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  • Rhododendron Adams (Sagan-dayla): description of the plant, cultivation and care. Rhododendron - description of medicinal plant species, composition, useful properties, use in folk and traditional medicine, planting and care, where to buy, photo Medicinal seedlings

    Rhododendron Adams (Sagan-dayla): description of the plant, cultivation and care.  Rhododendron - description of medicinal plant species, composition, useful properties, use in folk and traditional medicine, planting and care, where to buy, photo Medicinal seedlings

    Adams among the people has a large number of other names, he is called fragrant shepherd boy, white wing, saagan-dali, fragrant wild rosemary, Belogorsk tea, and even grass that prolongs life. The plant belongs to the heather family.

    Translated from the Buryat language, white means sagan. For this reason, doctors called him Sagan Dali, thus distinguishing him from other rhododendrons.

    How sagan dali is harvested

    For the manufacture of medicines, the upper leafy part of the plant is used. It must be collected at the beginning of flowering, until the fruits appear.

    The collected material should be dried. Do not do this in the sun, only in the shade. The correct raw material looks a little pinkish, or even white. There shouldn't be a blue tint.

    People who have repeatedly encountered the collection of herbs and their use recommend collecting a plant with white inflorescences.

    Rhododendron has a very rich composition, which includes:

    • Acids (oleanolic, ursolic).
    • Essential oils.
    • Tannins.
    • Andromedoxin.
    • Phenol.
    • resinous substances.
    • Tannins.
    • Cardeonolides, etc.

    Useful qualities

    First of all, I would like to clarify that rhododendron is a poisonous plant that has an intoxicating effect. However, in many countries it is used for the manufacture of medicines.

    Sagan dali was used in ancient times, and to this day it is popular, especially in folk medicine. The plant helps in the fight against such diseases:

    • Intestinal tract.
    • Of cardio-vascular system.
    • Fever.
    • Various types of bleeding.
    • Colds.
    • Diseases of the nervous system.
    • Rheumatism.
    • Pellagra.

    It is also a good diuretic, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic. Copes with heat, tones up, helps to cope with fatigue, increases efficiency.

    Rhododendron can be used to treat chronic diseases that are sluggish. For example, headaches, loss of energy, insomnia, a state of lethargy.

    In Buryatia, local healers use sagandale as a tonic. The plant is capable of:

    • Normalize the work of the kidneys and heart.
    • Improves brain function.
    • Enhances potency.

    Found another use for rhododendron - it remarkably eliminates a hangover.

    According to historical data, people traveling in the mountains drink a drink from this plant to relieve tired legs.

    Mongolian medicine used leaves and inflorescences. In their opinion, sagan dayla has a miraculous effect. Able to increase potency, endurance. Gives a surge of strength and vigor, increases efficiency and strengthens the immune system.

    Rhododendron and Tibetan medicine did not bypass. With the help of the plant, diseases of the lungs, nervous system, problems associated with the gallbladder were treated. Sagandaila also helps to find harmony.

    Other positive properties of the flower are also known:

    • Slows down the aging process.
    • Sleep is normalized.
    • The mood rises, the desire to work and create.

    How to apply

    Rhododendron Adams should be used under the clear guidance of specialists. Medicine from different countries makes its own recipes that have a specific purpose:

    • Tibetan medicine recommends the use of Daila rhododendron for the treatment of joints, rheumatism and arthritis. You should mix several types of wormwood (santolistnaya, cold), one-seeded ephedra, juniper needles and inflorescences (shoots) of daila. Combine everything in equal amounts and add to the bath.
    • To increase the tone of the body, strengthen the immune system, you can use sagan daily both separately and with other herbs. The pre-dried material is ground into powder, cane and fresh honey are added to it in equal amounts. The remedy should be taken on an empty stomach. Its action is a little slow, but it spreads to the entire body, strengthening it. In addition, the product is very tasty, thanks to the sweet and fragrant honey.
    • As you know, sagan dailya strengthens the heart muscle, is prescribed for heart convulsions, as a diuretic. Helps to cope with colds. For the same purposes, infusion is most often used. Preparing it is quite simple: you need 1 tsp for one glass of water. sagandale. You need to take it carefully, if you exceed the recommended dose, there may be a back reaction, for example, urinary retention, or overexcitation of the body.
    • We are preparing a decoction to improve the functioning of the heart, cheer up (as a sedative): you need 10 grams of grass for one glass of water. The composition should be boiled for about 7-8 minutes, and let it brew for 60 minutes. Strain. Dilute with cold boiling water to the original amount. Use 50-60 milliliters. The tool perfectly tones and kills harmful bacteria in the body.
    • With the help of the above decoction, stomach diseases (ulcers, gastritis) can be treated. It also helps with intestinal disorders.
    • The decoction can be used both internally and externally. They wash wounds and skin lesions. It is possible to carry out rinsing of the oral cavity during the period of inflammatory processes.
    • An extract from the leaves of sagandale (10 percent), or a water-alcohol infusion, has very strong properties. They do an excellent job with various bacteria, dysentery bacilli, staphylococcus aureus. Capable of reducing blood pressure.
    • Over a period of many experiments, it was revealed that for medicinal purposes, that part of the Adams rhododendron that is above the ground is used. The use of roots is not fixed.
    • Sagan dailya can be consumed as an infusion, or simply drunk as a tea. It strengthens the immune system and invigorates. Such tea not only has a positive effect on the body, but is also a very tasty drink, which can replace a cup of coffee in the morning. The surge of energy will be for the whole working day. To prepare a tonic drink, you will need 1 glass of brewed tea, only a few leaves of sagan dail (up to 5 pieces) are added to it. Overdose is unacceptable. Also, you can cook in the following proportion: 1 gram of dried inflorescences per 300 milliliters of water.

    Who is contraindicated

    No matter how useful the plant has, there are always warnings and contraindications. Adams' rhododendron contains alkaloids, which are still little studied today. Therefore, any excess of the dose can affect how the perception of the color background, that is, there will be a hallucinogenic effect. Also, sagan dailya contains a large amount of essential oils.

    An overdose can cause overexcitation of the body, urinary retention will occur, and kidney function will be disrupted. Therefore, it is not recommended to use products based on this plant on its own.

    Where else is it used

    In addition to the treatment of various diseases, the plant is added in the manufacture of soap and perfumes. All thanks to the pleasant and rich aroma.

    Rhododendron is added as a fragrance to tea. A tea called "mountain tea" was produced in Irkutsk, it contains not only sagan daily, but also other useful and aromatic herbs.

    At home, plants use it as a moth control agent. You can make sachets from dried leaves and flowers, and lay them out in moth habitats.

    Existing legends about the plant

    All plants are shrouded in secrets and legends, especially medicinal ones. Rhododendron Adams is no exception. There is a legend that the daily bush grows in the Sayan mountains after the war. When people returned, they plunged spears into the rocks, thus perpetuating their invincibility and power. Such a charge of strength and vigor was betrayed to mother earth, and Sagan Dalya absorbed everything in himself so that in the future he could share these qualities with people with the help of tinctures, tea, etc.

    Another legend tells that the plant originated in the mountains near Lake Baikal. It happened after a love event between a young man Sagan (he could become a white eagle), and a young girl Dailey. The eagle was able to get out of the evil witch, picking up his beloved, he flew very far. After him, there were several feathers in the blood. It was on this place that the medicinal herb sprouted, which turns green all year round. Because of this legend, the rhododendron is often called the white wing.

