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  • Useful phrases in Spanish for tourists. Phrases for tattoos in Spanish with translation

    Useful phrases in Spanish for tourists.  Phrases for tattoos in Spanish with translation

    Spaniards and Latinos are considered to be hot and passionate natures. It's such a stereotype. Or is it not fiction at all? The Spaniards are very generous with compliments, so do not be surprised that just walking along the streets, you can easily get a lot of nice words addressed to you. But many compliments can be rude and vulgar. And a poor knowledge of Spanish can not only put you in an awkward position, but also lead to misunderstandings.

    Compliments can be given to men and women, regardless of the degree of acquaintance or status. The analogue of this Russian word is "cumplido". There is also the word "piropo" (corresponding to the verb "piropear"), but in this case he expresses admiration only in relation to an unfamiliar woman ( echar un piropo a uno - to give a compliment to someone). In addition, very often it wears a vulgar and often rough color. Thus, to make a pleasant compliment, as in Russian, is hacer un cumplido, and to say a compliment is decir un cumplido.

    Neutral compliments

    So, to make a neutral compliment, for example, to an employee or employee, about a new hairstyle or a beautiful suit, or just like that, you can use the following examples:

    1. Me gusta su nuevo traje (o peinado). I like your new suit (or hairstyle).
    2. Usted tiene un perfecto gusto en elegir ropa. You have a talent for choosing clothes.
    3. ¡Usted es una mujer encantadora! - You are a wonderful woman!
    4. Usted es una persona muy responsable. - You are a very responsible person.
    5. Usted es muy amable, gracias. - Thank you. You are very polite.
    6. Usted no ha cambiado nada. “You haven't changed at all.
    7. Usted no aparenta su edad. You don't look your age.

    In most situations, the Spaniards, if they want to say a compliment, turn to you even to work colleagues. "You" is more acceptable to older people. But, even if you say so to a young girl, it will not be a gross mistake.

    You can thank for a compliment or just politely answer using the phrases:

    1. Gracias por el cumplido. - Thanks for the compliment.
    2. Es muy agradable oírlo. - I am very pleased to hear that.
    3. Esta exagerando. - You overstate.

    Or limit yourself to one word "thank you": "Gracias".

    A separate group should highlight the words that are used by men in relation to women when constructing compliments.

    1. Bella is beautiful.
    2. Linda - beautiful, sweet, attractive. (In Latin America, excellent, excellent)
    3. Atractiva - attractive.
    4. Agradable is pleasant.
    5. Hermosa is beautiful.
    6. Guapa is beautiful.

    Popular compliments for girls

    All the following words have a similar meaning in relation to the Russian word "beauty", "how beautiful, attractive."

    "Ricura" is a variant of the word "beauty", used either in very close company or with a slightly vulgar meaning.

    nice words for guys

    Girls often also want to say a couple of pleasant words to guys, to give them an unobtrusive compliment. In this case, a few relevant phrases that you can take note of will help.

    1. Eres magnifico. - You are wonderful.
    2. Eres muy hermoso. - You are very beautiful.
    3. Eres tan simpatico. - You are so pleasant in communication (disposing to yourself).
    4. Me encanta tu manera de ser. — I like your demeanor.

    Compliments about appearance

    To express my admiration for appearance interlocutor, you can use the following phrases.

    1. Estas muy elegante. - You are very elegant.
    2. Estas guapa (guapo) como siempre. - You are beautiful (beautiful), as always.
    3. ¡Qué bonita figura tienes! What a good figure you have!
    4. ¡Qué ojos tienes! - What eyes do you have!
    5. Se te ve muy moderno (o moderna). You look very modern.

    Confessions of love and sympathy

    You can confess your love or sympathy to your chosen one or chosen one, as well as make it clear about your indifference different ways: simple and poetic. The first option involves the use of the phrases below.

