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  • What unusual and beautiful names are suitable for a girl born in April. Name days in April for boys and girls according to the church calendar Name of the child at baptism

    What unusual and beautiful names are suitable for a girl born in April. Name days in April for boys and girls according to the church calendar Name of the child at baptism

    Martyrs Memorial Day in Tunisia

    On April 9, Tunisia celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs, timed to coincide with the bloody events that occurred on that day in 1938. The holiday is officially established by the authorities and is considered a day off. On April 9, 1938, during a bloody demonstration, thousands of Tunisians sacrificed themselves for the good of their homeland in order to defend their country from colonial France and gain independence. On March 20, 1956, Tunisia was recognized as a sovereign state. On special days, such as the Day of Remembrance of Martyrs, Tunisians consider it their sacred duty to honor the people who defended the honor of their native state and gave future children independence with a minute of silence.

    April 9 Day of Air Defense Forces (Day of Air Defense Forces) of Russia

    According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", the Air Defense Forces Day (Day of Air Defense Forces) is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of April.

    The establishment of the date of the holiday is due to the fact that in April the most important government decisions on the organization of the country's air defense were adopted, which became the basis for building the air defense system of our state, the organizational structure of the air defense forces, their formation and further development. The history of air defense, as a special type of armed support in the defense of the state, goes back several decades. In December 1914, the first units, equipped with machine guns and light cannons, appeared to fight against German and Austrian airplanes.

    April 9 in the folk calendar

    Matron Nastovitsa, Matron Semirepitsa

    On April 9, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of St. Matrona Thessalonica. The saint lived at the turn of 3-4 centuries in Thessaloniki and was a Jewish slave.

    Mistress Matrona - Pavtila - in every possible way forced the slave to renounce her faith in Christ, but the saint did not want to give up Orthodoxy and secretly visited the temple from the mistress. Having found out about this, Pavtila ordered to beat Matrona with truncheons, and then left to die in a dark and cold room. The body of the martyr was thrown from the city wall by order of the Jewess. However, Pavtila was no longer destined to live. The lend says that she, having stumbled, flew after Matrona and crashed to death.

    In Russia, Saint Matrona was given two nicknames: Nastovitsa and Polurepitsa. The first is associated with the onset of the spring thaw, and, as a consequence, the surface of the remaining snow drifts was covered with a solid crust. And the second nickname Matrona received, because she was considered the patroness of the economy. On this day, as a rule, the saint was asked to give people a good harvest of turnip, since turnip was one of the main ingredients on the peasant table. People looked at Matrona at the feathered brothers. If the birds scream and frolic in the evening, then the weather will be clear the next day. But if they fly above the ground itself, the next week will be dry.

    April 9 The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem for Western Christians (Palm Sunday)

    The Feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem (also often called Palm or Palm Sunday) is celebrated a week before Easter, on the sixth Sunday of Great Lent. The Jewish people, under the rule of the Roman Empire, expected the Messiah as a political liberator, and it seemed to many that the Miracle Worker, capable of resurrecting the dead and feeding five thousand people with a few loaves, was the one who would lead the Jews to political freedom. Therefore, Jesus was greeted as king - with palm branches. Of those who were then on the streets of Jerusalem, only Christ alone knew what his Mission really was: that instead of the earthly kingdom, He brings the kingdom of heaven to man, instead of deliverance from earthly slavery, He frees man from the slavery of much worse - from the bondage of sin. He Odin knew that the path now dotted with palm branches leads to execution on the cross.

    Historical events on April 9

    In the entire history of the reign of Peter I, he published more than three thousand various documents. A number of his reforms were aimed at improving the quality of life of people and the improvement of cities. Considering the fact that the sanitary condition of Moscow at that time was very deplorable, literally on all the streets of the city dirt and debris ruled, the emperor issued a decree on the observance of cleanliness in the capital. The document obliged all residents of Moscow to maintain cleanliness in the city, to monitor residential areas, streets, bridges and lanes. Throwing out any garbage on the streets was punishable by law. A large fine was imposed on such people, and those who continued to pollute the capital were beaten with rods. The emperor watched the work of the janitors especially carefully. Also under Peter the Great, they began to install sewers and waste bins in cities. And Muscovites, fearing the imperial wrath, began to litter much less.

