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  • Bathing suit: photo, how it looks, how to grow from seeds, planting and care. Photo of a bathing suit - a European bathing suit Where does a European bathing suit grow in which

    Bathing suit: photo, how it looks, how to grow from seeds, planting and care.  Photo of a bathing suit - a European bathing suit Where does a European bathing suit grow in which

    The description of such a plant as a bathing suit, a photo, its beneficial properties, as well as methods of use for medicinal purposes are very popular among adherents of traditional medicine. In addition, it is also used for decorative purposes, for example, to create alpine slides. This plant is perfect for decorating a plot with a house built in the Swiss style.

    General description of the plant

    The swimsuit is well known to botanists, and therefore has a detailed description. According to him, this plant is a perennial shrub that is part of the buttercup family. Its small bush has a height of 50-100 cm. 1-2 large ball-shaped flowers grow on its stems.

    In these flowers, the petals have a glossy finish, similar to varnish. Their color is bright orange, lemon or golden yellow. The flowering time of the plant falls on the period from May to June, there are varieties that bloom in other summer months. Flowering takes place annually for 18-25 days.

    A plant such as a bathing suit has several varieties that have their own description. The following bathing suits are common in our country:

    • Asian;
    • Altai;
    • Chinese;
    • Ledebour;
    • dwarf;
    • stemless;
    • European;
    • cultural.

    For example, the Asian bathing suit is distinguished by the orange color of its flowers, the diameter of which is 14 cm. It blooms in May. The plant itself does not exceed 18 cm, its stem is straight, covered with leaves of a palmately divided type of dense green color.

    The European bathing suit is most common in our country in its European part. Its height is 50 cm, leaves are up to 3 cm in diameter. They have from 3 to 5 lobes, while the lower ones are long-petiolate. Flowering of this species occurs in May - June. The flower itself is golden yellow in color and consists of a relatively large number of pyramidal sepals.

    Important! It is also worth noting the fact that the European swimsuit is listed in such a document as the Red Book, so if you want to harvest it for medicinal and other purposes, leave about 10-20% of the plants in the collection area.

    This will allow the population to recover quickly enough. In addition, you can also grow a species such as a cultural swimsuit. This name is understood as hybrids of garden varieties and forms that have large flowers of the most diverse colors.

    Advice! Cultivation of cultural forms will satisfy your needs and not harm nature. In addition, from a decorative point of view, they are more preferable than wild ones. As a result, they can be used in more landscape design compositions.

    The use of bathing suits for medicinal purposes

    Since the bathing suit is placed in such a document as the Red Book, it is worth seriously considering before starting to collect it, in order to use a ready-made collection sold in a pharmacy. By doing this, you will keep the stocks of this plant intact, and also guarantee that it will contain a bathing suit of the type you need. If you decide to collect such a plant as a bathing suit on your own, be sure to take its photo and description with you so as not to confuse the same European species with an Asian one.

    As for the direct use for medicinal purposes, the bathing plant is very rich in vitamin C, which allows you to get rid of edema and improves the condition of the liver. In addition, it is used to treat tumors. To do this, the steamed collection is spread on the fabric and applied to the sore spot. In a similar way, abscesses are also treated with it, but at the same time, it is no longer a decoction, but an ointment.

    Dropsy, scabies, epilepsy, scurvy, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system are treated with the described plant. For example, for the treatment of scurvy, bathing suit flowers are needed in the amount of 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water, filter and drink 3 times a day for 20 g.

    If you want to cure scabies, then you need the root. 2 tbsp will be enough. l. dried root in a glass of boiling water. It will need to be drunk 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. To increase the therapeutic effect, after taking the decoction, you can use a little oatmeal with honey.

    However, using a bathing suit for treatment, you must always remember that this plant is poisonous, while a large concentration of poison is in the flower.

    Important! The flower of the swimsuit plant is poisonous in all forms, so if you do not withstand the dosage, you can get quite serious poisoning. In addition, the root and leaves of the plant are poisonous.

