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  • The sum of the numbers is 9 of a bank card. Numerology of money and wealth

    The sum of the numbers is 9 of a bank card. Numerology of money and wealth

    For everyone, financial stability seems differently: for some it is the presence of yachts, factories and steamers, for others - restaurants and beautiful things, for others - the opportunity to travel, well, for the fourth - just to eat well, but to find a way to provide monetary happiness, one ... by all means to increase your well-being.

    Numerology of money and wealth, money numerology can help in this. Like money, this science is related to numbers, which means that it is she who will answer which numbers will attract finances, and which, on the contrary, will repel. Thanks to this knowledge, you can easily answer the following questions: "How much money can you borrow, and which one is better not to borrow?", "How much money to put in the bank?", "How much to invest in the business?" other.

    Determination of the numerological number of a given amount of money

    So, you decided to lend to someone, but you do not know whether it is worth doing it or not. For example, suppose you were asked for 1200 currency units. Calculate what the numerological number will be: 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 \u003d 3. Three is a good monetary figure, so you can give money without worrying that it will not be returned or it will hit your pocket. If the number is unsuccessful, for example, 7, then you just need to add a little more, 20-30 monetary units, bringing the amount to a favorable numerological figure.

    Calculate your amount of money and wealth for free using this online form:

    Amount of money in numbers:

    The meaning of numbers in monetary numerology:

    This number is next to zero, so any number - one - is a kind of zero, emptiness, irresponsibility. In no case should you invest such an amount of money in banks, lend, and you shouldn't borrow, since the financial situation will become worse every day in any case. You should not buy goods for an amount that corresponds to a unit, you may not sell or they will be stolen, some kind of trouble will happen - a fire, a flood, etc.

    This number indicates that you will have to share this amount of money, so you should not have it for partners, a conflict is possible on the basis of finances. If a person receives a salary, the amount of which will correspond to a two, then he will quickly spend it or will completely distribute it for debts, that is, he will share. The fact is that the two is unstable and does not try to be balanced - a symbol of poverty and economy. For the same reason, you should not put bills with deuces in a piggy bank, in two wallets or in two banks - you will never see them. To correct the influence of a two, you need to divide the amount corresponding to it into three banks, or invest only a part.

    One of the best monetary figures, because it is a sign of financial opportunities and big earnings. If you have an amount of money that is a multiple of three, you urgently need to give it movement - to borrow, invest or purchase goods on it, storage will only slow down material well-being. Try to invest "three-dollar" sums in a new business, as well as purchase a lottery on it - it will most likely be a winning one.

    Four is the number of reliability and guarantees of financial success, both now and in the future. It is better to postpone the amount under the influence of the four, since it will persist for a long time and even bring dividends. This money will not go anywhere. By the way, such an amount can be excellent for starting a joint business, however, you have to work hard to earn what you want, and it is advisable to invest them in four different places, since it is better to keep the fourth amount, as the well-known folk wisdom about eggs says, in “different baskets "to be more whole.

    Five is the number of spending, as opposed to a three that makes money and a four that is an accumulator. The amount influenced by the five is good to take on a trip in order to spend it fun and informative. By the way, the "pyatyorochka" can become a money magnet, and this loan will help to return money with interest. Do not under any circumstances buy large purchases for the "five" amount, such as a car, real estate, furniture, etc. - very soon they will leave your life. ... And it is not always good - fires, accidents and other accidents.

    This number is a limitation, since this amount of money will be enough only for what is needed. It will not work to postpone something, and there will always be an obsession with loss, a desire to calculate the remainder. But such an amount is easy to earn together - with a family, a team, or by opening a business with someone, then it will bring prosperity and business development. Although the opportunity is greater than planned, it will not be possible to spend.

    A dangerous number for material well-being, since this is a risk-based figure, a gamble figure. No wonder that swindlers and freeloaders love her so much. However, free cheese is only in a mousetrap, so the amount influenced by the seven comes easily and leaves quickly, but with consequences, often with serious consequences - problems with the law, the influence of criminal structures, etc. It is better not to lend the seven sum, not to put it off, and it is also not worth borrowing and donating it, since nothing good will come of it. Perhaps the owners of gambling and gambling establishments will be lucky.

