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Portal about the device of the sewerage and drainpipes
  • Centrifugal Pump Performance
  • Calibration of individual water meters
  • When to change the gas meter
  • Verification of meters and penalties for misuse
  • Verification and calibration of instruments and measuring instruments (SI)
  • Analysis and treatment of wastewater from suspended solids
  • Reviews on the "city center of metrology". State Metrology Service

    Reviews about

    In accordance with the law “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements”, the State Standard of Russia exercises state control over the activity on ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the Russian Federation.

    The State Metrological Service (GMS) is in the introduction of Gosstandart and includes:

    1) subdivisions of the central apparatus Gosstandart of Russiacarrying out the functions of planning, management and control of activities to ensure
    unity of measurements at the intersectoral level;
    2) state Scientific Metrological Centers (GNMC)metrological research institutes that bear responsibility in accordance with the law for the creation, storage and use of state standards and the development of regulatory documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements in a fixed form of measurements;
    3) hMS bodies in the territories of republics and other entities within the Russian Federation. The bodies of the State Metrological Service, formed on a territorial basis, carry out state metrological control and supervision on the ground.

    State Scientific Metrological Centers (GNMC) are responsible  for the creation, improvement, storage and use of state standards of units of quantities, as well as for the development of regulatory documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements.

    The State Metrological Service (GMS) includes such GNMC as:

    - All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service (VNIIMS);
    - All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology. DI. Mendeleev (NPO VNIIM named after D.I. Mendeleev);
    - All-Russian Research Institute of Physicotechnical and Radio Engineering Measurements (VNIIFTRI);
    - All-Russian Research Institute of Optical and Physical Measurements (VNIIOFI);
    - Siberian State Research Institute of Metrology (SNIIM), Novosibirsk;
    - Ural Research Institute of Metrology (UNIIM), Ekaterinburg /

    The main center of the State Metrological Service of the HMS is VNIIMS. The most important areas of activity of VNIIMS as the main center of the State Metrological Service of the Hydrometeorological Service are the general scientific and methodological guidance and coordination of the activities of metrological services, as well as the development of scientific, methodological, organizational, technical, economic and legal foundations of metrological support of the national economy.

    The main centers of standards are:

    - VNIIM  (specialization of length and mass, mechanical quantities, thermophysical quantities, ionizing radiation, pressure, physicochemical composition and properties of substances). VNIIM created and maintain state primary standards of all the basic units of the International System, except for units of time and frequency. The unit standard was originally represented by platinum-iridium bar meter No. 28 - a copy of the international standard. In 1895, after the work of A. Michelson, the possibility of replacing a material standard with a natural one — the wavelength of a specific spectral line of an atom — was recognized. A new definition of the meter based on the orange line of krypton 86 was adopted later - only in 1960 at the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures. Beginning in approximately 1930, work was started at VNIIMS on the transition to a new definition of meter. The work was completed in 1968 with the creation of a new state primary standard of length.
    The unit of mass standard is represented by platinum iridium kilogram No. 12, received in 1889 from the International Bureau of Weights and Measures as a copy of the international standard. In the post-war years, a primary standard for the unit of current strength and a standard for the unit of light intensity — candela — were created at VNIIM. To reproduce the unit of temperature - kelvin - a precision helium gas thermometer was created and the temperatures of the reference points were determined: boiling oxygen, solidification of cadmium, zinc, tin and gold.
    In addition to the listed main standards of the International System of Units, VNIIM created standards and reference installations for many units of various physical quantities. Of the total number of state standards of our country, about 50% are concentrated in VNIIM.
    - VNIIFTRI  (radio engineering and magnetic quantities, time and frequency, acoustic and hydroacoustic quantities, low temperatures, ionizing radiation, pressure, hardness, aerosol characteristics, etc.), in which the time standard is stored.
    - VNIIOFI (optical and optical-physical quantities, acousto-optical spectrometry, measurements in medicine, measurements of laser parameters).
    - SNIM  (radio engineering, electrical and magnetic quantities, etc.).

    A number of standards are stored in the centers of state standards: VNIIMS, VNII flowmeters, Kazan, NPO Dalstandart, Khabarovsk).

    State Metrology Service (HMS) is responsible  for metrological support of measurements in the country at the intersectoral level and carries out state metrological control and supervision of metrological services of legal entities.