    Also, with caution, you need to take medicines made from bathing suits for people with a tendency to allergies. If you notice reddening of the skin, a skin rash, or shortness of breath after taking preparations from this plant, stop taking this drug immediately and contact your doctor.

    The use of bathing suits for decorative purposes

    In addition to medical purposes, bathing suits are also used as an ornamental plant in landscape design for decorating summer cottages and garden plots. At the same time, the decorative properties of the European bathing suit are valued much higher than all other varieties of this plant. However, do not neglect other varieties, as they also look very good in the flower garden.

    If we take the cultivation of bathing suits with garden plants such as cornflower, delphinium, and also a catchment area, it is necessary to achieve a combination of yellow with lilac or purple. It is optimal and allows you to achieve an impressive visual effect. As for the foreground, such low-growing plants as clover, bergenia, as well as oxalis and sleep-grass are applicable for it.

    If we take a specific example of the decorative design of a garden plot with the help of bathing suits, then the most popular is a garden slide decorated with stone. In it, the plant usually occupies the middle space, and ground cover perennials are planted in front of it, and then tall plants, such as bellflower or cornflower. In addition, it is imperative to take into account the timing of flowering so that flowering plants are constantly on the hill. To do this, plant flowers, taking into account their flowering period.

    The name of the bathing suit comes from the German word "Trollblume" - a flower of a troll. According to popular belief, these plants were loved by fabulous forest creatures - trolls. According to another version, the name comes from the ancient German word "troll" - a ball, according to the spherical shape of a flower.

    The Russian name was given to the plant in antiquity, and most likely because its mass flowering falls on Agrafena-bath (June 23, old style, or July 6, new), when after a long winter they washed and steamed in baths and it was time to swim in rivers and lakes. And on June 24, according to the old style, the ancient pagan holiday of Ivan Kupala, or Ivan's Day, was celebrated in the old days. On this day, they honored Kupala, the pagan god of harvest and fertility. Blooming everywhere at this time, bright bathing suits were considered messengers of Kupala - hence the second version of the origin of the name. This plant has many other popular names - avdotki, frying, lights, bells, beaters, kupavka, kupavnitsa, coachman's grass.

    Description of the bathing plant

    Trollius (Trollius) is a charming herbaceous perennial of the Ranunculaceae family with yellow-orange spherical "roses" on slender leafy shoots.
    The swimsuit forms a compact shrub 50-100 cm high with erect leafy stems ending in 1-2 large spherical flowers.

    The bright spherical flowers of some bathing suits reach a diameter of 7 cm, their faint pleasant aroma resembles the smell of tangerine. They make a wonderful contrast to the green foliage, so they look great against the backdrop of a lush cap of basal, palmately dissected, long-leaved leaves. Spherically closed petal-shaped sepals with a small opening at the top protect the pollen of the flower from dampness, so the bathing suit never bows its flowers. A lot of stamens and pistils on a convex receptacle are arranged in a spiral. Due to the spherical shape of the flower, at night the temperature inside it is 5-6 degrees higher than outside - therefore, insects often spend the night in the flowers of the bathing suit, hiding from wind, rain and cold.


    More than 80 species are known, distributed mainly in the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere, in the Mediterranean and Scandinavia, Central Russia, Siberia and the Far East, in China. In nature, bathing suits grow in a forest belt, mainly on the banks of water bodies - streams and rivers.

    Currently, 19 species and 7 varieties of bathing suits are grown in the gardens of Russia and neighboring countries.

    Asian swimsuit (T. asiaticus) - a plant with a straight, sometimes branched stem about 70-80 centimeters high, densely green, petiolate, palmately divided leaves located at the base of the stem. The diameter of single orange flowers is about 4 centimeters. Flowering begins in May and continues for 20 days.

    In Siberia, this bathing suit is called "hot", "light". It grows in Siberia, in the Polar Urals, in Central Asia, Mongolia. It occurs in light forests, in subalpine and alpine meadows, in high mountains up to an altitude of 2500 m above sea level. The Asian swimsuit can be found in the meadows near the melting snows, where there are many of them.