    The number of infinity, therefore the eight can be called the most monetary figure. It will always increase investments and deferred funds, always ensure the movement of financial flows. Although this "infinitely rich" eight has one big drawback - it never brings money to those who want to spend it on something bad - buying something stolen or "squeezed out", there is a big risk of parting with this amount forever.

    This is the number of spirituality, so the amount of money influenced by the nine should be spent on the purchase of paintings, books, musical instruments and other works of art. It will not bring any profit or large waste, neutral number. Therefore, investing such an amount in the bank will not bring any interest.

    Of course, everyone who is used to operating with large sums has their own techniques and signs that help preserve the increase in wealth. However, along with this, there is a single numerological system that allows you to use the magic of numbers to attract money. And it is based not on the personal experience of an individual person, but on the entire centuries-old history of how people handle money.

    There is no doubt that the first principles that increase the likelihood of luck should have been associated with specific amounts of money. For example, “even” and “odd”, on which the most primitive, and therefore the most widespread in the world, gambling are based, could not help but influence the numerology of money.

    Indeed, to this day, there is a rule according to which only even amounts or an even number of bills can be stored. Whereas it is better not to lend them, the probability is too high that the lender will not receive such an amount back.

    In general, the digital expression of any amount is very easy to reduce to the number of the first ten, in order to find out how this money is best used.

    For example, you have received a fee of 15,840 rubles. Adding all the numbers 1 + 5 + 8 + 4 + 0, we get 18.1 + 8 \u003d 9. This is the number of the amount of money that you have on hand. It remains to figure out how best to dispose of it. The numbers of money are 0 and 1. "Units" without "zeros" are usually not considered by the numerology of money - no one will seriously think about the amount equal to the number 1, even if it is the Kuwaiti dinar. But the "round" amounts - 10, 100, 1000, etc. should be exchanged as soon as possible. And it is not recommended to make any monetary transactions with them.

    The number of money is 2. An indicator bearing a pronounced negative connotation. Theft, deceit and poverty are associated with it. Do not borrow or lend such amounts. It won't end well.

    The number of money is 3. The Troika symbolizes creativity in financial matters and a willingness to take risks. The amount "3" used as start-up capital for a new venture promises a lot of luck.

    The number of money is 4. The amount equivalent to the number 4 is savings, a family budget for a certain period, money for serious acquisitions - an apartment, a house, a land plot. That is, everything that symbolizes stability.

    The number of money is 5. The sum of 5 can be safely put into circulation. This money should not be idle. When used correctly in financial transactions, they promise good profits.

    The number of money is 6. The amount, which is a multiple of six, should be in the wallet every day. These are everyday expenses, current payments, money for the purchase of provisions. No risk, no initiative.

    The number of money is 7. Fraud symbol. Money, expressed in the number 7, does everything it can to slip out of hand. You can't even go to the market with such a sum - they will certainly cheat. There should be no question of lending or borrowing it. It should not be stored either.

    The number of money is 8. The sums of the number 8 are very difficult to control. They live their own lives. These are income and expenses that are not usually expected. 8 is the favorite number of brokers and traders, symbolizing movement.

    The number of money is 9. Everyone knows that 99.99 on the price tag is a way to reduce taxes. This is exactly how one should treat the "nine" - as an indicator of unreliability. Try to avoid transactions that are somehow related to the number 9.

    Determining your lucky number to attract money

    In addition to the numbers that determine the characteristics of monetary amounts, there are also individual lucky numbers. This is the numerology of luck, which allows you to calculate your own "cherished" number, which is directly related to luck throughout your life.

    It controls not only the numerical values \u200b\u200bof monetary amounts, but all numbers related to money. First of all, of course, financially happy calendar dates.

    The number of luck in numerology is calculated by the date of birth. No difficulties, the usual sequential addition to obtain an unambiguous result.

    If, for example, you were born on 04.29. 1995, then your actions are reduced to simple arithmetic: 2 + 9 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 5 \u003d 39, 3 + 9 \u003d 12, 1 + 2 \u003d 3. This is your lucky number.

