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  • Moon 4 lunar day. fourth lunar day

    Moon 4 lunar day.  fourth lunar day

    It is a pity that the Day of Knowledge is declared the first of September. In fact, this is the fourth lunar day. This is the best day of the lunar month to start learning. True, on this day there is a great temptation to use a cheat sheet. This is generally a day of temptations and light provocations, which in no case should be succumbed to.

    General characteristics of the fourth lunar day


    All undertakings of the fourth lunar day are inevitably connected with the receipt and comprehension of information. Any undertakings will be successful if they are conscious and thought out.

    Good luck accompanies in finding things or people that you have lost.

    On this day, it is better to be in the family circle, to avoid conflict situations.

    It is better to spend it in seclusion in nature.

    Good luck will come to the daring and desperate, but in general - a hard, passive day, unfavorable for working in a team if the team is not like one family.

    If from the day you graduated from school you yearn for your best friend, who jumped out to marry a military man and accompanied him in a difficult nomadic life, as a result of which you quickly lost track of her, then on the fourth lunar day you have a chance to “stumble upon” information about her.

    You can even meet her acquaintances and get the address and phone number.

    Emotions can be very different, and they will have to be sifted through a fine sieve. Of course, it is best not to give in to resentment and not allow anyone to “hang” guilt on you.

    These two feelings, if you allow both of them or one of them to take possession of you on the fourth lunar day, will accompany you for a long time, forcing you to waste time and energy unproductively.

    After all, it is much easier to forgive or ask for forgiveness and, “closing the topic”, do something more useful and interesting. You can call this day the day of emotional "perestroika".

    If you are unrestrained in your tongue, it is better to be silent all day, as an evil wish that accidentally escaped from your tongue can come true.

    This is not a very auspicious day - the day of the fall, which Adam and Eve committed on the fourth lunar day, having tasted the forbidden fruit from the paradise tree of knowledge.

    Since then, all people on the fourth lunar day are subjected to various temptations. Perhaps on this day you will have to make a choice between good and evil, you will be drawn to some not very good deed ...

    To avoid this, it is necessary on this day to try to keep thoughts, soul, and body clean and not harm anyone.

    It is advisable to remain alone, not to take any active actions, not to make any hasty decisions.

    It is best to do some tireless household chores, relax calmly with your family, avoiding conflict situations in every possible way.

    Symbol of the day:


    The tree of knowledge, the choice between good and evil.

    Conception on 4 lunar day

    Since the 4th lunar day is traditionally associated with the continuation of the family, it is believed that through the child conceived on this day, one of the ancestors returns to the family.

    Children conceived on the 4th lunar day are born tender, loving. Often these are the favorites of the family, surrounded by universal love.

    Because of this, the child can grow up to be a lazy person, so be careful and approach his upbringing consciously, do not spoil him.

    Born on 4 lunar day


    A child born on the fourth lunar day grows up to be a big egoist. Parents will have to re-read many parenting books and apply them to their offspring in order to set him on the right path.

    In people born on this day, there is some kind of mystery that you can unravel all your life. They themselves do not fully know themselves and their character.

    A person born on this day has a special energy, each of his words is significant. His life task is to unravel the cosmic mystery, of which he is the bearer.

    A person born on the fourth lunar day must have some kind of purpose, some very specific mission, and you have to solve the puzzle in order to understand which one.

    To do this, you need to turn to the past, find information about your relatives, restore the family tree.

    If you dream of traveling, then make them to those regions and cities where your ancestors come from. It will help you gain strength and know yourself.

    But he can grow up to be an egoist, secretive and prone to crime (it will take a lot of effort from his parents to correct and educate him).

    He experiences a constant desire to "sprout roots", to gain a foothold on something and therefore often turns to the past.

    If the spiritual direction is chosen correctly, he will never be left alone. At the same time, he tends to constantly go back and get stuck in one place.

    Health on the fourth lunar day


    The day is difficult. Its energy adversely affects a person, but at the same time, health reserves continue to grow. The most sensitive and vulnerable on this day are the larynx, throat, neck, ears.

