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  • Fortune-telling to buy a car. Tarot layout for the purchase of an expensive thing

    Fortune-telling to buy a car. Tarot layout for the purchase of an expensive thing

    The whole world is divided into buyers and sellers. And you and I alternately act in one or another role, unless, of course, buying or selling is your main activity, and you do not perform these actions every day. In the case when you need to make a purchase of an expensive thing, house, apartment or car and are afraid to make an irreparable mistake, we recommend consulting a tarot reader.

    Tarot is a necessary "helper" when buying expensive goods

    Tarot layouts are made for any life situation. The key to these layouts is the significator. In layouts for love and relationships, the personality of the fortuneteller is the significator. In the buy scenario, it is the purchase object.

    The meaning of tarot cards in divination is of extraordinary importance. Their interpretation is a very serious and responsible occupation, on which the future life of a person may depend. Therefore, the one who interprets the meaning must certainly have the necessary life experience and professional training. In the Tarot for the purchase, you will find answers to the questions:

    • Do you need this purchase at this time?
    • Perhaps it is worth postponing it until better times?

    As you know, both the seller and the buyer play an important role in the purchase of real estate. Depending on whether their biofields are the same, the outcome of the transaction may be different. Even if the deal takes place, and the seller participated in it under duress or out of despair, then this purchase will not bring the buyer proper satisfaction and the consequences of such a deal may be the most unexpected.

    The value of the cards in the deal for the purchase

    What the tarot cards show cannot be underestimated. After all, it is the meaning of each card that will tell you about:

    • whether the purchase will take place at all;
    • what is the state of the purchase object;
    • are there any hidden defects or any other surprises in it;
    • is the right moment to make a purchase;
    • whether you will be satisfied with this purchase.

    It's good if the cards answer all questions in the affirmative. But, in life there are many other options for the development of events, and one or more cards will give an unfavorable answer. It is necessary to understand each situation. You can make an alignment for a specific person. If you remain unhappy with the result, fortune-telling can be repeated, but only on another day.

    "Buying a car" layout

    Suitable for buying any vehicle.

    1. Is it a good time to buy
    2. In what condition the vending car
    3. What to pay special attention to
    4. What will this car bring me
    5. What can she take from me
    6. The likelihood of an accident on this car
    7. How long will it last
    8. Advice on whether to buy it.

    Layout "Change of apartment"

    Suitable both in the case of renting an apartment or premises, and in the case of buying a new and selling an old apartment. The layout is very flexible.

    1. For what reasons do you want to change your place of residence?
    2. Should I do it now?
    3. If you stay in this apartment, will it bring satisfaction?
    4. What difficulties can arise when looking for a new apartment?
    5. What / who will help you find a suitable place to live? What will be favorable.
    6. Will the new apartment bring satisfaction?
    7. Board cards for you.

    Debt repayment layout

    1. Is the debtor going to return the money at the appointed time?
    2. What is the reason for not returning the debt?
    3. What can you do to get this money back?
    4. How will the debtor react to your actions?
    5. Will you get your money back on time?
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    The interpretation of tarot cards
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    Situations with the sale and purchase of an apartment, a summer residence or a land plot usually make us quite worried. Will the deal go through, will it be possible to find a suitable option, what problems will you have to face, will the seller or the buyer be honest? All these questions can bring a person to real stress. But it turns out that all these nuances can be found out in advance with the help of a magic deck of cards. And today we will consider the spread of Tarot real estate, which will help you understand such cases.

    In what situations can real estate spreads be used?

    Such fortune-telling can be carried out for absolutely any situation, if you sell, buy or exchange a country house, apartment, townhouse, plot of land, in a word, you are going to carry out an operation related to real estate. With the help of the Tarot layout for the sale of real estate, for example, you can find out in advance whether the apartment will quickly find its buyer, whether it will be possible to sell it for the desired value, whether potential willing people will refuse the deal at the last moment.

    Fortune-telling for the purchase of real estate will help you assess the prospects of the chosen option, find out if there will be any problems in the new place, if the seller is hiding something from you. Also, some layouts can be used if you want to rent a house.

    Tarot layout "Real Estate" from Anna Kotelnikova

    This Tarot layout for real estate, presented in the book by Anna Kotelnikova, can be used both in the case of a purchase and in the case of a sale. It will allow you to assess the pros and cons of a home being bought or sold, and also tell you what impact the transaction will have on your life.

