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  • How to block a program from accessing the Internet. How to block an application from accessing the Internet in different ways How to block an application from accessing the Internet

    How to block a program from accessing the Internet.  How to block an application from accessing the Internet in different ways How to block an application from accessing the Internet

    There are many reasons why Internet users are interested in how to block access to a site of a particular content so that it does not open later. The article discusses all the possible methods that are available to the average computer user.

    When it is necessary?

    The more actively the Internet develops, the more urgent the issue of banning access to some of its resources becomes. For example, in the office, to optimize working time, management requires blocking social networking sites, and at home, in order to make children's stay on the Internet safe, parents decide to block porn sites. In addition, visiting certain categories of web resources can lead to PC infection with viruses, and therefore to its breakdown.

    How to block access to a site on a computer so that it does not open

    There are many methods for blocking unwanted sites that are suitable for the average user. Let's take a look at each of them:

    Creating dummy DNS records

    On the computer on which you want to deny access to any site, the text file hosts is edited. You can find this file along the path shown in the figure. Open it in a regular notepad and make changes. This file contains a list of DNS records with the names of sites to which access is blocked.

    The process of editing the host file

    The disadvantage of this method is that the mechanism works only on one computer and it will be quite difficult to apply it in the office. If there are several PCs on the network, then you will have to edit the hosts file on each of them. But it is also necessary to take into account that if the site has several mirrors, you will have to create a separate entry in the hosts file for each mirror.

    And also this method is not suitable for blocking porn sites, because it is simply unrealistic to enter all this many addresses into it.

    IP blocking

    On the PC where you want to block access or on the Internet gateway, create a list with the IP addresses of the sites you want to block access to. Opening these IP addresses on the computer will be blocked by a hardware gateway or software firewall. In order to create a list of banned IP addresses, we need to go to Control Panel> System and Security> Windows Firewall.

    Setting up additional options

    Let's create a rule:

    Entering a list of addresses

    Select connection blocking:

    Connection blocking

  • Select the Region tab.
  • Select Specified IP Addresses.
  • Enter any unwanted ip.
  • List of IP addresses

    This method is quite effective, but again there is no way to block all adult sites. You can block only known addresses (specific sites).

    Proxy Server

    This method is based on the configuration of the software you use, the proxy server, in which we have the ability to create "black lists" - a list of prohibited sites. In this way, you can block a site even by part of its name or address.

    In order to block unwanted sites, we just need to download the blacklist from the Internet in a text file (if necessary, you can edit it in a regular notepad) and use blacklist import in your proxy. If the proxy is not installed on the PC, you will have to use another method.

    The disadvantage of this method is the need to force all PCs on the network to use a proxy server. Since these settings are made in the browser, it is worth noting that any user can download another browser that does not have these settings.

    Set up the browser

    Google Chrome

    In this paragraph, we will look at how to block access to unwanted resources in Google Chrome. To do this, we can use the Block Site extension.

    This method is also suitable for browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge and Yandex Browser

    After you have installed the extension, go to the extension menu and configure it. We right-click on any open page and get a number of free benefits:

    Access to the blocksite extension

  • Block a site by address (you can set up a redirect)
  • Blocking by word (the site will be blocked if the specified word occurs in its address)
  • Blocking based on time.
  • Lock access to settings with a password.
  • Lock that works in incognito mode.
  • Mozilla Firefox

    For Mozilla Firefox, we can also use the Block Site extension.

    Block Site Location

    Setting up a VKontakte site blocking


    But the Opera browser, unlike the others, has its own tools for blocking unwanted web pages. To do this, just find the "Content" item in the browser menu and add sites to the "Unwanted Content" list.

    Content management in Opera


    For consideration, we chose Kaspersky antivirus as the most popular among residents of the CIS countries. The method is quite simple and convenient. Especially if parents want to protect the child from unwanted information.

    Parents who are not indifferent to what their children are doing are worried when their child enters the Vkontakte social network. Because looking at stupid pictures takes a lot of time and hardly contributes to the full development of the personality.

