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  • Indoor lavender care varieties. Lavender: how to grow seedlings at home

    Indoor lavender care varieties. Lavender: how to grow seedlings at home

    Lavender is familiar to many as an essential oil crop that has soothing properties and helps relieve headaches. An evergreen plant that requires an abundance of warmth and light, it grows naturally in the Canary Islands, India and the Mediterranean. This plant, which is successfully used in medicine, cosmetology, interior decoration, is especially popular in domestic open spaces.

    The endurance of lavender, the ability to withstand heat and frost make it possible to grow such a crop on an industrial scale.

    Lavender: description

    Lavender at home is an effective insecticide: planted in orchards and vegetable gardens, it repels pests. In particular, the plant is not tolerated by moths and Colorado beetles.

    In gardens and flower beds, lavender creates a chic backdrop, highlighting the individuality of other plants. Its harmony with roses is gorgeous, as well as the combination of aromas of these two beautiful plants.

    Outwardly, lavender, the cultivation of which is not particularly difficult, is a bush with an approximate diameter of 0.5 to 2 meters, with narrow, silvery leaves; flowers (from blue to dark purple) are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. The dried twigs have a delicate, somewhat bitter aroma. Used at home as an effective anti-moth remedy. They look harmoniously in "folk" interiors: chalets, provence, country.

    In ancient Greece, lavender was used for washing and washing, which is the reason for its current name: "lava" from Latin means "wash".

    Varieties of lavender

    In nature, there are about 25 species of this plant.

    English lavender or narrow-leaved. Has a strong fresh smell. The bush is approximately 1 meter in height and in diameter. Leaves are gray-green, narrow, small. The flowering period is in mid-summer. Inflorescences are large, placed on long stems. The variety is quite easy to care for, adapted to low temperatures.

    Lavender is French or broadleaf.It is considered the ancestor of decorative varieties. Has a wide range of colors. Flowering begins in May. The aroma is very strong, not always pleasant.

    Hybrid Dutch lavender. Popular in Southern and Central Europe. Narrow-leaved tall (up to 2 meters) variety, characterized by large inflorescences located on long stems. Blooms in July. It is widely used in industry.

    Lavender toothed. The variety is thermophilic; in the conditions of the domestic climate, it is suitable only for indoor cultivation. It has silvery, soft leaves. The inflorescences are composed of large blue flowers.

    Features of lavender care

    Lavender at home takes time and some patience. The plant prefers sandy soil, direct sunlight, does not need frequent watering. In the shade, the plant will take root, but it will not please with abundant flowering. It is not recommended to plant lavender near water bodies. Being a long-term plant, lavender needs pruning, the purpose of which is to form a beautiful lush crown of the plant. It is required to produce it in autumn (after wilting of the spikelets-inflorescences), shortening the bush to a height of 3-5 cm above the soil surface. Pruning should be done carefully, until woody shoots.

    Lavender, which is not difficult to care for, needs constant loosening. This will provide good air circulation and get rid of nearby weeds. Also, the earth can be mulched, rotted foliage, needles or wood chips can be used as mulch. The soil should remain open near the base of the trunk, which will protect it from rotting.

    The plant is transplanted in spring or autumn, during the dormant period, before the onset of cold weather. For the winter, it is recommended to cover lavender with spruce branches or needles. If the plant is still frozen, the dead parts should be cut off. The bush will recover quickly enough.

    Lavender breeding methods

    Lavender is cultivated in several ways: by seeds, layering, cuttings, dividing the bush. The seed growing method is little used due to its duration. Lavender seeds must be sown in a prepared container with sandy soil, moistened and left for 30-40 days; the recommended temperature for this is +5 o C. After this time period, it is recommended to transfer the box with seeds to a warm, bright place, where to wait for the first shoots to appear. Disembarkation is carried out in May.

    Seed-planted lavender will grow better if the seed is stratified. To do this, the seeds should be mixed with a certain amount of sand, placed in a container, which must be wrapped in polyethylene and placed in the refrigerator for a month and a half. This will ensure faster germination of the plant. At the end of this procedure, lavender seeds can be sown. That's the whole procedure.

    Lavender at home, planted with seeds, will not bloom soon: at first, the seedlings will develop, grow the root system. The plant will be able to appear in all its beauty only after a year, or even two.

