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  • Skills of working with 1c. Program "1C: Trade and Warehouse" - training and opportunities

    Skills of working with 1c.  Program

    Today, almost all enterprises where it is necessary to carry out accounting or other accounting have switched to automated calculation systems.

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    It's fast and IS FREE!

    The most popular and frequently used accounting program of this kind is 1C: Enterprise.

    This software is relatively easy to use and intuitive, and has many different advantages.

    But at the same time, in order to fully use its functionality, it is necessary to undergo special training - without this, it will be simply impossible to keep accounting, personnel or other records.

    General information

    1C: Enterprise is a fully automated software package that simultaneously solves a large number of various tasks.

    The list of them is extremely extensive. Using this kind of software has the following main advantages:

    • the required number of employees can be reduced to the very minimum;
    • the probability of making mistakes in the calculations is practically excluded - with the skillful use of all the functionality;
    • the application is independently updated - therefore, there is no need to follow the constant reforms of the legislation;
    • almost all versions sold on the territory of the Russian Federation allow you to receive consulting support from manufacturers.

    But before you start learning or using this program, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the following important questions:

    • basic concepts;
    • the purpose of the program;
    • legal grounds.

    This will significantly simplify the learning process for 1C: Enterprise from scratch.


    In order to quickly and successfully understand the use of an accounting product, you should know the following terms:

    • configuration;
    • applied solutions;
    • configuration options;
    • licensing.

    The term "configuration" refers to a specific application solution used to implement any specific tasks.

    At the same time, the software product called 1C: Enterprise includes all possible configurations that were created and released by a company called 1C.

    At the same time, it is possible to use different configurations separately from the Enterprise. Today there are the following applied solutions:

    1. 1c accounting.
    2. 1C: Trade and warehouse.
    3. 1C: Salary and personnel.

    At the same time, all the components indicated above separately are much cheaper than the entire software complex Enterprise from 1C.

    Such a division was implemented in order to reduce the cost of products and attract buyers to the products. In addition, not all enterprises need the full functionality of the product in question.

    In some cases, Accounting or Warehouse is enough - this allows you not to overpay. The term "configuration options" means the special functionality of a software product from 1C.

    For example, Accounting allows you to keep accounting - in accordance with the current legislation:

    • generate reports;
    • calculate wages;
    • draw up other documents.

    1C does not provide its products for free, which is why it is necessary to purchase a license to use.

    This term is understood as a special electronic key, with which one can gain access to an application of the type in question.

    1C: An enterprise has a high level of protection - this is often both an advantage and a disadvantage.

    Purpose of the program

    The program of this type is a real automated complex for keeping records at an enterprise of any size.

    The following applied solutions allow you to implement various tasks:

    In fact, with the proper experience, even taking into account at the enterprise, the staff of which is more than one hundred people, only a few employees can handle it.

    The 1C: Enterprise software product automates as much as possible all the accounting processes carried out in the organization - this is precisely its main purpose.

    Legal grounds

    The most important advantage of this type of software is the ability to generate all documentation, calculations, reporting only within the framework of the current legislation.

    When creating 1C: Enterprise, the requirements of the following legislative acts and other documents were taken into account:

    1. Tax Code of the Russian Federation as amended on 01.01.15
    2. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation as amended on 01/01/15
    3. - drawing up projects of the budgetary system.
    4. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation as amended on 01/01/15
    5. The following orders of the Federal Tax Service:
    • and others

    The list of laws, acts, letters and decrees, taking into account which the software of this type was created, is quite extensive - a monthly update is carried out.

    This is the main reason why it is quite difficult to make any mistake in the preparation of reporting documentation.

    But, despite this, accountants, as well as other employees, still need to make sure that the documentation is drawn up correctly.

    This will allow you to avoid a large number of various problems, since even the machine is not immune from errors.

    Also, knowledge of the legislation is mandatory in order to understand how to work with the 1C: Enterprise server.