    Diseases can become dangerous due to various kinds of complications, and dangerous hereditary diseases that are difficult to treat can also appear if they are not immediately addressed.

    Radiculitis and myositis are especially frequent. Try not to be overwhelmed, not to harm anyone by deed or thought. Don't make hasty decisions. Eliminate alcohol.

    On this day, the energy restructuring of our body takes place, requiring internal costs. Therefore, today, in no case do not overload yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.

    In nutrition, preference should be given to raw vegetables and fruits, berries and juices, rice and buckwheat in the form of porridge. Dried fruit compote will also improve the condition of the body.

    Very good effect gives herbal treatment. The disease that began on the fourth lunar day can be dangerous.

    Diet and nutrition on the fourth lunar day


    On the fourth lunar day, it is advisable to take the lion's share of your diet to stewed vegetables and salads. Food during this period should be hearty, but without frills.

    The main thing now is to remove ambiguous products from your menu, that is, those that can cause allergies or unwanted reactions.

    In no case should you use products of unnatural origin.

    The Christian mystical school strictly forbids on these lunar days to eat those foods that you have never eaten before, no matter how you are tempted by them.

    Better wait one day and then try, because they may well cause poisoning.

    Very useful at this time are herbal teas from sedative herbs, such as lemon balm, chamomile and mint, stewed vegetables and salads.

    Haircuts and hairstyles on the fourth lunar day



    If you are satisfied with the current state of health, your private life, you would not wish for anything else now, then refrain from cutting your hair on the fourth lunar day.

    The fact is that after it your hair will grow for a very long time, their structure and thickness may change, and this will inevitably lead to changes in energy exchange, which will not fail to affect your life as a whole.

    It is difficult to predict the nature of such changes. They can be quite neutral, for the better, but also for the worse.

    Therefore, remember that they are not looking for good from good - and if you are satisfied with your current status, just postpone the haircut until a more favorable time, when it will entail guaranteed positive changes in your life.

    The exception is children. On this day, a haircut will benefit them: hair-antennas will gain additional activity after the haircut, tune in to work with different energies.

    Hair coloring

    We strengthen financial and career stability.

    It is better to paint on this day, as usual, with natural dyes and only in natural tones. For example, you usually paint over gray hair, and here it is again impudently looking through.

    Color in the roots. This will enhance your well-being and career.

    But it is not worth changing the color radically. Here the situation is the same as with a haircut - changes are unpredictable.

    Therefore, if a fair-haired person decides, for example, to grow red, then it is better for him to do such a transformation on a more favorable day.

    You should refrain from interacting with any synthetic dyes on the fourth lunar day.

    What to do with hair

    refuse to experiment.

    Today, as well as possible, by the way, there will be a traditional hairstyle. Do not invent anything new, wash your hair early in the morning. Blow dry your hair and style it well in your style.

    This is so that the spirits of nature who are accustomed to you do not confuse you with someone else.

    Of course, if you create something extravagant or simply uncharacteristic on your head, this can contribute to friendship with new assistants.

    But it may turn out to be the opposite: you will lose the old ones, and you will not meet new ones. So it's better not to experiment.

    For what cases is favorable 24 lunar day


    Business and work on the fourth lunar day

    A very good day for business related to information technology, telephony and communications, as well as the World Wide Web.

    It's not a bad idea today to think about those projects, deals, contracts in which there is some kind of ambiguity for you.

    You may well get information that can explain everything to you.

    It is advisable to avoid making decisions. Get information, think it over, and in the morning decide - the morning is wiser than the evening.

    Personal life on the fourth lunar day

    Not the best day to deal with personal life, but the best day to analyze it.

    It would not be superfluous to visit a psychologist, psychoanalyst or psychotherapist if you feel confused and helpless in front of the load of problems that has accumulated over the years.

    No one will solve them for you, but they can help you understand. And with what we realize, we can do just fine on our own.

