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  • Making crafts from matches without glue. Crafts from matches with your own hands for beginners without glue and other materials

    Making crafts from matches without glue.  Crafts from matches with your own hands for beginners without glue and other materials


    Among the options for what can be done with matches, there are both simple models and complex ones that amaze the imagination. Making incredible things requires perseverance, time and imagination. The main techniques for making match crafts are described in master classes that you can follow on your own or create new solutions.

    What can be done from matches with your own hands

    Among novice needlework lovers, the question may arise of what to make from matches. This improvised wooden material is inexpensive, accessible to everyone and allows you to make amazing crafts out of it. Match buildings can be voluminous or flat, miniature or impressive in size - it is better to start with simple models, gradually increasing in complexity. Here are some ideas on the topic:

    • voluminous buildings - houses, ships, planes, mills;
    • boxes, caskets;
    • paintings, panels;
    • decorations;
    • doll furniture;
    • chess.

    Buildings made of matches

    The most popular are crafts from matches in the form of buildings - these can be houses, castles, towers and even churches. A child can start with the basics - make a small house, from which you can understand what the principle of creating buildings is. Then it will be possible to make large-sized models that are exact copies of scaled-down famous buildings. You can come up with your own versions of buildings by creating fabulous houses for princesses and knights.

    How to make a house out of matches without glue

    If the master is interested in what can be made from matches without glue, then he has the right to try to make a house, for which he will need to take:

    • stand-base;
    • 7 matchboxes;
    • collection scheme, instructions;
    • 2-3 coins with a face value of 5 rubles.

    Stages of making a match house:

    1. Put 2 matches parallel to each other on the stand, on which 8 pieces are laid perpendicularly. This will be the foundation, in which there will be identical gaps.
    2. Another 8 pieces are placed perpendicular to the previous layer.
    3. The base is being made - matches are laid out around the perimeter with heads in a circle - 7 rows of 4 pieces.
    4. In the last row, 8 pieces are placed, which look with their heads in the direction opposite to the foundation.
    5. Put 6 pieces in the top middle, put a coin on top.
    6. Between the last 2 rows, insert 1 match into the holes, carefully holding the structure.
    7. One more piece is inserted into each gap along the walls, the perimeter is covered. For clarity, when creating, you can use a picture.
    8. Tightly compress the structure so that the elements settle down.
    9. To build a higher house, you can stick matches with their heads up along the perimeter of the walls.
    10. Make a horizontal coating - insert sticks with alternating heads-ends, press in pieces starting from the head.
    11. To make a roof, sticks are inserted along opposite walls, with alternating directions. It is better to insert perpendicular to the ceiling.
    12. The first layer includes 2 pieces, the second - 4, then - 6, and in the center in two layers - 8 each.
    13. According to the picture-scheme, a roof, a window, a door, a pipe are made (a half is taken for it).

    How to make a castle out of matches

    A variant of crafts made from matches will be a beautiful medieval castle or church. The manufacturing is based on the same house of the simplest type, only without a roof. The assembled base cubes can be connected in two ways:

    • Add-on - using ready-made cubes or improved ones. In the first case, the structure is stronger, and in the second, fewer elements are used. To add advanced cubes, you need to pull out 4 non-corner matches, grind them from sulfur and insert them into the upper element.
    • Gluing - use stationery glue or double-sided tape.

    Showing a little imagination does not hurt anyone, so crafts in the form of grandiose buildings attract attention. Many masters make interesting copies of the Kremlin, temples, using the creation of triangular prisms. Decoration is made with wheels, wells, masts, flagpoles. To create domes with crosses, it is necessary to gradually reduce the layers, forming an elongated shape. You can fix all the elements with any varnish for wood.

    Match figures

    Simple and elegant are crafts made from matches made in the form of figures. It can be cubes, wheels, trihedrons. The main elements that are easy to make can be used in the further construction of fortresses, castles, ships, aircraft. For example, the manufacture of a wheel may not require glue, and the work itself will be as follows:

    • draw a circle diagram with 15 elements of equal size;
    • make a panel for weaving - around the circumference, fill holes with nails where to insert matches;
    • weaving will require 90 elements - they need to be overlapped between the supports, lifting the first stick - it will fix the entire structure;
    • the pre- and last elements must be pushed under the previous ones, fixing them especially securely;
    • each layer is crimped, pressed through, and at the end the supporting pieces are carefully removed.

