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  • Storing leeks at home. How to store leeks for the winter after harvesting (in the basement, refrigerator, freezer)

    Storing leeks at home.  How to store leeks for the winter after harvesting (in the basement, refrigerator, freezer)

    Even in ancient times, leeks began to be grown in Europe, which is an excellent alternative to ordinary onions due to its exquisite taste and valuable qualities. "Pearl Bow" is its second name. The benefits of this plant are confirmed by the abundance of vitamins such as B1, B2, B6, E, PP, C, as well as minerals, protein and fiber. But, despite this, it has a fairly low calorie content, so it is often advised to be eaten by nutritionists. It is used separately, or as an additional ingredient in various dishes: soups, salads, etc. Both the white stem (false stem) and the green leaves are used for food. Following the recommendations on how to store leeks, you can provide yourself with such a useful and tasty product for a long time.

    Leek has many useful substances that do not disappear during storage.

    Cleaning and preparation for storage

    Leek is grown mainly through seedlings. Planting in the beds is the same as with onions. First, the seeds are germinated, then they are planted in boxes, and then in the beds. Harvest as needed. If you use onions immediately, then even still growing young bushes will do. But in winter it is recommended to store only fully ripe plants. You can collect them immediately, or you can gradually dig them out throughout the entire ripening period. The most important thing here is to have time to clean everything before the onset of the first frost.

    In warm regions, with soft soil, leeks are sometimes left in the ground for the winter, covered and dug up as needed. So, some varieties easily tolerate temperatures down to -20 ° C.

    Long-term storage of leeks requires compliance with certain rules. It must be dug carefully, trying not to damage the leaves and false stem, and make sure that there is no earth between them. The green leaves may appear dense and strong, but they are quite vulnerable to damage. Then cut off the roots, rinse under running water, dry well in a dark place, spread out on paper, and cut into pieces of the desired shape and size.

    Dried leek should be cut into pieces

    Ways to store leeks

    In order for a valuable product to be at hand all year round, you need to know how to store leeks. You can safely stock up on them for six months, and over time, the benefits from it do not become less, therefore, the leaves enriched with a whole vitamin complex can be eaten even in winter.

    The main ways to store leeks:

    • freezing;
    • drying;
    • fresh storage.

    Freeze greens

    The easiest and most reliable way to store onions in winter is to freeze them. To do this, the leaves and stems prepared in advance according to all the rules must be cut into pieces of the desired size, put them in plastic bags, tightly tie or seal the edges. It is recommended to lay greens in a layer of no more than 5 cm. For convenience, plastic containers intended for food products are often used. It remains only to remove the blanks in the freezer, where they lie freely all winter and even longer. The storage temperature should be between -18°C and -5°C. It is important to remember that under no circumstances should the leek be re-frozen, as it loses its original taste and changes its texture.


    Drying leeks is also not difficult. The onion cut into small pieces is laid out on a baking sheet and placed in a not very hot (up to 50 ° C) oven. If you do not exceed this temperature regime, then all the useful substances in the product will be preserved. Nevertheless, some housewives resort to a simpler and faster method and heat the oven to 160 ° C. So for complete drying, no more than twenty minutes is enough.

    Leek can be stored fresh in the sand, in the refrigerator, and even on the balcony. Leek storage in sand is possible only immediately after harvest. To do this, you need a box with a depth of at least 20 cm. From the very beginning, the bottom of the box must be covered with sand. The layer of sand should be about 5 cm. Then, freshly harvested fresh onion stalks should be placed in the sand. Set the bushes in even rows. The distance between rows should be at least 5 cm. These gaps are covered with wet sand for another 15 cm.

    Such a box should stand in a damp dark room with a temperature of about 0 ° C, then all the most important trace elements, as well as taste, will be preserved in vegetables to the maximum. For this purpose, a cellar or any other basement is perfect.

    To dry the leek, it must be disassembled into small pieces.

    Fresh storage

    There are other options for storing leeks fresh. On the balcony at a temperature of -10 ° C, spread out and tightly covered onions can also lie all winter. It is only important to keep an eye on him, and, noticing the spoiled plants, immediately clean up and throw them away so as not to spoil the rest. You can leave the leeks to winter in the refrigerator. To do this, fresh leaves and stems are cooled at a temperature of -2°C to 2°C, immediately placed in finely perforated bags and put on the shelves. It is important that the temperature of the refrigerator compartment does not fall below -5°C. Subject to these recommendations, the product will not deteriorate within 4-5 months.

