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  • Drinking bowl for chickens from a plastic canister. The main types and requirements for drinkers for chickens, options for their self-production

    Drinking bowl for chickens from a plastic canister.  The main types and requirements for drinkers for chickens, options for their self-production

    Chickens raised in their backyard always grow better and their products are more useful than those of poultry growing in a large poultry farm.

    But in order to increase the productivity of the chicken population, you need to create suitable conditions for them. Clean drinking water should be available around the clock, especially in summer. Drinking bowls for chickens are made independently or purchased in a store.

    What should be a quality drinker for laying hens

    Whatever chickens you keep, the drinkers you make must meet certain conditions:

    1. Bird safety. It is necessary to make containers only from high-quality and harmless material. If you use metal elements, then when interacting with individual substances, they form compounds that are harmful to the health of chickens. In addition, all sharp corners should be removed and any protruding protrusions should be processed, otherwise the bird will get hurt.
    2. Water purity. Unclosed structures will become a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of harmful microorganisms. This will lead to development in the bird. Also, chickens are able to independently pollute the water and, if the design is unsuccessful, will even defecate in drinking bowls. To prevent this, you need to securely protect the containers from any debris.
    3. Convenience and ease of use. It should be easy to pour water. If possible, it is advisable to connect water supply to the drinkers.
    4. Stability and reliability. Objects located in cages are often attacked by chickens, for this reason they should be made strong and well fastened. Drinkers must be made stable so that the birds do not accidentally turn them over. An inverted container will leave the chickens without drinking, spilled water will add dampness.

    Important! Chickens left without water for 48 hours lay significantly fewer eggs. A sign of a lack of moisture in the body is loss of appetite and wrinkling of the comb.


    As a drinker, you can use a small pot or a small bowl. It is easy to maintain, but this design is dangerous for the bird.

    Dirt easily gets into it, food wakes up and dust flies. A chicken can walk into a pot and soil the water with its paws, which will lead to the multiplication of microbes and intestinal disorders.

    Vacuum drinker (siphon)

    This simple product is a container filled with water and fixed on a stand.

    To work, you need to prepare:

    • plastic bottle;
    • bottle holder;
    • shallow bowl;
    • legs.


    1. Pour clean water into a bottle.
    2. It is placed with the neck down in a bowl, so that it does not touch the bottom by a few millimeters.
    3. The cut part is covered.

    The water will start to flow into the bowl. When its level rises to the height of the neck, the liquid will stop flowing, it will be held by atmospheric pressure. The liquid gradually flows into the pan in such an amount as the bird will drink.

    To make the drinker stable, it must be securely fastened to the pallet. You can not make a vacuum drinker yourself, but buy it in a store.

    The main disadvantage of this product - dirt from the chicken beak and paws can get into the bowl.

    A simple drinking bowl from a bucket

    You will need to buy nipples and find an old but whole plastic bucket.

    The work is done in this order:

    1. In the bottom of the bucket, holes are drilled around the perimeter for installing nipples.
    2. In the drilled places, a thread is cut according to the diameter of the nipple thread.
    3. The nipples are put in place.
    4. The bucket is attached to the ceiling with a rope or any fastener.
    5. They pour water.
    6. The drinker is ready for use.

    In winter, in an unheated poultry house, the water freezes, and the bird will have nothing to drink. Of course, you can pour a new portion after each feeding.

    But this will have to be done only if electricity is not supplied to the chicken coop. But if there is an electrical network, then several different heated drinking bowls can be easily made, and the chickens will be provided with clean water at any time.

    Heated drinkers for winter, non-freezing, with heating cable

    The principle of operation is simple - a simple light bulb is attached to a tin box. A small hole is cut at the top of the box, the bowl is placed on the box and water is poured. The warm air coming from the light bulb heats the drinker, and the liquid will not freeze.

    If there is no box, then the drinker is made easier: the light bulb is installed in a hollow foam block (or cinder block) and a bowl of water is placed on top.

    On a note! Water is saved from frost by fixing home-made heating elements over the tank, for example, from powerful resistors. Sometimes heaters designed for the aquarium are used. They are not cheap, but the result will please you.

    You can heat the container with a heating cable designed for heating underfloor heating. It is easy to buy in the store.

    The container is wrapped with a cable (a nipple drinker with a heating cable is shown at the top of the image), the connections are securely insulated and connected to the network.

    Nipple drinker

    In order for water to flow to the bird without interruption, nipple drinkers are installed. They are well suited not only for adult chickens, but also for young animals. You just need to purchase special nipples and assemble the device.

    Nipples are made so that when they are moved, liquid begins to flow. To reduce water costs, some poultry farmers additionally use special drop eliminators in the design.

    Cup fixtures

    To make a simple product, you need to take a small metal basin, bowl or bucket. But cheapness and simplicity lead to disadvantages.

    The owner of the poultry house will have to change the water at least 2-3 times a day, the reason is that dirt gets into the container. The product turns out to be unstable and it is easy for a bird to overturn it.

    Important! Small open dishes suitable for young animals. But in this case, you need to check its condition. The liquid can spill and wet the chickens, after which the young organism will die from the low temperature.

    Industrial cup drinkers look like this:

    How to make a drinker from a sewer pipe:

    1. A longitudinal line is drawn along the length of the pipe, holes will be located along it.
    2. The outlines of the holes are marked with a marker: they need to be made elongated 20-30 cm long.
    3. Holes are cut along the drawn line, after which the drinker is fixed.
    4. The edges of the pipe are jammed or installed upward bends, through which dirty water is poured or drained. The edges of the holes must be cleaned of burrs so that the bird is not injured.
    5. A drinking bowl made from a sewer pipe can be used.

    A simple model of an autodrinker is made using a nipple, aluminum wire, a metal plate and a wine cork:

    An autodrinker can be made in a different way, using fittings removed from the old toilet cistern:

    Let's start manufacturing

    First you need to decide which drinkers are suitable for your poultry house. There are several designs of convenient drinkers.

