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  • Increased sugar during fasting. Diabetes and fasting

    Increased sugar during fasting. Diabetes and fasting

    After learning information about therapeutic fasting, many begin to wonder whether it is possible to starve with type 2 diabetes. Finding out the answer to this question, you can come across different opinions. Some say that restrictions are prohibited. Others, on the contrary, insist on their necessity.

    Is it possible to reduce food intake

    Type 2 diabetes refers to a disease in which the tissue's insulin sensitivity is reduced. Endocrinologists recommend that patients in the initial stages of the disease adhere to a special diet and do. Lifestyle correction allows you to keep the disease under control for many years.

    In the absence of complications, diabetics may try fasting treatment. But doctors allow this to be done only in the initial stages of the disease. If diabetes has caused a disruption in the normal functioning of the body, then you should not starve.

    At the moment of food intake, insulin begins to be produced in the body. With regular nutrition, this process is stable. But when you refuse food, the body has to look for reserves, due to which it is possible to replenish the lack of energy that has appeared. In this case, glycogen is released from the liver, and fatty tissues begin to break down.

    Fasting can reduce the symptoms of diabetes. But you should drink plenty of fluids. Water allows you to remove toxins and toxins from the body. At the same time, the metabolism is normalized, and the weight begins to decrease.

    But you can only refuse food for those people who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. With insulin-dependent diabetes, fasting is strictly prohibited.

    Method selection

    Some people say that you shouldn't feel hungry with diabetes. But a number of experts think otherwise. True, deciding to give up food for a day does not solve the problem. Even a 72-hour fast does not give the desired effect. Therefore, doctors recommend to withstand medium and long-term types of fasting.

    Having decided to try to get rid of diabetes in this way, you need to consult with an endocrinologist. He must examine the patient and determine whether he can use this method of therapy. The first fasting for diabetics is recommended under the supervision of endocrinologists and nutritionists in a hospital. Doctors select the most optimal cleansing system depending on the patient's condition.

    When fasting of medium duration, you should refuse to eat for at least 10 days. Prolonged fasting lasts from 21 days, some practice 1.5 - 2 months of refusal to eat.

    Organization of the process

    You can't start starving right away. This will be too much stress for the body. You should competently enter fasting. For this purpose, 5 days before the start, you must completely stop taking animal food. It is important to do the following:

    • eat plant foods seasoned with olive oil;
    • mechanically cleanse the body with an enema;
    • consume a significant amount of water (up to 3 liters daily);
    • move on to cleanse the body gradually.

    Fasting and type 2 diabetes are compatible if you follow the rules. After completing the preparatory stage, you should proceed directly to cleaning. During the head, you should completely stop eating. You can only drink water. Physical activity should be minimized.

    It is important to get out of the fasting process correctly. This requires:

    • start eating in fractional portions, vegetable juice diluted with water is best for the first intake;
    • exclude salt from the diet;
    • allowed to eat vegetable food;
    • foods high in protein should not be consumed;
    • portion sizes increase gradually.

    The duration of the fasting procedure should be equal to the duration of the cleaning process. It should be borne in mind that the fewer meals there are, the less often insulin will be released into the blood.

    The effectiveness and reviews of diabetics

    Most diabetics are advised to do a 10-day fast for the first time. It allows:

    • reduce the load on the liver;
    • stimulate the metabolic process;
    • improve the functioning of the pancreas.

    Such a medium-term fasting allows you to activate the work of organs. The progression of the disease stops. In addition, patients after fasting easier tolerate hypoglycemia. The likelihood of developing complications resulting from a sharp decrease in glucose concentration is minimized.

    Therapeutic fasting refers to the method of alternative medicine. A person voluntarily refuses food (and sometimes water) in order to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, so that the systems associated with digestion are switched to the "recovery" mode. For many people, this treatment regimen helped to get rid of health problems.

    Fasting with diabetes mellitus allows you to lose weight, improve sugar levels, and prevent the further development of hyperglycemia. The main thing is to follow certain rules and consult with a specialist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    Effects of therapeutic fasting on diabetes mellitus

    Even in the distant past, hyperglycemia was considered a terrible, incurable disease. The patient, due to poor absorption of food, was forced to eat tiny portions, and as a result, he died of exhaustion. When a way to treat a dangerous ailment was found, experts began to actively study the diet of patients.