    Details about the plant

    External signs of Adams rhododendron:

    • The bush is not large - up to half a meter (usually 12-15 centimeters).
    • Evergreen.
    • Old stems have a dark gray tint, which is replaced by brown at the base. A rich green color is visible under a layer of husk.
    • The stem is white when broken, turning brown after a while.
    • The leaves are oblong, the apex of which is slightly obtuse.
    • The length of the leaf is about 2 centimeters.
    • The width of the leaf is about a centimeter.
    • Petioles are short.
    • Young leaves are brown and covered with scales.
    • The plant emits a strong and rich aroma, which may vary depending on the place of growth.
    • Inflorescences of a pink shade, saturated or pale.
    • Flowers are odorless.
    • The diameter of one flower is about one and a half centimeters.
    • On one shield you can see from 7 to 15 flowers.
    • The flowering time of the plant is all summer.

    Plant at home

    Even experienced flower growers find it difficult to keep a plant at home. Rhododendron is capricious, and requires careful and scrupulous care.

    In each period of growth, separate care is required:

    1. Summer period:
    • Prefers to be outdoors in a shaded area. Can be taken out to the balcony or loggia. The optimum temperature is 17-20°C. Direct rays of the sun are contraindicated.
    • It is necessary to water the plant often, but in small quantities. On hot days, daily watering and spraying is acceptable. Tap water will not work, the plant will die from the presence of chlorine. It is recommended to defend it. Excessive moisture will lead to putrefactive processes of the root system.
    • It is necessary to feed the entire warm period, make it every 7 days.
    1. Flowering period:
    • Rhododendron Adams at home blooms in winter, starting in September.
    • The pot with the plant is transferred to a shaded window sill, while the light should be diffused. The optimum temperature for flowering is 11-15°C.
    • Watering is also carried out often, but little by little. Once every two days will be enough. Spraying is carried out daily. In order for the plant to have enough moisture, the pot with it can be placed in a pan with wet pebbles (pebbles) or water.
    • During flowering, only superphosphates are introduced, other types of top dressing are not needed.
    1. Period after flowering:
    • All flowers that have faded should be removed.
    • Dry twigs and leaves are also removed.
    • 30 days after the end of flowering, you need to pinch the tops of the shoots. In this way, a beautiful appearance will be formed in the plant.

    For the next flowering period to be successful, the flower needs to be looked after.

    In fact, those who grow this amazing flower at home admire it so much that they do not pay attention to all the difficulties of care.

    Daurian rhododendron flowers, shoots of Adams rhododendron mixed with wormwood grass, cold wormwood, single-seeded ephedra and juniper needles taken equally, were used in Tibetan medicine for baths used for rheumatism, arthritis, joint diseases.
    To increase the body's strength in the fight against any disease-causing agent, Adams' rhododendron is used both independently and in a mixture with other means.
    Collect the flowers and leaves of Saagan-dali during the flowering period, dry in the shade, crush into a fine powder, mix with the same amount of cane or bee honey and take on an empty stomach.
    The composition has an immediate effect, affecting the body as a whole, improves immunity, an adaptogenic agent.
    Folk medicine also uses Adams' rhododendron for heart diseases, as it improves heart function, for edema of cardiac origin, as a diuretic, and sometimes for colds and kidney diseases. Usually, an aqueous infusion is used, prepared from 1 teaspoon of raw materials per glass of water. Overdose leads to urinary retention and overexcitation.
    Saagan-dali broth: 10 g of crushed shoots per 1 glass of water, boil for 7-8 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain, bring boiled water to the original volume. Take orally 1/4-1/3 cup as a tonic, bactericidal, to stimulate cardiac activity and the nervous system.
    A decoction of rhododendron Adams has a tannic, astringent property. Recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea.
    There is evidence of the treatment of Adams rhododendron (in the form of an aqueous decoction) of stomach ulcers.
    Externally, a decoction of saagan-dali is used for washing infected wounds, ulcers, for rinsing with various inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat.
    Aqueous extracts from the leaves (10%) and even more active water-alcohol are detrimental to dysentery bacilli, typhoid bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus. Water-alcohol extracts from the leaves have antihypertensive properties.
    The experiment found that preparations of the aerial parts of Adams rhododendron increase resistance to oxygen starvation, increase heart contractions, lower blood pressure, have a phytoncidal and bactericidal effect, including on a number of pathogenic bacteria of the intestinal flora, on some pyogenic microbes, on cholera vibrio, diphtheria coli, streptococcus.
    Infusion of Adams rhododendron leaves and tea are used as a tonic and invigorating drink. It is believed that this drink enhances potency, increases efficiency, relieves fatigue and hangover.
    The addition of sagandale gives the tea a specific surprisingly pleasant and strong aroma. To obtain tonic tea for 1 glass, no more than 3-5 leaves and stems are brewed together with tea leaves. It is not recommended to overdose.
    A pleasant mild tonic effect is provided by tea with the addition of 1 g of dry Adams rhododendron per 300 ml of water.