    How to work in the 1C: Enterprise program for a beginner

    Despite the almost complete automation of most computing and other processes, it is imperative to complete special training courses.

    Otherwise, even an experienced PC user cannot work with the 1C: Enterprise software product.

    The first steps in mastering the software in question must be carried out under the supervision of a competent specialist consultant.

    There is a list of the most important facts that must be known to everyone using this software.

    All information about them can also be obtained only at special training courses. Moreover, it is necessary to pass them only under the guidance of competent teachers who have the appropriate certificates.

    It is simply impossible to independently teach how to use the 1C: Enterprise software.

    First steps

    1C Company implements a special training program for everyone who needs to learn how to use a product called the Enterprise.

    The main objectives of this course:

    • give those passing it the opportunity to understand the mechanisms of the platform of the type in question;
    • form primary concepts about this product;
    • get minimal work skills;

    This course is designed for individuals who do not have even minimal knowledge of programming.

    That is why all employees of enterprises will be able to successfully pass it, regardless of education and existing personal computer skills.

    Also, if possible, it is worth studying the specialized literature provided directly by the company to everyone who acquires a license to use 1C: Enterprise.

    Video: video courses - online tutorial 1C Enterprise

    The presence of the designated materials will allow you to avoid the emergence of various kinds of questions. After a cursory study of the above methodological materials, the first steps in mastering the 1C system will be given very easily.

    Also, in the future, when using software of this type, the likelihood of any questions will be minimal - this will save a lot of time, simplify work in the system in question.

    Training courses

    Today the 1C company provides its own qualified teachers to obtain all the necessary knowledge of an accounting employee and other employees.

    At the moment, 1C training centers are available in the following cities:

    The location addresses of 1C educational centers are available on the official website of the company itself.

    In this case, you can sign up for training online. If your city is not on the list, then you can take a training course via the Internet.

    What every user needs to know

    Among all the variety of software products for economic and accounting purposes, presented today in the domestic market, the 1C system is one of the confident leaders. Thanks to such qualities as functional elasticity, adaptation to the requirements of domestic legislation, ease of use, the ability to flexibly adjust, taking into account the characteristics of a particular enterprise, it is gaining more and more users. It is no secret that in the labor market among economists, employees of financial services, accountants and managers, the most in demand are specialists who are fluent in working with the 1C program, therefore, familiarity with it is one of the important conditions for successful professional activity.

    The version of the "1C: Accounting" program, the description of which we offer to the reader, is the latest development of the "1C" company. Despite the preservation of conceptual continuity with previous versions, it is a qualitatively new product that allows you to solve a variety of tasks: management and accounting, building analytical reporting, solving planning and financial analysis problems, using several charts of accounts, maintaining multicurrency accounting. The program has implemented a number of other new functions that greatly facilitate the work of financial workers and meet the most stringent and relevant requirements of today.


    It is possible that in the process of studying the program, the reader will find some discrepancy between the contents of this book and what he sees on the monitor screen (after all, the 1C program is constantly being improved and refined). But in any case, these differences will not be of a fundamental nature.

    In this book, we propose to undergo a comprehensive training course for working with the 1C program using 100 lessons, divided into thematic chapters. As you study each chapter, the reader will fully master the corresponding techniques and methods of working with the program. Note that the possibilities of the considered configuration provide for both accounting and tax accounting. But since from a technical point of view, many accounting and tax accounting operations are identical or very similar, then in the book we will demonstrate techniques and methods of work using the example of accounting, and where necessary, give appropriate explanations.

    Chapter 1
    Acquaintance with the program and preparing it for work

    In this chapter, we will look at how the program is launched, the infobase is created, the "Accounting" configuration is connected and its preliminary configuration. All these actions are performed immediately after the installation of the program, since without them, in principle, its operation is impossible. In addition, here we will talk about the capabilities of the considered configuration "Accounting", about its modes of operation, as well as how to quickly enter the initial data using the "Startup Assistant".