    Much depended on the type of diabetes:

    1. In the first type of diabetes mellitus (insulin), the cells of the pancreas are either destroyed or do not produce enough insulin. Patients can consume carbohydrates only with the regular introduction of the missing hormone.
    2. In the second type, insulin is produced, but not enough, and sometimes in excess. The body is not able to cope with the glucose coming with food, and metabolism is disturbed. With this type of disease, the intake of carbohydrates and glucose is strictly limited.

    Lack of nutrition, both in diabetics and in healthy people, leads to the body looking for energy reserves in body fat. Processes begin in which fat cells are broken down into simple carbohydrates.

    You can fight hyperglycemia with prolonged fasting, but hypoglycemia can develop.

    Due to a lack of glucose, the following symptoms occur:

    • nausea;
    • lethargy;
    • increased sweating;
    • double vision;
    • fainting;
    • irritability;
    • slurred speech.

    For a diabetic, this is a rather dangerous condition, the result of which can be falling into a coma or death.

    Expert opinion

    Arkady Alexandrovich

    Experienced Endocrinologist

    Ask an expert

    Official medicine considers fasting and diabetes incompatible, seeing in such a method of treatment unnecessary stress on the body.

    But the benefits of fasting in diabetes cannot be denied. These include:

    • weight loss;
    • unloading the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas;
    • normalization of metabolism;
    • a decrease in stomach volume, which contributes to a decrease in appetite at the end of fasting.

    During refusal to eat, diabetics develop a hypoglycemic crisis, in which the blood sugar drops sharply. Ketone bodies accumulate in urine and blood. It is their body that uses them for energy. A high concentration of these substances provokes. Thanks to this process, excess fat is lost, and the body begins to work in a different way.

    How to fast for type 1 and type 2 diabetes

    With hyperglycemia, the developers of fasting methods recommend completely limiting food and water intake for one, and later, several days (a hunger strike can last 1.5 months).

    With an insulin-dependent type of cell disease, the glucose content in the blood does not depend on whether food has been ingested or not. Hyperglycemic values \u200b\u200bwill hold until hormone injection is given.

    Important! Fasting with type 1 diabetes mellitus is contraindicated. Even if a person refuses food, this will not improve his condition, but will provoke development.

    Fasting with type 2 diabetes is perceived as a variant of a specific diet. Endocrinologists sometimes recommend refusing to eat, but observing an abundant drinking regime. This method will help you lose weight, because excess weight disrupts metabolism and worsens the well-being of a diabetic, contributing to the progression of the disease. The correct method of refusal to eat, a competent way out of fasting, rational nutrition after a starvation diet will allow to lower the sugar levels.

    Experts recommend refraining from food for 5-10 days with type 2 diabetes. After a hypoglycemic crisis, sugar values \u200b\u200bare normalized only on the 6th day of fasting. It is better during this period to enlist the support of a medical professional and be under his vigilant supervision.

    The preparatory process begins 1 week before cleansing the body. The patients:

    • refuse meat dishes, fried, heavy food;
    • exclude the use of salt;
    • the portion size is gradually reduced;
    • alcohol and sweets are completely excluded;
    • on the day of entering fasting, a cleansing enema is done.

    At the beginning of the hunger treatment, it is possible to change the urine tests, the smell of which will give off acetone. Also, the smell of acetone can be felt from the mouth. But when the hypoglycemic crisis passes, the ketone substances in the body will decrease, the smell will pass.

    Any food should be excluded, but do not give up drinking plenty of fluids, including herbal teas. It is allowed to engage in light physical exercise. In the early days, hungry fainting is possible.

    Exit from fasting lasts the same number of days as the period of abstinence from food itself... After the end of treatment, for the first three days, you should drink diluted fruit and vegetable juices, and refrain from any solid food. In the future, the diet includes pure juices, light cereals (oatmeal), whey, vegetable broths. After leaving the hunger strike, protein foods can be consumed no earlier than 2-3 weeks later.

    The diet of a diabetic should include vegetable light salads, vegetable soups, walnut kernels: this way the effect of the procedure will last for a long time. During the recovery period, it is necessary to regularly carry out cleansing enemas, since the work of intestinal peristalsis during fasting is disrupted.

    Important! Fasting is allowed twice a year to treat type 2 diabetes. More often it is impossible.

    Prohibition of fasting according to experts

    Prolonged refusal of food for patients with hyperglycemia is prohibited in the presence of concomitant pathologies. These include:

    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • neurological disorders;
    • mental disorders;
    • liver and kidney problems;
    • diseases associated with the urinary system.

