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  • Is it possible to become a freelance employee of the FSB. Federal Security Service Officers

    Is it possible to become a freelance employee of the FSB. Federal Security Service Officers

    Freelance is not uncommon today. This term refers to a company employee who is not on the staff. However, a civil or labor contract is concluded with him, and all relationships with the employer are regulated by law. True, there are certain features of hiring such employees, and the conditions in their contract are also different. What - we will consider in this article.


    According to labor law, the term “freelancer” simply does not exist. There are only two concepts in it - an employee or an employer. A freelancer can be called a specialist who performs work that is not directly included in his official duties.

    The need for hiring freelancers is different for each employer. For example, you need a person to provide specific services or a certain type of work. Often such people are hired to short termbut sometimes freelancers work full-time.

    What contract is concluded?

    If an employee is hired freelance, this does not mean that there is no need to conclude a contract with him. It can be both labor and civil. More specifically, refer to one of the following types:

    • A contract for a specific period. It indicates the exact date of completion of the work, or the scope of their implementation is prescribed, after which the contract can be considered completed. This type of contract is regulated by Article 59 of the Labor Code.
    • Seasonal contract. Close to the previous one, but provides for a specific season of work. Often it is concluded for a period of more than 2 months, but if a shorter period is required, the article is different here - No. 45.
    • At the same time. An employee who is already on the company's staff can take on additional responsibilities, and then he will be considered a freelance at the same time. This activity is governed by Articles 44 and 60.
    • Civil law. Most often it is concluded if the organization needs a person for work that it is not able to perform on its own. Or there is simply no specialist on the staff.

    Freelancer rights and responsibilities: how they differ from the work of others

    Depending on what kind of contract is concluded - labor or civil law, there will be significant differences between the tasks of an employee.

    Working as a freelance employee with whom an employment contract is concluded will be practically no different from working as a full-time employee. In the sense that he can count on the same guarantees and rights provided by law. The employer is obliged to deduct insurance premiums and social benefits for such employees.

    When concluding a civil contract, the requirements of the internal regulations do not apply to the employee. For example, he is not obliged to pay for weekends and holidays, and the length of the working day is not standardized. Social payments and contributions to the Pension Fund are also not made. Contributions for accident insurance and other professional nuances may be provided, but they must be discussed individually in the contract.

    What do you need to know when applying for a job?

    To save on taxes, an unscrupulous employer can cheat by concluding a civil law contract instead of an employment contract. However, you have the opportunity to contact tax authorities, and those, in turn, can sue in order to re-qualify the nature of the documents.

    The basis for such a decision can be many factors. For example, you work under such a contract, but fulfill all the same obligations as regular employees. Or you get paid at regular intervals. After all, a civil contract provides for post-payment. By going to court, you can achieve the recognition of your contract as a labor contract officially.

    In what areas can you work freelance?

    Becoming a freelance journalist or manager, for example, is easy. But what about more serious positions? There are many examples here as well. Let's say a freelance police officer. The average age of such people is 30-35 years old, and at the same time they work in various fields, from security guards to company directors.

    Why is it that some are so eager to get a freelance ID and work in the authorities? Everyone has their own reasons. Someone is tired of looking at the riots in their hometown and they simply cannot pass by if someone needs help. For some, prestige and recognition are more important, although for the most part freelancers are modest people and prefer not to "shine".

    Responsibilities and status

    The duties of freelance police officers include participation in raids, assistance in obtaining useful information for the investigation and detection of administrative offenses. They maintain law and order at various events such as concerts or football matches.

    Typically, a freelance police officer is a volunteer enthusiast. He does not receive a strictly regulated salary, but he rightfully enjoys the gratitude and recognition of his colleagues. After all, the help provided to them is sometimes simply invaluable - largely due to the fact that those around them simply do not know that they see a policeman in front of them. Therefore, almost every police station has its own freelance officers to obtain the necessary information.

    Freelance Police Powers

    A freelance FSB or police officer can provide invaluable assistance in solving crimes or bringing brawlers to their senses. However, he has few official powers. The most that can be done is to warn the bully by presenting your ID or reporting the offense to colleagues. You can neither detain a person, much less use physical force.

    Who can get a freelance job in the authorities?

    As a rule, the district officer himself offers cooperation to his friends or trusted people. But, in principle, everyone can become a freelancer and work in the police. It is only important to meet certain requirements.