    There are many varieties of leeks. It is grown everywhere (in Europe, America, Mediterranean countries) and in different climatic conditions. It may seem that this work is quite laborious. But a cultivated plant will not cause much trouble if you carefully study the tips for planting, caring for, cleaning and proper storage, and put them into practice.

    Leek refers to unique plants that can not lose useful qualities during storage, but even increase them. This vegetable can strengthen weakened immunity and help with various diseases of viral and bacterial origin. Leek has a high yield, and it does not take much effort to grow it. But after, when the question of storage arises, not everyone knows how to store leeks at home. We will talk about this further.

    There are different varieties of this onion, but only early and mid-ripening ones give high yields. Unfortunately, they can only be saved until the end of autumn. Late varieties have increased rigidity and sharp taste, but they can be stored for a very long time, until the new harvest.

    How to prepare for storage

    • The crop is harvested before the onset of frost, in October, despite the fact that this vegetable is able to tolerate cold temperatures down to -7 ° C.
    • The bulbs are carefully dug up and shaken off the remaining soil from the roots so that it does not remain anywhere.
    • Before storing a leek, its roots are cut to 2/3 so as not to accidentally grab the bottom of the bulb. A vegetable with a damaged bulb will not be stored for a long time.
    • When the whole crop is harvested, if the weather permits, it is dried in the fresh air. For these purposes, a metal mesh is perfect. Using a mesh stretched over the ground will allow the vegetables to dry evenly.
    • When the leek is dried, it is sorted out, leaving for storage only bulbs that do not have spoiled and mechanically damaged areas.

    Storage conditions

    • If you can use a cellar with a temperature of about 0 ° C and a humidity of 75 - 85%, the storage of leeks will last a long time and will not create difficulties.
    • Before storing leeks on the balcony, you need to prepare a wooden box and warm unnecessary clothes or blankets. To cover the harvest when severe frosts come. Under such conditions, the vegetable can retain its qualities for up to six months.

    In city apartments, on balconies, this vegetable is able to maintain its properties in frosts down to -7 ° C. Provided that the box in which the crop is stored is insulated. In the cellar, the storage temperature of leeks is considered optimal when it is in the range from 0 ° C to + 4 ° C.

    • The optimal storage temperature for this variety of onions is considered to be one that does not exceed + 5 ° C. It is also very sensitive to high humidity, and will not be able to maintain its qualities for a long time in a too damp place.
    • It is important that the storage of leeks takes place with good air circulation. For this place to save it, you need to equip it with ventilation.
    • Leek storage in the refrigerator is considered normal at + 5 ° C (not lower). The plastic bag retains the required moisture level for this vegetable, which will allow it to stay fresh for several weeks.
    • Leek can be stored in the freezer for up to a year.

    Shelf life of leeks

    There is an average storage time for this vegetable in different conditions:

    • at +23°С -+25°С (room temperature) – about 20 days;
    • on the balcony - about 6 months;
    • in the sand - about 6 months;
    • in the freezer - more than 1 year;
    • canned - up to 12 months;
    • in the refrigerator - 3 - 5 weeks;
    • dried - up to 12 months.

    For more detailed storage methods and terms, see the table below.

    Storage method

    Temperature (degrees)

    Shelf life (months)

    Refrigerator, in plastic bag or cling film
    Freezer, cut into rings, in bags or plastic containers
    Dried, in a glass bowl

    about half a year

    Cellar, in a box of wet sand

    near zero

    Glazed balcony, in a box with wet sand

    not lower than -8

    Greenhouse covered with sand and leaves

    not lower than -25

    before warming

    Cold storage

    The strongest, without damage, the bulbs are washed and dried (until all moisture has evaporated from their surface). Then they are cut and laid out in sealed bags. Then the bags are filled with air and tied well.

    This method of storing leek in the refrigerator allows you to keep its quality for up to 1 month. You just need to periodically draw air into the bags, and tie them tightly.

