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  • Name day of Seraphim (Angel Seraphima Day) according to the Orthodox calendar. The meaning of the name - Seraphim Seraphim's name day according to the church calendar

    Name day of Seraphim (Angel Seraphima Day) according to the Orthodox calendar. The meaning of the name - Seraphim Seraphim's name day according to the church calendar

    The meaning and characteristics of the name Seraphim

    The name Seraphim comes from the Hebrew language, and it means "fiery" or "fiery". Recently, girls are rarely called by this name, despite the fact that it has a strong energy.

    Seraphima has a light, cheerful character. She is an optimist in life, she sees only the best sides in everything.

    Both at a young age and as an adult, the owner of this name easily makes friends, which is greatly facilitated by her sense of humor and kindness.

    At the same time, Seraphim has such qualities as absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, dreaminess, which has a bad effect on her career advancement. The owner of the name in question may forget about a business meeting, not do an important task on time, or be late for a meeting.

    In love, Seraphima is looking for romance, her chosen one must constantly surprise the girl, give her gifts, ensure the presence of positive emotions in her life.

    Having found a man who will surround her with attention, care and affection, the owner of this name will become a faithful and devoted wife, will be engaged in raising children and arranging a “family nest”.

    Congratulations for Seraphima on the birthday in verse

    Today all our congratulations fly to dear Seraphima,
    To make you all the happier, we wish you luck!
    We wish you life, so that, like in a fairy tale, so that there is a strong family,
    So that the years go by in love and affection, and so that your husband loves you!

    Be pure and frank, blessed by the Lord,
    Be protected by heaven, dear Seraphima!
    On your angel day, accept my congratulations,
    Seraphima, be happy, and fair with everyone!

    SMS congratulations to Seraphima on name days

    I sincerely congratulate you on your name day, Seraphima,
    And today I wish you, be protected by your fate!

    Dear Seraphima! On your holiday, I sincerely wish you happiness! Let the green light always burn on your life path, and you, without stopping, go forward, achieve your goals! May you be lucky in everything, and luck follows you on your heels!

    She lived with the noble lady Savina, whom she converted from paganism to Christianity. This happened during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. It was he who gave the order to persecute believers in Christ. Governor Beryl carried out this commission.

    He learned about the holy virgin Seraphim and gave orders to bring her to trial. At the very first demand, she fearlessly appeared before the executioners, wishing to receive a martyr's crown from the Lord. She came accompanied by her mistress Savina. Seeing a noble lady, Beryl ordered to let the girl go. But after a while he changed his mind and again summoned Seraphim to trial.

    He forced the virgin to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods, but she stood firm in faith in Christ. Then the ruler committed a terrible crime - he gave her up to be mocked by the youths.

    The saint prayed to the Lord to protect her. At the same moment, a strong earthquake began, and the shameless fell in complete relaxation.

    In the morning Beryl became aware of this miraculous incident. He ordered Seraphim to restore health to these young men. The saint again began to ask the Lord for mercy to these people. Then she ordered them to get up. As soon as they got up, they immediately told the judge that the Angel had covered Seraphim with himself, forbidding them to approach her.

    But Beryl did not believe them and continued to persuade the saint to renounce Christ. But nothing could dissuade the Christian woman. Then they subjected her to cruel tortures: they beat her with sticks and burned them with burning candles. However, the wood chips from the stick, with which they beat Seraphima, hit the ruler in the eye, and he went blind. After which he ordered to behead the martyr. Her body was buried by her mistress Savina.

    It is known that the name bestows on its owner some of its energy. It can give both good and bad character traits. To find out what qualities the name Seraphim gives to its owner, you need to do a little research: determine the origin, find related names, spell the name and find out esoteric correspondences.


    The name Seraphim is of religious Hebrew origin. It comes from the masculine form of the name Seraphim (שְׂרָפִים), meaning the angels closest to God. It is noteworthy that the very word "saraf" (שָׂרָף), which is the singular form of "seraphim", means "fiery serpent", "dragon", "fiery lightning".

    In Christianity and Judaism, seraphim are six-winged angels, carriers of the highest angelic rank; angels directly surrounding God.

    Iconographically, Seraphim was depicted as a six-winged angel

    Seraphim stood around Him; each of them had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his legs, and with two he flew.

