she also looks like him outwardly. That is, it had a head, arms and legs.

    Creation method

    To give a similarity, most often they create the base of the doll in advance: two wooden branches are fastened together in the shape of a cross. For their strongest adhesion, thick threads are used, with which the sticks are tied crosswise.

    Such branches must be cut off on their own a few days ago. It is important that they are no longer fresh, but completely dry will not work either: the tree must be half alive, half dead.

    In order for the doll to acquire further volume, it is additionally tied with shreds of cloth or dry grass. It can be used to decorate items such as bird feathers or grains of legumes. With their help, you should designate the eyes and distinctive features of a person, such as moles, for example.

    It is not necessary to draw tattoos on the doll that are similar to the victim's tattoos: these are not innate symbols of a person's distinction and do not carry additional information about him for voodoo magic.

    Experienced magicians, in order to strengthen the energy connection with the victim, can additionally use the biological material of a person: his blood, hair and nails. The blood of the victim is especially effective in this case, since it is she who carries the most accurate imprint of the person himself. In addition, it is permissible to use parts of the victim's personal belongings, also placing them on the doll, or tying them into the base. This is a very powerful technique, but you should use it carefully and only if you are confident in your abilities.

    The finished doll must be correctly named, its name must match the name of the object of the conspiracy. To do this, say these words:

    “From now on, your name is “The name of a person”, with this doll you are one, As with the doll, then with you. Let it be so! Ago, Ago, Ago!”

    In the process of creating a doll, it is important not how you make it, but what thoughts and feelings you put into it. You must know exactly what you want and fill your entire consciousness with this desire. Think of the person you want to transfer to the voodoo doll, get a little creative. Only in this case, you will succeed.

    How to destroy an unnecessary doll

    If the question of how to make a voodoo doll at home with your own hands is no longer in front of you, then you should study the moment how to get rid of it correctly. But simply burning it, or even throwing it away, is strictly prohibited. The spirits that you called for help can misunderstand this action and greatly harm the person portrayed by the chrysalis.

    To avoid such disastrous consequences, you need to perform simple rituals that will help to let the spirits know that their work is over and send the doll to rest.

    The actions are quite simple, but you need to take them seriously. They must be performed in nature, near running water. With you from home, in addition to the doll itself, you need to grab a white cloth, the size of which should be enough to wrap it several times.

    Before the farewell ritual itself, make a small raft from improvised means with your own hands - grass and wood. Moisten the cloth brought with water from the river and wrap the made raft in it, on which the chrysalis lies.

    Now you can safely send the entire constructed structure downstream. As soon as she floats away from your eyes, consider that the spirits have been released and nothing threatens you and the prototype of the doll.

    Many people are attracted and intimidated by voodoo magic. There really is nothing to be afraid of. If you use the ideology of this ancient art correctly, then negative consequences can be avoided.

    Voodoo differs greatly from black magic. This is not at all a "talk" about helping with evil forces, this is the use of the most ancient possibilities of nature to achieve one's goals.

    By the way, if they like the ideas, then they help with pleasure, almost for free. Let's figure it out.

    Voodoo doll per person for a love spell

    Here is a case where you can use ancient magic without any fear. Pay no attention to the stories and opinions that are in society thanks to Hollywood films.

    In fact, voodoo magic does not often use such things as "destruction" or "enslavement" of the individual.

    Of course, this takes place, but it all depends on the goal and the spirits involved. In the end, it is not necessary to call those who live "on the dark side."

    In any case, love magic is based on lighter and purer forces.

    To attract the desired person to yourself, you need to make and speak the voodoo doll correctly.

    There are certain rules that must be followed. That is, not just the composition of the material, but also the name of the Spirit who will help you.

    How to make a voodoo doll on a person for a love spell should be carefully read before the action itself. It is unacceptable to change the composition of the ingredients, violate the technology.

    The fact is that the Voodoo Spirits that are invoked have a slightly different, “not our” nature. Do not try to embrace them with logic. It is better to act according to what is written, then the result will be as intended.

    What you need to make a voodoo doll at home for a love spell

    A voodoo doll is a double of a bewitched person. She has a full direct connection with him, which arises at the moment of performing the ritual.

