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  • What does a name mean to a person. What does a person's name mean: its characteristics, what are the female and male names

    What does a name mean to a person. What does a person's name mean: its characteristics, what are the female and male names

    “As you call a ship, this is how it will sail” - this proverb, like any other folk wisdom, arose for a reason.

    A person's name is a powerful carrier of information about him. Even official statistics have long determined that the bearers of the same name are similar in character, lifestyle, and sometimes in appearance.

    Does the name influence the personality and fate of its bearer or does it all depend on the person's environment?

    It is not possible to answer this question unequivocally. Most likely, both answers are correct in their own way.

    When a person is born, and he is called by this or that name, on a subconscious level he begins to form his I in accordance with the characteristics of this name:

    Sound characteristic

    The combination of sounds in the name plays a very important role. If the sound of your name is in harmony with the inner rhythms, evokes any positive emotions in the subconscious: pride, respect, that is, you like it - you have much more chances of becoming a happy and successful person than if you feel discomfort every time when it sounds and envy people with beautiful names... On this occasion, psychologists advise - not to be afraid of paperwork and be sure to change the passport name to the desired one.

    Historical roots

    Each name has its own personal image that has developed in the course of history. The names of great people are associated in the public consciousness with certain aspirations and achievements. Learning about the exploits of their namesakes, a person gains a source of additional confidence that he can do the same.

    It is not for nothing that in the royal dynasties of different times the same names were repeated from generation to generation, and to this day children are often called after successful and famous people.

    National characteristic

    As a rule, when a person is called by his national name, this in itself makes him involved in the customs and culture of his nationality.

    But if you want to give your child freedom of choice in self-determination of nationality, it is better to call him some international name (for example: Laura, Denis, etc.).

    Meaning of the name

    Initially, the names of our distant ancestors were “speaking” phrases carrying a certain meaning: “Fast deer”, “Big fang”, “Sharp eye”. Over time, the names acquired a simpler and more euphonious form, and their meaning disappeared from the surface of perception. But each name, nevertheless, has its own individual interpretation.

    For example, “Arthur” is interpreted as “bear”, and “Larisa” is interpreted as “seagull”. Some names have retained their literal meaning: "Love", "Hope", "Genius".

    Usually a person has at least two names: passport (full) and diminutive (Anna - Anya). And he reacts and responds to them in completely different ways. For example, if you were constantly called by your full name, you would probably grow up a little different person: because the full name symbolizes a more respectful, strict attitude than its diminutive form. And vice versa. But you admit that both names are yours. It is as if you “split up”, adjusting to them, thereby expanding the level of your perception.

    People with one permanent name (Denis, Gleb, Vera, Alisa ...) are more serious and "one-sided", more constant and thoughtful ...

    Names, names, names -
    In our life, they do not sound accidentally:
    How mysterious this country is -
    So the name is a mystery and a mystery.
    Alexander Bobrov

    Addressed to:learners primary school.

    Project participants:teachers, children.

    Project type:search and research.

    Project goals:

    1. by studying the names, show the individuality, uniqueness of each person;
    2. identify the role of the name in human life.

    Project objectives:

    1. study the history and meanings of names;
    2. develop research skills;
    3. instill love for your name and for the name of others.

    Project work: There is a special science that studies names - ONOMASTICS.

    What is a person's name?

    A word that serves to denote an individual person and is given to him individually in order to be able to address him, as well as talk about him with others.

    If you ask a person what word he hears most often, then, most likely, this word will be the person's name.

    A name is the first thing a person receives, what a child hears at birth. He still does not understand what the name means, but he hears his own name more often than other words.

    The name is something that accompanies a person throughout his life. With a name, a small person comes into this world, with a name he goes through life, meets ups and downs.

    The role of a name in a person's life:

    1. Our name connects us with our family, with our friends and acquaintances.
    2. Our name connects us with both small and large Motherland.
    3. The names of people are part of the history of nations. They reflect everyday life, beliefs, aspirations, fantasy and artistic creativity of peoples, their historical contacts.

    Information that the name carries:

    1. The specific meaning of the word. For example, Nikolai is the conqueror of peoples, Nina is the lady, the queen. But this information affects a person the least. This is due to the foreign origin of the names, and that very few people take such information seriously.
    2. The names are also perceived as a melody that has its own rhythm; size and plastic. Any word contains some kind of music - major, minor, inviting or soothing. This music is caught in the sound of the name and will live with the person and his character.

    History of Russian names

    Our ancestors treated the names very carefully.

    They believed that the name has a certain mysterious power that can help him, and can hurt him.

    Therefore, the choice of a name was of great importance and was considered as a ceremony.

    • Called according to external signs: Strong, Lame, Oblique, Milava.
    • Called by character trait:Dobrynya, Silent, Clever, Nesmeyana.
    • Called by birth order: Pervusha, Tretyak, Odinets, Fifth.
    • Called by the nickname: Zaitsev, Goryaev, Nezhdanov.