    How to make a match cube

    The basis of handicrafts from matches is a cube, to facilitate the manufacture of which you can take a stand with holes around the entire perimeter. Insert the missing elements into these holes, between which lay the bottom. Then the perimeter is assembled - the elements are laid perpendicular to the base, compacted in each layer. The finished model is removed from the stand, strengthened by gluing 4 missing matches. It turns out a rigid structure that will last a long time.

    Modeling from matches

    An alternative to crafts from matches can be modeling, which adult men are fond of. They make planes, ships, tanks. Women are also into modeling, creating paintings, portraits or massive structures. Building large projects requires a large number of matchboxes, perseverance and certain skills that need to be spent on assembling the basic materials and connecting all the parts together.

    match ship

    Among the handicrafts from matches, one can single out a step-by-step scheme for creating a ship:

    • cut the base of the deck out of paper;
    • carefully adjust the size of the base of the sticks, cleaned of sulfur and polished, you need to glue them with the base, make sure that the layers fit snugly;
    • build up the ship layer by layer, while using overlapping elements so that the early layer overlaps the joints of the later one;
    • the sides are polished, a deck is similarly created in the form of a parallelepiped, a pipe in the form of a cylinder;
    • all parts must be glued together after careful grinding and drying.

    One of the simplest and at the same time common materials for needlework is, of course, matches. And making any crafts from matches can bring a lot of positive emotions and satisfaction.

    Everyone who makes something from matches is akin to a creator who sculpts his work of art. Sometimes even a craft that is simple in terms of manufacturing can actually become a unique creation.

    From matches, using very simple techniques, you can make seemingly incredible things: cars and carriages, palaces and houses, and spaceships. But, of course, the most complex crafts cannot be done in a couple of hours. It takes weeks or even months of hard and painstaking work. But this work brings incredible satisfaction and pleases as a result with an excellent result, which is not ashamed to brag to friends and put in a prominent place in the living room. Especially when such crafts are made with young helpers.

    At the same time, making handicrafts from matches not only brings pleasure, but also allows you and your child to develop fine motor skills and accuracy of movements, perseverance in painstakingly achieving a goal and perseverance, quick wit and creative thought.

    Let's go through the history and production of matches briefly.

    Where did the MATCH come from.

    It is believed that the word "match" itself comes from the old Russian word "matches", which is derived from the word "spoke" - a pointed wooden stick. Initially, such "knitting needles" were wooden pointed nails driven into the sole of a shoe for fastening. To designate matches in the modern sense, the phrase “incendiary matches” was originally used, and only over time the first word left and everyone began to call matches simply matches.

    The first mention of some kind of matches dates back to the 13th century and is contained in manuscripts from China. So, we can assume that it is the Celestial Empire that is their homeland. These matches made it easier to kindle a fire with tinder and flint and were ignited not due to friction against the surface, but when touched with smoldering tinder.

    It was from China that matches reached Europe in the late Middle Ages.

    In Russia, the first manufactories for the production of matches appeared in the thirties of the 19th century, after which more than 250 match factories operated at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Match production.

    An ordinary match consists of a head and a straw.

    The head is made from powdered substances (berthollet salt, potassium chromium peak, pyrolusite, ground glass, zinc oxide and red lead) diluted in an adhesive solution.

    Straws are most often made from aspen.

    On a matchbox, to obtain the ignition process, a layer of powdered substances is applied: antimony sulfide, red phosphorus, minium iron, kaolin, gypsum, also diluted in the adhesive mass.

    Techniques for making crafts from matches.

    Crafts from matches can be made in two ways: with and without the use of glue.

    At the same time, of course, when using glue, it is much easier to make crafts from matches, and even novice craftsmen and craftswomen can do it.