    In 1966, the Vatican officially announced the abolition of the so-called Index of Forbidden Books, which included obsolete and obsolete editions of early theologians, philosophers, scientists and other works of writers that did not correspond, in the opinion of church leaders, to the truth. The first edition of the Index came in 1559 by order of Pope Paul IV. And its last reprint took place in 1948. It consisted of four thousand titles of various scriptures. Among the prohibited were authors such as Spinoza, Giordano Bruno, Georges Sand, Balzac, Descartes, Emile Zola, Dani Diderot and many others.

    April 9, 1989 - American D. Engelbart received a cash prize of half a million dollars for the invention of a computer mouse

    The invention itself was "born" a little earlier in 1964. The first computer mouse was a small wooden box that was moved around the tabletop using built-in wheels. When Engelbart was later asked why he gave his invention such an unusual name, the American replied that the folded structure was very much associated with a mouse. So this name and took root for a computer mouse. In addition, Engelbart admitted that he was not the only creator of the "box", he only gave the idea and developed the concept, and the device itself was designed by Bill English.

    The team was later joined by Jeff Roelifson, who was able to significantly improve the design of the mouse and develop special software for it. Thus, three people participated in the project of developing a computer mouse. Currently, one of the American universities stores unique information documented on film, where Engelbart demonstrates his invention and shows its amazing possibilities for that time.

    April 9 were born

    Lev Kopelev (born in 1912) is a well-known human rights activist, philologist-Germanist. Kopelev argued that the main condition responsible for the preservation of life on the planet is tolerance. Since childhood, he spoke three languages \u200b\u200b- Russian, German and Ukrainian, and was a demanded translator at the front. In the spring of 1945 he was presented to the order Patriotic War first degree, but a month later he was arrested and sentenced to ten years in camps.

    Ernst Unknown (born in 1925) - an outstanding sculptor and graphic artist, author of such famous compositions as "For the Miners of Kuzbass", "Tree of Life", "Mask of Sorrow" and " last work). As a result of the conflict with Khrushchev, Ernst was expelled from the Association of Artists and deprived of the right for artistic activities. After leaving the Soviet Union, the artist lived in Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, and then in the USA. The unknown person periodically came to the USSR to visit his native places and sculptural works created by him. Ironically, one of the artist's monuments rests on the grave of his abuser N. Khrushchev. Most of his legendary works, created outside of Russia, Ernst handed over to his homeland.

    Jean-Paul Belmondo (born 1933) is a popular French film actor, idol of millions of women. After Belmondo played the main role in the film "In his last breath", he was proclaimed a key figure in the new French cinema, the personification of the modern actor's image. He has starred in classic films by Truffaut, Rene, de Broc and Melville, as well as in commercial adventure and comedy genres.

    Birthday 9 April

    Name days on April 9 will be celebrated by: Ivan, Matrona, Pavel, Theodosius, Makar, Maria, Alexander, Markel, Immanuel (Emmanuel).

    "Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site, before you start studying the information, please subscribe to our Orthodox community on Instagram, Lord, Save and Save † - The community has more than 60,000 subscribers.

    There are many of us, like-minded people, and we are growing rapidly, we post prayers, sayings of saints, prayer requests, in a timely manner we post useful information about holidays and orthodox events... Subscribe. Guardian Angel to you!

    Having a baby is always a joy. What could be better than looking at a little miracle that is an extension of your parents. It is this baby that carries the features of both mom and dad. But besides all this, there are certain character traits and a set of qualities that are inherent only to him. Over the course of his entire life, they can change, disappear or become more firmly entrenched in his personality. Everything will depend on what circumstances and life situations meet on his way. But parents can initially correct and lay some features in the character of the newborn. This can be done using a name. Choose the required name for a girl or boy by name day in April by church calendar you can independently or with the help of a clergyman. To choose the name correctly, it is worth knowing what qualities will be inherent in children in certain months of their birth.