    Rhododendron Adams began to be used for medicinal purposes several millennia ago by Eastern healers. Not without reason, in translation, the name of this plant sounds like “life-prolonging”. Now you can find many other names for the plant: white wing, fragrant wild rosemary, Buryat tea, sagan-dali, Tibetan wing and others. It is known that this plant surpasses ginseng, golden root and lemongrass in terms of energy-stimulating effect. Official medicine has not recognized Adams' rhododendron as a medicinal plant, but medicinal products based on it continue to be in great demand among people.


    Sagan-dali is an evergreen, branched, splayed shrub up to 0.5 m in height. The leaves are oblong, oval in shape, pointed at the ends, up to 2 cm in length. From the outside, they are smooth, painted in a dark saturated green color. On the inside, they are covered with scales, have a light yellow or orange tint. During the flowering period (summer months), the bushes are covered with beautiful pink inflorescences that exude a delicate pleasant aroma. Seeds ripen from flowers in autumn.

    Rhododendron grows on stony soils, needs a sufficient amount of moisture. It can be found in alpine forests, on slopes, the tundra climate is acceptable for the plant. The shrub can grow in conditions above 2 thousand meters above sea level. Under the snow cover can withstand severe cold. The Far East, Tibet, Mongolia, some regions of Russia (including Altai, Baikal, Siberia, Sakhalin) are considered traditional habitats. In Buryatia, this plant is listed in the Red Book.

    Did you know?Tibetan monks considered sagan-dali one of the 7 plants that surround the Buddha of Beauty and Health. They also endowed it with mystical properties and used it for esoteric rituals. For example, the plant was used to search for lost human souls or to travel "on the other side" in order to gain strength and knowledge.

    Chemical composition

    The composition of the flowers and leaves of the plant includes:

    • flavonoids;
    • tannins;
    • glycosides;
    • essential oils;
    • organic acids in free and bound form;
    • tannins;
    • resinous substances;
    • vitamins C, D;
    • terpenes.

    Beneficial features

    The main value of the plant is as an energy-stimulating and regenerating agent. Most often it is used in the form of tea. Such a drink restores strength, removes fatigue, tones the body after exhausting loads. Tea helps to restore efficiency and endurance. It is often used by hunters, climbers, lumberjacks who are forced to spend a lot of time hiking, away from urban conditions, with intense physical exertion.

    In addition, the plant can affect the body in this way:

    • normalizes blood pressure;
    • eliminates migraine;
    • strengthens blood vessels and heart muscle;
    • increases stress resistance, reduces irritability;
    • suppresses pathogenic microorganisms;
    • normalizes metabolism;
    • stimulates brain activity;
    • eliminates oxygen starvation at the cellular level;
    • accelerates the cleansing processes in the body.

    In addition, tea from the leaves of the plant is an excellent remedy for relieving hangover symptoms. Rhododendron Adams gently affects the entire body, improves the functioning of all organs and systems. People who have tested the effect of the drink on themselves claim that after taking it, there is a surge of strength and vigor, health is normalized, literally every cell is filled with energy, and the mind is filled with clarity.


    Adams rhododendron can be used internally and externally.

