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    Acupuncture points to keep feet warm.  Why are my feet cold - what to do?  Wear slippers indoors to keep your feet warm

    Svetlana Markova

    Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


    People who spend a lot of time on their feet or vice versa, move little, just need to periodically massage the lower limbs. Due to low activity, stagnation of blood occurs, which eventually leads to many diseases. A foot or foot massage done in a salon or at home will bring many benefits. A properly performed procedure will relax the muscles, relieve discomfort after a hard day's work, and prevent the development of many ailments.

    What is foot massage

    Mechanical impact on the tissues of the lower extremities is an excellent prevention of longitudinal or transverse flat feet and varicose veins. Foot massage is especially useful for a person, because all the load falls on them. Chinese masters have long advanced in mastering massage techniques. Since ancient times, the procedure has been done to save a person from insomnia. Massage movements on the legs contribute to the overall relaxation of the body. After a massage of the lower extremities, nervousness disappears, sleep becomes stable.

    The modern technique of foot massage is the impact on the muscles of the knee, hip, ankle joint, as well as on the feet and fingers. It is not necessary to contact the professionals in the salon. To get rid of heaviness in the legs, you can ask to massage the feet or other parts of the lower extremities of a loved one, or massage the legs yourself. This unique action heals the entire body as a whole.


    The main advantage of massage of the lower extremities is the stimulating effect on the whole organism. This effect is achieved due to the fact that on the legs and feet there is the largest number of important reflex points, each of which is responsible for the work of a particular organ. For example, several nerve endings responsible for the condition of the spine are located on the arch of the foot. By stimulating them, you can get rid of back pain. Massage of the toes has a positive effect on the gums, teeth, eyes, heart, ears and sinuses.


    Doctors advise to regularly carry out a variety of massage techniques for the legs, and especially for the feet, to restore the functions of the digestive tract, with nausea, arrhythmias, and for the prevention of acute respiratory infections. In addition, massage of the lower extremities helps with:

    • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
    • circulatory disorders;
    • diseases of the reproductive system;
    • kidney pathology;
    • depressive disorders.


    No matter how useful the massage procedure is, it also has contraindications. There are few absolutes - the acute stage of any ailment and fungus on the legs. The remaining contraindications are relative, that is, they require consultation with a doctor and a cautious approach:

    • oncology of any etiology;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • pregnancy;
    • osteoporosis;
    • pathology of the small joints of the foot;
    • diabetes.

    If you make your own decision about massage under these conditions, then serious health complications can arise. During pregnancy, during the stimulating effect on the feet, relaxation of the uterine muscles occurs, in which there is a risk of premature birth (miscarriage). Some malignant tumors can also be activated by massaging the corresponding reflex points.

    How to do a foot massage

    To begin with, you should put a pillow under the knee part or a towel rolled up so as not to feel pain when exposed to the muscles. In order for the procedure to take place in a comfortable environment, it is necessary to maintain a normal temperature in the room, and so that the second leg does not freeze, cover it with a terry sheet. The procedure can be performed at any time, for example, before a pedicure or before going to bed. It is recommended to use a cream, special lotion or massage oil for massaging.


    The massaged lies on the stomach, a roller is placed under the knees. With a straight palm, the massage therapist performs light strokes from the ankle to the knee. After that, you should massage with increased pressure. For 3 minutes, the masseur alternates rubbing and stroking. Then kneading begins, which affects the nerve endings. At the end, the process is again replaced by stroking, taking an average of five minutes.


    Massage movements are performed from the ankles to the subgluteal fold, including the popliteal region. The procedure is used to restore the body after arthritis, arthrosis, flat feet, gout or past injuries of the legs and spine. The procedure should be directed by a doctor, and it should be done exclusively by a professional. You should first find out how much a foot massage costs, and whether they do a treatment option in the chosen salon, because even in Moscow you can’t find a good specialist everywhere.


    You don't have to be a professional to perform a relaxing massage. To make it yourself, you first need to warm up your legs. This is done by stroking movements with massage oil. Then you should clasp the heel with both hands and rotate the ankle. Then do the same with the knee joint. Next, you can move on to the sole and toes. Within 10-15 minutes they need to be kneaded, squeezed and stroked in random order.


    This massage technique is performed by a professional (chiropractor). By massaging certain areas on the feet, it is easy to put the nerves in order, strengthen the immune system, and improve the body. The specialist presses on certain active points that are responsible for the work of a particular organ. The pressure force, in this case, should change from strong to weak and vice versa. Acupressure is very similar to acupuncture and modern Thai, but was discovered three thousand years ago by ancient Chinese scientists.

    Foot massage at home

    In order not to pay a high price for the procedure to professionals, you need to learn how to massage the lower extremities yourself. Self-massage should begin with warming up the hands. To do this, rub your palms intensively against each other. Leg movements should be smooth, starting from the calf muscle to the knee, and then moving towards the pelvis. To warm up the thighs on the inside, the intensity of movements should be reduced, and on the outer surface, increase, but in moderation. It is necessary to follow the rule: hands slide along the leg only in the opposite direction.

    Foot massage

    After warming up the foot, you need to clasp it with your hands and stretch it several times between the palms, moving towards the heel from the fingers. Then you need to stretch the outer edge of the foot. This is done by pressing movements with the elbow or the edge of a bent fist and tapping the fingers on the heel. After fixing the massaged leg, you should gently twist the heel in different directions with your hand. In the end, it is necessary to stretch the muscles around the lower joints of the fingers in a circular motion.