    And they cried out to one another and said: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts! the whole earth is full of His glory!

    Is. 6: 2-3

    Name forms

    Seraphim's name is often abbreviated as follows:

    • Sima;
    • Fima;
    • Fifi;
    • Rafi;
    • Simma.

    Affectionately, Seraphim is addressed like this:

    • Seraphimushka;
    • Seraphimochka;
    • Fimochka;
    • Fimushka;
    • Simochka;
    • Simushka.

    Related names

    A related name for Seraphim is the Latin male name Seraphim (from which, in fact, the female form originated).

    Table: the name of Seraphim in other languages

    Church name

    Seraphim is in the Orthodox saints, therefore, during baptism, the name remains the same. Seraphim's birthday is celebrated on August 11 (July 29).

    Photo gallery: patron saints Seraphim

    Seraphim Vyritsky, Venerable Hieroschemamonk, prophet and miracle worker Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, reckoned Russian Orthodox Church to the face of saints Seraphim of Rome, martyr who died for the Christian faith

    Matching middle names

    Middle names are beautifully combined with the name of Seraphim:

    • Borisovna;
    • Fedorovna;
    • Rafaelevna;
    • Sergeevna.


    To apply for a passport, obtain bank card or when ordering goods from abroad, you must correctly enter your name in Latin. According to the latest transliteration rules accepted in the world, the name of Seraphim is written in Latin as - SERAFIMA.

    Name and character

    Modern science is actively working on solving interesting phenomena. One of these phenomena is the influence of a name on a person. People have always noted that the name given to a person at birth partially determines his character. Scientists could not stay away for a long time, and now such sciences as onomastics and anthroponymics are engaged in solving this riddle - they study the origin and meaning of their own names.

    These disciplines put forward hypotheses and theories that would explain the effect of a name on a person. Among them are dominated by those that are somehow connected with the construction of associative rows. The human brain is designed in such a way that we try to classify any new and unfamiliar concept through the images we already know. Therefore, hearing the name of a stranger, we involuntarily associate it with concepts similar in sound to this name.

    Most people associate the name Seraphim with something angelic, heavenly, pure. Associations with Christianity are possible: some people, hearing the name of Seraphim, imagine a pious shy woman. Such associative series can affect not only the opinion of others about the girl, but also her character - one way or another, the pressure of society shapes our personalities.

    Seraphim supporting the throne of God (engraving from the National Library of France)

    Seraphim as a child

    Seraphima manifests herself as an inquisitive, kind and affectionate child. Parents and relatives cannot get enough of her, and in kindergarten and at school, the girl is often used as an example to other children. She is diligent, so she quickly becomes a housekeeper and masters the science of home economics.

    At school, Seraphim often has a hard time. In addition to natural kindness and honesty, she is distinguished by her inability to stand up for herself. She is often targeted and teased by the whole class. At the same time, the girl may sincerely believe that she was guilty of something, although this is not so. Seraphima will be teased, no matter how perfect she is. However, she can boast of a calm attitude towards child cruelty, because she does not hold any grudge against offenders, does not seek revenge or offend in return.

    At school, Seraphima shows diligence and hard work, which help her achieve high grades.

    Due to his natural modesty, Seraphim may not show abilities for a long time. Parents need to carefully and sensitively monitor the manifestations of her talents and support Seraphim in their development.


    Seraphima is not in good health. She is often sick both in childhood and as an adult. She has a weak nervous system and can often faint. Seraphima usually grows thin and has difficulty gaining weight.

    In childhood, Seraphima is often sick, since she has weak immunity

    Seraphima often forgets about herself and her health, so she should eat regularly, and also go to the doctor if she feels unwell. She often postpones her visit to the doctor until the latest, when the disease is already interfering with her life.

    Talents and abilities

    Seraphima is often endowed with musical talent. The girl's parents should instill in her a love of music from early childhood: send her to a music school, give her good songs to listen to, organize trips to the philharmonic society and concerts of popular groups.

    Young Seraphim should be sent to a music school, where she will certainly show her talent

    In the sciences, Seraphima is not strong, but has sufficient diligence to master any discipline at a decent level. She is more inclined towards the humanities, but with a certain diligence and motivation, she can achieve success in both the exact and natural fields.

