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  • 1c 8.3 enterprise accounting 3.0. Accounting info

    1c 8.3 enterprise accounting 3.0.  Accounting info

    In 2012 1C companyreleased the basic version of the config"Accounting of the enterprise" revision 3.0. The new edition contains many changes designed to make the work with the program easier and more convenient. Let's take a closer look at these changes.

    Major innovations

    1) Interface"Enterprise accounting" has become more visual (Fig. 1). The transition to a particular section of accounting is carried out using the icons on section panels.

    Rice. 1. Interface "1C: Accounting 8" version 3.0.

    The composition of the sections, as well as the order of their reflection in the program window, can be easily configured in accordance with the wishes of users and the peculiarities of the enterprise (Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2. Setting up the panel of sections in "1C: Accounting 8" rev. 3.0

    Each section displays navigation bar with a list of directories and documents, which, like the section panel, can be easily changed by removing references to document types that are not used in work.

    Editing is provided for action bars... From a list of commands and reports, you can select the most frequently used and place them in the action pane.

    2) All objects in the database now have internal links... Having received such a link by e-mail, the user can quickly find the document he needs in the database.

    3) Created documents can be opened as in separate windows, and in the general window, but in separate tabs.

    4) Using the "History" button, you can view the list of recently created and edited documents (Fig. 3).

    Rice. 3. Viewing the list of recently created or edited documents "1C: Accounting 8" version 3.0.

    5) When posting documents, the program checks the correctness of filling in its details, and, if an error is made somewhere, indicates in which field this error is, and what it consists of (Fig. 4).

    Rice. 4. Checking the correctness of filling out the documents in "1C: Accounting 8" version 3.0.

    6) Sections "Salary" and "Personnel" that were present in the previous edition separately from each other, in revision 3.0 combined into one section "Employees and Salary"... All personnel changes (hiring, moving, firing) are now introduced not by separate documents, but in the employee's card. Orders for personnel are also printed from the employee's card.

    7) Calculation of salaries, personal income tax and insurance contributions is carried out in one document... In version 3.0, transactions for personal income tax and insurance premiums are generated automatically when calculating salaries.

    8) The new edition has means to protect personal data in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data". The program monitors calls to personal data of employees stored in the infobase (Fig. 5). The list of data, access to which is recorded by the system, is set in the program settings.

    Rice. 5. Registration of access to personal data in "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0.

    In addition, in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-FZ, the program generates a document "Consent to the processing of personal data", and the text of the document is available for editing in the program itself (Fig. 6).

    Rice. 6. Creation and editing of the document "Consent to the processing of personal data"

    in "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0.

    9) Version 3.0 provides function view-only database access, without the possibility of editing it. To do this, a new user is created in the configurator mode, to whom the database is provided in the "read-only" mode. This function will be useful for audits. As a result, the auditor can independently view all the accounting information he needs, without distracting the accountant from work, and the accountant will be calm about the safety of the data.

    10) Long-term operations (closing a month, generating some reports) can now be performed in the background. This is definitely important in terms of saving time.

    11) Finally, the MOST IMPORTANT difference between revision 3.0 and revision 2.0 is the ability to work via the Internet according to the modelSaaS(Software -as -a -Service). For work, it is not required to install the platform and infobases on the user's computer. The program is launched through a web browser from the website of the provider of such a service.

    Thus, you can work in the program from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. It is convenient, profitable, safe and in line with the latest trends in the development of the information technology services market.

    Functionality "1C: Accounting 8" version 3.0 takes into account all the latest changes in legislation related to accounting and tax accounting.

    Features of the transition to revision 3.0

    According to the information letter of the company "1C" No. 16076 dated December 29, 2012, the basic version of "Enterprise Accounting" revision 3.0 is provided FREE OF CHARGE for registered users of software products:

    - "1C: Accounting 8. Basic version",

    - "1C: Accounting 8 OEM",

    - “1C: Accounting 8.0. Basic version ",

    - "1C: Accounting 8.0 OEM",

    - "1C: Entrepreneur 8",

    - "1C: Simplified 8".