    If there is an additional chamber in the refrigerator with a temperature of -1°C to -3°C, green onion feathers can be stored in it for about 2 months. When storing in sub-zero temperatures, it is best to wrap the onion in paper.

    Frozen storage

    The beneficial qualities of onions are preserved when frozen, although its structure may change during the defrosting process.

    • Leek is well washed and dried, then cut into pieces of the required size and frozen.
    • Distribute the chopped onion in small portions into bags (it is more convenient to use a zip fastener) in order to use the right amount immediately and not re-freeze it.

    You can store leeks frozen for 9 to 12 months.

    Once I thought that you can enjoy onion greens in winter only by growing it on the windowsill. Then I learned how to store leeks until spring, and now finding this vegetable in the middle of winter is no longer a problem for me. But do you know that it is not only possible to store it, but also necessary? Unlike most fruits and vegetables, the amount of vitamins in leeks only increases over time.

    Many people love leek for its delicate taste, however, in terms of the content of nutrients in it, this vegetable can compete with many plants. In addition to vitamins, it contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, as well as a large amount of iron, due to which the juice of this vegetable is used to treat anemia. It is very useful for pregnant women, as well as for those who want to lose weight. Regular use of this product strengthens vision and memory, increases attention and even reduces the risk of cancer. At the same time, you can eat the greens of this product almost all year round - of course, provided that its storage is properly organized.

    Leek is an extremely productive plant: it turns green from mid-summer until the very frost. In this regard, many people have a question: when is it better to harvest this vegetable so that it can be stored as long as possible? As a rule, harvesting leeks for harvesting them for the winter begins in October. Each plant is carefully dug up, shake off excess soil and shorten the roots. If individual leaves have turned yellow, they must be removed or cut. It is also recommended to cut off the top third of the tops.

    It is best to harvest leeks in dry and sunny weather. After cleaning, you need to let it dry, placing it in the fresh air under a canopy. You can also dry the crop on the balcony, providing it with good ventilation.

    Please note: when thinking about how to store leeks, do not forget that its shelf life largely depends on the variety. Mid-season and late-ripening varieties are best suited for harvesting for the winter: Columbus, Tango, Karantansky, Elephant. They lie quietly until spring, or even until summer, they are not afraid of frost, but they have a sharper taste.

    We store in the cellar

    Without a doubt, a crop of leeks is best kept in a cellar or basement. In order to properly store vegetables for storage, it is necessary to pour a layer of wet sand (about 5 cm) into wooden or plastic boxes, stick onions into it in rows at some distance from each other and completely sprinkle its roots, leaving aerial parts of plants on the surface. It is also better to fill the aisles with sand so that it reaches the tops of the stems in height. Periodically, you need to check the crop and remove dried or rotten specimens.

    The optimum temperature for storing onions is from -1 ºС to +1 ºС, and the humidity should be about 85%. Under such conditions, this vegetable can be stored for as long as six months, and during this period the amount of vitamin C contained in it will increase by one and a half times!

    We store at home

    It is quite possible to save onions for the winter at home. There are 4 ways to store this vegetable in an apartment: you can use either one of them or all of them at the same time if you have harvested a generous crop.

    • Balcony storage. If you do not have the opportunity to store vegetables in the cellar, you can try to organize the storage of leeks on a glazed balcony. To do this, fill a large box with some sand and plant the stems in it in the same way as in the case of storage in the cellar. Then the box should be wrapped tightly with a warm blanket. Even if the temperature on the balcony drops to 5-7 ºС below zero, the onions will be perfectly preserved and will delight you with fresh herbs all winter.
    • Cold storage. Like any greens, leeks can be stored in the refrigerator for a while. Washed and dried stems are placed in plastic bags and placed in the vegetable compartment. However, in such conditions, the product will lie no more than a week. To extend its shelf life, plants must first be cooled to a temperature of -2 ºС to +2 ºС, and then packed in cling film or bags with holes for ventilation and stored in a refrigerator at the lowest possible temperature. New devices can maintain zero temperature without any problems, and in old ones, you can place onions on a shelf right under the freezer.
    • Freeze. In cases where onion storage cannot be organized either in the cellar or on the balcony, and the harvest is too large, freezing vegetables is the best way out. Wash and dry the stems, cut them into rings, pre-freeze in the freezer on a baking sheet, then pack them in sealed bags and place in the freezer. It is best to store blanks at a temperature of -6 ºС. In this form, the onion will be stored for about 6 months.
    • Drying. Part of the crop can be dried, providing your family with a fragrant and healthy seasoning. It is very convenient to do this in an electric dryer or oven at a temperature not exceeding 50 ºС. Onions should be washed, dried, cut into small pieces, put on a baking sheet and dried, stirring occasionally, for 20-30 minutes with the oven door open. When the onion begins to crumble easily in the hands, it is crushed and packaged in spice jars or fabric bags. Jars should be closed with lids, and the bags should be stored in a dry, dark place.