    Drinking bowl from a bottle with a capacity of 5-10 liters

    This is the simplest design, for work you will need:

    • a plastic bottle with a volume of 5 liters, if the birds are larger, it is better to take a 10-liter container.
    • construction knife;
    • wide and shallow saucepan or bowl.

    The drinker is assembled simply:

    1. Stepping back from the bottom of the bottle 10-20 cm, cut a hole. It should be below the sides of the bowl.
    2. The hole is closed and the bottle is filled with water.
    3. The bottle is placed in a bowl, after which the cut hole must be opened. The water will fill the container and when it closes the hole, the liquid will stop flowing.

    The water level in the vessel will be constantly maintained at the height of the opening. This design will always help you out as an emergency option.

    Automatic drinker made of plastic pipes

    First of all, you need to purchase materials for work:

    • 2 pipes for the sewer system with a cross section of 50 mm;
    • one air valve with a section of 50 mm;
    • one plug for pipes 50 mm;
    • nipples;
    • fastening for 50 mm sewer pipe 4-6 pcs;
    • two pipe turns at 90 degrees;
    • one connection of ball valve and plastic pipe;
    • plastic container;
    • winding.

    When the materials are purchased, you need to wash the container so that there is no dust left in it.

    Construction assembly:

    1. Holes are drilled on the pipe for installing nipples of a suitable diameter. They are screwed into place, the pipe is installed so that the nipples are directed downwards.
    2. A hole is made at the bottom of the container, a brass bushing is inserted into it, fixed with nuts, having previously placed gaskets.
    3. Install the valve on the sleeve.
    4. An air valve is fixed in the part of the plastic pipe with nipples and closed with a plug, the valve is directed upwards.
    5. With the help of pipe turns, they bring it to the tank. Fix them with fasteners.

    After that, the automatic nipple drinker is put into operation. The container must be filled with water and the tap turned on. When filling the pipe with water, the air valve is opened: air will exit the system through it when the pipe is filled.

    When the parts of the drinker are full, close the valve. This design, if necessary, is disassembled into separate parts, it is easy to transport or disinfect it.

    Drinker sizes

    On average, one adult bird needs to drink 500 g of water per 24 hours. But these figures vary depending on the quality and quantity of feed, seasonal changes in temperature. The amount of feed mixture that the chicken will eat directly depends on the availability of clean water.

    But the amount drunk in turn depends on the type of feed used. If the poultry population is fed with dry feed, then there should be 30% more water than when feeding the birds with wet mash. Wet food already contains liquid.

    The need for water increases with an increase in the amount of salt in the feed mixture. Salt food cannot be fed to chickens, but a little salt necessary for the body is added to any feed. The amount of liquid you drink will increase when feeding with mixtures that contain a lot of protein, fiber, when feeding with molasses and meal.

    Scientists have found that when the ambient temperature rises to 18 degrees Celsius, laying hens require about 200 ml, broilers - 170 ml of water per unit of body weight. If the temperature rises to 30 degrees, then water will be required several times more.

    Where to place the drinker

    First of all, you need to think about the cleanliness of the drinker. In the manufacture of the product, make sure that its upper cut is located at the level of the back of the bird.

    It is permissible to combine 2 parts of the structure with a strong rope or aluminum wire.

    Depending on the feed mixture used and the outside temperature, the size of the drinker will vary. For example, if the temperature in the chicken coop is more than 18 degrees, then the amount of water should not be less than 300 ml per chicken.

    Based on these data, you need to choose the dimensions of the drinker for your conditions.

    How many drinkers do you need

    Drinking bowls should contain enough water for the bird to have enough. It is important to remember that some of the liquid will splatter. In order to prevent this and dirt does not appear in the house, it is necessary to responsibly choose a drinker.

    If you have few birds, 15 siphon drinkers will suffice. Often they are made on legs, which makes it possible to save water. If high-quality legs are used in the design, then even a chicken that has flown up onto a drinking bowl will not be able to overturn it.

    Cup-shaped containers are mainly used for cage keeping. The reason is that they are easy to install on the cell walls. But no one will forbid fixing a piece of mesh on the wall and hanging a drinker on it.

    This design allows the bird to drink with almost no splashing. Water is poured into the cup, the product tilts due to gravity and blocks the flow of liquid. When it becomes smaller, the cup begins to rise, and again the water fills the container.

    Nipple drinkers are often made in small sizes. Pipes are connected to them, through which clean water flows. The main disadvantage of this design is that some of the drops fall on the floor. To eliminate this drawback, a drop catcher is mounted for each drinker. This device simply snaps onto the conduit.

    Drinkers are small, they are not cheap, especially high-quality devices. Cheap ones break quickly.

    Various small dishes are also used as drinking bowls. - small basins, bowls and cups. Their main disadvantage is that they will often be turned over by chickens, and the water in them will quickly become contaminated.

    A do-it-yourself bird drinker will cost much less than a purchased one. A drinking bowl is an indispensable element for growing poultry. It can be made with your own hands from unnecessary materials that are on each site.

    So, how to make a chicken drinker with your own hands quickly and inexpensively. Let's look at the manufacture of different types of drinkers.

    How to make a nipple drinker

    Their advantages are as follows:

    • saving water;
    • protection of water from dirt and debris;
    • stability;
    • service convenience.

    Both adult hens and chickens can use the nipple drinker. Laying hens do well with pins moving up and down. Broilers and chickens are equipped with structures with water supply in any direction. With the correct manufacture of the drinker, maintenance takes several minutes a day and consists only in topping up the water as it is used up.