    The transition to the new edition is carried out as an update to version 2.0 in the configurator mode. The 1C company recommends using the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform version 8.2.16 and higher for this.

    No doubt it is the most complete course in Accounting that I met ...

    Particularly interesting for me was the chapter “ Commission trading"And a block on accounting of fixed assets.

    Well helped me pass the exam successfully for a Specialist-consultant in "1C: Accounting 8".

    “Without a doubt, this is the most complete course on“ 1C: Accounting ”that I have come across, and this applies not only to the part of accounting implementation by means of the software product“ 1C Accounting 8 ”, rev. 3.0, but also to the theory of accounting. The teacher explained in great detail various nuances both from the point of view of accounting theory and from the point of view of implementing this in the program. Particularly interesting for me was the chapter "Commission Trade" and the block on accounting for fixed assets.

    I liked the theoretical part of the material very much. Since I am not an accountant, it was in this area that I had certain knowledge gaps. This course helped to form a complete impression of accounting, as seen from the point of view of 1C methodologists.

    I believe that at this time, with the abundance of information, it is difficult to find a really useful course that can expand your knowledge base. In some courses, half of what you already know, in others - that which will never be useful to you, and this course was interesting from beginning to end, there was no desire to rewind some sections, even what you already know, I wanted listen, because a competent view of a problem, task or situation is always interesting. So for me this course was some sort of systematizing element of somewhat scattered knowledge.

    For me, as not an accountant, this course is very useful in practical life, as it allows me to communicate with representatives of the accounting department in a language they understand and even suggest somewhere how to do it correctly. I received a lot from the course, he helped me in preparation for passing the exam for a Consultant Specialist in "1C: Accounting 8.0". I passed this exam successfully.

    In general, this is not the first course that I am taking on the project, and I want to tell you that they are all done at a very high level. GOOD MEN! "

    Eremina Svetlana Valerievna, Chelyabinsk

    It is better to switch to 1C Accounting version 3.0 immediately after submitting the annual or quarterly reporting and issue the next reporting in version 3.0. Since the transition is carried out with the help of an update, then all directories, all documents that we enter in the new reporting period, will smoothly flow into the 3.0 edition.

    How to correctly switch to the new edition for users of typical configurations 1C Accounting 8 ed. 2.0, possible transition difficulties, update errors and the method of manual and automatic transition to rev. 3.0 reviewed in our

    Preparing for the transition to 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0

    In order to successfully switch to 1C Accounting 3.0, you must perform the following steps:

    1. Create an archive copy of the database so that if errors occur during the upgrade, you can roll back;
    2. Update the information base of 1C Accounting 2.0 to the release, from which you can switch to 1C Accounting version 3.0;
    3. If you are still working on the 1C Enterprise 8.2 platform, then you need to install the 1C Enterprise 8.3 technological platform;
    4. Launch the Accounting 2.0 database using 1C Enterprise 8.3;
    5. Generate on the date of transition;
    6. Generate balance sheets for accounts on the date of transition, for which there are balances.

    Instructions for the transition from 1C Accounting 2.0 (8.2) to 3.0 (8.3)

    Consider the step-by-step instructions for switching or upgrading from 1C Accounting software from 2.0 to 3.0. Upgrading from 1C Accounting 2.0 (8.2) to 3.0 (8.3) can be done both in user mode and through the configurator.