    Basically the church calendar includes men's name days in April, as well as other months. The custom of naming a child in honor of saints appeared after the adoption of Christianity and the baptism of the people. Our ancestors were confident that the saint, whose name the baby bears, will protect him throughout his life. Also, the child will take from him all his positive qualities.

    This also protects the child and drives away evil spirits from him. If the child was named after the saint, then the day when it is remembered in the church calendar and is called the boy's name day in April.

    Name days for male names according to the church calendar in April mainly consist of church or Old Church Slavonic names. It happens that parents name a baby modern name, which is not in the list. In this case, it is worth contacting the priest and he will help you find something in tune with him.

    List of male names in April:

    • 01 - Ivan, Dmitry, Innokenty;
    • 02 - Victor, Vasily, Vissarion, Ivan, German, Maxim, Miron, Sergey, Nikita, Sevastian;
    • 03 - Yakov, Vladimir, Kirill;
    • 04 - Vasily, Isaac;
    • 05 - Alexey, Vasily, Ilya, Georgy, Makar, Sergey;
    • 06 - Zakhar, Vladimir, Martin, Stepan, Peter, Yakov;
    • 07 - Tikhon;
    • 08 - Abraham, Vasily, Stepan, Gabriel;
    • 09 - Ephraim, Alexander, Ivan, Pavel, Makar;
    • 10 - Ivan, Vasily, Hilarion, Nikolay, Ilya, Stepan;
    • 11 - Isaac, Ivan, Cyril, Mark, Cornelius, Philip, Michael;
    • 12 - Ivan, Zakhar;
    • 13 - Ivan, Benjamin, Innokenty, Joseph;
    • 14 - Ivan, Efim, Makar, Sergey;
    • 15 - Gregory, George, Efim;
    • 16 - Nikita;
    • 17 - Georgy, Adrian, Ivan, Benjamin, Joseph, Nikolai, Nikita, Fedor;
    • 18 - Georgy, Alexey, Mark, Plato, Nikolay, Semyon;
    • 19 - Ivan, Gregory, Pavel, Sevastian, Peter, Yakov;
    • 20 - Arkady, Daniel, Georgy, Peter;
    • 21 - Ivan, Sergey;
    • 22 - Gabriel, Vadim;
    • 23 - Grigory, Alexander, Dmitry, Terenty, Maxim, Fedor, Yakov;
    • 24 - Ivan, Efim, Nikolay, Prokhor, Peter, Yakov;
    • 25 - David, Vasily, Ivan, Sergey;
    • 26 - Dmitry, Georgy;
    • 27 - Anton, Alexander, Valentine, Martin, Ivan;
    • 28 - Alexander, Andrey, Victor, Aristarkh, Kondrat, Lukyan, Leonid, Sevastian, Fedor, Trofim;
    • 29 - Leonid, Pavel, Mikhail;
    • 30 - Alexander, Adrian, Ephraim, Mikhail, Ivan, Semyon, Fyodor.

    Names for girls

    Choosing a name for a girl is also not too easy. Many parents want their baby to always be a princess and choose fairly rare names. But it also happens that parents come up with names on their own. Sometimes they are quite peculiar.

    Name days of female names in April according to the church calendar consist of the following:

    • 01 - Sophia, Daria;
    • 02 - Claudia, Alexandra, Praskovya, Maria, Ulyana, Svetlana;
    • 04 - Daria, Vasilisa, Taisia;
    • 05 - Barbara, Pelageya, Anastasia, Lydia;
    • 08 - Alla, Larisa, Anna, Praskovya;
    • 13 - Anna;
    • 14 - Mary;
    • 17 - Mary;
    • 20 - Evdokia, Akulina;
    • 21 - Mary;
    • 25 - Martha, Mary;
    • 26 - Martha;
    • 28 - Vasilisa, Anastasia;
    • 29 - Nika, Vasilisa, Irina, Galina.

    Based on women's name days in April, you can choose the one you like best, but this is not necessary. You can just look at the meaning of each name and choose the one whose characteristics will best suit your baby.