    The calculation of your number of money can be done using an online service. Or you can - just "on a napkin."

    The result will be the same.

    Lucky number interpretations

    “One” assumes personal initiative and allows for a certain risk, but only in cases when it is strictly regulated. That is, banking operations, solid financial projects - yes, gambling - no.

    2. "Two" is a lucky number for marketing. Here you should pay special attention to calendar dates. Successful days of the month are 2 and 22. The optimal field of activity is real estate trade.

    3. The Troika was originally considered a lucky number of merchants. Any trade for people 3 - "natural habitat". Ideally, your own trading company.

    4. "Four" is the number of luck based on feelings. Wealth can be the result of a profitable marriage, less often - a magnanimous act, a disinterested gift, which turned into an unexpected profit.

    5. The "five" indicates the need for a non-standard approach to financial issues. You should use your intuition and foresight to find the proverbial "niche" for business that no one thought to occupy.

    6. "Six" is money that is "lying on the road." But they need to be found. And for this you should constantly be in motion. The work of a traveling nature will be financially successful.

    7. "Seven" - the number of those who do not like to waste time on trifles. Large-scale, carefully designed financial projects will bring success. Something like a Russian bridge.

    8. "Eight", as the sum of the digits of the date of birth, literally "dooms" you to financial success. Try not to use your luck thoughtlessly to get beyond what you really need. Luck, of course, will not turn away, but "easy" money can bring more disappointment than joy.

    The science of numerology, which studies the influence of numbers on the surrounding reality, life, character and destiny of a person, could not ignore the financial sphere of life, the topic of money and wealth, especially since banknotes are measured in numbers. Finance and the science of numbers are closely related to each other - based on the laws and methods of numerology, you can determine which numbers and dates attract money and which repel; find out what amounts can be borrowed and lent; when it is possible to carry out risky financial transactions, and when it should not be done in any case; what amounts are better to save as savings and what to spend on recreation and entertainment.

    For such calculations in numerology, the principle is used - when, to obtain the final numerological index, the numbers and letters of the object under study are reduced to the base number. So, for example, to find out what amount of money is successful for financial transactions or whether the price of the purchased item is happy, it is enough to add up all the numbers in the initial amount and reduce them to the base one (suppose the amount of interest is 22550, as a result of folding we get the base number 5: 2 + 2 + 5 + 5 \u003d 14 \u003d 1 + 4 \u003d 5). In the same way, you can find a lucky bill that will attract money and wealth to you: the letters (their numerical values) and numbers that make up the series and the bill number are reduced to a base number (for example, a bill with a BY series and number 2694981 has a cash the numerological index will be 2: 2 + 6 + 2 + 6 + 9 + 4 + 9 + 8 + 1 \u003d 47 \u003d 4 + 7 \u003d 11 \u003d 1 + 1 \u003d 2).

    You can calculate the monetary numerological index for everything that is related to finance and money: for a specific date (by adding the digits of the day, month and year), for an enterprise or company (by summing up the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the letters included in its name), for the number of an electronic wallet or credit card, to determine the amount that is best to keep in your wallet, etc. To simplify the process of calculating the monetary numerological index, you can use the online calculation form presented below - just enter the numbers and letters of the object of interest in the field and click the "Calculate" button, - the online calculator will calculate the index and show the result. By clicking on the link corresponding to the resulting index, you can find out its value.

    Numerology reveals many secrets, including the secret of wealth and prosperity. Why are some lucky in financial matters, while others work in vain? Each of us has our own destiny, even in terms of money. Pay attention to the notes in your wallet and piggy bank.

    The numerology of money will tell you how to choose the right money talisman, when to spend and when to invest.

    All this is easy, everyone can calculate their personal wealth code by date of birth. A simple calculation will bring you money and the desired success. All secrets will be revealed to those who were not too lazy to check to calculate their lucky number. Do not reveal your secrets to others, because Fortune is friends only with those who know how to keep their mouths shut.

    Numbers and numbers for success

    • holidays or birthdays ahead;
    • you have a good opportunity to invest money correctly;
    • you can help someone in need.

