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  • Beautiful Kazakh names for boys. Beautiful and modern Kazakh names for boys

    Beautiful Kazakh names for boys. Beautiful and modern Kazakh names for boys

    Kazakh modern names are very diverse and include both native Kazakh and borrowed names.

    Most of the Kazakh names are of Arabic, Turkic and Persian origin. There are Mugnol names.

    Borrowed names in the Kazakh language have undergone significant phonetic changes and differ significantly from the original names.

    Kazakh names by structure are simple, complex and complex.

    Many Kazakh names are formed from the names of plants, animals, birds, food products and other words associated with the culture and religion of the people.

    Male Kazakh names often associated with qualities such as courage, intelligence, strength, courage.

    Female Kazakh names are often associated with beauty, tenderness and grace.

    Kazakh names for boys and their meaning

    Asmet - noble, humane

    Amanzholgood road

    Abay - observant, prudent

    Abzal - respected, highly respected

    Abyz - keeper, protector

    Agzam - almighty, great

    Adil - honest, fair

    Azamat - a real horseman

    Azat - free, independent

    Aydar - strong, mighty

    Aydos - friend of the moon

    Aytugan - born on the new moon

    Akylbay - rich in mind

    Aldiyar - noble

    Altynbek - golden rich man

    Aman - healthy, unharmed

    Amir - lord, lord

    Anwar - ray of sun

    Anuar - bright, hardworking, reliable

    Arcat - the chosen one, led by the will of the gods

    Arman - dream

    Arnur - conscientious, radiant

    Arystan - lion, brave

    Asan (Khasen) - beautiful

    Askar - greatness

    Askat - happy

    Atabay - noble, prosperous

    Atabek - teacher, educator

    Atymtai - generous

    Ahan - iron

    Ahat - the only one

    Akhmet - worthy of praise

    Ahram - the most generous

    Ayan - widely known

    Baisal - calm, reasonable

    Bakir - researcher

    Baktiyar - happy, desired

    Barlas - hero, brave

    Battal - bold, daring, hot

    Bakhyt - happiness

    Bayazit - superior to all

    Bayat - white

    Beimbet - ruler

    Bekzat - descendant of the ruler

    Berik - strong

    Birzhan - the only one

    Bokey - hero, strong man

    Boshai - independent, free

    Burkan - proof, reason

    Gabit - minister

    Dandai - great, huge

    Danial - God's gift

    Daniyar - close friend

    Diyar - country, region

    Duman - cheerful, happy

    Edige - good, noble

    Eleu - prominent, well-known, respected

    Yerasyl - the most expensive hero

    Erbolat - a real man

    Erden - dear hero

    Yerdos - a responsible friend

    Yerzhan - brave, brave

    Ermek - funny

    Ersayin - notable hero

    Yessen - happy, healthy

    Eskali - smart, sane

    Zhagypar - spring, stream

    Zhadiger - inheritance

    Jacquia - long-liver

    Zhambyl - fortress

    Jamshid - radiant

    Zhanabil - father's soul

    Zhanazar - everyone likes

    Zhanbolat - steel soul

    Zhangali - brave

    Zhangir - patron of the world

    Zhandos - friendly

    Gentoir - beautiful soul

    Zharas - useful

    Zharylkasyn - God gave

    Zholan - lucky

    Zholgay - bringing happiness, good luck

    Zholdas - reliable companion

    Zhuman - gem

    Zhunis - dove

    Zayyr - explicit

    Zaki - shrewd

    Ziyatbek - numerous

    Iliyas - strong, powerful

    Kadyr - powerful

    Kazhym - dear, venerable

    Kaztugan - born a judge

    Kairat - strength, energy

    Kaisar - persistent, strong-willed

    Kayym - immortal

    Kayyrgali - kind

    Kambar - great strength

    Karasai - strong giant

    Karim - generous, generous

    Karmys - from the common people

    Kasiman - having pure faith

    Kaharman - a powerful hero

    Kobzhan - large, huge

