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  • How to deal with a scoop on tomatoes with folk remedies? Prevention and treatment of tomatoes from scoops Preparation from scoops on tomatoes.

    How to deal with a scoop on tomatoes with folk remedies?  Prevention and treatment of tomatoes from scoops Preparation from scoops on tomatoes.

    Scoop on tomatoes is very common. This pest is capable of significantly reducing the yield under adverse conditions and rightfully occupies one of the leading places in terms of the level of damage caused. It is possible to deal with it, although the standard, universal methods are likely to be of little use. We will talk today about how to get rid of the scoop and save the grown crop.

    Brief description of the pest

    Scoops, sometimes called bats, belong to the class of insects (Lepidoptera order). They were first described at the very beginning of the 19th century (1809), at the same time their Latin name was proposed - Latreille, which is still used today. Almost 35,000 of its species are known, but no more than 2,000 of them have been noted in the Russian Federation, and not all of them harm garden plantings.

    Butterfly scoops - a pest outwardly unremarkable. The average wingspan is no more than 45 mm, although some species (for example, Eudocima tyrannus or Catocala nivea) are much larger - up to 13-15 cm. The head is round, the color of an adult butterfly is gray and inconspicuous, it somewhat resembles the well-known mol. The length of the caterpillar is about 30 mm, the main color is green, but there are specimens with a pinkish-brown color.

    The scoop is omnivorous, therefore it can destroy not only tomatoes, but also cabbage, beans, peppers, eggplants, beets or rutabaga. The pest first of all eats the leaves, and only after that it switches to the fruits. Some of its species (for example, the nibbling scoop) feed on the underground parts of plants.

    Important! Butterflies do not live long - from 2 weeks to 1 month, egg development lasts only 12 days, and the caterpillar phase lasts about 40. This is the main difficulty in fighting the scoop: it is quite difficult to accurately calculate the time the caterpillars leave the oviposition. If you “miss” at least for 2-3 days, the pest will gnaw through the shell of the tomato, after which it will become almost impossible to identify it. Therefore, the fight against the scoop on tomatoes will only be effective enough if you regularly inspect the shoots and take the necessary measures in time.

    pest control options

    Many chemical preparations have been developed to protect plants, but it is worth trying more environmentally friendly methods first. Among them, special agrotechnical methods of tillage, the use of special traps and the competent use of fertilizers stand out. But the treatment of tomatoes from scoops with powerful insecticides, which many gardeners consider an uncontested option, for all its effectiveness, can have serious side effects.

    Secrets of agricultural technology

    • Remove all weeds from the site regularly. This is a rather tedious task, but in many cases you can get rid of the pest without using any chemicals.
    • Scoop on tomatoes really does not like close proximity to some medicinal plants. Therefore, areas planted with tomatoes should be planted, for example, with calendula.
    • At the end of the season, after harvesting, carefully dig up the soil. Thus, you will not only prepare it for the cold season, but also destroy the wintering larvae. The optimal depth is at least 15-20 centimeters.
    • Manual pest removal. A very effective technique if the scoop on tomatoes has not yet spread.

    Folk remedies

    • Spray the planting with an infusion of garlic shooters 2-3 times a month. To do this, take 400-500 g of carefully crushed raw materials, fill a 3-liter jar with it and fill it to the brim with water. Let the remedy brew for 5-7 days and strain. For 10 liters of pure water, you will need 50-60 g of the product and the same amount of crushed laundry soap. The reception is effective for all types of pests (including if the cotton scoop has occupied the site).
    • For spraying, a decoction of wormwood is great. You will need 600-700 g of fresh grass, which should be poured into 5 liters of boiling water and left for several days in a dry and dark place. Before use, dilute the finished infusion with water in a ratio of 1:10.
    • Universal infusion is a safe and effective drug for scoops on tomatoes. It is prepared on the basis of tobacco, celandine, wormwood and shag (70-80 g of each ingredient). Add 160-180 g of chopped garlic and 10 liters of hot water to the resulting mixture, then mix the composition well and leave for a day. Immediately before spraying, add a little crushed laundry soap (about 1/4 bar).