    It must be remembered that everything that happens to the doll will definitely affect the object of the love spell. Not necessarily as directly as they show in the movies, but still, energies will flow into the field.

    Therefore, the voodoo doll must be handled with care, not subjected to unnecessary shakes or other actions that can cause aggressive consequences.

    To make a voodoo doll, you need to have parts of the human body. Commonly used:

    • nails;
    • hair;
    • blood and so on.

    If it is not possible to get all this, then you need to collect dust on the road along which he passed, maybe - the remains of coffee from his cup (there is saliva in it), clothes, or other objects with which the person was in contact.

    Without these attributes, the doll will be practically dead. Unfortunately, those are the rules.

    The main material for making a doll is usually wax.

    Just don't use the ones that have already been cut. This is dead material, it cannot help you. It will only interfere with the creation of an energy channel.

    Who can make a voodoo doll on a person

    When learning how to make a voodoo doll for a love spell, it is worthwhile to understand that this business is not for everyone. There is such a thing as personal power.

    So, you should have it. Otherwise, you will not be able to do the most important thing - to connect the doll you made with the object of the love spell.

    How to determine if this is possible. There are some simple tests that are used in voodoo schools.

    For example, if you remember exactly that you had a prophetic dream at least once in your life, then there is no problem, you can practice voodoo magic.

    If in doubt, try to "disperse" the clouds. You just need to go under the open sky on a cloudy day.

    Try to focus on "moving" any (specific) cloud. You don't have to stress too much.

    Just imagine that it melts or floats over the horizon. After fifteen minutes, look at the result. Happened? Then you can start making voodoo dolls.

    How to make a voodoo doll for a love spell: the process of making at home

    If you remember how to sculpt from plasticine, then the process itself to make a doll should not cause any difficulties for you. The doll is made in the form of a man with clearly expressed features.

    That is, you need to sculpt the head and torso, arms and legs. Magical elements are added to the wax in the same order as in a living organism. Namely, nails should be in the hands, hair on the head, blood in the body, and so on.

    When a small likeness of the victim is ready, it can be sprinkled with the material that is collected from under the feet of the victim (dust, sand, and so on). If you have elements of saliva (for example, coffee), then add it to the piece from which you will make the head.

    It is necessary to sculpt a face so that it is clear how to handle the doll. The genitals are also important. It is in these parts of the doll that honey or pollen is added.

    The voodoo doll must be wrapped in prepared pieces of clothing or other things that the victim has touched (in extreme cases, a napkin will do). Further, it is desirable to put your "creativity" in a special box.

    Do not be too lazy to line it with a piece of beautiful fabric, lace and the like. The atmosphere of external beauty will only spur magical powers.

    After manufacturing, you need to create a communication channel. To do this, even in the process of work, you need to try to represent the object, associate details with real parts of the body.

    When you take care of your face, head, hair, imagine what is going on in his thoughts. Imagine in detail how he (or she) will “burn” with love for you.

    Now you need to cast the spell:

    “I name you (name of the victim). From now on, you and him (her) are one! I call on the help of the Spirit of Oshun! Match (name) with the doll! Breathe life into her!

    From this moment on, you become the owner of the most valuable item energetically connected with the victim. Before performing a love spell, it is recommended to talk with the doll for several days.

    You can talk about how a person will be happy, share your feelings and thoughts. At the same time, remember that the attitude towards the doll should be respectful and careful.

    If you treat her with disdain, swear or get angry, the object may get sick, even hate you. In addition, the Spirit of Oshun will be offended and stop helping you.

    Victoria Bonn

    Specialization: Parapsychology, extrasensory
    Education: Professional

    Articles written

    As a rule, a person who decides to make a voodoo doll has the firm intention of physically and psychologically influencing another person. The doll can be created from any materials, but at the same time it will be a prototype of a real person whom it symbolizes.

    You can make a voodoo doll on your own at home, but a professional should still be involved in creating a doll, because in the hands of an amateur such a “toy” can do a lot of trouble.

    The sacred rites of voodoo magic are very powerful. They can only be carried out by true professionals in this field. But everyone can enjoy the results of their work. A professional magician can specially create protective voodoo amulets that will protect a person from negative influences.

