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  • LED lamps for additional lighting of seedlings. Choosing a phytolamp for seedlings

    LED lamps for additional lighting of seedlings. Choosing a phytolamp for seedlings

    To speed up the growth of seedlings at home, you can use special lamps to illuminate the seedlings. Such lamps are called phytolamps, because they have a specific spectrum of light that maximizes the effect on the plant.

    Phytolamps are produced in the following types: energy-saving or luminescent, induction, sodium and the most modern - LED.

    Illumination of plants with phytolamp

    How does light affect seedlings?

    Backlighting for seedlings is necessary to ensure the stable development of plants, flowers, fruit bushes. Good illumination is an important condition for seed germination, formation of leaves, stems, and ovaries. With an insufficient amount of sunlight, the photosynthetic apparatus in seedlings ceases to function, the growth of the root system and leaves slows down. The stems can begin to stretch, bend, curl. The immunity of plants is disrupted, the seedlings lose their quality characteristics, which further affects the yield, the size of the fruits.

    Light spectrum of lamps

    Additional lighting lamps have different color spectra:

    • red;
    • blue;
    • violet;
    • yellow;
    • green.

    The presence of red spectrum lamps in the device increases the germination of seed. With the further development of the bush, the shade of the spectrum contributes to the harmonious development of the variety, the stable growth of the stem, branches and leaves.

    Light spectrum most affecting plant growth

    The colors of the spectrum blue and violet help the formation of cells, increase the rate of their division. Shades of blue in the phyto-lighting device prevent the stems from stretching, the plant harmoniously forms the shape of the crown. The stems acquire the required density and thickness. The cold range contributes to the harmonious growth of ornamental plant varieties.

    The shades of the spectrum, green and yellow, are intended to balance other colors in the agrolamp, because reduce the harmful effects of infrared, ultraviolet lamps.

    When deciding which phytolamp is optimal for growing seedlings, it is important to consider that it is not recommended to use 1 color of the spectrum. It is necessary to combine several tones for a complex effect on stems and leaves at different periods of development. The range of intensity of shades can vary depending on the type of plant, season.

    When choosing a lamp for seedlings, it is important to determine the design and dimensions of the device, the backlight power, the efficiency, and the presence of a reflector.

    1 lux \u003d 1 lumen / 1 square meter

    In the description of lamps, you can often find lumens and suites. People often confuse these units of measurement with each other. Lumens measure the amount of light emitted from a lamp. And in suites, the degree of illumination of an object is measured. In fact, everything is simple, for example, there is a lamp emitting 1000 lumens, if you place it above a table with an area of \u200b\u200b1 square meter, at such a distance that all its light falls on the table, then the illumination of the table will be about 1000 lux.

    Can incandescent bulbs be used?

    Incandescent devices are not suitable as a lamp for illuminating seedlings; special devices for germinating and forming leaves and stems are suitable. Bushes illuminated by standard lamps will not be able to form, acquire immunity sufficient to move into open ground.

    Incandescent lamps are also not recommended due to their uneconomical energy consumption. The luminous flux accounts for no more than 4.6%, thermal energy - about 95%. When using incandescent lamps, seedlings may be burned. The spectral characteristics of the devices also do not correspond to those recommended for seed germination, development of leaves and branches.

    What types of phytolamps are there?

    Manufacturers produce phytolamps for seedlings:

    • luminescent;
    • energy saving;
    • induction;
    • sodium;
    • lED.

    Energy saving or fluorescent lamps

    Energy saving lamps are a type of fluorescent. The devices are compact, have a high performance (at least 15,000 hours), are equipped with a built-in choke and an E27 type base that is comfortable to install. The devices can operate for several seasons, are economical and safe to use. Ultraviolet lamps are placed at a distance of at least 15-30 cm from the seedlings.

    Fluorescent Lamp

    Experts prefer to use standard fluorescent daylight lamps with a linear design in arranging a place for plants. The light output of energy-saving devices is lower due to the twisted tube. Fluorescent devices are distinguished by their affordable cost, economical power consumption.

    However, the devices produce light of the pink-lilac spectrum, which adversely affects vision; in the apartment, devices must be supplemented with a mirror screen. It is necessary to take into account the small amount of working time of the lamps (10,000 hours), the decrease in the intensity of the glow when the most of the shelf life is reached. The devices are recommended for greenhouses and supplementary lighting of bushes for a period of up to 3-4 weeks.

    Induction lamps

    Induction lamps are used to illuminate plants. The devices are based on the principle of operation of luminescent devices, however, they differ in design solutions. The induction lamp has no electrodes inside. The induction lamp includes a tube with a phosphor deposition, an induction coil, a magnetic ring, and a current generator. The device has a long shelf life (60,000 hours). When operating 12 hours a day, the lamps can function for about 15-20 years. The decrease in light intensity in the device is insignificant (5%).

    Induction lamp

    Devices are not damaged by voltage surges. The flask does not heat up during long-term operation, the devices can be placed next to the seedlings. The color rendering of the devices is similar to the natural solar one. Manufacturers produce models for greenhouse structures, universal use, for seed germination and the period of fruit ripening. Light useful for plant growth reaches more than 95%. The disadvantage of the devices is the high price.

    Sodium lamps

    Sodium lamp

    Sodium lamps are low-cost, economical in energy consumption, emitting warm colors. The devices are designed to operate for several seasons, and allow you to adjust the luminous flux for different types of plants. The devices produce even illumination and create conditions for stabilizing photosynthesis. The cost of lamps is high.

    LED bulbs

    LED lamps for phyto-luminaires are distinguished by a long service life, the products are of high quality, economical in energy consumption. Round-the-clock illumination of plants is allowed, if necessary. The advantage of LEDs lies in the even light with a full spectrum of shades in the required proportion (multispectrum). Bicolor varieties are also produced.

    LED lamp

    The devices are compact, ergonomic, easy to install and light in weight. A large number of devices can be placed in a limited area. Phyto-luminaires are distinguished by their extended service life, LEDs work for more than 50,000 hours. The luminous flux characteristics do not decrease over time. The lamps do not heat up, there is no risk of burning the foliage, stems.