    Esotericism on the fourth lunar day

    It is considered a bad omen if your hair is tangled during sleep - this suggests that you are confusing the concepts of good and evil, sometimes taking white for black, then black for white.

    A very good day for prayers, for reading sacred books, searching for and gaining a spiritual Teacher.

    The day when intuition, also called the inner voice, stops whispering and starts speaking in full voice, just not screaming into your ear, and you have to be completely deaf not to hear it.

    Dreams are prophetic, especially if you dream of dead ancestors or other relatives.

    Gardening on the fourth lunar day

    Any work with plants and earth is favorable.

    The fourth lunar day is a calm and peaceful time. Today there is no need to hurry and fuss somewhere. These days you need to spend more time in reflection. It is recommended to think about the sublime, for example, about the meaning of life.

    The fourth lunar day should be spent alone. If it is not possible to be alone all day, but this should be done for several hours. It is especially useful to spend this time in the forest. You can also have a meditation session. On this day, there is an opportunity to completely free yourself from extraneous thoughts and to know the meaning of life.

    Today, intuition is sharpened. On these days, it is she who should be listened to, and not the mind. Intuition will tell you the right decision. Today, even the wildest dreams can come true if you listen to your inner voice.

    General characteristics of 4 lunar days:

    • Energy of the day: passive day.
    • Symbol of the day: the tree of knowledge, the tree of paradise - the choice between good and evil.
    • Element of the day: wood.
    • Day stone: green jade, amazonite, sardonyx.
    • Color of the day: green, emerald and malachite.

    Characteristics of the 4th lunar day is a favorable time. Today you can start learning, as well as learn new skills and abilities. No wonder the symbol of this day is the tree of knowledge. On this day, a person will receive a lot of information. Intuition will allow you to highlight the main points, as well as determine which information is false.

    The fourth lunar day is the time when a situation will be resolved that has long haunted a person. Today you can discover something new. This may be new information about a project, new information about the second half, or just a friend.

    4 lunar day is mostly a positive time, especially for its first half. People are kind to each other. They easily contact each other, so you can make useful contacts and business connections.

    Today, new opportunities open up before a person. If he notices them, then life can change for the better. However, on the 4th lunar day, it is recommended to refrain from decisive action. This is especially true for ill-conceived projects.

    The second half of this day will not be as prosperous as the first. People's moods change. They become more aggressive. Therefore, after dinner, conflicts and quarrels can arise. They should not be involved. You need to try to control emotions and not let anger get the better of you, otherwise trouble may arise.

    The energy of the day is very insidious. It pushes a person to rash and wrong actions. You should not succumb to this provocation, otherwise you can regret it very much tomorrow.

    On the fourth lunar day, the power of the word is especially great. Everything said today can come true. Therefore, you need to say only good things, voice dreams and wishes aloud. If, on these days, fears and doubts are expressed aloud, then they can also come true.

    On this day, you can plan trips to the cities of your ancestors. This will help you gain their wisdom and strength. Other trips should be avoided.


    The fourth lunar day, as already mentioned, is best spent alone. It is not recommended to make appointments on these days. The fact is that today people are apathetic. If you place too high hopes on a romantic meeting, then it will bring disappointment.

    Communication with a loved one should be kept to a minimum. On this day, you can think about relationships with your soulmate, analyze whether everything is going well in them or something is going wrong. If problems are found, then it is on this day that they can begin to be solved.

    The 4th lunar day is not suitable for marriage. The fact is that if you get married today, then mutual understanding will never reign between the young. Quarrels and conflicts will often flare up between them, which will exhaust both spouses. As a result, their marriage may end in divorce. Therefore, for these days you do not need to plan a wedding, but it is better to think about relationships and their prospects.


    4 lunar day is the perfect time for household chores. They will be given with ease and without any problems.

    On these days, work related to the tree should be done.


    4 lunar day is a time when silence and loneliness will benefit health. The fact is that on these days the larynx and cervical vertebrae are weak points. Therefore, silence can protect against pathologies.

