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  • The script for the day of the potato for children on the street. Scenario of the holiday of potatoes methodical development on the topic

    The script for the day of the potato for children on the street.  Scenario of the holiday of potatoes methodical development on the topic

    Olga Ipatova
    Scenario of the performance "Praise to the Potato"



    In some realm

    In some state

    Not on Mars and not on the Moon

    The potato lived in the ground

    The properties of the royal had:

    Managed to feed the people.

    In a word, we are talking about

    How potatoes came to the house!

    About all properties, about care,

    About working in the garden

    About crafts, delicious food,

    Today we will look in books ....

    Much to be learned

    And now it's time to start...

    Recently held

    General meeting

    Scientists arrived from different countries.

    Chairman - King Potato

    Terribly pleased and flattered

    The fact that, elected unanimously, he opened and led the meeting.

    Thanking everyone for their trust, the chairman began his report….


    They know everything about me, everything in the world:

    The rich and those who are not rich.

    Everyone prepares me in their own way:

    Cooks, someone fries, someone bakes,

    But they eat me everywhere and everywhere,

    For this I have glory and honor

    We have gathered here so that each of you

    told about me

    Historian: I deeply apologize. Do you know that potatoes are foreigners?

    All: No

    Historian: It was a long time ago. Potatoes were brought from America on a large ship, but for some reason people did not like the tubers of this amazing plant right away, maybe because they grow in the ground. But on the other hand, they drew attention to the beautiful flowers - delicate and noble, which grew on the bushes. And people began to decorate their hats and dresses with them. The ladies became so elegant and graceful that they definitely wanted to dance.

    Carnation, chamomile and rose bud

    Can't compare to potato flower.

    It is delicate, lilac, yellow, white.

    Very shy, very timid.

    We will decorate our outfit with our favorite flower,

    And let's go dance the minuet.

    And later people realized that they need tubers and potatoes became the main food of the Russian people.

    Oh, thanks Peter1,

    That he brought us potatoes.

    And then they would eat until now

    Only porridge and oats.

    Doctor: Very good! Very good! But I received a telegram that the children talk a lot about potatoes, maybe they need my help?

    Woo! Eyes as they burn -

    Guys temperature.

    I know the remedy,

    It has been checked for a long time:

    They breathed over potatoes -

    Everyone immediately became healthy.

    Did the kid sneeze?

    It's time to treat them with potatoes.

    Let's breathe in the warm steam!

    Let's warm up your throat!

    Have you breathed over potatoes?

    All of a sudden everyone was healthy!

    Potato is a medicinal plant: fresh potato juice is used for stomach ulcers, gastritis, helps to reduce blood pressure with hypertension. Potato gruel treats burns and eczema well. In winter, potatoes are the main source of vitamin C. In addition to vitamin C, tubers contain small amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B6, A.

    And you have to thank potatoes for that! Thanks Your Majesty!

    Our potatoes - at least where:

    Delicious and vitamin.

    If you always eat

    You will be healthy and strong.


    to raise me

    Gotta make an effort

    offer us now

    Listen to a specialist


    I'm on the field, I ran on the field with a mood.

    I planted both potatoes and potatoes merrily

    One-two, do not yawn, lower the tubers into the ground

    One or two, don't be lazy and make friends with potatoes

    Rain, rain, pour, pour, pour.

    Don't feel sorry for your drops.

    Help a little

    And field potatoes.

    Sun, sun, hotter gray

    Don't feel sorry for your rays.

    Wind, wind, come

    Give us potatoes.


    I'll tell you frankly

    And this is undoubtedly

    There is no more important thing in the kingdom of potatoes!

    All my sprouts are sons and daughters.

    Look, there are assistants - scientists,

    All they know in the world

    And count tirelessly.

    Scientists(one with scores - a mathematician, the other with flasks):

    1st: In the spring we counted - exactly five tubers,

    And in the fall - look, there were twenty-five of them

    Count in chorus: one, two, three, four five (2 times)

    Allow me to report to Your Majesty

    Everything is calculated exactly...