    Popular turnkey solutions

    For growing seedlings on the windowsill, you can buy ready-made solutions from manufacturers. In the list of the best lamps for seedlings phyto-lamps:

    • "Sun";
    • Alamak;
    • "Khatisa";
    • Wasat.

    Reflax phyto-lamp "Solnyshko"

    The phyto-lamp "Solnyshko" is designed to illuminate flowers, seedlings; it is produced in several varieties with a power of 70-150 W. The sodium-type device is designed to illuminate agricultural crops. The device is compact, optimal for use in rooms. The device is mounted for growing bushes on a table top or by a window on an area of \u200b\u200babout 1.5-2 m².

    The power can be varied for the type of crop grown. During operation, it is important to comply with the manufacturer's requirements and turn off the device no earlier than 5 minutes after connecting. When illuminated, seedlings acquire a rich green color, immunity for transplanting into open soil or a greenhouse. When flowers and fruit-bearing plants are grown, fruit ovaries and buds begin to form. The device is realized with an adjustable bracket for fixing to a table, shelves, windowsill.

    Table phyto-lamp "Alamak"

    The Alamak device is designed to illuminate seedlings in an apartment. The light radiation of the device contributes to the formation of a bush resistant to open ground conditions and greenhouses. The phytolamp design is compact, ergonomic, easy to install. The model is equipped with a bracket with adjustable height. The lamps in the device are LED, the power of the device reaches 540 lux.

    The illumination of the device is full-spectrum, stimulating the process of plant photosynthesis. A power supply unit and an electric wire 1 m long are supplied with the device. The backlight power is regulated in the design. The permissible height of the device is 48 cm.The distance of the device from the leaves is limited by the manufacturer and is 5-20 cm.

    Led table lamp for plants "Hatisa"

    Tabletop lighting device "Hatisa" is designed for indoor use. Stylish design allows placing the device in office premises, study rooms for lighting small greenhouses, flower beds. The device is equipped with LED lamps. The height of the structure can be varied (5-50 cm), the luminous flux of the device reaches 800 lux. The bicolor lamp works up to 100,000 hours. The kit includes an adapter and electric wires. The dimensions of the device are 50x15x10 cm.

    Wasat LED window lamp for plants

    The LED device "Wasat" is supplied with fasteners and is intended for installation on a windowsill, table top. The device is economical in power consumption, compact, with high light output. The body is made of aluminum alloys, equipped with 30W LEDs. The design can vary in length (80-120 cm), the width reaches 3 cm, the thickness is 3 cm. The bracket can be adjusted in 3 planes. The area of \u200b\u200bthe illuminated space is 20-50 cm. The device is equipped with a power supply unit, a wire 1.2 m long.

    How to highlight seedlings correctly?

    When installing lights on a windowsill, it is important to follow the recommendations of device manufacturers and standard requirements for creating artificial lighting for seedlings:

    • the direction of the light source should be from top to bottom, to match the sun's rays;
    • phytolamp is located at a distance of 25-40 cm to the seedlings;
    • for 1 m² of space, the optimal power of the device is at least 70 W;
    • in winter, it is necessary to increase the illumination up to 4-5 hours using sodium or LED backlight;
    • when growing seedlings, you need round-the-clock illumination for up to 3-4 days, then the daylight hours are reduced to 14-16 hours;
    • it is important to observe the schedule of day and night changes when supplementing plants;
    • it is prohibited to install devices on tubs, trays for seedlings, because location will damage the even growth of the stems;
    • an indicator of the distant placement of the lighting device are elongated stems, a dull shade of foliage, it is recommended to bring the device closer to 1/3;
    • flowers need at least 14 hours of illumination per day;
    • during periods of rainy, snowy winters, it is important to increase the time of plant illumination.

    In accordance with the parameters of heat tolerance, plants are divided into the following groups:

    1. 1,000 - 3,000 lux is optimal for varieties growing in partial shade, requiring backlighting away from foliage. The group includes euphorbia, agave, calathea, ficus, dracaena.
    2. 3,000 - 4,000 lux are recommended for bushes developing under diffuse lighting. The power of the devices is suitable for seedlings of peppers, cactus, gardenia, camellia, begonias, palm and tea crops.
    3. 4000 - 6000 lux are suitable for varieties that develop in direct sunlight. The selection of crops includes legumes, pomegranate, hibiscus, gerbera, mimosa, chrysanthemum.
    4. 6000 - 12000 lux are optimal for exotic plants, bushes with fruits. Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. The list of crops recommended for illumination includes roses, eucalyptus, jasmine, cacti, citruses, olives.

    The process of growing seedlings of most flowers and garden crops begins in winter. The initial stage is the preparation and germination of seeds. When the first shoots appear, summer residents pick young shoots into individual containers. At this stage, in addition, insolation is very important for the plant - getting the required amount of sunlight. Very often it is not enough, because the winter day is short and the night is long. In this case, additional artificial lighting is required. It is achieved with the help of special seedling lamps.

    The development of modern, innovative technologies allows the summer resident to choose the appropriate type of lighting. In the shops you can find a wide range of specially combined, high-quality devices for young plants.

    Experienced summer residents who have been growing seedlings for more than one year are advised to make lamps for seedlings with their own hands. It remains to buy only all the necessary components (base, choke, cable, electrical plug, lamp of the corresponding type). No special knowledge is required, you should only have basic concepts of electrical engineering.

    What is the best type of lamp to choose?

    There are many advantages of supplementary lighting devices, and it is rather difficult to overestimate their role in the process of seedling growth.

    Firstly, artificial insolation completely imitates the flow of sunlight, therefore it contributes to the gradual development of a young seedling, as it happens with natural light from the sun.

    Secondly, thanks to good additional lighting, plants will grow "correctly", without deviations and interruptions. Many summer residents ask whether it is possible not to use lamps for home seedlings? The experts' answers boil down to the conclusion that it is not desirable to leave developing plants without artificial lighting. If you neglect it, such seedlings can stretch out, and the leaves will be pale and underdeveloped. In some cases, deformation of the base of young plants can be observed. This greatly affects the yield.