    The method of propagation by layering is convenient and not laborious. It is required to prepare a groove near the bush, into which to bend several lower branches. The latter must be attached and covered with soil. By next spring, the layering is ready for independent existence, it only needs to be carefully trimmed on both sides, dug up and transplanted.

    When propagating by cuttings, it is recommended to use woody annual shoots. They need to be cut into pieces of 7-10 cm and immersed in a loose earthy mixture, covered with a film and constantly moisten the soil. Rooted twigs must be carefully dug out, leaving an earthen ball on the roots, and transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

    Reproduction by dividing the bush

    The way lavender propagates by dividing the bush requires some preparation. In autumn, the plant should be cut off by 8-10 cm, and then sprinkled with earth. Sprinkle again in the spring: this will lead to the formation of numerous shoots. In the fall, the lavender bush will be completely ready for division.

    New lavender bushes are planted depending on the size of the latter; the approximate distance is 0.5-1.5 meters between each other.

    Lavender in a pot is beautiful, it is fragrant, it is unusual! Growing such a culture indoors is somewhat more difficult than in the open field. In this case, compliance with the temperature regime and careful care will be important components of its quality growth. Indoor specimen of lavender is an order of magnitude smaller than its street compatriot, which does not detract from its decorative effect.

    Lavender: home cultivation

    So, for growing lavender at home, you will need a deep and wide container due to the massiveness of the plant's root system. The bottom of the pot should be covered with a layer of drainage; the soil for planting is recommended to be soft and well fertilized. Moreover, lavender does not like organic and nitrogen fertilizers; good growth will be provided by potassium-containing dressings. Mineral preparations are recommended to be applied to the root area during flowering. The most optimal soil composition is as follows: 3 parts of leafy land, part of sand and two parts of humus. Sandy soil with added lime will create ideal conditions for lavender to grow.

    Potted lavender prefers cool, sunny locations. It will feel most comfortable on a terrace, a cool balcony, from the outside of the window.

    Watering the plant

    It is enough to water the plant once a week (in the morning or in the evening), in the cool season - twice a month, using additional humidification. To form a lush crown, it is recommended to water it mostly on the green part of the plant. Water stagnation should not be allowed, otherwise the lavender at home will simply die.

    Lavender - how to grow this wonderful plant at home

    Lavender (Lavender) is an ornamental and medicinal aromatic plant. Seeing lavender at its peak makes it impossible not to fall in love with its purple flowers and fresh scent. Read about how to grow lavender at home and in the garden, in a pot and outdoors, from seeds, cuttings and cuttings

    Lavender (lat.Lavandula) is an evergreen shrub with narrow silvery leaves and spike-shaped inflorescences. Lavender flowers - all shades of lilac (from pale lilac to deep purple), as well as blue, white and pink colors. The nectar and scent of lavender flowers are extremely attractive to bees and butterflies. In addition to its excellent melliferous qualities, lavender is distinguished by its drought tolerance and unpretentiousness, is rarely affected by garden pests and is a valuable dried-flower plant. Narrow-leaved lavender (English, medicinal) is also a valuable medicinal and aromatic plant. Growing lavender in warm, sunny regions is easy. In colder regions, it is possible to grow lavender in a pot at home, and with some effort in the garden.

    Lavender comes from the Mediterranean region, the Canary Islands and India. The name lavender is derived from the Latin word lava (to wash) and reflects the antiseptic and hygienic properties of lavender, which the Romans used for washing, washing and cleaning.

    Narrow-leaved lavender (English) and other species

    There are about 25 species in the genus lavender, of which are popular in garden culture:

    Narrow-leaved lavender, English, true (Lavandula angustifolia, L. officinalis). This plant is most often referred to when lavender is spoken. Unpretentious and winter-hardy plant (from climatic zone 4 with shelter) up to 1 m in height and width, with small narrow leaves of gray-green color. Narrow-leaved lavender flowers are narrow and elongated on long, thin, straight peduncles. Color - all shades of lilac and blue, pink, white. The entire shrub exudes a delicate fresh scent and is of great industrial value as an aromatic and medicinal plant. Narrow-leaved lavender blooms in June - July. Famous varieties and cultivars: Alba (white), Rosea (pink), Hidcote (dark purple), Beechwood Blue (lilac blue), Imperial Gem (dark purple), Little Lottie (pale pink dwarf up to 30 cm in height ), Nana Alba (white dwarf up to 30 cm in height), Munstead (lilac blue), Melissa Lilac (lilac large-flowered), etc.