    Lesson number 1.

    General information about products of the "1C" family

    Firm "1C" has long and firmly held a leading position in the market of software for economic, financial and accounting purposes. Currently, the company offers a wide range of software tools designed to solve a variety of accounting and management tasks.

    At its core, any 1C software product is an integrated use of a technological platform and one or several configurations. The technological platform is the basis on which the use of the program is based, and the configuration specifies the direction of this use. In other words, the 1C technological platform is a kind of "frame" on which one or several configurations are "strung".

    Today the 1C company offers products based on two technological platforms - versions "1C 7.7" and "1C 8". "Seven" has been known for a long time and is probably the most widespread product in its market segment. As for the G8, its active promotion began several years ago, and now it is also one of the most popular software tools.

    The capabilities of the programs of the 1C 7.7 family provide for the setting, organization and automation of accounting, personnel, operational trade, warehouse and production accounting, as well as the implementation of payroll. A complex delivery includes a set of main components of the 1C: Enterprise system, which are Accounting, Operational Accounting and Calculation, as well as basic configurations:

    "Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salary + Personnel";


    "Trade + Warehouse";

    "Salary + Personnel";

    "Production + Services + Accounting";

    "Financial planning".

    The user can apply the configurations of the complex delivery either separately (linking them through data exchange mechanisms), or jointly. However, you can purchase configurations individually (for example, only "Accounting" or "Trade + warehouse").

    Note that the most powerful application solution created on the basis of the "1C 7.7" technological platform is the "Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salary + Personnel" configuration.

    However, at present more and more users of the 1C system are choosing products based on the 1C 8 technological platform. The developers offer a wide range of standard solutions:

    "1C: Accounting 8";

    "1C: Trade Management 8";

    "1C: Salary and personnel management 8";

    "1C: Integrated Automation 8";

    "1C: Payment documents 8", etc.

    For more details on the typical solutions of 1C you can find on its websites at and And in this book we will consider one of the most popular standard solutions created on the basis of the 1C 8 technological platform - the 1C: Accounting 8 configuration.

    Lesson number 2. Purpose and functionality of the program "1C: Accounting 8"

    One of the key advantages of the configuration under consideration is the flexibility of the platform, which allows the program to be widely used in a wide variety of areas. The implemented mechanisms for accounting for the movement of cash flows, fixed assets and intangible assets, production, commercial and other types of costs, other assets and liabilities of the enterprise open up ample opportunities for management accounting and go far beyond traditional accounting standards.

    The tasks solved with the help of the "1C: Accounting 8" program can be formulated as follows:

    Comprehensive automation of the economic, organizational and financial activities of the enterprise;

    Parallel accounting and tax accounting;

    Using the mechanism of typical operations;

    Accounting for enterprise funds;

    Accounting for banking and cash transactions;

    Accounting for the movement of inventory items;

    Accounting for settlements with counterparties;

    Accounting for warehouse operations;

    Production accounting;

    Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets;

    Accounting for wages and settlements with personnel;

    Maintaining personnel records;

    Setting up, forming and printing out financial statements in the forms approved by the regulatory acts of the Russian Federation;

    Multi-currency accounting;

    Construction of a variety of analytical reporting.

    In addition to the above, with the help of the configuration under consideration, it is possible to solve a number of other tasks, the presence of which may be due to the specifics of a particular enterprise.

    Lesson number 3. Starting the program

    After the program is installed, its program group will be created in the Start menu. To start the program, the 1C Enterprise command is intended. For convenience, it is recommended to display the launch shortcut on the desktop using standard operating system tools.

    When you start the program, a window is displayed on the screen (Fig. 1.1).

    Rice. 1.1. Launching the program

    In this window, you can select the required operating mode, as well as the infobase. The 1C program can operate in two modes:

    1C: Enterprise;


    The selection of the required mode is carried out by pressing the corresponding button in this window. In more detail about what each mode of operation of the "1C" program is, we will learn during the passage of the corresponding lesson.