    And thirdly, with a very early cultivation of seedlings (, begonia, shabo cloves, lobelia; vegetable crops - celery, and chernukha from seeds), the extension of daylight hours by artificial insolation is very necessary.

    What to expect from a seedling lamp? How do you choose the right technology? What should you look for when choosing a plant light? Summer residents and gardeners often ask similar questions. First, you need to determine the main types of devices that are used in a modern dacha and vegetable garden:

    • Phyto-lighting.
    • Energy saving.

    There are no conventional incandescent bulbs listed. They cannot be used for finishing seedlings. It is too energy intensive, they do not provide the required radiation and generate too much heat. Some summer residents still combine them with other types of lighting, but this does not always provide the desired result.

    Effective phytolamps for seedlings

    The most effective phyto lamps for growing seedlings:

    • LED lightening.
    • Luminescent.
    • Sodium lamps.

    Seedling LED lamps ... It is not difficult to buy them today. The stores offer a wide selection of them. They emit special light for supplementary illumination of rapidly growing sprouts during the winter short days. Many studies by scientists prove that certain spectral colors affect the metabolic processes of plants in different ways. Such a lamp for illuminating seedlings should have strictly regulated ranges in order to most accurately replace the natural rays of sunlight. The main colors of the spectrum are blue and red. The wavelength of the blue spectrum should be 460 nm and the red spectrum should be 660 nm. LEDs have exactly these colors in their pure form, and they significantly improve plant photosynthesis.

    The basis of effective phyto-lighting in this way is LED lamps. For seedlings, it is best to use certified products. You need to buy such devices only in stores where you can require an official document. Experts note that phyto-lamps for seedlings are the most progressive method of supplementary lighting. Reviews of many summer residents say that using such a technology, you can combine spectra for any culture. There are a lot of varieties of LEDs. This allows the desired radiations to be combined.

    The indisputable advantage of this innovative technology is its economy and the ability to create illumination of seedlings with LED lamps with your own hands. To do this, you need to buy a base - special phyto-LEDs or ready-made devices (E27), and a power supply (driver). You also need a cable with a cross-section of at least 0.75, three cores, a base (if ready-made lamps are used), and a plug for connecting to the power network. Such lighting is made very simply. It is necessary to connect all components to one circuit by soldering with a soldering iron and insulate the exposed areas with electrical tape.

    It is recommended, for more effective illumination of seedlings with LED lamps and concentration of radiation, to make a small box of cone-shaped plywood, and cover the walls with reflective material (foil, nickel-plated metal plates). Supplementing seedlings with LED phytolamps will help every summer resident to improve their quality and yield indicators in the future.

    Fluorescent lamps. For seedlings, this type of lighting is considered the most common and affordable. They serve for quite a long time, and it is not difficult to replace them. They are in the form of a glass tube, the walls of which are covered from the inside with a ball of a special substance called a phosphor (phosphorus is its basis). It helps to convert energy into light rays. Inert gas argon and a small part of mercury are pumped inside under high pressure, which, when heated, creates vapors that are hazardous to human health. That is why fluorescent lamps for seedlings after working off should not be broken or opened. They are sent to specialized enterprises for the processing and disposal of hazardous compounds.

    It should be noted that such devices in everyday life are called sources of warm light. They emit a wide range of colors, but the main color is ultraviolet, which is so necessary for many plants. Therefore, they are very often chosen by summer residents for additional cutting of young plants.

    The advantage of fluorescent lamps is their size. The different lengths allow you to choose the right seedling lamp. At home, use short and medium. They can be installed on windowsills or suspended from the ceiling. Trays are usually built under them so that there is enough light emission. DIY lamps for seedlings can be mounted from plywood or fiberboard plates. This will save money on the purchase of ready-made lamps. A hand-made device in terms of functionality is not inferior to production counterparts. To improve the quality of the scattering of the rays, the inner part is covered with a foil ball.

    Daylight fixtures have simple designs. Many people are interested in the question - how to make a lamp for seedlings? It is enough to prepare all the ingredients:

    • Measure and lay out the material so that the lamp of the selected length fits there.
    • The sides of the box should be trapezoidal, and the luminaire body itself should resemble a cut cone. All parts can be fixed with wood glue or small metal corners.
    • When the box is mounted, plinths and starters are attached to the sides with screws or super glue. The power supply can be installed on the roof of the luminaire.
    • The inner surface should be covered with foil paper or clean foil. You can use food foil for this.
    • When the whole structure is ready, it is necessary to equip it with a cable with a plug for mains supply. After that, you can use it for its intended purpose.

    It is necessary to install fluorescent lamps for additional illumination of seedlings at a height of 25-40 cm above the surface with placed trays. The distance must be adjusted, therefore it is recommended to make the suspension for the luminaires from flexible material. Many summer residents choose metal chains for this, which are easy to control and adjust the height.

    It should be noted. If it is not possible to make suspensions from the ceiling, you can use wood or metal stands. Making them is also not very difficult.

    Lamps are widely used to illuminate seedlings of "daylight" in large greenhouses and greenhouses of agricultural enterprises for which the cultivation of young seedlings and garden crops is listed as a business. They allow you to cover quite large areas, providing the necessary light for many young plants. They are mounted very easily among themselves. You can buy ready-made lamps with built-in fluorescent lamps. Some businesses use custom-made luminaires that are tailored to the ergonomics of industrial premises and best provide young plants with the necessary light.

    Sodium lamps. Some of the safest for the eyes and human health, they are used for supplementary lighting of seedlings, both at home and on an industrial scale (large greenhouse farms). Sodium lamps are best suited for supplementary lighting of seedlings with a power of no more than 100 watts. They emit mainly the red-orange spectrum of light. It is necessary for plants during flowering and the appearance of ovaries. They are very economical and serve for a long time for the benefit of the dacha economy.

    It should be noted that it is possible to increase the efficiency when using sodium lamps (HPS) by including a capacitor in the circuit.

    The structure of the device is very complex. It consists of a base, a glass bottle and a burner (cylindrical discharge tube). Inside the glass container are vapors of mercury and sodium, which are ignited by creating an arc. When the sodium vapor is heated with the xenon firing gas, a high pressure is created. The result of this process is the emission of orange or golden-white hues.