    Spikelet lavender (Lavanluda latifolia) has a stronger aroma than narrow-leaved lavender. Unlike the latter, broadleaf lavender bears 3 inflorescences per stem, not just one.

    Hybrid lavender, Dutch, lavender (Lavanluda x intermedia). Natural hybrid of narrow-leaved lavender and broadleaf. Distributed in gardens of central and southern Europe, less cold-hardy. An extremely decorative and valuable industrial plant. Large plant up to 2 m in height and width) with narrow silvery leaves. Inflorescences of hybrid lavender are large and long, located on long peduncles curved under the weight of flowers. Hybrid lavender blooms a little later than narrow-leaved lavender, in July. An essential oil is obtained from lavandin, which, however, is considered by some to be less valuable than lavender angustifolia oil. plant Varieties: Alba (white), Arabian Night (dark purple, blue), Richard Gray (dark purple compact), Sawyers (light purple), Grosso (purple purple with very large flowers).

    Stekhad lavender, French (Lavanluda stoechas, pedunculata) formed the basis for highly decorative varieties with unusual flowers with long bracts. Thanks to selection, today there are varieties of Stechad lavender with flowers of different shades of purple, lilac, pink, burgundy, green and white. French lavender also has a strong scent, but not as pleasant as the English one. Stekhad lavender blooms earlier than other types of lavender, in May. Flowering continues until July, and at the end of summer, the second phase of flowering may begin. The limit of cold resistance of French lavender is zones 6-7, so in the middle lane it can be grown in a pot.

    Toothed lavender (Lavanluda dentata). A thermophilic compact shrub with soft silvery cut leaves and rather large flowers. Blooms in July. Toothed lavender is fragrant and highly decorative, but very thermophilic (the limit of cold resistance is zones 8-9), therefore it is recommended for growing at home in a pot. The popular variety is Royal Crown with purple flowers.

    Lavender. Growing at home, in a pot and in a garden

    Lavender prefers an open, sunny location and light, neutral to alkaline soils with good drainage. Lavender broadleaf is the most hardy and undemanding: it can put up with partial shade and slightly acidic soils. But for the successful cultivation of French lavender and serrated lavender (in the Middle Lane, as already mentioned, only (at home in pots) you need as much sun as possible. From the readers of the site, I know that English lavender is grown in open ground, for example, in the Samara region (climatic zone 4) In winter, narrow-leaved lavender will need shelter, but the danger to this lavender in cold regions is not so much frost as damping or excess moisture. Lavender is drought-resistant, adult rooted plants in open ground do not need watering.

    Lavender responds well to potash fertilizers, however, nitrogen and manure should be avoided: they contribute to the growth of abundant but weak green mass to the detriment of lavender bloom. In spring and autumn, it is useful to spill and mulch lavender abundantly, this contributes to the formation of new green shoots on the old trunk.

    Lavender is a short-lived plant; in natural conditions, it lives for about 10 years. In culture, the lifespan and decorativeness of lavender can and should be extended with regular haircuts. A small pruning should be done immediately after the lavender has finished blooming, and at the end of the season - another one, in which you can significantly shorten the stems, be sure to leave 4-5 new green shoots. Do not prune lavender to stiff stems, this will kill the plant.

    Occasionally, gray rot affects lavender, or pennies lay their larvae on it. Parts of lavender affected by gray rot should be removed and burned. To protect them from predators, pennies cover their eggs with a layer of foam that looks like saliva. This spoils the appearance of lavender, although it does not cause any harm to the plant. Drops of white foam can be washed off with a hose stream of lavender.

    Reproduction of lavender. Lavender from seed, stratification

    The easiest way to propagate lavender is with stem (aerial) layers. To do this, one of the bush branches should be laid horizontally, covered with soil with a top, and a load (for example, a brick) should be placed on top. After a few months, in humid and cool conditions, the lavender cuttings will take root and can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted. We wrote in detail about this method of plant propagation in a special article. Lavender can be propagated by rooting woody cuttings or even whole branches that easily break off the plant. So, I simply insert the lavender branches that broke off during the autumn cleaning of the garden into the ground, and next spring I already have a new lush bush of lavender, which will bloom that same summer.

