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    How to survive a layoff. How to get over a layoff and get more than you lose How to get over the stress of quitting

    WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.

    Your boss invites you to the office, closes the door and says: "... we are not satisfied with the way you work in this position, so we made the decision to dismiss. Free up your workplace and get a settlement in the accounting department." How to deal with this situation without losing your dignity?


      Give yourself a minute (or five) to recover from the shock and collect your thoughts. Take a breath. If you feel like crying, please - this will not change the situation, but it may help you to better overcome it by splashing out your emotions.

      Perceive the situation correctly. Your first impulse may be to think of yourself as a bad employee, a person, or a failure in general, but that’s just a voice of panic. Instead, tell yourself, "I did the wrong job for myself." This is important: the work is not to blame and you are not to blame, it was the combination of work and you that did not work. So don't be ashamed of the situation. There are millions of reasons why a job doesn't work out, and none of them is 100% your fault.

      Don't try to change your mind. You may be tempted to ask for another chance, but you must resist it. The decision was made and almost always irrevocable. Begging will only weaken your ability to negotiate further.

      Negotiate the terms of your termination. The employer does not want unnecessary problems, in particular, to earn a bad reputation. So here's what you can negotiate:

      • Agree on how the employer will be responsible if you contact him for a recommendation. The safest version of his answer: "Yes, he worked for us as an employee, but our organization has a policy of nondisclosure of performance evaluation."
      • Ask for generous compensation. Demand payment of vacation and sick leave, as well as compensation that you think they can agree to - between one month and three months' salary. You may not be paid as much as you ask, but this is a good start to negotiations.
      • Ask the employer to extend the VHI for a certain period.
      • Ask for help finding a new job. Some employers offer the services of employment firms. If not, ask which organizations they would recommend for your job search. Perhaps they have information about vacancies.
    1. Quit with dignity. Do not wait until the end of the working day - pack your things at the workplace and leave. If you are stopped by colleagues to say goodbye, thank them politely, but do not shake the walls with screams about what just happened to you. Never say anything bad about your boss or the company - burn all the bridges so you don't get hurt.

      Notify your family immediately. Even if you are still in shock and shame, tell your family about what happened and discuss how you can deal with it together. While your loved ones will experience shock and uncomfortable feelings as well, in the long run it will be easier for you to start taking further action together.

      Give yourself time to recover. You will be tempted to start looking for a new job right away, but you need to give yourself time to get over what happened, get rid of shame and panic, and start thinking clearly. Take a couple of weeks to spend with your family and concentrate on your future plans.

    2. Realize that this is not the end of the road. Despite the fact that it can be difficult at times, you should not think about the fact that with the termination of your job your whole life is over. Begin to see the situation as a turning point on the road to change for the better. Of course, this is a difficult time, but it can give you new opportunities.

      • Take the time to figure out if you want to stay in the same line of business or if it's worth trying something different.
      • For the first few days, your friends and colleagues may keep calling you to see how you are doing. Refrain from talking to everyone. Let everyone know through one friend that you’re okay and that you’ve just taken some time off, and then call everyone back in the next few days, weeks, or months — no matter —.
      • Make sure that the termination is carried out in accordance with the terms of your employment contract and labor laws in general.
      • Be responsible. When you get home, cancel all but essential purchases and budget according to the funds you have. Develop a financial plan. This will reduce stress levels and keep you from grabbing the first job you come across.
      • Sometimes dismissal compensation is given under certain conditions: you cannot discuss the reasons for dismissal with anyone, you cannot discuss the terms of compensation, you cannot speak negatively about the company or its management, you cannot go to work for competitors, and so on. If you violate these conditions, compensation may be recovered from you back through the court.
      • Get official written confirmation of the company's intentions.
      • As a rule, after a notice of dismissal, access to a personal computer is closed. Accordingly, (since you are reading this article, you have not been fired yet) today, coming to work:
        • Send to your personal email address all the personal information from your computer that you would like to keep after you leave: personal mail, examples of work materials, recipes from your colleagues - whatever. Don't send it all from your work address, go to your personal mail and send from there.
        • Make copies of all the files you want to keep (document templates, work materials, contacts) and take home.