    Before becoming a freelancer, a prospective candidate undergoes rigorous screening. Her main requirement is the absence of a criminal record and bringing to administrative responsibility, as well as a positive reputation in general. If from this side everything is transparent and does not cause any complaints, you just need to write an application for the vacancy "freelance employee", attaching your autobiography. A plus will be the guarantee of a guarantor from among employees state structures or law enforcement.

    After a personal file is drawn up for the candidate and all the data are checked, he will be invited for a personal conversation and clarification of the goals of a potential employee. It is important to understand whether the person really wants to help the organs. After all, someone needs a “freelance FSB officer” just so that there are no problems with the traffic police, for example.

    Where to go?

    The term "freelance" on the ID is of little interest to anyone if you work for a truly prestigious company. The need for freelancers exists in almost all areas. You can get a job in a bank or publishing house of a reputable newspaper, in the fish inspection or even in NASA. It all depends on desire, perseverance, as well as the ability to prove that your talents and skills are useful in this industry. Therefore, feel free to contact your employer directly. The rules are the same as when applying for a regular resume for a job.

    A special service that carries out, within the limits of authority, tasks to ensure the security of the Russian Federation.

    This service is endowed with the right to conduct preliminary investigations, inquiries, intelligence and operational-search activities. A federal civil service for civilians and military service.

    This body is headed directly by the President of the Russian Federation.

    FSB structure

    In its structure, the FSB has departments, departments, services, various divisions that carry out the activities of the Security Council, and also divisions that are endowed with management functions. The structure also includes bodies that are departments (or departments) of the Federal Security Council for various constituent entities of Russia. In addition to them, the structure also includes those security agencies that exercise control over the troops. These are departments that are located in the armed forces, military formations, various troops and the bodies that control them. The structure also includes border authorities. These are departments, detachments or departments of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for carrying

    FSB officers

    Before trying to get to work, you need to understand what a freelance FSB officer does. Among the employees of the service there is a division into several groups: full-time and part-time.

    The staff members are officially registered in the ranks of the FSB and have certificates confirming their affiliation with this authority. Their terms of reference are strictly regulated by official regulations and legislation. For exceeding their authority, these employees bear criminal or administrative responsibility, depending on the corpus delicti and the strength of the offense.

    Freelancers are not formalized. Their cooperation is not recorded anywhere and takes place on a voluntary basis.

    When getting a job as a freelance employee, you can get into any of the units of the country's security service - border detachments or military formations.

    Who is a freelancer

    A freelance FSB employee has a status that differs from a full-time employee.

    Individuals, with their consent, the FSB bodies can invite to cooperate to resolve the responsibilities that are entrusted to the FSB itself. The attraction can be done on a freelance basis. This means that the person who came to work is nowhere listed in the official documents of the authorities. He is on a voluntary basis. In most cases, this employee does not receive remuneration and is not a personnel officer.


    The FSB freelance officer is empowered with powers determined by the regulations of the federal security agency. The activities of the freelancer are supervised by a person authorized to do so by senior management. The actions of this employee are governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    A freelancer is not a person with official service in the authorities. Despite this, his actions are also tightly controlled and regulated. Such an employee is not issued. His cooperation is purely informative. The use of illegal methods of obtaining information, the manipulation of data and the provision of knowingly false facts will entail liability, the extent of which will be determined by the court.

    Taking part in various counterterrorism or drug trafficking operations, a freelance employee must independently assess the danger or safety of the situation for him. He has no right to use weapons or violent measures. In case of non-fulfillment of agreements or excess of authority, the service can refuse the services of a freelance employee. To terminate cooperation, you do not need to write a letter of resignation, work out 14 days, and so on. The moments provided for by law apply only to those persons who are officially registered. The rest of the terms are governed by the agreement between the freelancer and the SB.


    A freelance FSB employee has almost the same rights and responsibilities as staff members.

    A person assisting the FSB authorities has the right to:

    • conclude a confidential contract with the FSB;
    • receive explanations from employees of the service to their tasks, rights and obligations;
    • to preserve the confidentiality of the person, use documents encrypted for the purpose of conspiracy;
    • receive remuneration for work;
    • to receive compensation for damage caused to property or health during cooperation.


    Working as a freelance FSB employee assumes the fulfillment of duties:

    • to comply with the conditions stipulated in the contract or cooperation agreement;
    • carry out the necessary instructions from the FSB;
    • not to provide deliberately false, biased, defamatory information;
    • not or any information pertaining to the assignment.

    In addition, there are a number of prohibitions that must not be violated under any pretext:

    • to attract on the basis of a contract deputies, prosecutors, judges, minors, lawyers, clergymen or persons officially registered with religious organizations.