    Movements are performed from the calf of the leg to the popliteal cavity. Kneading should begin with stroking, smoothly turning into straight-line rubbing, intense pinching and rotation of the palms. Manipulations should be moderately energetic so as not to harm the muscles of the lower leg. Massage is performed with the middle part of closed fingers, the lower part of the palms and fists. The number of repetitions for one lower leg is up to 7 times. After stretching the calf muscle or damage to the ligaments, massage should be carried out with minimal intensity without movements for an anguish.


    The procedure is especially appreciated by women who regularly wear high-heeled shoes. So that over time the joint of the base of the thumb does not deform, such massage sessions should be carried out periodically. During the procedure, the pads are first kneaded, then each phalanx is carefully scrolled. The masseur alternately moves first along and then against the trajectory of the clock hand. For additional load, you can apply the extension-flexion of the toes.

    thigh muscles

    The procedure consists of two stages: working out the front and back of the thigh. The order is arbitrary. Movements include stroking, kneading, rubbing, gentle squeezing with both hands. Such techniques easily remove cellulite, lymphatic drainage of the skin occurs, which helps to get rid of stretch marks, wrinkles, and improves skin condition. Useful vibrating actions that produce from the knee to the hip joint.

    How to massage yourself

    You can use foot massagers at home or learn how to do lymphatic drainage massage yourself. The peculiarity of the procedure is in wave-like soft movements carried out along the lymph to the lymph nodes. Massage is carried out to prevent varicose veins, relieve leg fatigue and for weight loss in the hip area (in combination with a diet). The impact occurs on soft tissues (their upper layers) for cleansing. As a result, toxins are removed, the process of splitting subcutaneous fat is enhanced. Self-massage should be carried out at least 1 time in 7 days.

    Video: how to do a foot massage

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    Chills after massage, what to do? Possible reasons for such a reaction of the body to therapeutic massage.

    A woman came for a therapeutic back massage, after each session she gets chills and finishes freezing her only when she gets home. I encountered this for the first time. Tell me, what could it be? Such a vegetative reaction? Or something else?

    Why does it freeze and shiver after a massage? What reasons. This is a sympathetic reaction. In some cases, it is considered a normal reaction of the body to the massage procedure. It all depends on what you are doing and what goals you are pursuing. By the way, what is the temperature in your office?

    For adults, I do massage at home, my room is warm (25 gr.). The patient said that she was always shaking all over and cold after the massage (before me, she constantly did massage in sanatoriums). It's interesting to know what kind of reaction, I have not come across this. And the massage is therapeutic (back), mostly classic with the addition of Spanish, (in general, the mixture is already its own).

    As a rule, and not sometimes, every client after the massage threw me into the cold. Moreover, the more lymphatic drainage or its elements (after all, when you pass the forearm several times along the back from the bottom to the top, all the liquid seems to be from a meat grinder), the stronger the "sausage". Right before our eyes, the client wraps himself in warm clothes.

    Apparently, your patient has an increased sensitivity of the sympathetic nervous system. To avoid an overly acute reaction, I would recommend reducing the intensity of the massage effect, after the end of the procedure, give the patient a glass of hot tea, cover her with a blanket and let her rest for 15-20 minutes.

    All right. Apparently, we are talking about a rigid technique of lymphatic drainage? A sympathetic reaction is caused by exposure to mast cells of the subcutaneous connective tissue.

    I massage on a heated massage table, and now there are no such reactions. Such a reaction of the body to massage from the point of view of Chinese medicine suggests that yin energy is overestimated, more often such people have vegetovascular dystonia, low blood pressure, and heat transfer may be disturbed, i.e. violation of the KTM meridian "triple heater" - frequent colds and a person freezes even in summer. If there is no heating, then during the massage you can "wrap" your legs, or put a heating pad on your legs. There are other tricks as well.

    During the massage, I always wrap the patient's open places, and she lies in socks (which she brings with her), there is no rigidity in the massage, everything is very soft. And thanks for the advice about tea - I'll try it.

    You are right, a person often gets sick and freezes in the summer. Is there any way to fix this, or is that all?

    In patients with these symptoms, wrapping the legs is not enough, because. their warming is broken and he freezes in the heat, and here on the table he is half-dressed, and even half-relaxed. When relaxing, the pulse slows down, the blood flows more slowly? Well, and of course, the body becomes colder and every healthy person wants to take a warmer shelter, but not a healthy one? Additions are needed again, at least a heating pad. In such patients, I start the massage from the feet, at the beginning of the massage it is necessary to do a warming foot massage with the addition of warming ointments or oils (each massage therapist has his own set). You can do moxibustion on certain points of the foot. Then massage from the left leg for women and from the right leg for men. Warming up (rubbing) of the sacrum at the points of the triple heater, soft back massage and warming up (rubbing along the spine). Of course, energy work is necessary with such patients, but as I understand it, this topic is not for this forum, although a person primarily consists of energies, there are no energies - there is no person, or rather, he is a corpse.

    But you don't have to work with the legs. The woman came in general for a massage of the collar zone (problems in the thoracic region and doctors prescribed such a zone) and I barely persuaded her to the whole back, explaining that there would be little use from one collar, with difficulty, but she agreed. And if I start talking about the legs. The main thing is that I understood her problem, I will try not to aggravate it.

    Warming up (rubbing) of the sacrum at the points of the triple heater. I would be very grateful to see the exact location on the sacrum of the points of this meridian. For, as far as I am familiar with reflexology, on the sacrum there are points outside the meridional, as well as several points of the meridian of the bladder, the posterior median crosses.