    Seraphim are suitable for any profession that requires diligence and accuracy. She is capable of monotonous work, is attentive to the little things and knows how to note tiny mistakes that no one else would notice. Seraphima can find herself in such areas:

    • jurisprudence;
    • tax business;
    • accounting.

    Seraphima has a penchant for paperwork that requires care

    Seraphima has the ability to clairvoyance and divination. She can become an excellent seer, fortune teller, healer.

    Good psychic abilities help Seraphim predict the future

    Love and marriage

    Seraphima, being a gentle and affectionate girl, easily gathers an army of admirers and adorers around her. Among men, there are few who do not think about marriage with Seraphima. However, she should be careful: many of these gentlemen may turn out to be room tyrants who are simply looking for a domestic servant for themselves.

    Seraphima will go well with a romantic, poetic young man. Her heart melts when someone talentedly praises her beauty, kindness and tenderness. An ambitious young man with revolutionary views, who dreams of rebuilding the world globally, will suit her. Seraphima will gladly share his views and complement them with her knowledge.

    One of the favorite types of men for Seraphima are young men similar to Mayakovsky: revolutionary, but with a good artistic taste.

    Seraphima is romantic and believes in that love that sweeps away all obstacles. If she has doubts about the feelings of a young man, she can be very upset. If in the coming days she does not see confirmation of his strong feelings, then she may be disappointed and break off the relationship. Seraphima rarely listens to explanations and often commits hasty and frankly stupid actions - as a result, she can ruin even a very strong relationship due to a misunderstanding.

    Table: compatibility with other names

    AlexanderAlexander can hardly be called a suitable couple for Seraphima: this young man hovers in the clouds too often, which can annoy Seraphima, who regards such behavior as idleness and laziness.
    AlexeiThe young man will like Seraphima: he will attract her attention with a sincere attitude and an interesting life position. Strong friendship is possible, but a spark of love is unlikely to be ignited between this couple.
    AndreiAndrey will conquer Seraphima with his ability to beautifully describe everyday things, subtle artistic perception and sincere affection for a girl. If Seraphima can attract Andrey's attention, then a strong marriage or at least a long romantic relationship is possible.
    BorisBoris will certainly attract the attention of Seraphim - an unusual view of the world, an extraordinary taste and sociability will quickly appeal to the girl, but the novel is unlikely: Seraphim is unlikely to be able to interest a young man.
    VladislavThe gloom and severity of Vladislav will not please Seraphim, but with closer acquaintance, friendship is possible. A love relationship is unlikely.
    DmitryDmitry's sociability and external activity may at first alienate Seraphima, but if the girl gets used to the fact that a young man is always surrounded by a crowd of friends, then strong relationships are possible, developing into love and tender affection.
    EvgeniyEugene is the perfect match for Seraphima. An idealist and faithful follower of the chosen idea, he will attract the attention of the Seraphim with his dedication and sacrifice, his willingness to give everything for the achievement of the cherished goal, be it peace on earth or the protection of nature. In turn, Eugene will charm the devotion and tenderness of Seraphima - he has dreamed of such a friend all his life.
    KirillCyril and Seraphima are not destined to converge: both are too closed to come up first. If they happen to be in the same company, none of them will dare to continue their acquaintance.
    SergeiSergei's frivolity may alienate Seraphima, but if the young man is interested in her, then a short romance is possible. After the breakup, the couple will most likely remain good friends.
    FedorSerious and stern Fyodor is unlikely to interest Seraphima: she is looking for a young man capable of tenderness, but Fyodor shows his love in a different way - with household care, providing for a family and planning a life together. Seraphim is not happy with this situation.
    YangJan may at first lure Seraphim with his beautiful appearance and words, but the girl will quickly see through his insincerity and break off the emerging relationship.

    Parsing by letter

    The semantic-phonetic analysis of the name (or letter-by-letter analysis) was proposed by the Russian astrologer Felix Kazimirovich Velichko. If each letter, being an esoteric symbol, has its own energy, then the combinations of letters form a special, integral energy of the name. The letter-by-letter analysis allows you to penetrate deeper into the mystery of the word, including the human name, and understand its strengths and weaknesses.

    We can conclude that Seraphima is a girl with talents and a desire to help people, but shy and shy. These qualities prevent her from expressing herself in full force in order to demonstrate her skills to others, help them and be a useful member of society. She is purposeful and judicious, but her plans often collapse due to natural shyness.