    It is quite difficult to grow lavender from seeds, the seeds require a period of stratification (low temperatures). In addition, only the species lavender can be propagated with confidence. In my garden, English lavender reproduces by self-seeding. It happens like this: the seeds that fell from the plant in the fall, after lying in the cold for a couple of months (in winter we usually have a temperature of -3 degrees for several nights), germinate and by spring somewhere in a flower garden I find a tiny lavender bush, 2- 3 cm. Such a lavender bush can be transplanted into a pot, and after a few months - to a permanent place. To stratify lavender seeds at home, place them in a small box of soil, dampen the ground, place the box in a plastic bag, and store it at the bottom of the refrigerator for a couple of months. Once the lavender seeds have sprouted, the box can be removed and placed under light and warmth.

    Lavender at home, in a pot, in the garden

    Lavender is perfect for any style of gardens, as well as urban or balcony landscaping. You can even create a low hedge with lavender. Lavender looks great in mixed flower gardens, rockeries, pharmaceutical gardens, and pots and pots. Grow lavender (or plant lavender pots) along garden paths or near doors: lavender exudes waves of exquisite scent when touched. The strong smell of lavender is believed to confuse insect pests, which is why the plant is traditionally planted in vegetable gardens. Lavender looks great next to many plants. Most often, lavender is probably planted next to roses.

    Lavender (lat.Lavandula) - a representative of the genus of plants of the family of lamines (Lamiaceae or Labiatae) The name comes from the Greek. "Lava", which means "wash", is due to the fact that in ancient Greece lavender was added to baths. Botanists identify about 47 varieties of this plant. Lavender is native to the Mediterranean. Since lavender has not only a pleasant smell, but also certain medicinal properties, people fell in love with the plant and adapted lavender to life at home, or rather, began growing lavender flowers in pots and in flower beds.

    Growing lavender at home involves choosing an appropriate place, preparing seeds, and stratifying them. An important feature of growing lavender at home is the ability to apply organic fertilizers.

    It is much easier to grow lavender at home if you are the happy owner of a summer cottage where lavender can be grown on an industrial scale, experiment with varieties. At home, everything seems easier, since you can pick up a special container, experiment with the use of drainage. And most importantly: at home, you have the opportunity to plant lavender in a sunny place where it will not need additional growth enhancers.

    Many people think that potted lavender is a very whimsical plant and gives a lot of trouble, but this is a myth. It is quite possible to grow lavender from seeds in a pot on your windowsill: the plant itself is unpretentious. On average windowsills and flower beds, we can most often find 2 types of lavender: broadleaf and narrow-leaved. Both of these species germinate and bloom beautifully. We will talk in more detail about the main subtleties and secrets of lavender, about the rules of planting and care in this article.

    Did you know? If you live in the North or closer to the North, then narrow-leaved lavender is better for you, as it is more winter hardy.

    In which pot to grow lavender, we select the size

    The roots of mature plants require a lot of space to be able to feed flowers and leaves. In order to properly care for and plant lavender, you should first choose the right pot or container, because even if your flower spends spring, summer and early autumn in the open field, then you still want to remove it for the winter (which is not at all necessary, you can simply shelter the lavender from the wind) in the correct and comfortable “shelter”. This plant, from the very beginning, loves large pots and containers.

    Important! Even if you are just planning to plant lavender, choose medium-sized forms for this.

    In order for lavender to receive proper care and planting, one pattern should be remembered - the smaller the pot, the less space for nutrition and growth, the smaller the flowers. The container (pot) must have a volume of at least 2 liters and a diameter of about 30 cm. The pot must have sufficient holes for water drainage, but gravel or drainage should not "close" these holes when planting.

    How to choose a place for lavender

    Many believe that lavender is not meant for indoor living, but this is a myth. Yes, lavender requires some special care, but all plants require care! So, the main factor in the quality of your flower will be the place for its "life". Here, the opinions of botanists differ: some believe that lavender feels best in the open field, others - in apartment conditions.

    Either way, the best refuge for lavender is a sunny, wind-sheltered place. If you leave the flower outside for the winter, you can cover it. The soil in which lavender is planted also requires special attention: it is best to use a mixture of peat and sand and remember that the soil must be alkaline.

    Did you know? It is better not to plant lavender on a windowsill where there is a battery, as this will dry it out.

    Lavender requires proper care and planting, which is carried out in an integrated manner throughout the entire growth and development of the plant. We have already mentioned the need for constant access to the sun's rays to the leaves and flowers of the plant, so it is best to place a pot of lavender on the south side. In the summertime, lavender is taken out for a walk on the balcony. But walking should start at an hour, because if you leave the plant outdoors for a long time, it can fade from an excess of oxygen.