    1. Me gustas. - I like you.
    2. Yo pienso en ti. - I think of you.
    3. Te quiero. - I love you.
    4. Estoy enamorado (enamorada) de ti. - I'm in love (in love) with you.
    5. Tú eres mi todo. - You are all for me.
    6. Eres mi locura. You are my madness.
    7. Fue amor a primera vista. – It was love at first sight.
    8. Pienso en ti cada minuto. “I think about you every minute.
    9. Eres mi destino. - You are my Destiny.
    10. Me haces feliz. You make me happy (happy).
    11. Te amo. - I love you.
    12. Te adoro. - I adore you.
    13. Me encantas. - I'm fascinated by you.
    14. Quiero estar contigo. - Want to be with you.
    15. Estoy loco(a) por ti. - I'm crazy about you.

    The second option is poetic, for true romantics (we give only a few expressions as an example, you yourself will understand what to say if this feeling covers you)::

    1. Tu amor es serenidad en el tumulto y consuelo en la tristeza. Your love is peace in turmoil and comfort in sorrow.
    2. Siempre te voy a cuidar y quiero hacerte feliz. - I will always take care of you and I want to make you happy (happy).
    3. Tu voz es la melody de mi vida. Your voice is the melody of my life.

    Common words

    In relationships, couples often use affectionate words.

    1. Mi amor. - My love.
    2. Querido (querida). - Beloved (or favorite).
    3. Mi vida. - My life.
    4. Mi cielo. - My heaven.
    5. Mi alma. - My soul.
    6. Mi corazon. - My heart.
    7. Mi carino. - My love; my dear (darling).
    8. Eres mi sol. - You are my sun.

    And also warm phrases:

    1. Abrazame. - Give me a hug.
    2. Nunca me sueltes. - Never let me go.
    3. Agarrate a mi. - Come close to me.
    4. Besame. - Kiss Me.

    As sung in the famous song “Bésame mucho”

    "I love you"

    IN Spanish There are several variations of the phrase "I love you". The most popular are:

    1. te quiero,
    2. te amo,
    3. te adoro.

    Three verbs, "querer", "amar", "adorar", are arranged in a special order that shows the depth of feelings. " " is typical for colloquial speech, and quite often it and " " are used interchangeably. But still, they differ from each other precisely in the strength, depth of the feelings experienced. The verb "adorar" is the most expressive of the group, and it can be translated into Russian as "to adore".


    There are a lot of words and phrases in the lesson, so in order to consolidate the material, you need to complete two simple exercises.

    Exercise number 1. Please translate the sentences from Russian into Spanish.

    1. I love you very much.
    2. I like your smile.
    3. You are all for me. Do not let me go.
    4. Come close to me and kiss me.
    5. Thanks for the compliment.


    1. Te quiero mucho.
    2. Me gusta tu sonrisa.
    3. Tú eres mi todo. No me sueltes.
    4. Agarrate a mi y besame.
    5. Gracias por el cumplido.

    Exercise number 2. Please translate the sentences from Spanish into Russian.

    1. Eres mi destino y mi locura.
    2. No aparenta su edad y lo sabe.
    3. Me gusta tu peinado. Eres muy hermosa.
    4. Me parece que estoy enamorada.
    5. Te quiero, mi amor.


    1. You are my destiny and madness.
    2. You don't look your age and you know it.
    3. I like your hairstyle. You are very beautiful.
    4. I think I'm in love.
    5. I love you my love.

    And finally, a couple of love songs in Spanish:

    Enrique Iglesias ft. Romeo Santos - Loco.

    Enrique Iglesias ft. Juan Luis Guerra - Cuando Me Enamoro.

    duration: 30 minutes

    In this section you will find 400 most common phrases. They will help improve your speaking, reading and writing skills. If you memorize the entire list, it will be easier for you to start a conversation and understand what was answered to you. After completing this page, please visit: phrases 2, phrases 3, phrases 4. You will spend 30 minutes on this lesson. To listen to the word, please click on the Audio icon . If you have any questions regarding this course, please contact me by email: Learn Spanish.