    Compresses are effective with wounds, bruises, allergic manifestations, inflammation, as they contribute to rapid tissue regeneration. You can also make bandages for joint pain. Sagan-Dail infusion is used to treat the gums and oral cavity, it is used for sore throat and other inflammatory processes. In cosmetology the plant is used to rejuvenate the skin, eliminate wrinkles, swelling and bags under the eyes.

    Inside take tea and infusion for such conditions and diseases:

    • in the complex treatment of cancer, after courses of chemotherapy;
    • with intoxications of a different nature (food, chemical, etc.);
    • with impaired metabolism (obesity, hormonal changes, menopause);
    • erectile disfunction;
    • cognitive impairment (decreased attention, memory, concentration);
    • malfunctions in the nervous system (apathy, insomnia, neurosis, and others);
    • colds, flu, infectious diseases;
    • diseases of the digestive system (infectious diseases, dysbacteriosis, diarrhea);
    • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
    • diseases of the urinary system.

    General ways to prepare infusions:

    Recipe Ingredients Preparation and application
    Infusion, 1st option
    • 1 tsp raw materials;
    • 250 ml of boiling water.
    Raw materials need to be filled with water, insisted for 10 minutes and strained. Up to 2 such servings can be consumed per day. Morning reception will eliminate the breakdown. If a person is sick, you can prepare a more concentrated infusion.
    Infusion, 2nd option
    • 1 st. l. raw materials;
    • 250 ml of boiling water.
    The remedy according to this recipe should be infused for at least 2 hours. It should be taken carefully, one glass a day, and adverse reactions may occur.
    Alcohol tincture
    • 1 part of raw materials;
    • 10 parts vodka.
    The tincture is prepared for a week at room temperature, in a dark place. It is useful to take with bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract, colds, neurosis. The tool has powerful antiseptic and bactericidal properties.

    Important!Experts advise not to boil Adams rhododendron leaves, as prolonged heat treatment significantly reduces the healing properties. It is also not worth using steep boiling water. Optimally - fill the raw material with water, the temperature of which is 80-90 ° C.

    • After a monthly course of treatment, a 2-week break is necessary.
    • During the period of taking funds, you must maintain a water balance and drink at least 2 liters of fluid.
    • If a person is healthy, for preventive purposes, a few leaves of Sagan-Dail can be added to regular tea.
    • It is impossible to take a decoction of rhododendron before going to bed, as you can overexcite the nervous system and get insomnia.
    • If adverse reactions occur, the intake should be stopped immediately.

    Procurement of medicinal raw materials

    Leaves, flowers and the entire ground part of the plant are considered valuable from a medical point of view. However, the leaves of the plant, which is in the 2-3rd year of life, collected during the flowering period, have the greatest value. It needs to be harvested in the summer, when Sagan-Daila blooms, which happens at different times in different climatic conditions. Today, the procurement of raw materials is problematic, since in many regions this plant is on the verge of extinction. The great popularity and advertising of rhododendron led to this situation, which caused its chaotic and uncontrolled consumption.

    You need to dry the raw materials in a natural way, without direct sunlight. It is best to store in glass with a tight lid, in a dry place.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Under certain conditions and diseases, it is strictly forbidden to take plant-based products:

    • the period of pregnancy (due to the risk of increasing the tone of the uterus);
    • lactation period;
    • childhood and adolescence (due to the risk of overexcitation of the nervous system);
    • increased blood pressure;
    • increased excitability;
    • acute renal failure;
    • necrotic processes in tissues;
    • individual intolerance.

    Important!With an overdose, you can get severe disorders of the nervous system: hyperactivity, insomnia, tachycardia, and even hallucinations. Prolonged overdose leads to functional impairment of the kidneys.

    With prolonged use of sagan-daile addiction to the drug and a decrease in its effectiveness can be noted. Side effects also include dehydration and dry mouth. Before using funds based on rhododendron, it is necessary to get medical advice.