    A list of infobases is presented in the central part of the application launch window. When the program is launched for the first time, this list may contain an infobase with a demo configuration; this base is included in the delivery set and is intended for preliminary acquaintance with the system. The infobase is selected by clicking on the corresponding position in the list. You can add new ones to the list or edit and delete existing infobases (how to do this will be discussed later).

    The lower part of the window displays the path to the infobase directory where the cursor is positioned.

    The procedure for starting the program is as follows: first, in the start window, select the infobase by clicking the mouse, and then press the 1C: Enterprise or Configurator button (depending on which mode you want to run the program in).

    Lesson No. 4. Operating modes "1C: Enterprise" and "Configurator"

    As we already know from the previous lesson, the 1C program can function in two main modes: 1C: Enterprise and Configurator. The selection of the required mode is carried out by pressing the corresponding button in the start window.

    1C: Enterprise mode is a program operation mode in accordance with its purpose. In other words, it is in the 1C: Enterprise mode that accountants, financiers, managers and other program users work.

    As for the Configurator mode, it is intended for setting up and administering the program. Here you create and edit configuration objects, configure interfaces and dialog boxes, define the type and content of the printed form of documents, and also perform a number of other actions to set up and configure the system. In most cases, the administrator works with the Configurator, as this requires specific knowledge.

    We will not consider the issues of configuring the program, since a separate book is needed to cover this topic. Moreover, it is not recommended for an ordinary user to independently make changes to the Configurator (its unqualified editing can violate the data integrity, and indeed lead to unpredictable consequences). The only thing we will do in the Configurator mode is to connect the "Accounting" configuration to the technological platform (see lesson № 6).

    Note that some simple and accessible settings have been moved to the 1C: Enterprise operating mode. The user can edit these parameters independently (it is recommended to notify the system administrator). We will learn how to do this by going through the corresponding lesson.

    Lesson number 5. Working with infobases (creation, selection, deletion)

    To start operating the program, when you first start it, you need to create an information base with which you will work (all data will be stored there). To switch to the infobase creation mode, press the Add button in the program launch window (see Fig. 1.1). As a result, the screen will open the window shown in Fig. 1.2.

    Rice. 1.2. The first stage of adding an infobase

    In this window, using the switch, you need to specify how the infobase should be created. If you are just starting to work with the 1C program, and no infobases have been created so far, then you need to set the switch to the Create a new infobase position to create a new empty base for further work. The second option is intended for connecting a previously created infobase.

    Click Next to go to the next step.

    When creating a new infobase, the screen will display the window shown in Fig. 1.3.

    Rice. 1.3. Choosing a way to create an infobase

    If you need to create an infobase based on an existing template (for example, based on a demo configuration), set the radio button to Create an infobase from a template. In this case, a list of available configurations and templates will be displayed below, where you must select the required position by clicking the mouse and click the Next button.

    Selecting the second option (the lower position of the switch) will create an infobase without configuration. It will be possible to subsequently connect the required configuration from the corresponding file to it (we will consider the procedure for connecting the "Accounting" configuration later).

    Rice. 1.4. Entering the name and type of infobase location

    In the Specify infobase name field, you need to enter an arbitrary name of the database being created using the keyboard. The infobase will subsequently be displayed under this name in the list of infobases in the application launch window (see Fig. 1.1).

    Using the switch located below, you need to specify where the created base will be located. In most cases, this is either a computer or a local network, therefore, by default, the switch is set to On this computer or on a computer on the local network. After clicking the Next button, the window shown in Fig. 1.5.

    Rice. 1.5. Path to the infobase directory

    This window specifies the path to the directory where the infobase files will be stored. The figure shows the path suggested by the program by default. To change it, press the select button (with three dots) at the end of this field. As a result, the Select directory window will open, in which, according to the usual Windows rules, the required path is specified (if necessary, you can create a new directory).

