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  • Cindy Crawford's top model diet and exercise for quick weight loss. Diet from top model cindy crawford food cindy

    Cindy Crawford's top model diet and exercise for quick weight loss. Diet from top model cindy crawford food cindy

    Today, many popular meal plans are not called by the names of celebrities. Cindy Crawford's diet is proof of this. In the Russian-speaking world, there are at least three versions on this score, but if you believe Western fashion blogs - all five. How to be, and what is really considered the key to the harmony of a supermodel of the nineties? Cindy Crawford herself denies dieting. According to her, better than a healthy diet and fitness, as well as a long happy life with her husband and children, nothing helps. However, back to diets.

    Cindy Crawford's diet or model

    Let's make a reservation right away that this diet is also attributed to Claudia Schiffer and Naomi Campbell. It is also known as the Fashion Model Diet. You have to go on a diet for 3 days, weight loss will be 3-4 kilograms, depending on the initial data. The diet belongs to low-carb, high-protein plans, therefore it is strictly forbidden for people with kidney failure.

    Cindy Crawford diet menu:

    Breakfast: A glass of water with lemon juice. Half an hour later - one soft-boiled egg. In another half hour - a cup of natural green tea.

    Lunch: 170 g fat-free cottage cheese. After 15 minutes, a cup of green tea.

    Dinner: 170 g of cottage cheese 0%, green tea. Dinner should take place no later than 16.00 local time, then - only green tea and still water.

    Cindy Crawford Balanced Diet or Zone

    The Zone Diet was written by professional nutritionist Barry Sears. He believes that not only caloric intake is important to enter the fat burning zone, but also the ratio of nutrients. Each meal contains 40% carbohydrates and 30% fat and protein. It is recommended to eat often, at least five or six times a day.

    Sample menu:

    Breakfast: 4-protein scrambled eggs, sprinkled with Parmesan. 150 g grapes, whole grain toast.

    Snack: salad of mussels, green apple and lettuce, season with light mayonnaise. In addition, eat a grain loaf.

    Lunch: 30 grams of cheese, orange or apple.

    Dinner: 150 g of meat, a serving of beans, a tablespoon of olive oil as a dressing for a salad of fresh vegetables and mushrooms.

    This Cindy Crawford Diet is the US FDA recognized healthy diet. In America, the "Zone" is recommended for cardiology patients and everyone who wants to lose weight.

    Cindy Crawford's soup diet

    Rumor has it that this diet is incredibly popular in model circles. However, a soup diet can save you five pounds in a week. The rules are simple: per day you can eat as much of the soup prepared according to the special recipe and add additional products. So, the recipe is simple: take a small head of cabbage, 100 g of root celery, 1 large red bell pepper, 2 tomatoes, 3 onions. Cut all this splendor, add water and boil until soft. In some versions, you can add a bouillon cube to the soup, but this will slow down the elimination of liquid so that weight will be lost more slowly. The soup can be passed through a blender, then it kind of tastes better.

    Additional products:

    Day 1 - any fruit except sweet, 1 kg.
    Day 2 - any vegetables, except potatoes, 1 kg.
    Day 3 - vegetables and fruits, 1 kg.
    Day 4 - 2 bananas and a glass of milk.
    Day 5 - 1 baked potato and vegetable salad.
    Day 6 - 1 boiled chicken breast without salt.
    Day 7 - 300 g of beef and vegetable salad.

    In fact, the soup diet is known as the "German" diet. The paradox is that in Germany it is called "Russian". In any case, due to the lack of restriction on the amount of food, the diet is not recommended for those who do not know how to control portions.

    Important: Before starting the Cindy Crawford diet, consult your doctor.

    Especially for - fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

    Supermodel Cindy Crawford has been on magazine covers for 30 years. Having started her career as a very young girl, she remains in the lenses of the most famous photographers now. She is 48 years old and has two children and a happy marriage. However, she is in excellent shape, which provides her with new contracts and a successful career. At the recent wedding of George Clooney, where Cindy was invited along with her husband, she once again showed her excellent figure and radiant appearance. How does she do it?

    How does a supermodel eat?

    It's hard to believe, but even Cindy is unhappy with her own figure. “I'm a normal woman,” the model confides. - There are days when I am very good. And sometimes, I notice with horror: "God, I don't fit into this dress!" Crawford even set herself the task of learning to perceive herself as she is by the age of fifty.