    You can make such a design from any plastic container - even from a washed plastic bucket from building mixtures. The wider the bottom of the bucket, the better. In the manufacture and calculation of materials, it is necessary to correctly calculate the needs of reared chickens for drinking, so that in the heat there is no crush near the drinkers. Each bird drinks through a nipple, so the number of nipples should be sufficient to meet the needs of the chicken population.

    As for the selection of the nipple, in this matter they proceed from the age of the livestock. For example, for young animals, the 3600 model, which spins 360 degrees, will be the best choice. For adults, the best option would be 1800 nipples, which are activated by pressing up and down.

    Creating a nipple drinker is simple:

    1. At the bottom of the container, you need to drill the required number of holes and insert a nipple for a drinking bowl into each.
    2. Strengthen the structure at a height convenient for chickens.

    The consumption of water in such a cup is 20 times less than in a traditional one. This makes it much less likely to monitor its devastation. In addition, you can bring a hose from a water supply or tank to the structure. Help save on water and special drop eliminators.

    Drinkers are collected not only from containers, but also from PVC water pipes, which are placed on the wall along the entire length.

    Nipple drinkers for chickens made of plastic pipe:

    • cut a pipe with a diameter of 2-3 cm of the required length. Every 10 cm (for young animals) or 25 cm (for adults) mark the tube - nipples will be located in these places;
    • drill holes with a screwdriver with a 9 mm drill;
    • make a thread with a tap;
    • blow the tube through, blowing out the dust from drilling;
    • screw in the nipples;
    • at one end put a plug, at the other end - an adapter on which the hose will be mounted;
    • install drop eliminators or microcup drinkers;
    • check the design for functionality by blowing into the free end. Wind must be blown out of each nipple;
    • fasten the clamps to the wall of the chicken coop and fix the drinker in them;
    • run a hose from the drinking bowl to the water supply.

    The most important thing in such a system is the correct installation of the nipple, otherwise the device will not function.

    Vacuum drinkers

    A vacuum drinker works according to a different principle, water from which is supplied under the influence of vacuum. The simplest version of this design is an inverted three-liter jar, the water from which flows into a plate into which the neck is immersed. The water in the jar is retained due to the difference in pressure inside and on the surface of the plate. When the level in it decreases, an air bubble is drawn into the jar, allowing the right amount of liquid to pour out.

    Now glass jars have ceased to be relevant because of their weight, fragility and inconvenience of processing. They were replaced by plastic containers.

    An example of making a drinker from a 5l or 10l bottle. To build a container, we take a plastic bottle of 5 or 10 liters.

    Independent production of vacuum drinkers for chickens:

    • pick up a bottle of water, a plastic cap and a top cap, which will include a regular one;
    • screw the cap onto the bottle and mark the place where it ends on the bottle;
    • with a heated kitchen knife, make a hole with a diameter of 8-10 mm, not higher than the mark;
    • draw water into the container, tighten the cap and turn the bottle over to check the functionality.

    The drinker is ready. Now you need to fix it on the wall of the chicken coop or on its rods with clamps. A 5-liter bottle of water is enough for a day of ten chickens.

    From a plastic sewer pipe

    This is a simple and durable design, easy to create.

    • For manufacturing, a sewer pipe with a diameter of 15 cm is required.
    • On the one hand, you need to install a plug. On the other hand, connect the hose
    • Cut oval elongated slots with jumpers in the pipe.
    • The pipe is easily cut with a heated knife.
    • Treat irregularities with sandpaper.
    • Installation is made to the wall through the clamps at the level of the back of the chicken so that it does not splash in it.

    The simplest drinker from a bucket

    If you are interested in a temporary simple version of the drinker, then you can make equipment from a construction bucket and a pallet.

    • The pallet should be larger than the top of the vessel.
    • In the bucket at a distance of 1 cm from the top, drill 2 holes opposite each other.
    • After that, pour water into a bowl and cover it with a pallet on top. Turn the design over carefully.
    • Gradually, liquid will accumulate there, oozing from 2 holes. After its level reaches the holes, the flow will stop.

    When the birds drink from such a drinker, the liquid level will restore itself.

    Requirements for drinking bowls for chickens

    One hen can drink different amounts of liquid depending on age, weather and the amount of food eaten. However, an adult hen will drink at least 500 ml. A chick drinks twice as much water as it eats food.

    So that the bird does not have barriers to access to drinking water, there are a number of requirements for drinking bowls:

    • convenience. The bowl should be easy to fill. Preferably in an automated way. It must be placed so that the breeder can add medicines, liquid vitamins or supplements to the liquid;
    • safety. Metal structures should be made of stainless steel, and plastic ones should be made of food-grade plastic. The device must be free of sharp corners and piercing elements. Otherwise, the bird may scratch itself and then pecking will begin;
    • hygiene. The container must be isolated from external factors so that the water does not become a source of infection. Chicken excrement is not allowed. The dish should be well washed. The bird must not splash in it;
    • sustainability. Chickens are able to accidentally knock over a vessel. Water will spill, dampness will appear in the chicken coop, humidity will increase. And this can cause all sorts of diseases;
    • functionality. The bird must have easy access to drink. If the drinker is of the nipple type, then the number of nipples should correspond to the number of chickens.

    Chickens creatures are lively and not always neat. All structures must be securely fastened, otherwise the chicken may fly into the cup or simply knock it over. Wet chicken is a chilled bird that can catch a cold at any moment. Then you have to treat her runny nose and cough.

    What are drinkers

    Simple designs are made from old construction buckets or PVC pipes. You can independently make a nipple or vacuum type drinker.

    Vacuum and nipple drinkers are the best choice for a zealous owner who values ​​his time and effort:

    1. The design of the vacuum drinker is designed in such a way that water is always topped up itself as it is consumed. This is ideal for raising a small population of 5-10 birds.
    2. The nipple design is more complex, but it allows you to make an automatic water supply. For manufacturing, nipples are needed, from which water will flow when exposed to them, and drop eliminators, which reduce water consumption.