    The names are not random. Parents give a name with the hope that the child will be beautiful and happy. Often the name is dedicated to one of the beloved relatives, from the heroes of his time. Parents want the best qualities of the people of the previous generation to be transferred to the child with the name.

    Sociological research "What names are there in the primary grades of our school?"


    • 1st place: Dasha, Katya - 8
    • 2nd place: Nastya - 7
    • 3rd place: Christina, Ksenia, Vika - 4


    • 1st place: Kirill, Sasha, Artyom, Vanya, Maxim - 5
    • 2nd place: Ilya, Andrey - 4th
    • 3rd place: Nikita, Dima, Roma –3

    The following names were rare

    Girls Boys
    Olya Ayzirek Natasha Volodya Eric Rudik
    Nazrin Alina Niana Elnur Kolya Alyosha
    Milan Saida Anya Mark Christopher Babken
    Bozena Diana Alsou Hovhannes Robert Egor
    Sabina Karina Damir Nurbek Vasya
    Elya Vitaly Matvey Seryozha Anton
    Pauline Vlada Yura Gene Eltun

    What do these rare female names mean?

    • Anna (Anya) (Hebrew)- mercy.
    • Alina (latin)- another, alien.
    • Bozena (Old Slavic)- under the auspices of God.
    • Vladislava (Vlad) (Old Slavic)- owning fame.
    • Diana (latin)- divine.
    • Karina (latin)- looking forward.
    • Milan (Old Slavic)- sweet.
    • Natalia (Natasha) (latin) - dear.
    • Olga (Olya) (Old Slavic or Scandinavian)- holy, sacred, clear, bright, wise, fatal.
    • Pauline (greek)- significant; (latin)- petite.
    • Sabina (latin)- Sabine (name of the Sabine tribe).
    • Eleanor (Elya) (greek)- compassion, mercy.

    What do these rare male names mean?

    • Anton (ancient roman)- entering the battle.
    • Alexey (Alyosha) (ancient greek)- to protect.
    • Babken (Armenian)- the youngest son of his father.
    • Vladimir (Volodya) (Slavic)- owning the world.
    • Vasiliy (greek)- the king.
    • Gennady (Gena) (greek)- noble, noble.
    • Damir (Turkic)- persistent.
    • Egor (Greek) is a farmer.
    • Matvey (Hebrew) is a man of God.
    • Nikolay (Kolya) (Greek) - the winner of the nations.
    • Robert (ancient Germanic) - unfading fame.
    • Sergey (Seryozha) (Latin) - tall, highly respected.
    • Christopher (ancient Greek) - carrying Christ.
    • Eric (Old Germanic) - noble leader

    Sociological research "Questioning in my class (3" B ") and among primary school teachers"

    Questionnaire questions

    1. What does my name mean?
    2. Do you like your name?
      a) yes,
      b) no,
      c) not really.
    3. Why?
    4. Why does a man need a name?

    Results of the survey in my class

    1. What does my name mean?
      know - 17; don't know - 10.
    2. Do you like your name?
      yes - 23; no - 0; not really - 4.
    3. Why?
      “Yes” is “a wonderful and good name”, “sounds and pronounced beautifully”, “kind and affectionate”, “happy”.
      "Not really" - "I want another name."
    4. Why does a man need a name?
      “To understand who is being summoned to the board”, “to call another person”, “not to get confused”.
      Found it difficult to answer - 4 people.

    Results of the survey among primary school teachers

    1. What does my name mean?
      know - everyone.
    2. Do you like your name?
      yes - to everyone.
    3. Why?
      “Very gentle, beautiful”, “sounds strict and gentle”, “there are many solid consonants in the name”, “the meaning of the name coincides with my profession”, “occurs in Russian fairy tales”.
    4. Why does a man need a name?
      “The name sets the program of a person's life, his destiny”, “to distinguish from among other people”, “the name gives individuality to a person”.

    There are many words in the world - good and bad, but for each person there is only one word that more than all others causes various emotional experiences, the word that is most favorable to his soul - his own name.

    No one can argue that more than 6 billion people live on Earth and we are all different. Some of us have our own home, and some do not. Others get around by car, while others walk. Someone has five children, while others do not. One has a light character, and someone cannot boast of it. But every person on earth, whether he is from Arkhangelsk or Guatemala, a postman, clergyman, athlete, military man or president, absolutely everyone, has a personal name. This is what is given to a person at birth, and what will be with him throughout his life, and in some cases even will pass to his descendants (in the form of a patronymic, for example). And each name of a person means something, and maybe even affects his character and future destiny. Today, this issue is being studied by a number of serious scientists around the world, since this problem is ambiguous and very interesting.

    It was another matter before. From time immemorial, a person was given a name that spoke about a person, if not everything, then a lot, and everything became clear already from its very sound (in his native dialect, of course). Remember how the Indians? Swift Stream, Wise Warrior, Bear Claw. They say that then the name could change, depending on what happened in the life of one, separately taken Indian. The mystery of the name and the character of the one who wears it was merged and unnecessary questions did not arise.