    The lamps are launched under the activation of an electromagnetic or electronic starter. An IZU (Pulse Knocking Device), which is sold with the appliance, can also be used. Due to the relative bulkiness, many summer residents refuse to use sodium lamps, but they are very effective in supplementary lighting of seedlings.

    Energy saving lamps for illumination of seedlings

    Modern trends in the field of agrotechnical sphere allow the use of energy-saving lamps for growing seedlings. At home, they use ordinary household lamps or create a special box with built-in plinths.

    It should be noted that the main advantage of this technology is bispectrality (the possibility of choosing and combining several types of lamps to ensure the emission of the required spectrum colors). Thus, you can provide the plant with the following sources:

    • Daytime... Ultraviolet radiation is needed to illuminate plants throughout the entire development period. It is also used as supplementary lighting for seedlings at any time of the day.
    • Warm (red). Indispensable during the active flowering phase.
    • Cold (blue). The colors of this spectrum are necessary at the initial stage of plant development - seed germination and the appearance of the first shoots.

    Induction devices are one of the most effective energy-saving technologies for supplementary lighting of seedlings.

    Induction lamps ... You can often hear the question of which lamp is best for growing seedlings? More recently, another technology for supplemental illumination of young plants has appeared - induction (gas ionization using electromagnetic radiation). The light source is plasma, which is created by magnetic induction. Such devices can be considered among the most advanced, as they emit two of the most popular colors from the spectrum (blue and red). They are also called bispectral (bicolor seedling lamp). In addition, induction lights can heat up to 70 ° C. This advantage helps to provide heat to the plants.

    The choice of lighting technology for plants is a very important component of the quality growth and development of young plants. Seedlings develop faster under the lamp, especially during periods of short winter days or when there is a lack of daylight in greenhouses.

    Principles of placement of lamps for seedlings

    There are several rules for installing one or another type of seedling lamp. Lighting of plants should be carried out in such a way that it does not harm them, but, on the contrary, helps. What to do and what to look for the most when installing lamps:

    1. Do not install seedling lights from the sides of trays or containers. This can affect the evenness of the stems. All plants are drawn to the light, therefore, with lateral artificial lighting, they can deform, bend, bend. If the lighting has already been mounted using this method, you need to remove it and reinstall it so that the light is at the top.
    2. It is not allowed to install light sources far from the seedlings. Elongated stems and pale leaves are a sign of not keeping the distance (exceeding). In this case, it is recommended to reduce this distance by about a third.
    3. It is also not recommended to install lamps too close. This can lead to burns on the surface of plant leaves. If such signs are found, it is necessary to immediately increase the distance between artificial light and seedlings.

    It should be noted that each plant requires an individual approach to lighting. Only when the seedlings are developing correctly does it mean that the distance and type of lamps are chosen correctly.

    Which seedling lamp to choose? To do this, it is recommended to view a short overview of the most popular types of these devices from reliable manufacturers.

    Seedling lamp overview

    Today, many manufacturers create a large selection of lighting fixtures for finishing seedlings. LED lamps, for example, have been used quite recently, since this technology is only developing, but has already found its application in horticulture. This innovative method has bispectarity properties, which allows plants to be influenced by two spectra, which are so necessary at the initial level of development of a young sprout. What to buy a lamp for illuminating seedlings?

    According to experts and experienced summer residents, the best light-emitting diode (LED) lamps are:

    • Philips ... The world's leading manufacturer of lighting technology. Almost any device from this company can be suitable for supplementary lighting of seedlings. The best model is Philips MAS LEDtube.
    • Electrum ... The Swiss brand is also represented in the seedling lighting market. Best lamp models: Electrum T8 24W G13 4000 (linear), 1.5W LC-4 GU 4 (capsule).
    • Bellson ... A Chinese manufacturer that has conquered its share of the lighting market niche. The best models: T8 LED G13 (linear lamp), LED G53, Industry E
    • STARLIGHT ... Another leading manufacturer of lighting products in China. It offers its products in more than 40 countries around the world. The best for seedlings is the following model: Eco LT8-1040,

    Seedling LED lamps are very high quality, economical and durable. They are easy to install, so creating high-quality backlighting will not be difficult.

    Among the gas discharge sodium lamps - Reflax for seedlings is the best solution. They stand out for the fact that they have a good effect on plants and do not irritate the eyes. You can equip your greenhouse or a place in the house that is allocated for seedlings with them without much difficulty with your own hands. The bulbs are screwed into a regular base. The only drawback is that they require a pulsed igniter, which is sold in the kit, to start them. You can buy Reflax seedling lamps at any lighting store. Many people are interested in the price of such lighting sources. It should be noted that the price of a lamp for Reflax seedlings is about 7,500 rubles.

    A German manufacturer, Osram, is also engaged in the production of sodium devices, which provides an opportunity to purchase the best version of the device - a Plantastar 600W sodium lamp with an E40 base.

    Among the fluorescent lamps there are also leaders. One of the best is the 18-watt Fluora. This seedling growing lamp, which can be purchased online, has proven itself well at many international exhibitions and forums. For additional illumination of plants, it is enough to install two such lamps on 1 m 2. It is one of the best in its niche market. The Flora lamp for seedlings has received numerous reviews from summer residents and quality certificates from international experts.

    Also phytoluminescent lamps from a manufacturer called PAULMANN are in great demand. Especially in the trend of the model from 40 to 100 watts. They don't heat up well and can last a long time.

    One of the biggest disappointments faced, especially by novice gardeners who decide to grow seedlings for planting on their own, are weak, thin and completely unviable plants. Such an embarrassment happens even if all agrotechnical requirements are met. The main reasons for this are lack of sunlight and short daylight hours.

    Some varieties of flowers and vegetables require sowing in the midst of winter, January-February. It is at this time that the germinated seeds need much brighter light than a window overlooking the south or east side of the house can give them.

    The only way to prevent leggy growth early in the growing season and grow full, healthy specimens for planting is to use extra seedling light.