    Lavender is very thermophilic, but does not like dryness. For the winter, it is better to put lavender on the windowsill on the south side (if possible), but a temperature of 10-15 degrees will be optimal. But temperature, lighting and the place of growth are not everything. In order for the lavender to receive proper care and planting, it is also necessary to regularly feed the plant, cut the cuttings, transplant the flower from time to time and loosen the ground.It is also important to remember about humidifying the air, if you do not have a humidifier, you can use a regular spray bottle and spray the plant with clean water.

    Important! If your flower does not have enough light, then for the winter period you can provide it with additional lighting, including a fluorescent lamp next to it.

    Top dressing

    The main thing to remember about lavender is the plant does not tolerate organic and nitrogen fertilizers. The necessary preparations for the growth and development of a plant are those that contain potassium as the main component. The first time (8-10 weeks) after sowing seeds / planting a seedling, you need to fertilize the plant once a week with liquid fertilizers, based on the calculation of 2 g (1 plug) of fertilizer per liter of water. An effective fertilizer will be crushed eggshells, which will maintain the alkali balance in the soil. If your lavender grows in open ground, then it should be fertilized at the beginning of flowering with the same fertilizers (for example, Agricola) and after flowering (any mineral fertilizer) with the calculation of 3 liters per 1 bush.

    Features of watering in winter and summer

    Lavender only needs watering during dry periods, but don't think about watering lavender once a week. Of course, from too much watering the flower will rot, but the soil for room lavender should always be moist. Water for irrigation must be filtered or settled. If your plant is still young, then you need to water it twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

    Important! It is necessary to water not only the roots, but also the upper part of the plant, so many growers recommend arranging a "rain" for the flower: once a week, take the plant outside (put the pots in the bath) and water the whole plant with a watering can, with a thin stream of water. But in this case, you need to be extremely careful not to damage the leaves or color.

    In summer cottages, lavender care also depends on the correct pruning of the plant, because if you cut the plant incorrectly, then there will be nothing to care for. The lavender pruning procedure is best done in 3 stages: summer (most important), fall and spring pruning.

    Let's start with summer pruning. In order to trim the lavender, we need gloves and regular garden shears. First of all, we cut off those branches that have small sprouts on the sides. Cut to these sprouts, then they will grow into a flower. If the branches of your plant have a tendency to bend, then you need to cut such a branch to the lowest shoot. We also carefully check the plant for the presence of completely dry branches, which also need to be cut, usually such branches appear due to weather conditions or the age of the plant.

    Did you know?Summer pruning allows you to harvest the product, namely flowers and leaves, which are most useful during this period.

    During the autumn pruning of lavender, the main task is to prune all flowers from the "falling" branches - cut to the bend. You can cut lavender very shortly, you can not really, the time of the "rise" of the buds in spring depends on it.

    Spring pruning of lavender is best done in late March (weather permitting). Spring pruning is more like cleaning, as it is aimed at removing dry branches, broken, rotten. Pruning in spring is also done to "shape" the shape of the plant.

    How to plant lavender at home, plant propagation

    Frequently asked question: how to plant lavender at home is as easy as shelling pears! All you need is a sapling, cutting, seeds, lavender cuttings, soil (container), fertilizer, shovel, soil baking powder and some basic knowledge and skills.

    With air layering

    The method of propagation of lavender by air layers is best used in cool weather, when the soil moisture is highest. When using this method, you do not need to prepare cuttings or buy seeds, you just need to select the oldest branch (but alive) on an adult plant, cut a flower from it, dig a small hole and bend this branch there, sprinkle it with earth, water it every two days and fertilize a little 5-7 days after planting. This method sometimes works without your help: if you look under a bush of a mature flower, you will find several sprouts there, as a result of self-sowing lavender.

    Lavender cuttings

    Many inexperienced growers immediately take to planting lavender flowers with seedlings. Most make mistakes, because you need to know not only how to plant a lavender seedling, but also how to get it right. For cuttings, you need to take only young, but already lignified annual shoots from a healthy bush.It is necessary to cut off the color from the cutting (although it is advisable to choose shoots that have not yet bloomed) and clean the lower leaves by 3-4 centimeters.