    Altai swimsuit (T. altaicus) is a perennial herbaceous plant with an erect stem up to 50 centimeters high. The leaves form a basal rosette. Orange or bright yellow flowers up to 4 centimeters in diameter are arranged singly. Flowering begins in June.

    Grows wildly in Altai, Western Siberia and Central Asia, Northern China and Mongolia. It grows along the upper border of the forest belt, in subalpine and alpine meadows. In fir forests, during mass flowering, it creates contrasts of orange and dense green. For bright orange flowers in Siberia it is called "light".

    Chinese swimsuit (T. chinensis) is a perennial plant with an upright branched stem up to 80 centimeters high, petiolate, palmately dissected deep green leaves and single yellowish-orange flowers. Flowering begins in June and continues until the end of July.

    Ledebour's swimsuit (T. ledebourii) is a perennial herbaceous plant about 70-80 centimeters high with a straight, weakly branched stem, dark green, petiolate, palmately dissected leaves and orange or yellow flowers up to 5 centimeters in diameter. Flowering occurs in June.

    Dwarf swimsuit (T. pumilus) is a bushy plant 15-30 centimeters high with dark green long-petiolate, palmately dissected, finely toothed leaves collected in a basal rosette, from the center of which numerous, as a rule, unbranched stems grow, each of which bears at the end one large golden - yellow, bright flower. This bathing suit has wide, flat flowers, similar to a large ranunculus. The plant blooms in May-June, sometimes July. The fruit is a pod with small seeds in round heads.

    Stemless swimsuit (T. acaulis) - a species similar to the previous one, reaches a height of 8-10 centimeters.

    European swimsuit (T. europaeus) - a plant up to 50 centimeters high. The leaves are three to five times, the lower ones are long-petiolate, up to 3 centimeters in diameter. The flower consists of a relatively large number of pyramidal golden yellow sepals. Blooms in May-July.

    Distributed from the tundra to the steppe zone of Europe, in Western Siberia, and outside Russia in Scandinavia. Previously, the European swimsuit belonged to ordinary plants of the middle zone, but now, due to extermination on bouquets, it is less and less common. The characteristic habitats of the European swimsuit are the edges of mixed forests, damp forest glades, meadows. The swimsuit in the mass grows among shrubs in forb meadows.

    Cultural swimsuit (T. cultorum) is a generalized name for hybrid garden forms and varieties with large flowers of various colors.


    In culture, the bathing suit is used in single and group plantings, for decorating discounts, as well as for cutting. Compact varieties are suitable for rock gardens. The swimsuit is also indispensable in the landscaping of the coastal zone of reservoirs. In small gardens, the bathing suit will harmonize well with brunners and Siberian irises. A combination of golden balls and blue forget-me-nots will also be spectacular.

    One of the valuable properties of bathing suits is the ability to create unique bouquets that do not fade for a long time. The bouquet is decorative until all the buds wither completely. A bouquet of bathing suits is picturesque and unique.

    Before the breakthrough of chemistry in the creation of dyes, the bathing suit was used as a dye plant. In the 19th century, yellow textile paint was prepared from the flowers of the Asian bathing suit. In the middle of the 20th century, the Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR proposed methods for obtaining a yellow dye for food fats from the flowers of the Asian bathing suit.

    Use in medicine

    Swimming plant. Photo

    Bathing flower. Photo: Patrick G

    Bathing suit photo. Photo: Antti T. Nissinen

    Bathing suit. Photo: Alastair Rae

    An old herbalist says that the bathing suit is used outside of the tumor, for which the grass is steamed and applied little by little to the swollen area through a rag. An aqueous infusion of the roots is used in small doses for dropsy, epilepsy (falling disease) and scabies. An aqueous decoction of the herb is drunk for stomach problems. An ointment prepared from fresh herbs with any fat is used for abscesses.

    In Altai, a decoction of flowers is taken for jaundice. In Central Asia, the aerial part of the plant is used for visual impairment. A decoction of leaves and flowers - for pain in the abdomen. In Yakutia, the bathing suit is used for cardiovascular diseases. In the Nanais - for epilepsy and as a hemostatic agent. It has an antibacterial effect.