    Magzum - kept by God

    Mazhit - glorious, praiseworthy

    Malik - king, lord

    Mamazhan - support of parents

    Manap - ruler

    Manar, Minarbek - lighthouse

    Mansour - winning

    Mardan - courageous, brave

    Markhabat - merciful, kind

    Maulen - beneficent ruler

    Makhambet - praised, worthy

    Medet, Medetbek, Medetbay - help, support

    Miras - heritage, heir

    Moncke - silver, money

    Muzaffar - victorious

    Murat - goal, ideal

    Musa - the name of the prophet, literally - pulled out of the water

    Mustafa - chosen, chosen

    Muhit - ocean

    Mukhtar - the chosen one

    Nabis - messenger of the almighty

    Nadir - rare, chosen

    Nazarbay - attracting people's attention

    Nakyp - leader

    Nariman - fire warrior

    Nurlybek - shining, emitting light

    Nursultan - emitting light sultan

    Nygmet - prosperity, happiness

    Lobster - vital

    Ongar - adjusting, correcting

    Oraz - wealth, luck, happiness

    Oral, Oralbai, Oralbek - a name derived from the name of the Ural River

    Raiymbek - merciful, kind bek

    Rais - chairman

    Rakym - merciful

    Rauan - sincere

    Rahman - gracious

    Rashit - prudent, brave

    Rustem - brave, strong, mighty

    Sabaz - a brave man, a daring horseman

    Sabit - persistent, unshakable, faithful

    Sagit - lucky, prosperous

    Saimasai - very similar to his parents, worthy of his parents

    Saiyn - the best

    Samat - eternal, permanent

    Sanzhar - piercing

    Sauryk - young stallion

    Safuan - granite stone

    Sahi - generous, good-natured

    Seyfolla - sharper than a sword

    Serali - bold as a lion

    Sugir - bringing the message

    Suyinbai - rich in joys

    Suleimen - peaceful, protected

    Sultan - Supreme ruler

    Tagay - maternal relative

    Taimas - stubborn, stubborn, not deviating from the goal

    Tayyr - high flying

    Talip - seeker of knowledge

    Talmas - not tired

    Targyn - angry, formidable

    Tauman - huge, grief-like

    Telzhan - feeding from two mothers

    Temirtas - strong as iron and stone

    Temirkhan - iron Man

    Wyys - strong, energetic

    Huacap - generous, noble

    Wali - ruler

    Ulan - daring

    Umbet - useful to society

    Hamza - medicinal plant

    Hamit - harmless

    Hafiz - keeper, overseer

    Shadi - joyful, cheerful

    Shakarim - minister

    Sharip - respected, glorious

    Shashubai - generous, good-natured

    Sherkhan - brave as a lion

    Ybyray - father of nations

    Ydyras - diligent

    Yksan - graceful, bright

    Yskak - laughing

    Beautiful Kazakh names for boys

    Below you can see beautiful names for boys, they are euphonic, versatile and many of them have good energy with pronounced masculine qualities:

    Azamat is a real horseman

    Azat - translated from Persian - "free man"

    Aydar - strong, mighty, famous

    Altai is a golden mountain, the name of the Altai mountains (Mongol.)

    Aman - (buy, bey) healthy, unharmed

    Amir - master, master

    Anwar - translated from Arabic - "ray of the sun"

    Anuar is bright, hardworking and reliable

    Arkat - the chosen one, led by the will of the Gods

    Arlan - fierce, brave

    Arman is a dream

    Arnur - a ray of honor - conscientious and radiant

    Askar - greatness

    Askat - translated from Arabic "Happy of the happiest"

    Ahan - iron (Iran.)

    Ahat is the only one

    Akhmet - worthy of praise (Arabic)

    Bakir - researcher (Arabic)

    Baktiar - happy, desired (Iran.)

    Bayazit - superior to all (Arabic)

    Bayan - infinitely happy (other Turkic)

    Bayat - whiteness, white (Arabic)

    Birzhan is lonely, the only one

    Daniyar - close, familiar (Arabic)

    Diyar - country, region, region (Arabic)

    Yerzhan - brave, brave

    Jean is the soul

    Zhangir is the patron saint of the world (Iran.)