    The undoubted advantage of sticky crafts from matches is that this material is essentially wood, and it is perfectly glued with various household adhesives (without the use of industrial or building samples). All ages from kindergarten to old age can create from it.

    By giving matches various shapes, bending and gluing them, you can get quite complex-looking objects, such as houses, and home interiors, figures of people and animals, for example,. But there is one obligatory rule: the glue must be allowed to dry.

    And at this time, it is undesirable to do any manipulations with the craft, so as not to violate its integrity. Only after the glue has completely dried can you continue to work on the craft.

    Thus, although crafts with glue are much easier to make than without glue, the time spent on making such crafts can be quite long due to waiting for the glue to dry.

    However, can this be considered a very significant minus?

    Yes, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make crafts from matches with glue in one evening (with the exception of those that are not at all difficult). But even if you spend a week, or even a couple, on creativity, then as a result, when a neatly glued tower or do-it-yourself doll furniture rises on your table, and even more so with children, then a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositive and joy is provided to everyone who took part in making this craft.

    When using the non-glue method of making crafts from matches, a little more accuracy and dexterity is required from the creator. But this method is also very common and is a great pastime.

    Making even the simplest house of matches without glue, such as a hut, requires quite a lot of perseverance, diligence and patience. And sometimes it will be necessary to practice several times on unsuccessful crafts in order to get a satisfying result in the end.

    The easiest way is to start by mastering simple general schemes for folding matches into one design, and then move on to creating more complex objects from these simple “blocks”.

    For example, having learned how to make a “hut” design, several of these “block elements” can later be used to make both a tower and a castle.

    With this method of making crafts, it is necessary that each of the block elements, and with them the entire structure, be tightly assembled and able to withstand the own weight of the entire complete structure.

    In the absence of adhesive elements, this is very important and will not allow the finished craft to crumble and nullify all efforts.

    In fact, it is possible to make crafts without glue due to the fact that the match heads, intersecting with each other, create a kind of clip-locks, and due to the rough surface of the wooden straws, a friction force arises between them, which keeps the structure solid.

    It can also be very interesting to use matches with different colors of heads in crafts. Matches with brown heads are most common, but there are also green and red ones. By using and combining different colors, you can get interesting decorative elements for crafts, for example, for the roofs of buildings or individual pieces of furniture.

    Before you start making crafts from matches, you must:

    The very first thing, of course, is to buy matches: on sale in hardware stores you can find boxes with a thousand and even several thousand units of matches. It is very convenient and gives you a lot of material for crafts at once.

    But no one bothers to buy ordinary small boxes in which from a few dozen to several hundred matches.

    The only requirement: it is desirable that the matches are more or less even. From bent matches and inclusions of knots, it is unlikely that it will be possible to assemble an even, correct design. Although, when using fantasy, it is possible to get very unusual results.

    You need a suitable place for crafts, where you can collect them, prepare the initial blocks for them, so that no one accidentally knocks them down and scatters them.

    And, of course, a place where crafts can dry out during work.

    As we have already said, this can be quite a long time and it is unlikely that your unfinished crafts will remain intact and safe on the kitchen table in a large family.

    It is desirable that this place be covered with oilcloth or paper so as not to stain the surface with glue during the assembly process of the craft.

    - for glue crafts, it is convenient to use tubes with thin necks, from which you can apply glue on matches with a thin strip or drops, for example, like this:

    But you can also pour glue into a small container, from where to apply glue on the edges of a match with a toothpick or a straightened paper clip.

    ATTENTION: it is necessary to monitor the actions of children and avoid getting glue in the eyes. In case of this, immediately rinse the eyes with warm water and in case of the slightest suspicion of a real ingress of glue into the eye, consult a doctor.

    As noted above, it is important that the matches are as even as possible. Sometimes it is necessary to select and sort those with the most even edges. This is especially important for the external elements of the craft, which will always be in sight. We use less even ones for internal, hidden elements fixing the structure.

    You will definitely need a skin with fine grains (silk) in order to remove small bumps and burrs on matches. A needle file is also useful for sharpening the edges of matches and grinding to a certain size.

    You will also need a knife, a scalpel or a clerical paper knife, for cutting matches to a certain length and cutting off the heads. Who is more comfortable to use. We sometimes take nail clippers.