    Expert opinion


    Surely everyone has heard of such a phenomenon as voodoo dolls. Due to the prevailing stereotypes in the imagination of ordinary people, voodoo magic is something dark and wrong. But few people know that with its help you can do both good deeds and bad ones. Magic itself is a neutral phenomenon. Once in the hands of an unscrupulous magician, a voodoo doll can really harm a person. But if you use magical knowledge with the intention of helping someone, then voodoo magic will undoubtedly bring benefits.

    Many will be surprised, but true voodoo magic has never been dark. This is a relatively young religion that originated about 1000 years ago on the territory of the African continent. The locals successfully practiced their magic until the time of the colonial wars came.

    For some time, their continent was dominated by the French, who forbade the Wooddists from practicing magic. Dark-skinned slaves were forced to obey the invaders, but secret magical knowledge never disappeared. Magical rites and rituals were carried out in secret from the colonialists.

    But the long-term stay of Europeans among African tribes could not but leave its mark. Over time, voodoo magic mixed with European traditions, forming a new religious movement. Among the followers of this trend, the views on magical postulates were already distorted.

    Another, more popular branch of voodoo beliefs spread from Latin America. This religious trend became famous there after the colonialists began to populate their possessions with black slaves.

    It is noteworthy that the very first version of the voodoo religion had nothing to do with black magic and was practiced exclusively as white witchcraft for healing and attracting wealth.

    Voodoo magic also adopted some features from Catholicism. The final touches in the transformation of this magical direction were made by the yellow press and cinema.

    What you need to know

    In order for the doll to be effective and have power, in the process of its creation, it is necessary to use part of the biological material of the person who is planned to be affected. Most often, a strand of hair or nails is used.

    Additionally, after drawing the facial features of the selected person to the doll, the magician gains almost unlimited power over the object. In order to firmly connect the created figure with the prototype of a real person, the sorcerer additionally pronounces the necessary spells. After the ritual, the magician has unlimited power over the person who is identified by the "toy".

    Followers of this magical doctrine believe that:

    1. If a voodoo doll is pierced with needles, then the human victim will also feel a strong stabbing pain in the same places.
    2. Sometimes the doll is burned in the fire, and then a person can simply burn out from the temperature in a couple of days.
    3. Clutching the doll's head in his hand, the magician provokes severe headaches in the victim.

    You can often hear voodoo magic called idolatrous. It's easy to explain. In many films and books, the followers of voodoo are shown in a negative light. In fact, not all wooddists choose to serve the dark side. Although it is difficult to argue with the fact that most of them serve the forces of evil.

    To make a Voodoo doll with your own hands, wood, straw, wax, wool, and cotton fabric are used. The appearance of the doll can be anything, if it does not refer to a specific person. Otherwise, there must be a resemblance to the victim. The color of the doll also depends on the purpose.

    • Yellow - success;
    • white - sincerity, honesty, peace;
    • red - passion, love relationships, energy;
    • purple - healing, wisdom, protection;
    • green - well-being, health;
    • blue - sympathy;
    • blue - protection from evil;
    • pink - well-being, friendliness, harmony;
    • black - a change in habits, inducing damage;
    • brown - timidity, doubt;
    • gray - hopelessness;
    • orange - triumph, addiction.

    When making a doll, it is important to tune in to achieve your goal.

    For example, if a doll is created to attract material well-being, then you need to think about favorable solutions to money issues.

    It is necessary to talk with the doll, refraining from curses.

    The Voodoo doll must be made at night alone: ​​for luring - with a growing moon, and for deliverance - with a waning one.

    A voodoo doll will only have magical powers if it is sewn correctly. Here are some tips for those who have begun to comprehend the secret art of voodooism:

    1. If the voodooist pursues the goal of revenge, the best choice of material for the doll will be the hair of dead animals and various rag materials. If the finished chrysalis is pressed on the belly, the victim will immediately begin to suffer pain in the stomach or intestines.
    2. If the doll is created for the purpose of attracting romantic or love relationships, on her head she needs to fasten a photograph of her chosen one. On the body of the magic toy, you need to create an image of a heart, add a smile and draw the genitals.
    3. If you need to make a voodoo doll on a person by yourself for death or curse, don't forget to write the number 666 or 13 on the back of your toy with crayon.