    In the Language (Country) field, select the language of the created infobase from the drop-down list. The default value for this field is Russian (Russia).

    The process of creating an infobase is completed by clicking the Finish button in this window.

    To change the parameters of an infobase, select it by clicking on it in the launch window (see Fig. 1.1) and click the Change button, and then make the required adjustments step by step.

    Deletion of infobases is also carried out in the program launch window. To do this, select the database to be deleted by clicking the mouse and press the Delete button. In this case, the program will issue an additional request to confirm the deletion operation.

    Remember that at least one infobase is required to operate the program.

    Lesson No. 6. Connecting the "Accounting" configuration

    As we noted earlier, the 1C: Accounting 8 program consists of two key components: a technological platform and a configuration. During the installation of the program, a technological platform is installed on the computer, to which the required configuration is subsequently connected (for example, "Trade Management", "Personnel Management" or, as in our case, "Accounting").

    The configuration file is included in the system delivery set, has the cf extension and is connected via the Configurator.

    This is done in the following way.

    In the program launch window (see Fig. 1.1), select the name of the previously created infobase by clicking the mouse and press the Configurator button. As a result, the program window will open in the Configurator mode (Fig. 1.6).

    Rice. 1.6. Program window in the Configurator mode

    The first thing to do in this mode is to execute the command of the main menu Configuration | Open configuration. As a result, the Configuration window will open on the left side of the interface (Fig. 1.7).

    Rice. 1.7. Opening the Configuration window

    Now we execute the command of the main menu Configuration | Load configuration from file (Fig. 1.8).

    Rice. 1.8. Selecting the command to load the configuration

    Please note that this command becomes available only when the Configuration window is open (see Fig. 1.7). When it is activated, the Select a configuration file window is displayed on the screen, shown in Fig. 1.9.

    Rice. 1.9. Choosing a configuration file

    In this window, you need to specify the path to the configuration file, select this file by clicking the mouse and click the Open button. After that, the process of loading the configuration will begin. Information about the progress of this process will be displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the Configurator window (Fig. 1.10).

    Rice. 1.10. Configuration download progress information

    It should be borne in mind that the process of loading a configuration from a file can take a long time, especially when working on a low-power computer.

    After the download is complete, the program will ask you to update the database configuration (Fig. 1.11).

    This request should be answered in the affirmative. Information on the progress of the update process will also be displayed in the status bar. In this case, the program will issue another request to accept the configuration changes, which should also be answered positively (otherwise the update will not be completed).

    After finishing updating the database configuration, the title and version of the loaded configuration should be displayed in the title of the Configurator window. This will confirm that the configuration connection is correct.

    Now you can switch to 1C: Enterprise operating mode and start operating the program.

    Lesson # 7. Description of the main user interfaces

    The program "1C: Accounting 8" has its own user interface for each mode of operation. Actually, this is not unusual - this approach is practiced in most Windows applications. For example, some interfaces are provided for data entry, others for selecting objects, others for viewing a list of objects, etc. In this lesson we will get acquainted with the main interfaces of "1C: Accounting 8". Any user of the program has to deal with them in the 1C: Enterprise operating mode.

    After starting the program, its main window will appear on the screen, which is shown in Fig. 1.12.

    Rice. 1.12. Main program window

    It is here that the user determines his further actions by choosing the appropriate operating mode. This can be done using the main menu, the toolbar, or using the function bar located in the central part of the interface.

    The selection of objects for further work is carried out in the selection or list interfaces. For example, to switch to the mode of working with any reference book, you must select it in the selection window (Fig. 1.13), which is called up on the screen using the command of the main menu Operations | Reference books.

    Rice. 1.13. Selection interface example

    In this window, you need to select the required object by clicking the mouse and press the OK button or the .

    Also, the selection of objects for viewing or editing can be carried out in the interfaces of the list. A typical example is working with documents. When the corresponding command is activated, a list window opens on the screen (Fig. 1.14), in which a document is selected for further work.