    Some experts who oppose such methods of treating diabetes mellitus believe that refusing to eat will affect the patient's body in an unknown way. They argue that a balanced fractional diet and counting entering the digestive system helps to improve metabolism and cope with hyperglycemic disease.

    Fasting in type 2 diabetes has gained many supporters and opponents. Until now, it has not been precisely proven what the final result will be in a few years. Like every treatment, the fasting theory of type 2 diabetes mellitus has many nuances.

    Diabetes mellitus of the second type is caused in humans by a combination of genetic and lifetime factors. Most often, overweight people suffer from it. The peculiarity of type 2 diabetes is that there is no need for constant injections of insulin, but you need to be registered.

    The disease is expressed in the rejection of the required dose of insulin by the cells of human organs, for some reason they reject it. The substance remains in the plasma and increases the concentration of sugar instead of participating in metabolic processes.

    Doctors believe that weight loss can completely align carbohydrate metabolism and type 2 diabetes will disappear. In some cases, even this technique does not work and patients have to take pills for the rest of their lives.

    Gluten and dietary fiber reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. In the initial stages of diabetes, you can even do without medication support, just be registered, go on a diet and start exercising at a moderate pace, or choose fasting.

    Signs of the onset of type 2 diabetes:

    • constant thirst;
    • feeling of dry mouth;
    • general weakness;
    • obesity (long-standing or rapidly developing);
    • wounds heal poorly.

    If you have these symptoms of the disease, you should visit your doctor and get advice about the use of fasting therapy for type 2 diabetes.

    Basic treatment methods

    Initially, a special diet for type 2 diabetes is prescribed, which includes foods with a low glycemic index, that is, sugar content. This balances blood levels, but does not solve metabolic problems. If this method does not help, then insulin injections have to be used.

    Heavy medications are a one-way road. Injection of synthetic insulin for type 2 diabetes affects the pancreas and over time it stops producing natural substances. Dependence on medications develops, they will have to be used constantly.

    Therefore, doctors unanimously recommend starting work at the initial stage of the disease in order to get by with preventive measures. One such method is fasting therapy for type 2 diabetes. In some cases, it can help in the later stages of the disease. Reducing body weight will have a positive effect on the general condition of a person and the passage of metabolic processes.

    Positive sides

    Fasting therapy has the following benefits for type 2 diabetes:

    • restores natural metabolism;
    • renews hormonal balance;
    • relieves the liver and pancreas from the load (gives them time to cleanse);
    • balances all parts of the body;
    • cleans all body systems from accumulated toxins;
    • reduces weight, if overweight;
    • enhances immunity;
    • stimulates the processing of fatty acids into carbohydrates;
    • stabilizes the state of the nervous system;
    • increases stress resistance;
    • creates a desire to move more actively;
    • restores appetite for natural, healthy food;

    Negative sides

    In people with type 2 diabetes, the concentration of glycogen and ketone compounds is increased. During starvation, the liver releases the first of these substances into the bloodstream, and the second is released from the fat that is being split. Due to the inability to use natural insulin, the participation of these substances in metabolic processes is severely limited.

    Given these nuances, in more severe forms of type 2 diabetes, the following side effects may occur:

    1. Odor of acetone from the mouth due to the increased concentration of acetone in the blood.
    2. Frequent urination accompanied by an apple smell.

    If such signs appear, as well as nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, you should immediately go to the hospital. Dehydration, withdrawal of nutrients and excessive concentration of acetone can lead to poor health and even coma. Therefore, fasting in type 2 diabetes is started only on the recommendation of a doctor after passing the necessary tests.


    First of all, in case of illness, a person needs to undergo a full examination and register on the recommendation of the attending physician, so as not to cause additional harm. Avoiding food for type 2 diabetes without the knowledge of healthcare professionals is strictly prohibited. You can provoke loss of vision, coma or even death.

    Before fasting for type 2 diabetes of any length, you need to follow a strict diet of 5 days, which includes foods with low sugar content and 30 ml of cold-pressed olive oil daily.

    This list includes:

    1. Vegetables - cabbage, turnips, cucumbers, garlic, green onions, tomatoes, celery and others. They are eaten as a salad or stewed.
    2. Oven baked onions are also a vegetable, but worth mentioning separately. It is very beneficial for type 2 diabetes and can be eaten without restriction. Bake until soft.
    3. Groats - pearl barley and buckwheat. Boiled in water with a slight addition of vegetable oil.
    4. Cinnamon herbal teas improve insulin absorption.
    5. Diet bread - no more than 50 grams per day.
    6. Sour fruits - pears, cherry plums, apricots, green apples. They eat separately from the main meal, optimally an hour before it.

