To come in
Portal about sewerage and downpipes
  • Give up - English phrasal verb
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  • Phrasal verb go in English Phrasal verb go against
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  • Reading rules in English
  • The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is Aladdin's magic lamp. "Aladdin's magic lamp"

    The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is Aladdin's magic lamp.

    Goals: to expand children's knowledge about a fairy tale, about the features of its plot; develop reading technique, the ability to freely navigate in the read text and use selective reading to confirm their judgments; to cultivate interest in the works of foreign children's literature.

    Equipment:Aladdin and the Magic Lamp book.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment.

    II. Checking homework.

    Expressive readingstudents of K. Balmont's poem "It's hard for a fairy."

    III. Preparing for perception.

    Of course, each of you has a good attitude towards the wonders of the natural world, but your soul (it can be seen!) also asks for magical, fabulous miracles.

    There are many fairy tales in the world:

    Sad and funny

    And live in the world

    We cannot do without them.

    Aladdin Lamp,

    Take us to the fairy tale

    crystal slipper,

    Help on the way!

    ... Let the heroes of fairy tales

    They give us warmth

    May goodness forever

    Evil wins.

    Well, read about magical, fabulous miracles for health!

    Open textbooks on p. 125. Before us is an Arabic fairy tale "Aladdin and the magic lamp."

    Maybe some of you are already familiar with this work? Share your thoughts, feelings.

    IV. Reading and analysis of the work (pp. 125-134).

    1. Reading a fairy tale aloud by students in a chain.

    The Scientist Cat (p. 156) will help us to reveal the secrets of the words in the text of the fairy tale in the "Council of Consultants" section.

    Lexical work is carried out in the course of reading.

    2. Content conversation.

    1) By what signs can we judge that Aladdin is the hero of a fairy tale? ( 1) Aladdin didn't want to learn anything; 2) he was left an orphan, without a father; 3) it was he who was chosen for some of his purposes by a stranger, obviously a wizard, in any case, a person from a strange world who owns a magical item - a wonderful bag.)

    2) Do you believe that the Magribinian is the real uncle of Aladdin? ( This is hardly the case. The Maghrebian obviously has some kind of secret goal.)

    3) Have you met in other fairy tales an object that looks like a magic bag? ( The magic bag resembles a self-assembled tablecloth from Russian folk tales.)

    4) Is it by chance that the miracle with the bag happens under the tree? ( The tree and the mountain are places of miracles in folk tales around the world..)

    5) Does the fact that the Magribinian leads Aladdin to the mountain sets each of you up for another miracle? Why?

    6) Do you know another fairy tale with a similar plot? ( Fairy tale G.-H. Andersen "Flint".)

    7) Take a closer look at the characters who guard the treasury: have you already met similar ones? ( In The Labors of Hercules: Hercules fights both the lion and the snakes.)

    8) What character traits does Aladdin discover in the dungeon? ( Aladdin, despite his young age - he is only 15 years old, is able to complete a difficult task: he is very scared, but he opens the door after the door, meeting terrible monsters along the way. He is able to withstand those tests that turn him into a real hero..)

    V. Summary of the lesson.

    What was interesting for each of you today at the lesson?


    Continue reading the story, p. 135-139; answer questions with 140 textbooks (oral); a brief retelling of the read passage from the fairy tale "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp".

    Lesson on literary reading (L.V. Zankov’s system) on the topic: “Common motives and differences in fairy tales of different peoples. Arabic folk tale "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp". 3rd grade

    L.N. Kapitonova

    primary school teacher

    higherqualification category

    gymnasium №75 of Kazan

    with ethno-cultural Russian component

    Lesson Objectives:

      To identify common motifs and differences in the tales of different peoples on the example of the Arab folk tale "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" and the Western fairy tale "Flint". Teach children to analyze text.

      To develop the creative abilities of students, the ability to analyze, the ability to build their relationships based on dialogue. Development of research skills in children. Developing the ability to make informed choices.

      To instill an interest in reading works of world fiction.

