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  • Useful properties and contraindications of linden honey
  • Linden blossom honey recipe. Useful properties and contraindications of linden honey

    Linden blossom honey recipe.  Useful properties and contraindications of linden honey

    There is nothing in common between natural bee honey and artificial. This product is not produced by bees, but is created by human hands at home. But artificial honey is not a fake at all. This is a completely independent food product obtained from cane or grape juice, melon, watermelon or flower infusions of linden, acacia, elderberry with the addition of granulated sugar. It is the latter honey that is considered useful, since it retains the medicinal properties of the plant, which are valued in folk medicine.

    Benefits of elderflower honey

    The medicinal plant elderberry has been used in folk medicine for many years for the preparation of infusions and decoctions. They are used as antipyretic, diaphoretic, diuretic, anthelmintic. A hot decoction of elder flowers helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, bronchitis, as well as tonsillitis, stomatitis, etc. Infusions from this plant calm the nervous system, relieve headaches and toothaches.

    Elderberry honey is a real medicinal syrup that retains the unique properties of the plant. It helps in the treatment of flu, colds, pneumonia, etc. With such a tasty drug, recovery comes much faster.

    recipe for cooking at home

    During the period of intense flowering of elderberry, from May to June, it's time to collect the flowers of the plant. They are separated from the stalks and tightly packed into a half-liter jar. That is how many flowers you need to make elderberry honey at home, the recipe of which is offered below.

    At home, transfer the flowers to a saucepan and add cold water (1 l). After boiling, cook for 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the stove and, without opening the lid, leave to infuse for 12-15 hours.

    After the specified time, strain the broth from the flowers, add sugar (3 kg) and let it boil. Boil honey for an hour, stirring occasionally, until the mass begins to thicken. At the end of cooking, add a teaspoon of citric acid (you can replace the juice of half a lemon). Pour hot honey into jars, and after cooling, cover with plastic lids and store in a cool dark place.

    Artificial elderberry honey: indications for use

    The main advantage of artificial honey over natural honey is that it does not cause allergies. This means that the scope of this product is much wider.

    Artificial honey can be consumed by both adults and children, and even pregnant women and nursing mothers. The recommended dose is one teaspoon three times a day with water, herbal tea or rosehip decoction. You can add elderberry honey directly to tea. This is a great sugar substitute.

    Linden artificial honey recipe

    No less than elderberry is valued this tree, it is customary to dry, after which you can make tea from them, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps with flu and colds, diseases of the digestive system. Artificial honey made from linden has a similar effect.

    The plucked flowers must be separated from the leaves and tightly packed in a jar (3 l). After that, they need to be folded into a saucepan and poured with water (1.5 l). Boil after boiling for 20 minutes, and then set aside and let cool completely and infuse for 6 hours. Then strain the broth, add as much sugar as there were flowers (3 l). Boil honey for 2 hours until thickened. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the juice of half a lemon. Pour honey into jars and store in a dark, cool place for an unlimited time.

    Linden honey can be added to tea or taken a teaspoon daily to prevent disease and strengthen immunity.

    Acacia honey at home

    You can also make a sweet treat from white acacia flowers. Artificial honey turns out a beautiful pinkish-brown color and a very pleasant taste. To prepare it, you will need a liter jar of acacia flowers, the same amount of water, 2.5 kg of sugar and the juice of half a lemon.

    Before making honey, many housewives are wondering if acacia flowers need to be washed or not. On the one hand, water will rid the inflorescences of dust and insects that may be inside, and on the other hand, you can lose most of the valuable pollen. Therefore, the best option is not to wash, but you should also pick flowers not at the side of the road, but in places where there is no road dust.

    In general, the process of making honey is similar to how it is prepared from elderberry. The flowers are poured with water, boiled for 10-15 minutes, and then allowed to infuse for 12-14 hours. After that, the broth is filtered and boiled with sugar until thickened for two hours. At the end of cooking, lemon juice is added and poured into jars. Cool well before use. It is good to add to tea, purified water or rosehip broth.

    Among the many products of beekeeping, linden honey is especially popular due to its excellent taste and great medicinal benefits. For its manufacture, bees use nectar, which is obtained from lime blossom.

    Linden description

    Linden is a tree that is widely used in landscaping, and the color of linden is used in folk medicine. She deservedly received the nickname of the queen of honey plants: bees produce more than 15 kilograms of honey from one plant, and more than a ton from a hectare of linden plantations. On average, bees collect 25 milliliters of nectar from a flower. The greatest amount of nectar is released in warm, humid weather. Linden blooms in late June - early July.