    And the meridian of three heaters, it is also three lamps, it is also three parts of the body - it is on the hand. It starts on the 4th finger and ends at the outer edge of the eyebrow, clearly bypassing the area of ​​​​the sacrum and its environs.

    As well as heating the body is not associated with this meridian.

    And in my opinion, a person is a very interconnected complex, where each system: energy, physiological, and psycho-emotional sphere, all play their role. And everything is connected. And simply, by influencing the limbs using the methods of the most ordinary, classical massage, we also influence the interested meridians (and, according to the rule, mother-son and those paired with them, and, therefore, the entire energy system) and emotions and physiology .

    And to separate the energy aspect from physiology, and to extol it as the only panacea, is the same mistake as not to take it into account when doing physiology.

    Heat exchange recovery.

    1. It is warmed up with moxa on the foot: the point of the stomach, kidney, urinary (the base of the heel from the inside) until it is completely warmed up. Sometimes I had to work on each point for 15-20 minutes during the first session.

    2. Points on the sacrum were once shown to me by a Chinese, but I have not seen a description of such work in any textbook. The sacrum is divided into three parts. We start from the point of connection with the coccyx, with the edge we do rubbing until good warming. At this point, heat is distributed in the groin and pelvic organs. Next, we rise to the middle point and do the same. Heat flows down the legs and it is important that the patient marks the boundary where the flow stops.
    Then the top point at the connection with the spine. Heat is distributed along the outer side of the leg, along the meridian of the stomach, and is also interrupted somewhere. A very interesting distribution of heat throughout the body is felt by the patient. With the body, I work with various types of massage, depending on the associated problems. Of course, several sessions are carried out, at least every other day, a maximum of 3-4 days. The patient himself feels how much changes are taking place in his body by how the distribution and flow of heat throughout the body each session changes in the direction of increasing the flow and area of ​​distribution. It is very good to use this method for problems of the genitourinary system. Try it for yourself (maybe someone can do it for you).

    So you mean zones? And not meridional points?

    Points on the foot, and on the sacrum - zones.

    - I noticed that it shakes (freezes) after a massage of the same my patients (regardless of the ambient temperature), then I noticed that they all have a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

    Most of all, this reaction is provoked by exposure to the subcutaneous connective tissue. With connective tissue massage, such phenomena are most frequent.

    In people with sympathetic NS problems, the response is quicker, but it can be triggered in anyone. Dosage issue.

    In general, this is not a negative reaction, I think so?

    Why is it so long after a massage? This is a reaction caused by the release of histamine and other substances from mast cells, which is desirable. Often this is done on purpose. So a sympathetic reaction is an indicator of the effect achieved. If he was needed, of course.

    During the massage, we "warm up" the patient's body, usually by rubbing or, more deeply lying tissues, by kneading. This occurs with the expansion of the lumen and the disclosure of unused capillaries and precapillaries. Thus, we fit into a balanced harmony of the vegetative NS. Next comes the natural reaction of establishing a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic NS. And depending on the individual characteristics of the body to establish balance, some people experience too much heat transfer (at the massage site), which is felt in the form of chills.

    I recommend to such people: cover the place of massage warmly (preferably at first with a cotton cloth), without waiting for a feeling of chills, drink tea and sit to rest (as mentioned above), it is also necessary to regularly use a contrast shower.

    Last: this reaction, like drowsiness, 15-30 minutes after the massage is a normal response of the body (they are not mandatory), you should not be afraid of them, but with severe aftereffects, take measures not to cause discomfort.

    She promised to more accurately describe the warm-up points in case of violation of heat transfer. On the cross:

    The highest point of the PC76 is shi-qi-zhui-xia

    midpoint PC81- xia-zhui

    Lower point T(XIII)3 - yao-shu

    Rubbing with the edge of the hands start from the bottom point. Gradually, the patient feels the body literally flowing. It happens that in the first session it does not go further than the lower back, but then every time it goes up to the toes. I just teach this to patients so that at home one of their relatives does it before going to bed. You can rub alcohol tincture of propolis or some other natural remedies. I do not like to work in chemistry and do not work with it at all.

    The technique is good and working, only one thing.

    It is perfectly explainable from the standpoint of the segmental structure: the nodes associated with the blood supply of the pelvis are excited, and the branches of the sciatic nerve (according to the description, it is its endings that are heated by moxa) and, accordingly. connected vessels are activated, but I don’t see any connection with Chinese medicine (yet).

    This is not one point, but a zone in which there are several points that have the ability to influence other problems.

    All were diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Here's a hint why it's cold after the massage. You yourself voiced it.

    Diseases that are associated with a lack of energy in the meridian include diabetes insipidus, hypothyroidism (myxedema), the consequences of a stroke, vegetative-vascular and endocrine disorders during menopause, dizziness of various colors, disorders of the vestibular apparatus, skin diseases, etc.

    Chills after a massage is a reliable sign of a conscientious and high-quality massage! Yes, many patients with VVD give a chill reaction.

    It seems to me that this is a vegetative reaction to an overdose.

    Even if not an overdose, there may well be chill-like reactions with deep exposure. Chikurov often shakes cadets and patients (excessive exposure, the issuance of excess resources, deep restructuring). On the other hand, it could also be a massage therapist's mistake (no comment) and, as rightly noted, an indicator of a deep impact.

    I consider this a positive thing. My clients often shake after massages, especially if they are women.

    She herself experienced such conditions. I think this is the release of "incomplete movement", the elimination of "stress energy".

    Fiction and fantasy. No, this is just an irritation of the autonomic nervous system, which is easily removed by exposure to it - a little warm-hot tea, you can with lemon and sugar. Stomach irritation occurs, Papez's neuronal circle breaks and the vagus nerve relieves its excitation. The chill passes in a matter of minutes - while drinking tea.