      • Resist the urge to call colleagues and complain about the company and its management.
      • When you come home, do not try to pack your things and leave the city. Running away from problems only aggravates the situation, and besides, moving to another city for no apparent reason is a red rag for employers. Better to update your resume and post it on the relevant sites.

    Work occupies a very important place in the life of most of us. Loss of a job firmly takes place in the top ten most stressful situations, slightly inferior to divorce in terms of the negative impact on the psyche.

    Why are we so afraid to lose a jobto be fired? Why is the news of the dismissal inflicting such a trauma on our psyche?

    It is not just a matter of losing a livelihood. The secret of stress lies in deep, ancient human instincts. Our ancestors lived in communities, and they knew very well: expulsion from the pack means, if not death, then vegetation, danger and misfortune. Dismissal is perceived by us in the same way as our primitive ancestors perceived expulsion from the pack.

    In addition, there is always a very great temptation to engage in self-examination - "I am such a loser, a loser, useless for anything if it was me who was fired."

    It is interesting that even being fired from an unloved job, which has long wanted to change, causes chagrin.

    But is it really that bad?

    What to do if you get fired

    There will always be more work in this world than those willing to do it. At any level, in any specialty. Good job often finds a good specialist itself. All that is required of you is to become a good professional. One that is torn off with hands. If before you did not have enough time to improve your qualifications, then it's time to do it and rise to a new level.

    Getting fired is a great opportunity for you to learn a lesson. You need to carefully analyze - why were you fired? Were you undisciplined? Few results? Failed to improve relationships with colleagues and bosses? Did you consider yourself indispensable and show it with complacency? Sailing quietly with the flow, fulfilling the required minimum with minimum quality? Do not be cunning, at least alone with yourself. Admit your mistakes and take up the correction. Once upon a time it would still have to be done.

    Everything that happens is happening for the best. Firing is not a loss of a job, but the acquisition of new opportunities. It is possible that exactly dismissal will give you the necessary impetus for positive change. Up to a radical change in the field of activity.

    Very often, when leaving, people make mistakes, the consequences of which interfere later. find a new job and improve your life. Psychologists advise:

    • Leave with dignity. The announcement of a resignation is often shocking. Some go into hysterics and cry, others become angry, and still others fall into silent depression. All of this is wrong and not constructive. Neither tears nor aggression will help you stay in a company that is determined to get rid of you. It is most correct to accept this fact with dignity, correctly say goodbye to colleagues and ask your boss to give you recommendations for a new job. However, calm and courteous care should not prevent you from carefully finding out everything about your payments - severance pay, compensation for unused vacation, etc. No offense should prevent you from getting everything that is due to you by right.
    • Do not suppress negative emotions in yourself. Give yourself time and opportunity to pour out resentment, frustration, resentment. But not publicly! You can talk to close friends or family, go out into the woods and shout there and even cry if you feel like it. But do not get carried away - the negative is sucked in like quicksand. One or two days to get rid of resentment and despondency - and that's enough. Don't let yourself be a victim. It is futile.
    • Start looking for a job right away. Tell all your friends and acquaintances that you are ready to offer your services to a good company. Call potential employers every day, browse vacancies on the Internet and local publications. Take the time to write a competent resume. If necessary, contact a specialist - it pays for itself.
    • Pay attention to your own beauty and health. Whatever your track record, a lot depends on your appearance. Health shines in your eyes and a smile, it helps to keep your back straight and your shoulders proudly straightened. Take advantage of relative freedom: undergo an examination, heal what is necessary, visit a dentist, beautician, stylist. Get fit, organize your daily routine and eat healthy.
    • Plan your finances for at least 6-10 months just in case. If you have unpaid loans, try contacting the bank so that while you are looking for a new job, your interest rate will be lowered or payments frozen. Banks sometimes meet customers halfway, so why not use this opportunity?
    • Do not withdraw into yourself. The more you communicate with a wide variety of people, the more likely it will be that one of them will be able to help you.
    • Don't lock yourself into habits. Are you so sure you want to do the same thing all your life? Perhaps your old hobby can become a new source of income instead of a boring profession? Or are you ready to try yourself as a freelancer?
    • Don't give up on temporary work. Even if it is slightly below your level of competence and is paid worse than your previous job. A small salary is much more than no salary at all.
    • Believe in yourself. Lifetime employment does not exist. It's okay to change jobs. Your best work is still waiting for you. But to find her, you need to get off the couch, put yourself in order, smile at the world and take a step. One of many on a new path to success.