    At the same time, the model perfectly understands what is ready to go for the sake of a beautiful body, and what not. “It seems to me that sometimes, having lost a couple of kilograms, we pay too high a price. I don't want to be one of those people who give up salad dressing, wine and entertainment. " Under other conditions, alcohol and sauce could play a bad trick on the celebrity's body. But the diet that Cindy has been following for many years allows her to enjoy food without gaining weight.

    Cindy Crawford at the age of 50.

    Cindy Crawford adheres to the "Zone" food system. Its principle is as follows: you need to find a zone of comfortable weight and maintain it throughout your life with the help of proper nutrition.

    This regime does not imply fasting. Quite the opposite. “You must eat regularly to maintain a high metabolic rate. But if you are starving, your body will try to conserve everything you eat and put it aside, ”says Crawford.

    She herself eats 5-6 times a day, and her diet is balanced in terms of the content of nutrients, minerals and trace elements. 40% of everything Cindy eats is carbohydrates, and 30% is fats and proteins. The model has several snacks a day. They help her not to overeat in her main meals.

    Cindy Crawford Menu

    The supermodel's menu looks something like this.

    Breakfast: a slice of whole grain bread, a slice of ham or turkey, a strong cup of coffee. Alternatively, for breakfast, the model can eat low-fat yogurt with muesli and drink tea.

    Snack: fruit and a handful of nuts.

    Dinner: a dish of meat or fish, fruit.

    Snack: fruit and a handful of nuts.

    Dinner: steamed salmon with mashed potatoes, lettuce and tomatoes.

    Crawford has found the ideal diet for her and adheres to its principles. Here are some rules that never let a model down.

    1. Eliminate bread from your diet. According to Crawford, this is the number one product on the list of optimal weight enemies.
    2. Preference should be given to unprocessed and natural products. The less chemical and technical processing a product has survived, the more benefits it will bring to the body.
    3. Of all types of meat, chicken should be preferred. It is low in fat and an excellent source of tryptophan. This amino acid is essential for the synthesis of serotonin - the "hormone of happiness".
    4. Make it a rule not to skip your main meals. Prolonged fasting causes a drop in blood sugar levels, which leads to intense hunger. This, in turn, prompts you to eat something sweet or eat more snacks and overeat.
    5. You should eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. A glass of juice in the morning, a large plate of salad for lunch, fruit for a snack, and a couple of vegetables for dinner - that's the whole norm.
    6. Watch your portion sizes. Anything you eat in one meal should fit in your palms, folded together.
    7. Do not forbid yourself any foods. If you deny yourself something, you will inevitably eat more than you can, and still exceed the calorie intake. Plus, you will plunge yourself into stress. So it's best to include your favorite foods in your daily menu, but only in small amounts. If you feel like indulging yourself in something sweet, eat a small slice of dark chocolate. Choose varieties with the highest cocoa content. For example, not 56%, but 72%.
    8. Red meat, cookies, cakes and ice cream are not the healthiest foods. Instead, choose nuts, seeds, fruits and fish.
    9. Don't forget to cleanse your body. To do this, introduce white wine, soy sauce, a little ginger and garlic into the diet.
    10. Try to eat less animal fats and more vegetable fats. That is, less sour cream, cheese, butter and more vegetable oils: olive, sunflower, linseed, etc.

    Cindy Crawford in her youth

    Express Mode: Vegetable Diet

    If a supermodel urgently needs to lose a few kilograms of weight, she goes on her famous diet, in which vegetable soup plays the main role.

    To prepare it you will need:

    • 1 head of cabbage
    • 6 medium carrots
    • 6 medium onions
    • 2 bell peppers,
    • 3 tomatoes,
    • a small bunch of green celery,
    • a small bunch of green onions,
    • 1/3 cup rice (it is better to take unpolished, boil beforehand).


    1. Cut all vegetables, except for celery and green onions, and put them in cold water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat.
    2. Add rice to soup a few minutes before the end of cooking.
    3. At the very end of cooking, add finely chopped green onions and celery.

    This soup is the basis of the diet. The diet is designed for a week.

    • 1st day:
    • 2nd day: soup and fresh fruit in any quantity; 150 ml of plain yogurt.
    • 3rd day:
    • 4th day: soup in any quantity; 200 g of boiled chicken.
    • 5th day: soup in any quantity; 200 g of boiled veal or beef.
    • 6th day: soup and fresh vegetables in any quantity; 150 ml of plain yogurt.
    • 7th day: soup and fresh vegetables and fruits in any quantity; 150 ml of plain yogurt.

    For such a weekly cycle, you can lose up to 5 kg of weight.

    Physical exercise

    Of course, the model owes its beautiful shape not only to the contents of the refrigerator and the express diet. She also trains regularly. Cindy Crawford willingly shares her experience. Her advice has been and continues to be used by millions of women around the world.