    Characteristic features of linden honey

    The pure product, obtained from linden, is transparent and has a light yellow or amber color. If honeydew honey is mixed with it, then it acquires a gray-green hue. If the bees collect nectar from other flowers at the same time, then the color of honey becomes bright yellow. Also, the color depends on the region where the linden grows. The Amur beekeeping product is cloudy yellow, and the Ufa one is colorless.

    Linden honey is characterized by an unusual aroma and delicious taste. By sweetness, he (together with heather) occupies a leading position. A slight bitterness is possible, which is not preserved in the aftertaste.

    Composition and calories

    The increased sweetness of "liquid gold" is due to the high concentration of glucose (36%) and fructose (40%). The composition also includes vitamins A, C, E, K, PP and group B, carotene, enzymes (catalase, lipase, diastase, invertase, peroxidase), amino acids (22 pieces), organic acids, mineral elements, essential oils, tannins and hormone-like substances. The calorie content of the lime product is quite high - about 320 kilocalories, which is 15.5% of the daily requirement. If there is honey in small doses, then its calorie content is not very high: a tablespoon of linden honey contains 115 kilocalories, and a teaspoon - 39.

    Benefits for the body

    Due to the rich composition, useful sweetness has an antipyretic, choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antibacterial, wound healing, tonic, diaphoretic, restorative, therapeutic, mild laxative effect. It activates metabolism, improves immunity, strengthens the heart muscle, stimulates the production of gastric juice, promotes the elimination of toxins, normalizes the functioning of the gonads, replenishes energy reserves, relieves fatigue, improves mental activity, calms nerves, normalizes sleep, relieves stress and depression, raises mood.

    Video: Why linden honey is useful and its features

    "Sweet Amber" will benefit from:

    • treatment of flu and colds;
    • diseases of the ENT organs and the respiratory system;
    • ailments of the digestive tract;
    • pathologies of the circulatory and nervous systems;
    • gynecological diseases;
    • infections;
    • treatment of lesions of the oral cavity (stomatitis);
    • treatment of dermatological problems (burns, eczema, non-healing and purulent wounds).

    The "linden nectar of the gods" is also used in ophthalmology, as it has a beneficial effect on the retina and relieves eye fatigue. Therefore, it is especially useful for people who are forced to stay in front of a computer screen for a long time. Despite the high calorie content, linden honey has fat-burning properties and suppresses appetite. Therefore, it can be used by people who want to lose weight. But you should know that when heated above 43 degrees, a toxic carcinogen is formed in the product. Therefore, you should not add it to hot liquids (water, milk, tea), as some "healers" recommend.

    How to check linden honey for naturalness and quality?

    Floral natural honey is stored in a liquid state for no more than three months, after which it crystallizes, forming large almost white “grains”. If, in the fall, sellers offer a liquid product, then it is “fake” or has been cooked. A dark color indicates an increased content of flower honey. Scales will help to check the quality of products. If one liter of honey weighs less than 1350-1370 grams, then the honey contains various impurities or the humidity of the honey is broken and it will ferment during storage.

    Linden honey storage rules

    "Liquid gold" is able to retain its properties for several years, but only with proper storage. The temperature should be in the range from 6 degrees of frost to + 20C heat. If you leave flower honey at room temperature (over 20C), then vitamins will begin to break down. Humidity should be kept to a minimum as the product absorbs moisture and deteriorates. The best place for storage is the basement. But the refrigerator door will do.

    Video: How to check linden honey is natural or fake

    The best storage container is a dark glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. You can also use clay, enamel or ceramic dishes. You can not put honey in iron, galvanized and plastic containers, as well as enameled with chips. Beforehand, the dishes should be thoroughly washed (preferably with laundry soap) and dried well. Be sure to put honey in a dark place: the sun's rays destroy almost all useful substances. Do not place strong smelling substances next to it.

    The use of linden honey in cosmetologists

    Linden nectar is used for honey massage, added to baths, used for masks, compresses and body wraps. Thanks to it, skin color improves, wrinkles are smoothed, cellulite disappears, the skin becomes elastic and velvety, “bags” and dark circles around the eyes disappear, brittleness and delamination of nails are eliminated, hair becomes silky and elastic. After a course of honey masks, the face looks younger for several years.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    As a prophylactic, especially during influenza epidemics, honey and aloe are very popular. It is necessary to withstand the aloe leaf for 12 days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, and then squeeze the juice out of it. The resulting juice is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:2 and left for a week in the dark at room temperature. Drink the mixture in a tablespoon twice a day before meals for 10 days.