    For grafting, we need a medium-sized pot, clay shards, soil (a mixture of turf, leaf and sand in equal amounts) and dry sand. We spread the shards at the bottom of the pot, then lay out the moistened sand (for better drainage), then we tamp the earth. We put another layer of wet sand on top of the ground 1.5 cm. Next, we take the finished cutting, process it with growth stimulants and insert it into the ground with the cleaned side.

    Lavender is a popular ornamental plant, which is actively used for landscaping gardens and city flower beds. In recent years, the flower began to be cultivated as a pot culture. Lavender has a capricious character; when growing, it is important to follow the technology of home care.

    This is a herbaceous, low-growing shrub of the Lamiaceae family. In the wild, it is found in Africa, some countries of Europe and India. Cultivated as a garden and pot plant.

    Forms a large number of root stems, on which spike-shaped inflorescences are formed. It has a pronounced dormant and growing season. Flowering is possible up to 2 months. Terry, semi-double or simple buds are colored in white, purple, blue or blue, depending on the variety. They exude a pleasant aroma; lavender oil is actively used in perfumery.

    Types, varieties

    The genus of lavender includes 47 species and several hybrid forms. They differ in the height of the bush, the shade of the buds, and resistance. Some of them are only suitable for outdoor use. The following types are recommended for growing in a pot:

    • Narrow-leaved, or English... Height - up to 30 cm, inflorescences are formed on long stems of gray-green color. The leaves are very narrow;
    • Broadleaf, or French... It was this species that laid the foundation for all decorative varieties. A wide palette of petal colors has been developed. The buds can give off an unpleasant odor for humans;
    • Toothed... Shade-loving plant, suitable only for home cultivation. The leaf plates are soft, painted in a pleasant silvery color. Large flowers of deep blue color.

    On sale, you can often find hybrid varieties of lavender for planting in a pot. Popular varieties: Regal Splendor, Tiara, Papillon, Sweet, dwarf blue.

    Ornamental lavender is considered a capricious plant. To avoid problems with flowering and growth of the bush, you should competently approach the choice of a place for growing. The flower is sensitive to any changes in external conditions, which is important to take into account even at the planting stage.

    Lighting and location

    Lavender is a light-loving crop, even a slight darkening can lead to a decrease in the growth rate, wilting of shoots. The pot with the plant should be placed in the center of the windowsill on the south side of the apartment; in summer, it is best to take the flower out to the balcony, loggia or adjacent territory. The recommended daylight hours are 10 hours. In winter, with insufficient lighting, it is advisable to carry out additional lighting with a phytolamp.


    Room temperature is comfortable for lavender development. The plant has a weak frost resistance, it can die at temperatures from -15 o C. If you keep a flower pot on the balcony, with the first return frosts, it must be brought into the house. During the entire growing season, it is recommended to maintain warmth in the range of 15-24 o C; during the transition to the rest period, the temperature can be lowered by 3-5 degrees.

    Air and humidity

    The plant is insensitive to air humidity, it can grow in the range from 60 to 80%. Regular ventilation is desirable to support growth and development. Lavender reacts well to fresh air, but drafts can be detrimental to it. During the heating season, it is recommended to spray the leaves once a week.

    Soil and pot

    For planting ornamental lavender, it is recommended to choose a spacious pot to accommodate a strong root system. The optimum diameter is 25-30 cm. The total volume should be at least 3 liters. Low-growing lavender varieties can be planted in a common rectangular container. There should be drain holes at the bottom. Experienced gardeners recommend choosing products from light-colored ceramics.

    The soil should be fertile and loose. It is advisable to use ready-made mixtures for ornamental flowering crops. If you prepare the soil yourself, then you should mix turf soil, river sand and humus in a 2: 1: 1 ratio. Before planting, the substrate must be disinfected with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

    Most often, lavender is planted at home with seeds. Planting material should be purchased only in nurseries or specialized stores where the necessary storage standards are observed. It is advisable to plant the planting in the first half of March, so that by the summer the plant will grow and strengthen. But at home, sowing is permissible until early summer.

    Before planting, seeds must be stratified for 30-40 days to enhance germination. They are laid out on moistened peat or sphagnum 5-8 cm thick, and covered with the same layer on top. After that, they are removed to a cool place with a temperature of 5-6 ° C.