    Absolutely agree. Even Vasechkin once wrote about this phenomenon as a vegetative reaction to an overdose and recommended offering the patient a piece of sugar and warm tea.

    And with VVD, the threshold of sensitivity (excitability) can be very low, and even a not too intense massage can cause such a reaction.

    - This chill is also removed by rubbing the lumbosacral triangle and along the iliac.

    Quite right, it is removed, since this is a powerful reflexogenic zone that causes a strong vegetative response (masochists know), but exposure to it can also provoke a vegetative crisis, in case of local study. Because the occipital bone is connected to the sacrum, and L5-S1 is connected to Co-C1 (dural mechanism). In the case of a good study of this area, fixations in the skull area appear. Not infrequently, after MT of the SIJ and P/O, my patients noted short-term h/b and h/v, even if we did not touch the neck, which disappeared after 10-15 minutes. Vegetative chaos is removed by affecting the vegetative system - by switching the significance - massage of the buttocks, rubbing the ears, warm tea, water, a point under the chin and much more. A purely reflex effect, not related to the release of energy.

    Chills after massage occurs due to the elimination of homotoxins.

    You can say so. The same reaction can also occur to irritation of the autonomous system by the release of deposited lymph.

    For very inquisitive clients who ask about the cause of the chills, I give an example of an elephant with large ears, which are dotted with a huge number of vessels and capillaries, and the blood passing through them cools down, which saves the elephant in the heat (it is believed that if the elephant's ears are cut off, then he dies of overheating).

    A person often freezes after intense rubbing and warming techniques, in which the skin turns red due to the involvement of a large number of reserve capillaries, and a large amount of blood, filling these capillaries and being on the surface, cools and causes vegetative reactions in the form of chills.

    All serious processes of self-organization occur due to the outflow of energy, and are often accompanied by chills and cold. If this happens repeatedly (and is not associated with either the temperature of the room or other factors, the work of the kidneys), then such a reaction may be associated with a psycho-emotional state that retains a certain part of the energy.

    It can be: a traumatic situation, physical or mental; stress resulting from anesthesia, etc.

    In psychotherapeutic practice in this case: I propose to cover the patient with a blanket, focusing his attention on the sensations of the body with the help of the following questions:

    1. Where is the source of cold concentrated. If it is found (more often in women it is the stomach, and the injuries are associated with abortions, childbirth, violence, if the injury is the solar plexus), then I will definitely say that the cold is part of her, that she can watch this cold, to talk to him, she is more than this coldness (in psychology, this is a complex, and it must be integrated). Usually "cold" in semiotics is associated with a stop, not life (narcosis, loss of loved ones could lead to this).
    2. Ask to focus on this area and remember when this cold came. As soon as the memory comes, instead of cold, there will be warmth. Let me talk (cry). If it is a memory of anesthesia, then the person may begin to move, it will resemble the birth or crawling beyond the limits of "cold" or "no life". It is necessary to create resistance to this movement in order to help the energy to open up. If it was violence, let the energy come out, but don't let it come out spontaneously, direct it.

    The second option: the memory may resemble the plot of a fairy tale. For example, the Snow Queen. There may not be life there either. We must be allowed to speak. The main thing is not to get lost, dialogue is a healing thing.

    But the tea didn't work for me. It's almost gone in 2 weeks. Hands don't get that cold.

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    Massage in Moscow

    Many of you are probably familiar with the feeling of icy feet. What to do if your feet are cold?

    You can quickly and effectively warm your feet with an alcohol compress: moisten the soles of thin socks with alcohol or vodka, put the socks on your feet that have been preheated in hot water. Wear warm wool socks over thin socks. You will immediately feel a surge of warmth and feel much more comfortable.

    If your legs are very cold, then you need to activate blood circulation as soon as possible and force the vessels to respond to the alternation of thermal stimuli: cold - heat - cold.

    Feet warm well with a contrast shower and walking barefoot on the water. These procedures are useful in combination with a dry brush foot massage.

    Cold feet: causes

    The reason that the feet are cold may be impaired capillary circulation. And this, in turn, is due to low blood pressure or vasospasm against the background of emotional instability.

    Sometimes your way of dressing is to blame for the fact that your feet often freeze. Thin out-of-season tights or shoes that are too tight won't keep you warm. Hypothermia of the legs does not pass without a trace for the body.

    This is an additional factor contributing to the development of many inflammatory diseases.

    Most often develop: bronchitis, tonsillitis, cystitis, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases of the female reproductive system.

    Therefore, carefully monitor the safety of heat for your feet. If you are still hypothermic, very quickly do everything possible to restore impaired blood circulation.

    Baths for those whose feet are cold: recipes

    Salt baths for cold feet

    Salt foot baths are also effective. Dissolve 2 tbsp in hot water. tablespoons of sea salt, 10-15 drops of rosemary oil and 2 tbsp. spoons of milk. Immerse your feet in this solution, and they will quickly warm up, and the skin of the feet will receive nutrients.

    How to make baths with sea salt: tips

    It seems that there is nothing difficult in preparing a bath with sea salt. But the bottom line is how to prepare a sea salt bath in such a way as to get the maximum effect from it.

    Learning how to prepare a sea salt bath is not at all difficult. Usually it is even written on the packaging of sea salt.

    In order to prepare such a bath, you will need a bowl, sea salt, warm water and a terry towel, and preferably two.