    Out-of-state employees may only be made public with written permission from those individuals and only as required by federal law.


    The execution of laws by the bodies of the Federal Security Service is monitored by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, as well as prosecutors who are authorized by him to carry out these measures. Information about persons who have provided or still continue to provide assistance on the basis of confidentiality, as well as information about methods, means, tactics and methods of activity, do not fall under the supervision of the prosecutor.

    What Freelancers Do

    Who is a freelance FSB officer? What is assistance?

    In fact, freelancers are the people who almost always provide assistance to the authorities. They take part in all kinds of raids or raids on retail outlets, assist in identifying administrative offenses, and receive useful and necessary information for the authorities.

    They often provide assistance at large events where there are many people. For example, at football matches. Most often, they do not receive money for their work, but at the same time they can receive a letter of gratitude.

    What is the essence of the work

    A freelance FSB employee, in fact, does his best to assist the official authority. Fulfilling various assignments, a person helps to oversee the country's security.

    How to become such an employee

    In order to join the ranks of civil servants, you need to figure out how to become a freelance employee of the FSB of Russia.

    First of all, the most comprehensive information can be provided by the territorial body of the FSB of the Russian Federation in the city. To receive an answer on questions of interest, you must come to the FSB office in the city and ask for an appointment.

    In one of the offices, you can ask a question how to become a freelance FSB employee. So, the interested person will be taken to the necessary department.

    Once in the required office, you need to be prepared for the fact that many different questions will be asked. Questions can be from the field of personal life, career, work, hobbies, plans, trips abroad. Being prepared for such provocative and deep questions will relieve you of unnecessary stress.

    When meeting with an employee responsible for making decisions or authorized to do so, you must be ready to offer something to the FSB. It is necessary to clearly understand why the structure itself needs cooperation. A person who is simply in love with the romance of service in special agencies will find it difficult to understand the difference between what is shown in the films and what the special services workers actually face. Only a person who is clearly aware of the full responsibility of the FSB service, albeit a freelance one, will be able to obtain permission to cooperate.

    Often in city departments of special services there can be questionnaires, filling out which, an ordinary citizen can expect a call with an invitation to hold a conversation. Such questionnaires contain a large number of questions on various topics, including personal information. The complete picture drawn up by the employee based on the analysis of the questionnaire and communication with the candidate will help to form the correct impression of the person.

    Few people know that this person is a freelance FSB officer. There is little information on how to become one. And given that the activity relates to the security of the state, it is strictly forbidden to talk about it.

    Terms of cooperation

    Most often, in order to work as a freelance FSB employee, you must meet the requirements:

    • have no criminal record;
    • be healthy physically and mentally;
    • get tested by medical specialists.

    About work - from employees

    There is a limited amount of information online about how the job is actually done in such a position. A freelance FSB employee does not leave feedback on his activities for several reasons:

    1. The service is associated with dangerous elements, groups and is subject to secrecy.
    2. The disclosure of information concerning the work of the special services is punishable by law.
    3. In the case of cooperation with the FSB on issues related to drug trafficking or countering terrorism, the disclosure of information about his identity can be dangerous for the employee himself or his family members.

    How to protect yourself

    Many citizens, thinking about cooperation with the authorities, wonder how to protect themselves in case of unforeseen situations.

    There is information that a freelance FSB officer, to whom a receipt is provided from the service itself, can, on the basis of this note, go to court and appeal against any actions / inaction. However, it is difficult to judge the legal force and reality of such a note. Most often, cooperation is carried out on a contractual basis, and receipts are not issued. However, if the receipt was given, then it is necessary to ensure that the points listed in it are indicated clearly and without double meaning.

    Who is hired most often

    Officials say in interviews that most often they hire really patriotic people. Those with fanatical eyes are avoided so as not to provoke the organizations that are being monitored. Plus, fanatics are hard to control. Although such employees are not registered in the state, responsibility for their actions can be assigned to the security structure.

    Due to the fact that funding for such workers is limited, material incentives for cooperation are rarely used. These can be valuable gifts or letters of thanks, but this is rare. In this regard, those who consider such work as an opportunity to earn additional income will be disappointed. Cooperation is free of charge.

    It is because of the lack of additional finances that real patriots are hired. A person who wants to defend his country and his state on a voluntary basis will be much more useful than someone who wants to make money on the security of his country.


    Usually there are no special requirements for this position. Bright tattoos or body modifications, extraordinary hair color can become an obstacle. Factors that attract additional glances can negatively impact the safety of the freelancer.