    If a person has to talk a lot on duty, then in his free time he should be silent, and even more so refrain from uttering swear words. It is only allowed to say out loud your dreams and desires so that they come true faster.

    The energy of these days is such that it does not give a person much strength. Therefore, they should be protected. Today, you need to refrain from excessive physical activity, as this can lead to exhaustion and chronic fatigue. The energy of the fourth day of the lunar cycle is better spent on reflection.

    If a pathology occurs on these days, then it will be difficult to get rid of it. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself, and if the disease still began to develop in the body, then it is necessary to proceed with immediate treatment. Then you can count on recovery. Therapy should be carried out on the basis of herbal infusions and decoctions.

    work, money, business

    The 4th lunar day is a bad time for new beginnings. It is better to finish or continue old things.

    On this day, you can correct the mistakes made earlier. The main thing is to pay attention to the little things.

    Cash receipts are possible on these days. However, the amount may turn out to be much less than what you expected.

    This day should be used to clarify disputes and transactions. This day will be especially successful for businessmen in the field of information technology. However, they should also refrain from undertakings.


    Hair cutting on the 4th lunar day is unfavorable. The fact is that this procedure can lead to depression, despondency and gloomy thoughts.

    A haircut performed on the 4th lunar day causes a sore throat and can cause curls to fall out.

    Characteristics of people born on the 4th lunar day

    Birthday, which falls on the 4th lunar day, gives a person talents. He can grow up to be a famous singer or artist. However, he will achieve great results only if the parents are properly educated. They should give their child maximum attention.

    People born in the 4th lunar can be both selfish and loafers. A child born on this day is unique, and if he receives proper education, he can become a person famous throughout the world.


    Dreams on the 4th lunar day are often prophetic. The main thing is to remember them and decipher them correctly. To understand what sleep means, you need to use a dream book. In addition, a dream can show a person his weaknesses or negative character traits. It must also be understood and comprehended.

    A dream tells a person which side he is on - good or evil.

    In the event that you had a nightmare, then you need to change a lot in yourself in order to achieve great success in life. Such a dream gives a person the opportunity to embark on the true path.

    If the dream was kind, then you are doing everything right. You can continue to move in the chosen direction. If a dream showed a person his relatives, this is a good sign. This means that he has a connection with the family and the wisdom of his ancestors.

    The description of this lunar day is generally a favorable time. It should be devoted to spiritual development and reflection. Then the realization of how one should act in a given situation and even how one should live further may come.

    Interpretation of dreams on 4 lunar day

    Sleep on the 4th Lunar day should be taken as a message from higher powers. In it, they will try to demonstrate to you priority areas that are worth spending energy and resources on. Things that you can actually do.

    However, even if there are not enough forces and resources, then sleep will also help you understand how to compensate for this shortcoming. To decipher a dream, it is worth determining the position of the Moon in relation to the signs of the zodiac. Find out which sign it is in. As a result, it will be possible to judge its impact on specific areas of life, as well as circumstances.

    A dream on the 4th Lunar day may also contain the designation of the spiritual world. That is, your position on the path of life (good or evil). We can say that this dream will reflect reality without distortion. So if it is interpreted correctly, it will be possible to determine the point of application of their efforts and eventually achieve the desired result.

    Unfortunately, the interpretation of sleep is unlikely to be simple. In particular, you may generally have a bad dream. But even in this case, do not despair. In very rare cases, he predicts future catastrophic events. Most likely, this dream simply warns of difficulties or some kind of danger. Therefore, it is enough just not to lose vigilance in the future.

    Many people on this day will dream their relatives (in particular, parents). This indicates that there is a problem that connects you to each other.

    The 4th lunar day is a period when information will become available to you not only about the world around you, but also about yourself. Everything hidden becomes clear and understandable. This is a day of knowledge, revealing secrets and important decisions. It was on this lunar day that our first parents Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and were expelled from Eden. On these days, a person should be especially careful ...

    Description of the 4th lunar day

    The main characteristic of the 4th lunar day is the receipt of important and previously hidden information. It is important to be able to adequately perceive it, analyze and draw conclusions. It is necessary to understand the flow of news that "suddenly" becomes available. The best time for introspection.