    At home, Adams' rhododendron is grown in flowerpots in the house or in the garden. However, the plant requires a reverent attentive attitude and takes root far from every grower.

    • Lighting. There should be enough light. If planting the plant outdoors, choose an open area, avoid areas under large, spreading trees or in the shade of a house.
    • Watering. For irrigation, warm filtered or settled water is used, you can also use rainwater. The frequency should be moderate: if you notice that the leaves on the bush have lost their elasticity, the plant must be moistened. In the summer, you can use a spray bottle for spraying. In no case should the root system be flooded.

    • top dressing. Bushes need fertilizer during the period of active growth. Fertilizers need to be applied twice a year: in spring and after flowering. You can use ready-made mixtures for flowering plants according to the dosage indicated on the package. You can also use organic: cow dung.
    • Weeding. Weeds must be removed manually, since the roots of rhododendron are located close to the surface, and they are easy to damage with a tool.

    When they talk about Adams' rhododendron, they mean the sagan-dali shrub, an evergreen plant that grows in Buryatia, the mountains of Siberia and the Far East. It blooms, covering the ground with a pinkish color and filling the air with a spicy smell (one of the many names is fragrant wild rosemary). In the foothills of Tibet and Mongolia, it is called the "white wing" and many miraculous properties are attributed to it.

    Appearance and range

    The mountain slopes of the Western and Eastern Sayan, the coastal strip of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk, Sakhalin, the Barguzinsky Range, the Tibet region are the main distribution area of ​​the sagan daily plant. Shrub rhododendron Adams can grow to a height of up to one meter, elfin - up to half a meter. The leaves are oblong, fleshy, about 2 cm long, up to 1 cm wide. They have a pointed shape. At the top of the bush - green, closer to the roots they acquire yellow and orange hues. Flowers with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm are collected in shields of 10-15 pieces; calyx green, with coarse hairs.

    In summer, flowering occurs and with its beginning - the collection of flowers and leaves.

    Preparation and methods of preparation

    The main collection period is July - August. By this time, the bushes have time to accumulate the maximum amount of nutrients. Flowers are mainly used to obtain medicinal raw materials; also leaves. The collected material is stored in a dry, ventilated area., out of direct sunlight. And also effectively drying in the shade, in the open air. When the herbal collection is covered with a white coating, it is used to prepare medicinal preparations.

    It is mainly used as a stimulant and tonic. Strengthens the immune system during colds, as an energy drink (mild, unlike coffee and alcohol). Increases concentration, invigorates and allows you to lead an active lifestyle. It is prepared in the form of decoctions and tinctures, and a special “tea” is also widely known.

    Taiga drink

    Buryat tea sagan dali is brewed with a few pinches of dried and crushed tea in a glass of boiling water. The container is tightly closed and incubated for ten minutes. After that, it is passed through any filter - and the drink is ready to drink. Concentrated medicinal tea is infused for two hours and for its preparation it will take more grass - at least a dessert spoon.

    A concentrated infusion gives a greater effect, but one should be wary of an overdose. For general healing, you can add a healing herb when brewing regular black tea. Useful substances and trace elements tone up the following processes in the body person without negative consequences.

    Decoctions and tinctures

    For a glass of water, you need to take 10 grams of raw materials and boil for 5-7 minutes. After that, the decoction is aged for one hour, the herbal collection is selected and boiled water is added to it: to the level of volume with grass. This drink is used as a tonic and for external use.

    Bath decoction helps with rheumatism, arthritis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For cooking, it is necessary to use Adams rhododendron, Dahurian rhododendron, juniper needles, wormwood and ephedra in equal proportions.

    With intestinal infections, colds and rheumatic pains, the alcohol tincture of Sahandal (another name for Adams' rhododendron) has proven itself well. And also the benefits of this tincture in the treatment of wounds, gargling and mouth cavity are undoubted. You can prepare it by taking 10 parts of vodka for 1 part of the collection and straining for 7 days.