    Where to work

    They will tell you about where a freelance FSB officer is required, vacancies. Moscow and the region advertisements for the recruitment of such employees are placed most often. You can find such information on the websites of official units or directly on the appeal board in the city unit of the FSB.

    In Moscow, it is possible to apply directly to the Lubyanka, at the address: house 2. Having visited the complex of buildings included in the accountable ones, you can get a complete list of information about the personnel that are required at a particular moment, as well as leave an application by filling out a questionnaire or a questionnaire and leaving your contact details.

    Depending on where people will be needed, you can get a distribution or offer of cooperation in one of the structures that are part of the service. Most often, the recruitment of freelancers is opened by the border service and security agencies in the troops. For these two units, help is never superfluous. As in the fight against illegal penetration into the territory of the country, as well as when importing or exporting goods, products, other items, and in the ranks of the army, people are needed who can show additional vigilance.

    4. Tactics of candidate evaluation

    Having comprehensively studied a specific person, he is given an extremely balanced potential assessment from the standpoint of:
    ... the likelihood of his recruitment; his capabilities as an agent;
    ... benefits from its attraction;
    ... risk in its attraction;
    ... real directions of its use.

    In assessing the likelihood of recruiting a given person, take into account:
    - the presence of the necessary internal (character traits, weaknesses, vices) and external (compromising evidence, valued factors and people) vulnerabilities;
    - interfering factors (character traits, ideological conviction, the influence of significant persons, difficulties of direct contact) and optimal possibilities for their elimination (decrease in significance, bypass, turning in their favor);
    - who, for what reason, how and with what efficiency can facilitate recruitment.

    In assessing the capabilities of an object as an agent, take into account:
    - internal personality traits (intelligence, observation, activity, level of aspirations, contact, inclination to take risks, perseverance, composure, courage, resourcefulness, etc.);
    - external factors of the situation (friends, relatives and acquaintances who have information, opportunities to influence key people and the course of events due to their authority or official position, extensive contacts, etc.).

    In assessing the benefits of attracting (recruiting) an object, they calculate:
    - the usefulness of information and other assistance that is supposed to be found here;
    - the degree of his available and potential opportunities to influence the course of events or specific individuals;
    - the degree of difficulty to penetrate from the outside into a given group or environment;
    - the chances of using the object to introduce its people into the organization;
    - the aspect of the loss in his person of an active enemy.

    In assessing the risk of recruiting an object, take into account:
    - the possibility of an active negative reaction to a proposal for cooperation;
    - how undesirable is the "exposure" of the recruiters (interference in their further activities, "casting a shadow" on the contactees);
    - how harmful is the manifestation of interest in a specific topic or organization (it will alert and complicate the planned development, give a thread in active counterplay);
    - the degree of confidence that the object will not communicate to "friends" (danger of "double play");
    - the size of the loophole through which they can get to the recruiting structure, and the existing possibilities for its fastest closing.

    Assessing the promising ways of using the object, they determine:
    - how to use it profitably (as an informant, agent of influence, disinformer, violator of unity, liaison, provocateur, accomplice in various actions)
    - whether it is worth promoting the object to a key place in its organization and whether the latter is achievable.

    Having made an analysis of all possible pros and cons of attracting an object to cooperation and taking into account the needs of the current situation, they make an appropriate conclusion:
    ... "to recruit urgently" (even if the object has not yet "matured" - time does not stand);
    ... "to postpone recruiting" (there is no obvious need, there is no effective compromising evidence, the object has not been brought to the required condition);
    ... "to completely refuse recruitment" (the probability of consent is too negligible, the risk of getting a "double game" is high, "the game is not worth the candle").

    5. Conducting recruitment

    Having understood the psychological portrait of the object and appreciating its features, difficulties and aspirations, it is usually possible to find motives that can persuade the intended person to cooperate. Most often, the motivating moments are:
    ... political or religious beliefs;
    ... desire for power;
    ... romantic performances;
    ... nationalism;
    ... vanity;
    ... an exaggerated opinion about their abilities;
    ... revenge;
    ... material difficulties;
    ... fear (of compromise, physical impact, for other people);
    ... greed (as a character trait);
    ... compassion (as a character trait);
    ... love for children;
    ... everyday weaknesses and vices (drunkenness, gambling, women, drugs, etc.).

    The motives behind the recruitment of "transcendental" intellectuals can be their refined aspirations to:
    - secret power;
    - playing with the laws;
    - knowledge of what others cannot know;
    - penetration into secrets.