    Features of choosing a name for a child

    There are certain tips for choosing a name for a newborn. We recommend that you first familiarize yourself with them:

    Choose a name that sounds good with a middle name. Sometimes parents do not pay enough attention to this moment, and the child suffers in adulthood.

    Be careful when you want to name your child after someone else. It is advisable to get familiar with the biography of this person. It is believed that the name leaves a certain imprint on the fate of a person. But there are also cases when the character traits of one person can be transferred to another. Moreover, the child can repeat some episodes of his namesake's life. So be careful and be especially careful about this issue.

    How to determine the name day of a child if he was not named on the day of the saint's name day

    It happens that the name of the saint is pleasant, but it occurs on another day, and not on the birthday of the child. In this case, the priests recommend looking at the church calendar and finding the name of the saint after the birthday. The first one that will meet and will be the name day. And if the name does not appear on the calendar, then you need to seek help from a priest who will help you choose a consonant.

    Name days or namesake day is called one of the main and important in the life of every Christian. This day is considered a day heavenly patron the child after whom he was named. Priests recommend coming to church on such holidays and reading thanksgiving prayers to their guardian angels for protecting you.

    Baby's name at baptism

    It happens that at baptism, the priest names the child with a different name. This is explained by the fact that when targeting damage or other magical rituals, the church name of the child is used. That is why parents are forbidden to tell it to anyone. It is believed that the saint patronizes the baby and protects him from negative influences.

    Remember that choosing a name is serious enough for every person. It is necessary to think carefully before making a decision. After all, a child is given a name once and for all life.

    The Lord is always with you!

    The birth of a child is one of the most joyful and memorable moments in the life of parents. Undoubtedly, almost every couple wants their child to remain at such an early age as long as possible.

    But no one canceled the laws of nature, and the baby will soon begin to grow inexorably fast, showing himself and his character.

    And as it seemed to the parents of the baby earlier that such a carefully chosen name would certainly suit their child, but still, as they grow up, children change.

    It's not just age that changes appearance, but the character and demeanor of the child can also change. Therefore, choosing a name for a child, relying only on the behavior of the baby at a given time, many parents make a big mistake.

    Before finally deciding on the choice of the name with which the child will walk all his life, you should carefully study how he will grow up, the future character of the baby, and the compatibility of the name with the zodiac sign under which he was born.

    How to find the right name for a girl born in April

    First of all, the name should clearly fit the type of character of the baby. But in order to make the right decision, you need to find out what character the girl will have.

    Children born in April are very brave and witty, determined and purposeful. But still, they do not always manage to fully reveal and realize their potential to the fullest.

    The character of April children is more firm than those of those born in March, and, accordingly, their names should be radically different.

    Most often they will be concerned about the financial and material component of life. Because of this, they will often reach the top of the career ladder. Luck will always be on their side.

    Kids are smart and judicious. And therefore, before making the right decision, they will weigh the pros and cons, and only then begin to solve the problem.

    They find it difficult to perceive everything new and any changes in their lives. It is difficult for them to give up the old way of life in order to let new colors into it.

    Such people would prefer to stay in the old, gray and routine life. Since she is more familiar and familiar to them than that new and unknown.

    April girls will always come first family life, and only after it comes material security.

    But still, despite how much they will cherish the family, emotions in personal relationships are pushed into the background and rely only on reason and logic.

    These kids are not very dreamy, they always know what they want. And they always achieve their goals by any means.

    Despite all the advantages of April children, they also have disadvantages.

    They are selfish and stubborn. And to achieve their goals, they do not always use honest methods.

    To soften such a hard character, girls should choose soft and feminine names. They will emphasize all femininity in the baby, and therefore the character will not seem so firm and steady.

    Names for girls born in April

    When choosing a name, you should consider not only your preferences. Imagine that the chosen name is yours for a moment. What will others think of such a name, and will the baby be comfortable with him in adulthood?