    ATTENTION: when handling piercing-cutting objects, try not to give them to small children and watch all manipulations with them. After all, we do not need tears because of cut fingers, do we?

    Types of matches:

    There are various classifications of matches, depending on certain features:

    straw material:

    • wooden (produced from soft woods - aspen, linden, poplar, etc.);
    • cardboard;
    • wax (paraffin - made from cotton material impregnated with paraffin).

    ignition method:

    • grating (ignited by rubbing against a special surface - a grater)
    • sterochnye (sesquisulfide, that is, ignited by friction on any surface).

    Special matches:

    In addition to household matches, special ones are produced:

    • hunting (the so-called storm) - burn in rain and dampness;
    • signal - give a flame of different colors when burning;
    • thermal (heating) - develop a higher temperature during combustion;
    • photographic - give a one-time bright flash, are used when taking photographs;
    • fireplace - matches with a very long straw, especially for lighting fireplaces and in hard-to-reach places;
    • gift (collectible) - matches specially issued in a limited number for collectors of a unique look (shape and color of the head) or in unique boxes, and sometimes having a numbered or symbolic marking confirming their collection value.

    As the well-known phrase from the poster says, "matches are not a toy for children." But we won’t let the children set fire to them (although sometimes it’s necessary to burn the head for crafts, but more on that some other time next time). For us, crafts made from matches for children will be a great way to captivate little fidgets, spend time with them with benefit, instill in them attentiveness, accuracy and accuracy. And, of course, having made an original craft as a result, get a lot of pleasure and positive.

    Dashing trouble is the beginning, and the first, perhaps not quite even and slightly beveled crafts, can be followed by real masterpieces. And a child who likes such needlework will become a real master in the future, participating and winning in international competitions.

    So the most interesting things are ahead!

    Sincerely, Just Crafts!

    Crafts from matches for children with their own hands is an exciting hobby that children from five years old and above are engaged in.

    After all, matches are not only small cuttings that serve to produce fire, but also one of the most affordable materials for making all kinds of souvenirs.

    Professional craftsmen create truly unique items that cause admiration and a desire to learn this art form.

    Firstly, cheap material. Everyone can afford to buy a box of matches.

    Secondly, fire head straws have the same shape and appearance. Thanks to these properties, any match design will come out neat and complete.

    Third, a kind of hobby is a popular pastime not only among children: many enthusiastically continue to do what they love in adulthood. For this reason, there are a lot of diagrams, articles, books and forums on the net dedicated to this topic.

    The original hobby brings complete benefits: the child develops such qualities as:

    • perseverance, calmness and accuracy of movements;
    • attention to detail, ingenuity;
    • desire to achieve goals;
    • enterprise, perseverance, vigor;
    • craving for creative activity and aesthetic taste.

    Psychologists equate folding matches with a kind of meditation and wellness practice that has a positive effect on the heart, breathing rate and improved metabolism.

    Common Learning Questions

    When can you start a hobby?

    Absolutely any child can start collecting their first crafts from matches, starting at the age of five. Young children are not yet ready for this type of creativity due to the peculiarities of their development.

    Parents who neglect the advice of teachers and psychologists will only lose time and nerves, wanting to teach their child how to collect interesting match items. Yes, and the baby will be more interested in climbing under the table, running around the room or breaking matches.

    How long will it take to build a structure?

    There is no exact answer to this question, since each craft has a certain level of complexity.

    Experts in their field, well versed in the intricacies of match building, can spend months and even years creating exclusive products, entire cities, palaces and temples, modern cars and ancient ships.

    Beginning masters spend from a few minutes to a couple of hours.

    Crafts from improvised materials are inexpensive entertainment for a child, but what scope for creativity! - options for different ages.

    How to organize crafts with a child of two years, we will tell.

    Road safety lessons are taught to children in kindergartens. Crafts on the topic of traffic rules are given to the house. What to think? You can peep ideas.

    How to prepare for the lesson?