    It is useful to know that it is difficult for any person to overcome in himself:
    - love-passion;
    - love for children;
    - vanity;
    - fear.

    It must be remembered that the intensity of the manifestation of individual feelings often changes over time and lends itself to some correction. It is advisable to take this fact into account when selecting specific methods of influencing an individual.

    When you know perfectly well what a person needs and has the opportunity to give or take it away, it is easy to become his master.

    Recruitment can be carried out:
    ... on behalf of the recruiting organization (“direct recruitment”);
    ... without direct indication of who is recruiting, however, giving some opportunity to assume something ("hinting recruitment");
    ... under the "false flag", or on behalf of an unremarkable structure (person) that does not cause any dislike, or even generate a certain sympathy ("fooling recruitment");
    ... on behalf of one organization with the subsequent - when control has already been obtained - disclosure of the real owner ("stepwise recruitment").

    The recruiting approach is:
    ... "hot" (when the recruiter makes a direct offer of cooperation, sometimes after a very long processing, and sometimes almost immediately);
    ... "cold" (when a person unknown to the object gradually "rolls up" to it);
    ... "contactless" (when the influence on the object is carried out without direct contact with it, resorting to letters, e-mail, fax and telephone);
    ... "reverse" (when the object itself offers its services, although usually he needs to "prompt" whom he can turn to).

    In all these options, it is desirable to provide conditions for maintaining communication, because even if a person at first abruptly refused the offer, then after a while he may change his mind.

    The main recruiting methods are:
    1. Blackmail.
    2. Bribery.
    3. Threat of physical impact.
    4. Threat to loved ones.
    5. Stirring up emotions (revenge, discontent, vanity, enthusiasm, jealousy, compassion).
    6. Belief.
    7. Zombie (psychoprogramming).

    Practical schemes of these techniques and particular recommendations for their implementation are presented in the part that analyzes the methods of exposure to humans.

    6. Dealing with the recruited

    Having recruited a specific person, they try to get the maximum possible from him, and this can be realized only with skillful leadership, taking into account the psychological characteristics of his personality and the level of desire (or even unwillingness) to act. We will briefly consider some aspects of such relationships here.

    A cooperative person can be used:
    - one-time;
    - as needed;
    - constantly.

    The frequency of using the agent depends on:
    - striving to keep abreast of current events;
    - operational necessity;
    - desire to preserve it for the most important purposes;
    - the degree of initiative entrusted to him.

    The agent can function:
    - independently (conveying what he himself considers necessary, and at the same time acting as he considers necessary);
    - autonomously (working according to the established task, but not maintaining intermediate contacts with the owners);
    - semi-initiative (solving the task entrusted to him together with his leader, but not giving up the opportunities that have turned up);
    - strictly according to the instructions (focusing only on the instructions received, and not trying to go beyond the originally established framework).

    To direct the activities of the attracted, they use classical methods:
    - "whip" (intimidation);
    - "gloves" (control);
    - "carrot" (bribery).

    Adhere to the principle: "Let there be a hard hand, but with a soft glove."

    A particular person undoubtedly requires a purely personal approach, but it is usually more effective to direct him through persuasion, not threats, so it is useful to develop friendly relations with him.

    While establishing friendship with a recruited person, one should not lose initiative (dominance) and clearly suppress any attempts to intercept the latter. A significant role here is sometimes played by the useful ability to "overlook" the partner, because if the leader is not able to withstand the direct gaze of his follower, he is not suitable for leadership either.

    6.2. Retention methods

    It is possible to keep any person in your ranks:
    1. Decent material reward.
    2. Mutual help.
    3. "Noodles on the ears".
    4. Fear of retribution.
    5. Zombies.

    Financial reward is a kind of nurturing factor for all other incentives. It should be well thought out (so as not to offend the patient's vanity), noticeably (depending on the usefulness of the work) and optimal (so as not to bribe others).

    Mutual assistance implies active assistance in solving various business and personal problems of the object (career, "roof", useful contacts, profitable contracts, etc.). This is a kind of replacement for direct material reward.

    The noodle tactic is based on making the agent feel the value of his work from a moral or ideological point of view. This markedly increases self-esteem and is usually more effective than stimulation by payment alone.

    When held back by fear of retaliation, the threat of retaliation hangs over both the agent's personality and those close to him.

    Payback here can be assumed:
    - for past sins in relation to someone;
    - for the obvious betrayal of "their";
    - for obvious treason to the new owners.

    For such threats to be effective, one needs impressive compromising evidence obtained in the process of developing a person, as well as in interacting with him (definitely unforgiving actions against "friends", evidence of a "criminal" connection with the enemy). An additional spurring moment here is the periodic promise to the agent to give him compromising materials.

