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  • Program 1s pack. The main differences between "1C: UPP" and "1C: Accounting

    Program 1s pack.  The main differences between

    "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" is a comprehensive application solution covering the main contours of management and accounting in a manufacturing enterprise. The solution allows you to organize a comprehensive information system that meets corporate, Russian and international standards and ensures the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

    The application solution creates a single information space for displaying the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, covering the main business processes. At the same time, access to stored information is clearly delimited, as well as the possibility of certain actions depending on the status of employees.

    At the enterprises of the holding structure, the general information base can cover all organizations included in the holding. This significantly reduces the complexity of accounting due to the reuse of common information arrays by different organizations. At the same time, end-to-end management and regulated (accounting and tax) accounting is maintained for all organizations, but regulated reporting is generated separately for organizations.

    The fact of a business transaction is recorded once and is reflected in managerial and regulated accounting. No need to re-enter information. The means of registering a business transaction is a document, and to speed up work, data substitution mechanisms are widely used "by default", entering new documents based on previously entered ones.

    In the applied solution, the following ratio of data from different accounts is adopted:

    • independence of management, accounting and tax accounting data;
    • comparability of management, accounting and tax accounting data;
    • coincidence of total and quantitative estimates of assets and liabilities according to management, accounting and tax accounting, in the absence of objective reasons for their discrepancy.

    The data entered by users is operationally controlled by the application solution. So, when registering a cash payment, the system will check the availability of funds, taking into account existing applications for their spending. And when registering the shipment of products, the system will check the status of mutual settlements with the recipient of the goods.

    The application solution comes with a set of interfaces, which provides each user with priority access to the data and mechanisms of the application solution that he needs.

    Regulated (accounting and tax) accounting for organizations is kept in the national currency, while any currency can be chosen for management accounting for the enterprise as a whole. Different organizations of a single information base may use different taxation systems: in some organizations - a general taxation system, in others - a simplified one; different tax and accounting policy settings may be used. In addition, the system of taxation in the form of a single tax on imputed income can be applied to certain types of activities of the organization.

    In addition to managerial and regulated accounting, you can keep accounting in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In order to reduce the complexity of accounting under IFRS, it is carried out non-operatively, using the translation (recalculation) of data from other types of accounting.

    When developing the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 solution, both modern international enterprise management methods (MRP II, CRM, SCM, ERP, ERP II, etc.) were taken into account, as well as the experience of successful automation of manufacturing enterprises accumulated by 1C and partner community. Specialists of ITRP (production management) and 1C-Rarus (accounting according to IFRS) companies participated in the design and development of the configuration. The world-famous audit and consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers provides consulting support on methodological issues of implementation of management, financial accounting and reporting under IFRS.

    The solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" was developed on the modern technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8". In addition to the platform, the software package includes the "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" configuration.

    High reliability and performance of the applied solution, scalability, construction of geographically distributed systems, integration with other information systems are provided. The internal structure of the applied solution is completely open for study and customization for the specific needs of the enterprise.

    Firm "1C" finalizes and develops the "Production Enterprise Management" configuration in order to reflect changes in legislation and expand functionality. Prompt updating of the installed applied solutions is provided. From the side of the company "1C" and its partners a multi-level system of technical support is provided.

    1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 is the flagship application solution of 1C with the widest range of functionality. The general concept of the solution is illustrated by a diagram.

    All mechanisms for automating an applied solution can be divided into two large classes:

    • mechanisms for maintaining the operating activities of the enterprise;
    • mechanisms for non-operational accounting.

    Areas belonging to operating activities can be identified in each type of accounting (with the exception of IFRS accounting).

    In addition, the applied solution is divided into separate subsystems responsible for solving groups of similar tasks: the cash management subsystem, the personnel management subsystem, the accounting subsystem, etc. Such a division is a kind of convention that facilitates the development of the applied solution. In the current work of users, the boundaries between subsystems are practically not felt.

    The latest version of the configuration "manufacturing enterprise management ", which is assigned the number 1.3, clearly demonstrates the benefits new version 8.2 platform " 1C:Enterprise " . The configuration can be used in normal application mode, which is familiar to users of previous editions.