    The rest of the foods for type 2 diabetes are prohibited. The preparatory period is intended for a smooth entry into fasting, so you need to eat often, but in small portions. Eating every 2-3 hours will reduce the size of the stomach, relieve the intestines and set it up for cleansing.

    For the winter period with type 2 diabetes, cereals and soups are more suitable, and in summer it is good to use green salads and steamed vegetables. In the morning, it is useful to drink juice from permitted vegetables, for example, carrots, equally diluted with water.

    On the last day before starting the treatment, an enema is given. The water should be at a comfortable room temperature, it is best to check the temperature with your elbow or a thermometer. During the preparatory phase and the fasting itself, you need to drink at least two liters of water per day.


    Fasting for diabetes is best done in several stages, with breaks. The first period of therapeutic refusal to eat should last 1.5-3 days. It is better to start with the very minimum period:

    • easy to dine in the evening;
    • go to sleep;
    • spend the day and the next night without food;
    • in the morning, smoothly begin the exit from fasting.

    In total, this procedure will take one and a half days (not counting the smooth entry and exit from the state) and will be an excellent preparation for the next stage, three days long or a week at once. A person weakened by diabetes mellitus of this type may not be able to immediately cope with the accumulated harmful substances and the normalization of the work of all systems. Therefore, you need to do everything gradually:

    • a day and a half of fasting;
    • a break of 10 days;
    • three days of fasting;
    • a break of about three weeks;
    • a week or two weeks of fasting.

    Before a two-week fast, you can add a preliminary stage - a week of no food. After that, you need to wait about three weeks, applying the prescribed diet, as during the rest of the breaks. Between the two-week stages, you must observe at least six months of the difference.

    During the initial periods, the bright manifestations of type 2 diabetes mellitus will decrease, the exchange will return to normal and the body will gather strength for complete cleansing. The result of this diet will be weight loss and improved overall well-being. If you have alarming symptoms, you should immediately contact the hospital.

    How are the processes inside the body?

    Therapeutic fasting provokes a lack of external energy supplies, due to which the body begins to use internal reserves. Fats are broken down, blood sugar stores are used for useful things. To save its own strength, the body begins to get rid of toxins and toxins so as not to waste extra energy on their maintenance.

    Cleansing can be accompanied by the negative effects described below. If a doctor monitors the patient's condition, then everything will be fine and after a few days the situation will stabilize. After 5-6 days of fasting, the patient should feel lightness throughout the body, weight will start to decrease, discomfort will be blown out, and the feeling of hunger will subside.

    This means that the body got rid of all that was superfluous and began to work on the normalization of the work of all its organs, primarily the metabolism and the immune system. The liver and pancreas take the most active part, their cells are quickly restored.

    During this time, all the surpluses that provoke the appearance of this type of diabetes mellitus are used for the benefit of the general condition. Every little thing goes into action and the body independently aligns each indicator to optimal performance.

    In the initial stages of type 2 diabetes mellitus, you should not use medication. Having help relaxes the organs that no longer need to do their usual work. Instead, it is better to stimulate them to normalize their activities.

    Usually, people themselves become the cause of a plight - they overeat, eat a lot of sweets, exercise little, destroy themselves with bad habits. It is necessary to give the body the opportunity to correct its position and lose weight.

    In more severe stages of type 2 diabetes, unfortunately, fasting cannot be used, with the exception of some cases. The doctors will write out a plan that most likely includes medications and a special diet. This will help ease the emergency, after which you can try fasting.


    It is best to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus in a hospital setting, under the supervision of medical professionals.

    During refusal to eat, you need to carefully monitor the state of the body, in particular, the concentration of sugar in the blood.

    To prevent dehydration, you should regularly drink water at a temperature of 36-37 degrees.

    Physical activity of any intensity is prohibited, but walks in the fresh air will be useful.

    It is necessary to constantly be warm and avoid hypothermia.

    Taking medications, except for those prescribed by the attending (observing the hunger strike) doctor.

    When carrying out the procedure yourself, you should avoid everything related to nutrition in order to avoid a breakdown. It's best not even to go to work.

