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  • Clean Thursday: what to do and how to properly prepare for Easter. Signs for Maundy Thursday - prohibitions and recommendations How to clean floors on Maundy Thursday

    Clean Thursday: what to do and how to properly prepare for Easter.  Signs for Maundy Thursday - prohibitions and recommendations How to clean floors on Maundy Thursday

    Do you want - do not want, but you must! Still a clean Thursday! However, if you tune in correctly and organize the process logically, then you can even enjoy general cleaning!

    12:58 10.04.2015

    A clean Thursday is ahead, which means you are waiting for a grand cleaning before Easter 2015. How to tune in to cleaning? 10 simple but effective tips will help you with this!

    1. The head of everything is inspiration. Imagine how much cleaner, fresher and brighter your apartment will be today! It's great, right? Then pick up great music, turn it on at full volume and go! Don't forget to open all the windows. It is easier to breathe in a ventilated room, especially if you use chemical detergents.

    2. Check if you have everything for cleaning - rags, mops, washcloths, a working vacuum cleaner, detergents? You should not save on this, because the process with them goes faster. If something is missing, buy before you start cleaning, because then it will be distracting and annoying. And don't forget rubber gloves!

    3. Make a to-do list and action plan. If someone will help you, divide the amount of work so as not to push sideways. Is it easier for you alone? Then make sure that the household members are not at home. Small children by all means - in a kindergarten or to the grandmother! Otherwise, you risk constantly starting over!

    4. Immediately agree with yourself: do not be distracted! Indeed, as you excavate old large and small blockages, you will certainly come across interesting things - photographs, magazines, children's drawings. Save it for coffee time. Better for the evening.

    5. First, sort through all the things and put them in their places. Only after the external space is as empty as possible, you can proceed directly to cleaning. And without hesitation, get rid of all unnecessary things. Haven't worn a jacket in two years? In a separate bag! Is pajamas too small for a child? Same way! Then think about who these things can come in handy. But act decisively, otherwise the cabinets will continue to burst with clothes that your family has not needed for a long time.

    6. Remember - cleaning is carried out from top to bottom. Those. start with the ceiling, chandeliers, top shelves, etc. The floors are washed last. First, they clean the living quarters, then the utility rooms - the kitchen and bathrooms.

    7. Bored? Have you tried cleaning while dancing? No? Then it's time. Move around the rooms to your favorite music in the rhythm of the dance - it's much more useful and more fun than just walking! And the calorie loss will be more noticeable!

    8. When the turn reaches the floor, do not be lazy to move the furniture away from the walls. It is better to group it in the center altogether. At first glance, this is a long and dreary process, but believe me, this will allow you to clean the floors faster and better. After all, crawling to every corner and wiping every leg of the chair from all sides is a routine and long process.

    On this day, every believer should leave their problems, anxieties, fears and sinful thoughts. Do not enter the bright holiday of Easter with a negative load. Pure Thursday accompanies many customs, signs, rituals, prayers and traditions.

    Thursday in Holy Week is often called Alive. And not just like that. Our ancestors also noticed that incredible things happen on Thursday: the wishes come true, and the soul is filled with hope, and even those who give up have strength.

    What is so unusual about this day? And how to make sure that such grace does not bypass your family.


    Go to church and bring the so-called passionate candle which helps in the treatment of various diseases. Ideally, Maundy Thursday is the best day for confession and communion to meet the Easter holiday with a pure soul and bright thoughts.
    If it is not possible to get to the morning service, be sure to go to the temple after work: in the evening the candles are consecrated. Christians from ancient times tried to bring a candle lit in the church to their homes. It was believed that if the candle did not go out, then everything in the house and family would be safe all year. From this candle, a lamp was lit, and the candle was hidden behind the icons and taken out and lit when someone was sick in the house.

    Finish cleaning. Despite the fact that Thursday is called Clean cleaning in the house, it is better to complete it on Wednesday. And Thursday to devote pre-holiday chores.

    It is important on this day to carry out cleansing in the house, in the body and soul. It is customary to disassemble and throw away unnecessary things. It is necessary to wash from the farthest corners to the threshold, it is advisable to pour dirty water outside the house.

    It is impossible to meet the approaching Easter holiday in dirty housing, then nothing good can be expected from next year. Until Easter, the house is no longer cleaned.