    Planting process

    Seeds are sown for seedlings in a common container, where they are grown until 3-5 leaves appear. Landing technology:

    1. Lay a layer of drainage 5-7 cm thick at the bottom of the container. Fill it with nutritious soil, moisten it with a spray bottle.
    2. Cover the seeds to a depth of 2-3 cm, sprinkle on top with a thin layer of sand. Cover with transparent film or glass. Remove to a warm and bright place. The optimum temperature is 22-25 o C.
    3. The first shoots appear in 30-40 days, after which the cover can be removed. During this time, it is necessary to monitor the moderate moisture content of the soil and provide a day of light lasting up to 10 hours.

    Lavender seedlings can be dived into a permanent spot at 2-3 weeks of growth. They also practice preliminary transplantation into a more spacious nursery box, but this is not a mandatory procedure. After the pick, the plant should be placed in a comfortable place, the first feeding is carried out no earlier than after 7-10 days. Lavender bloom is possible only next year.


    It is easier to grow lavender in a pot than garden varieties. The flower does not tolerate any sudden changes in external conditions, so all manipulations should be carried out carefully, monitor the condition of the leaves and shoots.


    During the entire growing season from mid-May to October, lavender is watered regularly up to 3 times a week, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. In winter, procedures are reduced to a minimum, maintaining a moderate soil moisture. Water only the leaves so that the water drains into the root of the plant. Spraying is recommended on hot days. For lavender, soft water with a minimum salt content is suitable.

    Top dressing

    Potted lavender needs regular feeding. From the middle of spring, it is advisable to introduce nitrogen compounds, after flowering - potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. It is best to choose a liquid flowering plant mixture for root feeding. The procedure is carried out 1 time in 2 weeks after the next watering. In winter, fertilization is excluded.

    Loosening, mulching

    The plant is capable of developing only in light and aerated soil. After each watering, you should slightly loosen the soil with a wooden or plastic stick to a depth of 5 cm. Work should be done very carefully so as not to damage the weak root system of lavender. Mulching at home is carried out only for decorative purposes; colored stones, perlite or fine river sand are used as material.

    Pinching, pinching, pruning

    Decorative shaping should be done once a year to maintain the attractive appearance of the bush. All overgrown and too long shoots are cut off. It is desirable to maintain the shape of a small shrub. To prevent diseases and enhance flowering, it is useful to pinch dried and affected parts of the plant, as well as faded buds.

    The procedure is recommended to be carried out annually before the start of the active growing season in spring. This is necessary for the rejuvenation of the plant, increasing the growth rate. You can determine the need for transplanting by the appearance of the bush - many new shoots have appeared near the edge of the pot, lavender has slowed down growth and development. For transplanting, you should pick up a more spacious container, and then carefully transfer the plant there along with a lump of earth, supplement the voids with fresh substrate. After that, the flower should be placed in a well-lit and warm place.


    Homemade lavender can be propagated by the following methods:

    • Seeds... They are harvested from the plant after flowering. The planting material quickly loses its germination, it must be sold within 1-2 years. Stratification must be carried out before growing;
    • Cuttings... Annual shoots up to 10 cm long are used. They are cut at an acute angle and then treated with a growth stimulant. For rooting, you can use water or a nutrient mixture of peat and sand;
    • Layers... The method is used when growing lavender in a long container. In mid-May, you need to bend the extreme shoot to the ground, secure it with wire, sprinkle it with soil and moisten. Rooting takes place within 2 months, after which the daughter plant is ready for transplantation.

    An adult and a large plant is propagated by dividing the bush. The work is carried out in the fall, it is not required to completely dig out the lavender - it is enough just to separate a part of the plant with a spatula, carefully cutting off the root part. Flowering is possible as early as next season.

    Diseases and pests

    When grown in an apartment, lavender is rarely affected by diseases and pests. To prevent infection, some growers practice preventive treatment with a complex chemical fungicide in the spring.

    Fungal infections that develop with regular waterlogging pose a danger to the plant. The disease can be determined by the appearance of a characteristic rot at the bottom of the stem. If such a symptom is found, all affected parts of the bush should be removed, the plant and soil should be treated with a copper-containing preparation.

    Lavender is a beautiful ornamental plant suitable for planting in a pot. Known for its capriciousness and sensitivity to external factors. It is important to choose the place and variety correctly, as well as observe watering, feeding and pruning, taking into account the growing season.