    Russian language Spanish Audio
    How are you?¿Como estas?
    How are you doing?¿Como está?
    How are you? / What's happening?¿Que tal?
    OK, thank you!Bien, gracias.
    Good morning!Buenos dias
    Good afternoonBuenas tardes
    Good evening!Buenas tardes
    And you?¿Y tu?
    And you?¿Y Usted?
    good, good, good, goodBien
    We speak two languages.hablamos dos idiomas.
    They speak four languages.Ellos hablan cuatro idiomas.
    I visited one country.Solo visite un pais.
    She has visited three countries.Ella visitó tres paises
    She has one sister.Ella tiene una hermana.
    She has two sisters.El tiene tres hermanas.
    Welcome!Bienvenido / a
    Do you like it here?¿Te gusta (vivir) aqui?
    See you!¡Hasta luego!
    Thank you very much!¡Muchas gracias!
    I really like it!Me gusta mucho.
    happy, happy, happy, happyFeliz
    sad, sad, sad, sadTriste
    Thank you!¡Gracias!
    My pleasure!¡De nada!
    Have a nice day!Que pases un buen dia
    Good night!Buena nights
    Have a nice trip!¡Buen viaje!
    It was a pleasure to talk with you!Me ha gustado hablar contigo
    Am I right or wrong?¿Tengo razón o no?
    Is he older or younger than you?(Él) es mayor o menor que tú?
    Is the test easy or difficult?¿Es el examen fácil o dificil?
    Is this book old or new?¿Es este libro nuevo o antiguo?
    It is very expensiveEsto es muy caro.

    more phrases

    phrases Spanish Audio
    I don't speak Korean (in Korean)no hablo coreano
    I like JapaneseMe encanta el idioma japones / Me encanta el japones
    I speak Italianhablo italiano
    I want to learn spanishQuiero aprender español
    My native language is GermanMi lengua materna es aleman
    Spanish is easy to learnEl español es fácil de aprender
    He has a carpet made in MoroccoEl tiene una alfombra marroquí
    I have an american cartengo un coche americano
    i love french cheeseMe encanta el queso frances
    I am Italian (Italian)Soy italiano / a
    My dad is Greekmi padre es griego
    My wife is KoreanMi esposa es coreana
    Have you been to India?¿Has estado alguna vez en la India?
    I came from SpainVengo de España
    I am living in AmericaVivo in America
    I want to go to GermanyQuiero ir a Alemania
    I was born (born) in ItalyNaci en Italia
    Japan is a beautiful countryJapón es un país precioso / bello
    Long time no see!Cuanto tiempo sin vernos
    I missed youTe he echado de menos
    What's new?¿Qué hay de nuevo?
    Nothing newNada nuevo
    Make yourself at home!Como si estuvieras en tu casa
    Bon Voyage!¡Buen viaje!
    Is it possible to practice Italian with you / with you?¿Puedo practicar italiano contigo?
    I speak French but with an accentHablo frances pero con acento.
    I was born in MiamiYo naci en Miami.
    I am from JapanSoy de Japon
    This is a letter in a bookLa carta está dentro del libro.
    This pen is under the tableEl boligrafo está debajo de la mesa.
    Directions, orientationLas directories
    Can I help you?¿Le puedo ayudar?
    Can you help me?¿Me podria ayudar?
    Could you show me?¿Me lo enseña?
    Come with me!¡Venga conmigo!
    City centerCentro / centro de la ciudad
    Sorry...¡Disculpe! / ¡Perdone!
    Go straightVaya recto
    How can I get to the museum?¿Como se va al museo? / ¿Cómo se llega al museo?
    How long does it take to get there?¿Cuánto se tarda en llegar ahí?
    I'm lostEstoy perdido
    I'm not from hereNo soy de aquí / Soy de fuera
    It is far from hereEsta lejos / Queda lejos
    It's nearbyEsta cerca / Queda lejos
    Wait a minute!¡Un momento, por favor!
    Turn leftGire a la izquierda
    Turn rightGire a la derecha

    After completing this page, please visit:

    rindas- the verb is in the form subjunctive mood , pase lo que pase - no matter what happens or no matter what - remember the expression.)