    Features and properties of 4 lunar days

    Talismans and symbols:

    • the symbol of this period is the Tree of Knowledge;
    • talisman stones include green nephrites, amazonites, sardonyxes;
    • element - tree;
    • the main colors of this day are all shades of green.

    On this day, the veil that hides the inner “I” opens slightly. You will be able to understand what drives your actions, desires, aspirations. This is the day of self-realization. And it depends only on you - whether to try to be deceived or to realistically assess your position in this world. This is probably why this day evokes positive emotions and a thirst for knowledge in some, while others plunges into despondency. It all depends on the person, on what kind of lifestyle he has chosen for himself, what is his attitude to the world around him, to friends, relatives. This lunar day is a turning point. What to choose? Self-improvement or self-destruction? All these questions, one way or another, will haunt you during this period. The previous lunar day was full of vigorous activity, this one is given to consolidate the results obtained. We need to keep moving forward, while carefully studying the upcoming prospects and analyzing our actions. If a mistake has been made, it can still be easily corrected. The information that literally hovers around will help you find the right solution. Esotericists believe that on this day the Universe will help you adjust to your rhythms and let you know if you are able to maintain its unity and harmony. You can suddenly see the path that you should move on, understand which solution will be the most successful for resolving a particular problem. In the mystical teachings of the East, it was believed that secret knowledge and sacred experience could be transmitted on this day. Those who use spiritual practices believe that on the 4th lunar day you can connect to the information channels of the universe.

    Lunar relations on the fourth day

    The guardian angel of this day is Prince Gofus. He helps lovers, gives spouses a chance to respect each other and resurrect love. This patron of the day gives his “wards” a special sexuality and attractiveness, which helps to “refresh” fading feelings, revive the intensity of passion and the flame of love. Despite the favor and protection of Gofus, the fourth lunar day is a bad time for marriage. Those who decide to take such a step will constantly feel a dual and uncertain state. Spouses will not find agreement among themselves, they will scandal, sort things out. Considering that on this day everything hidden becomes clear, with a high degree of probability, adultery will lead to a scandal and a break in relations. Even an ordinary "affair" can be fatal for a marriage. If you can’t postpone the marriage, you must definitely take “safety” measures. Perform a special ceremony and negotiate with the moon. Bring gifts to the heavenly luminary. It does not have to be things and offerings. Try to give up a bad habit or promise to do something or achieve something. Needless to say, the promise must be fulfilled in the future, so weigh your words and deeds. Sex on this lunar day should not be aggressive and too violent. Arrange a romantic date for your soul mate, spend the day together, enjoy each other's company.

    conception of a child

    The best day for conception is the 4th lunar day, which is called the day of birth. Children conceived on this day will continue the traditions of their family, respect its foundations, take care of elderly relatives. Mystics believe that the soul of a distant or close ancestor can move into a child. The kid, who began his journey to life on this day, will become the support and pride of the family. He will attract the love and affection of others. His calm and affectionate disposition will ensure him the respect of classmates and teachers. It will not be difficult for such a child to make many friends. Parents should make efforts to develop diligence, perseverance, purposefulness in the child. You can give the baby to the sports section, to the theater or music studio. The main thing is to exclude passivity. The most dangerous enemies for children born on the 4th day of the lunar cycle are laziness, lack of will, fear.

    Work on this lunar day

    The 4th lunar day is well suited for analyzing ongoing cases, identifying errors in the developed strategy, and processing the information received. A good time for financial transactions. The only condition is that before proceeding with it, carefully consider everything and weigh it to eliminate possible risks. The day is especially good for trade workers and big businessmen. The first is provided with good revenue, the second - promising and successful projects. It is not recommended to get a new job on the fourth day of the lunar cycle. You may “not settle down in the team”, not like the bosses or be disappointed in choosing a new type of activity. This day is also not suitable for both dismissal and job change. On the 4th lunar day, it is better not to take any decisive action in this direction. It will be good to go to nature on this day.