    The need for extra light

    The additional lighting system is the main driving force behind the growth of all plants, as it will directly affect the growth rate, future health of the plants and the final yield. That is why the utmost attention should be paid to additional lighting.

    Too much light at different stages of plant development can lead to stunted growth and damage to sensitive seedlings.

    There are many ways of supplemental lighting that promote plant growth, but the key to finding the best ones is to measure efficiency and effectiveness. Inconsistency in the early stages of growth can lead to a variety of problems later on.

    To begin with, humans and plants “see” light differently, and color temperature has different effects on our “green friends”:

    Are you using additional lighting for seedlings?


    Cold light (blue or violet spectrum)

    Activates the processes of photosynthesis and increases the rate of cell division. In other words, under the influence of cold light, the seedlings do not stretch and do not stretch towards the light source, they retain their shape, the stem becomes thick and dense.

    Warm light (red spectrum)

    Activates the process of seed germination, becoming a kind of green traffic light for them, encourages growth and vertical development.

    Cold light is best for vegetative growth, while warm light is good for stimulating plants to produce flowers and fruits.

    It is very important to leave the backlight on for about 16 hours a day, giving the plants eight hours of "rest"

    In addition to the blue and red spectrum, there is also green and yellow. Plants use them, but only to balance cold and warm light.

    Outdoors, the duration of light varies by region and season. For example, the farther from the equator, the "shorter" winter days (a few hours of daylight).

    Growing seedlings indoors, we control the duration of the light by turning it on and off. And here it is important to observe one very important rule, namely, leave the backlight on for about 16 hours a day, giving the plants eight hours of "rest".

    Seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, with a long growing season, are recommended to be illuminated for 8-14 hours a day. Green crops (salads, basil, dill, green onions) - from 8 to 11 hours a day, tugovid plants (celery, radishes, parsley) - from 12 to 16 hours a day.

    Most plants benefit from “resting” for a while with the lights off. During this time, they use some of the energy they receive during the day to stimulate growth.

    Certain plants require certain periods of daily rest in the dark to initiate flower buds or induce root growth.

    Basic requirements for additional lighting

    Additional lighting on short winter days is a natural mood stimulant for plants.

    Window glass does not transmit ultraviolet light, and it is simply necessary for the photosynthesis of plants. If it is possible to pamper the seedlings with the sun's rays without harming them, then pamper them!

    Types of lamps for illuminating seedlings

    For the stable growth of a plant, it is not enough just to turn on a lamp or a table lamp. Firstly, not all lamps will equally benefit the seedlings and will have the desired result, and secondly, some can, on the contrary, harm.

    Incandescent bulbs or halogens are not suitable for growing seedlings because they give off too much heat.

    It is difficult for garden pioneers to determine which lamp will best suit the needs of the plants, so we suggest you check out a short guide to them.

    Fluorescent lamps

    In everyday life, they are known as fluorescent lamps or LBT for short. Perhaps the most popular assistants for gardeners in the winter, from lighting during seed germination to extending daylight hours for seedlings.

    Lamps with a shifted spectrum towards ultraviolet radiation have a beneficial effect on the development of the root system of plants.

    For a large number of seedlings, it is better to use several lamps at once.

    They have a number of advantages:

    • favorable price and compact size;
    • diffused light and high luminous efficiency;
    • a wide range of shades (blue, red, white);
    • long period of work;
    • economical energy consumption;
    • minimum heat transfer;
    • safety in use.

    Fluorescent lamps have low power, therefore, for a large number of seedlings, it is better to use several lamps at once, and this will already be economically unprofitable. In addition, in order for the plants to receive the required amount of light and the red spectrum of radiation, the distance to them should be as close as possible (20-25 cm), and in order to have a greater effect, they create “barricades” around the seedlings from foil or other reflective materials.

    If you still opted for fluorescent lamps, do not skimp on the purchase and purchase a phytolamp with a selective spectrum of lighting.

    Phytoluminescent lamps

    They work, as a rule, in the blue and red spectrum, are close to natural light, highly efficient and cost effective.

    For example, Enrich mirror lamp, Fitosvet-D, Camelion Bio. Among the disadvantages of such lamps, it is worth noting the lilac-pink light emitted by them, which negatively affects human vision and is annoying, especially when you are in a room with such lighting for a long time.

    Sodium lamps

    Suitable for lighting small farms and large agricultural holdings. They do an excellent job of replacing natural sunlight, due to their high light and heat output, they have a fairly long service life.

    At home, they are used extremely rarely, due to the high temperatures of the bulb, when in contact with water drops, the lamp may explode. In addition, the flask contains mercury vapors and, if damaged, it threatens to disaster. The lamps have a high heat emission and, if placed close, can burn the delicate green of the seedlings.

    Fluorescent lamps are highly efficient and cost effective

    LED light sources

    When illuminating indoor plants, gardeners are increasingly using LED phyto-lamps, which in turn are divided into three groups:

    When purchasing a full spectrum luminaire, look for lamps with added white light, which are also suitable for areas where people live, without applying any protective measures.

    Advantages of LED lamps:

    • economical power consumption;
    • long service life;
    • compact size;
    • assimilated by plants spectrum of LED luminescence;
    • high level of light output;
    • low heat generation;
    • sealed housings for protection and environmental friendliness of lamps;
    • the possibility of repair.

    Look for LED bulbs with a minimum 1 year warranty.

    Despite the significant advantages, LED lamps still have disadvantages. The leading position is occupied by the high cost of high-quality LED products. In second place is the dominance of the market for cheap and low-quality LED products. Well, the third place is given to the degradation of the crystal, which loses its brightness from year to year.

    A wide range of products allows lighting fixtures to be mounted directly above the plants on hangers (from 20 to 45 cm, depending on the culture and lamp power), on swivel brackets, or overhead to a wall or glass.

    Seedling rack

    Placing a large number of seedlings on the windowsills is extremely inconvenient due to the piling up and the inability to open the windows for ventilation. Therefore, if you are engaged in seasonal cultivation of seedlings annually in at home, a collapsible rack would be a good option for you. This is a temporary structure, which has a fairly compact size, both prefabricated and disassembled.