    • Warm up your feet before taking a bath and clean them. This can be done by simply rinsing them thoroughly with water.
    • Pour about two liters of warm water into a basin. Taste the water with your foot - the water should be neither cool nor hot.
    • Dilute four tablespoons of sea salt in water. Stir with a spoon until completely dissolved.
    • For a relaxing effect, you can add a few drops of essential oils - fir, pine, eucalyptus, lemon balm, lemon.
    • At the end of the bath, dry yourself with a soft terry towel.

    How to make baths with sea salt: useful tips

    Baths with sea salt are most often used to strengthen nail plastics and soften the feet. Baths with sea salt will have a positive effect on the entire foot.

    However, this is not entirely true, it is useful to do not only foot baths, but also for the whole body. You can make one common salt bath for the whole body, or you can take separate baths for different parts of the body

    Choosing sea salt for baths

    The preparation of sea salt baths begins with the choice of sea salt. It should be remembered that sea salt is not just sodium chloride. It is also a huge amount of iodine, manganese, phosphorus and bromine, potassium, iron, zinc, copper. All these minerals affect the skin in different ways.

    Hot foot baths

    • To prepare a cleansing bath, dissolve 1-2 tsp. tablespoons of baking soda in 1 liter of hot water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soap shavings and immerse your feet in water.
    • A tonic bath is made with a handful of salt in 3 liters of warm water. After the bath, rinse your feet with cool water, slightly acidified with boric acid (1 teaspoon per glass of water).
    • To prepare a soothing and strengthening bath, you need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of a mixture of chamomile, flaxseed, pine needles and pour 1 liter of boiling water over them. To improve the health of the legs, you can also use decoctions of calendula flowers, nettle and St. John's wort.
    • After any bath, the skin of the feet should be cleaned with a pumice stone, a special nail file or a foot scrub.

    If your feet are cold: reflexology

    Foot care with elements of reflexology: what you need

    Reflexology is a special type of massage in which certain points of the foot are pressed (there are similar points on the hands and ears), from where the impact is projected onto the organs and parts of the body corresponding to these points.

    • Nail polish remover (choose without acetone)
    • cotton pads
    • Scissors or nail clippers
    • Emery file or nail block
    • Cuticle Cream - Stick with rubber tip
    • orange tree sticks
    • Foot (or hand) cream
    • Base, varnish, fixer
    • Nail oil Finger separators or rolled paper handkerchiefs
    • Flip flops or open sandals

    Foot care with elements of reflexology: technique

    1. Remove nail polish.
    2. First, soak your feet in a bowl of warm, soapy water for at least 5 minutes. Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to the water to make the water disinfectant. If you don't have a foot bath with a massager, place a few marbles in the bottom of the tub to massage your feet while they soak.
    3. Wash your feet, gently exfoliate with a stiff nail brush and mild cleanser. Then dry your feet thoroughly, paying special attention to the skin between the toes so that a fungal infection does not occur.
    4. Use sharp scissors or tweezers to trim long nails straight across. Do not cut corners, as this can lead to ingrown tips. Round off all sharp corners with a nail file or bar.
    5. Apply some cuticle cream or oil and massage your nails and cuticles. Using a rubber-tipped stick, gently push the cuticle back. Now it's time for a massage. You should have 10 free minutes left.
    6. Start the massage. On one foot, apply a nourishing body oil (olive or wheat germ oil is suitable). You can do this in any position that is comfortable for you. For example, put your feet on a chair and massage from above.
    7. Perform lifting massage with your thumbs and/or knuckles. Here are the zones responsible for the adrenal glands, and exposure to them can really relieve stress. If you find pain points, gently press and hold your finger until you take a deep breath in and out.

    What to do if your feet are cold: video

    Feeling cold in the legs is not uncommon even on a hot summer day. You should not pay attention to the fact that your toes are cold, because behind such a symptom a rather serious disease can be hidden.

    Sometimes your toes can get so cold that even a blanket and hot tea won't help. The feeling is not the most pleasant when in

    freezing cold, from which nothing can save. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the reason why such a pathology occurs.

    There are many reasons why you may feel cold toes. One of them is the lack of fatty tissue under the skin. It is the fatty layer that retains heat, and its lack leads to a feeling of freezing.

    If the muscles are underdeveloped or there are problems with the vessels, there will also be a feeling that the toes are cold. After all, blood circulation is disturbed, which also contributes to additional heating.

    Vascular dystonia (to which young people are especially susceptible today), disorders in the work of the heart muscle, local circulatory disorders, for example, due to varicose veins, thrombosis, etc. also lead to a feeling of coldness in the legs. Difficulties in blood circulation cause a decrease in temperature in the extremities.

    Among the reasons leading to freezing of the toes, problems with the thyroid gland, for example, hypothyroidism, are also called. In this case, all processes proceed slowly, the production of hormones decreases and the release of energy worsens. In parallel, a number of symptoms appear: arrhythmia, brittle nails, hair greasiness increases, and a lower body temperature is noted.

    Another reason is iron deficiency anemia. As a result of the development of such a pathology, the amount of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, less oxygen begins to flow.

    Causing a feeling of coldness in the legs can be caused by a lack of fats and vitamins A and E. The lack of the proper amount of these trace elements causes increased sensitivity to cold.

    Doctors say that the limbs of ladies who are fond of low-calorie diets often freeze. After all, it is with such dietary restrictions that a lack of nutrients is obtained.

    Smoking and taking certain medications are another reason why your toes may be cold. This is due to the fact that nicotine and some drugs cause vasospasm. blood circulation becomes difficult and there is a feeling of coldness in the legs.