    Transition to user mode

    The transition in this mode is possible if you can get the update through the user's online support. Otherwise, updating 1C from 8.2 to 8.3 must be done through the configurator mode. To go, you need to go to the menu Service → Update for revision 3.0:

    The 1C Accounting 2.0 program automatically checks the possibility of updating and issues a message about it:

    If an update is available, you can proceed with it. When updating in user mode, the 1C Accounting 2.0 program will do almost everything for us. The System Administrator role will be added to the current user (for the transition to rev. 3.0). We follow the steps suggested by the program:

    • Enter the user code and password to access the site with updates. Next button;
    • We receive a configuration update, the time depends on the Internet speed. Next button;
    • The program suggests either restarting 1C Enterprise and updating the configuration, or not restarting and updating at the next start;
    • When you select the option to restart 1C Enterprise, the program is restarted and the configuration is updated.

    After the update, the system will launch the updated database in user mode in 1C Accounting, version 3.0.

    Switching to the configurator mode

    If you cannot download the update via the Internet and have received it from other sources, or are used to doing the update in the configurator mode, then launch the database in the Configurator mode.

    Important! To perform an update via the configurator, a special distribution kit is required. It is called the Update Distribution kit for the transition from version 2.0. Not all updates of version 3.0 provide an update distribution kit for moving from version 2.0. Therefore, we choose the 3.0 distribution, which provides for the possibility of switching to 3.0 of our 2.0 release.

    For instance:

    The distribution kit can be obtained:

    • Information and technical support disk;
    • Other sources.

    In this mode, we assign the user a role System administrator (for the transition to rev. 3.0).

    The user who administers the Other tab should indicate:

    • System administrator (to go to rev. 3.0);
    • Full rights:

    Updating is exactly the same as changing your configuration from one release to another:

    • Configuration menu → Open configuration;
    • Menu Configurator → Support → Update configuration;
    • Specify the path to the update file;
    • We start the update:

    Checking information after switching to 1C Accounting edition 3.0 (8.3)

    Please note that after the transition from 1C Accounting 2.0 to 1C Accounting 3.0, some journals will contain incomplete and unfilled documents. They are created for the new numbering of documents.

    For example, in database 2.0, the document number was M0000000001, and in version 3.0, the number structure is different 0M00-000001:

    It doesn't matter in what way the infobase was updated to the 3.0 release. When starting up for the first time after the update, it is recommended to do the following:

    • Customize the functionality of the program;
    • Check the completion of the Organization's directory;
    • Check the settings of the accounting parameters;
    • Check the accounting policy of the organization;
    • Customize;
    • Reconcile the balance sheet.

    The balance sheet generated in 1C Accounting 2.0:

    The balance sheet after updating to 1C Accounting revision 3.0:

    As you can see, the balance sheets are exactly the same. The update was successful. You can start working in 1C Accounting version 3.0.

    Rate this article:

    1C: Accounting 8 today is the undisputed leader among the programs in terms of popularity in the CIS countries. It is used to automate accounting and tax accounting in industrial enterprises, trade organizations, and budgetary institutions.

    At the moment, the latest version of the program is version 8.3. Earlier versions of the program have been removed from support, so this article provides an overview of the capabilities of Accounting 8.3.

    Compliance with legislation

    The chart of accounts in 1C: Accounting 8.3 complies with the legislation of the country using this product. In our country, there is a chart of accounts for accounting and instructions for its use, which correspond to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 07.05.2003 No. 38n). The application also implements all the wishes of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. Also, in the event of changes in the regulatory documentation, all reporting in the program is promptly updated.

    Customizing accounting policies

    Before starting work in the program, be sure to set up an accounting policy. These settings include the taxation regime (OSNO, STS, UTII), methods of cost allocation and cost accounting. The program must indicate the activities of the enterprise without VAT (if any), whether it is necessary to apply a simplified calculation method, the method of generating invoices for advance payment.

    Principle of document accounting

    The documents implemented in the program correspond to the primary accounting document. This method is the main one for reflecting business transactions. In addition, you can manually reflect some transactions.

    Activities of a number of legal entities

    For some businesses, it is critical to keep records of activities across multiple organizations. 1C: Accounting 8.3 handles this problem easily. To do this, it is necessary to create several legal entities in the "Organizations" directory. Such a scheme is very convenient if it is necessary to use general directories, and submit reports for each company separately.