    Both: Great amount!

    2nd: I also want to say thank you to Your Majesty for the starch. After all, 100 grams of potatoes contain 20 grams of starch. It is from starch that you can cook the traditional sweet dish of Russian cuisine - kissel! And the potato is the first vegetable that has been (in space and sprouted there) and sprouted in space! Here!

    Potatoes are full of vitamins

    Minerals and starch.

    It is valuable, tasty and useful,

    He is loved by old and young.


    I'm a potato, lovely sight

    I'm a potato, yummy!


    Yes, one-va-ri-hundred!

    Without me - no, no, -

    Lunch won't work!

    Cook: How right you are, Your Majesty! In our country, potatoes are called the second bread, and this is no coincidence. Potatoes can be used to prepare various dishes and side dishes. It is boiled, fried, stewed, stuffed.

    Ah, potato-overeating,

    Children and adults ideal.

    He does not know pleasure

    Who didn't eat potatoes?


    Thank you, darlings. It turns out that you know a lot about me and appreciate me. And even if it’s hard to raise me like this… then don’t be angry: after all, I will always repay you kindly.

    Although boasting is indecent,

    But I must tell you:

    Without potatoes on "excellent"

    No food, no dancing.

    Even a delicious cucumber

    Well done only with potatoes!

    Though the green onion is angry,

    And potatoes are your best friend.

    From potatoes here and there

    Necessary make a product,

    And no wonder the potatoes

    Everyone calls the second bread.

    I'm touched by the attention!

    I am closing our meeting.


    We love potatoes

    Poems were composed in honor of her

    They praised together, then

    Ate everything - and no problem!

    But we want to say a good word about her again:

    All: She will always be on the table,

    And in every city and in every village!

    Long live the bowl, long live the spoon

    Long live what we love - POTATOES!

    Municipal state educational institution

    Medium comprehensive school With. Petropavlovsk

    preschool group


    Director of MKOU

    "High school

    With. Petropavlovsk

    E.S. Dokuchaeva

    mixed age group

    “Oh, potato, you, potato!”

    Scenario entertainment for children

    mixed age group

    “Oh, potato, you, potato!”

    Purpose: 1. To consolidate the skills of motor activity obtained in physical education and music classes;

    2. Form positive emotions;

    3. To reveal the creative abilities of children.

    4. To develop the musical and creative abilities of children, to maintain an emotionally positive attitude;

    5. To promote the disclosure of the creative abilities of children, the development of a sense of collectivism, the ability to work in a team.

      Create positive emotions in children and adults;

      To consolidate motor skills in basic movements and outdoor games;

      To develop in children dexterity, speed, speed-strength qualities;

      Education of moral-volitional character traits, courage, friendliness.

      Teach children to expressively sing songs, recite poems, dance on stage.

    Venue: gym

    Participants: children, teachers, parents

    Equipment: hoops, buckets, spoons, basket, potatoes, balls, hats "Potato", "Colorado beetles", leaves.

    Children enter the hall to the music of "Song about Autumn" and dance.

    Host: Hello kids! I invited you to an unusual holiday, try to guess which one.

    If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

    If the birds have flown to a distant land,

    If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring down,

    This time of the year - what is it called?

    Children: Autumn!

    Leading: We will read poetry

    About autumn days!

      What time of year?

    nature frowns,

    Leaves fall,

    The birds are flying away

    The cloud covered the sun

    This Autumn has arrived!

      Autumn, golden autumn

    Decorated our garden

    And today in this room

    She got the kids!

      The cold rain pours and pours,

    It doesn't let us walk.

    The road called the birds

    This autumn has come to us.

      Here comes autumn

    It cheered everyone around.

    At birches and aspens

    Multi-colored scarves.

      The summer has passed.

    Autumn has come.

    In fields and groves

    Empty and dull.

    The birds have flown away.

    The days got shorter.

    The sun is not visible.

    Dark, dark nights.