    So, back in 1992, the model released a video "The secret of an ideal figure", and in 1995 - "How to achieve perfection"... In these tapes, Cindy demonstrates exercise complexes that help her stay in great shape.

    When Crawford became a mother, she had to regain physical shape and lose the extra pounds gained during pregnancy. The model presented the program, tried on herself, in a new video tutorial for moms who want to become slim again. The New Dimension cassette was released in 2000.

    Cindy is a supporter of an active lifestyle.

    Today, Cindy Crawford's fitness program includes running (half an hour twice a week) and exercises for the legs, buttocks, abs, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps. The model admits that she does not like boring workouts. Crawford prefers Pilates and dancing. She also tries to have an active rest: the model loves walking and hiking.

    And so that all this is of maximum benefit, Cindy Crawford tries to rest well and drinks a lot of water - at least eight glasses a day. In addition, the model does not smoke and believes that this bad habit can negate even the most strict adherence to dietary rules and the most stubborn training.

    The world-famous star, famous supermodel, MTV host and actress, brilliant American Cindy Crawford remains number one, despite her age. Cindy is already over 50, but she continues to be admired. And not only peers. She still looks seductive, but she does not hide that luxurious appearance is not a gift of nature. Cindy takes good care of herself, never stopping for a day. To maintain a figure in perfect condition, Crawford allows a diet developed personally for her by a well-known nutritionist in the United States.

    Supermodel Cindy Crawford nutrition and sports

    It is known that Cindy Crawford has always preferred an active lifestyle - Cindy cannot imagine life without good fitness and yoga, stretching, and gentle cardio workouts.

    Cindy's parameters with a model height of 177 cm can be called ideal: chest - 86 cm, waist - 67 cm, hips - 89 cm.Cindy Crawford's weight is only 58 kg. And this is after the birth of two wonderful children. What is the secret of Cindy Crawford's nutrition?

    Cindy eats according to the recommendations of a personal nutritionist, but does not starve. Exhausting diets are not about her, as she has repeatedly stated. The goal of every woman, according to her, is to come to proper nutrition, to accustom the body to healthy food, then the problem of excess weight will disappear by itself.

    Cindy Crawford Zone Nutrition - minus 5 kg in 7 days

    For herself, Cindy chose a zonal food system. In short, this means that the amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats from food must be strictly defined. Cindy's norm: proteins and fats - 30% each, carbohydrates - the remaining 40%. At the same time, there are no strict dietary restrictions, with the exception of "obvious evil" - flour and sweet, bread, pasta and starchy vegetables, sweet soda, canned food, fried.

    The list of permitted products includes fermented milk products, non-starchy vegetables and fruits, rice, natural juices, and water. Meat supermodel allows itself infrequently, like fish, about once a week.

    The Cindy Crawford diet prescribes to eat often, but in small portions - about 5 times a day, of which 3 main meals and 2 light snacks. At a time you need to eat 150 - 200 g of food, no more. Food should be steamed or grilled without oil. Do not salt anything!

    The basis of the diet is lean cabbage soup, which can be eaten any time you feel hungry (but preferably no more than 5 times a day).

    Cindy Crawford's Diet Cabbage Soup

    Cindy Crawford's Diet Cabbage Soup helps you lose an average of 5 kilograms of excess weight. You can eat it practically without restrictions during the day, but always fresh. You do not need to cook a 20-liter pot for future use.

    To cook such a soup, you need to take:

    • ½ a head of medium white cabbage;
    • 6 onions;
    • 4 carrots;
    • 2 sweet bell peppers;
    • 400 g of tomatoes;
    • parsley root and greens.

    Cooking fat-burning cabbage soup is extremely simple: wash all the ingredients, peel, if necessary, chop, put in a saucepan, cover with water and boil until tender. Do not add stock cubes or salt. You can only natural dried herbs to taste. The soup is very easy to prepare and healthy to eat.

    Pros and cons, Cindy Crawford diet results

    It is enough to sit on such a diet for a week to be surprised at the results - you are guaranteed to lose up to 5 kg of weight if you do not deviate from the course. In addition, the diet is designed to reduce volume in problem areas. Moreover, it is the fat that leaves, not the water. Such a diet does not harm the relief either (a sufficient amount of protein allows you to maintain muscles). Undoubtedly, each organism is individual, but it's worth a try.

    Diet Pros:

    • According to nutritionists, the Crawford diet is gentle. does not imply avoiding carbohydrates or fats. The food is fairly balanced.
    • Fat leaves without return - up to minus 5 kg per week.
    • Lack of constant hunger.
    • Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.
    • Product availability.