    The layout is performed with a full deck, from which, after formulating the question and mixing, 11 random cards are selected. We lay out the cards in accordance with the picture.

    Position value

    • Maps 1, 2, 3 will tell you about the physical condition of the housing that you buy or sell
    • Items 4, 5 and 6 will describe the energy state of the sold or purchased premises.
    • 7, 8 - will answer the question of what will leave your life with the sale or purchase
    • 9, 10 - they will say what new deal will bring into your life, if it is concluded
    • 11 - Advice from cards on how you should proceed

    Tarot layout "Purchase" for the purchase of real estate

    This alignment for the purchase of real estate Tarot was proposed by Andrey Kostenko in the book “Tarot Waite as a system. History, theory and practice ”. With its help, you can assess the possible risks, learn about the pitfalls of the housing being sold, and also understand whether you will be ultimately satisfied if the deal goes through.

    Fortune-telling is carried out in a standard way on a full deck. The diagram is shown above. The positions of the cards are interpreted as follows:

    • S - Signifier describing what you are going to buy
    1. Will this deal take place?
    2. What is the condition of the sale object?
    3. Is now the right time to buy?
    4. Compliance with the declared price of the real value of this property
    5. Will the questioner be satisfied with the purchase if the deal goes through?

    Tarot layout "Sale" for the sale of real estate

    We present to you another fortune-telling from the book of Andrey Kostenko - this time we will talk about the sale of an apartment, house or summer cottage. The layout is best done when you already have a potential buyer, and you want to know if this deal will take place, whether you have lowered the price, whether your home will fall into good hands.

    Position values

    • S - Signifier describing what you are selling.
    1. The answer to the question "Do I need to conduct this transaction?"
    2. Will the property for sale fall into good hands?
    3. Is now a good time to sell?
    4. Correspondence of the price assigned by the asking questioner to the real cost of this property
    5. Result, will this deal take place

    Layout "Key to the apartment" on Tarot cards

    If you are going to buy or rent an apartment and are considering several options, try to make a Tarot layout for real estate "Key to the apartment" for each potential home to see which one will be better in terms of state, energy, living conditions, neighbors. We carry out fortune telling with a full deck, laying out the cards according to the scheme given above.

    Position value

    1. Describes the physical condition of the apartment (whether repairs are required, whether there are hidden flaws that the seller is silent about)
    2. Describes the energy state of the dwelling (what kind of people lived in the apartment, whether there were any accidents or deaths in it)
    3. Tells everything about future neighbors
    4. Shows how comfortable the conditions will be for you environment, infrastructure in the selected location
    5. What will this apartment bring to your life if you buy or rent it?
    6. Advice from cards on how to proceed

    Tarot layout "Rental housing"

    This fortune telling, found on the Internet, is suitable for those who want to rent out a house for a long time and are afraid that some problems may arise with the tenants. We guess with a full deck.

    The meaning of the positions of the cards in the layout for the Tarot real estate:

    1. General description of the situation
    2. How the process will go, will there be any unforeseen difficulties before the arrival of residents and the conclusion of the contract
    3. How your relationship with new tenants will develop
    4. What feelings will you experience during that period while strangers live in your home
    5. In what condition will the tenants maintain the apartment?
    6. Will you be able to agree with them about the amount of rent you want to receive?
    7. What is the real cost of renting this property?
    8. What are the hidden disadvantages of your home, what is better to keep silent about
    9. What are the advantages of a rented apartment, which should be mentioned
    10. Card advice on how to proceed

    As you can see, Tarot layouts for real estate can be excellent assistants in such a troublesome business as buying, selling and renting a home.

    When buying a thing, I often worry about whether it will justify expectations, whether it will serve, whether it will disappoint during operation. This is especially true when buying equipment, and it becomes even more relevant when buying used equipment. Buying a thing in a store with a guarantee, it is still a little calmer and even then not always, because the thing will not always be replaced, you will be offered to repair it. It takes time, your strength and patience. In general, a bunch of unpleasant moments and troubles can be provided. And if the technique was also used by someone, then there is generally a very high risk that you will be sniffed either partially not working, broken, spoiled, and it is not always possible to quickly check all the functions during inspection. Although they will say that everything works perfectly. And in order to minimize this risk, I thought it would be nice to play it safe and consider the perspective in the maps. I decided to try to create and see in the work my own alignment for the purchase of things.