    Students will need the following tools:

    • ordinary matches;
    • stationery or PVA glue;
    • toothpicks or sharpened matches (for gluing cuttings);
    • sandpaper, needle files and files of different sizes (used for grinding parts and leveling the edges of matches);
    • stationery cutter or scissors;
    • a special wooden or plastic stand (can be replaced with a kitchen cutting board).

    If the child is small, then the teacher performs trimming the edges of the parts on his own, otherwise the student may cut himself or get injured.

    Varieties of matches

    Production material:

    • wooden,
    • cardboard,
    • wax.

    Ignition method:

    1. Grating. Matches are ignited by rubbing against a special grater.
    2. Non-sterochnye (sesquisulfide). Products can be ignited by rubbing against any surface.

    The most common variety are wooden grater matches. The second type is produced in the UK and the USA in small quantities and mainly for military needs.

    In the creation of original crafts, special types of matches are often used:

    • hunting (or storm) - burn in rain and wind;
    • fireplace - long matches used to light fireplaces;
    • decorative (collectible, gift) - produced in the form of souvenirs. Matches have colored heads - blue, green, light blue, pink, etc.;
    • signal - burn with a colored flame;
    • gas - products are intended for ignition of gas burners (they are shorter than fireplace ones);
    • cigar - have a larger size and a long burning time required to light a cigar;
    • photographic - give a bright flash. Used for photography.

    With the help of well-chosen matches, exquisite and exclusive pieces of art are created - from ordinary figurines to paintings, match "embroidery" and large-scale compositions.

    Crafts with glue


    You will need matchsticks (sulfur heads are pre-cut), a coin, glue and a toothpick.

    Stages of preparation:

    1. Four matches are cut in half and placed in water.
    2. After an hour, one end of the match should be split into separate fibers and made like a fan (chamomile petal), and the other end should be left intact. You need to take at least seven matches and do the same. For dense chamomile, more rods will be required.
    3. Eight cooked matches should be tightly laid on tape.
    4. A coin is placed on a separate piece of adhesive tape - a template for a geometric figure.
    5. The prepared templates are laid out on matches and two circles are cut out, one of which is smeared with glue, the first circle is placed on top of it, and the second is glued on top. After the glue dries, the adhesive tape should be carefully removed from the surfaces of the circles.
    6. A toothpick will serve as a stem for chamomile, the tip of which is smeared with glue and inserted between the circles.

    Application from matches


    You will need:

    • matches,
    • cardboard sheet,
    • PVA glue,
    • pencil and ruler.

    match star

    Stages of preparation:

    1. On cardboard, draw and cut out a star pattern. With a pencil, draw straight lines between the faces of the figure.
    2. Each match should be set on fire so that the material at the ends acquires a uniform brown tint.
    3. Glue is applied to the markup and the first six matches are glued (charred edges up). The guiding rays of the star are created.
    4. The rest of the matches are glued in the form of a template. You should go from the center to the edges of the figure.

    The composition is ready! The craft resembles a wooden panel.

    Excess glue is removed with a damp cloth. Any craft should be left until the adhesive has completely dried.

    Crafts from matches without glue


    It is necessary to prepare a large number of matches of the same size (7-8 boxes), two coins and toothpicks.

    match hut

    Stages of preparation:

    1. Two matches are laid out parallel to each other.
    2. Six matches are placed perpendicularly on top.
    3. Repeat the second step. The base is ready.
    4. Matches are placed around. The result is a well, the walls of which should consist of six matches.
    5. Repeat steps No. 2 and 3. A base is again attached to the well, on the upper part of which a coin is placed, which serves as a border for subsequent matches.
    6. Four matches are placed at the corners of the well (heads up).
    7. The following matches are inserted between horizontally lying matches, they should be alternated (rods above and below).
    8. The coin is removed, and vertical matches with heads are inserted along the edges.
    9. The house should be turned over, build a vertical row of matches (repeat steps No. 5, 6, 7) and form a horizontal layer.
    10. Two matches are vertically inserted into the corner channels.
    11. Matches for the roof are inserted from above, heads up, on top of which matches for the roof frame are placed horizontally.
    12. Matches are placed perpendicularly for the side structure.
    13. Several matches are inserted into the roof (pipe) and inside the walls (windows and door).