    9 12 326 0

    Being fired can be compared to the stress that a person receives after a divorce or the death of a loved one. Hands down, life becomes meaningless, the future does not exist.

    At first, it is difficult to objectively assess the situation, all the more to see the benefits of such a situation. The idea that everything that is not done is done for the better does not even arise. What good is it that someone took away the source of income? Someone outside decided that it was time for you to tie the belt tighter, and you are worth nothing in this life. The first desire comes to take revenge, screw up the last and do everything so that the authorities bite their elbows from such a decision.

    It is necessary to leave with dignity. After all, his future life will largely depend on how the dismissed person behaves.

    You can go into a steep dive, and not get out of it. Or you can pull off a great trick and come out the winner. Nobody is insured against anything, especially against job loss. Any loss entails a decrease in self-esteem. If your husband has left you, it means you are unlucky and ugly. If she was kicked out of her job, it meant she was stupid and unreliable. Self-esteem is rolling down with frantic force, and resentment is gaining momentum.

    • Why were you fired?
    • Am I the worst employee?
    • Always and everything is decided for me.
    • I am nothing, a loser and unlucky.

    When such thoughts come to mind, then immediately you need to rebuff them.

    The opinion of one person, even the boss, means absolutely nothing. Does not reflect the true reasons and attitudes towards you.

    Perhaps a godfather or matchmaker should just come to your place. Or maybe you're too sexy for the boss's wife to dislike. But you never know what! Often you have nothing to do with this, or have anything to do with it, but indirectly.

    Life did not begin with work, nor will it end with it. In any situation, you should always look for a positive experience.

    Do not complain about the injustice of life, but ask the question: "What did life want to show by this?" If you find the answer, you will rise one step higher in your development.

    Practice proves that most often two groups of people lose their jobs:

    1. Inert;
    2. workaholics.

    These are the two opposites.

    1. The former live by inertia, work because they need to, without moral or material satisfaction. He does not quit himself, because he has already scored on everything for a long time, does not do what he likes, does not develop, but is simply serving time, as in prison. And when such a person is fired, then life simply through someone else's lips and actions informs that the person has ceased to live, but simply exists, like a plant.
    2. The second (workaholics) replaced their whole life with work. Work for them is mother, wife, and children. At this time, the Ego weakens, a person tries to be comfortable and the best, completely forgetting about his true desires. Life does not know how to joke and endure for a long time, and by dismissal shows a person that work is not the whole life. This is a frontal attack so that the person changes his mind. Why is such an employee fired? And what chef wants to hear someone's rapid breathing in his back? We have no irreplaceable ones, therefore, those who strive to take a higher place are removed.

    So what should you do if you get fired?

    No hysteria

    Resist the temptation to throw a scandal and throw a tantrum for the spectacle of ill-wishers. You should swallow offensive words, “put on” a smile and “march” the last exit.

    There is no need to try to steal, erase, spoil information in a computer, drag clients and set up a boss, for example in court, by selling confidential information. All such actions will sooner or later come back to haunt you with losses:

    • The market segments are actually very narrow and potential employers will soon be aware of your antics.
    • If you are expecting a former boss to truly regret firing you in the future, the opposite steps should be taken.