    Few people think about the propagation of lavender in natural conditions because of its "self-cultivation". As they ripen, lavender seeds themselves fall into the ground, they themselves undergo stratification, and germinate themselves. True, when you need the bushes to grow in a certain place, some work still needs to be invested. But if there is no particular difference where lavender will delight us with beautiful inflorescences, then you can, in principle, forget about the worries associated with its cultivation. Another thing is when you want beautiful flowers to be in a pot on the windowsill. Some knowledge and time are already required here. But everything is not so scary, southerner lavender growing from seeds at home tolerates well, and if you make a little effort, you can see a large bush of this wonderful plant on the balcony.

    How can you start growing lavender at home on a windowsill

    At home, on the balcony or on the windowsill, lavender can be grown in several ways:

    1. The simplest is propagation by cuttings... There is a bush, an annual shoot is cut off from it, which is divided into 10 centimeter cuttings. Cuttings are "planted" in a pot with moist soil and covered with foil. That's all, it remains to wait for the roots to appear.

    2. The next way is splitting the bush... A great method to grow lavender in your home when you have something to share. How is it going? In autumn, the bush in its earthen part is divided into two or more parts. After that, now individual plants are huddled so that the earth falls between the cut stems. In the spring they huddle up again, over the summer the separated parts become completely "autonomous" and in the fall they are seated.

    3. Third way. If the cultivation of lavender at home is carried out in a large container, from the main bush are made layering... How? It bends down from the bush, deepens by 3 centimeters into the ground and the shoot is strengthened. During the summer, it takes root, rests in winter, and in the spring the "young lavender" is separated and transplanted into a separate pot or box.

    4. The fourth way about how to properly plant lavender at home from seeds... It is not suitable for everyone, but it has a right to exist. In this case, all the difficulties lie in stratification. Although not even difficulties, but simply need additional time to prepare the planting material. Lavender seeds, if they do not lie in the cold, will not even think of germinating. Therefore, before germination, they need stratification, that is, holding for a certain time in a cold place. How is it going? In a shallow container, lavender seeds laid on the sand are sprinkled with sand on top and sent to the refrigerator (maybe a cellar) for 1-1.5 months. The temperature in the place where the seeds are stored should be at 5 ° C. This is about preparation, and now the process itself.

    How to properly plant lavender seeds

    Choice of containers

    It is recommended to choose a wide and deep container for growing lavender. If it is a pot, its minimum "diameter" should be 30 centimeters. The root system of the plant develops very well, and at some point in a small pot, lavender will stop growing.

    Soil selection

    A shrub like southerner lavender is grown from seeds at home only in loose soil. Alternatively, it can be a mixture of sand and peat in equal proportions or a purchased substrate. If desired, perlite, vermiculite, etc. can be added to increase soil fertility.

    Planting seeds

    Seeds prepared by the cold are removed from the refrigerator, planted in a container (pot or box) filled with moist soil and sent to a bright, warm place on a balcony or windowsill for germination. The depth of planting seeds is 3 mm. Further, lavender on the window only needs care and attention.

    How to care for lavender on a windowsill

    - Water the bush only with settled water every day in the morning or in the evening. In this case, the water should fall both on the ground and on the green stems. In summer, it is advisable not to overdo it with watering - the soil should be slightly moist. But in winter, it is advisable to reduce watering to a minimum. This will give the plant the opportunity to please everyone with large beautiful flowers in the summer.

    Containers with a developing bush are exposed in a well-lit place. In case of weak daylight or lack of it in winter, it is necessary so that the total duration of the "winter" lighting is at the level of the "summer".

    In order for lavender in a pot to develop well in winter and give full-fledged inflorescences, the air temperature is maintained at 15-20 ° C. But this is only during the growing season. In winter, the bushes should be kept cool.

    Sometimes, due to the nearby radiators, the plant on the windowsill suffers from a lack of moisture. Installing a humidifier in the room or spraying water near the plant will compensate for this disadvantage.

    The first 30-40 days after planting the seeds, liquid fertilizers for flowers are applied to the soil. The regularity of the procedure is 2 times a month. If cuttings were used as planting material, fertilizers need not be applied.

    In the second half of summer, when the lavender blooms on the balcony, an image is made - dry stems are removed completely, the bush itself is slightly trimmed.

    Young lavender in a pot on the balcony requires an annual transplant. This may require larger containers if the pots were originally chosen "back to back".

    That's all the advice on how to properly plant lavender on the balcony at home and how to properly care for it. As you can see, a wonderful plant with beautiful flowers and a pleasant smell is able to delight others not only in the summer at the summer cottage, but also in the winter at home greenhouse conditions on the balcony or windowsill. Yes, there is little work. But isn't lavender worth it?

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