    Video: Bathing suit


    Bathing suit is a meadow plant, common in all natural zones. It can be found in absolutely any area: from the vast Russian meadows to the Asian deserts. Around the world, there are about 20 varieties of this flower.

    Myths and legends about the bathing suit

    Different peoples attribute mythical properties and their history to this flower. The Germans, for example, call it Trollblume - the flower of the troll. It is believed that fairy trolls are very fond of this flower. Where the bathing suit grows, they gather on the full moon and brew a magical healing drink from it. In Russia, the bathing suit got its name from the pagan holiday of Ivan Kupala. It blooms during this period and the Russian people take its first flowers as messengers from Ivan Kupala. In different countries people call it differently. In Germany - the "flower of the troll", in Ukraine - "hot" and "night blindness", Muscovites affectionately call it "avdotka", and Vologda residents - "cufflinks". There are many more names of this plant associated with its appearance and flowering period.

    The harm and benefits of bathing

    Most often today, the swimsuit is used as an ornamental plant for decorating gardens, flower beds and summer cottages. It is unpretentious in care, lives for several years and blooms for at least a month with bright yellow flowers. Most often, the landing of a bathing suit in flower beds is combined with blue or forget-me-nots.

    The swimsuit has become widespread as an ideal plant for making bouquets. This flower stands well in a vase and does not fade for a long time.

    Despite the fact that the bathing suit is considered a poisonous plant, it is also used in folk medicine. Herbalists use it externally as a rubbing agent for edema and tumors, and a decoction of the bathing suit is taken as an antiseptic and hemostatic agent. In order to unequivocally answer the question of whether the bathing suit is poisonous or not, one should decide on the method of its application. If used incorrectly and in excess of the recommended doses, its use can cause significant harm to your health. But knowledgeable people consider the bathing suit a useful plant.

    What does a bathing suit look like?

    Its flower is spherical, slightly reminiscent of a rose, but smaller in diameter (5-7cm). In color, different varieties have all shades of yellow: bright orange to pale green. The swimsuit grows in bushes, from half a meter to a meter high. Each flower head is planted separately on its own straight, unbranched stem. The leaves have a palmately dissected shape and all shades of green: from light green to emerald green.

    Bathing suit - landing and care

    If you decide to start growing these flowers for decorative purposes, we will tell you a little about the reproduction of the bathing suit. It can be planted both by seeds and cuttings. Seeds are planted in late summer or autumn - for the winter. The first seedlings appear in the spring. They need to be watered abundantly and wait for the leaves to appear (usually this happens in May). Then the seedlings dive at a distance of 6-9 cm from each other.

    Features of caring for a bathing suit are frequent watering and loosening the soil. The plant must be regularly weeded and fertilized with peat or humus. If you want to achieve secondary flowering in a season, cut out all faded flowers.

    Some varieties of decorative bathing suit have larger cups of flowers (up to 10 cm in diameter) and are able to bush. They are used to decorate flower beds. It is recommended to plant a bathing suit on a permanent flowering site (lawns,) in the second year, because in the first year the flowers are still small, and the stems are thin and single. And in a permanent place, bathing suits will grow and bloom for up to 10 years.

    A bathing suit in color is a real highlight of spring group plantings. Its bright inflorescences, outwardly resembling fireballs, create the illusion of warmth and joy. Among other garden crops, the swimsuit stands out for its ease of care and abundant flowering. Therefore, you can meet her in almost every garden.

    The bathing plant (Siberian rose, trollius, kupavka) is a flower shrouded in legends. Its name comes from the German trollblume, which translates as "troll flower". Scandinavian beliefs say that these amazingly beautiful flowers were the favorites of forest dwellers - fabulous trolls.

    The Russian name of the flower, according to one legend, appeared due to the love of the bathing suit for wet places of growth. And if you believe a more ancient Slavic legend, the flower owes its name to the patroness of reservoirs - the goddess Agrafena the swimsuit.