    Separate subdivisions

    In the latest releases of 1C version 8.3, it became possible to keep records separately by division. This approach is necessary if payroll in enterprises is carried out by branches. After completing the settings in the 1C: Accounting 8.3 program, the accountant can submit personal income tax reports to various tax authorities. Initial settings are made in Administration-Accounting Settings-Payroll Settings. In the window that opens, the checkbox "Payroll for separate divisions" is checked.

    Accounting for trade operations

    1C: Accounting 8.3 allows you to automate the accounting of goods receipts, sales of goods. In this version of the program, you can keep records of several types of prices (purchase, wholesale, retail). When displaying retail trade in the program, the goods are initially received at the wholesale warehouse using the document “Goods receipt”. Next, retail prices are set using the "Price Setting" document. Next, you need to create two warehouses in the system (reference book "Warehouses") - one with the "Retail" type, the second "Non-automated retail outlet". We move goods from one warehouse to another.

    In the case of returning goods to the supplier in 1C: Accounting 8, it is possible to create a document "Return of goods". Such a document will automatically generate all transactions and make a movement on mutual settlements. When returning goods from a customer, you can also create a “Return of goods from a customer” document. All settlements with counterparties are carried out in the context of contracts. The document "Adjustment of debt" can be referred to as manual instruments for correcting mutual settlements.

    Agency contracts

    Commission trade of an enterprise can be automated using 1C: Enterprise Accounting 3.0. In the case of commission trading, the principal transfers the goods to the commission agent, which the latter sells for a fee. In this case, the transfer of ownership does not take place, and the commission agent records the goods on the off-balance sheet account 004. 1C: Accounting 8 reflects this operation with the document "Sale of goods" with the operation type "Goods, services, commission". Posting the document forms the posting: Dt 45.01 Kt 41.01. After the sale, the commission agent invoices the client for the commission and provides a report on the sale of goods.

    Information about banking operations is registered with the following documents:

    • Payment order;
    • Payment request;
    • Receipt to the current account;
    • Write-off from the current account.

    In the system, you can quickly view the transactions generated by each of the documents. Electronic exchange with banks can be organized by uploading payment orders to the Client Bank.

    Information about cash transactions is registered with the following documents:

    • Receipt cash orders (PKO);
    • Outlet cash orders (CKO).

    These forms provide unified printing forms. When posting documents, postings Dt 50 Kt 62 are formed.

    Reusable packaging

    Returnable reusable packaging is a special type of goods and materials, which entails the use of separate accounting. 1C: Accounting 8.3 allows you to register several types of transactions with reusable packaging - the transfer of packaging to suppliers and the transfer of packaging to customers with subsequent return. If the container does not require return, then it is reflected in the company as a standard sale of goods.

    Organization of warehouse accounting

    Warehouse accounting in 1C 8.3 is subdivided into the following blocks:

    • Moving goods and materials. Version 8.3 allows you to move goods between company warehouses. Such a need exists in an enterprise with several branches. The document is entered on the basis of the receipt of goods and has regulated printing forms: TORG-13 and Transfer of goods.
    • Write-off of goods and materials for production costs. 1C: Accounting 8.3 uses the Invoice Requirement document to write off production costs. The document is entered on the basis of a receipt or production report for a shift. Printed forms for this document - M 11 and Requirement-waybill.
    • Inventory. To automate the inventory process in a company, version 8.3 supports integration with a data collection terminal (TSD). With the help of the TSD, you can quickly calculate the number of goods in the context of warehouses / rooms and compare this quantity with the accounting one. The document Inventory contains information about the actual quantities for each item and the discrepancy between this quantity and the accounting one. The document Inventory provides for a unified printed form INV-19 (Collation Statement), Inventory of goods in the warehouse, as well as INV 22 (Order). In the absence of a TSD, the accounting department can enter the Inventory documents manually.
    • Posting surplus. If during the inventory surplus was detected in the warehouse, then this version of the program solves them with the document Posting of goods. Printable form for this document - Invoice for posting goods.
    • Writing off the shortage. If during the inventory a shortage was identified, then on the basis of the inventory sheet, the document "Write-off of goods" is entered. The required field for filling out this document is Warehouse. To display goods and containers, you must fill in the "Goods" and "Containers" tabs, respectively.