    The choice of material for the doll

    The first and main rule when choosing materials for the manufacture of a volt is naturalness. Do not use artificial, synthetic materials, their energy is not acceptable for such purposes. When creating dolls, volts, they often use:

    • dry grass, hay;
    • tree, thin branches, tree bark;
    • natural fabric, often linen, cotton and so on;
    • beeswax;
    • natural paints;
    • white, yellow clay;
    • cotton wool.

    Depending on the purpose for which the volt will be used, the choice of material may also differ. You can make a volta from the fabric of the victim's personal belongings, and if there is no such material, sew the base from any piece of natural fabric.

    In case you are going to make Volta yourself, you will need:

    • 2 sticks;
    • soft material for filling (for example, Spanish moss);
    • several threads or cord;
    • buttons;
    • fabric strips and glue.

    You can also take narrow leather strips to tie individual materials if you have them at home. The more winding of material on one part, the easier it is to connect it with others. Part retainers must be flexible.

    If you want to know how to make a voodoo doll in a dress, decorate or make a detailed face, you can, for example, use balls, buttons, feathers, fur, jute, leather, raffia, reeds, wood, shells, snail shells, teeth, bones , wax, clay, fabric and other materials that add personality to the doll or give it a special aura. Make sure materials are clean and dry to avoid possible mold.

    Expert opinion

    Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


    If I make volts for love rituals, I use wax, if volts are created for rituals to attract money, I use natural fabric, grass, wood. The choice of material largely determines the power of the volt and the ease of working with it. Grass and a tree in mythology personify the richness of nature, because they are ideal for making a money volt, but the wax material allows you to seal the hair into it when making a doll, the nails of a person on whom a love spell is being made.

    That in the first, that in the second case, the doll needs to be dressed. For a love volt, I use fabric from the personal belongings of the one who needs to bewitched as a material for clothes, and for a money volt, just pure natural fabric becomes clothes.

    The creation of different dolls has its own characteristics. But since most of all clients are interested in the volt for love magic, the volt for damage and the money doll, we will consider the creation of these magical tools further.

    Needle selection

    The color of the needle head represents areas that may be affected. If you want to do something good for a person on your own with the help of Voodoo, then, for example, yellow (success) is the right color. If you curse someone, contact with yellow can change the fate of this person and good luck does not shine for him.

    Color meanings:

    • yellow is a symbol of success;
    • white - health;
    • red is suitable for those who seek power;
    • purple - spirit;
    • green - wealth;
    • blue - love relationship;
    • black: repel or attract negative energy.

    The process of making your own voodoo doll

    1. First you need to connect the sticks in the form of a cross, while one stick should be slightly shorter than the other. We connect them with a tourniquet crosswise to get a semblance of a human figure.
    2. Then wrap the sticks with material. Start somewhere in the middle, so it works better.
    3. Wrap your head completely and then go back to your hands, go to the middle and at the end - down. Volt works best if the material consists of a continuous strip. The idea is that the doll thus becomes stronger. Leave moss or bark at the ends before wrapping.
    4. Then wrap a piece of cloth around the body so that the doll has a wrapped head and torso.
    5. Make sure there is no moss or bark left on the ends of the doll, for example, to create hair, as well as for arms and legs.
    6. Split the ends and secure with glue. You can reinforce it all with a few stitches with a needle and thread.
    7. To make a face attach, for example, 2 beads for the eyes, stitching them with a needle and thread, or glue. Add another bead to create the doll's mouth.

    If you can make clothes for the Voodoo doll yourself at home, you will get more personality and your own gender. You can add other accessories to your doll, such as a gris-gris, an amulet or a talisman.

    Remember that a voodoo doll can be a symbol of a particular person or spirit. If you mean a special person, it will be more effective to add something that this person belongs to, that is, for example, a lock of hair, a piece of clothing, a picture of this person, or another thing. The goal is to give Volt the energy of that person.

    Types of dolls

    Modern voodoo doll

    1. Get a photo of a person which is to be affected by the magic. In this photo, a person should be in full growth, cropped parts of the body should not be allowed.
    2. Print this photo on a transfer film - you are unlikely to succeed on your own, contact the salon.
    3. Transfer the image with an iron to a white cloth. The instructions are easily available on the Internet. You can simply immediately print the image on the fabric.
    4. cut the fabric and leave enough edge for the seam.
    5. Cut out the same shape again in fabric, this will be the back of the voodoo doll.
    6. Sew both pieces together counterclock-wise. Leave a small hole so that the doll can be filled with some material.
    7. Complete the doll. You can use fabric scraps, yarn, cotton threads, moss, or any other filling material.
    8. close all seams.