    Yo mismo me hago la vida.
    I build my own life.

    (mismo - himself, me returnable (hacerse) , hago- the verb is in the form simple present tense )

    Cualquiera se puede equivocar, incluso yo.
    Anyone can make mistakes, even me.

    (Cualquiera - any, se - a particle that indicates that the verb returnable (equivokarse - to make mistakes) , but in this case, the verb poder (to be able) is conjugated, because with the construction verb + verb - only the first verb is conjugated, and the second verb remains unchanged. I ncluso - including, including)

    Flota como una mariposa, pica como una abeja.
    Flutter like a butterfly, pity like a bee.

    No llores porque se termino, sonrie porque sucedio.
    Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was.

    Agradezco a mi destino.
    I thank my destiny.

    El ganador se lo lleva todo.
    Winner takes all.

    No hay nada imposible.
    Nothing is impossible.

    No dejes que te paren.
    Don't let yourself be stopped.

    No lamento nada. No tengo miedo de nada.
    Nothing to regret. I'm not afraid of anything.

    No sé que pasara mañana, lo importante es ser feliz hoy!
    I don't know what will happen tomorrow... the main thing is to be happy today!

    No te pongas triste cuando entiendas tus errores.
    Don't be sad when you realize your mistakes.

    El tiempo no cura.
    Time does not heal.

    El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en sus sueños.
    The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.

    Amar es el más poderoso hechizo para ser amado.
    To love is the most powerful means of being loved.

    Amar hasta el último suspiro, hasta el último latido del corazón.
    Love until the last breath, until the last heartbeat.

    Amor apasionado.
    Passionate love.

    Ángel mío, estate conmigo, tú ve delante de mí y yo te seguiré.
    My angel, be with me, you go ahead, and I follow you.

    Aunque no tengas nada, tienes la vida, donde lo hay todo.
    Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything.

    Bajo el ala de un angel.
    Under the wing of an angel.

    Bebemos, cantamos y amamos.
    We drink, we sing and we love.

    Busco la verdad.
    Looking for the truth.

    A cada uno lo suyo.
    To each his own.

    Creo en mi estrella.
    I believe in my star.

    Cuando el amor no es locura, no es amor.
    If love is not madness, it is not love.

    Cuando las personas se van - dejales ir. El destino expulsa a los de mas. No significa que son malos. Significa que su papel en tu vida ya está representado.
    When people leave, let go. Fate rules out the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played.

    Lo que eres hoy es el resultado de tus decisiones en el pasado. Lo que seas mañana será consecuencia de lo que hagas hoy. - Who you are today is the result of your decisions in the past. Who you become tomorrow will be the result of what you do today.

    Una vez que consigues lo que quieres, tienes algo que perder.
    When you get what you want, you have something to lose.

    Cuando veas caer una estrella, recuérdame.
    When you see a falling star, remember me.

    Desearía ser una lágrima tuya... para nacer en tus ojos, vivir en tus mejillas y morir en tus labios.
    I would like to be your tear ... in order to be born in your eyes, to live on your cheeks to die on your lips.

    Dios desea lo que quiere la mujer.
    What a woman wants is what pleases God.

    El amor es la fuerza y ​​la razón por la que el mundo sigue dando vueltas.
    Love is the force and the reason why the earth rotates.

    Un corazón es una riqueza que no se vende ni se compra, pero que se regala.
    The heart is a wealth that cannot be sold and cannot be bought, but can only be given.

    Eres mi debilidad.
    You is my weakness.