    Only then will justice be on your side. And along with happiness, well-being will come. Each bill is a specific story about the people who held it in their hands. The code on the banknote will tell you about her fate. Happy or not, she will bring you riches or she will lead to ruin. Hold on to the lucky bills - everyone should have them.

    Wealth code

    Unlike the number of destiny, the money code or the number of money success is not calculated from the whole date of birth. You only need a day and a month. To do this, add the first four digits from the date:

    The resulting number can be deciphered. In this case, seven is obtained, in fact, not the best money number. Do not be discouraged if numerology gives you a sad forecast. This means that you urgently need to rethink your approach to money and spending. Anyone who learns from their own mistakes will succeed.

    Your number for the numerology of money remains unchanged throughout your life. Unfortunately, or fortunately, this is your destiny. But, you have a trump card - knowledge. Now you will know exactly how you cannot spend the accumulated money. Many are contraindicated to take loans, because negative monetary energy only exacerbates losses. All in your hands. By the way, in the same way you can check the currency code of any person, you just need to know the date of his birth. This can be useful. For example, you know exactly who you shouldn't lend to.

    Decryption of the money code

    Now it only remains to find out what the numbers predict for you. The answers to all questions are contained in the numerology of the birth number, so - reveal the secret of how to become rich.


    If you often have 10, 100, 1000 bills, then it is worth spending them sooner. Do not invest in the bank, do not invest in any projects. The point is that for numerology, one and zero are equivalent. Zero is emptiness, nothing. So it turns out that you will invest "nothing" in your business, which means that you will receive "nothing". These banknotes are best used for shopping, or change them. As soon as the exchange took place, the money ceased to be “not happy”.

    The number 1 is not, in itself, unlucky. Only together with zero it becomes ruinous for your wallet. But you don't need to use it to attract money into life. The unit is the beginning. A coin with a face value of 1 can be put on the piggy bank as a symbol of the beginning. The same coin can be buried under the foundation of a house under construction. It will mark a happy start to a new business.

    The unit, like the wealth code, is the "start small" advice. Your wealth will begin with a small coin, do not forget this. Imagine how your capital grows, then everything will work out.


    Number 2 is one of the most "not good" for numerology. It symbolizes poverty, loss, waste of everything. This means that large bills with the sum of 2 digits should be exchanged or spent as soon as possible. The sums of 200 and 2000 cannot be lent or borrowed, in any case, when it comes to repayment, something will go wrong. You will lose money. It is also not recommended to keep money in two banks or safes.

    Be careful with a deuce

    By the date of receipt of money, you can predict whether they will benefit you or not. If the number 2 appears, then try not to carry out monetary transactions on this day, otherwise you will harm yourself. Destiny number 2 suggests that a person absolutely does not know how to make money, but spends it thoughtlessly. It is very important to control yourself in this case. Do not take loans or borrow. Let it be better not the best period in your life, but it will end by itself.

    Bills with the number 2 always lead to thoughtless spending, buying useless goods. If you find one in your wallet, get rid of it quickly. Such bills should not be given to the poor, it will only aggravate their situation.


    All sums with a three bring success to their owner. The number 3 is very stable. More sustainable only 4. The amount of construction can be lent, invested in promising projects, donated, given in growth. They will always bring profit to their owner. For the sake of your wealth, keep the lucky three in your wallet. Best of all, if it is a foreign sack.

    Three is a spontaneous meaning. If you are asked for cash assistance, give such a bill with a three. She will bring help to the person who is asking for help, the more than spent amount will be returned to you, may you receive a blessing. From birth, a person depends on the forces of justice. It is in your power to make your life better by helping others. In this respect, the triple is an excellent value.

    If your fate number is 3, then you also understand - people are drawn to you for help. This is not only about money, but also about any other help. And if you agree, fate returns everything to you with a torus.


    Four is a symbol of prosperity

    A symbol of complete financial stability, stable position. If four is your number, then there is something to be proud of. You know how to handle money, you know its price. Most importantly, you know how to earn this money. This is very important, four is one of the most positive banknotes. There is no adventure or luck in it, it is only the ability to clearly set a task for oneself and complete it. A person knows that money does not come out of thin air - it needs to be earned.