    Pull yourself together, and on the last working day say goodbye warmly, say that you worked with pleasure, and this experience will be very useful to you. Of course, you may not be called back, but they will definitely give a good description.

    People are greeted by their clothes, and make sure that they walk you through the mind, not hysterics.

    Sobriety, poise, composure and laconicism are the main qualities of professionals. Therefore, even if you were fired for non-objective reasons, do not be zealous in righteous anger. The conflict will not lead to good, but will ruin your reputation. “Hotheads” will always lose to “cold minds”.

    Maintain your dignity, walk away proudly and even affably. The time will come and you will be proud of yourself.

    Leave right

    Leaving work is not about leaving your wife or husband. Leave all these attacks of pride, they say, I don't need anything from you, take everything for yourself. You need to work two weeks according to the law - work it out. You need to get calculated and bypass the offices with a bypass sheet - do it.

    Dismissal is not a dead end, it is a new stage.

    Remember that you were fired, not thrown out, your paths went wrong, and you were not betrayed.

    Do not look down at your feet, as if apologizing that your spirit did not dissipate instantly in the office.

    Don't hang your nose

    Fired? Perfectly! Now there is time to think and make childhood dreams come true. Perhaps you are far from an ordinary accountant, but an artist. A positive attitude is half the battle on the road to happiness.

    There are no desperate situations, even from the most-most, as a rule, there are four ways out.

    Even if you lost in a corporate war, and temporarily lost your income, this is not a reason to doubt your own intelligence, strength and luck. There will be a holiday on your street, especially since now you have time to organize this holiday yourself. Away with depression and despondency.

    Remember that sometimes a great flight starts with a kick. Take a running start and forward to new achievements.

    Choose your job carefully

    If you have been fired from your CFO position, then you should not go straight to the bakery to cook. Bake pies at home as a treat for your family. Just because your former boss fired you doesn't mean you are a bad employee and not a professional in your field.

    Do not waste your time on trifles, do not settle for crumbs when a whole ruddy loaf is waiting for you.

    Think, the area in which you worked is really your liking? Maybe it's time to radically change your life?


    Consider that you were not fired, but that you took a vacation at your own expense. And vacation is a good thing. So be on vacation, not overboard. Read, attend courses, go to the sea, which you have not traveled to for the last ten years. Get busy with handicrafts, build a bathhouse, or at least clean up the pantry, and make yourself a workshop there.

    Don't let the blues steal your free time and inject loser symptoms into your personality. A lot of free time will appear in your life, and these voids need to be filled with something really worthwhile.

    According to psychological practice, such a situation is a nutritious component for the manifestation of neurological diseases, if, of course, stress, fears for the future and low self-esteem are close to the heart. A person can fall into a vicious circle: getting depressed due to lack of work, he cannot find it.

    If this state of mind lasts for a long time, then depression can be replaced by physical illness.

    This effect is often seen in laid-off and retired people. For example, a pensioner immediately after retirement begins to age rapidly, he kind of allows himself to get sick, because now there is time for this.

    Break the ties

    Nobody forbids to support “nodding” acquaintances. Let it be superficial sometimes. In this case, the former team acts as a handkerchief during a cold.

    Each time you wipe your tears, you will be charged with an old infection. You were hurt when you were fired, and will hurt in the same way every time you live the life of the past collective.

    There is no need to find out who came to your place, how things are going at the company, where the chef has gone to rest, etc. And in the future, having found a better job, do not rush to immediately drag and drop one of your former employees.

    Don't take old defeats with you into your new life. Of course, it happens that a real friend is found in an old team, but this rarely happens.

    Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd /

    Of course, being fired is the most unpleasant thing, but the right behavior can help you reach those heights that you might not have dared to think about in your old place. Remember - everything can always be turned to your advantage. The vision of a situation can change dramatically depending on what angle you look at it from.