    Collapsible racks can be placed both on the floor in the room and on the window.

    Shelving made of metal corners with perforation is the best option. Firstly, they are durable, and secondly, they are easy to assemble / disassemble. In addition, the shelves can always be easily adjusted to the height of the plants as they grow.

    Select fluorescent or LED lamps to match the size of the rack as a backlight.

    An economical version of the seedling light can be constructed from a combination of incandescent and daylight lamps.

    Whichever type of additional lighting you choose, be sure to install reflective foil or mirror screens.

    Even with minimal skills, you can choose a master class for yourself on the Internet and design a small shelving from a wooden bar or a combination of a metal base and plastic, wooden or plexiglass shelves.

    The phytolamp can be assembled independently, especially according to the most simplified scheme from LED strip of blue and red colors or LED lamps of similar colors, the cartridges of which are fixed on a piece of chipboard or a metal profile. Be sure to install a reflector that maximizes the light received by the plants and controls the heat from the lamps.

    Adequate lighting is one of the main requirements for seedlings for keeping conditions. The climate in most of the territory of Russia is such that there is not enough natural light in February-March to provide the required daylight hours. We have to use artificial lighting. Phytolamps are the most popular, but other options can be selected.

    Why seedlings need lighting

    Most gardeners begin planting seeds for seedlings in February or March. Light days at this time of the year are short, and seedlings of different cultures need 10-16 hours of light a day for harmonious development. With its deficit, the seedlings stretch out strongly, the leaves turn pale and wither, after planting in the ground, the plants either do not take root at all, or they adapt for a long time to the new habitat. And on the contrary, those specimens that had enough light turn out to be powerful, hardy to the vagaries of the weather, they are characterized by a more developed root system, better resistance to diseases and pest attacks and, as a consequence of all this, increased productivity.

    It is impossible to grow high-quality seedlings without good lighting; there is not enough sunlight at the end of winter and at the beginning of spring

    How to enhance natural light

    The most economical way to improve seedling lighting. The surface of the window sill is lined with foil, behind the containers with seedlings, a “screen” made of cardboard 15–20 cm high, pasted over with it, is installed. Or pots, containers are placed in a foil-pasted box with a cut-out wall facing the window.

    The sun's rays, passing through the glass, are reflected from the foil onto the plants, the illumination is improved by 20-30%. Moreover, the light comes evenly from all sides, the problem of stretching the stems towards the window and the need to regularly turn the containers disappear.

    The foil screen can be replaced with a thin white fabric, for example, coarse calico - in this case the light will be softer, more diffused

    But this technique does not solve the problem of cloudy days and windows facing north. It is also ineffective in the presence of a large number of seedlings, when the containers are on the windowsill in several rows or on racks with shelves at different heights.

    Video: foil screen to enhance natural light

    Supplementing with lamps: choosing a light source

    When choosing lamps for illuminating seedlings, you need to take into account how close the light they generate is to the natural solar spectrum. The most important "shades" in it are red and blue-violet. The first activates the process of chlorophyll synthesis, seeds germinate faster, seedlings develop better. The second "inhibits" the growth of the stem, while accelerating cell division. The seedlings do not stretch, they turn out to be powerful and strong.

    For harmonious development, seedlings need light from the red and blue-violet regions of the spectrum.

    In terms of lighting power, seedlings require about 8000 lux. The lamps provide about 6,000 lux, the rest is natural light.


    Ideal for plants that are highly suited to their violet-pink-blue spectrum. Among their other advantages are compactness, long service life, energy efficiency. The disadvantage is the high price.

    For a person, such lighting is unnatural and even harmful. Eyes get tired quickly, some may even develop persistent migraines. Therefore, the luminaires need special reflectors.

    Phytolamps are specially created for supplementary illumination of seedlings, but such a shade of light is not very useful for humans.

    By the way, they are useful for any additional lighting. And it's better if these are matte screens. Light is scattered and "absorbed" by plants much better than direct rays. The phytolamp screen can be metal or plastic. The first one is more durable - when turned on for a long time, the plastic often does not have time to remove excess heat and melts.

    Video: the advantages and disadvantages of phytolamps

    Light emitting diodes (LED)

    One of the best options for plants along with phytolamps. The service life is practically a record - 50,000-100,000 hours. LEDs are sold in different colors, you can buy exactly blue and red. Their price is quite high. Such bulbs consume a minimum of electricity; they do not heat up during operation. At the same time, the light intensity (about 6000 lux) is quite sufficient for the harmonious development of seedlings.

    LED bulbs are available in different colors - only the most beneficial for seedlings can be selected

    Practice shows that additional illumination with LEDs reduces the rate of evaporation of moisture from the soil, respectively, you can increase the intervals between waterings.

    Over time, LED lamps dim and begin to flicker. Due to their small size, they give a narrow beam of light. This allows them to focus on a specific plant, but with a large number of seedlings, a lot of LEDs are needed.

    Video: which is best for seedlings: LEDs or fluorescent lamps

    High pressure sodium lamps

    They give a stable "warm" light of the red-orange spectrum of the required intensity, close to natural. But because of the brightness, it hurts the eyes. Lamps are not cheap, although they last a long time. For an ordinary amateur gardener who does not grow seedlings on an industrial scale, such a supplementary lighting system simply will not pay off.

    High pressure sodium lamps are mainly used by professional growers of seedlings, vegetables, herbs and berries in large greenhouses and on an industrial scale

    In the process of work, they noticeably heat up and buzz, in cold rooms the light intensity decreases. Another drawback is bulkiness. The lamps themselves are small, but additional equipment is attached to them - special chokes, starters. It is difficult to place a structure with such lamps on a standard windowsill. They cannot be plugged into a regular outlet. Failed lamps due to the presence of sodium and mercury vapor require special disposal.

    They would be beneficial for plants during flowering and fruit ripening. In young seedlings, they sharply activate the growth process, the leaves are too spreading, they break easily.

    They are distinguished by an affordable price and good efficiency. The light is very bright, the spectrum coincides with the solar one by about 80–95%. But blue is still not enough, which is why the harmonious development of plants does not work: cell division is not as active as it could be.