    A wax doll is very popular, as it is easiest to cling to foreign objects on it. If at home you have clay, then you can create an image of a person from it.

    materials- a couple of small boards or sticks, a cord or thick woolen threads, fabric (color according to what you have in mind), a thread with a needle, gluing materials, everything to create a face (what you can find at home or you can easily find yourself - beads, buttons). And, of course, a particle of the conjured person.

    1. Making a frame from cross-linked boards.
    2. Melting the wax so that you can freely, without burning yourself, knead it with your hands.
    3. Now you can easily apply wax on our frame so as to get the greatest resemblance to the human figure. A ball is rolled for the head.
    4. Making doll hair - from human material or threads. The main thing is to insert them into the wax before it starts to cool.
    5. Create a face with beads or buttons. The eyes must be pressed from the back of the head to the face.
    6. We leave the doll freeze.
    7. When it has already acquired sufficient density, we make her an outfit - you can sew it, you can just wrap it with a cloth.
    8. Now you need to conduct a ritual rite of naming.

    1. Take a ball (it is possible for ping-pong, foam or any other). This will be the frame for Volt's head - you can make it as big as you want. Wrap it completely with yarn (or thread-like materials) until the ball is no longer visible. Secure the end with a drop of glue, but leave a length of 3-5 cm to connect the head and body threads.
    2. Take three pieces of thick wire - the first will be the torso, the other two, respectively, arms and legs. So fix it so that the design looks like a man without a head. The length of the wires must be chosen so that the head looks disproportionately large.
    3. We begin to wrap the body of the doll, as it was in the classical technique, but leave the place for the head empty (we have it). We start from the bottom of the doll, wrap the legs, return to the torso and rise to the arms.
    4. Put your head on the frame and tie with the thread you use for the body.
    5. Take another turn crosswise on the chest and attach the thread with glue to Volt's back.
    6. Now you can give the doll a personality - eyes, nose, mouth, ears - whatever you see fit for yourself.
    7. Then you need to perform a ritual consecration and naming.

    Doll made from salt dough or plasticine

    You can replace wax with salt dough or plasticine. In this case, you can make a Voodoo doll in a manner similar to that described above. To prepare salt dough, which has the consistency of plasticine, you can use the following recipe:

    • A glass of salt;
    • A glass of flour;
    • 100 g of water;
    • A spoonful of vegetable oil.

    Paper doll and photo

    In order to make a Voodoo doll, you can also use paper and a photo of a person.

    It is believed that the presence of a picture in the rite can significantly enhance its impact.

    1. For this, a frame in the form of a human skeleton is preliminarily made.
    2. After that, you should prepare a paste from glue, flour and water, adding human particles to it.
    3. It is necessary to dip strips of newspapers in it and wind them around the frame, thus forming a human figure.
    4. In the area of ​​​​the face at the final stage, you will need to glue the existing photograph of the person.

    Doll made of cloth and thread

    You can also make a Voodoo doll out of fabric. It is allowed to use the method described above, using fabric scraps instead of newspapers.

    It is very good if you can get a person's clothes so that he does not notice it.

    But besides this, you can make this attribute by sewing. In this case, the doll is stuffed with cotton wool mixed with human particles.

    It’s not enough just to make a magical attribute, you also need to understand how to control it. First of all, you need to fully concentrate on your desires. Below are collected and given the most common rituals with a Voodoo doll.

    Voodoo doll for love

    If you want to make a person fall in love with you, then you need to make a Voodoo doll out of fabric.

    It is made of good fabric, be sure to use red threads (symbolize love). If it is necessary that, in addition to love, the chosen one become a successful person and bring a lot of money into the house, add yellow threads.

    Before starting the ritual, lay out all the materials so that you can count them and see them, then cast the spell:

    "These are all parts of the body of (person's name)."