    Eres mi fuerza.
    You are my strength.

    Eres mi vida.
    You are my life.

    La felicidad y el amor me llevan de la mano en la vida.
    Happiness and love lead me by the hand through life.

    Felicidad es estar en armonia con la vida.
    Happiness is being in harmony with life.

    Solo mi amor siempre está conmigo.
    Forever and ever, my love is with me.

    Gracias a mis padres por haberme dado la vida.
    Thank you parents for life.

    Gracias por hacerme feliz.
    Thank you for happiness.

    Juntos para siempre.
    Together forever.

    La alegría no es más que saber disfrutar de las cosas simples de la vida.
    Joy is nothing more than being able to enjoy the simple things of life.

    La distancia no importa si te llevo en mi corazón.
    Distance doesn't matter if you're in my heart.

    La paciencia tiene más poder que la fuerza.
    Patience has more power than strength.

    Siempre me quedara la voz suave del mar.
    Forever with me will remain the soft voice of the sea.

    La vida es un juego.
    Life is a game.

    La vida es una lucha.
    Life is a fight.

    Lograste hacerme feliz.
    You made me happy.

    Los angeles lo llaman alegría celestial, los demonios lo llaman sufrimiento infernal, los hombres lo llaman amor.
    Angels call it heavenly joy, demons call it hellish suffering, people call it love.

    Los milagros están donde creen en ellos.
    Miracles are where they are believed.

    Los suenos son la realidad. Lo principal es venir en mucha gana y hacer un paso adelante.
    Dreams are reality. The main thing is to really want and take a step forward.

    Lo más importante en la vida es amar y ser amado.
    The main thing in life is to love and be loved.

    Me juego la vida.
    I play with my life.

    Mi angel, estate conmigo siempre.
    My angel, always be with me.

    Mi amor por ti será eterno.
    My love for you will be eternal.

    Mi amor, te necesito como el aire.
    My love, I need you like air.

    Mi vida, mis reglas!
    My life my rules!

    Mientras respiro, espero.
    While I breathe I hope.

    Nada es eterno.
    Nothing is eternal.

    No te tomes la vida en serio, al fin y al cabo no saldrás vivo de ella.
    Don't take life seriously, you won't get out of it alive in the end.

    Nuestro amor es eterno.
    Our love is eternal.

    Nunca te rindas.
    Never give up.

    Nunca te rindas aunque todo el mundo este en tu contra.
    Never give up, even if the whole world is against you.

    Nunca te arrepientas de lo que hiciste si en aquel momento estabas feliz!
    Never regret what you did if at that moment you were happy!

    Para conservar la felicidad, hay que compartirla.
    To keep happiness, it must be shared.

    Por muy larga que sea la tormenta, el sol siempre vuelve a brillar entre las nubes.
    No matter how long the storm is, the sun always begins to shine between the clouds.

    Conseguire todo lo que quiera.
    I will get everything I want.

    Sabemos quiénes somos, pero no sabemos quiénes podemos ser.
    We know who we are, but we don't know who we can be.

    Se fiel al que te es fiel.
    Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you.

    Ser y no parecer.
    Be, not seem to be.

    Si algún día vas a pensar en mí, recuerda que tú mismo me has dejado ir.
    If you ever miss me, remember that you yourself let me go.

    Si no puedes convencerlos, confúndelos.
    If you can't convince, confuse.

    Si tu amor se apagó, dímelo a la cara, estoy aquí.
    If your love is gone, tell me to my face, I'm here.

    Quisiera estar contigo siempre, y que esto dure una eternidad.
    I want to be with you always, and that it lasts forever.

    Sigue tu sueno.
    Follow your dream.

    Solo adelante.
    Only forward.

    Sólo la vida que has vivido con el amor se puede llamar victoria.
    Only a life lived with love can be called a victory.

    Sonriele a tu sueno.
    Smile at the dream.