    Sodium metal halide lamps are not a bad option for seedlings, but they have significant drawbacks

    These lamps have different wattage, this must be taken into account when installing, raising the structure higher or lowering it lower. The light is stable, as the lamp "ages" does not fade. The backlight has a very long lifespan. A significant drawback is that some models can explode if exposed to water droplets or power surges. They must be disposed of in a special way, the flasks contain toxic chemicals.

    Fluorescent lamps (LBT, LB)

    They are "fluorescent lamps". They don't consume much electricity. Due to the low power, you will have to install several lamps at the same time. Their compactness allows them to be placed horizontally or vertically. Over time, the lighting power gradually decreases, this must be monitored. The fluorescent lamp shines brighter at the edges than in the center.

    Fluorescent lamps almost always give very "cold" light, their power is low, but they also consume a minimum of energy

    There is practically no red in the spectrum, the light is too “cold”. Accordingly, seedlings do not appear quickly, seedlings do not develop very actively. These lamps cannot provide the seeds with the heat they need to germinate quickly. To compensate for this, the lamps are placed closer than usual (20-25 cm above the seedlings) and reflectors are made of foil. However, the same property is valuable at later stages of seedling development, when it is desirable to lower the temperature for seedlings to 20–23 ° C.

    For human eyes, such lamps are not very useful, they flicker unpleasantly. Another problem is waste disposal (flasks contain mercury vapors).

    The emission spectrum is redshifted, the lamps are small in size. This list of their advantages, perhaps, is exhausted. On the contrary, there are many disadvantages, so they are definitely not the best option for seedlings. The light flickers and "pulsates" strongly, during operation the lamps get very hot, the intensity of illumination decreases rapidly, even with small voltage drops they go out. Almost all models (with the exception of tungsten-mercury lamps) require a special ballast. Subject to special disposal.

    Waste mercury lamps cannot be simply thrown away, they require special disposal

    Incandescent lamps

    For supplementary lighting, seedlings are practically useless. Their spectrum consists mainly of yellow and orange light, which has little effect on the development of seedlings. In addition, during operation, they become very hot, critically reducing the humidity of the air. Seedlings illuminated by such lamps will stretch, dry out and get burned.

    Conventional incandescent lamps are gradually being phased out; for supplementary lighting of seedlings, this is the worst option of the listed

    Based on electricity costs, this is also the most disadvantageous of the described options. About 5% of the consumed energy is converted into light, the rest - into thermal radiation. The service life of the lamps is also short (on average 1000 hours), they will have to be changed frequently.

    Video: how to choose lamps for supplementary lighting of seedlings

    General rules and important nuances when supplementing seedlings

    Seedling lighting will give the desired effect only if everything is organized correctly. Otherwise, the lamps will be more harm than good:

    • To see if the seedlings have enough light, watch the stems. If they become thinner and stretched, then there is not enough. Add more lamps.
    • Checking if the seedlings are too hot is also easy. Place your palm directly over the leaves. If you feel warmth coming from the lamps, you need to raise them higher.
    • The seedlings will signal that it is time to turn off the lamps themselves - by the evening their leaves rise and close a little. Only non-germinated seeds are illuminated around the clock during the first 3-4 days.
    • If you are in doubt whether you need additional lighting during the day, turn on the lamps. When the light level changes noticeably, it is clearly needed. If there is no visible difference, turn them off.
    • The most common mistake is to think that seedlings on the southern or eastern windowsill do not need additional lighting. It is necessary at least in the morning and evening hours, on cloudy days.
    • Until the emergence of shoots, place the lamps 10–12 cm above the containers and strictly vertically. Then - raise to a height of 40-60 cm and turn at an angle of about 60 °. It is advisable to immediately make or purchase height-adjustable brackets and / or lamps on hooks in order to be able to change their height without problems.
    • The photo clearly demonstrates how effective additional illumination is with proper use of lamps

      DIY seedling lighting

      The most convenient way to do this is to use a silicone LED strip (sold in rolls). Red and blue LEDs are purchased in a ratio of 3: 2 or 4: 3. If the seedling pots will be far from the window, you will also need a white tape. The process looks like this:

    1. Cut the tape to the required length, referring to the marks on the back.
    2. Attach the pieces to the base (a piece of plastic, a profile, even an old ruler will do) using super glue or double-sided tape. Some tapes already have a sticky layer on the back to make the task easier.
    3. Using connectors, attach the power supply to the lengths observing the polarity.
    4. A homemade seedling lamp with LEDs looks something like this

      Video: homemade LED seedling lamp

      High-quality seedlings are the key to a bountiful harvest in the future. And getting healthy powerful developed seedlings is impossible without sufficient lighting. When the sun is scarce, different types of lamps are used. You can buy ready-made structures for supplementary lighting of seedlings, and if you have minimal skills, you can assemble it yourself.

    How to choose a Led seedling lamp and not be mistaken?

    How much is it?

    Everything seems very simple: I bought a lamp and hung it up ... But this is far from the case.

    Growshop Growmeer will tell ...

    What are LED lights used for?

    Phytolamps are used for the successful cultivation of seedlings and greenery, but if we talk about powerful, professional lamps, then they are used for a full cycle for flowering and fruiting plants.

    Vegetation. Seedling. In the first weeks of a plant's life (vegetation) is very important - the further development of plants depends on the quality of lighting and nutrition (fertilizers and stimulants). It is extremely important to choose a good quality lamp, because this will determine how many fruits (flowers) you get in the end.

    Dosvet. Many growers think that plants lack light only in winter, but this is not always the case. Depending on the conditions, the location of the plants depends on how much light they receive. Sometimes, the light that passes through the glass of your balcony or window is not enough and at the same time there is not enough time for the "sunbathing". To compensate for the lack of light, Groumeer suggests using small and economical helpers - LED plant lamps.

    Full cycle. Most of the LED bulbs available in the Groomer store are suitable for all stages of plant development. Thanks to such lamps, plants can be grown where there is no light at all.