    The swimsuit is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the Ranunculaceae family. The habitat of its subspecies is vast. The swimsuit can be found throughout the northern hemisphere. It grows in forests, on mountain slopes, meadows, along the rivers of Europe, Asia and America. In some countries, the bathing suit is already listed in the Red Book.

    In the natural habitat, the swimsuit has about twenty varieties, but only a few garden forms are grown in culture. The European bathing suit has gained great popularity. To fully understand the features of this culture, consider what are the features of the external structure of the European bathing suit:

    • The bathing suit owes its effectiveness to flowers. They are moderately large (up to 8 cm in diameter), bright yellow or juicy orange. As with other members of the Ranunculaceae family, the color intensity is concentrated on the sepals, not the petals.
    • The corolla of the swimsuit is formed from 5-20 petal-shaped sepals. They strongly overlap each other, arranged in a spiral. After flowering, the sepals fall off.
    • The shape of the flower is spherical, it can be semi-open or fully open. Inside the bud are thin petals of a linear shape, which are turned into nectaries.
    • The fruit of the swimsuit is a spherical infructescence, consisting of leaflets tightly overlapping each other. The seeds are very small, their color is black, the surface is glossy.
    • The leaves of the swimsuit are palmately divided, grassy in color. Leaves come from the root zone. On the flower shoot, foliage is located only in the upper part, which passes into the flower.
    • During the flowering period, the bathing suit spreads a light, subtle aroma of freshness.
    • An important feature of the bathing suit is its poisonousness. Its juice can cause burns on the skin and mucous membranes, so all planting work must be carried out with gloves.

    Bathing plant, varieties and varieties

    Varieties of the bathing suit are widespread throughout the world, so their names often reflect their natural range. Only a few of them are found in culture.

    • European swimsuit (lat. Trollius europaeus) - a plant with a height of 45 to 80 cm. Its long flowering occurs in May-June. Spherical flowers of lemon yellow color are formed on long flower shoots.

    • Trollius the highest (lat. Trollius altissimus) - comes from the eastern part of Europe, is widespread in the Carpathians. The flowers of the swimsuit are yellow-green with a barely noticeable milky tint. The leaves are bright green with serrated margins. The stems are branched, erect, reaching one and a half meters in height.

    • Asian swimsuit (lat. Trollius asiaticus) - a plant in the form of a medium bush with shoots up to 80 cm in height. Flowering lasts almost 20 days and all this time rich orange flowers 5 cm in diameter delight the eye. The habitat of the Asian swimsuit is damp forests and glades.

    • Dzhungarian swimsuit (lat. Trollius dschungaricus) is a dwarf variety that prefers rocky areas. In such conditions, it grows up to 15 cm in height. But if you plant it in fertile soil, its shoots will stretch up to 55 cm.

    • Trollius lilac (lat. Troltius lilacinus) - the external signs are the same as those of the Asian trollius, but the inflorescences are not painted yellow, but a soft purple hue. And the pistils and stamens stand out in a dark yellow color.

    • Trollius Chinese (lat. Troltius chinensis) is a colorful wild species with large fiery flowers. The height of the swimsuit reaches 1.5 m. Most of the garden hybrids are derived from this species.

    • Trollius Altai (lat. Trollius altaicus) is a brush-rooted shrub with large ajar flowers. Their color is yellow, sometimes with a brick sheen. The habitat is alpine meadows.

    In gardens, it is customary to grow bred varieties of bathing suits, and not wild varieties. Thanks to the work of breeders, today there are many hybrid forms that are distinguished by a large size of flowers, different shades and a long flowering period. All of them are united by one name - hybrid or cultural bathing suit. The following varieties are on sale:

    • "Orange Globe" - a compact bush with a bright orange color of flowers;
    • "Lemon Queen" - the variety has fragile lemon-yellow flowers;
    • "Alabaster" - a variety with incredibly delicate creamy flowers;
    • "Keneri bird" - a plant with modest pale yellow buds;
    • 'Golden Queen' is a flowering cultivar with golden-orange flowers.