    "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" can be used in a number of departments and services of manufacturing enterprises, including:

    • directorate (general director, financial director, commercial director, production director, chief engineer, human resources director, IT director, development director);
    • planning and Economic Department;
    • production shops;
    • production and dispatching department;
    • department of the chief designer;
    • chief technologist department;
    • department of the chief mechanic;
    • sales department;
    • department of logistics (supply);
    • marketing department;
    • warehouses for materials and finished products;
    • accounting;
    • Human Resources Department;
    • department of organization of labor and employment;
    • IT service;
    • administrative and economic department;
    • department of capital construction;
    • information and analytical department;
    • department of strategic development.

    It is expected that the implementation of the applied solution will give the greatest effect at enterprises with a staff of several tens to several thousand people, with tens and hundreds of automated jobs, as well as in holding and network structures.

    "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" provides:

    • management of the enterprise and managers responsible for business development - ample opportunities for analysis, planning and flexible management of company resources to increase its competitiveness;
    • heads of departments, managers and employees directly involved in production, marketing, supply and other activities to ensure the production process - tools to improve the efficiency of daily work in their areas;
    • employees of accounting services of the enterprise - means for automated accounting in full compliance with the requirements of the law and corporate standards of the enterprise.

    Performance Monitor

    The report "Performance Monitor" is focused on the operational assessment of key performance indicators by the management of the enterprise.

    The report allows you to:

    • cover the entire business "at a glance";
    • timely identify deviations from the plan, negative dynamics, points of growth;
    • clarify the information provided;
    • use a set of performance indicators supplied as part of the demo database;
    • quickly develop new performance indicators;
    • set up several report options by type of activity or by areas of responsibility of company executives.

    The demo configuration database contains 42 pre-built performance indicators that can be loaded into the production database of the enterprise using the built-in data exchange. At the same time, the built-in reporting mechanism makes it easy to add new performance indicators that are required by a particular enterprise.

    Trade management

    The configuration allows you to automate the tasks of monitoring and analyzing trading operations in combination with related management accounting tasks:

    • sales planning and purchasing planning;

    This ensures the effective management of the trading business of a modern enterprise. The configuration supports the following types of trade: wholesale trade (sales on credit, sales on prepayment, trade by orders), retail trade (sales on the trading floor and remote non-automated points), commission trade (including the acceptance and transfer of goods for sale, as well as subcommission) .

    Completion of orders on time and transparency of the progress of each order is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the activities of enterprises. Order management functionality , implemented in the configuration, allows you to optimally place customer orders and reflect them in the plans of enterprise departments in accordance with the company's order execution strategy and work schemes (work from a warehouse, on order). When registering an order, the necessary goods will be automatically reserved in the warehouses of the enterprise, and if the required number of goods is not available, an order can be generated to the supplier.

    The efficiency of trade depends on the pricing policy. Pricing mechanisms allow the company to determine and implement a pricing policy in accordance with the available analytical data on supply and demand in the market.

    The configuration has the following functionality:

    • construction of various schemes for pricing and discounts;
    • control over compliance with the established pricing policy by employees;
    • storage of information about the prices of competitors and suppliers;
    • comparison of selling prices of the enterprise with the prices of suppliers and competitors;
    • use of cumulative discounts on discount cards.

    Automated accounting of operations for the receipt and sale of goods and services, including wholesale, commission and retail trade. All wholesale and commission trade operations are accounted for in the context of contracts with buyers and suppliers. When selling goods, invoices for payment are issued, invoices and invoices are issued. For imported goods, data on the country of origin and the number of the cargo customs declaration are taken into account. Reflection of returns of goods from the buyer and the supplier is automated.

    For retail, technologies for working with both automated and non-automated outlets are supported.

    Accounts are kept of returnable reusable containers as a special type of inventory items.

    Provides automatic reflection of trading operations in accounting subsystem .

    In edition 1.3, the trade management functionality is available in thin client and web client modes.

    Pricing Management

    The effectiveness of the trading activity of the enterprise and the work of the enterprise as a whole is largely determined by the pricing policy. To help users with this task, a special pricing subsystem is included in the configuration.