    Proven Insecticides

    • "Lepidocide". A powerful biologically active drug that helps to cope with many pests. Consumption rate - from 0.5 to 1 l of substance per hectare (volume of working fluid - from 200 to 400 l). The processing interval is 7-8 days.
    • Decis Expert. Universal contact drug with a wide spectrum of action. The duration of action, if you are specifically interested in protecting tomatoes, is at least 14 weeks, and the first results can be observed after 1-2 hours. Consumption rate - 0.1 l per hectare (volume of working fluid - 200-400 l). Apply strictly during the growing season.
    • Karate Zeon. A good pyrethroid insecticide that also copes with the disinfestation of granaries. The consumption rate is 0.3-0.4 liters per hectare (300-400 liters of the mixture will be needed for its processing). To enhance the effect, we recommend double treatment of the area with an interval of 30-35 days. Prepare the mixture immediately before spraying. "Karate Zeon" is effective against many types of pests, which also include the cotton bollworm.
    • "Arrivo". A contact insecticide with high heat resistance, economical and highly effective. The consumption of the drug is about 0.3 liters per hectare (for processing 1 hectare, from 200 to 400 liters of the mixture will be needed). It is found on sale under the names "Sharpei", "Tsiperon", "Sherpa" and "Citkor".
    • "Inta-Vir". The drug is effective against 52 types of garden and horticultural pests. Available in the form of tablets (8 g) or water-soluble powder. Belongs to the category of moderately dangerous. If the scoop on tomatoes has bred especially strongly, Inta-Vir can be used simultaneously with other pesticides, if they do not have a strong alkaline reaction. Consumption rate - 1 tablet per 10 liters of water, spraying should be carried out during the growing season.
    • "Proclaim". A translaminar insecticide, the main difference of which from analogues is its natural origin. The main active ingredient is emamectin benzoate. The optimal usage pattern, if the scoop on tomatoes haunts you, is from 0.3 to 0.4 liters per hectare, the liquid consumption is standard (200-400 liters of the mixture). It is not recommended to use the product together with preparations based on aluminum fosethyl and liquid mineral fertilizers.

    Attention! Not all drugs against scoops can be used to get rid of other garden and garden pests.

    Pests on tomatoes often cause significant damage. When dealing with them, it is important to take into account the fact that any means are most effective at the initial stage of plant infection. Therefore, the control of landings should be carried out daily. Butterflies such as the cutworm and whitefly may not be immediately noticed, and their activity can lead to a complete loss of the crop.

    Scoop butterflies are completely inconspicuous in appearance, they look like a large moth. With open wings, their size is from 2.5 to 4.5 cm. The color is gray-brown, the wings are decorated with stripes, zigzags and strokes.

    Scoops are very prolific, one individual lays 500 or more eggs per season. Leaves eggs on leaves, buds and flowers, 1-3 pieces. The lower part of the eggs is flat, the top is convex, it can be ribbed or cellular. Egg development is very fast. In warm weather, the egg matures from 2 to 5 days, in cool weather - from 4 to 10.

    The development period of caterpillars is about 20 days, sometimes faster. The body is naked, the color is gray, brown, yellow-green, not bright. Caterpillars go into the ground to a depth of about 10 cm, where they pupate. Pupae overwinter in the soil.

    During the season, butterflies fly from 2 to 5 times, the life expectancy of each is 20 - 40 days. Caterpillars are the most dangerous to tomatoes. At first they feed on leaves and buds, then they move on to fruits, gnaw out holes and settle inside. Tomatoes damaged by caterpillars are not suitable for eating.

    Both butterflies and caterpillars are nocturnal.

    Why are whiteflies dangerous?

    Whiteflies are very small butterflies, more like midges. Their size is 1.5 - 3 mm. The body is white or yellowish, wings with white pollination. If you move the plant on which they settled, then the whiteflies take off in a white swarm.

    They live on the underside of the leaf, sucking the juice out of it. The upper surface of the leaves is covered with white dust, which turns black over time. Leaves curl and dry.

    The plaque passes to the fruits, they deteriorate. The inside of the damaged tomato is white.

    The larvae of these butterflies are translucent. At first they are mobile, then they attach to the sheet and do not move.

    Whiteflies become active in warm and humid weather, and die at temperatures below 10 ° C. The eggs of these butterflies are not afraid of cold, they hibernate at minus degrees in the upper soil layer.

    In addition to the harm caused by their vital activity, the danger of whiteflies is that they are carriers of bacterial diseases. Tomatoes stop growing, the fruits are deformed, new ovaries are not formed. After a while, the plant dies.

    Both whiteflies and scoops damage tomatoes both in open ground and in greenhouses. In addition, they also move to other garden crops: eggplant, peppers, zucchini.