    We store in the garden

    If you do not plan to use part of the crop until spring, you can leave it to winter in the garden. However, how to store leeks in the ground correctly? In regions with a mild climate, you can only dig vegetables a little, covering them with a thick layer of leaves. As soon as the snow melts, the crop can be dug up without problems by watering the bed with hot water.

    If you experience severe frosts in winter in your area, it is best to organize the storage of leeks in a greenhouse. To do this, they dig a hole in the ground, pour sand on the bottom, then lay the vegetables and sprinkle them with the same material. From above, the crop is covered with sand, earth and fallen leaves. Be sure to mark the location of the greenhouse so you can easily find your supply of vitamins in the spring.

    Your brownie.

    Leek is a crop that is not very common among gardeners. Many are just beginning to be interested in this plant, choosing varieties, studying care technologies. The same vegetable growers who have been harvesting this type of onion for more than a year are engaged in its active harvesting for the winter and use it for food during the winter months until the onset of spring.

    Like most vegetable crops, leeks can be early ripening or ripen in late autumn. Early varieties are grown for fresh consumption during the summer season, and long-term storage is contraindicated for them. Therefore, having bought and planted such a variety, it is necessary to correctly calculate the summer need for this vegetable so that the crop is processed during the summer and is not stored for storage. Of course, the collected stems can be stored in the refrigerator for a month or two.

    As for the late varieties, they are just grown for storage in order to provide the family with a healthy vegetable, vitamins in winter, which allows them to get additional protection from the effects of pathogenic bacteria and increase immunity.

    Therefore, if the task is to prepare leeks for the future, then late-ripening varieties are planted, the crop of which is well stored for a long time. Late maturing varieties include:

    • Karatan;
    • elephant;
    • Alligator;
    • Autumn giant;
    • Mercury;
    • Bandit.

    If late varieties are chosen for planting in the northern regions or in the Urals, where the summer is short so that the leek has time to form in accordance with the varietal characteristics, then they are grown in seedlings, and with the advent of heat, seedlings are planted in open ground.

    Cleaning and preparation for storage

    Many gardeners ask questions about when to harvest and how to preserve leeks in the winter. Late varieties can tolerate the first frosts without loss of properties, however, it is better not to delay harvesting, trying to harvest before the night temperature drops to below zero.

    No one will name the exact harvest date - you need to focus on the condition of the plants and weather forecasts. If the weather allows, leeks can ripen in the garden until October.

    When harvesting, you need to follow simple rules:

    1. Dig up plants in dry weather.
    2. It is to dig out, and not to pull out, trying not to tear off the measles system and stain the leaves with earth.
    3. Peel the roots of the leek from the ground with your hands, do not tap the stems on the edges of the beds.

    Further steps to prepare the harvested crop for storage depend on which storage method is chosen.

    home storage conditions

    Leek is stored at home fresh and using pre-treatment or canning. It must be remembered that in plants that will be laid down for storage, the feather cannot be cut off during the growing period.

    It is impossible to store fresh leek in an apartment where the average temperature ranges from +18°C to +24°C and above. In order for a vegetable to remain fresh for a long time - from three months or more, it will need conditions with lower temperatures, which can reach zero values.

    Well if there is an underground, basement or cellar. In this case, you need to ensure that the temperature does not drop below zero. The level of humidity that will allow the onion to retain its beneficial properties is 80-85%. If the gardener does not have such conditions, then it is better to lay the stems in the refrigerator.