    The configuration contains a set of mechanisms that allow you to perform the following functions:

    • storage and automatic updating of information on prices of suppliers;
    • storage of information about the selling prices of the enterprise;
    • setting margins and discounts according to the terms of sales (moreover, margins and discounts can be based on the amount of sales, natural, cumulative);
    • mechanisms for calculating some prices based on other prices;
    • formation of a price list.

    Information about the selling prices of the enterprise is entered into the information base by special documents "Setting the prices of the item".

    The infobase stores several selling prices for each product item, which are classified by price types . You can enter the following types of selling prices: wholesale, small wholesale, retail, etc. Users can add new types of prices.

    For the convenience of the pricing policy, the following categories of selling prices are provided:

    • Base prices . These prices are set for each item only manually. These prices are determined by the user and stored in the system. When accessing these prices, the system takes the most recent value.
    • Estimated prices . As well as base prices, settlement prices are set by the user and their value is stored in the system. The difference is that for these prices there is
    • automatic method of their calculation based on the base price data. That is, the settlement prices are obtained from the base prices by a certain procedure, for example, by increasing the base price values ​​by a certain markup percentage. Regardless of how the settlement price is finally obtained, the system stores only the resulting price value itself and the type of base prices on the basis of which the calculation was made. Settlement prices can be wholesale and retail prices based on factory prices or on the basis of the planned cost of production. The settlement price can be set discretely in intervals of the base price, for example: if the base price is from 2 c.u. up to 2.5 c.u. - sale at a price of 100 rubles, if the base price is from 2.5 c.u. up to 3 USD - sale at a price of 120 rubles.
    • Dynamic prices . The values ​​of these prices are not stored in the system, only the way they are calculated is stored. These prices, as well as calculated ones, are obtained from base prices using special mechanisms. However, the results of the calculation are not stored in the system, the calculation is made immediately at the time of accessing these prices. This makes it possible to use prices in the event that selling prices are tightly linked to the base price, which changes quite often. The dynamic price can also be set discretely over base price intervals

    For dynamic prices, you must indicate the percentage of the discount or markup by which the base prices will be adjusted during the calculation. For settlement prices, the discount percentage will act as a default value that can be overridden during the pricing process.

    Price type planned cost is intended not for buyers, but for internal control of the company's selling prices in order to exclude cases of unprofitable sales, when, as a result of the application of discounts, the selling price falls below the cost price.

    The release of goods to the buyer is carried out at one or another type of price. The price type is selected at the beginning of the procedure for filling out the document for the sale of goods. After that, in the process of filling the tabular part of the document with specific items of the nomenclature, the prices of the selected type will be automatically substituted.

    Prices can be adjusted by the sales manager. In addition, the mechanism of additional discounts or markups can be applied to prices.

    Discounts are set by a special document.

    The document specifies the discount value in percentage terms, the period of validity, and the terms of provision. The following discount conditions are possible:

    • The discount is provided for a certain list of items and a certain list of buyers;
    • The discount is provided upon reaching a certain amount of money according to the sales document;
    • The discount is provided upon reaching a certain amount of one product in the document;
    • The discount is provided for a certain type of payment (for example, in cash);
    • The discount is provided on discount cards;
    • natural (bonus) discount is assigned if, when purchasing a certain list of goods, one of the goods is given to the client as a gift, that is, free of charge. For example: "If you buy 2 pairs of shoes cream for free."

    When generating a sales document, selling prices will be automatically adjusted if the condition for granting any discount is met.

    Discounts can be provided for both wholesale and retail sales.

    It is convenient to view information about the prices of the enterprise using the "Print price list" processing.

    For distribution to customers of the enterprise, the price list can be printed or converted into a format file. MS Excel .

    Information about supplier prices - purchase prices can be stored in the information base and updated when recording documents that record the receipt of goods. In addition to purchase prices, other types of prices of suppliers and other contractors - wholesale, small wholesale and retail prices - can be entered into the information base. This enables users to compare their company's selling prices with competitors' selling prices.

    In the configuration, the exchange of product catalogs, offer packages and orders has been established in accordance with the requirements of the second edition CommerceML standard . If the business partner's information system supports this standard, business offers and large amounts of product and price information can be exchanged quickly and easily with the business partner.