    What to do?

    The most important thing is not to succumb to the emerging negative emotions. Of course, you will be unpleasant, humiliating, insulting and even scary - but do not let all this swallow you, otherwise depression can attack you. Negative emotions affect a person so badly that often after depression they really fall ill. And there are no hopeless situations, therefore - forward to new beginnings! Who knows - maybe the old has already outlived its own and it's time to develop further, to achieve more?

    Isn't it time to think?

    Have you ever caught yourself thinking that it would be nice to change jobs? If what you have been doing is not enjoyable, is this your chance to find your purpose?

    By the way, are you already tired of working, working and seeing nothing but work? Pause, reflect on your life. Remember what you always wanted. Did you go that way? If not, you have the opportunity to fix it! Relax, relieve tension, decide what you would like to do now, and then start looking for a new job. At the same time, the most important condition is not to feel sorry for yourself, not to cry about what you have lost and not to delay with. It is pleasant to rest, but it is addictive, so as soon as you have restored your strength and fighting spirit, start acting.

    By the way, why not think about opening your own business? Sounds tempting? Or maybe you've dreamed about it before? Then, after dismissal, you can fully and completely devote yourself to your own brainchild. After all, what could be better than working for yourself?

    Have you learned your lesson?

    This is another side of the layoff. Lesson. Yes, you heard right! Of course, it is quite possible that you were fired completely undeservedly, but all the same you will have to endure something instructive. Somewhere you are wrong. Analyze your work, complaints against you, relationships with management and colleagues. Objectively evaluate everything, it's not for nothing that they say that there is no smoke without fire. If it turns out that the problem is that you did not cope with the duties as it should be, think about refresher courses or retraining, learn a foreign language. In short, take care of yourself. And new skills will appear, and will increase, and you will get the opportunity to apply for a higher position.
    He who seeks finds!

    To find a job you will need:

    covering letter.

    Post your resume on the Internet, but do not limit yourself to a passive position, do not wait for a call. Contact the employment service, go, search, call, visit. Don't be afraid to ask why you got fired. Prepare a decent and truthful answer. The latter, by the way, is a prerequisite, because you can be checked by calling your old place of work.

    Financial crisis?

    What if there is no work yet, but the money is gone? Reduce costs by matching desires and possibilities, and discard unnecessary things. Find a part-time job as a freelance translator, journalist. Who knows, maybe you will like the free schedule so much that you will realize that you have found yourself. If not, you will earn extra money until a permanent job appears.
    Or maybe you have an interesting hobby? It can also be turned into a source of income, and even realize oneself in it.


    Take care of yourself! Do not get addicted to junk food, do not quit playing sports. should become daily and habitual! Keep fit for new beginnings!

    If you feel sadness or other negative emotions, remember all your achievements, those moments when you were happy with yourself.

    Do not self-flagellate, it will only lead to a decrease in self-esteem and depression. See things realistically, just forgive yourself for what you were wrong about, and don't do it again.

    Tell those around you why you got fired. It's better than having the wrong rumor reach them.

    Do not hesitate to take advantage of someone's protection, do not refuse help. Feel free to talk to people about your job search. The more friends you know about what is happening, the faster you will cope with the situation!

    Do not limit yourself to searching only in one field of activity. Do not be afraid to try something new - maybe you will reach great heights there.

    When you receive rejections, do not be discouraged and do not give up. The reason may not be in you, but in the fact that at the moment new employees are not required in this company. Never forget to leave your resume - who knows, maybe tomorrow someone will decide to quit and immediately remember you?

    How to survive being fired?

    “Olga Ivanovna is 36 years old, for the last 2 years she worked as an accountant in a large organization, was a promising employee and dreamed of promotion. I heard the news of the dismissal from the new director, who took office a month ago.