    Toes can also freeze under stress. After all, the whole body is tense, the vessels are compressed in spasms, and the blood stops flowing in the proper quantities to the limbs.

    Toes get cold even if a person has low blood pressure. In this case, as a rule, not only the legs, but also the hands freeze.

    What to do to get rid of this feeling

    Feeling cold feet is not the most pleasant. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the cause that causes such a problem.

    The first thing to do is to start training the vessels. Strong blood vessels are a guarantee of health (no headaches, normal pressure, etc.). Hot contrast foot baths are suitable for training vessels. Contrasting douches under the shower will also be effective. You can visit the bath, sauna or bath once a week. It is advisable to plunge into a cold pool after the steam room. True, this method has its own contraindications. For example, sudden changes in temperature in some people can cause vasospasm, resulting in a stroke. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor and choose the appropriate treatment option.

    To get rid of the problem, you should reconsider your diet - exclude coffee and other strong drinks, alcohol from the menu. You will also have to add foods that dilate blood vessels and speed up blood circulation - spices, spicy dishes, etc. Sometimes you can hear a recommendation to drink hot chicken broth before going out.

    If the toes are cold due to low hemoglobin, first of all, it will be necessary to increase its level. To restore the balance of iron in the body, you will have to include dried apricots, raisins, pomegranates, pumpkins, fresh fruits and vegetables, especially apples, in your menu.

    In your wardrobe, use only natural fabrics. If socks, then cotton, not synthetic. In winter, you can wear woolen options.

    Treat yourself with care, and then, perhaps, the problem of frozen feet will no longer torment you.

    When a person's body experiences cold in the autumn-winter period, this is perceived as a common occurrence. But if a person from time to time feels that the lower limbs are getting colder in the warm season, then such symptoms should not be ignored. A feeling of chills and a frequent desire to rub frozen knees should be a signal for referral for medical advice.

    Causes of feeling cold in the legs

    The human body is a complex "mechanism" in which everything is interconnected. There can be several reasons for the appearance of one unpleasant symptom.

    The reasons can be both external and internal.

    External causes include:

    • ambient temperature;
    • a sharp change in weather conditions;
    • tight shoes;
    • insufficiently warm clothes at low temperatures;
    • getting wet feet;
    • smoking;
    • shoes not suitable for the weather.

    The internal reasons may indicate a specific condition or disease:

    • hypotension;
    • vegetovascular dystonia;
    • pinched nerve endings on the background of osteochondrosis;
    • iron deficiency in the blood;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • heart pathology;
    • diabetes;
    • thyroid disease;
    • intoxication of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • against the background of strong thinness with a narrow chest.

    Feeling cold and numb in the legs can be for many reasons. It often happens that other symptoms of diseases join the feeling of cold. For example, if a person suffers from vegetovascular dystonia, then in addition he will be disturbed by shortness of breath, fatigue and a decrease in vitality. And with varicose diseases, uneven thickening of the veins, swelling of the feet, pain when walking are noted.

    Vascular diseases

    Vascular diseases most common cause of cold knees. In order to get rid of the cold in the limbs, it is recommended to make efforts to strengthen the vessels. In addition to recommendations on a healthy lifestyle and nutrition, it is necessary to start the hardening and massage procedure.

    But no matter how useful hardening is for the body, you should not resort to it in a drastic way. The decrease in the water temperature should be gradual. It is also recommended to start hardening and cooling the body in the warm season. For those who, for certain reasons, cannot start hardening, it is recommended to use another method - a contrast shower.

    Physical exercises in the morning will allow you to properly stretch the body, improve blood circulation and vascular function.

    Physical exercises

    Morning work-out- the most useful procedure for sick and healthy people. If you feel cold in the lower extremities, you should perform the following exercises:

    • squats;
    • rotation "bicycle" lying on the floor;
    • rolling from toe to heel;
    • circular rotations of the feet;
    • exercise "scissors".

    For those people who have physical training, it is useful to go down and up the flight of stairs. And for the elderly or those weakened by the disease, walking with a gradually increasing distance is recommended.

    It is known that cholesterol is very important for the normal functioning of blood vessels. That's why Eliminate fatty foods from your diet. Also, do not abuse fried foods.

    Flour confectionery is better to replace nuts, candied fruits and honey.

    It is especially useful to eat grapefruit, blackcurrant and chokeberry.


    In addition, the doctor may prescribe medications to improve the condition of the vessels.

    • "Ascorutin" (due to the content of vitamins C and P, it helps to strengthen the walls of capillaries, veins and arteries);
    • "Piracetam" (strengthens the walls of blood vessels);
    • "Troxerutin" (reduces inflammation and fragility of blood vessels);
    • "Neuromultivit" (normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and strengthens capillaries and veins).

    Low pressure

    The second reason why knees can freeze is low pressure. It is recommended to treat hypotension with the use of dark chocolate, pomegranate, sweet black tea, birch and cranberry juice. It is also worth doing morning exercises, visiting the pool, doing your favorite sports, getting enough sleep. You may need to update your wardrobe with cotton thermal underwear and comfortable shoes.

    Decreased hemoglobin

    A decrease in hemoglobin is an insufficient amount of iron in a person's blood. And such a condition may well cause a feeling of chilliness of the legs in the knees, hips and feet.

    Significantly increase hemoglobin You can adjust your diet by introducing healthy foods such as:

    • raisin;
    • dried apricots;
    • natural honey;
    • pomegranate seeds and juice;
    • nuts: walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts;
    • chocolate;
    • decoction of rose hips;
    • cranberry;
    • apples;
    • whole grains;
    • fish;
    • dairy.