    Initially, the layout would have been compiled for the purchase of equipment, but I was adapted for the purchase of almost any thing, including clothes. This is also very important, because nowadays people buy a lot in online stores.

    The main positions of the layout remain the same, the decoding of positions will change slightly.

    In order to make the alignment easier to remember, although it is so simple, but nevertheless, I give the generalized name of the positions in which you will later put those values \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bof a specific thing, information about which you would like to receive.

    So, we have a thing, it consists of "External" (1) and "Internal" (2). Outside, this is how it looks, and internally, what it consists of. When buying, there is a certain interaction between the thing and the seller, which is why the third position is named, implying how it will be and how much it will suit.

    Well, the last card will show the result of this interaction.

    Now let's look at a more detailed description of the positions for buying equipment and an example.

    1 "External"

    the external state of the thing (the position reveals external flaws, it can also indicate that the seller is hiding something, for example, some defects that he knows about, which appear externally)

    2 "Internal"

    technical condition of the thing (this position implies how worn out the thing is, whether it was finished off, how often it was used, the thing from the technical side when used)

    3 "Interaction"

    how long the thing will last, be in working order

    This position is rather ambiguous, because on the one hand, a thing can serve for a long time, but let's say you dropped it during operation, and it broke. That is, the thing is not initially defective, but already spoiled in the process of use by you. Therefore, when evaluating the alignment as a whole, you need to carefully study all positions, here the 2nd position, which initially estimates the technical condition, will be more relevant. Well, intuition is also important, as when reading absolutely all layouts.

    4 "Outcome"

    The degree of satisfaction with the purchased item, advice whether it is worth buying.

    Now I would like to analyze an example of the layout that I used when buying a children's electronic computer. The new one was expensive, at the time of the purchase it was a little tough with finances and I thought that it might be worth the risk, and to be on the safe side I took TAROT cards in my hands.

    Here is a photo of the layout with the positions of laying out cards and those cards that fell out during fortune-telling:

    Why did I paint the meaning of the positions so much? Before the layout, you need to think carefully about what you want to know about the thing and what value of each dropped card will mean. Then it will be easier to interpret, and it will also make it possible to get more accurate information when working with maps.

    Having laid out the cards, it is initially necessary to evaluate the alignment as a whole, at first glance you can see how pleasant the purchase will be, as well as whether the purchase will be successful in principle. Let's proceed directly to the interpretation.

    So, the Queen of Pentacles fell in 1 position. What can this tell us? First, the fact that there is a woman in the situation. It was the woman who sold the thing. How can you characterize it? A practical woman with a business acumen, knows how to manage money well, she likes good things in life. From this, we can conclude that such a woman would hardly have thrown money away for some low-quality purchase, and for sure the thing was used carefully. Even if it is her child's thing. Let's also pay attention to what the position in which the card fell out implies. This is the position of the external state of things, for sure it is flawless.

    2nd position - Chariot. The map of movement and speed in the position of technical data indicates that the thing was used, but not for too long, the child quickly mastered it and he was tired of it. Therefore, its technical condition is good, the thing is not worn out.

    In reality, the assumption was confirmed in this way, the computer was sold in its "native" box, to which it was screwed with clamps, which cannot be reinserted, and the batteries cannot be changed without removing the clamps. The batteries in the toy have not been changed! And after the purchase, they served for a long time.

    3rd position - Knight of Pentacles, one of whose qualities is slowness. In this position - excellent quality, we can conclude that the thing will last a long time.

    4th position - 3 of Wands. Map of transactions and cooperation. Hints that the purchase will take place. A good result!

    Now let's look at the description of the positions of the layout for buying clothes, no matter new or used.

    Remember that the basic positions are the same. It remains to put slightly different meanings into them.

    1st position remains the same. Moreover, when buying a new thing, there may also be flaws.

    2nd position. "External" - it means the quality of tailoring and the quality of the fabric.

    3 position "Interaction" will show the correspondence of the size, which is very important in the case of purchasing clothes.

    4 position "Total" will show satisfaction with the purchase and also how the thing will show itself when worn. Will there be some not very pleasant moments here?

    Good luck to everyone and as many pleasant purchases as possible! I hope that the layouts I made will become your irreplaceable assistant in this.