    For girls born in April, the following names should be chosen:

    The following names are considered lucky for girls born in April:

    • Sabina
    • Lydia
    • Svetlana
    • Galina
    • Irina
    • Karina
    • Larissa
    • Lydia
    • Alexandra
    • Darya
    • Maria
    • Anastasia
    • Claudia

    April girl names for every day

    In addition to character, one should take into account what day the baby was born on. After all, there are lucky names for every day. They will attract good luck to the girl all her life.

    Happy names for girls born in April for every day:

    April 2: Alexandra, Euphrasia, Claudia, Maria, Efimia, Matrona, Theodosia, Juliana, Anatolia, Ulyana, Praskovya, Domnina, Svetlana;

    Names for girls in April by horoscope

    In April, girls are born under such zodiac signs as Aries and Taurus. Their character is similar, but still there are differences.

    Aries are more cheerful, agile and energetic. They are straightforward, enthusiastic and stubborn. Girls prefer to achieve whatever they want by any means. The names of such babies should be strong and brave.

    Names for girls born under the zodiac sign Aries:

    • Evgeniya
    • Jeanne
    • Rimma
    • Karina
    • Kaleria
    • Margarita
    • Marina
    • Roxanne
    • Martha

    Taurus girls, in turn, are distinguished by optimism, hard work and leadership qualities. They can be called gourmets in life. They are kind and sympathetic, they can sacrifice everything for the sake of their relatives. The names of such girls should be soft and brave.

    Names for girls born under the Taurus zodiac sign:

    • Zinaida;
    • Lydia;
    • Isabel;
    • Wanda;
    • Tatyana;
    • Lada;
    • Irma;
    • Nina;
    • Lucius;

    Names of girls in April according to the church calendar

    Choosing a name for a child has always been a difficult process. But still, sometimes parents cannot choose Orthodox names for a girl born in April. In this case, you can contact the church. It can provide the names of the saint on whose day the baby was born.

    There is a belief that people are not born in vain on these days, as God shows which name should be chosen for a child.

    After all, it is not for nothing that they say that if you call the name of the Saint on whose day the baby was born, then he will keep and protect the person all his life.

    If the parents still could not decide on the church name for the girl in April, you can leave this choice to the priest. He will choose the name of the Saint according to the calendar drawn up in the church.

    The name of the girl in April according to the Orthodox calendar

    If the parent nevertheless decided to call the girl according to the calendar in April, you should take the calendar from the church to which they belong.

    It will indicate all the Saints, whose names, and on what day it is desirable to name your baby.

    Orthodox names for girls born in April according to the calendar:

    • April 1: Daria, Vassa, Sofia, Matrona, Illaria, Maria, Matryona;
    • April 2: Claudia, Praskovya, Fedora, Svetlana, Anatolia, Juliana, Ulyana, Alexandra, Julia, Matrona, Maria, Feodosia, Olesya, Domna, Euthymiya, Theodosia;
    • April 4: Taisiya, Daria, Polina, Vasilisa, Agnata;
    • April 5: Anastasia, Theodosia, Lydia, Pelageya, Barbara, Maria;
    • April 8: Alla, Praskovya, Larisa, Anna;
    • April 9: Matrona, Mary;
    • April 11: Vassa;
    • April 13: Anna, Miroslava;
    • April 14: Maria;
    • April 16: Feodosia;
    • April 17: Maria;
    • April 18: Fedor;
    • April 20: Evdokia;
    • April 21: Maria;
    • April 22: Martha, Martha, Mary;
    • April 25: Maria, Athanasia;
    • April 26: Marta, Martha, Alina;
    • April 28: Vasilisa, Anastasia;
    • April 29: Irina, Fedora, Vasilisa, Arina, Nika, Galina, Susanna, Victoria, Tamara, Maria, Karina, Anna, Martha, Agnatia;
    • April 30: Jeanne, Yana, Joanna, Martha, Tamara, Lilia, Susanna, Maria, Martha;

    You need to choose a name for your daughter wisely. After all, it should emphasize the firmness of character, but at the same time smooth it out a little, and show all the femininity of the girl.

    Video: important rules for choosing a name for a girl