    It is best to leave bills with the sum of numbers equal to four in your piggy bank. They will add harmony to your life, will become a guarantee of future prosperity. It is better not to give them to anyone, but to use or spend on your own.


    Such a bill will be very useful to you, because if the sum of the digits in the code is 5, or you have a lot of money in denominations of 5000 dz, it is best to spend it. Start up for business, buy useful, necessary things. They will serve you for many years and will bring you a lot of joy. Buying food is a waste of this excellent banknote. It is best to buy exactly something important for you, home, family. Then you will feel how you invested your money wisely.

    If you are building a house or equipping it, choose large bills of 5,000 denominations, spend only them. You have never had such a successful investment like this. Everything that is bought for home will serve for many years, bring you joy, and will always look great.


    The number of stable payments. If your money number is six, then you only heard about the delay in salary on the news on TV. Money comes and goes, but you always know when it will happen. Lucky for you, not everyone is able to feel the energy of wealth so well. The main thing, do not forget, first things are spiritual, and only then material. Then everything will be fine.

    Six speaks of stability

    The numerology of money gives one piece of advice to those who find a banknote with a code equal to six in their wallet. Carry it in your wallet. She will bring you good luck. Monetary stability hasn't hurt anyone yet. This is especially good in our unstable times.


    Seven is a dangerous number for those who do not know how to spend money correctly. It attracts trouble, robbery, loss. If your number is seven, then you know this from birth - you cannot give money into your hands. A person simply cannot restrain himself - craving for waste, useless purchases or investments is in his blood. Take a salary and spread it over a month? It will not work, because in the first few days you will want to take a walk to the fullest. And then disappointment comes.

    If you happen to have a banknote with code 7, you better spend it soon, change it. Then the harmful influence on you will not pass. You cannot keep such money together with others, otherwise you will lose them soon. Don't keep her in the house. In general, if you get rid of it sooner, so much the better for you. Not for nothing, the favorite number of all casino owners is seven.


    What is eight? This is the symbol of infinity, or two times four. In any case, the number is lucky. An infinite amount of money, a constant flow of them. A person who possesses such a bill must carry it with him. Then, gifts of fate will literally fall from the sky. A person who carries such a bill with him often finds money or valuables. Try it, you will be surprised how it works.

    Eight will bring good luck

    The most interesting thing is that a bill with code 8 is always in demand: you can give, lend, invest or buy. In any case, luck awaits you, and what you spent will return to you.


    The most neutral of monetary numbers. They will not bring you wealth, but they will not take it away either. Such banknotes come across very often, if not strange. It is best to spend them in the first place, because nines will not bring you profit, joy from shopping. Spend them on the most common things. Better not to buy food on them. Money should make money, and the nine balances the positive and negative values.

    Lucky bills

    There is such a thing as a lucky bill. It cannot be spent or exchanged. Such bills become your money talisman, which is able to attract money into your wallet. But how and where to find such a lucky money? Each bill has a number. You need to add all its elements, and the resulting number will show whether it will bring happiness or not. The most successful numbers will be 6 and 4. They bring harmony. The currency code of such a note is not often found, you have to look.

    If you get the number 2 or 7 - rather spend it, do not hold it in your wallet, because this banknote brings only losses. Buy something unnecessary for it, which you quickly use, and it does not lie around in the house. If the resulting number is 1 or 8, then it can be put aside in the piggy bank. All good things start small. This banknote can be very small, but you yourself will be surprised how larger money will reach your piggy bank.

    Despite this, the banknote on which the number coincides with the number of your destiny will be lucky. It will be especially lucky if it is 6 or 8. According to fate, a person has excellent chances to get rich, so this talisman must be protected and not spent. You will receive the number of fate by date of birth, adding all the components: day + month + year.

    If you want to get rich, then do not neglect the advice of experts. These little rules need to be remembered in order to obtain wealth. It has nothing to do with your date of birth or other numerological concepts.