      1C UPP 1.3 0 rub

      1C ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 0 rub

      1C ERP + Workflow + 100 licenses 0 RUB

    List of solutions based on 1C SCP for production accounting:

    The product is designed as an effective tool for operational management, control and planning of the material and financial resources of a manufacturing enterprise. List of tasks to be solved program " 1C: Managing a manufacturing enterprise" contains: financial and cash management and planning, enterprise personnel management (including payroll), production management, procurement and inventory control, customer relationship management, non-current asset management, sales, management and regulatory reporting.

    The composition of subsystems 1C UPP

    The configuration structure "1C SCP 8.3 (8.2)" also contains several subsystems that allow for operational management and accounting in a production organization, namely: a subsystem for managing personnel, cash, accounting, etc. The main components of the program are aimed at such processes:

    • Tax accounting;
    • Financial planning;
    • Accounting according to IFRS;

    The configuration "1C: SCP" was developed for manufacturing enterprises, respectively, its main goal is to solve the following tasks:

    • Decreased downtime for specialists and equipment;
    • Exclusion of disruption of the sales plan due to overload of production resources;
    • Reducing the time for the implementation of tasks;
    • Optimization of the movement of warehouse balances and materials;
    • Reduce production costs;
    • Make the production process manageable and transparent;
    • Improve the quality of manufactured products.

    This configuration is able to serve both individual manufacturing enterprises and large holdings, forming end-to-end management accounting and a single information base. Tax and accounting is developed in accordance with the legislation of Russia, and in terms of structure, rules of conduct, content and execution, it fully meets all the requirements and standards of the relevant regulatory documents.

    This program implements mechanisms to stabilize the operating activities of a manufacturing enterprise, which help to record only the information that is operational. These mechanisms also implement the tasks of operational control. During the recording of such transactions, the analysis of the correctness of the information in the primary accounting documents, as well as the correctness of its execution, is carried out.

    SCP today

    Since modern production is a complex, multifunctional process consisting of a set of measures aimed at producing products, the 1C product for a manufacturing enterprise provides full control over all stages of production - from the supply of raw materials to the issuance of finished products. The program monitors the compliance of the completed processes with the approved plans and programs: the volume, the volume of defects, the volume of products manufactured by periods, etc.

    This configuration captures the materials spent on production and manufactured products, taking into account returnable income. The manager can independently make related amendments and adjustments to the given plans.

    The effectiveness of using such complex software largely depends on the features and quality of its implementation. As a rule, the specialists of many companies have extensive experience in maintaining and installing this kind of software, both in small enterprises and in companies with the largest holding structure. If you want to bring your enterprise or company to a higher, new level, the best solution would be to implement the 1C program for production.

    If we compare 1C ERP with the functionality of 1C SCP, then we can note a big breakthrough in the functionality of production and financial accounting. Due to the functionality of 1C Trade Management 11, the block of sales, CRM and purchases has increased in quality at times.

    Already now, the 1C ERP 2.0 (8.3) program is a fairly powerful and innovative product that has collected a truly interesting set of functions.

    Despite the fact that the program is new, its modules have already been used and debugged in other programs (UT 11, BP 3.0, ZUP 3.0), which suggests that the product did not immediately enter the market in a "raw" form, but tested and really ready for implementation "1c manufacturing enterprise management".

    Judging by the experience of implementing 1C SCP 8.3, our clients almost always need help in starting the system. The list of implementation stages includes: user training, loading of initial data, adaptation to the specifics of the enterprise, installation of the system in the infrastructure and other works.

    After the implementation and configuration of 1C SCP 1.3, the program requires proper maintenance. Maintenance is necessary for correct operation. It includes: updating reporting forms, backing up, user consultations, finalizing reporting.

    You should buy the 1C SCP program from official software distributors that provide related services for the implementation of this software package, training staff to work with it and subsequent support. In this case, fast efficiency and the solution of any specific tasks of a particular enterprise are guaranteed. During the training, answers are given to frequently asked questions of users (about protection keys, version differences, transferring the program to another computer, etc.).