    Many of our customers equip attics, basements, bathrooms and living rooms for growing various plants. But the most popular place is or. Talk about where to grow can be very long, so we will try not to leave the main topic, just put it briefly: If you do everything right, you can provide yourself not only with herbs, but also tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, strawberries, etc. For advice, contact the Groomer store.

    How to choose a lamp for plant illumination?

    You need to approach this correctly:

    • You need to figure out what kind of plants you are going to highlight. (The choice of spectrum and power.) More on this below.
    • Which area needs to be illuminated. Will it be a window or a balcony? Or maybe a growbox? Your choice will depend on where the flowers will be grown and which zone you need to illuminate.
    • At what distance to plants. It is advisable to choose plants of the same height.If the height of the plants is different, but the requirements of the plants are the same, you do not have to buy another lamp, just put something under the pot of the small plant.
    • What is the most important stage in the development of your flowers?
    • What do you want to achieve from the plant? More greenery? Lots of delicious fruits?
    • Be sure to calculate the backlight time per day and the required light intensity. More on this below.

    Types of plants, their stages of development and what they need:

    • Seedlings that require bright and round-the-clock light in the first days after germination with a gradual decrease in daylight hours to 16-14 hours a day;
    • Plants that prefer winter suspended animation - Decembrist, Zamioculcas, Kalanchoe, poinsettia, etc., and therefore, in the cold season, prefer daylight hours no more than 8-10 hours;
    • Plants that require partial shade are all flowers of the Aroid family: anthurium, spathiphyllum, saintpaulia uzambara (common violets), ferns, Kommelinovye (tradescantia). All of them grow and develop well under illumination from 2.5 thousand lux to 3 thousand lux.
    • Plants, for the normal development of which very bright lighting is necessary (up to 6-7 thousand lux.): Passionflower, cacti (except for epiphytic varieties), Pellargonium (geranium), Olive (jasmine), Myrtle (eucalyptus, myrtle), most roses.
    • Plants of average light-loving nature: orchids, pomegranates, peppers, tomatoes, gerberas, chrysanthemums.

    Where can you buy LED plant lamps?

    Some of them are easy to install in a regular household luminaire (E27). If you do not have a lamp with an E27 base, you can purchase a socket, wire and plug in our store. Others have a plug and wire included and plug directly into an outlet. There are also models that require a special lamp (). Groumere invites you to create the best conditions for growing seedlings, as well as use these lamps to illuminate your favorite flowers - the range will delight you.

    Which lamp is good for what?

    Phyto-tapes of different power - suitable for extending daylight hours, as a plant illumination. Many people choose this option because of the low price, but you should not expect the best results with such a lamp. For the full consecration of plants in an enclosed space, most of these lamps are not suitable.

    Budget phytolamps with a capacity of 5-20 W - ideal for supplementary lighting of one or two plants. Such LED lamps are placed on the balcony, window, tiny grow tent. In most cases, they are used to extend daylight hours.

    LED phyto-lamp with a power of 75-180 W, suitable for a small grow tent or as additional lighting for plants.

    LED luminaires from 225 W and more suitable for full illumination of plants - with such LED panels, natural light is not needed! Any grower growing with these lamps in a grow box or grow tent will get great results! If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a special grow tent, do not worry - palmost any room can be equipped as a greenhouse - you just have to want it!

    If you are interested in LED luminaires for grow boxes, growhouses and greenhouses, you can see them in the category:

    Text written by Growmere.

    Advantages of LED lamps:

    • Saving. LEDs consume little power.
      Long term of work. Some ice lamps can work for many years in a row, with a lifespan of 20,000 - 50,000 hours.
    • Convenience of location and use. The lamp is easy and simple to position in any convenient place, as well as to use in the grow box and grow tent. Many LED bulbs can be placed horizontally or vertically.
    • LED lighting is versatile as it is suitable for any type of cultivation - in the ground, in hydroponics and aeroponics.
    • No ballast needed. Unlike HPS lamps, Led lamps do not require expensive purchases in the form of a choke and izu.
    • There is no need for a special lamp - a kultub or a reflector.
    • High light output.
    • Safe. These lamps are free of harmful and hazardous gases, mercury and other harmful substances.

    Disadvantages of LED lamps:

    The main disadvantage of LED lamps is their price. But if you think about it and count everything, then it will not be so. Yes, you will spend a lot of money, but the purchase will pay off: due to the lifespan, energy savings and increased yields and flowers. It is also worth noting that the speed of plant development will be higher, the plant will go through all stages faster, this will shorten the time from seed to harvest. This means you will spend less time and effort, and you also use less fertilizers, which are expensive. It turns out that this minus is not so significant, considering all the pluses.

    Text written by Growmere.

    Required light for seedlings:

    Lk - unit of measure lux.

    Tomatoes 5000-6000 lx, Pepper crops 3000-4000 lux,Legumes 4000-6000 lux,Banana crops 4000-6000 lux,Tea crops 3000-3900 lux

    Daylight hours:

    Seedling tomatoes - 16 hours. Growing tomatoes for seedlings - 14 hours. Cucumbers - 13-15 hours. Pepper - 9-10 hours. White cabbage - 16 hours.

    Text written by Growmere.

    List of options for artificial lighting of plants:

    The following types of lamps are suitable for artificial lighting of plants:

    () An economical option, time-tested, but unfortunately, they are inferior in light power to other types of lighting for plants. It is most often used as supplementary lighting.

    () is the most popular type of lamp among growers.Lighting with the help of HPS brings excellent results when growing plants in any conditions: grow boxes, grow tents, greenhouses, but it is not suitable for growing in a room or on a balcony - too bright light that harms the human eye.

    . () - they are ideal only for the growing season and require more yellow light (HPS) for flowering. HPS and DRI lamps for plants are an expensive type of lamp that requires the installation of additional equipment (choke, izu). Such lamps are time-tested, they give excellent results, but they are not suitable for illuminating plants on a balcony, windowsill or just in an apartment without additional special protection. They are suitable for growing in greenhouses and specially equipped premises.

    ... () LED lighting is the future. Many experienced breeders who grow on HPS are happy to switch to LED lamps. Of all types of artificial lighting existing in our time, the future belongs to LED plant lamps.