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  • Which is better: macbook or laptop? How I Changed Microsoft Windows to Apple Mac OS and Came Back Macintosh and Windows Comparison.

    Which is better: macbook or laptop?  How I Changed Microsoft Windows to Apple Mac OS and Came Back Macintosh and Windows Comparison.

    The topic of confrontation between Android and iOS or Mac and Windows is riddled on all sides by waves of righteously indignant haters of one or another ecosystem, but thousands of pages of forums and publications can put a person ignorant of technology in an even more difficult position. In this article, we will try to briefly describe the fundamental differences between computers based on Mac OS X and Windows.


    Naturally, when buying a computer, you need, first of all, to at least roughly determine the budget. The most affordable Apple computer at the moment (in the official Russian online store) is a Mac mini based on a dual-core Intel Core i5 processor (1.4 GHz), equipped with 4 GB of RAM, Intel HD Graphics 5000 and 500 GB HDD, the cost of a miniature desktop is almost 35 thousand rubles. The top Mac Pro, without going into details, will cost 762 thousand rubles.

    At the same time, among your acquaintances, there will surely be more than one person who can assemble more powerful Windows-based computers for the same money, or even two.

    However, the result of building a Windows PC is a set of components, in the case of a Mac, the user gets something more. What exactly - we will understand in the following paragraphs.

    If we talk about laptops, then here the price fluctuates not so much, although the preponderance is still on the side of the PC. The cost of Apple portable computers starts at 60 thousand rubles, for this money you can easily buy a premium segment Windows laptop.

    Design and quality

    In the case of the Mac, everything is very clear - Apple developers and manufacturing partners sometimes make mistakes, but their number does not amount to a fraction of a percent of the troubles that the owner of a computer manufactured by Dell, Asus, HP and other premium manufacturers, not to mention about B-brands. There is also no need to talk about design - this is Apple's trump card, with a few more up its sleeve.

    If you decide to buy a PC using, then you will certainly have to break your head in search of a compromise between functionality, price and design. A fierce competitive war in the middle and lower price segments is forcing manufacturers to save literally on everything, from case materials to product control. Of course, there are exceptions, but in general, according to this criterion, the apple company significantly outperforms its competitors.

    Operating system

    Breaking spears, proving the superiority of one ecosystem over another, is an absolutely thankless task, especially on the eve of the release of Windows 10, with which nothing is clear yet. Therefore, we will focus only on four myths that have probably been heard more than once by someone who decided to purchase a computer and did not decide on the operating system.
    Myth #1- Too few games and applications are released for OS X. In fact, in recent years, there has been a rapid decline in the PC market against the backdrop of a significant increase in Mac sales. Software developers cannot but respond to such changes and support this trend by offering users OS X and , often introducing them earlier than their counterparts for Windows.

    Myth #2- Viruses are not created for OS X. The situation is exactly the same as in the first paragraph. Yes, Apple regularly releases updates to its operating system, in which every now and then covers the vulnerabilities used by hackers. However, with the growing popularity of Macs, the amount of malware is increasing and virus protection is becoming more and more important.

    Myth #3- it is difficult to switch from Windows to Mac and vice versa. In fact, the transition from one ecosystem to another can be hampered by the fundamentally different approach of developers to the implementation of the interaction between the system and the user, but even for a beginner it will not be difficult to understand the interface and understand the basic principles of the new OS.

    Myth #4 Mac apps are very expensive. Indeed, to a domestic user who is accustomed to using pirated software for Windows, from the outside it may seem that OS X eats money like Hammer gasoline. However, the widespread fight against pirated software and the development of additional services for subscribers of licensed versions balance the scales.

    Service and Warranty

    The undoubted advantage of a PC in this regard is the ability to modify and replace any components of your device in every possible way, if we talk about desktop computers. Apple also allows for minimal updates to the Mac, but in general, maintainability and ease of replacement of components is not comparable to classic system units. In the case of laptops, the possibilities are approximately equal - experts do not recommend beginners to interfere with the operation of the computer further than replacing the battery.