    The disadvantages of the Crawford diet are not so significant, although they are also present. Such a nutrition system is not suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers, children and adolescents, the elderly, if you have chronic diseases.

    Also, if you work a lot and intensively, spend all the time on your feet, then be prepared for weakness, excessive irritability. For busy people, this diet may not work either. If you are constantly on business trips, difficulties in preparing, storing and absorbing cabbage soup are also possible.

    Sample menu for 2 weeks

    Important: on the Cindy Crawford diet there is no clear distinction between what should be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The entire amount of food prepared for each day is simply divided into 4 - 5 meals. It is desirable evenly.

    • Day 1: Cabbage soup (according to the recipe above), low-fat yogurt and unlimited vegetables.
    • Day 2: like the first, only fruits instead of vegetables.
    • Day 3: like the first, only fruits and vegetables are allowed together.
    • Day 4: cabbage soup + 200 g of boiled chicken.
    • Day 5: cabbage soup + 200 g of boiled veal.
    • Day 6: like the first, only instead of yogurt, kefir.
    • Day 7: like the third.

    As we have already said, Cindy does not like to go on diets - she eats right, and only sometimes switches to cabbage soup if the weight is slightly deviated from the norm. The rest of the time, she chooses the zonal power system, as described above.

    Cindy Crawford admits that she prefers whole, natural foods that have been minimally processed. As a dessert - dark chocolate, occasionally. If you have favorite foods, sometimes allow yourself to feast on them, but not often, and reduce portions.

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    Who among us in our youth did not do exercises with a video with Cindy Crawford? The exercises she herself mastered to keep fit for the modeling business are still considered the ideal weight loss workouts to this day. In her new book, To Live And To Amaze, Cindy Crawford talks in detail about her career and personal life. In particular, about how she lost weight in order to fit into designer clothes - and why she stopped doing it.

    I have never had a typical model figure. At the beginning of my career, when models were allowed to be in size 44, my forms were still more curvy.

    To the credit of many photographers I have worked with, instead of paying attention to my figure and telling me what I need, they gave me confidence in their appearance, showing what a beautiful body I have.

    As a child, I was very thin. I wanted to be like girls, whose breasts began and grew in the seventh grade. They got beautiful hips, mouth-watering cleavage and the attention of all the boys around.

    When I started working as a model, while still in school, I was 176 centimeters tall and weighed about 57 kilograms. Over the next few years, I rounded up a little, gaining a couple more pounds.

    At the same time, it was only after moving to New York, where I started wearing real designer clothes and samples, that I began to have problems in order to fit into some things. As a rule, the catwalk samples more or less suited me in size, but often the legs were too tight, or the dresses pressed at the waist.

    I never went on a diet and had a vague idea of \u200b\u200bproper nutrition. I grew up on meat and potatoes and all kinds of sweets for dessert. Also, I have never really played sports other than physical education at school, although I'm not sure if physical education in high school at De Kalba really counts. Somehow we had bowling for a whole semester! Here is such a wonderful our Midwest.

    My diets and workouts

    I soon realized that if I want to fit into the clothes that I have to wear for work, then I need to change my approach. I started training with Radu, a renowned fitness trainer who at that time worked with fashion favorites such as Calvin Klein and Bianca Jagger. Every evening after work, I trudged to his little studio on Fifty-seventh Street, where he studied with me according to his Romanian method.

    Never before in my life have I been in such good shape. To this day, my training is based on the exercises that Radu taught me. I still train with an instructor three times a week, and on top of that, I go hiking or cycling on weekends.

    Of course, it's great to feel that your body is in good shape, but the biggest gift for Radu was the feeling of self-confidence. He taught me to understand that physical strength provides a sense of emotional strength.

    In addition, I began to learn more about proper nutrition and how to maintain your figure. Unfortunately, I've never been one of the girls who can eat whatever they want and still not gain weight (damn you, Kate Moss!).

    Over the years, I've experimented with different weight loss diets - low fat, low carbohydrate, only fruit until lunch, vegetable and high protein. Of course, as soon as I gave myself a vow not to eat sweets, bread or whatever else, I only thought about sweets, bread or something like that! Ultimately, I settled on eating right 80% of the time. It was within my power.

    Will I ever be skinny as a coat rack? I don’t think so. Although sometimes I really want to. Some clothes actually look better on this type of figure.