    Today everything is much more complicated and deeper. Because over time and the change of eras, so many additional meanings, ancient legends and fairy tales, religious myths, influences of other languages \u200b\u200band dialects could be woven into one name. That without professionals it is simply impossible to understand, what the same denotes a name, what is the meaning of the name, and what is his secret?

    Attempts to understand and explain the influence of the name on the character traits and fate of a person today are distinguished by a wide variety of approaches to solving this problem. Different researchers use different underlying concepts, and as a result, we have significantly different name meanings... Therefore, we cite the opinions of not one, but several competent researchers at once. In this section, you will learn about the results of research on the impact and name meanings B. Khigira, P. Rouge, D. Zima, L. Tsimbalova and others in the form psychological characteristics, as well as descriptions of the influence of female and male names on the character and fate of its owner. Here you will find out which of the greats bore your name, and how to behave in order to achieve success in life.

    We present both the most common names in our country, as well as rare, old ones and, of course, some foreign names that have become fashionable in our country. Having found meaning of your name, everyone will decide for himself which of the researchers was right, and who hit the sky with his finger. Someone will look at the one next to him in a different way. After all, suspecting or intuitively guessing about this or that character trait of the people around us, sometimes we simply cannot correctly formulate it. And someone, perhaps, is facing a difficult task, choosing a name for a child? Our section will certainly help you!

    Remember Captain Vrungel? "Whatever you call a boat, so it will float."

    "What's in a name?" - the poet asked the unknown interlocutor. Over the same question, but in a broader sense, humanity has been struggling for more than one century, but the names are in no hurry to reveal all their secrets. Even notorious materialists and skeptics do not choose the first names they come across for their children, thereby recognizing that the name becomes a visiting card of a person in society, a part of himself. Many people are sure that an individual name not only contains information about its owner, but is also able to participate in the formation of his character, to influence his future life. In this regard, the famous phrase "As you name a yacht, so it will float" is often recalled. What can we say about a person - a living being and connected to the universe by thousands of threads!

    Personal names are the object of study of anthroponymy - a section of the science of onomastics. Within its framework, researchers study their origin, evolutionary development, laws and features of functioning. Each name, whether it is originally Slavic or borrowed from other languages, for example, Greek and Hebrew, has its own history, its own meaning. The original meaning of many names was lost in the thickness of the centuries, erased, and ceased to be taken literally. In addition, not all people are interested in the meaning of their name, thereby missing out on the opportunity to learn more about themselves and their life prospects. Meanwhile, the research of modern anthroponymists is aimed at compiling a psychological portrait of a typical representative of a particular name, because even earlier it was discovered that identically named people have much in common in character, fate, and even appearance.

    Of course, one should not exaggerate the role of the name in the formation of personality, but nevertheless it deserves the closest attention. The choice of a name for a child should be deliberate, thoughtful, taking into account various factors. In the life of an adult, a name change is also possible, so the information presented on our website is useful not only for those who are looking for a name for a newborn boy or girl. For people who are not going to change their second "I", a closer acquaintance with the meaning of names can also bring a lot of benefits - in particular, suggest the directions of work on themselves, on compatibility with others and fruitful interaction with them.

    In this section of our site, you can find not only the meanings of names, but also a variety of related information, for example, about name days, good days, useful practical advice, excursions into history and much more.


    August - regal, regal, sacred (lat.)

    Augustine see August

    Avelina - see Evelina

    Aurelia - golden (lat.)

    Aurora - morning dawn (lat.)

    Agatha see Agafya

    Agafya (Agatha) - kind, good (Greek)

    Aggul - white flower (Turkic)

    Agida - faith (Arabic)

    Aglaida - shining, magnificent, beautiful (Greek)

    Aglaya - shining, magnificent, beautiful (Greek)

    Agnia - pure, immaculate lamb (lat.)

    Agrippina - Roman generic name (lat.)

    Ada - smart (other Heb.)

    Adelaide - noble, high-born (Old German)

    Adeline - fragrant (Old German)

    Adele - pious, noble (other German)

    Adina - holiday, Friday (Arabic)

    Adriana - a resident of Adria (Greek)

    Aza - consolation (Arabic) or strong, strong (other Heb.)

    Aziza - wearer of God (Arabic)

    Aida - benefit, reward (Arabic)

    Ayante - violet (Greek)

    Aina - mirror (pers.)

    Aita - living (azerb.)

    Akulina (Akilina) - eagle (lat.)

    Alana is the most significant (Arabic)

    Alva (Alva) - rich (lat.)

    Alevtina - rubbed with incense, alien to evil (Greek)

    Alexandra - protector of people (Greek)

    Alexandria - protector of people (Greek)

    Alena - see Elena

    Aleshan - high dignity (Arabic)

    Alima - knowledgeable, scientist (azerb.)

    Alina - noble (germ.)

    Alice - noble (germ.)

    Alia - sublime (Arabic)

    Alla - another (Greek) or noble (German)

    Alma - nursing (lat.), Feeding with the first apple (Kazakh.)

    Almos - diamond (Tatar.)