    Bathing suit, landing in open ground

    The easiest way to get a swimsuit on your site is to buy ready-made seedlings and plant them in a flower bed. It does not require special skills to grow, but it is important to remember one feature of this crop: the trollius grows only in moist soil and if planted in dry soil, it will die.

    Choosing a place for planting a bathing suit and preparing the soil

    When choosing a landing site, pay attention to the area with diffused light. It can be a cozy place under tall ornamental bushes or a rocky hill. The main thing is that the bright sun does not shine on the bathing suit for a long time.

    You can plant a bathing suit in an open flower bed, but you need to be prepared for the fact that its flowering will be short-lived, and the flowers will be faded and small in size.

    The swimsuit has no requirements for the composition of the soil, so serious preparations are not necessary before planting. But medium loamy soil will have a good effect on the development of the flower. It is also desirable that there is no stagnant water in the selected area.

    If you still want to create the best conditions for the trollius, you can add a little mixture of peat with humus and 10 g of nitrophoska to the planting hole. And if the plant is planted in a sandy mixture, it is advisable to add more moss, which will ensure the safety of moisture.

    Did you know? The swimsuit is not suitable for dry and sandy, as well as for wet and wetlands. In them, she will not be able to develop and will soon die.

    Planting a bathing suit on a flower bed

    The planting of the swimsuit should be carried out in August. Although all its varieties are frost-resistant, but young plants must get stronger and grow a rhizome before the onset of winter. If you plant the trollius later, then it will surely die with the arrival of the first frost.

    All varieties of swimwear quickly take the form of a densely branched bush, so plants should be planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other. It is necessary to deepen the root neck of the plant by 2 cm. The leaves are immediately trimmed so that rooting is successful. New foliage blooms within two weeks after planting.

    Advice! The swimsuit can grow in one place for a long time, so a plant transplant can be done once every ten years.

    Bathing suit, care in the garden

    Trollius needs to be watered all the time, periodically fertilize and cut off dried shoots. If you follow these elementary rules, the plant will grow quickly and even please you with double flowering in a season.

    Watering and weeding bathing suits

    The plant needs to be watered often, but without frills: the swimsuit should be in moist soil without stagnant water. Any deviations in the direction of underfilling or waterlogging will adversely affect the growth and flowering of the crop. This moment is especially important in the care of young bushes.

    Removing weeds is a must in bathing suit care. To save strength, you can mulch the bush. This will keep moisture near the roots and prevent weeds from "dragging out" the plant. But if the mulch does not fit into the landscape design, you can do without it.

    Frequent loosening of the soil is also carried out to a depth of 2-4 cm, but not deeper, so as not to damage the fragile root system.

    On a note! The swimsuit is a frost-resistant culture, so it is not necessary to build a shelter for the winter.

    Use of bathing suit fertilizers

    The swimsuit is an unpretentious flower, so you don’t have to apply a lot of fertilizer. To enhance flowering in the spring, fertilizers are applied (it is better to do this before the flowers appear). Then, with an interval of two or three weeks, two more feedings are done.

    For trollius, you can use nitrophoska (5 g per bucket of water), urea (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) or complex organic fertilizers (Agrikol). The swimsuit responds well to the introduction of humus and peat.

    Advice! After the aerial part of the swimsuit has completely dried (this happens in October), you need to cut off all the leaves, leaving short petioles. This cannot be done prematurely, otherwise the kidney will be greatly weakened, and the peduncle will be underdeveloped.

    Pests and diseases of the swimsuit

    This culture is characterized by increased immunity to diseases. The only microorganism that can infect a bathing suit is a fungus. To avoid this, you need to adhere to the necessary watering regimen and remove dried leaves in time.

    On a note! Pests bypass the bathing suit. This is due to its toxicity.

    Methods for breeding bathing suits

    You can get a new generation of bathing suit by dividing the bush and sowing the seeds. Let's consider each of the methods in more detail.

    Growing bathing suits from seeds

    Bathing suit seeds ripen by autumn. They can be sown in open ground, but to ensure high germination, they require long-term stratification. Therefore, seeds are sown closer to winter.