    Now we begin to collect the doll and represent our chosen one, you can even fantasize your meetings, wedding and relationships. When making, do not use needles or other sharp objects. (everything sharp will harm the chosen one, and while you make the doll, he will not only get sick or be injured, but also die). Already at the very end, you need to draw or attach a heart with the words:

    "For the love of me."

    Attaching the organs of the lower body (genitals) say:

    "For relationships, marriage and having children."

    Now your volt is ready and is the embodiment of your chosen one. Carry it everywhere with you and one day they will fall head over heels in love with you.

    Doll in red clothes

    Sprinkle a doll in red tones with cinnamon and say:

    “Let the cinnamon in my hand become the fire in the heart (man or woman) that I seek. May he (she) not find peace until he is with me.

    You need to repeat this spell three Fridays in a row.

    Voodoo conspiracy to return a loved one

    This spell is aimed at returning a loved one if they had a fight or parted. For him you will need:

    • Voodoo Doll,
    • paper,
    • subduing oil made from (bergamot oil, rose oil, frankincense),
    • cinnamon,
    • a piece of red silk.


    1. The ritual is performed at night.
    2. Make a doll in red clothes.
    3. The name of a loved one is written on a piece of paper and attached to the doll.
    4. Lubricate with subordinating oil, sprinkle with powder.
    5. They speak words.
    6. Repeat everything done for two more nights.
    7. On the third night, wrap the product in silk and hide in a dark place.

    Voodoo magic scares many people because it has powerful power. It all depends on the intentions of the person. As in any other magic, it has a black and white beginning.

    voodoo ritual for money

    To make a doll giving money, it should be dressed in green clothes and pierced with green needles during rituals. The color symbolizes wealth. To make a money volt, you need to stock up:

    • two strong sticks
    • threads or cords
    • glue,
    • fabric cuts,
    • soft material to fill the body,
    • buttons.

    The sticks must be folded in a cross and wrapped with several layers of fabrics with a predominance of green. There should be enough material to make a magnificent figure. The more winding is on one part, the easier it will be to connect it with the rest of the parts.

    When making a doll, say the words:

    “I made you to help you get rich. May money come to my house, may prosperity come with it.

    If you have high hopes for acquiring wealth on a volt, decorate it with beads, gold ribbons, beads and other items that convey wealth. Don't forget to make the doll look like you. And to keep it for a sufficient number of years, make it from clean and dry materials that will not become moldy.

    Ritual for weight loss

    Magic can even be used to improve appearance. By making yourself a puppet double, you can protect yourself from excess weight.

    The rite must be done exclusively on the waning moon late at night. For a ritual for weight loss, the volt must be made of wax or plasticine.

    1. For the ritual, 2 light candles are lit.
    2. They take the puppet in their hands and begin to gradually pinch off the wax from it in those places where its mistress has excess weight.
    3. The process should be accompanied by the words: “I pinch the sides - I expel fat. I clean the fat - I kill gluttony. Small food is for the benefit of the womb. Repeat the spell at least 5 times.

    After completing the ritual, hide the doll in a safe place. It is important to remember that outsiders do not find it. Any inaccurate actions with the volt can end badly for his double.

    Voodoo for death

    A special Voodoo doll is made of wax, it is easy to sculpt and you can easily add bits of the victim to it. Most importantly, don't forget to give the volt a name and represent your enemy during crafting. In the process of sculpting, say the words:

    "I will hurt you, I will get joy, I will give my soul to demons (name)."

    For the ritual you will need:

    • Needles (7 pieces);
    • Black candles (3 pieces);
    • A small bonfire made from twigs.

    Volta must be heated over the fire, and the needles over the candles, after inserting the heated needle into the doll.

    1. If you want a fatal outcome for your victim, then stick an odd number of needles in the head and chest.
    2. If you just want to take revenge on the enemy, then the needles are stuck an even number of times in the arms, legs and stomach.

    To enhance the effect of the volt, they bury the funeral, and after a couple of days they arrange a commemoration. Sometimes they put a candle in the church for the repose of his soul. Gradually, the volt will drag its double into the ground.

    Despite the fact that it is much easier to conjure death with the help of a volt than to perform other rites, in terms of its strength, this is the most terrible and powerful ritual. It is better never to carry it out, since evil can return to the one who sent it.

    When resorting to any magic, it must be remembered that the rituals for creation are carried out on the growing moon, and for deliverance - on the waning one.