    If the correction of the diet does not bring the desired result, then the doctor will prescribe a medical course of treatment aimed at stabilizing the normal composition of the blood.

    Diseases of the thyroid gland

    An imbalance in the work of the thyroid gland and a failure of the hormonal background are fraught with a significant deterioration in human health.

    Symptoms of thyroid lesions are:

    • chills;
    • drowsiness and decreased ability to work;
    • constipation;
    • convulsions;
    • high blood pressure;
    • irritability and tearfulness;
    • significant weight gain;
    • high blood cholesterol;
    • lamination of the nail plate;
    • dry hair and skin.

    If you find these symptoms, you should consult a doctor and undergo an extensive examination.

    Malnutrition and atherosclerosis

    Poor and inadequate nutrition can provoke a frequent feeling of chills, where the body simply will not have enough calories for normal thermoregulation. Therefore, women who adhere to a strict diet most often freeze. Lack of vitamins E and A can also disrupt thermoregulation.

    Feeling cold in the legs can provoke another serious disease - atherosclerosis. With this disease, the legs can become pale in color, and against the background of the progression of atherosclerosis, the limbs are often covered with trophic ulcers. It happens that only one leg becomes numb and cold. To the listed symptoms, it is worth adding pain in the legs, the appearance of dry skin and lameness.

    Health care

    Qualified medical assistance and advice can be obtained from a therapist, orthopedist, surgeon.

    One visit to the doctor will not be enough, and to complete the picture will have to do a lot of tests and examinations. The specialist, based on the data of the examination, questioning and the presence of symptoms, will refer the patient to an ultrasound, cardiac examination, x-rays and blood tests.

    In this case, the patient's lifestyle and age are taken into account. Lack of physical exercise, alcohol and tobacco abuse leads to weakening of the vascular system and muscle atrophy. If this is the only thing, then it is worth normalizing the daily routine, exercising regularly, doing exercises and loving water procedures, then the feeling of cold in the limbs will cease to bother.

    A special approach is required for the elderly. In this case, the natural aging processes of the body, slowing down metabolism, reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat and muscle mass are taken into account. In addition to certain physical exercises, diet and massage of the lower extremities, chondroprotectors can be additionally prescribed. These are special drugs that are designed to improve articular blood flow, metabolism and slow down the destruction of cartilage in the joints.

    Many people are concerned about the condition of cold feet. Despite the time - spring, winter, summer or autumn, the feet always remain cold. The causes of cold feet are different. The main reason is the specificity of the structure of the body - there are no subcutaneous fat and muscles on the feet, as a result, more heat is consumed than it comes in.

    If there is a violation in the blood circulation and in the work of the heart, the activity of the thyroid gland is disturbed, vegetative-vascular diseases, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, disorders in the body associated with hormonal changes are disturbed, then often these are the main causes of freezing legs.

    An interesting fact is that women suffer from constant cold feet more often than men. And it all comes from the fact that women have less muscle mass, because muscles are energy producers that warm the body inside. A woman was created in order to give birth to children, which means that the temperature regime in the reproductive organs must be constant, as a result of which there is a decrease in blood supply to the limbs.

    The main causes of the sensation of cold in the extremities

    Many will agree that the appearance of a feeling of coldness in the legs and hands is by no means pleasant. Before complaining about feeling unwell, you need to figure out what is happening with the body.

    In a disease called somatoform autonomic dysfunction, there is a release of adrenaline and vasospasm, because of this, a feeling of cold is observed in the hands and feet.

    If there are sharp changes in blood pressure, that is, there are drops from high to low and vice versa, this affects the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe limbs. At high pressure, the vessels are in a state of spasm and blood flow problems occur, and at low blood flow also suffers.

    With iron deficiency anemia, the level of hemoglobin in the human body is low and, accordingly, oxygen also does not enter the vessels at a sufficient rate, this causes a feeling of cold in the legs.

    In hypothyroidism, when there is a decrease in thyroid function, all the processes that occur in the body are slowed down, there is a decrease in energy release, the body quickly gets tired and there is a feeling of chills.

    The presence in the body of an excess amount of fungi, mainly occurs after taking antibiotics, is also one of the causes of constant cold in the legs and hands. A paradoxical example - colds were cured, candidiasis was acquired. In order to get rid of the state of chills, you need to get rid of candida.

    It must be said that some drugs, these are beta-blockers, cause vasospasm. Ergot preparations also cause a feeling of coldness in the extremities.

    The presence of bad habits has not yet led to anything good. Under the influence of nicotine, the vessels spasm and as a result - cold feet in winter and summer.

    With frostbite of the limbs, even if it happened a long time ago, with the slightest decrease in air temperature, a feeling of cold feet will remain throughout life.

    If hands and feet are regularly and often cold even in warm weather, it is necessary to find out the cause. To do this, you need to contact a therapist or rheumatologist.