    Subject of study: East

    Research methods: “Think”, “Ask another person”, “Observe (photo, drawing)”, “Get information from books, magazines, newspapers”.

    Organizing time:

    And so, friends, attention, because the bell rang,

    Sit comfortably - let's start the lesson as soon as possible.

    Teacher: Think and say what genre of folk art will be discussed in the lesson?

    - A fictional story, an unprecedented and even unrealizable story, a legend.

    (fairy tale)

    Teacher: Listen to Lyudmila Kudryavskaya's poem "Tales".

    They say fairy tales are dying out

    The ones before -

    From genus a genus,

    Those that were soaked from the stroller

    And they lived like bread and honey.

    Age of genetics, cybernetics...

    There is no place for fiction.

    Grandmothers' tales for our children

    Replaced TV...

    Just what are we freezing

    As if there, high, behind the mountain,

    Not a dawn, burning hot,

    And the Heat - a bird drops a feather?

    Why, forgetting about the matter,

    We punish ourselves hard

    As if the swans did not have time

    Tie a nettle wing?

    Why do we welcome, regret,

    Strange monsters that inspire fear?

    And the only prince

    Are we waiting in our brick houses?

    Teacher: What is the main idea of ​​the poem?

    Children talk:

      Fairy tales raise us from childhood, so they cannot die;

      All people have gone through fairy tales. Neither TV nor computer can replace them;

      Fairy tales teach to be surprised when nothing surprises a person anymore;

      There is a lot of soul, kindness, love in fairy tales.

    Teacher: Without what you, children, do not imagine a fairy tale?

    Children answer:

      Without an entertaining plot;

      Without folk fantasy;

      Without miracles, magic;

      No illustrations.

    Teacher: They say that …

    “A fairy tale is like a bird. It flies and knows no limits. And he sings so that everyone will understand. - How do you understand these words?

    Children talk:

      A fairy tale can be compared to a bird because, like a bird, any distance is subject to a fairy tale; on the wings of a fairy tale you can find yourself in a magical world;

      A fairy tale has no boundaries, therefore we meet a fairy tale with the same plot from different peoples, authors;

      People of any country dream of happiness, of justice, of a better life;

      In fairy tales of different peoples, good triumphs over evil;

      The fairy-tale plot is understandable to everyone and gives everyone hope for a better life, for good luck, for pleasant turns in life.

    Teacher: They say that …

    “In a fairy tale, as in milk, all vitamins are contained.” - How do you understand these words?

    “After all, in a fairy tale it is contained, as in milk,all the vitamins that are good for health:



      unobtrusive morality that teaches and amuses at the same time,



      of course, the sense of speech.

    Teacher: Who knows what the storytellers were called in Russia?

      No one knows when the first fairy tales were created. In a time more distant from us, they were called in a different way - “fables” - (from the word “bayat” - to speak, tell). From the word "play" , then they called storytellers - “bahari", "bautchiks", "accordions".

    Teacher: What fairy tales do you know? (everyday, magical, heroic, worldly, joker, annoying)

    A poignant tale - short story without much meaning.

    Teacher: - Is it only the Russian people who have fairy tales? (No)

      What fairy tales have you read?

    Teacher: Listen to the melody. - What kind of melody sounded? (oriental melody)

    Teacher: Each nation has its own traditions, customs, costumes, songs, dances, fairy tales.

    So, we begin an exciting journey into the world of oriental fairy tales. A world full of miracles, with the most amazing twists of fate, a world full of deceit and happy luck.

    Why are the tales of "A Thousand and One Nights" called a monument of Arabic folk literature X-X III centuries?

      From fairy tales you can learn about the character, life, clothing, architecture, customs of the peoples of the East of that time.

    Why are fairy tales united by such a name "A Thousand and One Nights"?

      The child tells a legend explaining this name.