    Official and traditional medicine

    The properties of the herb sagan have given the State Pharmacopoeia known. However, it is not included in the list of medicinal preparations. And in folk medicine, the properties of an amazing plant are used in the treatment of many diseases. In addition, Adams' rhododendron has found application in perfumery, the leather industry, the manufacture of varnishes and paints, and decorative gardening. This is a real treasure trove of nutrients.

    Studies have shown that sagandale (Adams' rhododendron) contains the following substances:

    Application features

    Elements of such a rich chemical composition can affect the human body in different ways. You can not use medicinal preparations based on Adams rhododendron without knowing about the side effects. For example, with allergies, during breastfeeding, during pregnancy and in rare cases of individual intolerance.

    Like all medicinal plants, rhododendron has useful properties and contraindications. However, only with its illiterate use can be harmed to health. You should know that it is recommended to use sagan dali not on an ongoing basis, drink tea at least three hours before bedtime (this is a powerful energy drink), use decoctions and tinctures mainly in winter.

    When buying preparations made on the basis of Adams rhododendron, it should be understood that that its collection takes place in hard-to-reach areas, often mountainous, where infrastructure is almost non-existent. Because of this, the cost of the final product is much higher: tinctures or creams using sagan dali cannot be cheap.

    Sagan-dailya (white wing, sakhandali, fragrant wild rosemary, Adams' rhododendron) has tonic properties, destroys bacteria, eliminates inflammation, strengthens the immune system and accelerates the adaptation process after illnesses. The plant is considered a natural antioxidant. From its leaves and inflorescences, decoctions and infusions can be prepared. You can take herbal preparations only with the permission of the attending physician, as there are contraindications.

    Composition and useful properties

    The composition of the flower is unique. It is difficult to find a plant that has such a high concentration of essential oils as this Altai herb. All substances accumulate to a greater extent on the underside of the leaves. Fanesen, germakron, nerolidol are located there. The plant also contains fatty acids. This applies to oleanolic, oleic, linolenic, ursolic acids. It has been established that phenol and methyl alcohol are also included in the composition of fragrant wild rosemary. There is erikopin, which gives strength to the body and human immunity.

    You can use the following parts of the shrub:

    1. 1. Leaves. They contain myricetin, dehydroquercetin, rutin, quercetin. All these compounds belong to the group of flavonoids.
    2. 2. Petals. They contain a lot of ascorbic acid and vitamin D, and their concentration increases during the flowering period.
    3. 3. Branches. Rich in resinous compounds, tannins, acids. Contain anromedotoxin, beta-sitosterol.

    This composition affects the medicinal properties of the plant. It:

    • is a natural antioxidant;
    • tones the body;
    • destroys viruses and bacteria;
    • strengthens the immune system;
    • stabilizes blood pressure;
    • has a diuretic effect;
    • relieves inflammation;
    • accelerates the process of adaptation;
    • has an antihistamine effect;
    • cleanses the body of toxins and toxic substances;
    • improves the work of the heart muscle;
    • used against lice, as it is considered a natural insecticidal substance.

    Given the variety of beneficial properties, it must be remembered that it is not always allowed to use home remedies from this herb. Contraindication is the period of pregnancy and lactation in women, an allergic reaction, low pressure in the veins. The plant can harm people with individual intolerance to the herb or its individual components.

    Side effects from the use of products based on Adams rhododendron are practically absent. You need to be careful with dosages even when drinking regular tea. This is due to the fact that home medicines, when used improperly, are harmful to health: migraines appear, hallucinations, breathing difficulties, blood pressure rises, problems with kidney function and bladder emptying occur. If the dosage is increased many times, the patient's kidneys will stop working.