    • With severe cough you should knead the dough from "liquid gold", mustard, vegetable oil and flour. The resulting cake is placed on the chest area for the night.
    • With rhinitis 5-6 drops of a solution of honey diluted in beetroot juice are dripped into each nostril.
    • With bronchitis grind aloe leaves (5 pieces), add honey (20 grams), yolks (2) and Cahors wine (bottle). Taken inside.
    • For insomnia it is recommended to drink a mixture of honey (1.5 teaspoons) and lemon juice (half a teaspoon) before going to bed.
    • With conjunctivitis linden honey is diluted with warm water in equal proportions and the eyes are periodically rubbed.

    Contraindications and possible harm

    Despite the enormous benefits and therapeutic effect, "sweet amber" has some contraindications. You can not use it with individual intolerance and diabetes, children under three years old. You should limit the consumption of honey from linden during pregnancy. Men are not recommended to get carried away with healthy sweetness, as linden nectar contains a lot of female hormones. Also, do not exceed the daily dose. For adults, two tablespoons are enough, and for children - two teaspoons. With excessive use, it is possible to thin the stool, disturb the heart rhythm, increase blood sugar, and develop allergies.

    Recently added articles about bees and beekeeping:

    It happens that you go outside in the summer, and there is such a strong and bright aroma, it is not clear where it came from. And this is a linden blossom.

    Linden blooms only once a year, fragrant like honey. Its flowering does not last long, two to three weeks in late June - early July. Previously, the Slavs called the month when it blooms - lime. Today, Ukrainians and Belarusians call July linden, and Croats call it June with a similar word, their linden blooms earlier.

    Lime blossom has many useful and medicinal properties. No wonder this plant, its flowers and decoctions have long been used in folk medicine.

    And today we will learn how to make artificial honey. It can be boiled from linden flowers, elderberry, dandelions, mint. So, to prepare artificial linden honey, we need:

    • linden flowers - a three-liter jar of well-packed flowers
    • sugar - 3 liters
    • lemon - 1 half
    • water - 1.5 liters

    The process of making artificial linden honey

    First you need to pick linden flowers. We cut flowers from green branches, we try to get whole flowers without leaves into the jar. Tamp the picked flowers tightly into a three-liter jar.

    Transfer the flowers to a bowl. Fill them with water, be sure to close the lid tightly. Bringing to a boil, leave to cook over low heat for another 20 minutes.

    After turning off, let the flowers brew for another 20 minutes. Then we filter.

    The resulting broth should have the consistency of liquid jelly. Add sugar to the broth and again put it on a small fire. The syrup should languish for at least an hour and a half. We collect and remove the foam that stands out from above. As a result of mixing the broth with sugar, we get a jelly-like mass - this is normal.

    If you do not collect the foam during cooking, the honey will turn out to be cloudy, not transparent. We scroll half a lemon along with the zest in a blender (you can also use it in a meat grinder). In extreme cases, instead of lemon, you can take a teaspoon of citric acid.

    Acid performs an important function - it protects artificial honey from sugaring. We add lemon or acid to our syrup 1.5 hours after the start of its cooking. Then we simmer the almost ready honey for another 20 minutes.

    After cooking, you need to take out the pieces of lemon and strain the honey. Then we pour it into pre-prepared jars.

    The resulting artificial honey is very fragrant, it almost does not differ from the real one in color and consistency. And most importantly - it has a wide range of healing properties. For example, this honey is great for treating colds and coughs. We add a teaspoon or two to tea and we are treated with pleasure. It also has good preventive properties, it improves immunity. So it will be very useful to drink it in late autumn and winter, in the midst of various cold and flu epidemics.

    Linden is widely used in numerous traditional medicine recipes. And we have even better than just linden - delicious and fragrant medicinal honey. So - eat it for health and do not get sick!

    I propose to prepare fragrant linden honey at home. The color of this artificial honey, like that of real fresh May honey, is quite beautiful with a golden hue, and the aroma is not inferior. I would like to say that you can get pleasure not only from eating delicacies with a bun or pancakes, but also from the cooking process itself, starting with picking linden. This is due to the fact that during its flowering, a pleasant aroma is felt within a radius of several meters. Linden blooms for a fairly short period, so plan to collect it and prepare honey in advance.

    Linden flowers have not only aroma, but also useful and healing properties. Linden honey can be taken with confidence for coughs and colds, which is much more pleasant than pills. It will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth, besides, they can easily treat children. In all seasons, this honey can be used instead of sugar, as it is easily absorbed by the body.