    If you feel weak, chills, mood swings or depression in the first days of the hunger strike, you need to take a warm aromatic bath for 15 minutes, and then go to bed.

    It is necessary to remove the strain on the eyes, because this increases the feeling of hunger. Instead of reading and watching TV, it is better to listen to music, drink a couple of sips of water, and relax on the couch.

    You cannot start eating without consulting your doctor if you feel a deterioration in well-being.

    During preparation and exiting the menu, salt and protein products are completely excluded.

    Way out of starvation

    Fasting with diabetes also stops smoothly, according to a previously drawn up scheme:

    1. Day one - vegetable juices five times a day, diluted with water in equal proportions (except for beets).
    2. Day Two - Low GI fruit juices are added.
    3. Day three - besides juices, baked green apple puree is required for dinner.
    4. Day four - all the previous + for lunch, vegetable puree soup (150 ml).
    5. The next days - food from juices and pureed baked or boiled vegetables for the same number of days as fasting lasted.
    6. The last stage is the introduction into the diet of foods allowed for type 2 diabetes mellitus with a period of 3-5 days, starting with fermented milk and fish.

    The last point is not used when it comes to preparatory, short unloading. It is necessary to increase the amount of food gradually, so as not to provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the return of the disease.


    Other methods of getting rid of type 2 diabetes mellitus will have to look for patients who have:

    • various visual impairments and eye diseases;
    • underweight;
    • epilepsy and other seizure-type disorders;
    • some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • psychological disorders;
    • severe discomfort due to hunger;

    IMPORTANT! Fasting is strictly prohibited for type 1 diabetes!

    How can fasting be beneficial or harmful when a person has type 1 (juvenile) or type 2 (adult) diabetes? A number of researchers indicate that hunger or less meals per day either reduces the severity of the disease or heals diabetes. After all, insulin is released into the blood as soon as food enters the body. Therefore, patients with diabetes mellitus are so contraindicated "snacks", which also increase the level of insulin in the blood.

    People practicing diabetes treatment by starvation, note the similarity between the composition of blood and urine in diabetics and hungry people. The reason leading to characteristic changes in physiological parameters is the same: in the liver, glycogen stores decrease, and the body begins to mobilize internal resources: stored fatty acids begin to be processed into carbohydrates, which is accompanied by the formation of ketones and a specific "acetone" smell of both urine and saliva ...

    Therapeutic fasting for diabetes

    Many scientists argue that fasting with diabetes is not only possible, but also beneficial. True, short therapeutic fasting for diabetes (from 24 to 72 hours) has little effect. Anyone who is seriously trying to curb their illness should practice medium-length or prolonged fasting. At the same time, we emphasize again, water consumption should be sufficient - up to 3 liters per day.

    Treatment of diabetes by starvation, is it possible to starve?

    If the patient is starving for the first time, it is better for him to carry out this process in a hospital, in a special clinic, so that he is monitored by a nutritionist, especially if it is type 2 diabetes. Before fasting, it is advisable to eat only suitable plant foods for 2-3 days and consume 30-50 g of olive oil per day. It is recommended to do a cleansing enema immediately before entering the period of hunger treatment.

    After the onset of a hypoglycemic crisis (usually 4-6 days after the start of fasting), bad breath disappears. This means that the level of ketones in the blood began to decline. In this case, the amount of glucose is completely normalized and remains normal during the entire period of fasting. During this period, metabolic processes throughout the body return to normal, and the load on the pancreas and liver decreases significantly, the signs of diabetes disappear.

    Different doctors recommend different periods of therapeutic fasting. As a rule, it is enough to carry out a ten-day treatment of diabetes mellitus with hunger for the patient's condition to improve significantly.

    Nutritionist and endocrinologist will tell the patient how to get out of fasting. We can only give general advice.

    It is better to start with taking some kind of nutritious liquid: vegetable juice diluted with water, then natural vegetable juice, milk whey, vegetable broth. In the first 2-3 days, salt should be completely excluded from the diet, as well as foods rich in proteins. Salads, vegetable soups, walnuts and will preserve the effect achieved as a result of complete starvation, and will serve as a means of preventing lesions of the legs ("diabetic foot").

    A number of doctors recommend eating no more than 2 times a day during the period of recovery from diabetes (and if it is possible, then in the future). The fewer the number of meals, the less frequent the release of insulin into the blood. Moreover, the amount of insulin entering the blood at a time does not increase or decrease from the number of meals.