    Accounting for settlements with counterparties in version 3.0

    Settlement with counterparties is carried out in the context of counterparties, contracts, transactions. If transactions are settled on a first-come, first-served basis, then this method is called FIFIO. If it is necessary to repay the transactions indicated by the counterparty, then this method is called "By accounts". The setting of the method can be specified in the settlement agreement or directly in the payment documents. For distribution among accounts in payment documents in the text of the purpose of payment indicate the account number and the number of the agreement under which the payment is made. Settlements with suppliers and counterparties can be carried out in any currency, while using exchange rate differences, currencies are converted into the currency of management accounting.

    Version 8.3 supports the accounting of provisions for doubtful debts. Since 2011, all organizations, in accordance with the law, must keep records of doubtful debts. What counterparties' debts are included in the reserve? If the due date is more than 45, but less than 90 days, then half of the debt is included in the reserve; if the due date is more than 90 days, then the entire amount of the debt is included in the reserve.

    For this type of accounting in the system, it is necessary to make certain settings for Accounting parameters in the Accounting Settings section. Payment terms for buyers and suppliers must be specified. You also need to take into account that if a different term is specified in the terms of the contract with the counterparty, then the system will take into account the term from the contract.

    Accounting for indirect costs in version 8.3

    The indirect costs of the enterprise include costs that are not directly related to the production activities of the enterprise.

    List of indirect costs of the enterprise:

    • Office rental fees;
    • Administrative and administrative expenses;
    • Insurance costs;
    • Social spending;
    • Costs for staff development;
    • The costs associated with the sale of products.

    Indirect expenses differ from direct ones in that they all relate to expenses of the current tax period. Direct costs are related to the costs of the current period as products are sold.

    1C: Accounting 8 is very convenient to use to automate the calculation of indirect costs. At the end of the month, indirect costs are automatically written off. To do this, you only need to perform the initial settings in the program:

    • We set up an accounting policy. In this section, it is necessary to indicate the section of direct costs. All costs that are not direct, the program will automatically classify as indirect.
    • We determine the method of writing off general business expenses - direct costing or include it in the cost price. If the method of inclusion in the cost price is selected, then it is necessary to set the distribution base.
    • In the Functionality section, set the flag "Accounting for production processes and product release".

    After completing the close of the month, you can see that general business expenses in the balance sheet are reflected in account 26. In the calculation help, you can see the details of the indirect costs.

    VAT accounting

    VAT accounting in the system is carried out in accordance with all legal requirements. The general taxation system is organized in the program in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 13.08.2002. No. 86n / BG-3-04 / 430 on the accounting procedure for individual entrepreneurs, as well as Ch. 23 and 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. For small businesses, the system implements a simplified taxation scheme in accordance with Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    VAT on receipt and sale of goods

    When goods are received or sold in the system, VAT is automatically calculated for account 19. VAT rates are indicated in the Nomenclature reference book and are subject to editing.

    Accounting for VAT on advances

    With a large document flow, VAT is charged on the advance at the end of the reporting period using the procedure "Registration of invoices for advance". If the company's turnover is not so large-scale, then a more expedient method is to calculate VAT based on payment documents.

    VAT Assistant

    For businesses that do not use the simplified taxation system, you can use the VAT Assistant. It is a scheme in the system to make the accounting process as clear as possible. The accountant can step by step perform all operations at the end of the reporting period, while the assistant monitors the status of tasks and highlights them in the diagram with the appropriate color.