    Zharas - fit, be fit

    Zholan - lucky

    Kadyr - powerful, honorable (Arabic)

    Kairat - strength, energy (Arabic)

    Kaisar - persistent, strong-willed

    Mazhit - Glorious, Commendable (Arabic)

    Mansour - conquering (Arabic)

    Markhabat - mercy, kindness (Arabic)

    Murat - goal, desire, ideal

    Nabi - the messenger of the almighty (Arabic)

    Nadir - rare, chosen (Arabic)

    Nariman - translated from other Iranian means - "Fiery Warrior"

    Noyan - head of tumen, prince (Mongolian)

    Nursultan - the shining sultan (Arabic)

    Omar - living, vital (Arabic)

    Rahman - the gracious (Arabic)

    Rustem - brave, strong, mighty (Iran.)

    Sabit - steadfast, unshakable, faithful (Arabic)

    Samat - eternal, permanent (Arabic)

    Sanzhar - piercing (other Turkic)

    Sultan - supreme ruler

    Tagay - maternal relative (Arabic)

    Tayyr - flying high (Arabic)


    Ulan is a dandy, well done

    Umbet - Society (Arabic)

    Hamit - harmless (Arabic)

    Hafiz - guardian, overseer (Arabic)

    Sherkhan - brave as a lion

    Kazakh names for girls and their meaning

    Adiya - gift, reward

    Azhar - beautiful, sweet

    Aybala - beautiful as the moon

    Aybarsha - beautiful as a golden-woven moon

    Aybike - moonlike beauty

    Aigansha - moonlike princess

    Aigul - moonflower

    Aydana - chaste

    Ayzhamal - beautiful as the moon

    Aizhan - moon soul

    Aizada - moonlike

    Isia - Moonlight

    Ayman - famous, glorious

    Ainagul - sincere, devoted

    Ainur - moon-faced

    Aisulu - moon beauty

    Aisha - life-loving

    Akmaral - white doe

    Aliya - divine, majestic

    Alma - an Apple

    Altyngul - golden flower

    Alua - oriental sweetness

    Alfia - long-liver

    Amina - noble, faithful

    Anar - Garnet

    Anargul - pomegranate flower

    Asel - honey

    Asima - protector, patroness

    Asia - kind, noble

    Bagila - constant, faithful

    Badiguljamal - incomparable beauty

    Bazarayym - radiant

    Bakizat - pure origin

    Balzhan - sweet as honey

    Balsheker - sweet like honey and sugar

    Banu - lady

    Bates - white

    Bibigul - mistress of flowers

    Bibinur - light-faced mistress

    Bimarzhan - dancing pearl

    Birzhan - a soul for a husband

    Gaziza - honey, dear

    Gainy - the most noticeable

    Gaukhar - diamond

    Gafura - forgiving

    Gulayim - moonflower

    Gulbakhram - spring Flower

    Gulzhakhan - flower of peace

    Gulzara - beautiful as gold

    Gulzifa - beautiful as a flower

    Gulshara - beautiful

    Gulshat - flower of joy

    Damel - encouraging

    Danara - talisman

    Danesh - knowledgeable, scientist

    Dilara - sweetheart

    Dilda - pure gold

    Dinara - silver coin

    Yerkezhan - gentle, affectionate

    Zhazira - broad nature, like the steppe

    Zhaina - decoration

    Zhamal - beautiful, attractive

    Zhamiga - unifying

    Zhanar - dear

    Zhania - sweet soul

    Zhansaya - be a support, protection

    Zhibek - silk

    Zhuldyz - star

    Zhupar - fragrant

    Zamzagul - an abundance of flowers

    Zauresh - morning Star

    Zeyne - beautiful, decorated

    Zeynep, Zeynap - full, well-fed

    Zere - gold

    Ziba - smart, beautiful

    Ziyagul - shining like a flower

    Ziyada - excellent

    Zubaydah - the chosen one, the best

    Zulfiya - curly

    Zumrat - emerald

    Kalamkas - black-browed, thin-browed

    Kalima - noble, peaceful

    Kamaliya - perfect

    Kamaria - beautiful moon

    Kanipa - sincere

    Karlygash - swallow

    Kuanysh - happiness

    Kuhnke - sweetheart

    Kunsulu - solar

    Leila - night

    Madina - city, city of Medina, near Mecca

    Maksat - target

    Malika - a princess

    Meiram - celebration

    Rabiga - affectionate, careless

    Raziya - favorite

    Rakima - merciful, kind

    Rakia - attractive

    Raushan - prominent, light

    Rahat - pleasure

    Ruhia - good mood

    Sabira - hardy, calm, patient