    Take a dip. To remain happy and prosperous until the next Maundy Thursday, you need to cleanse your body. On Maundy Thursday, early in the morning, the water in the reservoirs is saturated with grace-filled power. Also, before sunrise, everyone steamed in the bath. According to legend, immediately after waking up on Maundy Thursday, each of the family members had to wash themselves with water, in which a silver object was placed overnight. It was believed that after such a washing, a person would be healthy and beautiful, and he could also not be afraid of the evil eye - no one could harm him. Before bathing, you must definitely say a prayer.

    You can, of course, keep these traditions. But the kids should not be woken up so early: it will be enough to wash them well when they wake up and are in a good mood. And if you are in a hurry to kindergarten or school, just wash them with either holy water or a decoction of willow twigs consecrated in Palm Sunday(1 sprig is poured with 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes and infused). By the way, ordinary water is also no worse: it is believed that all water on this day is especially healing and strengthening. Just believe it!

    Bake cookies. On this day, housewives prepare pysanky, krashenka, Easter cakes and Easter cakes. In the old days, the hostess got up early, after praying and getting ready for the holiday, she kneaded the dough. Toward evening, start baking. According to customs, it is possible to bake paska and Easter cakes, paint eggs only after cleaning on Maundy Thursday.

    Popular beliefs say that by the way the Easter cakes turned out, one can judge how the whole year will pass until next Easter. If Easter cakes turned out lush and tasty, then next year will bring only joy. But if the baking is not successful, then the year will be difficult.

    Of course, it is difficult for women working in the office to combine baking and work. But there are a few secrets that will help to please relatives with home-made Easter cakes, and at the same time not get very tired:

    Use modern household appliances to cook Easter cakes. For example, you can knead the dough for Easter cakes in a bread machine, and then bake them in the oven. Or put the dough prepared in a bread machine into a slow cooker and bake a luxurious round cake!

    Call on the help of all household members. The father of the family with strong hands may well help with the kneading of pastry, and the children will do an excellent job with the decor. This Clean Thursday in the family circle, the kids will remember for a lifetime!

    Get a haircut. It is believed that cut hair on this day will help get rid of the evil eye and diseases. A haircut will certainly please.

    Prepare Thursday Salt. Also on this day, you can make a special Thursday salt. Ordinary salt is wrapped in a cloth and reheated in an oven. All family members take a pinch of salt and pour it into a special jar, which is then hidden behind the icon. Such salt has amazing healing properties: it is added to food when someone in the house is sick.

    Count money. No matter how ridiculous such a tradition sounds, our ancestors believed that if you count money in the house three times during the day, then they will be spent all year! You can also paint eggs and make Easter eggs on this day.


    In no case should you give or borrow on this day. Even if you are missing something, it is better to go to the store. If a neighbor comes to you for salt, find a reason to refuse her, otherwise, along with salt, you can give away your health, prosperity and peace from your home.

    Do not give away things that you do not need on this day. It is believed that you give away your well-being.

    No matter how you feel about the signs and traditions associated with Maundy Thursday, remember that this day should be spent in a positive mood. Think about the most cherished and good things. And everything will definitely work out.

    How to spend Maundy Thursday Holy Week with benefits for body and soul? What is customary to do on this day, what traditions and customs to follow?

    On Maundy Thursday, believers begin active preparations for the bright holiday Easter. Usually on this day it is customary to clean up and prepare the house for the holiday. At the same time, we must not forget about the essence and meaning of this day and about the soul and repentance.

    Great (Holy) Thursday, according to Orthodox calendar, is dedicated to the Last Supper, during which Jesus celebrated Holy Communion and also washed the feet of his disciples.

    Customs and Traditions on Maundy Thursday

    Rite of ablution. On this day, it is customary to get up early, preferably before dawn. The first step is to cleanse the body - take a bath, shower or go to the bath. The rite of washing is done in memory of how Jesus Christ washed the feet of the apostles. It is believed that on this day water has miraculous protective properties - it is able to cleanse not only from dirt, but also from sins, bad thoughts, negativity and diseases. While washing, try to think about the good, bright and kind, then the water materializes your thoughts.

    A haircut. There are customs to get a haircut on Maundy Thursday. There is a sign that with cut hair on this day of Holy Week, all evil, bad mood, ailments and the evil eye go away. It is not necessary to cut a lot of hair at the same time - you can trim the ends, because, according to popular belief, it is in them that all the negativity and information and emotions that we do not need are concentrated.

    Communion and confession. After bathing, it is customary to go to church for communion and confession. This is necessary in order to get rid of sins and be cleansed of all the bad things that lie on the soul. As a rule, even those who avoid these church rites come to communion on Maundy Thursday. This is not accidental, because it is on Thursday that the rite of communion has a special cleansing power. They say that even the most terrible, mortal sins can be forgiven on this day.