    Why block VK

    During this period, the best activities for teenagers will be physical activity, reading books, chatting with friends.

    The World Health Organization believes that a school-age child should move at least 60 minutes a day. For example, an hour of active basketball or cycling is a minimum of physical activity for a growing body. The necessary load will also give two hours, passed at a quick pace or spent on helping to clean the apartment.

    It is at this age that reading good books will enrich the vocabulary, inspire, teach and broaden the horizons of a young person. Therefore, it is worth restricting access to VK right now. What's more, it's easy to do.

    How to block access to VKontakte on a computer

    We can block Vkontakte using a system file hosts, which is located along this path C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

    Open the C drive. Go to the Windows folder.

    Therefore, in the System32 folder.

    In the context menu, select the command "To open with".

    In the window that appears, find Notepad and click OK.

    You will see a file with this content.

    Add a line at the end of the file as shown below.

    Close the file and save your changes.

    Now type the VK address in the browser and make sure that the Vkontakte social network on your computer has become unavailable.

    Have a nice and peaceful pastime and success in raising children!

    In this article, I will tell you how to prevent Android applications from accessing the Internet so that they do not "eat" traffic for things you do not need and you can control it.

    Consider ways to block the Internet for programs using the functions built into the operating system, as well as using special programs that allow you to make finer settings for yourself.

    This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 10/9/8/7: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

    Attention! You can ask your question to a specialist at the end of the article.

    We prohibit Android programs from accessing the Internet using the operating system tools.

    Users need to explore the shell of their own gadget. Some manufacturers add the ability to limit Internet traffic directly to Android for individual applications in the functionality of the device.

    For example, Xiaomi smartphones with MIUI shell have a Security app. In the "Applications" menu, users can select any program, go to "Properties" and set the desired restrictions.


    Firewall Applications

    If the manufacturer of your gadget has not provided an application that has the desired functionality, then you can use third-party utilities. Let's take a look at the most effective apps for denying apps access to the internet.

    Avast mobile security


    One of the most popular computer antiviruses has a version for mobile devices. Avast for Android functionality allows you to block background internet access.

    You can download the Avast Mobile security app from the Google Play Store. Using the "Firewall" function, the user can restrict access to the mobile Internet for any application.

    Firewall without Root

    As the name implies, the free Firewall application does not require root rights to restrict applications' access to the mobile Internet. After installing the program, open it, and in the main window click on "Run".


    The application itself will be launched on the device, which functions according to the principle. After opening the utility, three tabs will be displayed: Pending access, Home, Programs. For each application, you need to manually set permissions for accessing the Internet.


    The "Programs" tab displays a list with all applications that have permission to access the Internet. In this tab, you can use a filter to allow applications to work only with mobile Internet or Wi-Fi.


    NoRoot Data Firewall


    This is another utility that allows you to block access to the mobile Internet for applications without root rights. This program is capable of blocking only background processes.

    It is quite possible that you, as a responsible parent (and maybe for other reasons) have a need to block a site or several sites at once from viewing in a browser on a home computer or on other devices.

    This guide will discuss several ways to implement such a block, while some of them are less effective and allow you to block access to sites only on one specific computer or laptop, another of the described features provides much more options: for example, you can block certain sites for all devices connected to your Wi-Fi router, be it a phone, tablet or something else. The described methods allow you to make sure that the selected sites do not open in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7.

    The built-in firewall "Windows Firewall" in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7 also allows you to block individual sites, though it does this by IP address (which can change for a site over time).