    Saida - venerable, dear

    Sakyp - companion

    Saltanat - shine, splendor

    Sania - second child

    Sulushash - black-haired

    Togzhan - happy with life, wealthy

    Torgyn - precious silk

    Uazipa - clean, beautiful

    Wasila - assistant, support

    Fariza - duty, duty

    Fatima - weaned

    Firuza - radiant

    Shamsia - solar

    Sharipa - blagorokazakh female names and their meaning

    Sholpan - morning Star

    Beautiful Kazakh names for girls

    Below you can see beautiful names for girls, they are euphonic, and some of them have good energy with pronounced feminine qualities:

    Aida - helpful, reward

    Azhar - sweet, pretty, beautiful

    Aybala - beautiful as the moon

    Aydana - chaste

    Alfia is a long-liver

    Aigul - moon flower

    Aibike is a moon-like beauty

    Aru - beautiful

    Aklima - bright mind

    Adiya - gift, reward, gift

    Alma is an apple

    Amina - faithful, noble

    Aizhan - the soul of the moon

    Banu - mistress, mistress

    Birzhan - soul husband

    Balzhan - honey

    Gaukhar - diamond

    Gaini is the most visible

    Dilara - sweetheart

    Dana - chaste, knowing

    Dara - standout, special

    Dinara - a coin of silver

    Daria - the great river

    Danara - talisman

    Erkezhan - affectionate, gentle

    Zhazira - wide by nature

    Zhania - dear

    Zhanar - dear

    Zhaina - to be a decoration, to shine

    Zarina - gold-colored

    Zubayda is the best, chosen one

    Zeyne - decorated, beautiful

    Zere - golden

    Zara - golden

    Zumrat - emerald

    Leila - night

    Meiram - a holiday

    Maksat - aspiration, goal

    Madina - city

    Malika - queen, princess

    Raushan - bright, prominent

    Rahat - pleasure

    Sarah - noble, noble

    Saida - respected, respectable

    Sania is the youngest child

    Sabira - calm, patient, hardy

    Togzhan - wealthy, content with life

    Fatima - Weaned

    Fariza - duty, vow, duty

    Sholpan - an early star

    Shamsia - solar

    If you have already decided on a name, then you can order us diagnostics of any name ...

    Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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    The only area of \u200b\u200bour work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

    Sometimes people write to us that on some websites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. Throughout our life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

    People who write slander about us are guided by the lowest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when defamation pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they seriously worsen their karma, worsen their fate and the fate of their loved ones. Talking to such people about conscience, about faith in God is pointless. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

    There are a lot of swindlers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies have not yet coped with the increasing influx of "Cheating for the profit" madness.

    So please be careful!

    Best regards - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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    In the modern world, there are more than 10 thousand Kazakh names, and they all have their own origin, the origins from which they spread. The lion's share of male and female Kazakh names has Muslim roots. They began with the Turkic, Arabic, Persian, Mongolian dialects. But there are also Kazakh names for girls and boys that have come into use from the Russian language. For Kazakhs, naming a child is not only an important process, it is also a certain ritual. For a long time they have been sure that female and male Kazakh names are not only a name, but also prophesy the further fate of its bearer. Therefore, they tried to include in the name positive character traits, virtue, beauty, responsibility, courage, etc. This is how they wanted to see their boys and girls in the future.