    • Don't keep torn bills at home. They drain the energy of wealth.
    • If you want to invest in something, then choose only brand new bills. It's better to buy something for old ones. This is how you balance the circulation of money.
    • When lending money, do not give small bills. Then even more will come back to you.
    • It is better not to keep gold and jewelry at home. The energy of gold attracts thieves.
    • All money magic happens only on Fridays after sunset.
    • Don't count your money after sunset - it will lead to sudden spending.

    These little tips can be very helpful. Of course, you probably have your own rituals of raising money, which do not fail. Use them. Your personal code for the numerology of money will help you sort out your financial problems. If something goes wrong, there is always an opportunity to change the attitude towards money. Remember, spiritual concepts and interests should always be slightly higher than material ones. Then the harmony of life is achieved, and there is no shortage of money. Do not put them at the fore, so that life does not pass in the pursuit of gold.

    Have you ever wondered why someone does everything, and someone does nothing at all?

    Why is it that for some in the material sense, everything is going well, career is going uphill, and money, as if magnetized, sticks to them, even if they do absolutely nothing for this?

    And for others, the opposite is true - all their lives they fight like a fish on ice, trying to raise their well-being and make incredible efforts in this direction, but they still remain in the same position and at the same income level.

    And there is also the third side of the coin - quite happy people doing their favorite job for a small reward. Why are they doing well?

    To answer these questions, it is enough to turn to and look into the numerological matrix.

    It turns out that a person's material well-being depends not so much on business acumen, diligence or entrepreneurial qualities, as on the date of birth and his name. And that each of us has a personal Wealth Number. Also known as Money Number or Work Number.

    Want to know yours?

    Method of calculating the Number of Money and Wealth

    The calculation formula is extremely simple:

    The Wealth Number is the sum of the Name and Birth Numbers.

    These figures are summed up and brought to one-digit.

    To calculate the Number of the Name, use the table of correspondence between letters and numbers:

    According to her, Anna has the Number of Names - 5 (1+6+6+1=14=1+4=5)

    Accordingly, her Birth Number is 8 (1+7=8)

    Adding the digits of the name (5) and birth (8), we obtain the required Money Number... Anna has a number 4 (5+8=13=1+3=4)

    An exception: numbers 11 and 22 are not unambiguous, so are special. They will be discussed below.

    Before moving on to a numerical characteristic, it should be noted that among the numbers there is already a built-in inclination to wealth, these are the so-called Money Numbers: 4 , 6 , 8 and 9 ... Tells us about it.

    What should the rest of us do? What if none of these money numbers belong to you? What, to drag out a miserable existence all his life and only dream of wealth?

    Of course not! Everything is in your hands, including material well-being. To do this, you need to find out the characteristics of your wealth number, determine your strengths and weaknesses, understand your life task and draw certain conclusions. And then your money stream can finally turn into a full-flowing river!

    Characteristic of Money Numbers


    “One” is a born leader and strives to be the first. She tries to achieve everything on her own and does the right thing! If 1 is your wealth number - strive for independent projects, try yourself in a private business or in enterprises with original ideas and advanced technologies. You should always have a separate work area. Do not expect help from anyone, demand a promotion and feel free to take responsibility for yourself - success is guaranteed! Also suitable are intellectual activities and work related to movement - transport or business trips.


    “Twos” manage to find good partners everywhere and work well in pairs. They are shown to work in a team if they want to achieve material success. Choose activities that are directly related to communication or team creation. Newspapers, magazines, radio, television - this is the best springboard for you! While singing in a choir or assembly line work, trade and accounting would also fit well on this list. The financial heights of the "two" reach, either by receiving a solid inheritance, or by opening a profitable business with a reliable partner. Beware of unnecessary expenses and plan your business well - luck will always be on your side!


    The Troika strives for wealth, loves luxury and money. But they will go to meet her only when she manages to combine her craving for entertainment with business activity. Desire to live comfortable and beautiful life and doing nothing leads to all sorts of temptations (adventurism, deception, fraud). You need to realize this and strive for purity in deeds and thoughts, as well as look for honest and purposeful partners. The carriers of this number are sublime and creative natures. The greatest financial success can be achieved if you associate your activities with fashion, entertainment, services or sports. If the "three" is your Number of Money, you can safely expect to receive a large inheritance or a loan from patrons.