    Alberta - brilliant, famous (germ.)

    Albina - white (lat.)

    Alpha - the first (Greek)

    Amanda - sweet, worthy (lat.)

    Amata - beloved (lat.)

    Amelia - flattering (Greek)

    Amilia - see Emilia

    Amina - Safe (Arabic)

    Anastasia - resurrecting (Greek)

    Anatolia - Eastern (Greek)

    Angelina - messenger, angel (Greek)

    Andromeda - courageous (Greek)

    Angela - messenger, angel (Greek)

    Angelica - see Angela

    Anika - invincible (Greek)

    Anita - sweet (germ.)

    Anisia (Anisya) - performer (Greek)

    Anna - pretty, pretty (OE)

    Antonina is an opponent (lat.). Roman generic name

    Anfisa - blooming (Greek)

    Anfia - flower (Greek)

    Apollinaria - belonging to Apollo (Greek)

    April - April (lat.)

    Araminta - domineering, savior (Greek)

    Ariadne - attractive, beloved (Greek)

    Arina - see Irina

    Artemis - the name of the goddess of the hunt (Greek)

    Asima - protector (azerb.)

    Asia - consoling, healing (azerb.)

    Asta - a city dweller (Greek)

    Asteria - starry (Greek)

    Asya - resurrecting (Greek) An abbreviated form of the name Anastasia, which became independent

    Atina (Athena) - the name of the goddess of wisdom (Greek)

    Aurica - golden (lat.)

    Athanasia - immortal (Greek)

    Athena see Atina

    Aphrodite - born from the foam of the sea wave, the name of the goddess of love (Greek)

    Aelita - airy (Greek). The name of the heroine of the novel by A.N. Tolstoy

    Bavu - Lady (Arabic)

    Bavhar - a gem (Pers.)

    Balimat - a feast, a treat (Arabic)

    Balia - saint (arab.)

    Barbara - see Barbara

    Bahar - spring (Arabic)

    Baharat - good news (Arabic)

    Bakhti - happy (Uzbek.)

    Basharat - a rare flower (pers.)

    Beatrice, Beata - happy (lat.)

    Belina - white (slav.)

    Bella is a beauty (lat.)

    Benedict - blessed (lat.)

    Bereslava - protective (other Russian)

    Bertha - bright, brilliant, gorgeous (Old German)

    Birsheba - see Bathsheba

    Bogdana - given by God (Slav.)

    Bogigul - garden flower (Tajik)

    Bozena - given by God, divine (glory.)

    Bonata - pretty, sweet, graceful (lat.)

    Borislava - fighting for glory (fame)

    Bronislava is a glorious defender (Slav.)

    Valentine - healthy (lat.)

    Valeria is strong (lat.). Roman generic name

    Valimat - see Balimat

    Valia - saint (arab.)

    Wanda - bold, fearless (Polish)

    Varaka - crow (muzzle)

    Barbara - foreigner (Greek)

    Vasilina - see Vasilisa

    Vasilisa (Vasilisa) - queen (Greek)

    Vassa - desert (Greek)

    Wenceslas, Vyacheslava - the most glorious

    Veda - mermaid (Bulgarian)

    Vengana - crowned (cargo)

    Venus is the name of the goddess of beauty and love (lat.)

    Wenceslas - crowned with glory (glory.)

    Faith - Faith (Russian)

    Veronica - victorious, bringing victory (Greek)

    Veselina - cheerful (Bulgarian)

    Vesta - the name of the goddess of the hearth (lat.)

    Victoria - victory (lat.)

    Vilena - V. I. Lenin (Soviet)

    Vilora - abbreviation “V.I. Lenin - the organizer of the revolution "(Sov.)

    Viola - violet (lat.)

    Violetta - violet (lat.)

    Virginia (Virginia) - virgin (lat.)

    Virinea - green, blooming, young (lat.)

    Bathsheba - the daughter of an oath (Old Heb.)

    Vita - life (lat.)

    Vitalia - vital (lat.)

    Vlada - owning (Slav.)

    Vladilena - V. I. Lenin (Soviet)

    Vladislava - owning glory (Slav.)

    Vlasta - homeland (Czech)

    Gaia - funny (eng.)

    Galima - predominant (Arabic)

    Galina - calm, serene (Greek)

    Galya - marten, weasel (Greek)

    Ganna - mercy (Western Slav.)

    Gayane is a beauty (Turkic)

    Gelena - see Elena

    Helium - solar (Greek)

    Hella - sunny, shining (Greek)

    Henrietta is a noble beauty (O.D.)

    Dahlia - from the name of the flower

    Gerda - protector (scand.)

    Hermine - militant (German)

    Gertrude - warrior (Scand.) Or heroine of labor (Sov.)

    Gaia - earth (Greek)

    Gilya - flower (azerb.)

    Gilyara - calming, consoling (Tatars.)

    Glafira - graceful (Greek)

    Glyceria - sweet (Greek)

    Gloria - glory (lat.)

    Gorislava - bright glory (glory.)

    Hydrangea - blooming (lat.)