    Health on a lunar day

    On the fourth lunar day, pay special attention to the neck and throat. Do a collar zone massage or muscle relaxation exercises. This is especially true for those people who spend most of their working time at the computer. If possible, spend a few hours in a park, forest, or garden. A few tips from an astrologer:

    1. On the 4th lunar day, listen to your well-being - today is a very useful and important day for health. If it is possible to undergo an examination - do it, the diagnosis will be the most accurate.
    2. Refrain from overeating, excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods. It is also useful to limit yourself to eating too high-calorie foods. Give up mayonnaise, "spreads" and sauces.
    3. If possible, spend this day on a mono diet - eat only vegetables or only fruits. You can generally refuse food for a day.
    4. It is not advisable to drink alcohol.

    On this day, it is good to do transplanting flowers, bushes or trees. Caring for plants will bring peace and positive emotions, and this is one of the components of good health.


    It will be a bad decision to cut your hair on the fourth lunar day, today it can lead to family troubles, quarrels and quarrels. Cutting hair will positively affect their growth and density, but will negatively affect relationships with your soulmate. If you want to save your family and not destroy the existing love relationship, the 4th lunar day is a bad time for cutting your hair. It may happen that going to the hairdresser on the fourth day will harm your health - feel a sore throat or "jam" your neck. To avoid financial losses, do not visit the hairdresser, and give up your hairstyle on this lunar day. A haircut on the 4th day of the lunar cycle can negatively affect the wealth of the family.

    Characteristics of people born on the fourth lunar day

    Children born on the 4th lunar day are noticeably different from their peers. They are calm, do not demand anything, do not fight in hysterics, but remember the offense well. "Fours" are not vindictive, they just have a too heightened sense of justice. Those born on the fourth day of the lunar calendar have a certain mystical secret. They are able to attract attention and easily charm the opposite sex. In family life, these people are almost always happy. Sometimes they can be unnecessarily demanding of their soulmate. People born on the fourth lunar day are stubborn and stubborn. They are firmly moving towards their goal. They make excellent bosses and businessmen. As well as:

    • writers;
    • scientists;
    • researchers;
    • programmers;
    • politicians;
    • archaeologists;
    • historians;
    • analytics.

    If your child's birthday fell on the fourth lunar day, be prepared for the fact that his future life directly depends on your upbringing. So that an inveterate egoist or a loafer does not grow out of your child - teach him independence, discipline and responsibility, instill industriousness.

    What do dreams mean on the 4th lunar day

    At night, these lunar days, you can see prophetic dreams that will come true. However, don't take them too personally. Sometimes dreams on the 4th lunar day can come in the form of a difficult riddle or puzzle. The interpretation of such dreams may not be unambiguous. In this case, it is better to seek the advice of specialists. Sometimes a dream can indicate an event quite clearly:

    • the flame of a candle or a fire - a long-awaited meeting with a soulmate;
    • a walk through a flower meadow - success in business lies ahead;
    • a nightmare seen in a dream warns of imminent unpleasant events.

    Do not despair if you think that a dream promises only terrible troubles and misfortunes. Sometimes the Moon tries to warn and push for the right choice.

    Rituals of the fourth lunar day

    The symbol of this time is the Tree of Knowledge. Therefore, rituals aimed at obtaining information will be most appropriate during this period.

    To gain knowledge

    If you want to get some important information for you, ask for it the patroness of the night - the Moon. To carry out the ritual of the fourth lunar day, you must be left alone, light a yellow candle and draw an even and large circle on a blank sheet of paper. In this circle, briefly write down what you want to know about. You can not write verbose or ask a lot of questions. This will only bring confusion. Then say the written text three times. Put the request sheet in a secluded place. Ask the Moon to send the necessary information within three days and thank her in advance. In the following days, carefully monitor all the information you receive. It can be news on TV, a song you accidentally heard, a book that came to hand. The main thing is to be alert and carefully analyze what is happening around you.