      The ruler of Shahriyar was deceived by his wife. After that, he married, but he executed every wife after the first night. The clever and resourceful Shahrazada (the vizier's daughter) voluntarily married him in order to save the rest of the women from a tragic fate. At night, she began to tell the Shah a fairy tale, and by dawn she reached the very interesting place. The husband postponed the execution for a day. This went on for 1000 nights, and in the 1001st night Shahriyar made Shahrazad queen

    Great Baghdad - the pearl of the East

    Whose crescents touched the heavens,

    Where are the merchants hurrying from afar,

    Where every shop is full of miracles.

    And caravan after caravan

    Passes through the wondrous gates,

    And the guard, parting, misses

    White-bearded barefoot sage.

    There, the gardens of the Sultan are full of wonderful music,

    Fountains foam with ruby ​​wine

    And young maidens in a whirlwind of dance

    Circling under a silk tent.

    And sherbet pours into the bowl

    Wise Scheherazade,

    And the fairy tale begins again,

    And the formidable Shahriyar, having tasted exquisite grapes,

    He postpones the execution for another day.

    And a thousand nights - a fairy tale behind a fairy tale

    Scheherazade is speaking

    About genies, peri and Sinbad

    And about the wealth that will come by itself.

    The cruel sultan is again captivated by a fairy tale,

    The finest embroidery weaves another story

    About the old copper lamp, about the beauty of Budur,

    About the son of a poor tailor named ... Aladdin.

    - New words met in the fairy tale, remember what they mean:

      turban - headdress in eastern countries - a long piece of cloth wrapped around the head.

      Magri'Binets - a man from the west, a stranger

      sulta'n - ruler of a country

      herald'tai - a person who announced news to the people, orders

      sofa - meeting of the Sultan's advisers, the room where this meeting takes place

      vizier minister, adviser to the sultan

    Fairy tale reading rules:

      It must be remembered that a fairy tale is a subtle art, therefore its content must be well understood, and having understood, try to convey what is understood to the audience;

      Feel in fairy tales ordinary, everyday speech and high speech, reminiscent of songs, lamentations;

      To see and understand the meaning of unusual folk words that were created by people with a delicate taste. About these words, A.S. Pushkin said that they are characterized by “some kind of cheerful cunning of the mind, mockery and a picturesque way of expressing themselves”;

      Create a mysterious, magical world of fairy tales by reading.

      Fairy tales

    Tales must be told at night
    Under the shaggy rustles of the stars.
    Here you will meet with a miracle firsthand,
    Here you will grab the devil by the tail.
    Tales must be told vividly,
    Bewitch with colored speech.
    Fairy tales need to be told
    To part the distance. And breadth.
    So that after even with the devil, even with the wolf,
    But not scary. You are a rich man.

    Page 126

    By what signs can we judge that Aladdin is the hero of a fairy tale?

            It was he who was chosen for the day of some goals by a stranger, obviously a wizard, in any case, a person from a strange world who owns a magical object - a wonderful bag ..

    Do you believe that the Magribinian is the real uncle of Aladdin?

            This is hardly the case. He does not behave like an ordinary person, just a relative, and his interest in Aladdin is not exactly common. Why did he lead “out of the city, into the forest”, why does he lead to the mountain? The Magribin obviously has some kind of secret goal.

    Have you met in other fairy tales an object that looks like a magic bag? Is it by chance that the bag miracle happens under a tree? Does the fact that the Maghrebian leads Aladdin to the mountain set you up for another miracle? Why?

            The magic bag resembles a tablecloth - self-assembly from Russian folk tales. The tree and the mountain are places of miracles in folk tales around the world.

    Page 131.

    Do you know another fairy tale with a similar plot (descent of the hero into the dungeon on behalf of the wizard, passage of rooms with monsters, in order to obtain some nondescript-looking object?

            In Andersen's fairy tale "The Flint" a witch leads a soldier to a tree and instructs him to climb into the hollow. There the hero discovers an underground passage and three doors, behind the first of them is a chest with copper money, which is guarded by a dog with eyes like cups; behind the second door is a chest with silver guarded by a dog with eyes like millstones; and behind the third door is a chest of gold guarded by a dog whose eyes are the size of a round tower. The soldier is allowed to take as much precious metal as he likes, but for the witch he must bring only an old steel (a piece of stone or metal for carving fire from flint).