    Grazyna - graceful, beautiful (Polish)

    Greta - pearl (germ.)

    Gulnara is a beautiful flower (Arabic)

    Gutfia - a kind woman (Arabic)

    Dinah (Dina) - avenged (other Hebrew)

    Dalara - beloved (Arabic)

    Damira - persistent, iron (Tatars.)

    Dana - given, gifted (glorious)

    Danara - gold coin (Arabic)

    Danae - Greek (Greek)

    Daniela - "God is my judge" (al. Heb.)

    Darina - Owner of Wealth (Pers.)

    Daria - strong, conquering (Greek)

    Deborah - bee (ancient Hebrew)

    Jamilya - beautiful (Arabic)

    Jana - beloved (azerb.)

    Jannat (Jannam) - paradise (Arabic)

    Gemma - gem, jewel (it.)

    Julia - see Julia

    Juliet - see Julia

    Diana - the name of the goddess of the hunt (lat.)

    Dina see Dina

    Dita - people (germ.)

    Diya - divine (Greek)

    Dobroslava - good glory (fame)

    Share is fate (fame)

    Dominica - madam (lat.)

    Blast furnace - mistress, mistress (lat.)

    Dona is a grain (Tajik)

    Dora - see Theodora

    Dorosita - dew (Greek)

    Dorothea - a gift of God (Greek)

    Eve - alive, life (al. Heb.)

    Eugenia - noble (Greek)

    Evdokia - benevolence (Greek)

    Eulalia - eloquent (Greek)

    Eulampia - pleasant light (Greek)

    Eupraxia - happiness, prosperity (Greek)

    Eusebia - pious (Greek)

    Eustolia - smart (Greek)

    Euphalia - lush (Greek)

    Euphomiya - pious, sacred (Greek)

    Catherine - pure, immaculate (Greek)

    Elena - shining (Greek)

    Elizabeth - "I swear to God" (al. Heb.)

    Emilia - see Emilia

    Yesenia - prosperous (Greek)

    Efimia - pious (Greek)

    Euphrosinia (Eurosinia) - joy, fun (Greek)

    Jeanne - the mercy of God (al. Heb.)

    Zhilit is a beauty (Kazakh)

    Josephine - God will multiply (O. Heb.)

    Juliette - see Julia

    Fun - funny (other Russian)

    Zabira - firm, strong (Arabic)

    Zara - gold (Arabic)

    Zarema - scarlet dawn (Turkic)

    Zarina - golden (Arabic)

    Zarifa - witty, graceful (Arabic)

    Zaphor - Victory (Arabic)

    Zahra - shiny, light (azerb.)

    Zemfira - rebellious (lat.)

    Ziba is a beauty (Kazakh)

    Zilite - titmouse (Latvian)

    Zilla - shadow (OE)

    Zinaida - belonging to Zeus (Greek)

    Zinia - hospitable (Greek)

    Zinovia - the life given by Zeus (Greek)

    Zita - girl (pers.)

    Ziyada - Returning (Arabic)

    Zlata - golden (slav.)

    Zoreslava - illuminated by glory (other Russian)

    Zoya - life (Greek)

    Zulala - transparent, pure (Arabic)

    Zuhra - shine, beauty (Arabic)

    Ivanna - see John

    Yvette - shamrock (fr.)

    Ida - fertile (Greek)

    Isabella is a beauty (Spanish)

    Isolde - shine of gold (other germ.)

    Ilaria - cheerful (Greek)

    Ilona (Ilyana) - light (Hungarian)

    Inga - winter (other scand.)

    Indira - lunar (Sanskrit)

    Inessa - see Inna

    Inna (Inessa) - a stormy stream (lat.)

    John - given by God (al. Heb.)

    Iolanta - see Viola

    Ipollita - unhitching horses, the name of the mythical queen of the Amazons (Greek)

    Iraida - daughter of a hero, heroine (Greek)

    Irene - see Irina

    Iris is the name of the goddess of the rainbow, patroness of women and marriage (lat.)

    Irina - peace (Greek)

    Isidora (Isadora) - the gift of Isis (Greek)

    Iskra - light (Russian, Bulgarian)

    Oia - violet (Greek)

    Kaleria - hot, ardent (lat.)

    Kalisa - beautiful (Greek)

    Camilla - a girl from a noble family (Greek)

    Capitolina - from the name of one of the seven hills in Rome (lat.)

    Karima is a generous woman (Arabic)

    Karina (Karine) - looking forward (lat.)

    Caroline - queen, royal (ger.)

    Kasima - distributing (Tatars.)

    Kasinia - maid (lat.)

    Cassandra - a hunter for men (Greek)

    Kira (Kiriena) - mistress, mistress (Greek)

    Kiriena see kira

    Cyril - mistress, mistress (Greek)

    Claudia is lame. Roman generic name. (lat.)

    Clara (Clarice) - clear, light (lat.)

    Clementine - grapevine (Greek) or gracious (lat.)

    Cleopatra - the glory of the father (Greek)

    Concordia - consent (lat.)