    There are several options for making honey, but this one is the fastest in my opinion. There are also recipes where linden blossoms are infused in sugar syrup for several hours, and then boiled, but we will cook all the honey in an hour and a half.

    Linden honey recipe at home

    Dish: Desserts

    Time for preparing: 1 minute

    Total time: 1 minute


    • 1 cup linden blossoms
    • 250 g sugar
    • 125 ml water
    • 1 st. l. lemon juice

    Step by step recipe with photo

    Sugar and linden flowers are used in the same volume. For this honey and determining the exact amount of linden and sugar, it is necessary to densely fill the same container first with linden, and then with granulated sugar.

    How to make linden honey at home

    1. We wash the linden inflorescences, remove the leaves and dry them on a towel.

    2. Now we transfer them to a saucepan and fill with water. We put the container on medium heat, cover with a lid and boil after boiling for 20 minutes. During this time, the water turns into a fragrant linden decoction, which is similar in consistency to jelly.

    3. After that, leave the broth in the pan until completely cooled and infused for 20-30 minutes. Next, you will need a sieve or gauze, since it is necessary to separate the flowers from the syrup. We recline the linden on a sieve or gauze and let the whole broth drain. Now we will boil honey by adding granulated sugar to the pan with broth.

    4. Turn on a slow fire and cook honey for an hour, periodically collecting foam on the surface of the syrup.

    Before the end of cooking, add lemon juice. It will serve as an anti-crystallizer, otherwise the honey may become sugary. If there is no lemon juice, then you can use half a teaspoon of citric acid.

    Hot ready-made honey is still liquid, it will thicken after cooling, so do not overcook it, otherwise it will turn out not honey, but caramel.

    5. After readiness, honey can be left in a jar, served with tea, used as needed, or rolled up with lids. Such honey can become a delicacy for the whole winter, like jam.

    As a result of a rather simple, but a little painstaking process, we got artificial linden honey - very tasty, fragrant, and most importantly, healthy.

    Linden honey is a gift of nature, put vitamins and trace elements, it can cure colds and prevent serious diseases, become an assistant in the fight for, and also replace sweets during a diet.

    Linden honey is considered the most valuable among other varieties, and it has been used since ancient times. It is difficult to imagine a more valuable product, which for years has been collected by bees in a fragrant forest grove. Linden is the main source of product extraction among melliferous plants, its aroma cannot be confused with anything, often the tree grows in wild forests, where a person’s foot does not step every day. But with all this, the amount of nectar in its flowers exceeds that of any other flowering plants. Everyone likes the taste, and the healing properties make this variety the best remedy for traditional medicine.

    Linden honey is the first sweet known to man. In ancient times, honeycombs were found in the hollows of trees, among midges and caterpillars. Then people began to specially follow him into the forest, and in ancient Egypt this sweetness was considered almost a sacred product. They were even paid instead of gold or taxes. The Germans, Lithuanians, ancient Slavs have always been engaged in the study and extraction of healing sweetness, it has been repeatedly written about in written relics of Jewish culture.

    Interesting Facts:

    • Just one spoonful of linden honey contains 18 calories more than a spoonful of sugar
    • Only one kilogram of linden honey is collected by four million bees
    • The bee was a symbol of Napoleon's empire
    • Product found in the tomb of an ancient king can still be eaten
    • Initially, the name of the sweet came from an intoxicating drink.

    magic linden

    A rare tree whose flowers contain sweet and healing nectar. Bees carefully collect it, put it in honeycombs, where linden honey ripens and then becomes covered with wax. Experienced beekeepers believe that pure linden honey is practically impossible, since bees take nectar from more than one specific plant. If you move the hive to a forest with lindens, then the opportunity to get a real monofloral product increases. The yellow-white flowers of the tree are so fragrant and attractive that they attract not only bees, but also people, therefore, having tasted the sweetness obtained from this plant, connoisseurs receive no less pleasure. In addition, it is in the linden that there is salicylic acid, which relieves inflammation well.

    How to identify linden honey by color and taste

    In most cases, linden honey is transparent, with a light yellow tint. It can be amber in color if the tree grew in flower fields or in green groves with many plants. The taste of linden honey is especially sweet, even the present bitterness quickly disappears, and only a pleasant aftertaste remains. But the fragrant smell can be felt even before the sample, it is characteristic of real linden honey.

    Externally, linden honey is lighter than other varieties, so if you come to the market, you need to look for a product with a transparent, liquid consistency. By winter, linden honey always hardens, and in spring it turns into a white and thick product - this is a sign that all the useful substances have been preserved in it. Usually the variety is harvested in the middle of summer, especially the Far East. There are not so many lindens in Russia, the collection is mainly made in Adygea. But one tree allows you to collect up to 16 kilograms of sweetness.