    How to process tomatoes

    The most effective method of dealing with caterpillars on tomatoes is chemical treatment. But it should be noted that chemical pesticides are removed from plants in 20-30 days. Using these tools, you need to calculate the expected harvest time. It is better to collect brown tomatoes before processing and put them in another place for ripening.

    When working with insecticides in a greenhouse, it is necessary to act strictly according to the instructions, because the chemicals remain in the ground for a long time, accumulate and are absorbed by the tomatoes.

    To combat scoops on tomatoes, it is better to choose drugs that affect both butterflies and caterpillars at the same time. These funds include:

    • "Inta - Vir". Substances in its composition repel butterflies, affect caterpillars at any stage of their development. Apply only in the presence of pests, not suitable for prevention;
    • "Decis" - acts quickly, is not phytotoxic for the plant. Protects tomatoes for 10 - 15 days;
    • "Avant" - resistant to rain, affects the laying of eggs and caterpillars. Can't be used more than 2 times.

    Insecticides of the 4th hazard class are removed from tomatoes faster. These are biological substances, these include Lepidocil, Agravertin, Aktofit, Fitoverm.

    From the whitefly, tomatoes are sprayed with Aktara, Iskra, Mospilan, Admiral and others. These insects develop strong immunity to insecticides, therefore, to combat the next generations, the means should be changed.

    Folk remedies for combating caterpillars on tomatoes

    Folk measures should be applied as soon as the first pest is detected. With a massive defeat, they may not bring the desired result.

    You can scare away the scoop from tomatoes if you spray it once a week with an infusion of garlic, wormwood or tobacco dust:

    • a head of garlic or a small bunch of garlic arrows is crushed and poured with boiling water in a liter jar. Insist 3 days. Half a glass of filtered product is added to a bucket of water;
    • the bucket is filled 1/3 with fresh wormwood, poured with water and boiled over low heat for half an hour. Infuse for 2 days, filter and dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10;
    • 300 grams of tobacco dust is poured into a bucket of hot water and insisted for a day.

    Laundry soap is added to each of these solutions. It is crushed and melted in a small amount of water. For 1 bucket of infusion, 1/3 of a standard bar is enough. Soap makes the composition sticky and keeps it on the tomatoes for a long time.

    The same solutions can be used to fight the whitefly.

    In addition, the whitefly can be washed off with very cold water. In order not to cause shock to the plant, this procedure is carried out in the early morning hours, when the leaves have not yet warmed up in the sun.

    Small butterflies die from exposure to soap suds. Green or laundry soap is whipped into a strong foam, and applied with a sponge to the surface of the leaves on both sides. The method is used if the plantation with tomatoes is not very large.

    Whiteflies flying on bright yellow. If you put a twig near each bush, attach yellow paper to it, on which you apply any sticky agent (honey, petroleum jelly, garden glue, oil), then most of the butterflies will easily stick to such a trap.

    In the greenhouse, you can use fumigators from flies and mosquitoes, but the doors and vents must be closed.


    The same preventive measures are used against cutworms and whiteflies. Their pupae and larvae overwinter in the soil, so they dig it up for the winter, and do not break the clods of earth. If in the current year the pest infestation was massive, then the topsoil must be removed to a depth of 15 cm and replaced.

    In spring, the landing site is shed with boiling water, or a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate.

    It is important that the beds are cleared of weeds, and the plantings are not thickened. Watering tomatoes is carried out under the root. Morning watering is preferable so that by evening the moisture from the soil has time to evaporate.

    From the penetration of the scoop into the greenhouse, windows and doors can be protected with mosquito nets or hang tulle.

    Do not neglect preventive measures, carry out the treatment with folk remedies to repel butterflies. It is likely that then they will not fly into your plantation with tomatoes.

    Tomato pests can destroy all plantings, both in the greenhouse and in the open field. All tomatoes grown by farmers and amateur gardeners are breeding hybrids. Solanaceous crops, once brought to the new environment from South America, lack natural defense mechanisms against fungi and insects. Therefore, planting tomatoes require constant care. The most common tomato pests that need to be fought constantly are the whitefly, bugs (rust and spider), Colorado potato beetle, bear, nematode, wireworm, nibbling scoop and aphids.


    Some tomato pests destroy plantings in two to three weeks. The whitefly belongs to this group. It is a small white butterfly that looks like a moth. The size of an adult flying individual is 1.5-3 mm. Whiteflies reproduce rapidly by laying their eggs on the underside of the leaf. A white translucent caterpillar appears from the masonry in a few days, in covered tomatoes, in a greenhouse, reproduction is especially fast.