    Kazakh ritual dedicated to choosing a name

    A long-standing ritual, preserved in modern times, was carried out by the elders of the clan on the fortieth day after the birth of the baby. At first, a blessed prayer was performed, the result of which was male or female Kazakh names received from the Almighty, depending on which gender the child was to be called. Then the advice was carried out taking into account all opinions, after which they agreed on one of the proposed names.

    The title chosen was included in the prayer the elder recited. Everything happened according to this scheme, the reader had to bend over to the baby in the process of prayer and say his future name to the newborn in the ear. Thus, Kazakh names for boys and girls with a semantic history were put into the ears of children, and they, in turn, had to subconsciously catch them and correspond in the subsequent name, which was predetermined by his family and destiny.

    What are the Kazakhs guided by when choosing

    Choosing female Kazakh names, parents want to reward their girl with such virtues as beauty, chastity, kindness, etc. So, for example, Bagila should always be faithful, Badiga - a beautiful written beauty, Gaukhar - a diamond, Dara - special, etc. Often calling girls, Kazakhs compare them with something, Balganim is pleasant, sweet as honey, Balgul is a melliferous flower, Gulbarshyn is like a beautiful flower, Daria is big river, Dilda - gold, etc.

    Choosing male Kazakh names, parents try to instill in their baby responsibility, courage, aspiration, will, courage and many other strong qualities.

    Named Gabbas should become strict and stern, Dildar - brave, courageous, caring, compassionate. If the parents want their boy to become a religious person or devote himself to the service, they call him accordingly (Gabiden is a minister of religion, Gabidullah is a servant of Allah, Zainiddin is a perfect religion, Magzum is kept by God, etc.).

    They call Kazakh boys and compare them with animals (lion, wolf, falcon) or with natural phenomena (month, dawn, hurricane). Kyran means a golden eagle, Diaz - the sun, etc. And also, predicting a certain appearance for them. Diasyl - sun-like, sublime, Didar - beautiful outwardly, Kurmet - respected, revered, etc. Parents who want to stand out from the general mass of names used also call their children rare female and male Kazakh names (Assine, Aryan, Ayup, Abrar, Alibi, Andir, Bekarys, Bifatima, Batyrsagyz, Batyrlan, Danat, Dimnura, Yesenia, Edyge, Yerzhebet, Zauzamira, Kamarsulu and others).

    If there is a famous or revered person in the family, the child can be named after her example. It is believed that the combination of all positive characteristics will pass from the ancestor to the new bearer of his name.

    A child can be named by correlating the period of his birth with a specific date or a natural phenomenon that was on the baby's birthday. For example, a bright moonlit night can cause an unforgettable association, and the parents will name the girl according to this principle, and the big holiday will indicate the name of the baby, etc.

    When choosing a name for their child, Kazakh parents are based not only on its designation, they take into account several more factors. The combination with the surname, patronymic, as well as its very sound. If one of the parents is from another country, the pronunciation of the name in the foreign language is taken into account. It shouldn't sound strange or mean an indecent word. Therefore, when choosing Kazakh names for girls and boys, parents think over all the pros and cons and only then stop at the final version.

    Designation of Kazakh names

    Kazakh names for boys and girls have their own designation, which can be either direct translation or indirect speech. For many centuries, names have been archived, some are outdated and used little, but there are many modern ones that replace outdated analogs. There are names that are formed from two roots of different words, they produce difficulty in pronunciation and perception. Other names are wishes for children, they can have a one-word and wordy meaning. There are also names with a lost meaning, as well as dissonant names, they tried to ward off the evil eye from the child.

    The deep respect of Kazakhs for their customs and culture had a significant impact on the local traditions of the naming convention. Most modern Kazakh names for boys are no different from those that were popular tens and hundreds of years ago. Parents still name their children in honor of their prominent relatives and folk heroes. By tradition, the grandfather should name the newborn boy. He is the most worthy and noble name for the boy. The naming process itself is treated with great responsibility. Like many other peoples, Kazakhs are sure that naming a child in one way or another affects his character and fate. In view of this, they are trying to find such popular Kazakh names for boys for their sons and grandchildren, the meaning of which is associated with the best human traits.