    The main activity of the state metrological service

    aims to ensure the uniformity of measurements in the country. It includes the creation of state and secondary standards, the development of systems for transferring the sizes of PV units to SI workers, state supervision of SI production, condition, use, repair, metrological examination of documentation and the most important types of products, methodological guidance for metrological services of legal entities. The management of the state metrological service is carried out by Gosstandart.

    State scientific metrological centers (GNMC) are formed from the number of enterprises and organizations managed by the Gosstandart or their structural units that carry out work on the creation, improvement, storage and application of state standards of units of measure, as well as leading the development of regulatory documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements and having highly qualified scientific staff.

    Assignment of the status of the State Oil and Gas Center to a particular enterprise or organization does not change the form of ownership and the legal form, but means classifying them as a category of objects that involves special forms of state support.

    The main functions of the GNMC:

    Creation, improvement, storage and application of state standards of units;
    . fundamental and applied research and development work in the field of metrology, including the creation of unique experimental facilities, scales and initial measures to ensure uniformity of measurements;
    . transfer of unit sizes from state standards to the source;
    . conducting state tests of measuring instruments;
    . development of equipment necessary for equipping the state metrological services;
    . development and improvement of scientific, regulatory, organizational and economic foundations of activities to ensure the uniformity of measurements in accordance with specialization;
    . the metrological service of federal executive bodies, the metrological service of enterprises and organizations that are legal entities interacts with the State Scientific and Technical Center;
    . information support of enterprises and organizations on issues of measurement uniformity;
    the implementation of activities related to the activities of the START, GSSSD and GSSO;
    . examination of sections of metrological support of federal and other programs;
    . conducting metrological examination and measurements on behalf of the court, the prosecutor's office, the arbitration court and the federal executive bodies;
    . training and retraining of highly qualified personnel for metrological services;
    . participation in the comparison of state standards with national standards of other countries, the development of international norms and rules.

    Under the guise of the City Metrological Service (Moscow), scammers call us. In the afternoon, the phone is simply torn from their calls, they call both in the late evening and in the early morning (when the working day has not yet begun). Now they have outdated data on our home (they used to take the data “from the ceiling”), and I even know where they got it from: the old lists of residents on the Internet are not adequately protected from viewing and copying for an experienced user, they allow draw a logical conclusion about the responsible ...

    05/21/2015 at 13.10 a call was received regarding the replacement of the cold water meter. They started very aggressively with the question: Can I accept the master TOMORROW. If you do not change the counter urgently, wait for penalties. They refer to decisions that CHANGE is necessary after 6 years from the date of PRODUCTION, checks are canceled. We introduced ourselves as the State Unitary Enterprise DEZ Yasenevo, phone: 8-495-657-81-78. Total lied at least 3 times. Installed in October 2009, I am going to check it in September. I'm not going to replace it, I think that the counter is working, the check will show.

    They call, introduce themselves as the City Center of Metrology, and begin to mentally press a bunch of questions and impose the installation of meters or transfer to a common house metering of water consumption. They breed people for money as they want.

    On March 17, 2015, they call us on their home phone (I live in the south of Moscow) from the number: (495) 657-81-78, they do not call the name of their office. They talk extremely rudely, impose their services at inappropriate prices. As I understand it, they’ll ring up all of Moscow with such a makar. People, check your documents and deadlines for checking the counters, do not trust the deceivers by phone, do not be fooled by their threats of fines, do not listen to their far-fetched formulations and names of various government agencies! These rogues are spets ...

    They phoned, and introduced themselves as a superior organization, informed me that since last year, verification at home was banned (they called the number of the decision). And now (supposedly) everyone is obliged instead of checking to do the replacement of water meters. They also said that I can conclude an agreement only with Santehuchet. All this turned out to be a blatant lie. Do not trust this company! They called from the number: 495-657-81-78.

    This is pure fraud. Before the meter is replaced for another year, there are endless calls to the home telephone (moreover, located at a completely different address and clearly taken from the telephone databases) with the REQUIREMENT to replace the meter with water. Operator Barinova Elena Dmitrievna (although it seems to me the name is fictitious), in an ultimatum form announces that she has opened an application with the number 836968 and tomorrow the master installer will leave for you. It is presented by the operator of the "City Metrological Center". Well, there is no such organization ...

    The situation in the negative review: "Be careful. The employees of this organization, from the phone number: 8-495-657-81-78, call insolently on Muscovites home phones" is completely analogous to mine. It seemed that the positive reviews are written by the employees of the organization under discussion.

    They call from the phone: 657-81-78 and in a rude form they try to replace the meters in connection with the loss of the alleged license for the installed meters.