    Caterpillars on tomatoes feed on the juice of the plant and the bush dies. The whitefly secretes a viscous molasses that clogs the stomata of the leaf and it stops breathing. In greenery, the processes of photosynthesis are disrupted. Sooty fungus settles on sticky molasses (honeydew). Tomatoes cease to grow and bloom, their leaves, ovary, flowers fall.

    In the middle lane, the whitefly lives in greenhouses and greenhouses. It can be brought with seedlings grown in the nursery. In the southern regions of Russia, this pest feels great in gardens and fields.

    To kill the whitefly, the undersides of the leaves are sprayed with Aktara or Fitoverm preparations from a spray bottle. The chemicals act on adults and caterpillars, but insect eggs do not die during processing. Therefore, spraying is done several times, with an interval of one week. The soot fungus is destroyed by Fitosporin for tomato or its “universal” analogue.

    The whitefly is eaten by some types of ticks, which are specially grown in agrotechnical laboratories, ladybug larvae and golden-headed.

    Bedbugs and ticks

    Tomatoes are damaged by stink bugs, cucumber beetle and horsefly bug. These insects eat almost all garden crops. Tomatoes are also threatened by rust and spider mites.

    Bed bugs

    Shield insects damage tomato fruits. Yellow and whitish spots appear on the skin of the tomato. When they are opened, white porous cells are found. Tomato bushes growing close to weeds most often suffer. The shield is destroyed with drugs Aktara, Karbafos, Phosphamide, Chlorophos.

    rust mite

    The rust mite is very small, the length of an adult is 0.16-0.25 mm. This pest lives in dry and hot regions of Europe and gradually spreads to the west. The mite lives on and inside the leaves, as well as in the fruits. The foliage and stems of plants become spotty, brown, gray-violet. Leaves curl up and die. Dense cork-like growths appear on the fruits, which makes the tomatoes inedible.

    From a rust mite, only timely treatment with chemicals helps. The most effective are Vertimik and Atellik. Fufanon, Karbofos, Fitoverm, Kemifos also help.

    spider mite

    The spider mite feeds on the juices of the ground part of the tomato. It is not difficult to notice this pest - white and yellowish dots appear on the back of the leaves. These are puncture sites. Later, the plants are entwined with a thick white cobweb. The tick itself is very small and hard to see.

    This tomato pest loves high humidity and warm air, so it breeds more actively in greenhouses than in open beds. Various methods are used to control ticks. Small plantings can be sprayed with alcohol, an aqueous tincture of henbane with soapy water, a tincture of dandelion, horseradish roots, tobacco and garlic. Of the chemicals, Carbophosphor and Agrovertin, Antiklesch are effective.

    The natural enemies of the spider mite are the lacewing, insects phytoseiulus and metaseiulus. They quickly destroy the entire tick population. Insects can be bought in nurseries.

    Colorado beetle

    The Colorado potato beetle is clearly visible on tomato bushes. Adults are conspicuous due to their bright shell with yellow and black stripes. The Colorado potato beetle lays brownish small eggs on the underside of the leaf. Red beetle larvae appear on the 10th day. They reach 10 mm in length and devour the entire bush for 3-4 days. If the summer is hot and long, 4 generations of this pest may appear and grow. The beetle hibernates in the soil, at a depth of up to 50 cm.

    The Colorado potato beetle is especially dangerous in the spring, when potato tops have not yet grown, and tomato seedlings have already been planted in open ground. The beetle moves to tomatoes in August, when the sun dries the potato tops.

    How to kill the Colorado potato beetle? Processing of tomatoes is carried out several times during the summer, as these pests appear. Leaves and stems of plants are sprayed with Prestige, Iskra, Aktara, Mospilan, and other means. The liquid is evenly applied to the entire bush.

    The Prestige chemical agent is also used when planting seedlings. The contents of the sachet are diluted in 10 liters of water and the solution is poured into the wells. The drug protects young plants up to 50 days.

    An aqueous infusion of ash with the addition of laundry soap helps to destroy the larvae. Garlic, nasturtium, calendula, legumes are planted next to the tomato ridges. Larvae and beetles are also harvested by hand.


    This large insect has an oblong body up to 5 cm long. The distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bear is all of Europe, North Africa and Asia. Adults fly, move on the ground and underground. The larvae live in the soil, where they dig passages. Medvedka prefers loose, warm soils. Insects can be found in greenhouses and greenhouses, on fertilized beds and flower beds.