    The meaning of modern Kazakh names for boys

    When choosing beautiful Kazakh names for boys, the key influence is given to their interpretation. A man should be the protector of his kind. In view of this, it is customary to call boys names, the meaning of which is associated with strength, courage, nobility, diligence and other virtues. In some cases, according to the time of their birth. For example, a child born on a full moon is given the modern male Kazakh name Aitugan, the meaning of which corresponds to the phrase “born under the moon”. If the replenishment in the family happened during the post-oraza, the baby can be called Orakbez. Those who were born on Friday are named Zhumabay, those born during the Easter period - Aytkul, etc.

    Many modern Kazakh names for boys have Muslim roots. They are very popular with religious families. In addition, names denoting various animals, natural phenomena, heavenly bodies, as well as those that contain various kinds of wishes and spells, are widespread.

    List of modern Kazakh names for boys

    1. Aydos. From Kazakh "moon friend"
    2. Alikhan. Interpreted as "divine ruler" or "tribal leader"
    3. Anuar. Kazakh boy's name meaning \u003d "hardworking"
    4. Asan. Arabic name meaning "handsome" / "young"
    5. Bakhytzhan. Interpreted as "happy soul"
    6. Darmen. Kazakh name of a boy meaning "strength"
    7. Yerzhan. Translated into Russian means "brave"
    8. Kairat. From Arabic "energy" / "power"
    9. Rope. Kazakh name of the boy which means \u003d "wing"
    10. Karim. From the Arabic "magnanimous"
    11. Miras. Translated into Russian means "heir"
    12. Nurasyl. Kazakh name of the boy meaning "light and precious"
    13. Sanzhar. Translated into Russian means "emperor"
    14. Sunkar. From the Kazakh "falcon"

    There is a belief that the name determines the fate of a person. That is why parents are afraid to make a mistake with the choice, they think for a long time how to name the child. To make things easier, use this help article. Here you will find new Kazakh names for boys - meaningful and modern.

    Kazakh names of boys from A to M

    The man is the support of the parents, the head of the family. Therefore, the birth of a son is a significant event. Parents treat the choice of how to name the child carefully, trying to emphasize the meaning of the name.

    Kazakh names of boys from H to Z

    To keep the boy healthy, name him Narbay.

    Narkesbecome courageous Nurzerek - gifted, Nursultan - happy.

    Think about a beautiful name Nurlai - it means 'bright moon'.

    • Interested in names that start with the letter "O"?

    You might like the name Ozhet - the boy will grow up persistent and will certainly achieve his goal.

    Oils will be smart Olzhas- decisive, Oraz - happy.

    • If you dream about your son being courageous, name him Rustem, Rahman or Rakym.

    Also, the following Kazakh names of boys on the "P" gained popularity: Rysbek('happy'), Ramiz ('symbol'), Rasul ('representative').

    • Modern names in "C" are represented by a large list.

    The most popular ones are Sagin- ‘long awaited’, Saimasai - ‘similar to parents’, Sarybai - ‘gold’, Sauran- 'present', Senim- 'Vera'.

    • Attract names with the letter "T"?

    Then pay attention to such male Kazakh names: Tabar - ‘opener’, Taimas - ‘stubborn’, Tasemen - ‘large’, Temirbek- ‘strong’, Tursyn - ‘tenacious’.

    • As for the letter "U", then the parents have a choice.

    Baby by name Uzak will be a long-liver, Ulas - the successor of the family, Ulgibay - an example for everyone.

    If you name your son Utebaythen he will be rich. Wali will become a ruler.

    • Names with "X" are a rarity among modern Kazakhs.

    You can find names Hamza(‘Medicinal herb’) Hafiz (‘Sacred guardian’) Hamit - (‘calm’).

    • Kazakh boys' names with "Ш" are not very popular.

    But for those who want the child to be respected, the name is reserved Sharip.

    • Dreaming of a humor boy? Name it Yskak.

    Will be diligent Ydyras, and bright and popular - Yksan.

    You learned what modern beautiful names parents choose for their sons. Take your time with the choice - weigh the pros and cons.

    If the right name does not come to mind, ask the child for help - perhaps he will give some kind of sign.