    How to make the right choice

    Sometimes people are faced with some kind of choice, and this causes them almost physical suffering. The fourth day of the lunar cycle - has a special magic. Rituals today will help you gain confidence and make a choice. During this period, secret knowledge literally envelops us. It is only necessary to manage this moment correctly and read what is needed from the information flows. Go outside before bed. Try to find a young month in the sky and turn to it for help. Ask him to give you advice on how to act in a difficult and difficult situation. Be sure to thank Luna in advance. When you get home, go to bed immediately. If you were sincere in your desire, then be sure to get a hint on how best to do it in your dream.

    General forecast

    The symbol is a tree, the tree of knowledge, the choice between good and evil. Eating its fruit is known to lead to the fall. According to Albert the Great, this day refers to the fall of man.

    He is commemorated to make a choice between good and evil deeds. Unfortunately, such a day is the first among the unfavorable. But at the same time, it is endowed with a dual characteristic, it is both a positive and a negative day. At this time, one should not make quick decisions, it is better to think over everything ten times, and only then make a decision. Collective work is not recommended, you can not cut trees, pick flowers. It is advised on such a day to walk more in the forest, you can spin, unravel the threads. They say that people who were born on this lunar day have some kind of cosmic secret, but at the same time they must know it themselves. Stones recommended on this day: amazonite, green jade, sardonyx.

    Favorable is the first half of the day. You will find peace of mind, and the ability to communicate will increase. Also, this day will have a positive impact on trade, the chances of successfully cranking out risky events will increase. But already the second half of the day may begin to slow down positive trends, but if you have sufficient diplomacy, then you will be able to avoid the intrigues and conflicts of rivals.

    Love and relationships. The fourth lunar day is not the best day for personal life, but on this day you can analyze it, look for clues in your soul to improve love relationships, relationships with children and relatives. If it is difficult to work on your own, and you constantly feel the burden of accumulated problems, then you can visit a psychologist, psychoanalyst, psychotherapist. Of course, no one will solve our problems for us, but experts will help to understand the causes of troubles, and awareness is already 90% of their solution. Also, the fourth lunar day is completely unsuitable for a romantic date, especially if you have high hopes for it. The fact is that on this day people are prone to apathy. Therefore, the inattention of a loved one to your person can cause you irritation and resentment.

    Housework. All types of woodwork will be very successful. Moreover, it does not matter at all what you will do with it, wash the parquet floor, plan, saw, burn, cut or paint a wooden fence. In general, the fourth lunar day is the ideal time to solve all domestic issues.

    Business and money. It is better not to start new cases, but to continue the ones started earlier. Today it is still possible to correct the mistakes made, the Universe gives hints and the opportunity to correct things. Financial receipts on the 4th lunar day are most often delayed or the amount may not be the one you expected.

    Dreams. Especially colored, can be fulfilled. If on the night before this day you dreamed that something was getting tangled, for example, threads or hair, or the interweaving of roads seems incomprehensible and confusing to you, then it is advisable to analyze what you have in mind, and either completely abandon plans, or rethink, reschedule. In the dreams of these lunar days, your parents or relatives may be present one way or another. This is an indication: you need to analyze what problems you inherited from them, and begin to solve them. If you dream of some kind of danger, this is a warning that you need to be especially careful and conscious in choosing your line of behavior. The images that appear to you in your dreams on this day may indicate areas of ‘fall’ where you can pierce, but this refers to your inner world, or in other words, your spiritual component. It is easier to say that at this time you can understand from which side of the ‘Tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ at this point in time, most of your energy has accumulated. If you have clearly realized this, take it as an indication to action.

    Health. Diseases that begin on these lunar days are usually severe. The cervical spine, Adam's apple, and larynx are vulnerable today. These areas cannot be treated today with procedures, surgeries and massages. It is good to prepare and treat today with infusions, decoctions and other medicinal herbal preparations.