    Separately, we can distinguish roomy and comfortable siphon types. They can be placed on the floor or mounted on the wall. The design of the drinker consists of a siphon system, a glass and a tray.

    Cup drinkers are a small vessel with a tongue floating inside and blocking the water from the hose. They work as follows: in the vessels filled to the top, the tongues float to the surface and the water inflow is blocked. As the water is used up, the tongue falls down and a new portion is poured into the cup. These are simple and convenient models.


    Again, to avoid colds and weaken the immune system in chickens, and also in order not to have problems caused by freezing water, drinkers can be equipped with heating for the winter.

    • A simple home-made design is a low tin box with an opening sidewall, into which a cord with a lamp base is inserted.
    • Place a bowl on the box.
    • When you turn on a 40 W incandescent bulb, the walls of the box heat up and this is enough to keep the water in the saucer warm.

    When creating such a design, money is spent only on the purchase of a light bulb, since all other materials are usually on the site.

    As you can see, making a normal drinker so that the bird does not experience any inconvenience is within the power of any owner. The automated water dispenser may take longer, but the result in less need for human presence when caring for pets is well worth it.


    We are glad to meet you again, dear readers and readers. Today we will tell you how to make a drinker for chickens with your own hands at home. Photos and videos are attached.

    The fact that chickens consume more than twice the amount of feed consumed in one day must be taken into account, so drinkers must be made with sufficient water capacity. This will maintain an appropriate water balance, which ensures normal growth.

    Constantly trying to climb into the water, given this, it is necessary to choose a device that will prevent a dangerous moment. Wet chicken feet will lead to colds, and quickly polluted water can cause infections and especially chickens!

    The amount of water a chick or hen should consume depends on many situations:

    • Ambient temperatures.
    • The age of the bird.
    • The amount of food eaten per day.

    Each individual should have an average of at least half a liter of water so that dehydration does not occur.

    To organize a high-quality and proper watering place, it is necessary to choose an original idea. All the various options for drinking birds can be divided into the following groups:

    Simple drinking bowls from ordinary enameled and galvanized basins and buckets or plastic bowls:

    1. Cup (drip).
    2. Vacuum.
    3. Siphon.
    4. Automatic water supply using nipples.
    5. Drinking bowl from a plastic pipe.
    6. A simple drinker from a plastic bucket.

    Simple containers are very inconvenient. You will often have to change the water or top up the bowl, as the liquid evaporates quickly in an open container. Birds can easily overturn dishes and be left without water. This must be constantly monitored and water should be added in a timely manner.

    It is advisable to use shallow open water bowls only to water the chickens, but at this point you need to carefully monitor the process, the water should not pour out.

    A plastic bottle for a drip drinker? Easily!

    Drinking bowl for chickens from a plastic bottle

    Plastic refers to a common material from which various devices for birds can be made. A home-made plastic drinker is suitable for ordinary young animals and broilers, its device does not take much time and high costs.

    When arranging the drinking regime for poultry, it must be taken into account that the drinking cups made are convenient for all ages of chickens and hens.

    Tools and necessary materials to be used:

    1. A plastic shallow bowl so that the chickens can freely drink from it.
    2. Screwdriver.
    3. screws.
    4. Cutting tool.

    How to make a drinker for chickens with your own hands from a plastic bottle? Take a plastic bottle with a volume of 2.5 liters, stepping back from the neck of the flask by 15 cm, make a puncture with an awl to make a through hole. Cut off the bottom of the flask with a sharp knife, here you can then pour water into it.

    Attach the cork of the bottle with a fastener to the bottom of the bowl. Pour water into the bottle, now from the punctured holes, water will begin to flow into the bowl. When the liquid reaches the level of the edges of the bowl, the water stops pouring out. A flight board should be placed in front of the bottle for the chickens to make it convenient for them to drink from the bowl.

    Vacuum drinker for chickens from plastic flasks

    Requirements for a vacuum device from two plastic flasks.

    To prevent garbage from getting into the water for birds, a do-it-yourself drinker for chickens is made, convenient for chickens, laying hens and broilers:

    • The drinker must be a closed device.
    • Convenient access to a watering place for chickens and hens.
    • The water container in the poultry house should not turn over and break in case of a possible attack by birds.

    The construction of a vacuum drinker made of two plastic flasks is very easy to make!

    Take a flask of plastic with a volume of six liters and cut off from the cork along the first corrugation on the surface of the flask, you will get the appearance of a bowl. Pick up a smaller 2.0 liter plastic bottle, turn it over and insert it into the bowl. Using a drill with an 8 mm drill, make holes on both covers. Fix the two corks of both bottles connected with two bolts.

    With an awl, pierce a smaller bottle, stepping back from the cork by 10 cm, a little higher. Draw water into a smaller flask until it is punctured. Take a bowl from a large bottle and screw it onto a smaller container on top, then turn it over. Water from the punctures will begin to flow into the bowl. As soon as it is filled, the water will stop pouring, and when the level in the bowl drops, the liquid will again flow through the small holes.

    To prevent chickens from turning over the drinking bowl, it should be fixed to the wall. From a wire or a metal profile of the tape, roll up a ring along the diameter of the flask and hang it on the wall. Fasten the flask to the wire with clamps. Install a stand for chickens to the drinker, they should easily climb onto the flight board. With such a drinker, where you can see how much water is left in the flask, the chickens will not be left without a drink.

    Do-it-yourself siphon drinker for chickens

    Siphon water supply. Where there are few chickens and hens (about 10), it is very beneficial to use a siphon drinker. For its manufacture, a siphon system is needed. To make such a design you will need:

    1. Plastic bowl with shallow sides.
    2. Five liter plastic bottle.

    Take a bottle and drill at the very bottom. The hole in the bottle should not be higher than the side of the bowl, so as not to overflow. Put the flask in the prepared bowl, and with the hole closed with your finger, pour water to the top. Water will rush out of the flask hole, but its flow will stop at a certain level of the sides of the bowl. When the space between the walls of the bowl and container is filled, the water level will remain above the holes.