    Constance - constant, faithful (lat.)

    Cora - virgin, girl (Greek)

    Christina (Christina) - dedicated to Christ (Greek)

    Ksenia is a stranger, a guest (Greek)

    Lavinia is a traitor (lat.)

    Lada - sweet, good (fame)

    Larissa - seagull or from the name of the city Larissa (Greek)

    Laura - crowned with laurels (lat.)

    Leda is a mythical heroine who captivated Zeus with her beauty (Greek)

    Leila - night (Arabic)

    Leonida - lion, daughter of a lion (Greek)

    Leonila - lionlike, lioness-like (lat.)

    Leontina - daughter of a lion (Greek)

    Leia - heifer, heifer (other Heb.)

    Lydia - a resident of Lydia - a region in Asia Minor (Greek)

    Lika - sweet (Greek)

    Liliana - lily (lat.)

    Lilita - night (Old Hebrew)

    Lily - see Liliana

    Lina - mournful song (Greek)

    Linda - beautiful (Spanish)

    Lyon (Leona) - lioness (lat.)

    Leah - see Leah

    Lola - weed (lat.)

    Lolita - grief, sorrow (Spanish)

    Lorna - abandoned, disappeared (Old German)

    Lyubava - beloved (other Russian)

    Love - beloved (Art. Slav.)

    Lyudmila - dear to people (Art. Slav.)

    Lucia (Lucina, Luciena, Lucia) - light, luminous (lat.). Roman generic name

    Mavji - shine, shine (taj.)

    Mavra - dark, matte (Greek)

    Magdalene - from the city of Magdala in Palestine (other Heb.)

    Madina - city (arab.)

    Maya - in Indian mythology, the name of the progenitor of the Universe, in Greek - the goddess, mother of Hermes

    Malania see Melania

    Malika - queen (Arabic)

    Malvina - weak, gentle (German)

    Manana - merciful (load)

    Manetha - given, given (Old Hebrew)

    Manush - sweet (in Armenian)

    Margarita - pearl (lat.)

    Mariam (Maryana, Maryam) - rejecting, bitter, tart (other Heb.)

    Marianne - marine (lat.) Possibly contamination of the names Maria and Anna

    Marietta - see Maria

    Marina - marine (lat.)

    Maritsa - Hungarian version of the name Maria

    Maria - desired, sad (O. Heb.)

    Marceline - see Marcellus

    Martha (Martha) - mistress, mistress (aram.)

    Martina - under the auspices of Mars (lat.)

    Martha see Martha

    Marcellus - hammer (lat.)

    Masuma - Protected (Arabic)

    Matilda - dangerous beauty (O.D.)

    Matryona - lady of honor (lat.)

    Medea is a sorceress (Greek)

    May - May or hawthorn flower (eng.)

    Melania (Malania) - black, dark, dark-skinned (Greek)

    Melissa (Militsa) - bee, honey (Greek)

    Melitina - see Melissa

    Mila - sweet (slav.)

    Milada - sweet, sweet (bulg.)

    Milena - sweet, gentle (sl.)

    Militta is the name of the Babylonian goddess of fertility (Greek)

    Milica - South Slavic version of the name Melissa

    Milica see Melissa

    Minna - love, tenderness (German)

    Minodora - gift of the month (Greek)

    Mira - see Mirra

    Miroslava - peaceful glory (fame)

    Myrrh is a myrtle tree (ancient Hebrew); "World revolution" (Sov.)

    Mitrodora - a mother's gift (Greek)

    Mlada - young, junior (South Slav.)

    Modesta - modest (lat.)

    Monica - lonely (Greek)

    Muse - a female deity patronizing the arts (Greek)

    Hope - Hope (Slav.)

    Nail (Naila) - gift, gift (Turkic)

    Naina - Innocent (Old Hebrew)

    Nana - small, youngest (cargo)

    Nargul - pomegranate flower (Turkic)

    Natalia (Natalia) - native (lat.)

    Nelly - light (Greek)

    Neonila - young, new (Greek)

    Nika - victory (Greek)

    Nymphodora - the gift of a nymph (Greek)

    Nina - on behalf of the founder of the Syrian state of Ninos (Greek)

    Nira - beautiful (OE)

    Nisa - woman (Arabic)

    Novella - new (lat.)

    Nonna - ninth (lat.)

    Nora - fortuneteller (other Scand.)

    Noyabrina - in honor of the victory of the revolution (Sov.)

    Odette - fragrant (lat.)

    Oyguna - moon (Kyrgyz.)

    Oksana - ukrainian form named Xenia

    Octavia - eighth (lat.)

    Oktyabrina - in honor of the victory of the revolution (Sov.)

    Olesya - forest (Belarusian)

    Olympiad - praising the sky (Greek)

    Olbia - happy (Greek)

    Olga - sacred, holy (other Scand.)

    Paul (Pavlina, Paulina) - small, small (lat.)

    Palmyra - a pilgrim (lat.)