    Soy como el viento entre las alas: siempre al lado y siempre invisible.
    I am like the wind between the wings, always there and always invisible.

    Soy la mejor.
    I am the best.

    Suena sin miedo.
    Dream without fear.

    A toda costa.
    At any cost.

    Todo está en tus manos.
    All in your hands.

    Todos los hombres están a mis pies.
    All men are at my feet.

    Todo lo que pasa es para mejor.
    Everything that is not done, everything is for the better.

    Tus deseos son mi flaqueza.
    Your desires are my weakness.

    Vivir con el presente.
    Live in the present.

    Vivir para el amor.
    Live for love.

    Vivir significa luchar.
    Live means fight.

    Vivo con la esperanza.
    I live in hope.

    Quien si no yo.
    Who if not me.

    Yo mismo me hago la vida.
    I build my own life.

    Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres.
    Tell me who your friend is, I'll tell you who you are.

    Quien calla, otorga.
    Silence is gold.

    Nunca ande por el camino trazado, porque el solo conduce adonde ya fueron otros
    Never walk on a marked path, because it only leads where others have already walked.

    Tu decides cuando es tu amanecer y cuando tu ocaso.
    You decide when your sunrise and your sunset.

    Suerte se llama a lo que sucede cuando, se reunen la preparacion y la oportunidad
    Luck is what happens when preparation and opportunity come together.

    read Ukrainian

    Vocabulary to learn before traveling to Spain

    Essential Spanish phrases that will save your life







    Photo 1 of 6:©

    When going on a trip to the Pyrenees, do not think that you will get by with knowledge of English - a very small percentage of Spaniards speak this language, so travelers often find themselves in situations like in that joke "my friend does not understand."

    We hope our readers will definitely not get into such a mess, because prepared a small dictionary for them.

    1. Basic Spanish Phrases - General Rules

    Never hesitate to speak Spanish with Spaniards, even if your knowledge of the language is reduced to a primitive minimum. Even simple words "hello-bye" or "how are you, friend" will be enough to win over the Spaniards. Remember that in Spanish there is no reduction of sounds, i.e. All vowels must be pronounced clearly, whether they are stressed or not. Otherwise, you may not be understood or understood differently than you would like.

    • Also remember that the sound of the letter "H" (ache) in Spanish is not pronounced. For example, the greeting hola is pronounced "ola".
    • The letter v in Spanish is read as "b", or rather something in between "b" and "c".

    1. Basic Spanish phrases - greetings and polite words
    • hola ("ola")- Hi Hello. Sometimes it may seem that the Spaniards were born with this word on their lips. They greet everyone constantly and with everyone: acquaintances, strangers, in a store, cafe, etc.
    • por favor ("por favor")- Please. Any request of a well-mannered person by Spanish standards of etiquette should be accompanied by this phrase.
    • gracias ("gracias")- Thank you. Pay attention to the pronunciation, "gracias" is correct.
    • si ("yes"), no ("no"). In this country, it is customary to use "no, gracias", "si, por favor".
    • vale ("bale")- ok, fit
    • adios ("adios")- goodbye, bye. In Spain, it is customary to always say goodbye to everyone with this word. Often also use hasta luego ("asta luego"). "Asta la vista" is now not used in most regions, although everyone understands it.