    Table: horoscope for the name of Seraphim

    Each sign of the zodiac endows Seraphim with certain character traits.


    The seasons that replace each other also have their own energy - some character traits are enhanced, others are suppressed:

    • summer Seraphima is distinguished by natural charm and sociability. This girl is often surrounded by a crowd of friends and acquaintances, she loves to make new acquaintances and feels comfortable in large companies. Honest with herself and with other people, often makes best friends in childhood or adolescence and does not part with them until old age;
    • autumn Seraphima is notable for its dreaminess and immersion in dreams. She is uncommunicative, but easily converges with the same dreamers;
    • winter Seraphima is focused on self-development. She strives to achieve success in the chosen areas and achieves her goal - thanks to diligence and hard work;
    • spring Seraphima often dreams and builds castles in the air, but as a rule she is shy about voicing her dreams. She is sociable, but not sincere: she behaves as politely as possible with other people, even if they annoy her.

    Table: esoteric correspondences

    Photo gallery: famous bearers of the name

    Serafima Shnurova, daughter of the soloist of the Leningrad group Sergei Shnurov (Shnura) Soviet theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Serafima Fomina Serafima Nizovskaya, Russian film actress Serafima Sakhanovich, Russian figure skater Serafima Zolotareva, host of an esoteric show, fortuneteller

    Seraphima is a girl with well-developed talents and abilities, which she carefully hides. She is smart and charismatic, but avoids other people's attention. She needs to expand the boundaries of her little world in order to fully realize herself as a person.

    Calendar when, according to the church calendar, the name day of Seraphim

    Saints named Seraphim are venerated 3 times.

    • August 11 - Seraphim of Rome, martyr, virgin;
    • September 15 - Seraphima Sulimova, Monk Martyr, Abbess;
    • November 19 - Seraphima Gorshkova, Monk Martyr, nun.

    Characteristics of the birthday girl Seraphima:

    From the Hebrew language - "fiery, fiery". Nowadays, this wonderful name has become of little use, which is a pity, because Seraphima is a real lucky woman. She, as a rule, has a loving husband and a strong family, and children delight with their successes. It is very important for Seraphima to have a strong rear. At the same time, she is always ready for changes and meets them with joy.

    The peculiarity of Seraphima is the ability to devote herself completely to her beloved work, be it handicrafts, sports, reading or some other hobby. Seraphima, engaged in business, usually achieves success already in the first months of work: she is helped by endurance, tact, a developed sense of duty, the ability to get out of the most confusing situations with honor.

    Congratulations on the birthday of Seraphima:

    Do not forget to celebrate the name day of Seraphim and congratulate Seraphim on the day of the angel.

    I sincerely congratulate you

    Happy Angel Day, Seraphim!

    And today I wish you

    Be protected by your fate!

    Let your life flow calmly

    Measured and dignified,

    So that your relatives love you

    And they gave flowers every day!

    Always be under the wing of the Cherubim,

    I sincerely wish you, Seraphim,

    Let him cover from all troubles

    Meaning: Translated from the Hebrew "fiery angel". Origin: The name Seraphim is the feminine variant male name Seraphim. As you know, the Seraphim were called the angels that make up the heavenly army of God (together with the cherubim), creatures with six wings, the movement of which led to sacred horror. The Holy Martyr, Virgin Seraphim of Rome, was a nun in one of the many medieval convents. She became famous for her exceptional piety and righteousness, as well as for the fact that she could heal the inhabitants of the surrounding villages with her pious prayer. Many people turned to her for help, and Saint Seraphima spent her days caring for others. Character: Very persistent and assiduous, incapable of violent expression of feelings and does not expect this from others. Sometimes she is very talented - and in the field of art she is able to be completely different than in everyday life.

    Appreciates family, she is a strict but fair mother and faithful wife. Attaches great importance to his intuition. Lives in a mysterious world of signs.

    Seraphim are great workers, excellent cooks and caring mothers. It is extremely rare to remarry, first of all, because of the children, fearing that the stepfather, no matter how good he turns out to be, will nevertheless bring dissonance into their cozy family world. At the same time, the Seraphim are unusually trusting and therefore often turn out to be deceived, not too happy in marriage.

    How to please the birthday girl?
    Prepare a delicious holiday meal like sour cream soufflé!

    Today is March 15

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