    Voodoo doll as a charm for yourself

    A voodoo doll can work as a talisman against misfortune and evil spirits. There is nothing difficult in this, to make it with your own hands from any improvised materials, at the moment when you do it all the time, think about the good, charging the future amulet with your energy. After finishing, scratch her back several times, as if pleasing her, so that in the future she wants to help you.

    After the doll has fulfilled its purpose, it must be destroyed. But after the completion of the ceremony, you can’t just throw out a volt. The figurine is a link with a person, if it is buried or burned, the spirits will take the prototype in the same way. To do this, first they relieve her of her name, and then they burn or bury her.

    Disarm Ritual

    In order to release the spirit that helped the magician and conduct the rite of “decoupling” from the person, the doll should be sprinkled with holy water or washed with clean spring water and say the words of the conspiracy:

    “I clean the doll with water, I deprive it of this name. She no longer has power over (name)!


    I cleanse you with holy water, I deprive you of this name. You no longer have power over (pronounce name)! Exactly".

    But this is not the end of the ceremony.

    Then the figurine of the volt should be burned or buried. During this, you need to think about the good, and that this doll will no longer harm the chosen person.

    The reverse effect of voodoo magic

    1. Do not forget that any magic can be black and white. If you decide to conduct the ceremony at home, be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay for the consequences. In magic, there is such a thing as "backstroke", that is, any action leads to a response.
    2. If a person is not sure of the correctness of his actions or he is tormented by remorse after the perfect, there is a high probability that the dark forces will punish him.
    3. An inexperienced magician can receive a strong energy blow, which will lead to illness or even death. In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use protective amulets and rituals.
    4. will negatively affect not only your life, but also those close to you.

      The consequences of such ineptly performed rituals are very difficult to remove, and there are times when it is impossible. Any magical rites are not something that can be taken lightly, and if they are associated with spirits, their use becomes dangerous.

      How to protect yourself and remove a love spell from Voodoo

      The need to remove the love spell may arise, both for the relatives of the victim, and for himself. The one who performed the ceremony may also want to set the slave free. It is possible that the victim has ceased to be as attractive to his master as he was before. For example, a rich man went bankrupt and stopped supplying money to the woman who bewitched him.

      It is very difficult to remove a love spell, because it is done for life. Only a strong master who is well acquainted with the cult and its rituals can carry out this quickly and effectively. But you can always try to get rid of the induced spells yourself.

      Protective Ritual

      It is very difficult sometimes to deflect evil spells from oneself. It often happens that a beginner, having got a little confused, brought trouble instead of happiness.

      In this case, it is necessary:

    • 2 eggs from a black hen, they should be laid no more than a week ago;
    • take a large needle and, piercing the eggs one by one, say:

    After that, it is best to kill the chicken, but in no case eat it.

    Consequences of using voodoo rituals

    Expert opinion

    Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


    If a person decides on a love spell, he takes on an incomparable responsibility, because his well-being and the well-being of the object of his spell are at stake. We must not forget that the chrysalis is a direct double of the one who is the goal of the ritual. A correctly created volt can not only cast a love spell, but also kill.

    There is nothing more terrible for a voodoo doll than how to make problems with your own hands that will arise if it becomes available to small children. They can inadvertently harm the bewitched in their games. Volt can be stolen, reprimanded and buried. It will take quite a bit of time and the bewitched will meet his death.

    That is why you should always remember the important nuances:

    1. Handling the doll must be very careful, because she is able to hurt her chosen one or a child, so it is necessary to securely hide her from prying eyes in a hard-to-reach place.
    2. There is a probability the fact that as a result of a neglectful attitude towards spirits, not only the caster himself will suffer, but also those who were connected with him by blood or spiritual ties, that is, relatives and friends. Most often, the punishment of otherworldly forces will be the deprivation of a loved one, whom the magician cherishes most in the world.
    3. Unintended Consequences carry even the slightest errors in spell casting. It is not uncommon for a caster who distorted the meaning of the words of a spell, after some time, was found dead directly at the site of the rite.

    To avoid this, you will have to carefully prepare for each stage of the ceremony and adhere to the sequence of manipulations. Texts are best memorized in advance and constantly repeat them. Reading from a paper sheet is not welcome.