    Preservation under normal conditions is only possible if the leek undergoes additional processing, such as drying or pickling.

    Each of these methods will require preliminary preparation of the bulbs.

    Storage in a cellar, underground or cellar

    In order for storage to be of high quality, you must first cut the roots of each stem, leaving no more than 2 centimeters. It is better not to cut the leaves and remove only the yellowed and dried ones.

    Now you need buckets, boxes or other containers and wet sand. We put the stems in a container, fill it with sand and put it in a cool room.

    If there is a glazed balcony or loggia at home, you can take the container with onions there and cover it with warming material when the temperature drops below zero.

    Residents of the southern regions, where winters are not so severe, can leave leeks prepared for storage in the beds, covering them with material on top. If the temperature does not drop below 6 degrees, the leek will overwinter in the garden. If necessary, plants can be dug out from under the shelter for eating.

    Storage in the refrigerator and freezer

    To store leeks in the refrigerator, leave only the stalks. Often gardeners ask what to do with a pen, because there is a lot of it left. A mature plant has tough leaves, so drying or salting is the best way to preserve.

    The stems, after trimming the leaves and roots, are placed in a bag and placed in the refrigerator.

    Regarding the freezing of leeks, each housewife treats this method of storage differently. Someone does not like the taste of onions after freezing, so this method is not used.

    If you want to freeze leeks, then cut the stems into rings, place them in containers or bags and place in the freezer.

    Drying the stems

    You can dry not only the feather, but also the stems. To do this, cut them into rings, and dry at a temperature of 60 degrees. Further storage of this onion seasoning is carried out according to general rules in any food container, preferably in a dark place.

    Dried in this way, the stems are used for cooking fried and stews, broths and first courses.

    Salting and pickling

    You can salt the leek feathers, while the bleached stem part is not used.

    Cut the feather, put it in a container in layers. Each layer is sprinkled with salt. After laying, oppression is applied on top, and the onion blank is left to salt for several days. Those who want to add spices can be recommended to put black peppercorns and a few bay leaves along with chopped leaves.

    Then the cut pieces are transferred to glass jars, which must be removed in a cool place.

    For pickling, the stem parts of the onion are used, they are cut into rings and poured with marinade.

    To prepare the filling for 1 liter of water, take 50 g of salt, 100 g of sugar and 100 ml of table 9% vinegar. After boiling the marinade for 3 minutes, pour the chopped stems, after cooling “under a fur coat”, the workpiece is transferred to a cool place.

    Leek, or pearl onion, is an annual herbaceous plant that is cultivated in vegetable gardens and household plots. It has an excellent diuretic effect due to the potassium salts contained in it. In addition, leek contains vitamins such as B1, B2, C, E, PP and carotene. It improves the activity of the gallbladder, liver, improves appetite, helps with atherosclerosis, rheumatism, obesity, overwork and kidney stones.

    All varieties of leeks are famous for their delicate and delicate taste, which goes well with vegetables and meat - both as a side dish and as an independent dish.

    According to clinical studies, leek significantly increases the secretory function of the glands of the digestive tract, has anti-sclerotic properties, and is extremely useful for scurvy and mental stress. At the same time, you should know that raw leeks should not be used for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum.

    Under what conditions should leeks be stored

    Some summer residents who grow leeks in their gardens and plots are not familiar with the basic rules for its storage, which allow you to save all its vitamins and other useful substances. First of all, the onion crop must be harvested on time - in early October or in the middle of it.

    The main thing is to collect onions from the beds before the snow falls, which will not benefit this culture, despite the fact that it is not afraid of light frosts.

    After digging up the leeks, cutting off the roots and removing the top leaf, the plants must be washed well, laid out on a cloth and left to dry there. Then you need to chop the onion, put it in plastic bags in small portions, tightly tie them and put in the freezer. You can use the right amount of frozen leek at any time of the year by adding it to various dishes.

    Another practical place to store this culture is a cellar or basement. After digging up the onion, you should shake off the earth from its roots and carefully put the plants in buckets, at the bottom of which there is a little damp sand. Leek will remain fresh and green for a long time if you dig it into this sand in an upright position, completely immersing the roots in the soil. The dark and dry atmosphere of a cellar or basement will complete your work.