    After the chickens begin to drink water, the liquid in the bowl will decrease, the hole in the wall of the flask will begin to fill with air, the air pressure will change, and the bowl will again be replenished with water. Five liters of water for 10 chickens is enough per day.

    The liquid will drain from the bowl, and the bowl will gradually fill up from the punctures. The design of the siphon liquid supply is not a thorough scheme, so drinkers with nipple liquid supply have come to replace it.

    Do-it-yourself nipple drinker for chickens

    Automatic water supply through nipples. Automatic water supply in the chicken coop using nipples is an example of an economic indicator in compliance with hygiene standards in the poultry house.

    The form of the nipple system for watering birds has become widespread. You can use any container for a drinking bowl, a large bucket, at the base of which nipples are inserted, they turn on when the chickens start drinking.

    The simplest nipple-shaped drinker is a bucket that is suspended and several nipples are screwed into the bottom. It must be made of plastic with a large size. Drill the bottom, make four holes so that they have a diameter of 9 mm, screw the nipples there.

    Place the bucket at the desired height and fill with water. This drinker is easy to clean, but you will need to fill it manually. A nipple drinker for birds is in great demand, which is connected to a water supply system or a large-capacity mounted boiler.

    You should prepare in advance the materials and tools that will be required in the work:

    Take a plastic square or round pipe for automatic nipple feed so that there are grooves inside, with a wall thickness of 22 by 22 mm. End caps and adapters for connecting to the water supply.

    1. Flexible tubing.
    2. Hang the pipe with clamps.
    3. Use a 9 mm drill.
    4. Cut a 1/8" thread with a tap.

    The order of work.

    Before you start work, you need to decide on the stock of parts and calculate everything. First you need to mark the pipe. Make marks under the nipples with a gap of up to 15 cm between them. Using a screwdriver or drill, from the side of the location of the internal grooves in the pipe (so that water does not leak, use Teflon tape), drill holes in which to cut the thread with a tap. Close ends.

    Install a plug on one end of the pipe, and put on an adapter for a flexible tube on the other. Now you should put the nipples in place. Then connect the hose to a faucet or boiler with a large volume of water.

    Durability of a design is provided with reliable fastening to a wall. It should not leak, all joints and connections are sealed using a special tape. The use of a drinker for chickens with a nipple form of liquid supply is the most practical and convenient system.

    Security measures

    High-quality, convenient drinkers for chickens should be safe and not injure the beaks of birds. Keep the chicken coop safe. Drinkers should be made of high quality plastic material. It is not allowed to manufacture a metal container with burrs so that the bird is not injured.

    In the manufacture of drinkers for chickens and hens, broilers, the edges of the drinker must be carefully processed so that the birds cannot get hurt. The edge of the bowl should be smooth or have a rubber rim around it.

    There are security measures in winter. There must be protection so that the water cannot freeze in cold weather. You can provide heat by making a heating element, which must be placed under a container of water, or use an aquarium heater.

    Drinking bowl made of plastic pipes

    This do-it-yourself drinker for chickens is on the portal about construction and repair. As a rule, all ingenious inventions are distinguished by their simplicity. This can also be said about the use of plastic pipes for the manufacture of drinkers. There are many advantages of such drinking bowls for chickens - first of all, it is the simplicity of design, low cost of materials and reliability. Consider the step-by-step process of making drinking bowls from plastic pipes.

    Step 1. For a drinker you will need a plastic pipe. In this case, a 1.5-meter pipe is used, the diameter of which is 15 cm. A plug is installed at one end, and a bend at the other. Using the building level, draw a straight line on the pipe (on both sides of the level) with a marker.

    A line is drawn on the pipe.

    Step 2 Next, you will need a small block in the shape of a rectangle. Use it to make marks for future holes, as shown in the figure. Mark with a cross those parts that do not need to be cut, or vice versa, so as not to make a mistake and ruin the pipe.

    Marks for future holes. Step 3 Make small holes along the edges of the marked rectangle with a drill or screwdriver. To prevent the drill from jumping off, you can first make a small indentation with a nail or awl.

    Drilling holes according to the markup.

    Step 4 After making holes, cut out the desired shape on the surface of the pipe with a jigsaw. All the resulting irregularities at the cut point must be processed with sandpaper.

    Using a jigsaw for cutting.

    Step 5 After cutting out all the necessary holes, install special latches or latches, which are then attached to a wooden stand. It is not worth saving on these elements, so that later you do not have to pay twice. After that, the finished structure can be placed on the ground, and water can be added through the bend.

    Installing fasteners.

    A simple do-it-yourself drinker for chickens from a bucket

    If you don’t want to bother much about making a drinking bowl or spend money on special devices, then a do-it-yourself drinker for chickens is made from an old bucket (necessarily a whole one).

    Step 1. Holes are cut in the bottom of the bucket

    Step 2. Then such a cover is screwed on

    There are certain recommendations that must be followed to protect the structure from contamination. First of all, when making a drinker and choosing materials, make sure that the upper edge of the structure is flush with the back of the reared chickens. You can also connect two structural elements using aluminum wire or a strong rope for convenience.

    On a note! Depending on the temperature in the chicken coop or the feed used, the dimensions of the drinker may vary. For example, if the room temperature does not drop below +18 degrees, then the volume of water in the device should not be more than 300 ml. Based on this, you can decide what size of drinker you need.

    Do-it-yourself homemade drinker for chickens from a can.

    You can also make a simple drinker in another way. To do this, take a bucket of paint and a pallet from a flower pot. It is only necessary to make sure that the size of the pallet is larger than the bucket itself. At a distance of 1 cm from the lid, a small hole must be made in the container and its rim.