    Patricia - aristocrat, noble person (Greek)

    Pelageya - sea (Greek)

    Pinna - mother-of-pearl shell (Greek)

    Polyxena - hospitable (Greek)

    Polina - belonging to Apollo (Greek). Abbreviated form of the name Apollinarius, which became independent

    Praskovya - Friday (Greek)

    Pulcheria - beautiful (lat.)

    Glad - cheerful, joyful (Slav.)

    Radmila - sweet, joyful (Slav.)

    Raisa - light (Greek)

    Rachel - see Rachel

    Rachel - a lamb (ancient Hebrew)

    Rebecca (Rebekah) - a faithful wife who takes prisoner (Old Hebrew)

    Regina - queen, queen (lat.)

    Rema - rower (Greek) or "revolution-electrification-mechanization" (Soviet)

    Renata - reborn (lat.)

    Rimma - Roman (lat.)

    Rita - see Margarita

    Rogneda - sad (other scand.)

    Rose - rose, red flower (lat.)

    Rosalia - rose (lat.)

    Roxana - fortune teller (Greek)

    Rostislav - multiplying glory (fame)

    Rufina - red, gold (lat.). Roman generic name

    Ruth (Ruth) - friend (OE)

    Sabina - Sabine (other Heb.)

    Saida - happy (Arabic)

    Sakina - calmness, silence (Arabic)

    Salmaz - unfading (azerb.)

    Salome - peaceful, calm (other Heb.)

    Saltanat - power, government (Kazakh)

    Sarah - see Sarah

    Sarah (Sarah) - the ancestor, mother of many people (ancient Heb.)

    Safa - clean, contented (Tatars.)

    Svetlana - bright, clean (Slav.)

    Severina - serious, strict (lat.)

    Sevil - beloved (azerb.)

    Selina (Selena) - moon (Greek)

    Semira - loving pigeons (pers.)

    Sepphora - songbird (ancient Hebrew)

    Seraphima - a fiery, fiery angel (ancient Heb.)

    Sibylla (Sibyl) - prophetess (Greek)

    Silva (Sylvia) - forest (lat.)

    Simone - obedient, heard by God (al. Heb.)

    Simcha - joy (al. Heb.)

    Sirus - beauty (in Armenian)

    Sitara - star (Arabic)

    Siyana - strong (bulg.)

    Slavyanya (Slavena) - glorious (glorious)

    Snezhana - snowy (bulg.)

    Soziya - protective (Greek)

    Sona - pheasant (azerb.)

    Sosanna see Susanna

    Sofia (Sophia) - wisdom (Greek)

    Stalin - from I.V. Stalin (Sov.)

    Stanislava - the pinnacle of fame (fame)

    Stella (Estella) - star (lat.)

    Stepanida - crowned (Greek)

    Stephanie - see Stepanida

    Stoyana - straight (bul.)

    Susanna - see Susanna

    Suzanne see Susanna

    Sulu - beautiful (Tatars.)

    Susanna (Sosanna, Susanna, Suzanne) - white lily (other Heb.)

    Sufi - pious (Tatars.)

    Tabitha - chamois, roe deer, gazelle (ancient Hebrew)

    Taira - pure (Arabic)

    Taisiya - fertile (lat.)

    Waist - cheerful (Greek)

    Tamara - date palm (ancient Hebrew)

    Tamila - tormentor (other Russian)

    Tatiana - the organizer who sets the rules (Greek)

    Tekla - see Thekla

    Tekusa - giving birth (Greek)

    Theodora see Theodora

    Teresa - protecting, protecting (Greek)

    Tryphena - living in luxury (Greek)

    Ulyana - see Juliana

    Ursula - bear (lat.)

    Ustinya (Justina) - fair (lat.)

    Faina - shining (Greek)

    Farida - a pearl (Arabic)

    Fatima - weaned (Arabic)

    Fevronia - radiant (Greek)

    Thekla - the glory of God (Greek)

    Felicia (Felitsa, Felisa, Felix) - happy (lat.)

    Theodora (Fedora, Theodora, Fedotia, Theodora) - God's gift (Greek)

    Feodosia (Fedosya) - God's gift (Greek)

    Theona - divine understanding (Greek)

    Theophila (Theophila) - amiable, beloved by God (Greek)

    Theivramna - born in February (lat.)

    Fidelina - devoted (lat.)

    Fiza - emitting light (Arabic)

    Philippia - horsewoman (Greek)

    Philothea - God-loving (Greek)

    Flavia - golden (lat.)

    Flora - blooming, the name of the Roman goddess of nature, flowers and spring (lat.)

    Florina (Florentina, Florida) - dotted with flowers, blooming (lat.)

    Fortunata - happy (lat.)

    Photina - light, radiant (Greek)

    Frida - faithful (German)

    Hava (Havva) - see Eve

    Khavronia - see Fevronia

    Khalianta (Heliant) - solar flower (Greek)

    Harisa (Harita, Haritina) - graceful, adorable (Greek)

    Helga - see Olga

    Henrietta - see Henrietta

    Hina (Khiona) - snowy (Greek)

    Khione - see hina

    Chloe - a delicate flower, greenery (Greek)

    Chrysa - golden (Greek)

    Chrysana - golden-colored (Greek)

    Chrysia - see Chrysia

    Christina - see Christina

    Humar - the bird of happiness (pers.)