    For reliable and secure operation, it is recommended to purchase and use the client-server version of the program, which allows you to exclude the direct work of ordinary employees with the program and the enterprise database. Only the most trained employees - administrators - should have access to the server computer. This use case is worked out during the implementation of the system.

    Vendor code:

    « 1С:ERP Enterprise Management 2» is an innovative solution for building complex information systems for managing the activities of diversified enterprises, taking into account the best global and domestic practices for automating large and medium-sized businesses. The 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 solution was developed on the new modern version 8.3 of the 1C:Enterprise platform by a project team of 1C specialists with the participation of a specially created expert council, which included specialists from leading 1C partners (ERP Centers, Development Centers 1C) and heads of specialized departments of large industrial enterprises. Before the release of the final version, hundreds of partners and dozens of clients have been studying and testing this product in pilot implementations for more than a year.

    This will come in handy!

    "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2"

    Particular attention during the development was paid to the implementation of the functionality demanded by large enterprises in various areas of activity, including those with technically complex multi-processing production. This approach made it possible to significantly expand the capabilities and scope of the new ERP solution compared to 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management, version 1.3.

    Key benefits of the product:
    • wide functionality at the level of world-class ERP systems;
    • flexible and productive modern platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3", which supports work via the Internet, including "cloud" technologies and work on mobile devices;
    • a large number of specialized solutions that expand the capabilities of the system on a single platform (PDM, EAM, PMO, ITIL, CRM, MDM, WMS, TMS, BSC, ECM, CPM, ESB, GIS, etc.);
    • a wide network of partners with many years of experience in implementing ERP systems;
    • low cost of ownership and the possibility of obtaining significant economic benefits with increased productivity and a quick return on investment.
    Main directions of development:
    • A new production management subsystem has been developed- management by interdepartmental transitions and at the operational level, route sheets, management of launch batches, group and personal tasks for work, operational dispatching, management by "bottlenecks", load management, planning up to the quantum of time, readiness to work with inaccurate standards.
    • A subsystem for organizing repairs has been developed- accounting for repair objects, registration of operating time, accounting for current and unscheduled repairs, integration with the production subsystem - equipment availability schedules.
    • Development of the cost accounting and cost calculation system- detailing to the volume of initial costs, visibility and control of the validity of the calculation.
    • Development of the financial management subsystem– accounting by lines of business, stages of approval of applications, flexible distribution rules, acquiring operations.
    • Improving budgeting mechanisms and tools - a tabular budgeting model, versioning, calculation of planned indicators, data interpretation.
    • Development of subsystems for automation of trade and warehouse activities of an enterprise - efficiency management sales processes and transactions with a client, customizable automatic pricing capabilities, use of regulated sales processes, advanced management of customer orders, management of sales representatives, monitoring of the status of sales processes, separate accounting for orders - reservation of requirements, mobile workstations of warehouse workers, accounting of reusable containers, statistical analysis of stocks, delivery management and commodity calendar (unification with Trade Management, edition 11.1).
    • Subsystem development regulated accounting- setting up the rules for recording business transactions for financial accounting groups, accounting for the facts of economic activity by deferred posting with control over the relevance of reflection, operational control over the formation of transactions for an arbitrary document, settlements with separate divisions of the organization (account 79), automatic support for accounting for "complex" VAT without additional settings , decoding of income tax returns and regulated reporting.
    • Improving product capabilities in terms of management personnel and payroll– maintenance of the staff list, calculation of salaries according to the output of employees, flexible options for reflecting salaries in financial and regulated accounting.
    • Using the new features of version 8.3 1C:Enterprise platform – work in the thin client and web client modes is supported.

    "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" ("1C: ERP UP 2") is a world-class product for complex automation of medium and large enterprises in various fields of activity. It will be especially relevant for diversified enterprises with technically complex, multi-processing production, with more than ten thousand jobs.

    It is safe to say that the 1C:ERP program has combined all the best practices. It harmoniously combines both time-tested solutions (long-term experience of 1C developers) and innovative trends (cloud, mobile technologies).

    "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" fully reflects the idea that IT costs are not costs, but investments. This has been proven and confirmed by many customers who have already implemented the "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" configuration in their enterprises.