    Apple Care warranty service has a much higher reputation than the certified service centers that Windows PC owners usually have to go to. However, given the lack of Apple Stores in the post-Soviet space, this advantage comes down, rather, to the possibility of obtaining high-quality online consultations.


    As is usually the case in such cases, everyone should make an unambiguous conclusion and make the final choice on their own. When choosing a computer, it is necessary to build on the tasks that will be solved with its help, as well as the available budget. An avid gamer is sure to need a powerful Windows PC with the ability to regularly replace components, a professional designer will most likely prefer a Mac, and a high-income student will pay for the glow of the apple logo in the MGIMO classrooms.

    These two operating systems have been at war for a long time. Some prove the charm of "apple" software, while others climb out of their skin, arguing in favor of Windows. There are still adherents of Linux, but we will not touch them.

    So why is Microsoft software more suitable for ordinary users? We found 10 reasons in favor of Windows. And here is the first of them.


    There are practically no games on Mac OS. Of course, you can install a virtual machine, install a toy there and enjoy. But this is a game with crutches, otherwise you will not say. And the Yabloko corporation does not want to attract developers from the gaming industry to port games to Mac OS.

    The same Windows 10 has a game mode in its functionality - the OS itself limits all background programs that are now unnecessary in resources. And all the released power is given to the game. Agree, this is much more convenient than manual cleaning of background applications.

    Hardware update

    Since we have already touched on the topic of games, it must be said about the configurations of the Macintosh and the usual system unit.

    You can update the system unit on Windows as soon as you want: add memory, change the video card to a more powerful one, completely rebuild from scratch on a new motherboard - all this is available to you at any time. The main thing is that there are enough funds for this. Games come out more and more demanding every year, component manufacturers also do not sleep, releasing updated or fundamentally new stuffing for the block. But this does not apply to laptops and monoblocks: things are no better here than with an apple gadget.

    But with an apple, such a number will not work for you. Adding RAM already causes serious difficulties, and you should not even stutter about something larger. And given the gluttony of new games, in 2-3 years the question will arise of replacing the current gadget with a newer one.

    Even without taking games into account, there are many equally voracious programs that need strong hardware. By the way, the system unit on Windows is 2 - 2.5 times cheaper than a similar configuration of Apple products. So think.

    System Compatibility with Peripherals

    Another cant of Mac OS is compatibility with various devices. Printers, scanners, Wi-Fi routers and many other office equipment are not always correctly detected by the Macintosh. And there are times when the system completely refuses to work with anything.

    Those devices for which Apple develops drivers on its own will work without problems.

    This situation is almost impossible on Windows. This OS won't detect a technique unless it's very old and very specific. And then, if there are drivers, there are very high chances that everything will work correctly.

    Working with program windows

    The Macintosh has a nasty feature of strangely expanding applications to full screen mode. For example, the browser may expand partially, cropping the window size to a specific page. The same goes for some other utilities. Weird logic. There is, however, the Magnet utility. For the program to work correctly, we recommend installing it on a clean operating system.

    On Windows, there is no such problem. Full screen mode is full screen mode.

    The choice of software for systems

    By the way, about the programs themselves. For Windows, a huge amount of software is simply available for every taste and for any task. You simply will not find such an abundance for Mac. Yes, you won't find it there. Even existing software is very often inferior in its functions to PC counterparts.

    The same Office that lives on the Mac is seriously inferior to the Microsoft giant. Although, this may not matter at all, since there are already many services running through the browser now. Files are stored in the cloud, and you can work with them from any device.

    There is one more thing: programs on apple technology eat more RAM than on Windows. Not much, but still.

    System Prevalence

    Apple installs Mac OS only on all-in-ones and laptops. There is iOS for smartphones and tablets. It would seem that everything is fine. But why not integrate Mac into mobile technology? Naturally, some of the functions will not be available due to a lack of hardware resources on the iPhone or iPad.

    And the guys from Microsoft are very actively putting their OS on mobile devices. The same Microsoft Surface is a direct confirmation of this, although its price tag is somewhat overpriced. And how many third-party mobile devices does Windows 10 use as OS? There are a lot of them and their number is growing. This is also helped by the development of atomic Intel and sufficiently powerful video chips.

    3D in OS

    With the development of technologies in the field of 3D and augmented reality, Microsoft very zealously began to introduce them into their systems.

    What about Apple? They have been feeding the people with promises for a long time, but there are no gestures in this direction. And if they do, to what extent?

    Summing up

    What is there to say? Windows PCs are much larger than Macs. And this applies not only to computers: there are plenty of smartphones and tablets on Windows 10.

    Here expanse for gamers, eyes run wide from the abundance of software. The upgrade is much faster and cheaper than that of apple products. Yes, and not everywhere at Yabloko you yourself can change the hard drive or RAM. And this means that you need to go to the service center.

    A heated debate may now begin about the fact that Mac OS is more secure, it is almost not afraid of viruses, etc. Actually, if you have a normal antivirus and a head on your shoulders, viruses are not very dangerous for Windows either. They may also begin to argue that by installing Boot Camp, you can use Windows programs. It is possible, but it is crutches again.

    About the speed of operating systems. It's all very subjective. There are quite a few who claim that Windows 10 is equal, if not better, in terms of speed and fluidity. Animation in both systems is on top.

    The personal opinion of the author of the article is as follows: the transition to apple products is not justified. Neither economically nor in terms of the range of software and games. If you just want to try something new, then install a virtual machine with Mac OS, and then decide whether it is worth the money or not.

    It's not news to anyone that leading manufacturers have learned how to make ultrabooks on Windows of sufficiently high quality, including relatively inexpensive models for a wide range of users. Microsoft's Surface Book is a clear confirmation of this - it's really worthwhile little thing.

    However, despite the price of 60 thousand rubles, it has some drawbacks even before the MacBook Pro 13 Retina released back in 2014. No wonder they say that if you start using Apple technology once, it’s already hard to change “apple” devices with devices from other brands.

    What is it that pushes many users to purchase a used Macbook instead of a new ultrabook on Windows?

    Operating system

    The main secret lies in the macOS operating system, which is incredibly beautiful, convenient and thought out to the smallest detail. Compared to it, Windows seems absolutely mediocre and tasteless. This is not to mention its infamous stability to constantly fail, slow down and freeze for no apparent reason.


    Programs developed for macOS are also well optimized. The fact that they work better and faster on weaker hardware speaks for itself. In addition, they fit perfectly into the Apple ecosystem honed in terms of functionality and design.


    The speed of Windows laptops degrades rapidly over time. What is the registry worth, which is constantly clogged with unnecessary garbage. On macOS, this will never cause a headache, since there is simply no such thing as a registry in Macs.


    The first thing a Windows laptop buyer does is download anti-virus software, which can't always keep up with the sheer amount of malicious software crammed into the world wide web.

    But catching such a pest on macOS is much more difficult, because there are much fewer viruses on Apple's OS. It is enough just to be careful and not download files from suspicious sites, while on Windows, in order to pick up a virus, you just need to go to such a site.


    Many people are repelled from purchasing a MacBook by the incompatibility of macOS with Windows programs and games that we are used to. But actually it's not a problem.

    Firstly, for macOS there are all the necessary programs, including not only office suites, but also specialized software for design, video editing, 3D modeling, etc., and they work better than on Windows.

    In addition, there is a special WINE application that allows you to install and run any Windows programs and it works quite correctly.

    When it comes to games, for macOS, like for Android, there are many simple, interesting and creative games. If this is not enough for you, then you can use the WINE emulator to run simple Windows games. Well, for heavy games, the MacBook is simply not intended, since in its thin, light and elegant case there is simply no place for a powerful video card, however, like in most other ultrabooks, which by and large are not intended for games.

    But there is another way that allows you to fully use applications and undemanding games for Windows. If you can't live without them, then you can install this OS on your MacBook. This is a great alternative for people who find it difficult to make a sharp transition, abandoning the usual software and favorite games. Apple has foreseen this possibility from the very beginning. Thanks to the Boot Camp application installed in each Macbook, Windows becomes like a native as a second system, and with all the necessary drivers.


    MacBooks, thanks to the universal platform on which all applications are developed, can cope with their tasks much longer than Windows laptops, applications and games for which are written as if you were buying a new, more powerful computer every year.

    The reason for this is the variety of hardware configurations of laptops and Windows computers, while software developers for macOS have to fit into a clear framework of a small number of MacBook hardware configurations, the programs on which should work fine.

    Thus, in technical terms, the MacBook becomes obsolete much more slowly and in a few years you can squeeze out much more from it than from a Windows laptop.

    Cost reduction

    Due to the slower obsolescence, Apple equipment loses little in price after 2-3 years of use. This is also facilitated by the high quality of the apple brand devices, which translates into a long service life.

    A used MacBook can be sold for 20-30% cheaper than a new one, while Windows-based devices lose their value by 2-3 times. Accordingly, by selling an old MacBook, you can report some money and buy a new or even better used one. This is another weighty argument why the technology of the "apple" giant is in such demand and more profitable than Windows laptops.


    Of course, the final choice is up to the user, and in no way did we want to offend the owners of ultrabooks on Windows, among which there are many excellent devices. Moreover, in recent years they have seriously tightened up in all respects.

    But, to be honest, it is worth noting that they are still a little short of Apple technology. Not surprisingly, every day there are more and more sites devoted exclusively to the sale of used Apple technology, such as MacBooks.

    Notebook Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air 13.3″
    Notebook Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air 13.3″

    In June, Apple introduced an improved line of laptops, including an updated MacBook Air. The latter received a minimal update in the form of a new processor - Intel Core i5 with a clock speed of 1.8 GHz. This update is rumored to be the last in the history of the MacBook Air line.

    The MacBook Air is considered one of the best value for money laptops on the market. In Russia, the model fell into the category of bestsellers among 13-inch models. If Apple really refuses to develop the series, it will be a real tragedy for Mac fans.

    Life columnist Pavel Gorodnitsky is sure that the MacBook Air remains the best laptop on the market in the segment under 70,000 rubles. In his opinion, there are 7 reasons why you should hurry up with the purchase of an “airy” Apple laptop:

    1. For three years of use, I never updated the OS, did not clean the memory, did not wear the MacBook for service and did not install special programs to optimize performance - in a word, I did nothing to speed up the computer. He worked extremely fast anyway - I never waited for him to freeze, glitches or other vile things that often pop up in Windows laptops. The MacBook Air is fantastically optimized - in all the time I rebooted it no more than ten times. And then only in those moments when it was just lazy to manually close applications.

    2. The MacBook Air feels like it charges from zero to 100 percent in about an hour. It saved me a couple of times: I connected the laptop to the outlet almost before going on the plane, and then I watched a movie or worked without thinking about the battery at all.

    3. Claimed 12 hours of battery life - a beautiful fiction, but eight or nine hours MacBook Air definitely gives out. This is enough to go on a two-day business trip and never take the charger out of the bag. In addition, the MacBook Air practically does not discharge if it is closed - in this mode, it takes about 5% per day. And the last fact about the battery: in 34 months, its actual capacity was reduced by only 25% and remained very decent.

    4. The MacBook Air, unlike the newer MacBooks, has USB ports. You can buy a laptop and use it right away, and not think about bulky and expensive adapters.

    5. MacBook Air is hyper compact. I felt it when I stuffed the 13-inch model into a vertical shoulder bag. The laptop fit almost completely (except that the zipper was not fastened) and did not cause the slightest discomfort. 1.35 kilograms were almost not felt - it seemed to me that I was carrying a large format book or a plump ream of paper in my bag, and not a full-fledged computer.

    6. There are ultrabooks focused exclusively on working in the browser and watching movies. At first, I thought that the MacBook Air was the same, but when it was necessary to edit the video, the laptop only got a little hotter than usual. The same situation with Photoshop: a slight increase in temperature, but no brakes. It really is enough for all tasks.

    7. Perhaps the most important point. The new MacBook Pro (2016) does not have a bullseye on the lid. The 12-inch MacBook does too. Accordingly, now the MacBook Air is the only current Apple laptop with the famous illuminated logo.

    The main problem is that, sending the MacBook Air to the grave, Apple CEO Tim Cook does not offer any reasonable alternative. He simply takes and refuses a universal and truly popular computer, leaving only gadgets from a different price category. The same 12-inch MacBook costs 75-80 thousand, and the modern MacBook Pro will cost 100,000 for the junior modification.

    First, Apple got people hooked on its OS with a budget laptop, and now macOS fans are faced with the hardest choice: they will either have to shell out money for top-end MacBooks, or return to Windows with their tail between their legs.

    In this story, the whole Apple of the era of Tim Cook. Unfortunately, now the task of the company is not to please users, but to monetize their loyalty as efficiently as possible.

    Many have heard about Mac computers that they are better than their Windows counterparts. Reasoning like this often lacks specifics, which is why in this article, we've put together 10 reasons that can motivate the ossified Windows user to switch to a Mac.

    10 Reasons to Forget Windows Forever and Switch to Mac OS X

    1. A single manufacturer of hardware and software

    Yes, this is Apple's main trump card and its path, chosen by Steve Jobs at the dawn of the company's founding. Of course, the way of licensing your OS to different hardware manufacturers is more economically profitable - and we saw this with the example of Microsoft. But when it’s not about profit, but about user convenience, Apple’s choice is better for everyone: and for users who don’t need to worry about program compatibility and don’t need to rush between the hardware manufacturer’s service center and the OS developer’s technical support if something doesn’t works.

    Apple from the very beginning used to keep everything in their hands

    One company is responsible for all the jambs in front of you - Apple. This is also convenient for the manufacturer himself - again, he does not need to worry about supporting the “Chinese” hardware unknown to the nature, he does not need to rack his brains in what unthinkable combinations a very competent user will come up with the idea of ​​​​connecting expansion boards and there is no need to release a million patches that correct the compatibility problem with some rare application.

    2. Autonomy of macbooks

    As strange as it may sound, OS X is much more energy efficient than Windows. This means that a computer running OS X consumes much less power. Here's the MacBook Air 13, released in the second half of 2013, it works right up to 12 hours - and this is without any “turn off everything you can, set the backlight to a minimum and sit still and not breathing in front of the screen”, but in normal mode. Yes, the 4th generation Intel Core processors that make new Macs use less power than 3rd and 2nd generation (and earlier ones, of course), but it's not just that: Haswell PC laptops are already out , but they still work for 5-7 hours.

    In terms of autonomy, Apple computers are always ahead

    But even if you're only interested in desktop computing, there's a benefit to using a Mac: When this author upgraded his Windows desktop PC to a Mac mini, his one-room apartment's power consumption dropped by a quarter.

    Moreover, Mac mini is not some kind of computer stub, as some people think, but a full-fledged desktop on full-fledged desktop processors. Unless, the graphic system is typical.

    3. Versatility

    Sometimes it happens that you need to use several operating systems on one computer. And do not think that this need arises only among Linux users and Mac users. The author of these lines at a previous job was faced with the fact that an employee was required to work on both Windows and Mac. And if working with Windows on a Mac is easy, then the opposite situation causes a lot of problems.

    Even a grandmother can easily master Mac OS X

    Of course, there are virtual machines for any system. But as effective as Parallels Desktop - only for Mac. You can work with any Windows applications as if they were written for Mac. But on Windows this is not the case. Well, which system is now more functional?

    By the way, the myth about the limitations of OS X is just a myth. Often people talking about some kind of banal fencing in OS X confuse this operating system with iOS.

    4. It's Unix

    The OS X kernel is called XNU, and XNU is essentially FreeBSD, a Unix-like operating system just like GNU/Linux, for example. Operating systems called Unix-like are characterized by increased stability and high performance due to optimal interaction with computer resources. Plus, any Unixoid or Linuxoid will feel right at home running OS X's "Terminal".

    5. Cheap and high quality software

    When you install Windows for yourself (or buy a Windows computer), what programs do you have at your disposal besides the OS itself? Well, there is Notepad, Clock, WordPad, Calculator... There is also a set of programs of the Windows Live family (Windows Live Movie Maker, Windows Live Mail) that expand the functionality of the computer, but not many of them really want to be left, and you need to install them separately, spend on it time.

    In general, Apple believes that the user should not spend their time setting up a computer - and we completely agree with this. "Computer work" is not "computer work". The user needs to write texts, read and analyze data, compose music, draw, edit videos, and not install programs and patches and not delve into configuration files.

    To get more out of a Windows computer, you need to install additional software, some of which costs a lot of money. For example, if you want to seriously engage in music, you will have to purchase some Cubase for more than 800 dollars. If photography: Lightroom for 5500 thousand rubles and Photoshop for 22 thousand rubles. It's kind of pricey.

    On applications for Mac OS X you will not go broke

    Office applications are also expensive. The minimum set of Microsoft Office will cost from two and a half thousand rubles, or 250 rubles per month for a subscription.

    But if you're buying a Mac, things are different. Only by turning on the computer, you get the opportunity to use both a full-fledged office suite from Apple and the Garage Band music application (which, in fact, is enough in many cases, but if you need more - Logic Pro, a full-fledged music studio with a large set of high-quality effects, virtual instruments and presets costs only $200). There is also an iMovie video editor, the functionality of which cannot be compared with the unpretentious Windows Live Movie Maker. Moreover, all this is already installed on your computer and ready to go.

    Additionally, you can buy (literally in two clicks in the Mac App Store) a batch RAW converter, in combination, an Aperture cataloger - only 2500 rubles, which is more than two times cheaper than the similar Lightroom. And the Pixelmator application, which will be enough for the vast majority of Photoshop "masters", will cost only a thousand rubles.

    Unfortunately, stealing applications under OS X is also usually easier than under Windows - apparently, there are more honest people among OS X users. On the other hand, what's the point of spending money on the development of serious protection against pirates, if even a student can afford most of the necessary programs?

    6. Single logical interface

    Microsoft still can't seem to decide which is better: the newfangled tiled Metro or the classic Desktop. Users suffer from this: as soon as you get used to the tiles, as soon as you launch an application that does not support Metro, you have to return to the old one. It is especially inconvenient for tablet users: in the classic interface, working with your fingers is sheer torment.

    OS X doesn't have this problem. Apple didn't mix things up: a tablet is a tablet. It runs mobile iOS and is controlled by fingers. And a PC is a PC, it has an “adult” OS X with a familiar graphical interface: cursor, windows.

    The Mac OS X interface can be taught as a logic textbook

    Do not think that we are against innovation - perhaps someday computers will also have a touch interface. It is even possible that Apple will also release such PCs. But it should be a thoughtful interface, such that if not any application, then at least 90% of all programs support it.

    By the way, a single top menu bar for all programs in OS X is also a very convenient thing. All settings are always in one place.

    7. Updates

    OS X, unlike Windows, will never say when shutting down or, more importantly, when turning on the computer: “Hey user, I don’t care about your business, I need to update here, so wait a minute. Or 10 minutes. Or half an hour, you get the idea, right? Go for a walk". Of course, automatic Windows updates can be disabled, but why, because having an always up-to-date OS is convenient and safe?

    Most OS X updates are installed in the background and don't even require a reboot. And if a reboot is still required, the OS will ask if you want to do it right now or wait until you complete your work.

    After all, the OS is for the user, not the other way around.

    8. You can forget about viruses

    No, of course, companies that make money selling antiviruses will scare you: you, the user, will not be able to feel safe anywhere! You are attacked by malicious viruses from all sides on both OS X and iOS, and even your Casio electronic watch is not protected from an evil infection!

    Antivirus companies can be understood: the growth of the PC share is gradually declining, while the growth of the Mac share is rapidly increasing. This is where they panic. Only, firstly, the official representatives of these companies often act rudely, calling any malicious program a virus, although they themselves know very well (they should know if they are really specialists, and not impostors) that this is not so. It's just that people are used to being afraid of viruses, which is why they use this terrible word.