    It is also necessary to follow some preventive methods. It is necessary to get rid of bad habits, replace coffee and strong tea with teas with the addition of mint, lemon balm, motherwort. You can diversify your diet with spicy spices and seasonings. The use of black and red pepper, mustard contributes to the expansion of blood vessels. Take anthelmintics from time to time. Regular exercise, going to the sauna can get rid of the feeling of cold in the legs. You can also do foot baths in the evening. Add 2-3 tablespoons to warm water. dry mustard and hold your feet in this solution for 15-20 minutes, then wipe dry and put on warm socks. In order not to increase the pressure, so that the blood flow is not disturbed due to the release of adrenaline and the legs do not freeze, you must also try to avoid stressful situations.

    anonymous, Female, 23

    Please feel free to post this, thanks! Hello, Evgeny Viktorovich! Help me please! My mother is 49 years old, she was diagnosed with varicose veins of the 1st degree, which has been bothering her for 2 years already. (Unfortunately, I can’t provide an ultrasound scan.) A year ago, my mother went to the doctor, they said that surgery was not required, they prescribed the drug “phlebodia”, Troxerutin ointment and varicose tights. I took these pills for 1 month (the effect of which lasted half a year). When the legs are disturbed at night, she uses troxerutin ointment (still disturbing at night), she tries to wear pantyhose most of the time. A month ago there was a strange feeling of coldness on the front of the thigh, just above the knee. Despite all the conditions of heat in the room, on warm clothes. Mom does not feel that her feet are cold and says that this is not numbness. It is rather difficult to explain. At night, the feeling of cold intensifies and “whines” in the same place. Please tell me what it could be? What is the reason? And how to treat existing varicose veins? Thanks in advance!)

    Recently, it has become colder, the air temperature has dropped sharply, many have a feeling of coldness in their hands and feet, especially girls, the elderly and people with a weakened body. Even if you cover yourself with a warm wadded blanket in the evening, you still can’t get warm, to the point that, when you wake up in the morning, your hands and feet are icy. Why is this happening?

    Causes of cold hands and feet

    1. Lack of Qi energy

    Qi energy is the driving force and source of energy in human life. The main cause of cold hands and feet is the lack of Qi energy, all human life relies on Qi. Qi enriches and sets in motion the blood, gives heat to the body, while the blood saturates, nourishes and moisturizes the body. If there is insufficiency of the spleen due to stagnation of Yang energy, then this indicates that the splenic meridian has lost the right to not regulate the flow of Qi, so nutrients are not transported to the heart, this also affects the functioning of the lungs. Due to a weak spleen, there is a lack of vitality, a lack of blood in the vessels causes cold, the spleen controls the upper and lower limbs, but the spleen does not give birth to blood, therefore a weakened spleen cannot warm the hands and feet.

    The main cause of cold hands and feet are disorders in the functioning of the autonomic nerve, as well as narrowing of blood vessels; in addition to this, the joints of the toes, knees, fingers, shoulder joints move relatively a lot, in these parts there is a thin layer of fat, heat dissipates very quickly, there are few blood vessels, so it is even easier to feel the cold.

    2. Not warm enough clothes

    If the hands and feet are cold, then this indicates that the body has problems regulating body temperature. If you dressed very warmly, but still feel cold, then you should be more careful; since in this case it is possible that the reaction of the receptor of the nerve ending of the sensation of heat "point of cold" is inhibited, therefore, cold is not felt.

    3. Overvoltage

    The feeling of extreme responsibility at work over time leads to tension, this can cause trembling of the hands and feet, coldness in the hands and feet, but during periods of relaxation, the body gradually recovers on its own.

    4. Too low sugar or low blood pressure

    Are you afraid to get better so you are starving until a cold occurs in the whole body? Food is a very important source of energy in the human body! With a sharp decrease in weight, with excessive starvation, or with diabetes, the blood sugar level drops, which causes a feeling of cold in the hands and feet. Low blood pressure is a sign of circulatory failure, so hypotension is often the cause of cold hands and feet.

    Hands and feet are cold - Yang-Chi should be massaged

    Cold hands and feet are caused by weak qi, qi stagnation, and deficiency of yang in the body, all of which are collectively referred to as "yang decline" in traditional Chinese medicine. The Yang Chi active point plays an important role in stimulating blood circulation and secretion of hormones, massage of this point improves blood circulation and warms the body.

    Point stimulation technique:

    1. Yang-Chi point located on the upper side of the wrist, the point is located between the group of carpal bones of the back of the hand. Try to strain the back of the hand as much as possible, during tension several folds form, it is necessary to massage between the folds at the base of the wrist, in the middle you will find a pain point, this point is the active point of Yang-Chi.

    2. Stimulation of the active point of Yang-Chi must be carried out gradually, for a long time and with moderate intensity. First massage Yang Chi with the middle finger of one hand with the other hand, then change hands and continue massaging Yang Chi with the middle finger of the other hand.

    In addition to yang-chi stimulation, you can also try other active points:

    Yunchuan point: this point is in the center of the foot, massage the sole with the palm of your hand quickly, until you feel warm in your feet, massage Yun Chuan 100 times every evening in the evening, then massage each toe 100 times.

    Point Lao Gong: this point is located in the center of the palm. Squeeze the wrist of one hand into a fist and massage the central part of the palm of the other hand, massage until you feel a slight warmth in the center of the palm, then change hands, alternately change one hand with the other.

    Qi-Chun point: the Qi-Chun point is located at the base of the thigh on the inside, in the inguinal region, under this point the large femoral artery passes. Massage Qi-Chun first, then massage the artery by pressing and releasing, massage alternately; massage until your feet are warm.

    Shen Shu point: this point is located on both sides at the base of the lower back, massage lightly with force, then lightly tap each point 100 times.

    When hands and feet are cold, the best medicine is the dragon's eye (longan)

    The dragon's eye is a fruit that increases knowledge, it nourishes the heart and calms the soul, weakens forgetfulness, helps with insomnia, and also definitely warms up the body. The dragon's eye is especially useful for people with a "cold" nature, those who often have cold hands and feet, and who have trouble sleeping. But people with a pronounced nature of "heat" should be careful, they should eat less longan. From the point of view of Chinese medicine, beans strengthen blood Qi, the best result of warming up the whole body will be if you cook bean soup with the addition of a dragon's eye.