    Take a closer look at the characters who guard the treasury: have you already met similar ones?

            In the exploits of Hercules. Hercules fights both the lion and the snakes.

    What character traits does Aladdin discover in the dungeon?

            Aladdin, despite his young age (he is only 15 years old), is able to complete a difficult task: he is very scared, but he opens the door after the door, meeting with terrible monsters. He is able to withstand those tests that turn him into a real hero.

    Page 136.

    What do genies look like?

    Jeans are huge. The head is like a dome, the arms are like pitchforks, the legs are like pillars, and the mouth is like a cave. His eyes sparkle, and in the middle of his forehead is a huge horn.

    What forces of nature do you think genies embody? What relationship of man to nature is manifested in the images of genies?

            Perhaps, in the image of genies, the fear of volcanic eruption was embodied in front of other natural disasters: a thunderstorm with lightning, a hurricane in the wind. The images of genies embody the fear and respect that manifestations of the great and unpredictable Nature aroused in people at all times.

    What magical metals and objects did you meet in this fairy tale?

            In the dungeon where Aladdin descended, there was a stone with a copper ring, there was a wide iron door, a thin golden net was stretched over the garden. The magic lamp itself is copper. Magic items are a lamp, a ring, a bag.

    Does Aladdin succeed in marrying Princess Budur? Why do you think so?

            Of course, because the hero withstood a difficult test, he owns two magic items.

    The bizarre world of the Arabian fairy tale,

    When the poor of their poor

    Marry a princess

    And the padishahs will disappear altogether from their palaces.

    Maybe it's all fiction, maybe it's true

    But the one who seeks wisdom will understand

    That the thirst for gold, untold wealth

    It won't lead to a good ending.

    In the treasures of insidious genies

    The greedy eye cannot see the old lamp,

    And only those who are pure in heart and soul know

    Not everything is gold that glitters brighter than the stars.

    What Western fairy tale is similar to the plot of the fairy tale Aladdin and the magic lamp?

    5 in

    The most popular oriental tale is considered to be the story about Aladdin - a young guy, a slacker and a lazy person. His father died when the young man was 15 years old. One fine day, a dervish (wandering monk) came to Aladdin and offered his help, but in return the guy must complete one assignment. The sorcerer monk was actually looking for a magic lamp, and only Aladdin could get it. After the wanderer gave the young man money and gifts, he invited the guy for a walk.

    Listen to a fairy tale online

    Having reached the hill, the sorcerer began to whisper magical words, because of which the earth parted, and Aladdin saw a secret passage. The guy had to go down into this tunnel and go through 3 rooms: in the first they would scare him, in the second the old woman would want to hug the young man, then he would have to go through the garden, behind which there was a room with gold and jewelry. There was also an old copper lamp that Aladdin was supposed to bring to the monk, and for his service the guy could take as much gold as he could carry. To help the young man, the sorcerer gives a magic ring.

    When the lamp was already in Aladdin's hands, he decided to return. But at the exit from the dungeon, the sorcerer demanded to give the lamp, and the guy refused, because he wanted to get out of the dungeon first. The monk got angry and buried the exit from the tunnel, condemning the guy to certain death. But the young man did not disappear: accidentally rubbing a copper lamp, he released the Genie from it, who brought Aladdin home. Since then, the guy's life began to improve.

    One day Aladdin meets the beautiful Budur, the Sultan's daughter, and falls in love with her. He decides, by all means, to marry her. And thanks to his resourcefulness and Jin's help, he achieves the girl's hand and heart. However, the sorcerer, having learned about Aladdin's successes, breaks all the young man's plans for a happy life. Can Aladdin get his wife back? What trials await the young man? What threats will he face? The young listener learns about this from the fairy tale "Aladdin".