    Linden product is sweet only because it contains almost 50 percent fructose and about 40 percent glucose. But excessive sweetness does not make it harmful due to the large amount of vitamins and mineral salts contained in it. Vitamins A, E, group B, essential oils and amino acids - all these substances enrich the composition of linden honey and make it irreplaceable and useful. Healing, nutritional value, nutritional value of linden honey is undeniable. It contains many enzymes such as: lipase, catalase, diastase, invertase. In addition, there are 15 percent water. In addition to fructose, levulose and glucose, organic and aromatic substances, cane sugar occupy their percentage.

    The benefits of linden honey

    Excellent aroma and taste are not the only advantages of linden honey. Linden honey can be used to treat diseases, relieve inflammation, and use it as a powerful antibacterial agent. If you collect everything, then the list will turn out to be worthy:

    • Antibacterial
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Sweatshops
    • Antipyretic
    • Cleansing
    • soothing
    • Firming
    • Healing
    • Healing
    • Angina
    • Bronchitis
    • Asthma
    • Tuberculosis
    • Tracheitis
    • Runny nose
    • Laryngitis
    • Eczema
    • Insomnia
    • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels
    • Gastrointestinal diseases

    In addition to all of the above, the sweet product perfectly whitens teeth, removes plaque in the throat and esophagus. If the sweetness is mixed with warm milk, you can get an excellent anti-stress remedy. It is not recommended to drink it with hot tea, as it is linden. There is no doubt that the use of linden honey will improve the functioning of the digestive system, strengthen immunity and improve mood. Even in the work of the gynecological system, it plays a positive role, improves metabolism, the work of the thyroid gland. You can cleanse the body not only with the help of a watermelon diet, but also by taking honey water.

    Linden honey in cosmetology and folk medicine

    The benefits of internal use of linden honey do not end there. In addition to the fact that all kinds of scrubs and compresses can be made from a sweet product, it can be applied in its pure form to wounds, cuts, burns, abscesses and inflamed places. With a cold, you can not only drink it with tea. A sweet product diluted with alcohol becomes a good cough compress, and moistened cotton can be used to wipe the skin.

    Ophthalmologists recommend using a sweet product for those who sit a lot at the TV or computer. If the eyes are inflamed, you can put cotton pads soaked in honey solution on the eyelids. Linden honey dissolved in water can be used to wash the eyes. Honey masks are useful as anti-aging agents, as the product is able to restore and revitalize cells, improve blood circulation, soften the skin, and make it elastic. If there is no allergy, you can make a scrub from linden honey, natural ground coffee, milk and cocoa. It will perfectly cleanse and soothe the skin before going to bed.


    Linden honey is divided into types depending on the area in which it was collected. The most famous is the Far Eastern and Bashkir species, since linden is much more common in these places than in Russia. The Bashkir variety is useful for older people, as it cleans blood vessels well, lowering cholesterol levels. The product in such places is considered environmentally friendly. Far Eastern is considered the most valuable of all other varieties, as it is mined in the mountains, where the air is the cleanest, there is no dust and dirt. The mountain variety is slightly different in color, it has a dark reddish tint.

    The crystallized white product can also be called a subspecies, but the sweetness with royal jelly, which is intended for feeding insect larvae, is a separate variety. It also effectively removes toxins, tones cells and strengthens the body's defense system, so it is especially recommended for children and young women.

    Comparison of linden and flower honey

    There is no single answer to the question “which honey is considered the best: flower or linden”. Both are to some extent responsible for a specific function. Flower works better for heart diseases, linden honey is more often used in cosmetology. But the benefits of both varieties are the same, the main thing is that the product is ripe.


    Not many people know that the storage of linden honey still has some rules. First of all, it should be clean dishes, ideally a wooden barrel, but not oak or coniferous. In the oak product it darkens, in the coniferous it blackens from the resin. Substances contained in sweets react with lead, zinc and copper, so dishes made from such metals should be avoided. The container should be tightly closed, stand in a dark, non-humid place away from chemicals and foreign odors. Normal temperature does not affect the quality of linden honey, but it has limitations - the product will lose its useful properties when the frost is below 20 degrees, and in a heated room with a temperature above 35 degrees.

    Knowing the composition, useful qualities, properly storing linden honey at home or at work, in many cases you can forget about the pharmacy. Since it has been proven that a sweet product also carefully preserves human health.