    The implementation of "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" will allow:

    • automate core business processes;
    • build a comprehensive information system for enterprise management;
    • track key performance indicators;
    • unify the work of all services and departments;
    • coordinate production;
    • increase the transparency of business processes;
    • evaluate the quality of work of divisions, departments and employees;
    • make effective managerial decisions.

    "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" was developed jointly with the leading partners of "1C" and heads of specialized departments of large industrial enterprises. Thanks to a set of technical and functional innovations, 1C:ERP has a number of advantages:

    • functionality at the level of world-class ERP systems;
    • quick access via the Internet and from mobile devices;
    • a large number of specialized solutions that expand the capabilities of "1C: ERP";
    • significant economic effect and low price of "1C:ERP";
    • "1C:ERP" is suitable for any industry and is easily integrated with various programs and equipment;
    • thanks to flexible settings, 1C:ERP adapts to the specifics of business processes and any innovations in the organization;
    • a high level of information security and the presence of a certificate of the FSTEC of Russia.

    Program features

    • Monitoring and analysis of performance indicators of the enterprise. To control and analyze the business, 1C:ERP has a built-in system of target indicators - a control panel for enterprise managers of all levels. "1C:ERP" allows you to: quickly identify problem areas in work, control tasks, analyze the effectiveness of key processes, make accurate management decisions, etc.
    • Cost management and costing."1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" allows you to evaluate the cost of resources by activity, keep track of costs, calculate the cost of production, keep records of other expenses, income, etc.
    • Financial management and budgeting. In 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2, you can comprehensively assess the effectiveness of business models, analyze the prospects for the financial condition of an enterprise, taking into account economic factors, evaluate deviations of actual data from planned ones, analyze the results achieved, etc.
    • Organization of repairs. 1C:ERP allows you to keep records of operating objects, register defects in production, plan repair work, and generate repair orders. Using "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" will help reduce the cost of maintaining equipment performance and cut costs.
    • Sales management. In 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2, you can set sales rules both for one client and for the entire segment, put up a commercial offer, reflect customer requests, fix shipments of goods, organize delivery, issue a return, etc.
    • Regulated accounting."1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" supports the following taxation systems: general taxation system (OSNO), simplified taxation system (STS), single tax on imputed income (UTII).
    • Customer relationship management (CRM)."1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" allows you to: regulate sales processes, plan events and receive reminders for them, store complete information on counterparties and their employees, the history of interaction with them, analyze pending and plan upcoming transactions, register and promptly process customer complaints, evaluate the performance of managers.
    • Personnel management and payroll. In 1C:ERP, it is convenient to maintain a staffing table, work schedules and vacations, record the working time of employees, form a payroll fund, arrange for the reception, transfer, dismissal of employees, reflect changes in working conditions, keep military records, calculate wages, carry out mutual settlements with employees, prepare personnel reports.
    • Procurement management. 1C:ERP allows you to: select suppliers and purchase terms, select options for generating orders to suppliers and control their execution, monitor supplier prices, schedule deliveries and payments, adjust receipts and returns.
    • Production Management. In "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" you can quickly determine the timing of production at the request of the client, track the progress of orders, create a production schedule according to available resources, quickly respond to deviations from the schedule, monitor compliance with standards, etc.
    • Warehouse and inventory management."1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" allows you to divide storage areas according to the type of goods, keep records of goods at the level of storage cells (address storage), use various selection strategies to optimize the warehouse, etc.
    • Integration with "1C: Document Management". You can buy "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" and combine the system with "1C: Document Management". Sharing solutions will save time and eliminate the need to move from one infobase to another: the cards will contain hyperlinks to access any credentials: files, processes, tasks, correspondence histories.

    Why should you buy "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" in "1C-Business Architect"?

    You can buy "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" in our company and be sure of the quality of all services. The implementation of multifunctional ERP class systems should be trusted only to companies with the status "1C: ERP Center". In the rating of the company "1C" among the Competence Centers for ERP solutions, "1C-Business Architect" takes the third place. Status guarantees:

    • availability of highly qualified specialists who will be able to use all the features of "1C: ERP" and unleash the potential of the system due to the correct initial setup;
    • a full range of 1C:ERP support services, taking into account the specifics of the organization's work;
    • ERP systems are implemented in accordance with ISO 9001 standards.