    This version of the program contains printed forms of tax reporting - purchase books and sales books. Subject to the correctness of the data and documents entered into the system, the formation of these reports will take very little time.

    Payroll accounting

    The system contains tools for automated calculation and accounting of wages, as well as a list of printed forms established by law.

    Payroll is calculated using specialized algorithms based on data from documents entered into the system. Accounting does not require the same level of detail that is used in payroll calculation methods, therefore the elements of the payroll subsystem do not generate transactions in the accounting department.

    To display generalized information about accruals and deductions in the accounting database, the document "Reflection of wages in regulated accounting" is used. Based on this document, automatic postings are generated. The accounting transactions that correspond to the system-generated transactions are listed in the payroll display method list.

    Patent taxation system

    Persons carrying out certain types of activities defined by legislation have the right to switch to a patent taxation scheme. With this scheme, the payment of the simplified tax is made in advance. The tax office issues a patent after payment has been made. The list of permissible activities is given in clause 2 of Art. 346.43 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Examples of activities from the list:

    • Repair and sewing of clothes;
    • Shoe repair and cleaning;
    • Hairdressing and beauty services;
    • Interior decoration services.

    Income and expenses under such a tax system are not recorded in the Book of Expenses and Incomes of the main taxation system. For each patent, a separate record is kept in the Book of Income Accounting in a special form.

    Express check of accounting

    The program has a tool for express check of accounting, which allows the accountant to quickly identify sections with errors. After running the report, you can view more detailed error information by expanding the grouping. At the second level of the hierarchy, the user can see a description of the objects of control, a summary of the results of the check and recommendations for elimination.

    Express checks are divided into the following groups:

    • Analysis of the state of accounting;
    • Accounting policies;
    • Cash transactions;
    • Sales book;
    • Book of purchases.

    1C: Reporting

    Version 1C 8.3. Provides its users with a service that automates the sending of accounting and tax reports directly from the database. The document is signed with an EDS and, with the help of specialized providers, can be sent to the regulatory authorities.

    List of regulatory authorities to which reporting can be sent

    • Federal Tax Service (FTS)
    • Russian Pension Fund (PFR)
    • Social Insurance Fund (FSS)
    • Rosstat
    • Rosalkogolregulirovanie
    • Rosprirodnadkhor
    • Federal Customs Service (FCS)

    With the help of the 1C: Reporting service, you can also monitor the delivery of documents, perform reconciliation with regulatory authorities, and conduct an online check before sending. It is also possible to receive extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP with EDS of the Federal Tax Service and send notifications about controlled transactions.

    This article provides only a part of the possibilities that are available to the 1C: Accounting 8.3 program. With this product, preparation of the balance sheet, income statement, capital change statement, cash flow statement takes several times less time than manual processing.

    Typical 1C program: Enterprise Accounting has become the industry standard among accounting solutions in Russia and the CIS countries. The system embodies the practical experience of accountants of hundreds of thousands of companies - from small organizations to large corporations and holdings. The new version 3.0 of the 1C Accounting program was created on the technological platform 1C: Enterprise 8 of the new generation.

    The new edition was developed on the basis of 2.0, using the new platform features:

    • Work in web-client and thin client mode;
    • New possibilities for managing the interface and individual forms of the program;
    • Economical use of resources and transfer of the main "computing" load to the server.

    As for the methodology of accounting, tax and regulated accounting, it is inherited from version 2.0.

    The users of the program can keep records over the Internet in the service model through a web browser from the site providing such a service. At the same time, 1C guarantees secure storage of credentials with full confidentiality. This model of work is called "cloud service", which allows you not to spend resources on maintaining servers and tracking new versions of the program caused by changes in legislation. That will allow you to switch from local use of the program to work in the "cloud" and back to local mode with "migration" of credentials.