    Zombification implies the artificial shutdown of a person's personal will with unquestioning obedience to his master's orders.
    Zombification is carried out by means of "brainwashing" and "hard" reprogramming for a specific mode of operation, as well as through "soft" reprogramming using multi-stage hypnosis.

    6.3. Verification methods

    In cooperation with the recruited, there is always the danger of running into a "double game" or elementary fraud. To get rid of such troubles, a systematic vowel (lie detector) or unspoken (duplication, observation, provocation) verification of the agent is desirable.

    A lie detector monitors various psycho-emotional reactions (from muscles, skin, pupils, cardiac and respiratory systems) to meaningful information and, in a simplified version, is usually replaced by the simplest express diagnostics during a test conversation.

    Duplication means that the object is instructed to get quite specific information that is already known to its owners. Particularly suitable for this is information that the agent, for his own reasons, would not want to give out.

    During observation, the recruited person is periodically scanned, with the fixation of any fact testifying to his unfair play. In such cases, connecting a parallel agent is usually effective.

    By provocation we mean the calculated seduction of a person (by intrigue, bribery, planting information that he would prefer not to transmit) and noticing his reaction to this.

    It should be noted that the loyalty shown by an agent depends significantly on his moral foundations. A person who is clearly degraded personally is not able to be a reliable performer.

    When a "double play" is revealed, it is possible either to interrupt contact, or to use this fact to carry out an elegant combination or throw misinformation.

    6.4. Communication methods

    The recruited bond is seen as the most vulnerable aspect of conspiratorial work and can be in nature:
    - informational (receiving and transmitting instructions and messages, a detailed discussion of various issues, issuing and receiving the necessary items);
    - signal (notifications about danger-safety, sending-receiving, readiness-unavailability).

    Classical information communication is carried out:
    - with personal communication;
    - by means of technical means of communication (personal radio stations, telephones, telefaxes, e-mail);
    - using "blindly" by unauthorized persons;
    - through courier messengers;
    - by postal items;
    - tossing;
    - laying in certain places (pre-arranged caches, automatic lockers);
    - with instant contacts.

    A non-suspicious connection in personal communication is most often realized when the presenter enters the circle of everyday contacts of the recruited person (at work, when walking the dogs, in a sports club). It can occur during visits to mutual acquaintances, as well as in specially rented safe apartments.

    Communication with the use of a telephone can be both direct and with the use of an intermediate device, both a simplified signaling and a loaded informative one. You should always remember about the possibility of eavesdropping and, if necessary, use encryptors (which, however, is alarming) or periodically changed code communication.

    In the same way, but with different protective tricks, they exploit personal radio communications ("walkie-talkies").

    Communication with the use of a computer (e-mail) must necessarily be carried out through the use of cryptographic technologies.

    With the use of strangers (fellow travelers, train conductors, friends of their acquaintances), materials, money or letters are best transferred. The latter should have "controls" for opening and contain information hidden in one way or another.

    Communication through messengers-couriers prescribes confirmation of their identity (verbal, subject and sign passwords). If personal contact is undesirable, communication can be realized through an intermediate link (or even links).

    It is easy to catch mail correspondence both at the place of its departure and upon receipt. Sometimes it is possible to counteract this by sending letters by strangers (as well as in another city) and using the addresses of the "innocent", but trusted persons of the recipient. In this case, "controls" and classical methods (cipher, code, invisible ink) of hiding specific information are used.

    Tossing is usually done when it is necessary that the addressee does not see the sender or his messenger. It is recommended to toss it into the mailbox, on the desktop, under the door with the next bell, as well as in the pocket of personal clothes, i.e. to a place where the transmission is likely to reach the recipient.

    With the complete undesirability of personal contacts, you can use automatic lockers and various types of caches. In the latter case, they find an unobtrusive secluded place (for example, a battery in a walk-through entrance, a cistern in a public toilet, etc.) and put the materials transferred there, fastening with an elastic band, adhesive tape or suspension. Protecting yourself from possible troubles, you should not drag out the period of time between laying and withdrawing too much, but after doing both, you should inform one or another about it affordable way (an impersonal phone call, a mark at a specific point, etc.).