    Contents of delivery

    The 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 beta package includes:

    • distribution kits of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform;
    • configuration distributions "Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0 beta version";
    • distribution kits of the configuration "System for designing applied solutions";
    • a set of documentation for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform;
    • a set of documentation for the configuration "Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0 beta version";
    • a set of documentation for the configuration "System for designing applied solutions";
    • an envelope with pin codes for the 1C:Enterprise 8 software license;
    • licenses for the use of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system, the Enterprise Management (ERP) 2.0 beta version configuration, the Application Solutions Design System configuration at one workplace.


    Together with the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 program, we offer services that will help you fully unlock the potential inherent in the program and use it as efficiently as possible.

    Support 1C (ITS)

    By signing a 1C:ITS contract, you receive comprehensive services for maintaining 1C programs: regular and timely updates of 1C configurations, access to the 1C:ITS information system, and much more.

    ITS services

    ITS services offer opportunities for expanding the standard functionality of 1C software products in a variety of ways: for convenient document exchange, reporting, verification of counterparties, and much more.

    Implementation of 1C

    Professional implementation will allow you to adapt the wide functionality of the platform to the specifics of your company's business processes.

    Service 1C

    Maintenance of 1C is a necessary condition for the correct and full functioning of 1C programs. This includes setting up 1C, developing or improving 1C, restoring 1C after failures, and much more.

    Training 1C

    For the correct use of systems, special knowledge is required, which can only be given by professionals with many years of theoretical and practical experience with 1C.


    Based on the 1C:Document Management 8 CORP solution, with the help of 1C-Business Architect specialists, an effective document management system was built at the Institute of the General Plan of Moscow. As a result, the work of employees with documents has been significantly accelerated and simplified, the coordination of contracts has accelerated, and control over performance discipline has increased.

    Specialists of the company "1C-Business Architect" have created improvements in tax accounting in the program "1C: Accounting of a public institution". The improvements created have simplified the collection and consolidation of data from all branches of the VILAR Institute, reduced the time for collating, distributing and generating reports, and also helped to improve coordination of work, provide timely and high-quality reports to the Federal Tax Service.

    1C SCP 8 is my favorite software product in the 8.2 line. The program turned out to be multifunctional, surprisingly flexible. Especially after the addition of the advanced cost analytics (RAUS) mode. An infinite number of options for building business processes. All projects are completely different. In addition, there is a budgeting block in the SCP - the tops of management accounting.

    One of the first issues that implementers will address when it comes to SCP is the cost accounting regime. Which is more suitable: batch accounting or advanced analytics. What is the difference, what does it threaten in work, what to ask?

    The mechanism itself was first of all invented to solve the problems of complex production, with many redistributions and counter releases. To calculate the cost, the program algorithm includes the formation and solution of a system of linear equations. This allows you to significantly speed up the calculation of complex releases.

    When you select the advanced cost analytics mode, the data storage structure in the program and cost calculation algorithms change significantly. Moreover, the RAUS mechanism is also used to account for stocks, since in the ideology of advanced analytics, stock is also a cost.

    In the traditional (batch) accounting mode, the cost of inventory and costs are stored in the relevant accumulation registers: more than 30 accumulation registers, not counting IFRS.

    In the advanced analytics mode, only 2 accumulation registers are used: “Cost Accounting (Management Accounting)” and “Cost Accounting (Accounting and Cash Accounting)”. When forming register movements, the principle of double entry is observed. You can find out the entire path traveled by the cost of the enterprise.

    In the traditional mode, the write-off chronology is observed with an accuracy of up to a second, and in the RAUS mode - with an accuracy of a month. Therefore, in advanced analytics, the inventory write-off cost per month is always the same, even if you choose the FIFO method.

    Finished products are always written off at the average cost. In addition, the cost of writing off inventories/costs for each document is unknown, since the receipt document is not taken into account in the RMA. Therefore, additional refinement of many reports, for example, "Gross profit", will be required.

    Therefore, the use of advanced cost analytics is inappropriate for enterprises that are satisfied with the speed of work in the traditional mode and do not require any global refinement of the standard solution.