    Cleaning the house. After returning from church, you can start cleaning the house. On Clean Thursday, it is customary to get rid of everything unnecessary and old. You should not feel sorry for broken equipment, old furniture, beaten dishes, torn clothes and dusty little things on the shelves. It is believed that along with unnecessary rubbish, everything bad leaves the house on this day - illnesses, damage, troubles and problems. In addition, general cleaning on Maundy Thursday helps to bring prosperity and money to the house. Getting rid of old things, you can attract new ones.

    Easter cakes, Easter and eggs. On Maundy Thursday, you should bake Easter cakes, curd Easter and paint eggs. According to folk customs, cooking for Easter should be accompanied by prayers or just bright thoughts. It is forbidden to bake Easter cakes in a bad mood. On this day, a kind and bright atmosphere must reign in the house, then all the treats for Easter will be tasty and energetically clean.

    Thursday salt. On Pure Thursday, housewives make salt, called Thursday salt. To do this, it was hardened in a pan, and then wrapped in a rag. Thursday salt is stored for a whole year. It is believed that she has a special power that can protect the house from troubles and diseases.

    Signs on Maundy Thursday

    • It is believed that long-lost things can be found in the house on Maundy Thursday. If there is a loss, then it is fortunate.
    • On Clean Thursday, they do not lend. On this day, it is also not pleasant to give something from your home to other people, otherwise luck will go away.
    • In order for money to be kept in the house, on Good Thursday you need to count it three times.

    Use this day of Holy Week to prepare for Easter, cleanse your soul and body. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    08.04.2015 09:08

    The healing properties of Thursday salt have been used for centuries. However, not all the ingredients that were before are now ...

    Many clean themselves, forgetting about our habitats - apartments. after all, how much everything happens in them, we quarrel, swear, rejoice - the release of emotions, both positive and negative. If the positive ones are more or less clear, then negative emotions settle in clots in the corners of the apartment, a kind of "web". And also, when we sleep, we often open the vents, windows, and at this very time, when we are not protected, elementals penetrate into our apartments - the simplest (relatively) entities, these are the spirits of dead birds, animals, homeless cats, dogs, who were hit by a car or something else that tragically affected the death of the animal. They settle in our cozy houses and .. they need to eat, but what do they eat? With our emotions, they provoke scandals, quarrels, tears, etc.

    And just imagine - this is all accumulated for years, and then we wonder why certain events occur. Sometimes insight comes and once every 5 years we do a super magical cleaning of the house (a column of salt, for example). BUT! Why bring our home to such a state?

    Here are the methods that you can use with every cleaning of the house and you will always have only positive energy there.

    It is always necessary to wipe the mirrors very often, as they can be the portals of the worlds and the accumulators of negativity. For example, your husband yelled at you, you quarreled, the mirror absorbed this outburst like a sponge. Mirrors that are in the apartment need to be cleaned at least once a week.

    We wipe not with a chemical agent, but with water, but we add even vinegar, even lemon juice, even essential oils with a protective property to the water.

    Vinegar and lemon juice are acidic, very good at removing/clearing all kinds of any information. Next - we seal the mirrors: with any hand, in principle, hold the fingers with a pinch, start from the top of the mirror and twist the spiral clockwise to the center of the mirror, while saying - CLOSE, LOCK, SEAL. The entire mirror is closed, the portal is also closed if it was.

    Next we move on to the floor. We wash the floors with herbal infusions, it is very useful for the energy of the apartment. We brew herbs with protective properties - wormwood, bay leaf, oregano, rosemary. This infusion is addedI eat in water to wash floors. And every time I wash with such an infusion, not only is any badness removed, the herbs have protective properties.We pay special attention to the threshold!It happens that they didn’t have time to brew the herbs, in this case there should be essential oils - rosemary and juniper, we also drip into the water and mine. If there are no essential oils, the same lemon will do. In general, a lemon is a universal remedy, with water on a lemon we also wipe the dust from the shelves, bedside tables. Only cut the lemon with the peel, so that essential oils would be released into the air. You will feel so fresh - I guarantee!

    Well, in the end, there is a simple, I would say primitive cleaning of housing, again, which does not require your energy costs: we take 4 chicken village (preferably) eggs, lay them out in the corners of our apartment (if correct form, if not, then we take the largest room and lay it out there). In the middle of the apartment on the floor, we put a church candle, it should burn out completely. After that, we collect the eggs carefully, without damaging the shell and bury them away from home. We do this cleaning for three days in a row (total 12 eggs), we start doing it any day after lunch.