    Moving underground, the bear damages the roots of seedlings and they die. This insect can disrupt the root system of seedlings and young tomatoes; adult tomatoes also suffer from it.

    • There are about 20 ways to deal with a bear. These pests of tomatoes and other plants are destroyed by a variety of methods.
    • Tomato seedlings are planted in fine-mesh nets, the sprout is protected near the soil surface with a rubber ring.
    • Pine needles, egg shells are placed in the hole, a few drops of iodine are dripped.
    • Pieces of fish, cloves of garlic, onion peel are buried in the beds, and marigolds are planted.
    • Freshly cut aspen stakes are stuck into the ground.
    • Medvedka is destroyed with drugs Grizzly, Medvetoks, Thunder. Granules are poured into the grooves between the beds. The insect eats the pellets and dies.

    Gardeners build beer traps, fill mink with oil and water. In autumn, traps are made in the pits from old foliage and manure. After frosts, manure and compost are scattered around the garden and the bears freeze.


    The gall nematode infects the root system of garden plants. Small worms on the roots of tomatoes appear in June. They penetrate into the root tissue and eat it from the inside. An adult nematode secretes a toxin and growths (galls) form on the roots. In them, each female lays hundreds of eggs.

    A damaged root system stops transporting water and nutrients from the soil. The worm that appeared on the roots of a tomato slows down the development of the bush. The tomato does not bloom well, the tied tomatoes almost do not grow.

    A tomato affected by this pest cannot be cured. The bushes are dug up along with the root system and a large block of soil and removed from the site. The pit is treated with Carbation, Vidat, Thiazon, Ipam, Dazomet or Onetion so that all gall nematodes and their eggs are destroyed. The dug up soil is watered with the same preparations before planting seedlings, if a nematode was seen in the garden in the previous season.


    The wireworm (larva of the click beetle) is a small bright yellow and orange-yellow worm up to 1-3 cm long, living in fields and gardens. The larva has a long development cycle (from 4 to 5 years), after which it pupates and turns into a flying individual.

    The wireworm eats the roots and stems of tomatoes. The body of a small larva is soft, as it grows, it becomes hard to the touch. The wireworm lives at a depth of 5-10 cm; when the soil dries out, it climbs deeper. During heavy rains, the worms crawl out to the very surface of the soil.

    You can get rid of the wireworm with the help of environmental products and chemicals. Old pine needles, onion peel, mustard powder are placed in the holes. Decaying, they slow down the development of the pest.

    The wireworm does not like the neighborhood with green manure - white mustard, phacelia and legumes (peas, beans).

    The most effective control method is to reduce soil acidity. To achieve this, slaked lime, crushed egg husks are added to the soil.

    Before planting, the hole is recommended to be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Saltpeter applied to the soil will enhance the growth of the tomato and make it more resistant to wireworm. Before planting, the dug up soil is treated with Baduzin, Provotox, Diazonin (solution or granules), Aktara solution.

    Gnawing shovel

    Caterpillars of the nibbling scoop (winter, actually nibbling, wild, caradrine, swamp) live mainly in the ground, but also eat leaves and stems of tomato bushes close to the ground. This is a thick caterpillar up to 32-35mm long with spotted skin and powerful jaws. The gnawing scoop is found in greenhouses and open ground.

    The adult scoop is a nondescript motley or gray butterfly. The butterfly lays its eggs on the underside of the leaf. Young individuals of 1-2 instars eat leaves from the underside, leaving only the skeleton; grown-up caterpillars feed on foliage and tomato fruits.

    Plants are sprayed with chemicals to kill caterpillars. You can use Decis, Arrivo, Sherpa, biological products Bitoxibacillin, Lepidocide.

    How to deal with caterpillars on tomatoes without the use of chemicals? Before getting rid of the scoop using folk remedies, it is advisable to collect the caterpillars by hand. You can spray the plants with an infusion of bitter wormwood, garlic, a double-ash solution.


    Aphids on tomatoes appear in June-July. Turning the leaf over, one can see small black or yellowish insects and clutches of eggs held by sticky molasses.

    Insects drink the juices of the plant, causing the leaves to become lethargic and withered. Aphids on young tomatoes can destroy a seedling in a matter of days. If there are a lot of pests, the tomato will dry out completely.

    Aphids are destroyed with solutions of Karbofos, bleach and Trichlometafos. The preparations are diluted according to the instructions and applied from the spray gun to the underside of the leaves.