      Autumn is a wonderful time!

    The kids love autumn.

    We go to the forest with baskets,

    We find a lot of mushrooms there.

      In autumn there are

    Clear days.

    The leaves flutter

    Like moths.

    Children sing the song "Autumn has come"

    Autumn, autumn has come

    The leaves are falling off.

    There is no sun and it's getting dark

    The rain starts.

    Cap-cap on the tracks,

    Cap-cap on the palms.

    Rain water the earth

    Play with us.

    Spiders, bugs and midges

    Hiding, hiding

    And on a long journey

    The birds are gathering.

    Presenter Dear children!

    This time there will be a story

    About the one who has six eyes,

    And sometimes seven and five,

    About the one who slept sweetly in the winter,

    Climbing into the basement in the fall.

    In the spring I brought it myself.

    About the one whose strange eyes

    Growing day by day

    About the one who knew me

    But he didn't see me.

    Think a little -

    What is it ... (potato).

    Children sing a song to the motive "A grasshopper sat in the grass"

    Song about potatoes.

      How we love potatoes, 2 times.

      We can't live without potatoes

      We even live a day.

      Imagine 2 times.

      We can't live without potatoes.

      Imagine 2 times

      We even live a day.

      We fry it and cook it.

      And add it to the soup.

      And even just in "uniform"

      We can boil.

      Imagine 2 times.

      And even just in "uniform"

      Imagine 2 times

      We can boil.

      We can bake in the oven, 2 times

      We can make pancakes

      And bake on the fire

      And how many different, 2 times.

      You can make crafts

      Imagine 2 times

      They don't even count.

      Love and you potatoes, 2 times.

      And a lot of secrets.

      Learn about her.

      Imagine 2 times.

      And many different secrets

      Imagine 2 times

      Learn about her.

    Do you guys know how potatoes appeared in Russia?

    Peter the Great sent a sack of potatoes from Holland to his close associate Sheremetyev and ordered the tubers to be sent to all parts of the state so that the population would start growing potatoes. Since then, potatoes have been grown in Russia.

    LEADING: And now, guys,

    My riddles for you:

      Round, crumbly, white

    She came to the table from the fields.

    You salt it a little

    After all, the truth is delicious ... (potatoes)

      This delicious miracle fruit

    We all eat all year round.

    Soups, mashed potatoes, salad, okroshka -

    Everywhere is present. (potato)

      And green and thick

    A bush has grown in the garden.

    Dig a little:

    Under the bush (potato)

      What they dug from the ground, fried, boiled,

    What did we bake in the ashes, ate and praised? (potato)

      He is in the rain, he is in the heat

    Hiding tubers underground.

    Pull the tubers into the light -

    Here is breakfast and lunch. (potato)

    Presenter: We celebrate the Holiday of Potatoes

    And together we meet our Potato!

    In some kingdom-state,

    Not on Mars and the Moon

    The potato lived in the ground.

    The royal property had:

    She knew how to feed all the people!

    Potato girls come out (with rims on their heads)

    1 Potato: Me, the only one in the world,

    Not just boiled, but in uniform.

    Even a delicious cucumber

    Well done only with potatoes!

    2 Potatoes: From potatoes here and there

    Delicious make a product,

    And no wonder the potatoes

    Everyone calls the second bread!

    3 Potato: Unsightly, bumpy,

    And she will come to the table -

    The guys will say cheerfully:

    "Well, crumbly, delicious!"

    4 Potato: Although it’s not decent to boast,

    But I must tell you:

    Without potatoes on "excellent"

    No food, no dancing!

    You guys listen

    We will perform ditties

    How to plant potatoes!

    Boys perform ditties about Potatoes.

    1. That my palms are black,

    No one scolds me -

    Potatoes with grandma

    We planted at the wattle fence!

    2. We planted potatoes:

    Mom is in the field, I am in the garden.

    Mom a lot, I - a little,

    I - just one ridge!

    3. So that my potatoes grow,

    I will transplant it!

    4. Let my palms be dirty,

    I'm used to work.

    And there is no tastier potato

    What will you plant in the garden yourself!

    5. We planted potatoes

    In the garden by the gate.

    Flowers bloomed on it.

    Let the people admire.

    6. A goat came to the garden,

    She widened her eyes:

    Where is the onion? Where are the peas?

    Everything is planted with potatoes!

    Host: It was a musical joke,

    Now the game is not for a minute.

    Guys, before digging potatoes, what needs to be done?

    Plant her.

    We'll take buckets

    Yes, and on the way - the track,

    Friendship will help us

    Plant potatoes.

    Relay "Plant potatoes".

    (Children are divided into two teams.)

    (The first players take one potato from the "bucket", run ahead of the hoop, put the potatoes in the hoop, return to the team).

    Relay "Dig up potatoes"

    (Hoop - there are potatoes in it. Each player runs, takes one potato, returns to the team, puts it in the basket.

    The boys come out - Colorado beetles.

    1. We are harmful men,

    Colorado beetles!

    Let's eat all the potatoes

    We won't give you anything!

    2. Here we will eat all the potatoes

    And we will fly to the neighbors.

    Hrum - hrum - hrum,

    And we will fly to the neighbors!

    Leading: The harvest needs to be saved,

    Colorado beetles must be driven away!

    The leader sprays from a spray bottle, the bugs run away.

    Brings out two baskets of potatoes.

    Host: We drove the Zhukov away,

    The harvest has been harvested!

    Let's continue the holiday

    And play with potatoes!

    The game "Pass the potato in the spoon."

    Leading: Take a potato - transfer it in a spoon!

    You need to put the potatoes with your hand in a spoon, and then quickly bring the potatoes and put them in a bucket, while your free hand should be behind your back. Who is faster and more agile?

    Host: Let's play! Now let's listen to proverbs and sayings about potatoes.

      Potatoes and porridge are our food.

      Hungry and potatoes are a delicacy.

      Potato bread help.

      Dig potatoes, do not wave your hands.

      Potato saves bread.

      Spruce and birch - why not firewood, salt and potatoes - why not food?

    Game "Collect potatoes"

    Leading: Here is a basket, close your eyes,

    Here are potatoes - collect, don't stop!

    (5 potatoes are placed in two hoops mixed with small balls; you need to close your eyes, find the potatoes by touch and put them in a basket)

    The song of V. Shainsky "Antoshka" sounds, the children perform a dance.

    Leading. Our holiday is over

    What else can you say?

    You rightfully have potatoes

    "Second bread" to call!

    That's all! Even though we're tired

    We have harvested potatoes!

    There were songs, games, dances here,

    Now potato treats,

    You guys are waiting!

    Presentation of prepared meals. Tea drinking.

    Julia Kozlova
    Potato Feast. Holiday script for a group preparatory to school



    Queen Potato

    Attributes: 4 basins, potato(30-40 pieces, matches (1 box, 2 wooden spoons, 2 hoops, 2 buckets, 2 cars on a string, ball

    Children go to the music, stand in a semicircle

    Children:1. Summer flew by quickly

    Migratory bird in the distance

    Autumn wonderfully spread

    Fading shawl.

    2. Gifted by the guest - autumn

    fruit crops,

    drizzling rains,

    Bodies of forest mushrooms.

    3. All paths and paths

    As if in colorful patches.

    This autumn is imperceptible

    He walks with paint in his hands.

    4. Turned the leaves of autumn

    In red and yellow lights

    I tried very, very hard

    To like them.

    5. What to be sad now about summer

    Autumn has come to visit us

    In a gilded carriage

    I brought gifts for everyone.

    SONG about autumn

    Children sit on chairs

    Leading: Amazing season - autumn. Fruits and vegetables have ripened over the summer, all housewives are trying to stock up for the long winter. Only the most important thing on the table is always one of the most delicious and important vegetables. Without him, food is not food, and they respect him and appreciate him as the queen of the table.

    And what is this vegetable - you try to guess

    Round, crumbly, white

    She came to the table from the fields.

    You salt it a little

    After all, it's delicious (potato)

    This delicious miracle fruit

    We all eat round year:

    Soups, mashed potatoes, salad, okroshka -

    Everywhere is present. (potato)

    Leading: You guessed right.

    This time there will be a story

    About the one who has six eyes,

    And sometimes seven and five,

    About the one who slept sweetly in the winter,

    Climbing into the basement in the fall.

    Today our The holiday is dedicated to.... potatoes Yes Yes, don't be surprised potatoes.

    Potato- a cure for all diseases, a poison that destroys insects, a stain remover, starch, powder can be made from it. How many different dishes can be prepared from potatoes. And now I invite you to list the dishes in which we put potato.


    Leading: Well, now let's sing a song about this delicious vegetable.


    After the song, someone knocks on the door, the Queen comes in Potato

    Queen Potato: Hello children and adults. I am glad to welcome you to holiday held in my honor. Allow me to introduce myself - Queen Potato

    I've been green all summer, hiding the berries in the ground

    Closer to autumn I will ripen immediately holiday on the table.

    Leading: Hello Queen Potato We are glad to have you as our guest. Today you are the main one on our holiday.

    Queen Potato: They sang a song in my honor, but do you know poems about me?

    Children: 6. Dig up the bed a little,

    Look, he lives there potato.

    Once potato, two and three

    Take it all in a bucket.

    7. We will take buckets,

    Yes, and on the way the track -

    friendship will help us

    Dig up potatoes.

    8. Potato, potatoes,

    rich harvest,

    delicious potatoes

    All the guys love it.

    9. Know about potatoes everything in the world -

    The rich and those who are not rich

    Everyone prepares it in their own way,

    Everyone on the table potatoes glad.

    10. Potato is our native vegetable

    We love him as a family.

    fried, boiled,

    Both in soup and baked.

    Queen Potato: Good poems you know about me

    Leading: And we also know ditties about potatoes


    1. I love you very much potatoes.

    Eat for dinner and lunch

    If it wasn't potatoes

    There was no white light for me.

    2. Oh, potatoes, potato

    How cute are you

    We cook many dishes

    We will always be full.

    3. We cooked on the stove

    Russian potatoes

    Refused her

    Only our cat.

    4. Oh potatoes, potato

    Oh what an honor

    There were no potatoes

    So what would you eat?

    5. We potatoes were harvested,

    I don't sit idle:

    Dad digs, mom wears

    Well, I'm in charge.

    6. We ate porridge all summer,

    Milk, okroshka,

    And today we will eat

    delicious potatoes.

    7. Ah, beauty potato!

    I don't need sausage

    I don't want sausage

    Give bowl of potatoes!

    8. Our potatoes - anywhere:

    Delicious and vitamin.

    If you always eat

    Stay healthy and strong!

    After the ditties there is a knock on the door

    Leading: Of course of course! Who came to us holiday, always us a guest. Come on, Grandma Yaga!

    Baba Yaga: Oh, I don’t know if you are happy with me or not, but they sang so enticingly, so cheerfully that even my hut began to dance! I could not stand it, but hurry to you. How funny ditties, but everything about potatoes. And how much I love her, more than anything in the world. But the trouble is, I can’t learn how to plant it, everything is somehow small, tasteless. I'm already planting this and that, no, nothing comes of it! Oh, tears, and nothing more! Maybe you can teach me how to plant correctly, because you are such scientists and intelligent children!

    A game "Plant and gather potatoes» .

    Two teams of children stand in pairs one after the other. The first couples are accepted for landing potatoes. One in a pair holds a bucket of potatoes, the second takes out of the bucket one at a time potato and plant in one line.

    When potatoes planted, the second couples are taken to work. One is holding an empty bucket while the other is collecting potato and puts it in a bucket.

    Leading: Here, Baba Yaga, I saw how it should be plant potatoes, grow?