    "Aladdin" - Arabic folk tale. This work was included in the collection of oriental tales "A Thousand and One Nights". The work is filled with magic. Each event is filled with emotions: there is joy, and sadness, and disappointment, and a surge of energy, delight. The fairy-tale world of the East will interest your baby, because the work is meaningful and filled with miracles. The child will be happy to listen to a fairy tale about Aladdin and his adventures. However, it is more rational to listen to a bedtime story. The product is suitable for children preschool age. Since the fairy tale lasts about one hour, it is better to divide it into several logical parts - so the kid will not get tired of listening, and the plot will be remembered better.

    What is the moral of the tale? First of all, the work teaches not to be greedy, to help others, to value friendship and not to betray loved ones for the sake of wealth. You need to cherish love and friendships, it is important to always believe in your own strength, never give up, even if fate has presented a bitter lesson. You need to fight for your happiness, overcoming all obstacles. It is perseverance, desire, integrity and striving that will help defeat evil. The tale about the young man Aladdin perfectly shows what is good and what is bad. Listening to this magical story, the child begins to understand what life guidelines should be in priority.

    "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" summary Fairy tales you can read in 7 minutes. The fairy tale "Aladdin" summary will remind you of the main events in the fairy tale, but it is better to read it in full.

    "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" summary

    An evil sorcerer from Maghreb is looking for a magic lamp and the stars tell him that only Aladdin can get it. He goes in search of him.

    In a Persian city, there lived a family of a poor tailor who had a son, Aladdin. The boy did not want to study and was a loafer, he only indulged and walked all the time. His father died when Aladdin was 15 years old.

    One day, a wandering dervish monk came to Aladdin, he introduced himself as his father's brother and offered to help their family. He first gave money, then dressed Aladdin in a new dress and boots, and then invited him to walk. He brought Aladdin to the hill and began to conjure, the earth parted and a secret passage appeared.

    The sorcerer told him to go down and told him what was waiting for him below: at first there would be three rooms that would only frighten him; then a room with an old woman who wants to hug him; then a garden, and behind it a room full of gold and jewels, and there is an old copper lamp that the sorcerer needs. He asks to bring it, and Aladdin can take whatever he wants there. He gives Aladdin a ring that will help him in his time of need.

    Aladdin goes through all the rooms in turn, and in the garden fills his pockets with colorful stones, when he finds a lamp, he hides it in his pocket under the collected stones. When Aladdin was already near the exit, the sorcerer ordered to give him a lamp, but Aladdin wanted to get out first. Then the sorcerer got angry with him and closed the passage, thinking that the guy would die there, and he himself returned home.

    In the dungeon, Aladdin accidentally rubbed the ring and the genie Dahnash, the son of Qashqash, appeared and brought him home. At home, Aladdin's mother decided to clean the copper lamp and the elder genie Maimun, the son of Shamkhurash, appeared, who created dishes on golden dishes, and then disappeared, as he greatly frightened Aladdin's mother. Aladdin started selling golden trays and learned the trade.

    Once Princess Budur went to the bathhouse and Aladdin saw her, he immediately fell in love with the beauty and asked his mother to go to the Sultan and ask to marry Budur to Aladdin. As a gift for the Sultan, he gave his mother a golden tray filled with stones from the garden. Mother went to the Sultan, but did not dare to speak to him. The Sultan noticed her and ordered to call her to him. When she presented the tray and conveyed Aladdin's request, he liked the stones so much that he immediately wanted to agree. But the senior vizier wanted to check the wealth of Aladdin and demanded that he hand over 40 such trays with concubines and slaves. Aladdin wished this at Maimun and the next day fulfilled the Sultan's condition.

    When Aladdin met with the Sultan, he promised to build a palace for his future wife opposite the Sultan's palace. At night, Maimun built a palace of unprecedented beauty, leaving one of the columns unfinished. It was a trick for the Sultan so that he himself wanted to complete it and could not, and then he realized how much Aladdin was richer than him. That evening was the wedding of Aladdin and Budur.