    You are the lucky owner of the "money number". "Four" speaks of the ability to large volumes of work performed in order to receive large sums. And it doesn't matter if you work for yourself or work for hire. It never shines for you to get the benefits of life just like that - everything comes only through your work. You have to give up entertainment and interesting projects for the sake of more "money" jobs. The size of your fortune will not be huge, but a stable and constant income is guaranteed. Be smart about spending money, strict control over spending will keep you out of debt. Activities related to the production of household items (sewing clothes, making dishes, selling antiques) can bring the greatest return.


    A good monetary number. You can make a big fortune by doing your favorite job, although it is likely that you will receive a decent will. Refrain from risky operations and extraordinary financial actions, analyze your investments well, and sometimes even refuse them altogether in order to save the accumulated. Deep calculation and common sense will ensure material prosperity. "Fives" are not afraid of change, easy-going, flexible and quickly adapt to new realities. Therefore, they change the field of activity without problems and never run out of money - the list of their talents is too large, for which they always pay decently. Areas of activity - business trips, travel, work with foreign partners.


    Vibrations of the "six" attract financial flows to it with minimal effort on its part. But this does not mean at all that the money itself will flow like a river. If you make regular efforts in the right direction and make the right investments, then the vibrations of this number of wealth will only increase, bestowing all kinds of benefits on its bearer. In order to boast of an impressive state in the second half of your life, you will have to work hard in the first. The "six" has one magic paradox - the more it gives, the more it receives. Therefore, you need to strive for generosity and do not skimp on good deeds. Areas where you will be successful - family business, law, publishing, hospitality, education and healthcare, as well as all kinds of creative co-authorship.


    The number is not commercial and is far from money. "Seven" is more interested in spiritual growththan the growth of her well-being. But this does not mean at all that in terms of money you can be given up. Science, history, astronomy, psychology, esotericism - this is your field of activity. Studying the unknown and comprehending the secret sciences can also make good money. And although the financial side of life is of little interest to you, you do not strive for hoarding and are able to work only for an idea - life in complete poverty is not for you. If she is lucky and the "seven" does not have to think about their daily bread, doing what they love - she can become absolutely happy.


    The owner of the "eight" as the number of wealth will never need and has everything for a comfortable life. The passion for owning big money will push him to receive funds from various sources. Care in money matters and reliance on common sense will avoid large financial losses. The good organizational skills and business acumen of the G8 enable it to create a friendly team that implements major projects. Large industries and large international corporations are your area of \u200b\u200bactivity. The G8 is extremely important for the financial result of its work and it cannot be kept for a long time by sheer enthusiasm. If an unloved business brings tangible income, she is able to devote her whole life to it. People of this amount of money are excellent financiers and know how not only to earn a lot, but also to invest profitably, multiplying their cash flow.


    "Nine" will give its lucky owner enough money. But not personally, but on those affairs and projects on the implementation of which his energy will be spent. This number of wealth endows its bearer with the gift of foresight, puts financial practicality in his hands for making transactions and investments. But do not forget that all your talents and efforts should be directed not only to the area of \u200b\u200bfinancial abundance, but also to the development of the spiritual side of your life. Because the greatest material success can be achieved when working with public and charitable foundations. If the “nine” understands early that not everything in life is immediately paid for with hard currency, and sometimes it is necessary to wait until the “money tree” rises, then it can achieve significant material prosperity in life, and sometimes enormous wealth.

    "11" and "22"

    These are special Money Numbers that are called Number of the Master... Their owner has a special mission, his own “stay program” on Earth. If you want to achieve financial abundance, contact the Heavenly Office. Consider thoroughly everything that you will need from life, when and in what amount, and directly ask the Higher Forces about it. Be sure - you will certainly get to perform certain actions to improve the financial situation. You can even get fantastic wealth if you are destined for this mission!

    Friends, from this moment you have the necessary information to reach a new level of your relationship with the energy of money. And may the Number of Money and Wealth bring universal abundance into your life and make you prosperous, successful and happy people!

    Arthur Golovin

    P.S. Take in the GIFT a powerful Vibro-Digital becoming for new possibilities:
