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  • New military doctrine of Ukraine - Russia is recognized as the enemy! We were getting alive: the military doctrine of Ukraine: Russia is the enemy.

    New military doctrine of Ukraine - Russia is recognized as the enemy! We were getting alive: the military doctrine of Ukraine: Russia is the enemy.

    Poroshenko said that a plan of defense reform will be presented by Thursday, which will end with the creation of a military doctrine by December 15.

    The main innovation in the defense doctrine, apparently, will proceed from the fact that Russia is Ukraine's military adversary.

    The new goal-setting completely changes the current military doctrine, according to which Ukraine is a non-aligned neutral state. Since there is an enemy, it is meaningless to talk about neutrality. This means that Ukraine will look for allies - and in this case it has no one other than NATO.

    This means that a movement is beginning to expand NATO and its final exit to our borders - practically along the entire western border, with the exception of Belarus. In this case, Belarus generally finds itself in full coverage.

    We are not yet talking about the fact that Ukraine will necessarily join NATO by December 15 (although it is quite possible that this option has the right to exist). However, Ukraine's readiness for any form of cooperation presupposes giving its entire territory to the full ownership of NATO military structures. To put it bluntly, first of all, the United States.

    In fact, with regard to Russia, the United States came close to implementing the doctrine of Alfred Mahen, developed at the end of the 19th century. Its meaning in a concentrated form is that, having ensured supremacy at sea, it is necessary to move as close as possible to the resource continental countries, encircling them with a hostile environment and creating a threat to strike anywhere that could not be repelled. This blow should be combined with the threat of a complete blockade of the trade of this resource country, which will be very easy for the owner of the world's oceans (and therefore world trade).

    Some things have changed since the late 19th century, but the goal remains the same. The blockade combined with the threat of an irresistible direct strike is the essence of Mahen's concept. If you look at what is happening today, then total sanctions and a threat to trade relations, combined with the removal of NATO military bases directly to the Russian border, is a reflection of the admiral's views american Navy... The last phase of preparation for the ultimatum to be presented to Russia.
    Losing Ukraine, Russia is heading towards military and political defeat, which will end with the forced dismemberment of the country and its balkanization, that is, the creation of a number of warring territorial entities competing for America's favor by transferring all its resources to it under control, which is the ultimate goal of the entire American policy towards Russia.

    There is not the slightest sense in large-scale rearmament projects or economic reformsif the main thing is not ensured - the security of the country. It doesn't matter how many queens you have on the board, if your king is locked in a corner in a state of perpetual check or checkmate in one move. Ukraine is the key to Russia's security, and the reform of the military doctrine declared by Poroshenko is a disaster for us. A catastrophe that leads to an alternative: either an admission of defeat, or a war in the most disadvantageous situation.

    The people who planned Russia's policy in the Ukrainian direction are either deliberately leading things to disaster, or are incompetent. All "cunning plans" and multi-step operations lose their meaning if the forces of the first strike are located near Kharkov, Poltava, Sumy.

    It should be understood that the preparation of the military doctrine of Ukraine is attributed to the end of the 15th year because the United States needs to plan its actions and its plans for combat use in response to such a gift of fate that it has been preparing for so long. After that, this plan will form the basis of the doctrine of Ukraine. It is absurd to assume that Poroshenko, after the military disaster of August 14, from which his friends from Moscow saved him, is capable of independent actions against Russia.

    We naively consider yesterday's "Peace March" in Moscow to be a passage of a marginal get-together - and it is America that trains its future policemen for the "Victory Parade". Which she will definitely carry out if this policy continues. Without even hiding, it was announced who would be the Gauleiter in Moscow. And his former employees and comrades are waiting for him there, preparing with all their might for a triumphant return.

    The new Military Doctrine of Ukraine officially states that the military adversary of Ukraine is the Russian Federation, and sets the task of redeploying military units and formations and creating an appropriate military infrastructure in the eastern and southern regions, President Petro Poroshenko said, opening the discussion at the NSDC of the new edition of the military doctrine of Ukraine.
    “All current threats and military challenges, unfortunately, are associated with Russia. And they are all long-term. Conscious or unconscious rejection of Ukraine's independence is so deeply rooted in the mentality of the Russian political elite that it will not go anywhere in the historical perspective, ”the Head of State said.
    "False military doctrine, which was built on the expectation of an attack from the West, which we inherited from the Soviet Union, has not been rebuilt in 24 years, "the President said, adding that during the Yanukovych era, a liquidation commission from Russian agents was simply working, which was stuffed with Ukrainian army and the Ukrainian special services, which identified and destroyed the last pockets of combat capability in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
    The head of state noted that the army was re-created within a year: "We have created a new and modern army."
    The novelty of the military doctrine, according to the President, lies in the rejection of the non-aligned policy and the restoration of the strategic course towards Euro-Atlantic integration, in the shift of emphasis in the conduct of military conflicts to the integrated use of military and non-military instruments: economic, political, information-psychological. “This fundamentally changes the nature of the armed struggle. This is, in fact, what we call a hybrid war, ”said Petro Poroshenko.
    The program recognizes that in the "medium term, Ukraine will use its own capabilities first of all."
    But, the President noted, the theme of Euro-Atlantic integration, the need to bring our entire defense-military system in line with NATO standards, and the achievement of membership criteria, runs like a "red thread" throughout this strategic document. The task is to ensure full compatibility of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the corresponding forces of the NATO member states by 2020.
    According to the Head of State, now both Ukraine and NATO are not yet ready to raise the issue of membership, but there is a decision of the 2008 Bucharest summit, which notes that "the doors are open."
    “During the final editing, I insist to write down clearly and without unnecessary diplomacy that the Military Doctrine presupposes the achievement of not only criteria, but also full-fledged membership of Ukraine in NATO,” Petro Poroshenko stressed.


    "The new military doctrine not only officially states that the military enemy of Ukraine is the Russian Federation, but also sets the task of redeploying military units and formations, and creating an appropriate military infrastructure."
    Global Look Press

    The National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine approved and proposed to President Petro Poroshenko for approval a draft of a new version of the country's military doctrine. In the document, among other things, Russia is defined as the main military adversary of Ukraine, as stated on the official website of the NSDC.

    "The military doctrine of Ukraine is a conceptual document that analyzes the essence and nature of modern military conflicts, defines the principles and ways of preventing their occurrence, preparing the state for the threat of a military conflict, using military force to protect state sovereignty, territorial integrity, and other vital national interests," said in a statement by the press service of the department.

    In addition, it is reported that the military doctrine "is based on the National Security Strategy of Ukraine and is the basic document of defense planning and the basis for the development of concepts and state programs for reforming and developing the Armed Forces, other military formations, weapons and military equipment, and the military-industrial complex."

    The department stressed that the draft doctrine has already passed public discussion with the involvement of both representatives of the authorities state power Ukraine and experts from non-governmental organizations, as well as foreign advisors accredited at the NATO office in the country.

    The new military doctrine of Ukraine "defines the Russian Federation as a military adversary of Ukraine and the conditions for the liberation of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine; comes out of the high probability of large-scale use of military force against Ukraine as the main threat to Ukraine's national security in the military sphere; confirms the rejection of the non-aligned policy and the restoration of the strategic course towards the Euro-Atlantic integration ".

    The ministry's message also emphasizes that the NSDC supported the proposals of the government of Ukraine and the SBU and decided to expand the list of legal entities and individuals of the Russian Federation and other countries against which sanctions are applied. "These persons carry out terrorist activities, participate in the financing of terrorism or other support of this criminal activity, as well as in violation of international law, support the annexation of a part of the territory of Ukraine by the Russian Federation," the statement says.

    The NSDC leadership explained this step "by the need for an effective response to the ongoing armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, its assistance and financing of terrorist activities, which led to a violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, the rights and freedoms of its citizens, the temporary occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine, numerous human casualties, entailed real and potential threats to national interests, national security and sovereignty of Ukraine. "

    President of the country Petro Poroshenko, speaking at a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council on Wednesday, said that the new military doctrine will reflect the task of redeploying military units and creating a military infrastructure in the east and south of Ukraine, Interfax reports.

    "The new military doctrine not only officially states that the military enemy of Ukraine is the Russian Federation, but also sets the task of redeploying military units and formations and creating an appropriate military infrastructure in the eastern and southern regions," he explained.

    Poroshenko also noted that all the current military threats and challenges for Ukraine, "unfortunately, are now associated with Russia, and all of them, unfortunately ... are of a long-term nature."

    On Monday, the President of Ukraine, during an emergency television address to the people in connection with the riots near the building of the Verkhovna Rada during the vote for amendments to the constitution, said that if the Russian side does not fulfill its obligations under the Minsk agreements, an extension of both personal and sectoral sanctions against Russia.

    "If Moscow does not come to its senses, personal sanctions against persons involved in the Anschluss of Crimea and the occupation of Donbass will be extended in the fall, and sectoral economic sanctions will also be extended early next year," Poroshenko promised.

    President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko approved a new version of the military doctrine of Ukraine, which is based on protection from aggression from Russia, the return of control over Crimea and the entire Donbass, as well as preparations for joining NATO.

    The military doctrine of Ukraine is a system of views on the causes, essence and nature of modern military conflicts. The document is fundamental for the defense of the state against current threats. The provisions of the doctrine are put into effect by presidential decree and are taken into account in the development of bills, regulations, instructions and plans in the defense sector.

    The new document, which will determine the development of the security sector for decades to come, consists of 69 points, each of which provides forecasts for all spheres of state life, domestic and foreign policy, as well as defines ways to address all emerging threats, defines a system of necessary actions at all levels of defense country. editors highlighted the key provisions of the document, combining them into 10 theses.

    1. Global trends. The doctrine lists existing and prospective conflicts in different regions of the world between different powers. They also mention the raw material struggle and challenges for Ukraine in this regard, conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, the growing tension between the US and Russia, the weakening of international institutions, the renewal of the "language of power" in relations between states, including in a hybrid form.

    2. Threats from Russia. Special operations and provocations, staging of artificial separatism, the growing number of troops and the modernization of the army, the destabilizing policy of Moscow towards Ukraine, the European Union and NATO, the refusal of the Russian Federation from international obligations and treaties, increased espionage against Ukraine, hacker attacks, threats in the economy, energy, information field. In general, the Russian Federation for the statehood of Ukraine is the only and main military threat as a country occupying Crimea and part of Donbass. Also among the threats is Russia's constant interference in Ukraine's internal affairs, mainly with the aim of preventing Ukraine's integration into the EU and NATO.

    3. Scenarios for Moscow. Threats to the military security of Ukraine can be realized according to the following scenarios: full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation with the conduct of land, aerospace, and sea operations; special operations, including under the guise of "peacekeeping forces" without a UN Security Council mandate; blockade of seaports, coast or airspace of Ukraine; an armed conflict within the country, inspired by Moscow; armed conflict on the border; acts of terrorism and sabotage; kidnapping and contract killings of statesmen and public figures, foreign diplomats (with the aim of provoking a war or international complications).

    4. Potential consequences. The doctrine contains a list possible consequences for Ukraine from certain threats if they are realized. The scenarios are different - from a partial loss of control over individual territories to a complete loss of statehood (in fact, the goal of the doctrine is to clearly see and name these threats, and to take measures to ensure that the worst scenarios are never realized).

    5. Allies of Ukraine.The doctrine notes that Ukraine can rely primarily on its own forces. Partners and allies include the United States, NATO countries and the European Union. Integration into the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance are the main foreign policy goals of Ukraine, according to the doctrine. By 2020, Ukraine must fully meet NATO criteria. In the doctrine, Ukraine directly undertakes the obligation to conduct fighting in accordance with NATO standards. In general, the topic of NATO in one form or another is assigned to about 20 points of doctrine. The basis of Ukraine's security is strengthening state institutions in this area: special services, the army, intelligence and counterintelligence, counter-propaganda, the development of the military-industrial complex and specialized training centers and institutes. In addition, cooperation with allies in the development of military technology is another important component of the doctrine.

    7. Innovations. Ukraine reserves the right to fight the enemy by any means, including striking the enemy on its territory; Ukraine allows special operations on enemy territory; Ukraine reserves the right to use force - against the aggressor and occupier of Russia - with the aim of restoring territorial integrity; The main situational center of Ukraine will become the material and technical base for managing the country's security and defense sector.

    8. Vulnerabilities. They come from the list of main tasks: it is necessary to resume the development of the economy, fight corruption, develop the political space within Ukraine, democracy and freedoms, strengthen the institutions of power, improve the army (including territorial defense), strengthen and improve Ukraine's capabilities to repel aggression from Moscow in the informational, economic, political spheres and so on.

    9. Areas of responsibility. The doctrine defines the areas of responsibility of each structure in the field of Ukraine's security. Each structure has an extended explanation. In short: APU - protection from direct enemy attacks. MFA - protection of all national interests of the country at the diplomatic level. National Guard - the fight against terrorism, territorial defense. Border Service - fighting border conflicts, protecting the border, fighting terrorism, smuggling, and so on. SBU - the fight against terrorism, counterintelligence, countering intelligence and subversive activities of foreign services. Foreign Intelligence Service - the production of intelligence information, the implementation of special measures to influence and counter external threats to national security in all spheres of state life. Ministry of Internal Affairs - the fight against crime and so on.

    10. Money and obligations. The defense sector should receive at least 3% of GDP. According to the doctrine, the document is the basis for the preparation and adoption of military-political, military-strategic, military-economic and military-technical decisions. Military doctrine must be taken into account in the development of defense concepts and programs. The President, NSDC, Cabinet of Ministers, Parliament and other authorities are obliged to implement the doctrine in accordance with their powers determined by the Constitution and laws. The provisions of the document will be adjusted depending on the current changes in Ukraine and the world.

    Image copyright Reuters Image caption Ukraine should not wait for a fully professional army yet

    President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko approved a new version of the military doctrine of Ukraine, which is based on protection against aggression from Russia, the return of control over Crimea and the entire Donbass, as well as preparation for joining NATO.

    A significant part of the document, which was approved by the National Security and Defense Council on September 2, is dedicated to the recognition of the fact of Russian aggression and the reformatting of Ukraine's defense to confront the Russian Federation.

    In addition, the Ukrainian army is awaiting reform so that by 2020 the armed forces meet NATO standards and that the country is ready to join the North Atlantic Alliance.

    However, Ukraine should not wait for a fully professional army.

    Russia is the enemy

    Image copyright UKRINFORM Image caption Ukrainian army hopes to meet NATO standards by 2020

    Russia is repeatedly called the aggressor in the document, therefore the Russian Federation is recognized in it as a "military enemy of Ukraine."

    The Kremlin officially denies information about its participation in the conflict in Donbass, and calls the annexation of Crimea "the return of the peninsula."

    Nevertheless, the authors define the reflection of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and the restoration of the integrity of the state as the main goal of Ukraine's military policy.

    The doctrine separately states that Russia is waging an information war, so Kiev must prepare an appropriate information response - in the Donbass, in Crimea, as well as in the international arena.

    The draft identifies possible scenarios of a conflict with Russia, in particular, a full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation with land, air and sea operations.

    The doctrine does not exclude the threat of Russia's potential deployment of nuclear weapons in Crimea, as well as the use of the Russian military contingent in Transnistria to destabilize the situation in southern Ukraine. A separate threat is the buildup of military groups near the Russian-Ukrainian border and the creation of military bases there.

    Moving to NATO

    Image copyright AP Image caption The current size of the army may remain at the "achieved level"

    Ukraine's priorities include reforming the army to achieve operational and technical compatibility with NATO military forces.

    One of the conditions for the restoration of territorial integrity is called the reform of the security system to a level acceptable for membership in the EU and NATO.

    And by 2020, according to the doctrine, cooperation with NATO should reach the level of full compatibility of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with NATO forces.

    The doctrine presupposes the rejection of non-aligned politics, which is replaced by the desire for membership in the EU and NATO, but the dates of a possible entry into the alliance are not indicated.

    Moreover, in the medium term, Ukraine intends to "use its own capabilities" to ensure sovereignty.

    Army reform

    In accordance with the doctrine, the current size of the defense forces and the number of weapons in peace can remain at the "achieved level".

    Image copyright EPA Image caption Updating weapons and military equipment is one of the priorities of the new doctrine

    The plans include the renewal of weapons and military equipment and the purchase of "fundamentally new models."

    The development of forces carrying out special operations and meeting NATO standards in this area is called a priority. Emphasis is also placed on the development of communications and military intelligence systems.

    It is also planned to revise the places of deployment of military units and formations of the armed forces of Ukraine, taking into account the strengthening of the permanent military presence in the eastern and southern regions. This could lead to the redeployment of units from the west of Ukraine to the east.

    Separately, the importance of the development of the Ukrainian military industry in cooperation with Western countries and the need to replace the production chains of the military-industrial complex, which were previously tied to Russia, were noted.

    The new military doctrine does not contain clear indications of the transition of the army in the future exclusively to the contract form.

    "A gradual increase in the number of contract servicemen in combat military units," the document says instead.

    The new Ukrainian military doctrine stipulates that total defense spending should be at least 3% of the country's GDP.