    Baba Yaga: Oh, my diamond iris, thanks I learned. I'll fly plant potatoes!

    Leading: Granny, what are you doing! It is planted in spring and harvested in autumn. And now it's autumn. Let's play better.

    A GAME "Bring potatoes in a spoon»

    Two teams of children carry in a spoon potatoes from one end to the other

    Queen Potato: Deftly you manage to carry potatoes, but will you be able to take the crop out of the field?

    A GAME "Take out potatoes from the field»

    Two teams of children, each with a toy car on a string. Children from line 1 with a car, run to line 2, take one potatoes, put it in the back, run back, spread potatoes in the basket, pass the car to the next participant. The game continues until all potatoes will not be harvested.

    Baba Yaga: And I still know how to potatoes I can make different figures, I can make beads for myself.

    Leading: You have a rich imagination, Baba Yaga, and our children also know how to make various crafts from vegetables, now they are from us potatoes will make hedgehogs

    A GAME "Samodelkin"

    6 children for a while mother hedgehogs from matches and potatoes who is faster and prettier

    Leading: And also from potatoes you can make a caterpillar


    Two teams of children on the floor are making a caterpillar. Whoever has it longer, that team won. (posted from potatoes)

    Baba Yaga: Oh, what beauty you made, but I don’t know how. I’ll run to my hut, I’ll also learn to invent different crafts

    Baba Yaga flies away

    Queen Potato: You made beautiful crafts, but do you know the proverbs about me?

    Children say proverbs

    1. Guest at the door - potatoes on the table.

    2. Potatoes and porridge - our food.

    3. Hungry and potato delicacy.

    4. Potato bread help.

    5. dig potatoes don't wave your hands

    6. Potatoes - bread sucker.

    7. Bread was born in shafts, and potatoes - in the wheel.

    8. Potato saves bread

    Leading: Let's play some more


    Children stand in a circle, at the command of the leader, they begin to pass the ball from hand to hand in a circle, as soon as the leader says "Stop", the game stops. The player in possession of the ball is out of the game.

    Queen Potato: How much attention the person pays potatoes: raises it, prepares it for food.

    Leading: But more about potatoes many poems have been written, ditties and even songs. And here is one of dramatizations we give you songs today, Queen Potato.


    Leading: Well, our dear guest, Queen Potato did you like it with us holiday

    Queen Potato: I liked our meeting, but now it's time for me to return to my vegetable kingdom. Goodbye! And for a treat to you from me pies potato.

    Queen Potato leaves

    Leading: Well, it's time for us to return to group


    (on the motive "In the grass Grasshopper sat")

    1. How we love potatoes, (2 times)

    We can't do without potatoes

    We even live a day.

    Imagine, (2 times)

    We can't do without potatoes

    Imagine, (2 times)

    We even live a day.

    2. We fry it and boil it

    And throw it into the soup

    And even here in the "uniform"

    We can boil.

    Imagine, (2 times)

    And even here in the "uniform"

    Imagine, (2 times)

    We can boil.

    "Hand over potatoes from one basket to another in a chain

    Objectives: to deepen and expand students' knowledge of the systematics, biology, agricultural technology of potatoes; continue the formation of independent cognitive activity; to promote the development of communicative qualities in students through performances in front of an audience; instill respect for agricultural professions and interest in various activities.

    tables depicting potatoes and potato varieties.
    library selection of books about potatoes.
    an exhibition of potato crafts, an exhibition of student essays.

    The guys playing the roles of “potato”, “agronomist”, “breeder”, “doctor”, “cook”, “teacher of the Russian language”, “theatre actors”, “artists” - sit at separate tables, in front of each is a sign indicating the profession .
    On the board: “Those who know how to compose hymns must find the most solemn words, and the most vociferous singers will sing a hymn to potatoes in the widest area with all the crowds of people! I don’t know how, but I would cry listening to this hymn!” V. Astafiev.