    During fasting, the physical activity of a patient with diabetes mellitus, as a rule, decreases, but upon completion of treatment it should not only be restored, but also increased above the previous volume - the load on the muscles also reduces the amount of insulin in the blood.

    So - starve for health!

    Reviews and comments

    Margarita Pavlovna - 21 Mar 2020, 16:17

    I have type 2 diabetes - non-insulin dependent. A friend advised me to lower blood sugar levels with DiabeNot. I ordered it over the Internet. Reception started. I follow a loose diet, I started walking 2-3 kilometers every morning. Over the past two weeks, I have noticed a smooth decrease in blood glucose in the morning before breakfast from 9.3 to 7.1, and yesterday even to 6.1! I continue the preventive course. I will unsubscribe about the successes.

    Olga Shpak - 22 Mar 2020, 16:02

    Margarita Pavlovna, I am also now sitting on Diabenot. SD 2. I really do not have time for a diet and walks, but I do not abuse sweets and carbohydrates, I consider XE, but due to age, sugar is still high. The results are not as good as yours, but for 7.0 sugar has not crawled out for a week. What glucometer do you measure sugar with? Does it show your plasma or whole blood? I would like to compare the results from taking the drug.

    There was an experience of fasting in his youth - 11.9, and 5 days. Then I did not know how to properly enter and exit from fasting. It is difficult and painful for the first three days, after the appetite disappears and you feel lightness throughout the body ... I did not suffer from diabetes mellitus then, but now I have acquired type 2 for a couple of years. I am 59 years old. Eh ... I must remember my youth, get out of hunger correctly according to Paul Bregu and I will be happy - the body will restore itself !!! By the way, Paustovsky recovered from a duodenal ulcer during the blockade of Leningrad and went to the front, and before that he was with a white ticket. That's it.

    Diabetes is a disease that dramatically changes a person's life. It occurs when the body experiences an acute shortage of insulin or does not accept it. If we are talking about the second type of this disease, then the daily administration of the hormone is not required, but in order to maintain a normal standard of living and health, the patient has to make efforts: follow a diet, exercise. Fasting for type 2 diabetes is also beneficial.

    Fasting therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus: treating a diabetic with hunger

    Doctors agree that the main reason for the development of the disease is obesity and an improper diet. Fasting solves two problems at once: it helps to reduce weight and, due to the rejection of sweets, brings blood sugar levels to normal.

    The stress on internal organs such as the liver and pancreas is reduced by stopping food intake. Systems and organs begin to work better, and this often leads to the complete disappearance of diabetes symptoms, allowing the sick person to live a full life and feel happy.

    If the duration of fasting is brought up to two weeks, then during this time significant changes for the better can occur in the body:

    • the digestive organs cease to experience a colossal load due to constant and harmful products entering them;
    • improves metabolism, helping to fight obesity;
    • the functionality of the pancreas is restored;
    • the body tolerates the manifestations of hypoglycemia more easily;
    • the likelihood of developing complications in type 2 diabetes decreases;
    • all organs and their systems begin to work harmoniously;
    • diabetes stops progressing.

    Since the duration of fasting is long, it is necessary to regularly drink water during it, but some practitioners argue that the results of therapy will be better if you introduce several "dry" days, when nothing from the outside gets into the body - not even water.

    Effectiveness of fasting in diabetes mellitus

    The effectiveness of therapy is still being discussed, the only alternative that doctors offer to diabetics is pills that remove high blood sugar. If the patient does not suffer from pathologies of the vascular system and other acute diseases, fasting will help to cope with the disease in a more "healthy" way.

    Fasting is effective because the body begins to use its own reserves to process fats and other nutrients when they are no longer available from outside. Insulin - a hormone produced against the background of food intake - is produced by the body during starvation due to internal "depots". At the same time, slags and other harmful substances are released, which accumulate with improper nutrition. In order for the cleansing process to go faster, refusal of food should be accompanied by drinking at least 2-3 liters of water per day.

    The therapy helps to restore metabolic processes to their normal speed, which is important for diabetics. Their metabolism is impaired due to poor diet and illness. A properly functioning metabolism allows you to lose extra pounds without radically changing. The level of glycogen contained in the liver tissues decreases, and when fatty acids are supplied, the latter are transformed into carbohydrates.