    1. Basic Spanish phrases - in a restaurant
    • la carta ("la carte")- menu, list of dishes. If you say "menu, por favor", they may misunderstand and bring a set lunch.
    • sin hielo ("sin hielo")- without ice. A very useful and important phrase. So, if you don’t specify, you will most likely be served a drink with ice, which will take up from a third to a half of the volume of the glass. Therefore, immediately when ordering, specify: "una cola sin yelo, por favor" - cola without ice, please.
    • cerveza ("serves")- beer. Word jarra ("harra") means mug. However, if you say, for example, "una jarra grande, por favour", it immediately implies that you are ordering a large mug of beer. If the waiter does not really understand you, say "una jarra de servesa, por favor" - a mug of beer, please.
    • vino ("wine")- wine (accent on the first syllable). If you don't specify which one, the default is red. For example, "una copa de wine, por favor!" - a glass of wine, please. "Dos Copas" - two glasses.
    • cenicero ("senicero")- ashtray. Ask the waiter: "el senicero, por favor" - please, bring an ashtray.
    • servicios ("services")- toilet. To know how to ask "where is the toilet" learn the following "los servicios, por favor?" Also the words "toilet" mean lavabo and aseo.
    • cuenta ("cuenta")- check. "Bill, please" in Spanish would sound like this: "la cuenta, por favour."

    1. Basic Spanish phrases - in store
    • estoy mirando ("estoy mirando")- I look. A special phrase for the overly accommodating salespeople who have taken a liking to you with a desire to help. Say "estoy mirando, gracias" in response, which means "I'm still looking at what you have, but I haven't chosen yet, thanks." A win-win option is to stay kind and get rid of the seller.
    • cuanto vale? ("cuanto balle?")- what is the price? If you use it with queria eso "queria eso", in Spanish shopping you will feel like a fish in water. You can also ask: "Keria eso, kuanto bale, por favor?", "kuanto bale eso, por favor?"
    • probarme - ("probarme")- try on yourself. If you ask: "keria probarme, por favor" means "please, I would like to try on this clothes."
    • probadores ("probadores")- dressing room. Ask, "probadores, por favour," and they'll tell you where the fitting booth is.
    • tarjeta ("tarheta")- card. "Kon tarheta" would mean "can I pay with a card".
    • en efectivo ("en efficient")- cash. At the checkout in stores you will be asked "con tarheta o en effective?" - Would you like to pay by card or cash?

    1. Basic Spanish phrases - note
    • linda ("Linda"), guapa ("guapa")- beautiful, cute. If you want to compliment a Spanish woman, use these exact words.
    • Spaniards often use affectionate words, adding the softening suffix -ita. For example, mamasita ("mamasita") - mommy, gordita ("proud") - plump, solecito ("solesito")- Sun.
    1. Basic Spanish Phrases - Emergencies
    • ayúdeme ("ayudeme")- help me
    • llame ("lyame")- call
    • policia ("policy")- police. For example, in an emergency, shout: "llame a la police" - "call the police."
    • urgencias ("urgensias")- ambulance
    • llame a un médico ("llame a un medico")- Call a doctor
    • me siento mal ("me siento mal")- I feel bad
    1. Basic Spanish phrases - funny phrases
    • Te he traído la grasa- I brought you fat. Knowing this phrase in Spanish, perhaps, will touch any inhabitant of the Pyrenees.
    • Mañana ("manyana")- Tomorrow. Do not be surprised, but remember this word. The Spaniards simply adore it and use it at every turn, as if following the principle: "Why do something today, if it can be done tomorrow?"
    • Me encanta sangria ("me encanta sangria")- I love sangria. Sangria is the delicious national drink of the Spaniards.

    Spanish for tourists. Useful phrases from everyday life:

    Te amo - I love you

    Te quiero - I love you

    Te adoro - I love you

    Te deseo - I want you.

    Te extraño - I miss you (I miss you).

    Te echo de menos, Te extraño. - I miss you

    Te deseo dulces suenos. - I wish you sweet dreams

    Mi amor - my love

    Mi corazon - my heart

    Mi alma - my soul

    Mi carino - my love

    Mi cielo - my sky

    Mi vida - my life

    Mi niñita is my girl.

    Mi gatita is my kitty.