    Rice. 1.14. Example of a list box (cash receipts)


    At the beginning of program operation with a newly created empty infobase, all interfaces of the list will be empty, that is, there will be no positions in them.

    The list box contains a list of relevant items (documents, organizations, contractors, etc.). For each item in the list, general information is shown in the corresponding columns: date and number of the document, counterparty for the document, amount, type of operation, etc. (this is determined by a specific operating mode).

    It should be noted that the order of work in different interfaces of the list is largely the same. In other words, in the window for the list of cash orders, and in the window for the list of bank documents, and in the window for the list of documents for the arrival of goods, and in many other similar operating modes, there are a number of uniform, standard actions designed to perform certain operations. These actions are accessed using the corresponding commands of the Actions menu, opened by clicking the button in the upper left corner of the list window.

    Let's take a closer look at these commands, since most of them have to be used constantly when using the program. Along the way, we will get acquainted with several more typical program interfaces (filter settings, data display, etc.).

    Add... This command is used to switch to the mode of forming a new position. When it is executed, an input and editing window opens on the screen. The Add command can also be activated by pressing the key .

    Copy... The command is designed to create a new position based on an existing one (namely, based on the one on which the cursor is positioned in the list). This command is convenient to use when creating several positions of the same type, in which most of the details are the same. The Copy command is also invoked by pressing the key .

    The use of "1C: Accounting" today is so developed that they have come up with many ways of teaching how to work in this program:

    Courses. Practically in every city there are methodological centers, the list of services of which includes a training program for 1C. For a set amount, they will teach you how to work in the program, clearly explain the accounting basics. It turns out theory and practice, all in one.

    Educational books. Many tutorials and guidebooks are published on this topic. In this literature, each action or operation is described step by step, a description of a specific configuration and features of work in it is given.

    Demo version. Usually a disc with a demo version of the program is attached to a self-instruction book. When launched from a computer, an imitation of the fact that you are working in a real program is created. A fictitious company is entered and then you can perform any actions that are within the competence of the program: fill out documents, generate reports, make transactions, perform other actions related to accounting.

    Information from the Internet. This includes the knowledge of 1C using Internet resources: sites, forums, discussions, Internet publications and magazines,.

    Direct work experience. This method is the best of all. If it is possible to study in the process of performing a labor function, acquaintance with 1C will be quick and fruitful.

    Getting started in "1C: Accounting"

    First, you need to install the program on the hard drive of your computer. Entrust this to a specialist. After installation in a clean 1C, you will need to enter all the data about the organization in which the accounting is kept, these are the details, the accounting policy, the nomenclature used in the work. If you initially set all the settings correctly, then 1C will only work to help the accountant. In one program, you can create several databases with different companies.

    "1C: Accounting" has the ability to process and personnel documents, hiring and dismissing employees, registration of vacations, accounting. Initially, all this data will need to be entered into the program. From time to time it is advisable to make an archive of the database in case of loss of information or breakdown of the computer. Also, as the legislation changes and new releases are released, the program needs to be updated for correct operation and data update.

    Since "1C: Accounting" is the development of one manufacturer, it has its own individual interface developed over time and, despite constant improvement and updates, those who once learned how to work in it will not be difficult to master the new version.

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    How to issue an invoice in 1C Accounting

    "1C: Enterprise" is an applied computer program with which you can automate the accounting of various fields of activity at any enterprise (accounting, personnel, finance, sales, etc.).

    The computer program "1C: Enterprise" is a system of individual products and components, such as 1C: Trade and warehouse, 1C: Salary and personnel, 1C: Accounting, etc.

    In order to rationally use all the features of the program, you need to pay attention to the recommendations of the system itself, which are contained in the "Tips of the Day". In addition, with questions arising in the work, you can contact the employees who installed and maintain the program in the company.

    Additional information for the user can also be obtained in the sections of the menu "action", "context menu", in the "help" mode, in the built-in description, in tooltips. In addition, in the "Settings" mode, you can find additional features of the system.