    The blocking process will look like this:

    1. Open a command prompt and type ping site_address then press Enter. Make a note of the IP address with which packets are being exchanged.
    2. Start Windows Firewall with Advanced Security (you can use the search for Windows 10 and 8 to start, and in 7-ke - Control Panel - Windows Firewall - Advanced Options).
    3. Select "Outbound Rules" and click "Create Rule".
    4. Specify "Custom"
    5. In the next window, select All Programs.
    6. In the Protocol and Ports window, do not change the settings.
    7. In the "Region" window, in the "Specify the remote IP addresses to which the rule applies" section, check the "Specified IP addresses" box, then click "Add" and add the IP address of the site you want to block.
    8. In the "Action" window, select "Block connection".
    9. In the "Profile" window, leave all items checked.
    10. In the "Name" window, name your rule (the name is up to you).

    That's all: save the rule and now the Windows firewall will block the site by IP address when you try to open it.

    Website Blocking in Google Chrome

    Here we will look at how to block a site in Google Chrome, although this method is also suitable for other browsers that support extensions. The Chrome Store has a special Block Site extension for this purpose.

    After installing the extension, you can access its settings by right-clicking anywhere on the open page in Google Chrome, all settings are in Russian and contain the following options:

    • Blocking a site by address (and redirecting to any other site when trying to enter the specified one.
    • Blocking words (if the word occurs in the site address, it will be blocked).
    • Blocking by time and days of the week.
    • Setting a password to change the lock settings (in the "remove protection" section).
    • Ability to enable site blocking in incognito mode.

    All of these options are available for free. From what is offered in a premium account - protection against removing the extension.

    You can download Block Site to block websites in Chrome on the extension's official page

    Blocking unwanted sites using Yandex.DNS

    Yandex provides a free Yandex.DNS service that allows you to protect children from unwanted sites by automatically blocking all sites that may be undesirable for a child, as well as fraudulent sites and resources with viruses.

    Setting up Yandex.DNS is simple.

    1. Go to the site
    2. Select a mode (for example, family), do not close the browser window (you will not need addresses from it).
    3. Press the Win + R keys on the keyboard (where Win is the key with the Windows logo), enter ncpa.cpl and press Enter.
    4. In the window with a list of network connections, right-click on your Internet connection and select "Properties".
    5. In the next window, with a list of network protocols, select IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click "Properties".
    6. In the fields for entering the DNS server address, enter the Yandex.DNS values ​​for the mode you have selected.

    Save your settings. Now unwanted sites will be blocked automatically in all browsers, and you will receive a notification about the reason for blocking. There is a similar paid service -, which also allows you to configure which sites you want to block and control access to various resources.

    How to block access to a website using OpenDNS

    Free for personal use, the OpenDNS service allows you not only to block websites, but also much more. But we will touch on blocking access using OpenDNS. The instruction below requires some experience, as well as an understanding of exactly how it works and is not quite suitable for beginners, so if in doubt, you don’t know how to set up a simple Internet on your computer yourself, it’s better not to take it.

    To get started, you'll need to register with OpenDNS Home to use the junk site filter for free. You can do this at

    After entering the registration data, such as your email address and password, you will be taken to a page that looks like this:

    It contains links to English-language instructions for changing DNS (namely, this is what is required to block sites) on a computer, Wi-Fi router or DNS server (the latter is more suitable for organizations). You can read the instructions on the site, but I will give this information briefly and in Russian here. (You still need to open the instructions on the site, without it you will not be able to proceed to the next step).

    For changeDNS on one computer, in Windows 7 and Windows 8, go to the Network and Sharing Center, in the list on the left, select "Change adapter settings". Then right-click on the connection used to access the Internet and select "Properties". Then, in the list of connection components, select TCP/IPv4, click "Properties" and specify the DNS listed on the OpenDNS site: and, then click "OK".

    Specify the provided DNS in the connection settings

    In addition, it is advisable to clear the DNS cache, to do this, run the command prompt as an administrator and enter the command ipconfig /flushdns.

    For changeDNS in the router and subsequent blocking of sites on all devices connected to the Internet using it, register the specified DNS servers in the WAN connection settings and, if your provider uses a Dynamic IP address, install the OpenDNS Updater program (it will be suggested later) on the computer that most often is turned on and always connected to the Internet through this router.