    After that, pour some water into the bucket and close the lid. Then carefully, placing the inside of the tray on the lid, turn the bucket of water over. Gradually, water will accumulate in the pan, falling from the two holes made. After the liquid level reaches the holes, water will not flow out. When the birds drink water from the drinker, the pan will be replenished again.

    Video - How to make a nipple drinker for chickens

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    Eating fresh eggs every day and chicken meat grown in their own yard - more and more people are thinking about raising chickens to provide their families with similar nutritional conditions. It is impossible to achieve high poultry productivity without complying with the requirements for watering and feeding chickens. There should always be clean drinking water in the cage or poultry house. Homemade or store-bought automatic drinkers for chickens are most convenient to use.

    The rate of water that a chicken should consume depends on many factors: ambient temperature, age of the bird, feed consumed. On average, each individual should drink at least half a liter of water to exclude the possibility of dehydration.

    Requirements for drinking bowls for chickens

    A quality drinker for laying hens or broilers must meet certain requirements:

    1. Ease of use. The container used for watering the birds should be easy to fill, if possible automatically from the water supply. Water changes should also not become a problem for poultry farmers.
    2. Stability and strength. Drinkers located in cages and poultry houses must be strong enough to withstand possible attacks by birds. An inverted or broken drinker will not only lead to excessive dampness, but also leave the entire population of chickens without water.
    3. Ensuring the purity of water. Clean water is the key to bird health. In open containers, various microorganisms start up faster, which can be carriers of infections. Chickens can swim in the water or pollute it with their droppings. Therefore, the main capacity of the drinker should be, if possible, isolated from external influences.
    4. Safety. It is desirable that the drinkers are made of high-quality plastic. Containers made of metal, when interacting with certain medications, can release harmful chemical compounds. In homemade chicken drinkers, all edges must be carefully processed so that the birds do not get hurt.

    An optional but desirable requirement for a drinker may be protection from freezing water in cold weather. You can ensure this wish with the help of home-made heating elements located under a container of water, or using aquarium heaters.

    Drinker classification

    The whole variety of bird drinkers can be divided into the following groups:

    • nipple;
    • cup;
    • vacuum;
    • siphon;
    • simple drinking containers.

    Enamelled and galvanized basins and buckets, or plastic bowls are usually used as the simplest drinkers.

    True, such containers have a whole bunch of shortcomings. Firstly, the water will have to be changed several times a day, as it will become contaminated with chicken droppings and garbage. Secondly, sitting on a bucket or basin, the chicken can easily overturn them.

    It is advisable to use small open bowls of water only for drinking chickens, but be careful not to spill water. Wet chicks can become cold and die.

    For a small number of chickens (about a dozen), it is beneficial to use a siphon drinker. It consists of a glass with a siphon system and a tray where water enters. Siphon drinkers can be floor, hinged and on legs.

    A very similar design has a vacuum drinker. The water level in the pan will be replenished as it is emptied. Atmospheric pressure will prevent liquid from pouring out of the "glass". An important condition for the operation of a vacuum drinker is that the water level in the pan must be above the lower edge of the water tank.

    A cup or nipple drinker for chickens will help automate the process of distributing water into the chicken coop. The first is a small container connected with a hose to a tank of water or plumbing. Water is fed through a hose into the bowl, which falls down under water pressure and closes the hole.

    Nipple drinking systems are very popular among Russian poultry farmers. It is convenient to use such a drinker for both chicks and adult birds. For chickens and broilers, nipples are placed that open from movement in any direction, and nipples for laying hens react only to the movement of the pin up and down. For more economical use of water, drop eliminators are installed under the nipples.

    Options for self-manufacturing drinkers

    Do-it-yourself chicken drinkers can be easily made from the many options below.

    Vacuum drinker

    For example, from a simple plastic bottle, you can make a good vacuum-type drinker for chickens. We take a plastic bottle of the required volume and a container for the pallet. You can buy a special pallet in the store, or adapt existing plastic containers. To attach the bottle to the wall of the house, wire frames or metal profiles are used. Pour water into the bottle and screw on the cap. Then we install it in the frame upside down, so that there is a small space between the neck and the bottom of the plastic bowl. At the same time, the sides of the bowl should be higher than the bottom of the neck so that water does not spill out of the drinker. It remains only to unscrew the lid and you can call the chickens for a drink.

    Ordinary glass jars can also be used as a water reservoir in homemade vacuum drinkers for chickens by placing their necks on wooden stands or rubber gaskets.

    Drinking bowl from a sewer pipe

    From a two-meter sewer plastic pipe with a diameter of about ten centimeters, we will make a drinker for open-type chickens. In the pipe we cut out 4 rectangular holes 30 centimeters long, stepping back from the edge of the pipe by 15 centimeters. The distance between the holes should also be about 15 centimeters. Holes can be cut with a hot knife or a jigsaw.

    Tees with plugs are mounted on the edges of the pipe, through which water is poured and drained. You can connect the drinker to the water supply through adapters and install a valve cock at the inlet. Then the process of filling the pipe with water will be more convenient.

    In the chicken coop, such a drinker is fixed with plumbing clamps of the same diameter as the pipe. Clamps are attached so that the pipe with water is at the level of the back of the bird, then the chickens will be less tempted to climb into the water to swim. Since the water in such a drinker becomes dirty and stagnant, the pipe will need to be washed periodically.

    DIY nipple drinker

    A very simple nipple drinker is made from a large plastic bucket. 3-4 holes with a diameter of 9 millimeters are drilled in the bottom, where the nipples are screwed. The bucket is hung to the required height and filled with water. Such a drinker is easy to wash, but you will have to fill it manually.

    Much more interesting is the nipple drinker for chickens, which can be connected to a water supply system or a large-capacity tank.