    Hot stand

    1. Matches are pre-fired and cleaned.
    2. A dense base (plank or plywood) is taken, on which prepared matches are glued. Matches should be tightly glued in twenty pieces in a row, alternating burnt edges.

    Products from matches can be painted with paint, pasted over with colored paper, varnished or supplemented with decor (beads, ribbons, coffee beans).

    Crafts from matches delight many people, and often your favorite hobby turns into a source of stable income.

    Related video

    Creating crafts from matches with your own hands for beginners without glue will interest fans of designing and making figures from unusual materials.

    Mastering this skill is not difficult, although beginners will have to work hard to understand the general principle. As a result, building with matches can become an exciting hobby for children and adults. The simplest crafts are made on paper: you can make pictures and make panels from matches. More difficult work - three-dimensional figures. Most often these are houses, wells, baskets and various items. One craft can take more than one box of matches.

    This article will tell you how to make various crafts (from simple to complex).

    Getting Started

    The simplest crafts are made with glue: matches are glued to paper, cardboard or other surface, forming a complete composition.

    The principle of execution is similar to a regular application, however, the difficulty lies in the fact that a full-fledged figure cannot be cut out of matches, individual elements are assembled like a mosaic.

    To create an applique craft, you will need the following materials:

    • cardboard;
    • matches;
    • PVA glue;
    • scissors;
    • pencil;
    • paints;

    First, a sketch is made on a cardboard base. For convenience, it is recommended to use diagrams for future pictures. Also suitable contour drawings as a template.

    Matches are laid out along the lines of the picture, they can be cut to the desired size. You can also fill empty spaces in the picture with matches - the composition will turn out to be more interesting and complete. Then the finished match pattern is painted with acrylic paints and varnished. The result is a decorative panel.

    Simple applications - children's crafts. Teenagers and adults can try to compose more complex compositions. The dark match heads play the role of the pixels that make up the image.

    To assemble such a craft, you need to understand how to make a cube out of matches. It's easy to do, just follow the guide. For crafts you need to prepare:

    • matches;
    • tweezers;
    • stand;
    • some glue.

    A reusable stand can be made independently, for example, from a rubber plate using a ruler and a thin drill. The holes should be at an equal distance from each other and form a square with a width equal to the length of the match or slightly less than it.

    You can use thick cardboard, for example, from a box, or clay. The stand will greatly facilitate the work, make it neat and even.


    1. Set the matches vertically around the perimeter of the stand, without inserting the matches into the corners (it should turn out like in the photo);

    1. Assemble the bottom: lay the matches between the matches of the two sides;

    1. Repeat step 2 for other sides (you will get a lattice);

    1. Lay two matches parallel to each other on two sides, turn the workpiece and repeat for other sides (lay out about 6 rows like this);

    1. Lay out the last two rows as a bottom (points 2-3);

    1. Tightly holding the entire structure, remove the cube from the stand;

    1. Trim each side with your finger;

    1. Glue (optional) four corner matches for greater reliability.

    The cube is ready!

    After mastering the cube, you can try to build a simple house, which is done according to the same principle. To do this, you will need the following materials and tools:

    • matches (about 7 boxes);
    • coins of large diameter;
    • work surface (board or box from the disk).


    1. Lay two matches parallel to each other on the work surface;

    1. Put 8 matches on top of the matches at an equal distance;

    1. Perpendicularly repeat point 2;

    1. Lay out two matches on opposite sides, and then repeat for other sides;

    1. Repeat step 4 until you get 7 rows, while the match heads should go in a circle;

    1. In the last row, lay out 8 matches so that the match heads look in the opposite direction to the foundation;

    1. Put 6 matches perpendicularly, put a coin on top;

    1. Holding the whole structure with a finger with a coin, insert the matches in the corners (should frame the top 6 matches);

    1. Insert matches into the gaps between 6 matches on all sides (according to the size of the coin);

    1. Correct the entire structure with your fingers and remove the coin;

    1. Complete the walls by sticking matches vertically and horizontally and alternating heads with ends;

    1. Stick the matches with their heads up at the corners of the structure;

    1. Stick matches so that they are on the same level on two opposite sides, and form a triangle on the other two;

    1. Lay between the two "triangles" matches, as shown in the figure, alternating heads with ends;

    1. Lay the matches perpendicularly with their heads up on two sides to form a roof slope.

    A simple house is ready!