    Some hungry people stop adhering to this method, starting to experience new, strange sensations. Many people are faced with the smell of acetone emitted from the mouth. But the reason for this is in the ketone bodies that are formed during it. This suggests that a hypoglycemic state is developing, which poses a threat to the life of a diabetic, especially when it comes to type 1 diabetes. Diabetics of the second type tolerate food restriction more easily.

    Fasting rules for diabetes

    For fasting to be beneficial, you need to adhere to strict rules. Like any other treatment, it requires consistency from the patient, sensitivity to his condition, patience.

    At the first stage, you need to visit a doctor and get tested. A diabetic shows prolonged fasting, which is possible only with good general health. The average duration of fasting is two weeks. Not everyone manages to quickly come to such a date - at first you need to start with a few days to give the body time to get used to the new state. Even 3-4 days without food will improve health and normalize plasma sugar levels.

    If a diabetic is overweight, and there are many concomitant diseases, then it is better to start adhering to this method under medical supervision. Ideally, such a patient should be managed simultaneously by a therapist, endocrinologist and nutritionist. Then control over all indicators is possible. The patient himself can regularly measure glucose levels at home.

    Preparatory measures are important, setting up the body for a hunger strike. Preparation means:

    • eating foods based on plant products, during the last three days before fasting;
    • adding 30 grams of olive seed oil to food;
    • getting used to the daily use of three liters of purified water;
    • an enema on the last day before the start of the hunger strike to remove food debris and excess substances that pollute the esophagus.

    Psychological preparation is equally important. If the patient understands well what will happen to him during therapy, the stress level will be lower. If the psycho-emotional state is tense, a person will constantly be drawn to drown out anxiety and fears with food - as the easiest and most affordable way to get pleasure and joy. Disruptions are inevitable for those who have not set themselves up to follow the rules and get a positive result.

    Way out of starvation

    This technique differs in that it is necessary not only to enter it correctly, but also to exit correctly. If this is not done, then all the signs of diabetes will quickly return again, and the result will come to naught.

    The rules for getting out of a hunger strike are simple:

    • for at least three days, it is forbidden to eat fatty, smoked, fried foods;
    • the first week should consist mainly of soups, liquid purees, natural juices, dairy products and whey, decoctions of vegetables and other foods that are easy to digest;
    • then you can enter porridge, steamed meat and soups in meat broth into the menu;
    • it is impossible to sharply increase food intake - at first it will be sufficient to enter two meals a day, gradually bringing the amount to five or six with small portions;
    • most of the diet should consist of vegetable salads and soups, nuts and fruits, so that the effects of the hunger strike last as long as possible.

    You need to get out of fasting for the same number of days as it lasted. So you can increase its effectiveness and reduce the severity of the course of the disease.

    It is believed that to maintain the result, you need to resort to such therapy regularly, but it is not necessary to limit yourself in food and nutrients for a long time every time. Diabetics need only go on a hunger strike for two or three days.

    When deciding on a long hunger strike, you need to understand that its effectiveness will be higher than that of 2-3 days. This is due to the fact that the therapeutic effect appears only on the third or fourth day. At this time, an acidotic crisis occurs. The human body begins to use internal reserves to maintain life, ceasing to wait for food from the outside.

    The patient's excess weight is best removed in the first days, but the plumb lines occur due to the release of water, salt and glycogen. The weight that goes away over the following days is subcutaneous fat, which is one of the worst enemies of the sick.


    Despite the apparent advantages of the technique, there are situations in which the beginning or continuation of fasting is impossible.

    These are attacks of hypoglycemia. For people with a history of diabetes, this condition is fatal. Therefore, you need to know its symptoms in order to take action in time and protect yourself.

    Hypoglycemia is characterized by the fact that the body lacks glucose. He gives signs, making the patient feel nausea, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, a sense of a split in what he sees, mood swings, incoherent speech and clouding of consciousness. Symptoms can build up very quickly and end in a coma and death. To get yourself out of a hypoglycemic crisis, you need to eat candy, a spoonful of honey, or a glucose tablet. To prevent an attack from developing, you can add a little sugar or honey to your daily drink.

    Do not use this cleaning technique if you have the following deviations:

    • cardiovascular pathologies;
    • mental disorders;
    • neurological pathologies;
    • diseases of the genitourinary sphere.

    The ban also applies to pregnant and lactating women, as well as to persons under the age of 18.

    The modern lifestyle and the unlimited amount of food that can be bought is driving an increase in the number of diabetics worldwide. Each of them can alleviate the condition, one of the effective ways is to practice fasting.