    • The beginning of the 4 lunar day in 2019 in Moscow:
    • January 8 at 10:19
    • February 7 at 09:30
    • March 9 at 08:24
    • April 8 at 07:24
    • May 7 at 06:20
    • June 6 at 06:42
    • July 5 at 06:58
    • August 4 at 08:57
    • September 2 at 09:26
    • October 1 at 09:51
    • October 30 at 10:11 am
    • November 29 at 11:23
    • December 28 at 10:46
    4th lunar day in other years


    On the 4th lunar day, it is better not to change anything in your life, especially the length of your hair, as this will be followed by anxiety, causeless longing and fear of everything, sore throats or diseases of the oral cavity may also appear.


    There is some secret in people born on this day, there are many rumors about them, not everyone can understand them. The main danger of the people of this day is the power of melancholy, a little apathy. They often delve into introspection and sad memories. These people know a lot about the world and constantly replenish their knowledge. Under an hour, they do not realize how deep their knowledge of the innermost is. Often they are drawn to reveal secrets. Having started some business, they can return to the starting point, and this is their main problem. They need to move on.
    It is very important not to lose touch with their parents and ancestors. Alcohol is harmful, but herbal infusions and teas are useful. Rest is important calm, in silence, alone with yourself.
    Tip: it is important to control your every word, as it can quickly come true. You can’t wish evil either on yourself, since it will be fulfilled at will, or on other people, because you will have to pay cruelly for the senseless expenditure of energy.

    Bathing in the baths


    Dreams are warnings, especially if you see danger in a dream. Very often it is on these lunar days that parents and indications of karmic problems are dreamed of. Such dreams must be analyzed and solutions sought.

    Guardian stones

    Green jade, sardonyx, overflow agate.

    conception of a child

    Conceived on the 4th lunar day is one of the most special and difficult days for conception. Mystical day. There is an opinion that if you conceive a child on this day, then one of your ancestors returns to your family with him. However, this opinion is not an axiom, you can agree with it or not. But there is also an indisputable fact: a child conceived on this day will be loved by the whole family, others will favor him. He is one of those to whom people's hearts are drawn. Moreover, for this he does not need to use all sorts of artificial methods, manipulate and weave intrigues. Such a person attracts attention, love and respect due to the distinctive features of his character - affection, kindness, tenderness, calmness.

    Weather forecast

    If on the fourth day of the birth of the month it is clear, then the whole month is clear; if it is rainy, then the whole month is rainy.

    Aromatherapy and home fragrances

    Removes fears and irritability, relieves stress, helps with depression. Restores energy and mental balance. Encourages spiritual creativity. The aroma of Mandarin is good for productive and sublime intellectual communication. Excellent remedy for obesity and cellulite.



    The fourth lunar day is not the best time for formalizing family relationships. During this period, it is best to refrain from marriage, otherwise the couple will always be in a dual state - the spouses will never be able to find a compromise that satisfies them both, they will constantly quarrel and be at odds with each other. It is even possible that partners in such a marriage will often cheat on each other, and their family happiness will always be on the verge of collapse.

    On these lunar days, it is better for lovers to once again weigh all the pros and cons of their union.


    During this period, it is recommended to refrain from shopping, especially if the desire to purchase a particular product arose spontaneously. Today, hasty decisions do not lead to a positive result, and first of all it concerns the purchase of expensive things. It is better to devote the fourth lunar day to considering whether it is worth spending money or not. The only exceptions to this rule are small purchases related to hygiene items - soap, toothbrushes, washcloths, napkins, towels, and so on.


    symbol: tree of the knowledge of good and evil
    stones: sardonyx, jade, agate
    body part: larynx, pharynx

    Rituals with the use of volts from the dough, divination on the test, rituals with an appeal to the spirits of the elements, rituals for obtaining egregorial protection. Personal energy supply from trees on this day is the most effective.

    When fortune-telling, it is good to ask questions that require only a one-word answer "yes" or "no", as well as questions related to any choice. In addition, as in the past lunar day, it is good to study ancient magical texts and obtain theoretical information. During this period, it is good to communicate with your mentor, guru, teacher or with a person who is an authority for you in the art of magic.

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