    To assemble such a bird watering system, we need:

    • a special square pipe with internal grooves and a wall size of 22 by 22 mm;
    • adapter for a round pipe;
    • plug;
    • nipples (from 3 to 5 nipples can be placed on 1 meter of pipe);
    • drip catchers or microcup drinkers, equal in number to the number of nipples;
    • flexible hose;
    • drill with a diameter of 9 millimeters;
    • tap with a radius of 1/8 inch;
    • 2-3 clamps for fixing the pipe.

    Depending on the age of the chickens on the farm, it is necessary to choose the right type of nipple. Nipple 3600 (works all 360 degrees) is suitable for young stock, and for adult chickens it is better to install nipple 1800 (works from up and down movement).

    Production order:

    All joints in the drinker can be pre-treated with FUM tape to protect the drinker from leakage.

    Having made such a drinker for chickens, you can forget about how often you need to change or add water, since water will be supplied automatically in accordance with the needs of the bird.

    Poultry farming is not only a dreary, but also expensive occupation, since a considerable amount of equipment must be purchased to keep chickens and earn money from the final product. Drinking bowls will become one of the expenses, as the chickens turn over the usual open deep dishes, and as a result they experience constant thirst and lack of water. However, instead of purchasing expensive chicken items, you can try to make them yourself. In this article, we will tell you how to make a drinker for chickens with your own hands, and spend a minimum of money on it.

    As you know, there are many different varieties of chicken drinkers. Regardless of which one you choose for self-manufacturing, it is necessary that it meets the following requirements:

    • was convenient for use by chickens;
    • easy to wash;
    • effortlessly filled with water;
    • be protected from dirt and spillage;
    • was made from non-toxic, safe materials;
    • was a solid construction.

    In addition, the structure being made should not have sharp protruding segments, which chickens, as far from being the smartest animals, can easily get hurt.

    Nevertheless, the main requirements for structures for drinking chickens are their compliance with safety standards.

    The material used to make the product is also important. So, glass is categorically not suitable for a chicken coop, as it is heavy and can easily break when overturned. In addition, technical plastic is also not suitable for use as a drinking bowl, you need non-toxic, food-grade plastic, in which poisonous substances were not previously stored, the remains of which can be absorbed into the walls of the container and then poison your feathered wards.

    What are the types of drinkers

    So, since you set out to equip the chicken coop with drinkers, you need to figure out what they are. Let's take a look at the following table.

    Table 1. What are the types of drinkers for chickens


    As the name implies, these drinkers are made using nipples - connecting tubes that allow you to dose the output of water to chickens.

    The main advantage of the structures under consideration is that the water inside them is completely protected from:

  • pollution;
  • spills.

    The nipples are equipped with valves, during the capture of which the chickens receive water, literally sucking out the liquid in the amount they need.

    In addition, there is another type of nipple drinkers - drip devices equipped with a drop collector.

    There is only one drawback to such structures, but a significant one: if you have a lot of chickens, then you will either have to make a lot of nipple drinkers, or equip one large one with numerous water outlets so that the chickens can drink from it at the same time.

  • This kind of drinkers is equipped according to the principle of vacuum formation. It does not require the purchase of almost any materials, all you need is:
  • container;
  • deep tray.

    Fill the container with water, cover with a tray on top and turn over. The liquid will fill the drinker, and the chickens will drink from it. As the liquid decreases in the lower segment, the water will decrease in the container without spilling due to the formation of a vacuum.

    All the positive aspects of such a drinker are on the face, however, it is still more suitable for small chickens, since adults are able to turn the design over.

  • The traditional and simplest type of drinkers, made in the form of cups, suspended at the level of the birds' necks.

    Chickens can drink water from there completely freely, and you can not be afraid that the containers will be overturned or spilled. But there are significant downsides:

  • drinking bowls of this type have to be constantly filled with liquid on their own;
  • the water inside the drinkers gets dirty quickly.
  • The operation of these drinkers is based on the principle of communicating vessels.

    You can fill the structure with water without going inside the chicken coop, which is very convenient. However, at the same time, these drinkers require constant cleaning of debris, which will take you a considerable amount of time.

    So, we have learned the main existing types of drinkers. It should be said that all devices for feeding chickens can also vary in type, and will be:

    • automated;
    • require manual fluid replenishment.

    So, the first type of device will require the poultry farmer only to periodically change and replenish the water in the tank. These include:

    • vacuum structures;
    • cup ones, if you didn’t just hang them on the walls of the chicken coop, but equipped them with a supply to the tank.

    Manual varieties of drinkers are:

    • nipple;
    • siphon.

    It is very difficult to come up with a supply to them, therefore, most often the amount of water in them is regulated by the intensity of its decrease and the frequency of filling carried out by the farmer.

    Choosing the right type of drinkers for you, you need to be based on many factors, for example:

    • the materials you have in stock for manufacturing;
    • the availability of funds to purchase the necessary materials;
    • the amount of free time;
    • the ability to independently perform various complex designs.

    However, even with the smallest budget or even its absence, as well as in the absence of experience in the manufacture of such items, you can always find simpler options for implementing ideas. So, for example, a vacuum drinker can be made from:

    • dense plastic;
    • ordinary water bottles.

    Let's look at the most acceptable options for implementing our idea in the following step-by-step instructions for making various types of drinkers.

    Instruction No. 1 - making a nipple drinker

    Step number 1 - collecting the necessary materials

    So, before we start making a drinker, we will need to thoroughly search our stocks or visit a hardware store in order to have all the materials we need at our disposal. Here are the titles we are talking about:

    • nipples, based on: 1 piece for 2 heads;
    • a piece of plastic pipe with the following parameters: 50 centimeters in diameter, 2 meters long;
    • a drill corresponding to the diameter of the nipple, as a rule, is 9 millimeters;
    • plastic water tank up to 20 liters;
    • tool for carving on plastic;
    • pipe plugs;
    • tap to shut off the water flow;
    • rectangular adapters, which will then connect the pipes (the number is determined individually depending on the size of the house and the type of liquid supply);
    • fixing materials;
    • rubber pads;
    • drip tray, if needed.