    Instant contacts are realized in subject transmissions and take place in places where comprehensive observation is unlikely (in the flow of passengers in the subway, in a full bus, in a central department store, etc.). They pass here from hand to hand, as if by chance coming close to each other. Working options for such contacts can be: "accidental meetings" with a handshake, transmission in the dark with two adjacent seats in a cinema, an absent-minded exchange of newspapers or similar packages and diplomats in a cafe, at an exhibition, a train station or a park bench, dropping an object that is here it rises with an imperceptible substitution.

    Regarding the signal connection, we can say that all kinds of forms are real here, depending on the imagination of specific contactees, as well as their capabilities and circumstances: a drawn icon in a conventional place, a postcard with a code signature or a plot, a detail of clothing or a gesture of a "random" passer-by, "erroneous "phone call, etc.

    Signals used in this way should be completely natural so as not to cause unwanted surprise among others.

    6.5. End a contact

    As a rule, the moment comes after which communication with the recruited already loses all meaning, and sometimes even harmful.

    The limit in the further involvement of the agent usually comes:
    - when his services are no longer needed;
    - when he became dangerous as a witness;
    - when it suddenly became clear that he was playing a "double game" (cheating or betraying), and there was no desire to use this fact for counterplay;
    - during conservation, with outlines for the future.

    The first goal in these cases is to neutralize possible troubles from the former agent. How to achieve this is determined based on the characteristics of his personality, position in relation to the curators of the level of the really perceived threat.

    When the contact is "politely" interrupted, gratitude is expressed and a reward is given, the amount of which cannot offend or offend the person. Even when the communication ends altogether (say, due to the "double game" or deception), the agent does not bother to hint that this is only a temporary measure, and his "valuable services" will most likely be needed again in the future.

    In case of "rude" interruption of contact, they use the nearest suitable pretext and, having exerted a certain physical impact, they speak harshly about compromising evidence. This option is good only for a timid individual and a clear confidence that he will not cause irreparable harm.

    If the agent is a dangerous witness and there is no guarantee that he will be silent, radical methods of protection are used, including both physical elimination of the object (by someone else's, if possible, by hands or in "random" circumstances), and special methods of "erasing" his memory.

    Freelance FSB officer Hello! I am wondering if FSB freelancers are given a special certificate, and if so, I would like to look at a sample. So what are the chances of getting there? Today I went to the local department of the FSB and offered myself for this position. today March 8th I was told to come on Monday. The first thing they asked was about the army, I said that I was still a student and only after 2 months I would be 17 years old, and I was answered by a set of up to 26 years old, so everything is fine "+ I go in for sports, I have 1 adult rowing category." Do you think there is a chance that they will take me there?

    Do you need a sample ID? or do you still want to understand their responsibilities and rights? decide and read the LAW There are freelancers in the FSB. Only they are named: persons assisting the bodies of the federal security service Article 19. Persons assisting the bodies of the federal security service Bodies of the federal security service may involve individuals, with their consent, to assist in solving the duties assigned to the bodies of the federal security service on public and private (confidential) basis, including as freelancers. The powers of a freelance employee of the federal security service bodies are determined by the regulations of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Persons assisting federal security service bodies have the right to: a) conclude a contract with federal security service bodies on confidential cooperation; b) receive explanations of their tasks, duties and rights from federal security service personnel; c) use documents for conspiracy purposes, encrypting persons - d) receive remuneration; e) receive compensation for damage caused to their health or property in the process of rendering assistance to the bodies of the federal security service. Persons assisting the bodies of the federal security service are obliged: a) to comply with the terms of the contract or agreement on cooperation concluded with the bodies of the federal security service; b) to carry out instructions from the bodies of the federal security service, aimed at the implementation of the duties assigned to them; c) not to allow deliberate provision of biased, incomplete, false or defamatory information - d) not to disclose information constituting a state secret, and other information that became known to them in the process of rendering assistance to the federal security service. It is prohibited to use confidential assistance on a contractual basis by deputies, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, minors, clergymen and authorized representatives of officially registered religious organizations. Information about persons who provide or have provided assistance to the bodies of the federal security service on a confidential basis constitutes a state secret and can be made public only with the written consent of these persons and in cases provided for by federal laws.