    Maghrebian sorcerer learned about the salvation of Aladdin and about his present greatness, he realized that it was all thanks to the lamp. The sorcerer goes to the Persian city where Aladdin lived. He orders 10 new lamps from a coppersmith and walks around town offering to exchange his new lamp for an old one. So he approaches Aladdin's palace when he was on a hunt, and Budur exchanges a magic lamp for him.

    The sorcerer orders Maimun to transfer the palace from Budur to the lands of Ifriqiya, where he wants to make Budur fall in love with him. Meanwhile, the Sultan grieves for the loss of Budur and orders Aladdin's head to be cut off. But all the people of the city stand up for Aladdin and the Sultan gives him 40 days to find his daughter. Then Aladdin remembers the ring and calls the genie Dahnash, who takes him to Ifriqiya. Aladdin meets with Budur and asks to pour the sorcerer's sleeping potion into the wine during dinner. They will follow Aladdin's instructions and when the sorcerer falls asleep, Aladdin cuts off his head, takes the lamp and Maimun returns them with the palace home. Aladdin and the Sultan reconcile and Aladdin's misfortunes end there.

    E that fairy tale carries the flavor of the east, its secrets and mysteries, its exotic beauty and sophistication. The protagonist of the tale is Aladdin, a kind young man who fell in love with Princess Budur. The princess is also in love with Aladdin, but her lover is poor. The powerful Sultan, the girl's father, will never agree to their marriage. Only a miracle can unite loving hearts. A magic lamp falls into the hands of Aladdin, fulfilling the wishes of the owner of the lamp. With the help of a magic lamp, Aladdin could get countless treasures and unlimited power, but he does not need wealth or fame: all his thoughts are about Budur. The Sultan promised Aladdin that he would marry his daughter to him if the young man built a golden palace. Here, perhaps, it's time to turn to the magic lamp for help. The genie from the magic lamp fulfilled Aladdin's request: the golden palace was built. Aladdin marries Princess Budur, but the happiness of the young did not last long. The conceited Vizier, who secretly dreamed of both the princess and power, took possession of the lamp by cunning. After gaining dominance over the lamp, the Vizier orders the Genie to kill Aladdin. However, the lamp is bewitched by Aladdin's name: Genie is powerless to kill him. Then the insidious Vizier orders Jin to move the palace with its inhabitants to the distant desert of the Maghreb. The vizier rejoiced: soon he would have both power and Budur. However, Aladdin was not one of those who retreated in the face of difficulties, and besides, his heart was overflowing with love, which added courage to him. The fearlessness and good nature of Aladdin prevailed over the cowardice and greed of the Vizier: the young man regained his beloved. The Maghreb desert turned into a blooming garden with a luxurious palace, in which the brave Aladdin and the beautiful Budur happily lived. Honesty, decency, disinterestedness in fairy tales are always rewarded, and whoever carries in his soul envy of other people's wealth, anger and other unkind thoughts - he has a hard time in fairy tales. By justice and good deeds, Aladdin deserved true happiness, but not in the form of wealth and luxury: life gave him much greater treasures - Budur's love. This is a fairy tale about good and evil, about selflessness and greed, about love.

    Arabian tale in the retelling of M. Salier
    Staged by V. Glotser
    Music by E. Denisov
    Texts of M. Libin's songs.

    Actors and performers:
    Storyteller - R. Plyatt
    Aladdin - A. Lenkov
    Aladdin's mother - N. Ter-Osipyan
    Magribinets - A. Dzhigarkhanyan
    Djinn Dakhnash - Y. Vorobyov
    Jinn Maimun - Y. Avsharov
    Boy - T. Kuryanova
    Sultan - E. Vesnik
    Vizier - S. Zeitz
    Princess Budur - E. Romanova
    Maid - M. Polyanskaya
    Water seller - M. Lobanov
    Passerby - A. Ocheretyansky
    Coppersmith - I. Rombro.

    Symphony Orchestra led by A. Stepanov.
    Directed by S. Vasilevsky.


    Released: 1984
    Format: MP3
    Duration: 01:23:21
    Audio Bitrate: 192 kbps
    Size: 114 Mb

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