    By the way, you can avoid buying a water tank if you plan to supply running water to the chickens, but only if your site has its own well. Chlorinated water is not suitable for poultry use.

    If there is no possibility of supplying running water, remember that the tank should not be heavy or uncomfortable, as sometimes it will have to be removed from the established place for washing.

    Step number 2 - draw up a diagram of the location of structural parts

    So, in order to properly design a drinker, you need to draw up a diagram on which the location will be clearly indicated:

    • tank;
    • pipes;
    • nipples.

    If your chicken coop has an unusual shape, or if you have drawing skills, do not deny your imagination liberties and design an individual layout. In other cases, you can use the traditional nipple drinker scheme presented in this step.

    Step number 3 - we collect a drinker

    Collecting a drinker for chickens is a process that includes many different actions. Let's designate them further in the numbered list in order.

    It doesn’t matter what your individual drinker scheme will be, the main thing is that the pipes of the structure are located at a height equal to no less and no more than 25-30 centimeters from the floor.

    As you can see, there are a minimum of difficulties in manufacturing. Every farmer can handle them.

    Instruction No. 2 - making a vacuum drinker

    As we mentioned just above, a vacuum drinking bowl is a container inside of which there is water turned upside down into a bowl, or having a neck that falls into this same drinking bowl.

    The retention of water in such a structure is due to the presence of a difference in atmospheric pressure in it. Thanks to this phenomenon, as the water in the drinking bowl decreases, it is automatically poured from the main tank into the lower segment of the structure, from where the chickens consume it.

    Making such equipment for a chicken coop with your own hands is quite simple.

    Step # 1 - collect the necessary materials

    As always, you must first collect the materials necessary for the manufacture of the structure, in this case, presented:

    • plastic containers, for example, a tank, with a volume of 5 or more liters;
    • a plastic basin, the height of the sides of which for adult birds will be 10 centimeters, for chicks no more than 3;
    • fasteners for tank installation;
    • screwdriver;
    • self-tapping screws.

    Instead of a tank, you can take an ordinary five-liter bottle of drinking water, making the construction even more budgetary. However, other containers can also be used, however, it is important to take into account the size of their neck, which should be smaller than the lower segment of the drinker, in which water will accumulate.

    Step number 2 - install and assemble the drinker

    We will carry out the collection and installation of the device in several stages. 1. So, first of all, we will need to choose a place to install the drinker. It will be located at the free wall of the chicken coop, to which the chickens can approach without difficulty.

    1. Fastenings for a plastic tank are screwed with self-tapping screws and a screwdriver to the wall of the building.
    2. Inside the tank (or bottle) we collect drinking water, preferably previously purified from impurities.
    3. We lean the water bowl against the opening of the tank and quickly turn the structure over so that water does not spill out of it.
    4. We fix the tank with fasteners to the wall. It is very important to take into account that the tank will periodically need to be removed for washing and filling, so consider in advance how to fix it.
    5. To add water to the tank, you can drill an additional hole at the top and equip it with a valve.

    Note: such tanks, with pre-thought out details, are sold in special agricultural stores, and are not expensive, so you can buy them and not rack your brains.

    If you do not equip a hole in the tank from above, you should not choose a container whose volume exceeds 10 liters, otherwise it will be very difficult to install it back after washing.

    Instruction No. 3 - making a siphon drinker

    Those who choose a siphon drinker as a suitable option for them need to remember that it will not be possible to automate the water supply in it, which means that they will have to constantly top it up on their own from the outside of the chicken coop.

    Step number 1 - collecting the right materials

    To make a siphon-type drinker, you must also collect building materials. Here they are:

    • a flexible tube, the diameter of which will be from 3 to 8 millimeters, equipped with a valve to shut off the fluid flow;
    • a plastic water tank or a tank made of other material;
    • a bowl for drinking liquids;
    • fasteners for the tank and tube;
    • drill corresponding to the diameter of the tube.

    As a tube, you can use devices for droppers or small rubber hoses.

    Step number 2 - installation of the drinker

    The process of mounting the structure of interest to us in the chicken coop is carried out in several easy-to-follow steps.

    1. First of all, you need to drill a hole in the wall of the chicken room, at a height of about half a meter from the flooring.
    2. Pass the prepared tube through the drilled hole so that its end, located inside the room, reaches almost to the floor, but the faucet must remain outside.
    3. On the outside of the chicken coop wall, it is necessary to fix the water tank using pre-prepared fasteners, while installing it so that the bottom of the container is 10-15 centimeters higher than the hole drilled through the wall and the tube inserted into it.
    4. Next, the end of the tube protruding from the outside must be connected in a sealed way to the bottom of the tank, while its inner part must be attached to the wall of the room using all the same prepared fasteners.
    5. At the wall of the chicken coop from the inside, you need to place a bowl for drinking water and lower the end of the tube into it.
    6. Then water is poured into the tank, and the gate valve opens for a period of about 20 seconds, that is, until the bowl is filled, and then it needs to be closed again.

    Note: the drinking bowl should not be too large so that the chickens do not climb into it, in addition, it is best to attach it to the wall in order to avoid tipping over. Then you do not have to constantly think about where the water pouring into the chicken coop gets you.

    Summing up

    As you can see, there are many ways to equip a chicken coop with drinking devices for feathered wards. Which one to use is up to you. At the same time, keep in mind that not all possible methods are presented in the article, and you can show your imagination and adjust the drawings and design of fixtures in a way that suits you.

    Video - Do-it-yourself drinker for chickens