    I was born and raised in the Soviet Union. From the first days of my life, I was taught that the fight against crime is the sacred duty of every citizen of the country. And the KGB officers are knights without fear and reproach, who, not sparing their lives, are fighting the enemies of my country. And helping them is the duty of every citizen.
    Time goes fast. The country in which I was born and raised is no longer there, the FSB was made from the KGB, but what was laid down from childhood remained in me forever. Therefore, when on March 5, 2011. M. D., an employee of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Kursk Region, approached me with a request to assist in solving crimes related to drug trafficking, I gave my consent. After that we met at the Office of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Kursk region at the address: Kursk st. Dobrolyubova, 5. During the conversation, we discussed the question of how to expose the officer of the UFSKN in the Kursk region M.D.N. in the commission of crimes related to the distribution of narcotic substances. This is a really scary person. The fact is that my husband and I are very familiar with the working methods of this werewolf in uniform. It all started with the fact that one day, at the end of October 2008, a man I did not know called me and asked me to meet and talk to him. I didn't want to do this, but he came to my house when my husband was not there. Do you know that your husband is a drug addict? - he asked. I was dumbfounded. What is he talking about? What kind of addict? But what he said next horrified me. It turned out that my husband has been using drugs for a long time. And supposedly he, together with some Tolik, organized a brothel. And if I don't pay him 3,000 rubles a month, he will jail my husband for organizing a den for drug addicts. I asked: "Who are you?" He introduced himself: "MDN, an employee of the UFSKN for the Kursk region." I didn't believe him. In the evening I had a conversation with my husband. And then it turned out that he really began to use drugs. But he did not organize any brothel. It's just that all drug addicts gather at this Tolik and use drugs there, that's all. As time went on, my husband sat on the needle more and more. There was no money in the house. And money was constantly needed for drugs. And then one day I saw drugs in the house. - Where did you get the money? I asked. - Where did you steal it? The scandal continued and then the husband confessed. His confession was like thunder on a clear day. Money for drugs was given by M.D.N. It turns out that he has been working for him for a long time. He distributes drugs for his money. For this, he allows himself to keep some of the drugs. Terrible days dragged on. From morning to evening calls from drug addicts. Their gathering in our house, my husband is constantly intoxicated with drugs, and I am like a secretary: go, give to that, bring from that, call that. We gave the money we got from the sale of drugs to M. D.N. through the criminal investigation officer of the Lgovskiy ROVD Z.Yu. Part of the money we received directly from M.D.N. The amount of money given away ranged from 7,000 to 30,000 rubles. The husband used drugs more and more. I decided to fight this. I persuaded my husband to go to the hospital. I managed to keep him in the hospital for three weeks. Then the ampoule implantation, coding and, finally, the husband at home. I thought this whole nightmare was over. But I was wrong. Just a few days later, M.D.N. appeared in the house.
    - Where's the money? - he immediately began from the doorway.
    - What money? I asked.
    - For drugs! He replied.
    “I don’t know any money,” I said.
    “Oh, you don’t know, you’ll find out when you sit on the bunk,” sounded his threat.
    I told him that my husband no longer uses drugs and that he would no longer be in my house. A few days later M.D.N. opened a criminal case against me and my husband. My husband and I were convicted under Article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for drugs. I received a suspended sentence, but my husband got a real term. Therefore, when an employee of the federal security service of Russia for the Kursk region, M.D. with a request to help them in disclosing the true activities of the FSKN officer in the Kursk region M.D.N., I agreed.
    My cooperation with the FSB began. I bought a poppy in Moscow and sold it under the control of the FSB in Lgov. At the request of the FSB officers, I came into contact with the son of the prosecutor of the Lgov interdistrict prosecutor's office K.A., with whose money I purchased poppy seeds in Moscow for sale in Lgov. On their instructions, an operational video filming in Oryol of a conversation with K.A. An active participation in my activities was taken by the operative for the fight against narcotic substances of the OD LOVD at the station. Kursk N.V., with whom I coordinated my actions. Together with the FSB officers, we discussed work plans to open the drug distribution network in Lgov. It turned out that all the activities of drug traffickers in Lgov are controlled by M.D.N., an officer of the UFSKN in the Kursk region. and the police of Lgov. Soon I was detained with poppy seeds at the station. Kursk. A criminal case was opened against me under Art. 228, which I reported to the FSB officers. They asked me not to disclose the fact of my cooperation with the FSB, promising me that I would not be prosecuted for these cases. After that, our contacts with the FSB ceased.
    April 21, 2011 OD LOVD at the station. Kursk, an investigation was completed in relation to me on the fact of my participation in the sale of narcotic substances, and an indictment was presented to me.
    April 25, 2011 he was sent to the Kirovskiy District Court of Kursk. Now the trial is underway. All my attempts to summon the FSB officers to give testimony end in failure. They do not come to court. Now I will be judged. And my son will be left without a mother. Therefore, I want to say to everyone: if the FSB offers you to cooperate with them, you'd better refuse. Otherwise, like me, you will find yourself in the dock.
    Tatarenkova T.E.