    Losing weight hurts the skin

    On days when I feel a sense of self-doubt, I remind myself of the words Avedon once said to me after I lost a couple of kilograms. He said he liked my face better when I was not so thin. At the time, I did a lot of covers and cosmetics ads, so he advised me not to get completely skinny.

    Later, when I started working with Dr. Sebagh in an ad for his line of cosmetics called Meaningful Beauty, he gave me similar advice - advised me to choose some medium weight - not the smallest one I have ever had, but not the largest - and try to stick to it, because harms the skin when it is constantly stretched and pulled back. His approach to diet has also helped me learn to accept my body as it is.

    I believe that when you take control of your body through exercise, that kind of physical activity can help you love it.

    After the birth of children, I began to relate to the capabilities of the body in a new way. My height is still 176 centimeters (unless, of course, I have not yet begun to dry out from old age), and I weigh in the region of 61–64 kilograms. I am fortunate enough to be healthy, and I can still do almost anything I love so much - race with my kids, walk, swim in the ocean.

    If you don't like skinny models

    At the same time, I know what's going on in the modeling business now. Young models are getting thinner and thinner, which means that the size of the clothes is decreasing, and it makes no sense for me to even try to put it on.

    Now a lot of people criticize the situation with thinness of models, but here's what I can say about this: firstly, fashion does not stand still. It all depends on what inspires designers, photographers and editors.

    Second, consumers need to understand that all power is in their hands (or rather, in their wallets). If they don't like the looks they see, they can simply stop buying magazines or designer dresses. Be that as it may, fashion is primarily a business, and sometimes only strong losses can push to qualitative changes.

    The most important idea that I would like to convey to you, and which I can be an example, is how important it is to maintain your individuality and take care of your health.

    Cindy Crawford, a famous American actress, TV presenter and supermodel, and now, despite her already far from young age, attracts the views of millions of men around the world. First of all, of course, thanks to her excellent shape (with a height of 177 cm, she weighs only 59 kg), which help her maintain a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and a diet that Cindy periodically sits on when she needs to lose a couple of three piled up pounds. Cindy Crawford's favorite diet will be discussed on this page.

    Cindy Crawford diet description

    The duration of the diet is 7 days, during which it takes up to 3 kilograms. The basis of the diet is cabbage soup, the recipe for which is just below. This soup should be eaten every day, at least 5 times a day, in unlimited quantities. In addition to soup, you need to eat:

    • on the first day: any fresh vegetables in any quantity, 150 grams of yogurt;
    • on the second day: any fresh fruit without restrictions, 150 grams of yogurt;
    • on the third day: any fresh vegetables and fruits without restrictions, 150 grams of yogurt;
    • on the fourth day: half boiled chicken without skin;
    • on the fifth day: 200-300 grams of boiled beef or veal;
    • on the sixth day: any fresh vegetables in any quantity, 150 grams of yogurt;
    • on the seventh day: any fresh vegetables and fruits without restrictions, 150 grams of yogurt.

    Yogurt during a diet should be consumed dietary, low-fat and unsweetened. Allowed to drink plain water and freshly squeezed juices, without restrictions.

    Cindy Crawford Cabbage Soup Recipe

    To make soup you will need:

    • 1 small head of cabbage;
    • 6 carrots;
    • 6 onions;
    • bell pepper, preferably green - 2 pieces;
    • rice, brown or wild - 1/3 cup;
    • green onions - 6 feathers;
    • celery - 5 branches;
    • any other fresh herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro, etc.) - to taste.

    Boil and rinse the rice. Rinse the vegetables thoroughly, cut and cook until tender. 1-2 minutes before the end of cooking, add boiled rice and finely chopped greens (onions and celery) to the soup. The soup can be salted, but just a little. Add the rest of the herbs to the soup just before use.

    Cook the soup, preferably fresh every day. In extreme cases, it is allowed to leave it the next day.

    Eating after diet

    Cindy Crawford's diet is quite tough, low-calorie, and if after its completion you return to your usual diet, "thanks" to which you gained excess weight, the lost pounds will return to their place very quickly. Therefore, even after the end of the diet, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle and adhere to the principles of a healthy, balanced diet.

    It is necessary not to overeat, maintain the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet in a ratio of 30/30/40%, eat more unsweetened fruits and non-starchy vegetables, eat at least 5 times a day in small portions, and the last meal should be at least 3 hours before bedtime. Once every two weeks, it is recommended to arrange a rice fasting day, the diet of which is any amount of steamed rice without salt, water, green and herbal tea in any quantity.

    By adhering to these principles and not forgetting about regular exercise, you can easily maintain the result achieved during the diet and can even slowly continue to lose those extra pounds.