    The chief called to his office and said that the company no longer needed her services. Indifferently thanked for the work and offered to leave of his own free will. He spoke indistinctly about shortcomings in work, hinted at incompetence. It was not possible to achieve any specificity, general phrases.

    Olga Ivanovna was shocked, she did not see the reasons for dismissal. Resentment, irritation, anger rolled up a lump in my throat. Uncertainty awaited her ahead ... "

    Almost every person in life has faced dismissal. Abrupt changes associated with the loss of earnings, painful searches for work at an already elderly age only add to the fear of a new reality. How to survive being fired and keep faith in yourself? Why is the loss of a job hitting pride so hard? How to find a decent new job?

    Why is the dismissal so acute?

    Almost always, the situation associated with dismissal is perceived painfully. The reason lies in our unconscious. The leader and the Company are perceived by us as the parental para-symbolic Father and Mother.

    Father (leader): teaches, directs, develops (sends for negotiations, trainings, seminars); closely monitors achievements (monitors employee performance, reports, plan implementation); shows severity and generosity (punishes with a reprimand, scolds, fines, rewards).

    Mother (Company): takes into his arms (collective); feeds, drinks (gives out a salary); develops (gives an opportunity for career growth); entertains (corporate events and holidays).

    Losing your job is like breaking your bond with your symbolic parents. An employee, like a small child, feels that mom and dad no longer need him, he is no longer loved and driven away. From this it becomes painful and insulting. As if the child has become "bad", and the Mother, whatever she is, remains the Mother. You can no longer rely on the Father, he is more interested in other children.

    Team (children of the Company and the Manager). The Child competed with them for the love of Dad and Mom, swore with them and had fun. And now, after the dismissal, the symbolic family is gone and no one can fill this place in the soul. Aggression, anger, depression are what a child feels when he has lost his place among brothers and sisters.

    Feelings are quite understandable

    There is no need to take this situation as a tragedy and go deep into melancholy. The relationship with the symbolic Father and Mother always ends when a joint activity, project, task ends. Relationships are not based on love, but on mutual benefit.

    Many people, thanks to the dismissal, have finally found themselves, benefited from this situation and even became famous. Who knows, maybe fate is giving you a chance?

    5 steps to beating a situation

    You have opened a new chapter of your biography, finally you have time for yourself, accumulated cases, forgotten hobbies and unfulfilled desires. It's time to take care of yourself!

    Embrace a new experience.

    Analyze what really happened, why were you fired? Consider the possible reasons: being late, a decrease in your efficiency at work, injustice from your bosses, your own laziness and fatigue, professional and emotional burnout? Or have you "reached the ceiling" in your position and you had nothing to strive for?

    1. Your strengths.

    What are your virtues? Perhaps you are a great organizer, a responsible executor, a great partner or workmate. What tasks did you do best?

    2. Determine the motion vector.

    Decide in which area you will continue to move further? All roads are open before you. You can improve in a field you are familiar with, or feel free to change your occupation. What do you want from a new job, position? Consider the opportunity to organize your business. Many successful people found themselves in entrepreneurship just after they quit their jobs.

    Even after losing your favorite job, do not be discouraged. An important stage in your life has ended, there is a new one ahead, approach it responsibly. Do not blame everyone in a row for your troubles, do not blame yourself, do not engage in self-criticism. Make the right decisions about what not to do in your new job. Thanks to this situation, you have become wiser, your next choice will be conscious and correct.

    4. Get ready for your new job.

    In the process of finding a job, pump your professional skills. If internal blocks and fears prevent you from aiming for more, see a psychologist. Recover emotionally and keep working on yourself. One hundred percent win can only be in one competition, when you compete with yourself yesterday.

    5. Work to your liking.

    Work should be fun and enjoyable. Do what you like. The result is measured not only by salary, but also by the level of satisfaction from the business you are doing day in and day out.

    Take action, everything is in your hands!

    Dec 13, 2018 billh41235