    An ornamental flower, a cure for all diseases, a poison that destroys insects, a stain remover, a universal fertilizer, and finally, a food raw material from which bread, starch, powder, oil, wine, coffee, yeast, chocolate, etc. can be made. etc. - isn't it tempting to have such a versatile product? It turns out that there is nothing simpler - after all, we are talking about the most ordinary potatoes.
    The first potato name was "PAPA" - so the Indians called it in their homeland in South America.
    The British called him POTATO.
    Dutch and French - EARTH APPLE.
    And the Germans changed TARTUFEL to POTATO, which later became known as POTATO.
    Today we will talk about it with you. At our extracurricular event there are guests, representatives of various professions, one way or another connected with potatoes.

    So, what does the word potato mean, let's take a look at the explanatory dictionary together with the Russian language teacher.
    The word is borrowed from German. Potato is a garden plant, a vegetable. Potatoes are also called underground tubers of this plant, eaten.
    Competition 1:
    And now we will try to play with the word "Potato"
    If you take a big word,
    Take out the letters - one and two!
    And then collect them again
    New words will come out!
    Which of you will make more words from the word potato.

    Teacher: Guys, how are we going to hold an event without the main guest. I know! Let's ask the theater actors.

    Dramatization of the poem "Quarrel"
    One day the potato comes to the carrot
    And he sees: the carrot is in the package.
    -Carrot, carrot, please tell me:
    Where are you dressed up like that today?
    -Oh, you know, potatoes, I'm leaving already:
    Today I was invited to the knife.
    I was invited to him without you,
    I, potato, will not take you with me.
    The potato said: “Just think, a knife!
    Sneeze me that you won't take me!
    Two spoons invited me to cabbage soup.
    I’ll go without you, don’t ask for it either!”
    They also invited me to 3rd grade,
    They're having a great time right now.

    Competition 2 Come up with a surname, name, patronymic for potatoes and write without errors.

    Historian "How the potato appeared in Rus'" message.
    In the wild, potatoes grew in the mountainous regions of South America. It was grown by the Indians. After the discovery of America, potato tubers appeared in Europe, and then they were called "earth apples". Potatoes came to our country under Peter I, who sent a bag of potatoes from Holland to his close Count Sheremetyev and ordered that potato tubers be sent to all regions of Russia and grown. At first, potatoes were grown in flowerbeds as an ornamental plant, later they tried to use its fruits for food, but they are bitter and inedible. Therefore, the peasants refused to grow potatoes and treated him with distrust. People have noticed that potatoes will be born with a head and eyes like a man, and he who eats potatoes eats human souls. Our ancestors called the potato "damn apple". Only potato flowers were popular, especially after the French queen stabbed them in her hair and adorned her dress with them. Later, potatoes became the main food of the Russian people, and proverbs and sayings began to be composed about potatoes.

    Competition 3: collect a proverb and explain the meaning.
    The potatoes are ripe - get to work.
    Potatoes help bread.
    A potato will ripen - it will warm a person.

    Competition 4 to solve the crossword "My garden". Having solved it, you will learn the name of the English navigator. And what this navigator is famous for, I will tell a little later.

    1. It looks red, you can see it - white. (radish)
    2. What they dug from the ground, fried, boiled,
    What did we bake in the ashes, ate and praised? (potato)
    3. Settled firmly in the garden ... .. (turnip)

    Answer: like any plant, potatoes themselves store energy.
    Potato - nose
    Answer: if a person has a wide nose, then they say that the nose is a potato.
    potato starch
    Answer: Potatoes are high in starch.

    Teacher: Do you know why frozen potatoes are sweet? (in which starch is converted to sugar)
    Why can't you eat green potato tubers? (in the light, starch turns into corned beef. It is poisonous)

    In your summer cottages, you and your parents also plant potatoes (many told about this in their writings), but now listen to an expert on growing potatoes - an agronomist.