    There are different assembly methods, as well as other models of houses. A master class of another assembly can be viewed in the videos below.

    If you add a fence, a table, a bench and a well to the resulting house, you get a whole village or country yard. These figures are easy to assemble with glue.

    Video on the topic of the article

    You can see more about creating crafts from matches in a selection of videos.

    One of the interesting directions in creativity is the manufacture of crafts from improvised materials. This process contributes to the comprehensive development of the child. And for an adult, such a pastime will be an opportunity to relieve stress and distract from work, household chores.

    In addition, such works are a chance to create an original souvenir at no extra cost. Therefore, it is worth considering how to make crafts from matches with your own hands.

    Looking at the photo of handicrafts from matches, one can note their diversity. But in order to get the result as soon as possible, you should pay attention to a number of recommendations:

    • the surface of the table should be covered before work to avoid getting glue;
    • for the fixing composition, it is necessary to prepare a special saucer;
    • to take the glue from the container, it is worth preparing a pointed match or a toothpick;
    • before work, matches must be sorted, setting aside non-standard ones in thickness and size separately from others;
    • for the front side, it does not hurt to choose a material with the smoothest possible surface;
    • to ensure greater evenness, the match heads can be cut off with a knife.

    When offering schemes of work from matches, children should take into account several conditions. Their age should allow them to work safely with small parts.

    DIY options for beginners

    The simplest match crafts for beginners are applications made on cardboard. To do this work, you first need to draw the outlines of the drawing on the basis. After the blank is completed, it is necessary to fill in the gaps with matches. Alternatively, you can use pasta, cereals or other improvised materials here.

    Both an adult and a child can easily and quickly make such crafts from matches. In this case, the masterpiece does not have to be fixed on cardboard. Without the use of glue, the image can be constantly varied and improved.

    However, this option does not imply long-term storage. If the application of matches is intended as a gift to a friend or relative, it should be fixed with glue.

    Volumetric work from matches

    Volumetric figures are often crafts made from matches without glue. To complete this project, including a simple house, accuracy and patience are required. As a result, having mastered the basics, you can create entire castles and other intricate figures.

    To make a match house, you will need 7 boxes of matches. To ensure the evenness of the craft, you will need a five-ruble coin and a box from under the disk.

    Here is a step by step tutorial:

    • on the base you need to put 2 matches opposite each other;
    • 6 more elements are perpendicularly laid on them;
    • and on top of them there are still the same number of matches according to a similar principle;
    • thus the foundation for the house will be laid;
    • to get walls, you need to alternately lay out matches in pairs, alternating directions;
    • the overlap of the house is formed like a base;
    • the resulting design must be pressed down with a coin;
    • 4 corners of the structure are fixed with matches vertically;
    • additional matches are inserted into the openings between the horizontally lying matches so that they pass through the entire formed cube;
    • you can adjust the position of the elements with a toothpick;
    • now it is necessary to fill the gaps in the walls with matches, fixing them with fixing elements in the corner channels;
    • to form a roof, it is necessary to push out a part of the matches from the main cube from sides parallel to each other;
    • on its basis lay horizontal rows;
    • form a roof;
    • halves of matches are used to make windows, a door and a chimney.

    In the process of work, you should be prepared that the result will not work the first time. But this is no reason to give up. This instruction is an example of the simplest volumetric product, on the basis of which more complex designs can be created.

    To summarize: making crafts from matches is a simple but very exciting activity, available for children and adults. The key to a fruitful process will be a properly organized workspace, as well as a sufficient amount of material.

    It is better to start work with simple and uncomplicated crafts, gradually honing skills and complicating tasks. As a result, you can learn how to create real masterpieces that will decorate your own home, as well as become a pleasant surprise for loved ones.

    Photo crafts from matches