    Tsarina - queen (bulg.)

    Tsvetana - blooming (bulg.)

    Caesarina - cutting (lat.)

    Celestine - heavenly (lat.)

    Cecilia (Cecilia) - blind (lat.)

    Chara - charming (fame)

    Shirafa - sacred (Arabic)

    Shalomokha - peaceful, affable (other Heb.)

    Evelina - hazelnut (old fr.)

    Euredika - found (Greek)

    Edina - Sublime (other Scand.)

    Edita - giving orders (lat.)

    Electra - radiant, radiant (Greek)

    Eleanor - God is my light (Heb.)

    Eliza - the mercy of God (Old German)

    Elina - light (German)

    Ella - light (germ.)

    Elvira - protector of people (ger.)

    Elga see Olga

    Elsa - Restless (Old German)

    Elmira is a star (Arabic)

    Emilia - zealous (lat.)

    Emma - flattering (other German)

    Enigma - a riddle (Greek)

    Enida - life, soul (other German)

    Era - era (lat.)

    Erica - rich, powerful (O. Scand.)

    Erna is a storyteller (other Scand.)

    Ernestina - see Erna

    Esmeralda - emerald (Spanish)

    Esther - a star (ancient Hebrew)

    Esther is a star (Old Hebrew)

    Juvenalia - young (lat.)

    Juventa - the name of the Roman goddess of youth (lat.)

    Judith - Jewess (other Heb.)

    Southerners - southern (Soviet)

    Jozefa - God will add (Polish)

    Juliana - see Ulyana

    Julia is curly, fluffy. Roman generic name (lat.)

    Yumru - round, full-bodied (azerb.)

    Yuna (Una, Yunna) - the only one (lat.)

    Junia - Roman female name (lat.)

    Juno - forever young, the name of the Roman goddess - the wife of Jupiter, the patroness of marriage (lat.)

    Justina (Ustina) - fair (lat.)

    Jadwiga - Warrior (Polish)

    Yana (Yana, Yanina) - God-given, God's mercy (other Heb.)

    Yaroslava - bright glory (sl.)

    There is not a single person who does not have a name. It happens that the man himself is long gone, but his name lives on: the king of the ancient Persians - Cyrus; Queen of Assyria - Semiramis. And brother Ivanushka and sister Alyonushka from our wonderful fairy tales? They did not exist at all, but their names live on.

    What are names? Names are words, but special, all words have a meaning, but they don't seem to have. If, pointing to the cat, you say: "But the dog is running!" - they won't believe you. And if, introducing your little sister Valya to someone, you present her as Masha, no one will even suspect deception. Nobody will say: “What kind of Masha is she? She's a typical Valya. "

    There are nations in which a person changes two or even three names in his life. And absolutely nothing changes from this. Maybe the names really don't matter?

    This is not entirely true. In ancient times, people gave each other only meaningful names, calling children suitable, in their opinion, words. The American Indians could name the baby Wee-Whis - owl or Homa-Homani - a morning cloud. The ancient Greeks had such names: Peter, which meant “stone”, Phoca- “seal”, Chrysis- “gold”. They all once made sense.

    Our ancestors did the same. Old Russian names sounded differently: Miloneg, Dobroslava, Dobrynya, Malusha. Their meaning was clear. They could give the boy the name Wolf - so that he was strong, courageous and lived for a long time. Those who were born on Saturday were called Sobotka; the firstborn - the First; noisy baby - Besson or Restless. And why then there were no such names?

    They were supplanted by foreign names that came with the Christian faith. For example, Ivan is a modified Hebrew name for Jokanaan, meaning "a gift from God." The name Alexander came from Greece: there such a word could mean "protector of people." Valentina in Latin is "the daughter of a healthy man, a mighty man."

    These names have spread across all European nations; each altered them in his own way. Jokanaan became Jean in France, John in England, and Jan among the Poles, and the meaning of the name was forgotten. There was a long struggle between the old Russian names and foreign visitors; the victory remained with the latter, because only the church, the priests, had the right to give names to children.

    After the October Revolution, they lost this right. Now every father and mother can choose any beautiful, sonorous, meaningful word - well, at least Svetlana (light), or Dawn, or Victory - and name their son or daughter with it. Many new names - Ninel (the word Lenin, read from end to beginning), Vladlen (Vladimir Lenin), Kim (Communist Youth International) - have become very common and have taken root well among the people. Not every word can be turned into a name, and it's not easy to do it.

    There is more than one Rosa Lvovna in the world: the name of the rose flower and the mighty predatory animal lion could become names. But there is not a single Lilac Krokodilovna, although "lilac" is also the name of a flower, and "crocodile" is a terrible predatory animal.

    The point here is not so trivial: when a word becomes a name, a lot changes in it.