    Software products are constantly updated and re-released. Service specialists usually monitor the timely installation of updates. You can view the version number installed on a specific working computer by calling the "About" mode (the "Help" menu).

    Working with 1C begins with starting the program on the computer. Immediately after the start of the program, the "Launch window" appears, in it you can select one of the modes "1C: Enterprise" (for users) and "Configurator" ().

    After selecting the "1C: Enterprise" mode, an interface configured for a specific user opens (by default, a menu and a standard panel will open). The main menus here required for work are "Operations" and "Service".

    In general, working with 1C looks like selecting the desired sections in the menu in the windows that open. All configurations have windows that help to navigate in them or contain reference information, for example, "help", "workplace", "navigation assistant". You can find them in "Help –Function Panel –Quick Learn –Additional Information –Start Assistant”. The main actions that will have to be performed when working in 1C: Enterprise are the introduction and addition of information to the directory, preparation (filling out) of documents, viewing reports.

    Detailed step-by-step instructions can be found on the Internet at developer sites or in user forums.

    The "Configuration" mode allows you to create an applied solution for a specific enterprise, taking into account the specifics of its production activities, personnel and financial policies. Only specialists in the field of programming work with this mode.

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    Advice 3: How to learn to use the 1C Accounting program

    It is very difficult to imagine the work of modern companies without using the 1C Accounting program. This application has simplified many tasks. In order to learn how to work in it, you need to make an effort and have aspiration. The main thing is to set a goal and try to achieve it, doing everything possible for this.

    There are different training options. You can study this program yourself or with the help of a specialist. Finding a specialist is not difficult, since there are many courses where you can get the necessary knowledge.

    Some people prefer to master new programs on their own, while others simply do not have time to attend courses. In order to study the program yourself, you will need an accounting textbook and, accordingly, the 1C Accounting program. Practical tasks will not be superfluous either.

    Without certain knowledge in the field of accounting, it will be difficult for a person to master the program. For clear training, you need to know the chart of accounts and be able to fill out everything in a certain way. Accounting courses will not be superfluous either. In work, the knowledge and skills gained will never be superfluous.

    If it was decided to independently study the program, then you need to make sure that the knowledge in this area will be enough for the job. This area is difficult to study. Sometimes even experienced accountants find it quite difficult to deal with this program.

    It is recommended to download the quick start guide, which will allow you to quickly master the program. You can also learn by watching video tutorials. To study, you need to know the latest developments related to accounting, as well as tax accounting.

    1. What is 1c, the difference between the platform and the configuration.
    2. Options for storing information.
    3. Three-tier architecture.
    4. Technology support

    What is 1c, the difference between the platform and the configuration.

    The program is both a software product "business solution" and a development environment. Has many typical and author's configurations. To make it clearer the difference between the platform and the configuration, I will make a comparison with the Word program from the Microsoft office suite. The platform is equivalent to the Word program, and the configuration is equivalent to a file with the "* .doc" extension created in the program.

    Those. having only a platform there is nothing to look at and nowhere to enter data, and having a configuration without a platform, there is nothing to open. As a rule, the configuration covers some industry or subject area and solves their tasks, for example: Trade management, Enterprise accounting, Salary and personnel management, Motor transport company. As for the development environment, a configuration change tool is built into the platform and all existing configurations are created using it. Moreover, understanding the code is simplified due to the programming language - it is Russian. The main interface through which users work is Forms .

    What 1c looks like

    Over the past years, 1c has undergone strong changes in the interface, let's follow from version 7.7 to version 8.3 "Taxi"

    Information storage options.

    Because the main goals of using programs in business is the accumulation of data for control and management, then it is necessary to talk about how 1C does it. There are two types of storing information in databases:

    1. File- this format assumes the creation of the file "1Cv8.1CD" on the computer, which is the database.
    2. Client-server- this format assumes the use of a third-party program for storing information, and the 1c program refers to it in order to perform some actions on the data. Instead of the phrase client-server, the word server can be used, as well as a three-tier or three-tier architecture.