    Indications for use

    The use of sagan-dayle is prescribed:

    1. 1. With diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Means will strengthen their walls, make them more flexible. The herb also normalizes blood pressure, stimulates the heart.
    2. 2. In diseases of the urinary system. This is especially true of inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder. The tool has a mild diuretic effect, due to which it not only relieves the human body of excess fluid, but also crushes stones in the listed organs. Puffiness, provoked not only by kidney diseases, but also by insufficiency of the heart, passes.
    3. 3. With pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Eliminates inflammatory processes in the liver. It has astringent properties, so it is prescribed for diarrhea (including those caused by dysentery). Eliminates bacterial infections in the digestive tract, restores intestinal microflora.
    4. 4. With diseases of the joints. The tool eliminates swelling, inflammation, pain caused by sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism.
    5. 5. For colds and respiratory diseases. The white wing is able to eliminate heat by stabilizing body temperature. Destroys viruses, strengthens the immune system, has a diaphoretic effect. It is used for both treatment and prevention. Preparations based on sagandail are also prescribed in the presence of a bacterial infection in the organs of the respiratory system.
    6. 6. For the nervous system. Decoctions and infusions from such herbs are used for apathy, depression, neurosis, weakness, drowsiness, headaches. The liquid will increase efficiency, toning the body. In addition, it improves memory and attention.

    Herb Benefits:

    1. 1. For men. The tool normalizes the emptying of the bladder and increases potency, as it is an aphrodisiac of natural origin.
    2. 2. For women. Affects metabolism, so many girls prefer to use sagan dail tea in order to lose weight. The product helps to normalize the psychological and emotional state of women in the period before menopause.
    3. 3. For people who are actively involved in sports. Decoctions are used to improve a person's endurance, his ability to adapt, and relieve fatigue. Sagan-dail is considered a natural stimulant.

    Grass helps to remove toxins, toxic compounds. It is used in medicine for an allergic reaction, poisoning with chemicals and food. Relieves hangover syndrome.

    The plant is applicable in oncological diseases. It is included in the complex therapy of cancer. Suitable for its prevention. Sagandail helps to strengthen the immune system, restore strength after chemotherapy, and eliminate inflammation.

    Decoctions and infusions are used for gargling, treating gums. They also help with headaches. Such products are suitable for treating the skin with allergies, acne. Perfectly eliminate inflammation and rejuvenation. Sagan-Dail herbal masks remove puffiness from the face, make the skin supple and elastic. The tool can be used to treat bruises and wounds to speed up the process of tissue regeneration. For problems with the joints, it is recommended to do applications and compresses.


    One of the most popular recipes is a sagan-dail infusion. To brew it, you need 1 tsp. dried leaves pour a cup of boiling water and wait 10 minutes. Strain the tea before drinking. During the day it is supposed to drink 1-2 cups. It is recommended to drink the drink in the morning. It helps with colds and perfectly relieves fatigue.

    There is another recipe. For him, you need a dessert spoon of dry raw materials per cup of boiling water. The product must be infused for at least 2 hours, and then filtered. This infusion is considered more concentrated, its therapeutic effect is pronounced. It is necessary to drink means carefully - on a cup a day. Otherwise, side effects such as tachycardia, insomnia, agitation, and increased blood pressure appear.

    Some advise to use the medicine intuitively (that is, only at the request of the body), others - to take a monthly course, take a break for 2 weeks, and then repeat the therapy again. For preventive purposes, you can add a few leaves or inflorescences to regular black or green tea.

    Grass removes fluid from the body, drying tissues. As a side effect, you may experience a feeling of dry mouth. During treatment with sagan-daylem, it is necessary to consume at least 2 liters of water per day. This is required in order to regularly replenish the body's reserves. Before going to bed, it is better not to drink the medicine so that there are no problems with sleep. It is very important to constantly monitor the patient's condition: if side effects appear, you must immediately stop drinking tea.

    The herb can also be used in powder form to normalize blood pressure, treat and prevent colds. Such a tool can be purchased at many pharmacies or you can cook it yourself - you just need to dry the foliage and grind it in a coffee grinder or mortar. It is recommended to mix the powder with honey in equal proportions and eat a spoon on an empty stomach in the morning. The therapy lasts 2 weeks.