    Insects are washed off with a jet of water, but this method is not very effective in relation to oviposition. Folk remedies - a soap-ash solution, infusions of wormwood, garlic, celandine, hot pepper and yarrow, tobacco are quite effective for pest control. Aphids do not like the smell of nasturtium, thyme, garlic and onions; these plants are planted next to tomatoes to repel insects.

    May beetle larva (Khrushcha)

    The beetle larva moves underground and eats the roots of plants, including tomatoes. The adult beetle eats mainly the leaves of trees and bushes.

    May beetle larvae are destroyed without the use of chemicals. When digging up a garden and plowing a plot, they are collected in a bucket and then destroyed.

    Nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the soil. The larva does not appear on soils fertilized with nitrogen. To destroy the Khrushchev, it is recommended to water the soil with an infusion of onion peel. Khrushchev does not like the smell of cruciferous plants (turnips, turnips, radishes), lupines and elderberries.

    Prevention and control of pests

    Preventive measures can reduce insect populations or completely get rid of them. To this end, the following work is carried out:

    • Autumn deep plowing, which allows the cold to destroy insects and larvae in the ground.
    • Applying insecticides to the soil before ploughing.
    • Planting flowers, shrubs and vegetables next to tomatoes that repel pests.
    • Disinfection of seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate.
    • Irrigation of soil for seedlings.
    • Washing tomato greens with a hose.
    • Steaming the soil in the greenhouse, processing it with Bordeaux mixture.
    • Attract birds and beneficial insects to gardens.
    • Removal and burning of last year's tops and roots of tomatoes.
    • The location of the tomato ridges away from other nightshade crops.

    Methods of pest control depend on the type and number of insects and mites. All methods can be divided into chemical, biochemical and folk.

    Chemicals destroy pests immediately after spraying the bushes. After processing, vegetables should not be eaten for a long time - from 10 to 21 days.

    Biological products act more slowly, the death of insects and larvae occurs 3-5 days after spraying. But vegetables can be eaten after 5-7 days.

    Folk remedies, including mainly herbal infusions and decoctions, are harmless to people. After using them, tomatoes can be washed and eaten immediately. The disadvantage of folk remedies is the need for their frequent use.

    Vegetable crops, if not fought with them, can be destroyed up to a third of the crop. Among the pests that affect nightshade crops, which include, one can distinguish a scoop. Timely measures to combat insects will allow the plant to develop normally and preserve the crop.

    What is an owl

    scoops belong to the family of butterflies. More often painted in dark colors (brown, gray, etc.). Owls are nocturnal insects. Butterflies feed on plant sap, caterpillars feed on herbaceous food. The caterpillar lives in the soil, where it pupates. Butterflies appear at the beginning of summer, after 3-4 days they lay their eggs on tomato plants and other crops.

    Owl fight on a tomato culture can be carried out both by folk methods and with the use of chemical and biological preparations.

    Folk methods for getting rid of scoops on tomatoes are as follows:

    1. Regular removal of weeds in the garden.
    2. After harvesting, cleaning and destruction of all plant residues and damaged fruits. Digging the soil in order to destroy wintering pupae.
    3. Planting a plot with marigold tomatoes that scare off the scoop.
    4. Spraying tomato plants 1 time per decade with an infusion of garlic arrows.
    5. Decoction of wormwood. Collect plants, dry in the sun and boil in a small amount of water for a quarter of an hour. Strain, dilute with 10 liters of water. Apply to spray caterpillars scoops every week, until destruction.
    6. Prepare an infusion of tobacco, wormwood, celandine, shag, taken in equal parts, with a total weight of 400 g per 10 liters of hot water. Add a glass of garlic to the resulting infusion. Mix and leave for 24 hours to infuse. Before spraying, add a quarter of a bar of laundry soap.

    You can use chemical and biological methods of combating the cutworm on tomatoes. When processing plants with these methods, it is important to observe the terms of processing. Spraying is especially important during the mass flowering season and when fruit is set. The following drugs are used:

    • lepidocid (spray at weekly intervals);
    • decis, Bayer Crop Science - against nibbling scoops;
    • karate Zeon, Match - against the cotton scoop during the growing season;
    • arrivo (fight against the nibbling scoop during the growing season);
    • inta-Vir - against the nibbling scoop in the spring;
    • prokpeim - fight against cotton bollworm when 2nd generation caterpillars appear.

    In the fight against tomato scoop, spraying with Strela is also used, which is quite effective. Apply and karbofos. There is an opinion among gardeners that the most effective, proven means against scoops are Aktellika (against an insect in closed ground) and Fufanon - on an open surface.