    The final stage is the most pleasant)) Periodically spray saffron infusion from a spray bottle, no saffron? Then essential oils diluted in water that are pleasant to you, this is the energy of nature itself! In fact, ethers greatly increase the vibrations of space, purifying and saturating it.

    Signs and customs on Pure Thursday among the people were very strong. Many conspiracies and prayers connected with this particular day of the Holy Week of Great Lent have come down to our days. Moreover, every modern person tries to grab at least a little from every tradition. Someone is preparing Thursday salt, others are counting money, and still others are sure to get up before sunrise to have holy water.

    Maundy Thursday is one of last days Great Lent on the Eve of Easter. For religious people who try to adhere to all church rules, traditions and recommendations, this is a rather difficult day. Even more difficult trials are ahead - Good Friday and Saturday, when you need to try to pacify the flesh as much as possible. Clean Thursday is not so strict in this regard, even in the lenten menu certain indulgences are allowed (you can eat food cooked on fire, and also add a little vegetable oil when cooking).

    Even children know that cleaning of the apartment is completed on Maundy Thursday, you must definitely wash yourself, getting up early in the morning at sunrise. Be sure to wash with cool water, take a foam bath. In the temple, after the service, take communion, and in the evening already start coloring eggs and baking Easter cakes. Although, first things first.

    The Christian Essence of Maundy Thursday

    Pure Thursday always falls on Holy Week, which completes the debts of fasting on the eve of Easter. The Book of Life tells of the Last Supper, which took place on this very day. Jesus, breaking bread, gave it to his disciples and said that this is my body. He also poured wine into a cup and handed it to the apostles with the words that this is my Blood, shed for the remission of sins. This is how the sacrament of communion or communion was established more than two thousand years ago.

    At the Last Supper, Jesus already knew about the betrayal of Judas and told everyone that one of the disciples had already betrayed him. But at the end of the evening, Jesus Christ washed the feet of each disciple, this is the Washing of the Feet rite, which also came with. This action showed humility, the mortification of emotions.

    Interesting! The ritual of washing feet among the people was transformed into swimming in an open pond at sunrise on Maundy Thursday.

    So, the day of Maundy Thursday, according to everyone, is a time of important cleansing not only of the body and the space around, but, more importantly, the cleansing of one's own soul. This is a turning point in Lent, a day of repentance and humility of the flesh.

    In Rus', the day of Great Thursday has long been considered magical, endowed with tremendous energy and mystical power. It was on this day that they distributed all debts, got rid of negative emotions, and with the help of ordinary water they cleansed both the body, and the spirit, and the space around them, finishing the general cleaning.

    Common signs from the people on Maundy Thursday:
    * On this day, in no case should anyone lend anything, including money. It was believed that to give a debt on this day is to transfer your luck and happiness to another person. Not to mention that by lending money on this day, a person gave away financial stability from his home for the whole year ahead.
    * In order to always have money in the house, it is necessary, hiding from everyone, to count them three times to the penny on the day of Maundy Thursday.
    * You can also throw a handful of coins with words into a bucket for cleaning the house so that money and coins in the house are kept and not transferred, grow and multiply, but the enemies do not get it. After harvesting, hide the coins for the whole year in a secluded dark corner.
    * When cleaning at home on Maundy Thursday, in the most unexpected place, you can find a little thing that was dear to you, but has long been lost.
    * You also need to be able to properly clean up on this day. Here, according to tradition, they start from the far corners and go to the center of the dwelling, and then to the direction of the threshold. Pour dirty water outside the house, preferably in a place where plants do not grow.
    * If you clean up correctly on this day, you can competently clean the house of trash and unnecessary things. When it’s a pity to throw away some things, because they are good, but you don’t use them, then you should give such things to people who will benefit from them and will really need them.

    What to do on Maundy Thursday

    First of all, early in the morning you need to swim. In the villages, traditionally, bathing was carried out exclusively in open water. It is clear that not every modern city dweller has such an opportunity. So, you can just take a cool shower in the morning, but do it with prayer, with joy in your soul and directly feeling how not only dirt is washed off the body, but also sins from the soul.

    It is necessary to go to the service in the temple in the morning or in the evening, and then confess and take communion. Communion is held only in the early morning. From the temple, bring a candle home with you, which will become a talisman for the whole coming year. General cleaning is carried out at home, what rituals are associated specifically with cleaning are described in the middle of this article: you can find lost things, attract money into the house and simply clear the surrounding space of negativity.