    Mi querido (mi querida) - my dear (my dear)

    Me gustas - I like you

    Me gustas mucho - I really like you

    Me gustas cuando me dices palabras dulces. - I like it when you say kind words to me

    Me encantas - I am fascinated by you

    Me haces feliz. - You make me happy

    Estoy enamorado de ti - I'm in love with you (in love)

    Estoy loca de ti - I'm crazy about you. (if loco - then on behalf of a man)

    Estoy enamorada de ti. - I'm in love with you

    Estoy loca de amor por ti. - I fell head over heels in love

    Estoy loca por ti. - I go crazy about you

    Eres el amor de mi vida. - You are the love of my life.

    Eres mi destino. - You are my Destiny

    Eres todo para mi. - You are all for me

    Eres mi sueno. - You are my dream

    Eres mi pasion y mi locura. You are my passion and my madness.

    Eres magnifico - you are gorgeous

    Eres tan hermoso - you are so cute

    Hermosa - beauty

    Guapo - handsome

    Atractivo, atractiva - attractive, attractive

    No te vayas - don't leave

    No puedo vivir sin ti. - I can not live without you.

    No puedo esperar a volver a hacerte el amor otra vez.- I can't wait to make love to you again

    No me importa que el mundo se termine si estamos juntos tú y yo. - It doesn't matter if the end of the world comes, if we are together - you and me.

    No soy nada sinti. Tú eres mi todo. - I'm nobody without you. You are all for me.

    Nunca en mi vida voy a olvidarte. - I will never forget you.

    Besame - kiss me

    Abrazame - hug me

    Sólo tú tienes mi corazón - My heart belongs only to you

    Solo hay una felicidad en la vida, amar y ser amada. Te amo. - There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. Love you

    Soy un extraño - I feel like a stranger (lost) without you

    Hoy te quiero más que ayer...Y mañana te voy a quierer más que hoy... - And today I love you more than yesterday... And tomorrow I will love you more than today...

    Y en el dolor y el bien tú me supiste amar, y lo que soy es por ti sin duda. - And in sorrow and in joy, you did not stop loving me, and therefore I am without a doubt yours.

    Querido, querida - beloved, beloved

    Quédate conmigo - stay with me

    Quiero estar contigo toda mi vida. - I want to be with you all my life.

    Quesiera tenerte a mi lado. - I want you by my side

    Quiero estar contigo. - I wanna be with you

    Quiero estar contigo toda mi vida. - I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

    Quiero estar contigo siempre, por siempre y para siempre. - I want to be with you always, and so that it lasts forever.

    Pienso en ti - Thinking of you

    Por ti respiro, por ti vivo y por ti muero. Thanks to you I breathe, thanks to you I live, and for you I will die.

    Amo tus ojos, tu cabello, tu rostro, tus manos. - I love your eyes, your hair, your face, your hands.

    Abrazame y nunca me sueltes. - Hold me and never let go.

    Agarrate a mi. - Come close to me.

    Cosas que amo en esta vida: Despertar a tu lado, verte sonreir, verte dormida(o). - The things I love in this life: waking up next to you, seeing you smile, watching you sleep.

    Fue amor a primera vista. - It was love at first sight

    Pienso en tí cada minúto. - I think about you every minute

    en vivo. El amor. Despedida! - Live, Love, Farewell!

    Todo lo que aprecio pierde la mitad de su valor si no estas alli para compartirlo. Everything I value loses half its value if you're not there to share it.

    El amor alivia como la luz del sol tras lluvia. Love soothes like sunshine after rain.

    Tu amor es consuelo en la tristeza, serenidad en el tumulto, reposo en la fatiga, esperanza en la desesperacion. Your love is comfort in sorrow, calmness in turmoil, rest in weariness, hope in despair.

    Siempre eres nueva. El ultimo de tus besos siempre fue el mas dulce; la ultima sonrisa, la mas brillante; el ultimo gesto, el mas gracil. You are always new. The last of your kisses is always the sweetest, the last smile is the most brilliant, the last gesture is the most graceful.

    Solo hay una felicidad en la vida, amar y ser amada. Te amo. There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. Love you