    Specify the network name of your choice and download the OpenDNS Updater if necessary

    This is done. On the OpenDNS website, you can go to "Test your new settings" to check if everything was done correctly. If everything is in order, you will see a success message and a link to go to the OpenDNS Dashboard.

    First of all, in the console, you will need to specify the IP address to which further settings will apply. If your provider uses a dynamic IP address, then you will need to install a program available at the link "client-side software", as well as offered when assigning a network name (next step), it will send data about the current IP address of your computer or network, if you are using a Wi-Fi router. At the next stage, you will need to set the name of the "controlled" network - any, at your discretion (the screenshot was above).

    Specify which sites to block in OpenDNS

    Once a network has been added, it will appear in the list - click on the network's IP address to open the blocking settings. You can set predefined filtering levels, as well as block any sites in the Manage individual domains section. Just enter the domain address, check Always block and click the Add Domain button (you will also be asked to block not only, for example,, but also all social networks).

    Site blocked

    After adding the domain to the block list, you also need to click the Apply button and wait a few minutes for the changes to take effect on all OpenDNS servers. Well, after all the changes have taken effect, when you try to access a blocked site, you will see a message stating that the site is blocked on this network and a suggestion to contact the system administrator.

    Web content filter in antiviruses and third-party programs

    Many well-known antivirus products have built-in parental controls that can be used to block unwanted sites. In most of them, enabling and managing these features is intuitive and straightforward. Also, the ability to block individual IP addresses is in the settings of most Wi-Fi routers.

    In addition, there are separate software products, both paid and free, with which you can set the appropriate restrictions, including Norton Family, Net Nanny and many others. As a rule, they provide a lock on a specific computer and you can remove it by entering a password, although there are other implementations.

    Someday I'll write more about such programs, and it's time to complete this guide. I hope it will be useful.

    The easiest and most efficient way block the program from accessing the Internet!
    So, as you may have guessed, now we will talk about blocking a program or file access to the Internet. The method is relevant for Windows 7 and 8, but for Windows Xp at the very bottom there will also be a valid option. By the way, this way blocking program access to the Internet does not include the use of extra software (almost =)) We will use the native firewall and the Fiddler2 program, but this is the way with Windows Xp
    In general, the Fiddler program is a rather interesting product, since it is it that can determine which resource a particular program is trying to get to. But more on that later, but now we're going to take a look at blocking access to the Internet of various programs
    So, first of all, you should know where (and in any operating system) the control panel is located! Everything is so simple that you can't even imagine =). Press Win + R, enter control and voila, you are where you need to be! It is here that we will look for our Windows firewall, which will further block Internet access from unnecessary programs.

    Go to it, then to Advanced options -> Rules for incoming connections -> on the right, select Create rule -> Specify what exactly, in our case For the Program -> Now click browse and specify the main exe of the program (for example aimp3.exe -> Block the program -> Leave all checkboxes -> Give the name of the program that we have blocked
    All access to the Internet, the program is blocked!

    How to track the output of the program to the site to block in the hosts file

    If you want to know what resources the program visits and deny access to them. Then you can block access to certain resources in the hosts file, which you will look with a program called - Fiddler2. The program is free, but this does not mean that it is useless!
    Let's go to office. Fiddler 2 website and download the version for your windows. For Windows Xp I recommend c.Net2, for Windows 7, 8, etc. c.net4

    Once installed, launch the Fiddler 2 program. Now run the program for which you want to track the paths on the left resources when it is active, for example, skype. In the program processes we find skype and see where our wise skype is looking for the way! Pretty good isn't it?

    Now we can block, for example, the url responsible for advertising in Skype in the hosts file. Namely You can learn more about the hosts file here and here.

    In order to block changes to files using the Internet, you need to set them to Read mode
    In order to set the reading mode, just right-click on the file (if there are several files, you need to do this with each file), select Properties - Attributes - Read Only

    You can also read other articles on the topic "Wi-Fi / Network / FTP"