    Evgeny Kaspersky is very satisfied so far

    And secondly, there was, in fact, only one epidemic on OS X, and it struck a relatively small percentage of computers, or rather, even one subnet. By the way, experts from antivirus companies are also well aware that it is necessary to measure not the number of infected computers (in that history there were about half a million of them - this is also scary), but the number of infected subnets. But they will never tell you this either and will poke this already old story, convincing them not to postpone the transition to a Mac, but to get a license for an antivirus. Well, let's say for a year. And then renew the license.

    So - go to Mac and forget about viruses and antiviruses. Let your OS X always receive the latest updates (after all, this will not bother you at all, as we have already found out) - and Apple will take care of you. Because, unlike Microsoft, she has no one to blame, in which case the user will come to complain to them.

    9. Expensive Mac? Cheap Mac!

    There is another myth that Apple computers are expensive. People who believe in this myth have either not studied the market themselves, or they believe that a computer consists of a processor, a hard drive, a motherboard, and memory sticks. And the screen (if we are talking about a laptop), the battery, the case - all this, it seems, does not matter.

    Well, maybe someone really doesn't care what size a laptop or desktop PC is, how much it weighs, what quality the screen is, and how it all looks, after all. But no matter what the user's priorities are, everything costs money - there's no getting around it. Two different computers with the same performance will cost different money if one of them is smaller. Compactness costs money because so many computer nodes (the same hard drive) take up a lot of space. Cramming all this into a compact case so that nothing overheats is not so easy - this is a serious task for engineers who need to be paid money. And if a company is not satisfied with the first solution that comes across, like Apple, and it is ready to revise the concept over and over again until it reaches optimal, close to ideal, proportions, this also costs money.

    When looking for an alternative to the MacBook, you need to stock up on patience and money.

    When you buy a car, it is not only the engine that matters, and not only the presence of a built-in audio system. Silence, convenience, design - all this costs money. Everyone understands perfectly well why two cars that develop the same maximum speed can differ in price by almost an order of magnitude. It's the same with computers.

    If you try to find the MacBook Air's competitors across the board, you'll find that those competitors cost as much as the MBA itself, if not more. And you won’t find competitors for the MacBook Pro and iMac in terms of price, performance and dimensions. Some manufacturers (we won't point fingers again) are selling huge, heavy boxes for the price of an iMac, with a much lower quality screen.

    And do not think that the desire to buy a beautiful computer - "show-off". Why buy beautiful furniture, beautiful wallpapers, high-quality and cute kitchen sets for home - these are not “show-offs”, but a computer is “show-offs”? Is it really worth spending a lot of money on beautiful furniture, so that later among this furniture there is a computer that looks like an ancient toolbox?

    10. Ecosystem

    We left the most obvious for a snack. The author of these lines has many acquaintances who use Apple products only for the sake of the ecosystem. Even if the other arguments in favor of the Mac did not convince you, then this one is simply a must.

    All Apple devices have a similar design, principle of operation, and most importantly - they perfectly interact with each other literally at the touch of a button and completely wirelessly. For example, you can easily connect to the Macbook desktop next to your iMac and transfer files from one desktop to another as if it were one computer. And portable devices: iPod, iPad and iPhone can also be synchronized with a computer by pressing one button. Just mark what songs, movies and programs you want to see on your device.

    All Apple devices are extremely easy to integrate with each other.

    Of course, there are some analogues of such an ecosystem under Windows, but, alas, everything is far from being so thought out there, and in order to make it all work, sometimes you need to press not one, but a lot of buttons. I also constantly “google” on the Internet - which button to press, otherwise I did everything according to the instructions, but it does not work. Yes, and Microsoft itself is constantly changing decisions: it releases the Zune for synchronization, then it replaces it with the Windows Phone application.

    Android is even more complicated: the ecosystem exists, but the best integration of “android phones” is achieved only with the Chrome OS operating system, which, by the way, we recently wrote about.