    Three-tier architecture.

    I think there will be no difficulties with understanding the file version of building an accounting system. I'll tell you more about the client-server one. With this version, the software package consists of three levels: Client, Enterprise 1C Server, SQL Server.
    Note: The acronym SQL stands for Structure Query Language, which translates to Structured Query Language, but is often used to denote the type of server.

    The main purpose of such an option for building a system is to increase reliability and productivity. The most famous third-party programs are: MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, the latter being free and supplied on ITS disks.

    Reliability is achieved due to the fact that you can work with the database through a specialized program that monitors data integrity, makes archive copies, optimizes data retrieval time, etc.

    Performance- due to the possibility of separating different logical parts of the software package to different computers. In fact, even in the case of a client-server version, all parts of the software complex can be located on one computer.
    A simplified description of the functions performed by different parts of the software package will look like this:

    1. Client - everything related to displaying on the monitor screen
    2. Server 1C - a request for information to the SQL server in the SQL language, the imposition of restrictions on user rights to the information received
    3. SQL Server - storing and changing information.

    If you compare versions 1c from 7.7 to 8.3 and highlight one key difference, you can specify the following

    • 7.7 is largely a file version, does not work fully with SQL
    • 8.0 single-user system, does not have sufficient parallelism of several users
    • 8.1 client system, works with SQL, but most of the processes are executed on the client computer
    • 8.2 client-server, but with weak web client functionality
    • 8.3 web client, avoiding modal windows.

    Technology support

    The 1c platform supports many modern technologies:

    • com - allows you to refer to other objects regardless of the boundaries of the process or machine, i.e. read data from other applications. For example from Excel
    • ole - allows you to embed parts of other applications into 1c forms.
    • xml is a widely recognized format for data interchange
    • and many others.

    Installing 1c is no more difficult than installing any application, the only nuance is in the key of protection.

    In conclusion, an interesting fact, under the decoding "1C" at first meant - no more than one second and was the name of a search engine, and not a company that develops business applications.

    Most professional accountants know how difficult it is to keep records “manually” without using special accounting software. This method of organizing accounting is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. In addition to the huge time spent on the formation of primary documents and the preparation of accounting records, the likelihood of incorrect preparation of entries and, as a result, the formation of inaccurate financial statements increases.

    All these troubles can be avoided by keeping records in a specialized accounting program. Today, the most convenient and "advanced" program is the "1C: Enterprise" package, which provides full and high-quality accounting of all accounting, financial and personnel aspects of any company. That is why many accountants strive to learn how to work in this software module as soon as possible. Unfortunately, not everyone has free time to attend specialized courses, so many tend to learn "1C Accounting" at home.

    Things to consider for beginners

    It should be noted that the 1C module is organized so competently and conveniently that even accountants with little experience can master it. To study the 1C Accounting program on your own, it is enough to purchase a set, which includes a disc with software and additional teaching materials that allow you to master the basics of working in the selected module.

    By carefully studying the sequence of the installation of the program, the establishment of the setting constants and the peculiarities of filling out the reference books, you can learn how to create primary accounting and shipping documents and master the rules for drawing up basic postings.

    How to learn how to work in the module for experienced accountants

    Specialists with extensive experience in the position of a leading or chief accountant will be able to study at home the "1C Accounting" program very quickly. For most of them, it is enough to carefully study the program interface and understand the basic principles of working in it. Advanced users usually have no problem performing basic accounting operations such as inventory control, depreciation, or payroll. If all primary constants are entered correctly and the parameters of the operations are specified correctly, the transactions are generated automatically.

    If you have any difficulties with filling out reports or generating output forms, you can always get a free consultation from the specialists of the company from which the software was purchased, or consult with colleagues on the forums of professional accountants.