    Seed material is best sown in loose, breathable soil. The best option would be a mixture of peat, earth and sand (2:2:1).

    Seedlings actively appear in the first days of May. If the weather is hot, they will need abundant watering and shelter from the destructive sun.

    As soon as the seedlings acquire a pair of full-fledged leaves, you need to dive them. Seedlings should be planted at a distance of 7-10 cm from each other. A year later, strengthened bathing suits can be transplanted to a permanent flower bed.

    Reproduction by dividing the bathing bush

    Mature plants are propagated by dividing the bush. In the fall, the swimsuit is dug up, divided into separate divisions with roots and shoots, then planted in a prepared place. Before the onset of cold weather, new bushes take root safely. If the division of the bathing suit is carried out in the spring, this can be done until the moment of flowering.

    Important! Young bathing bushes need mulching.

    The use of bathing suits in folk medicine

    Although kupavka is a rather poisonous plant, it is often used in alternative medicine. As a rule, only the European variety is used for medicinal purposes. All parts of the plant are suitable for treatment. They are used to prepare decoctions and tinctures with pronounced anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties.

    Flower extract helps to cure dropsy and scurvy, rhizome decoction - scabies. And an infusion of leaves is an excellent remedy for angina pectoris, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

    The aerial part of the bathing suit is used in choleretic preparations. It also serves as the basis for ointments against abscesses, boils, infected wounds.

    Important! It is possible to use a bathing suit in alternative treatment only under the supervision of a homeopath, since it is poisonous.

    Swimsuit in landscape design

    Trollius, despite its widespread use in folk medicine, is actively used to create rock gardens, design artificial reservoirs, and to complement Swiss-style buildings.

    The bathing suit with other colors of purple, dark blue, lavender looks unsurpassed. A successful pair for the trollius will be cornflowers, sleep-grass, primrose, catchment area, oxalis, delphinium.

    Bathing suit, photo in nature

    Video "Swimsuit, the legend of flowers"

    Description of the European swimsuit

    The European bathing suit is one of the varieties of bathing suits, which is widespread in the west of Siberia and in European countries. It grows mainly in fields with high humidity. It is also found in mixed forests and in thickets of other plants.

    Description of the European swimsuit

    Photos of the European bathing suit can be found in the Red Book. This is a flower that is protected not only in Russia, but also in many other states. The flower of the European bathing suit attracts bees, it is an excellent honey plant. Based on it, several hybrid flowers have been bred, which are used in landscape design, in medicine and in the design of garden plots.

    Source: Depositphotos

    European bathing suit is attractive to bees

    The plant can be described as follows:

    • Two types of leaves are located at the petioles and on the stems. Petiolate, dissected, collected in rosettes. Stem sessile, small and alternate.
    • The plant has attractive large flowers of fiery yellow color. They resemble a ball and reach 6 cm in diameter. The petals are oval in shape. They are quite wide. In total there are from 10 to 20 pieces. The plant attracts with a pleasant, but unobtrusive aroma.
    • The plant blooms until mid or late June. But if the weather is not hot, flowering may last longer.
    • Fruits appear in early July. They look like leaflets with small noses sticking out inside.

    Due to its natural properties, the bathing suit is used not only as a beautiful decoration.

    The use of a bathing suit

    In addition to melliferous properties, the bathing suit also has medicinal properties. It is assumed that the plant is able to fight tumors, but this property has not yet been fully studied. It is also used for edema, skin inflammation, stomach and liver problems. The rhizome of the swimsuit is used in the manufacture of medicines for epilepsy, scabies, and dropsy. The flower helps women cope with pain during menstruation and regulate the menstrual cycle.

    Sometimes the plant is useful in veterinary medicine. With its help, udder pathologies in ungulates are treated.

    Be careful with this plant, because it is poisonous. Its use is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. It should not be used by children either.

    If used incorrectly, side effects appear in the form of problems with the nervous system and the occurrence of allergies. If you find something like this in yourself, immediately go to the hospital.

    So, the swimsuit is a useful plant, but its careless use can cause significant harm. Check with your doctor before using this plant.