    Agronomist Anyone who grows potatoes should know that this plant goes through 4 phases in its development: germination, budding, flowering, ripening.
    Before planting, the tubers germinate for at least 30 days. In the spring, they dig up the ground to a depth of 30 cm. Potatoes are planted in the soil at a distance of at least 60 cm between rows, and in a row - 35 cm. When sprouts appear and during growth, the plants are weeded to loosen the crust and kill weeds. When the plant reaches a height of 15 cm, hilling is carried out. In autumn, when the tops begin to turn yellow, they are harvested.

    Competition 6: planting potatoes

    potato eyes,
    Not eyes, eyes,
    Come into the ground
    Get in, friends!
    Lie down and wake up.
    Let there be tops
    Green and thin
    Like lace.

    Teacher: And planting potatoes is not so easy, you need to answer the question.
    (competition for captains)
    1. How to call the stems and leaves of potatoes in one word? (tops)
    2. About potatoes boiled or baked in their skins, they say what is it in? (in uniform)
    3. Where was the first time a man boiled potatoes? (on fire)
    4. What part of potatoes do we use for food? (tubers)
    5. How to call in one word the removal of weeds and loosening the earth (weeding)

    Teacher: Who is breeding different varieties of crops? Breeders are engaged in breeding varieties. Word to the Selector.
    Breeder: The science of breeding is engaged in breeding new plant varieties. Breeding is the most efficient and most profitable economic way to increase agricultural productivity. Thanks to the good results of the work of breeders, new varieties of potatoes are being developed. (showing potatoes of different varieties)

    Competition 7 teams to give 3 varieties of potatoes (by color). Task: to get a potato in a bucket. Who has more hits? 1 point for each hit.

    Doctor: Potato is a medicinal plant: fresh potato juice is used for stomach ulcers, gastritis, and helps to lower blood pressure in hypertension. Potato gruel treats burns and eczema well. In winter, potatoes are the main source of vitamin C. In addition to vitamin C, tubers contain small amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B6, A. Potato tubers are rich in calcium, potassium, iron, iodine, and sulfur salts. Unfortunately, in pursuit of a large harvest, a lot of mineral fertilizers have recently been used. Nitrates accumulate in tubers and cause oxygen starvation of tissues, which poisons the body of humans and animals. With an excessive amount of nitrates, vitamins and dairy products help the body fight. The amount of nitrates in potatoes can be reduced during its cooking: put the peeled potatoes in cold water for 15-20 minutes, then drain it, fill it with a new portion of water, bring to a boil and drain it too, then pour fresh water until tender.

    Teacher: In addition to mineral fertilizers, people still use pesticides. Let's give the floor to the ecologist, the scientist who knows everything about the relationship between man and nature.

    Ecologist: A passion for pesticides brings a lot of grief. They cultivate fields for the destruction of harmful insects and weeds. In this case, birds that feed on poisoned insects die. People suffer as poisons get into our food and water. But there are natural ways to protect the harvest - they are called biological. One of the folk ways is hanging birdhouses. You can find other folk ways that will help save the harvest.
    Competition 8
    Draw a sign prohibiting the use of pesticides or a large amount of mineral fertilizers.

    Cook: In our country, potatoes are called the second bread, and this is no coincidence. Potatoes have great nutritional value. The main component of potatoes is starch and proteins. Potatoes can be used to prepare various dishes and side dishes. It is boiled, fried, stewed, stuffed. Proper cooking of potatoes is of great importance: after peeling the potatoes, you need to put them in cold water. It is not recommended to leave it in water for a long time because it loses nutrients. It is not recommended to boil potatoes in tin or copper utensils, as a large amount of vitamin C is lost. When steaming, the loss of vitamin C is 2 times less than when boiling in water. Potatoes placed for boiling in cold water lose up to 50% of vitamins, and dipped in boiling water - 10-20%.
    (After finishing the performance, the chef distributes recipes for potato dishes).

    Ah, potato-overeating,
    Children and adults ideal.
    He does not know pleasure
    Who didn't eat potatoes?

    Competition 9 who will name more potato dishes.

    The children who prepared the dishes talk about them.

    Teacher: Those who know how to compose hymns must find the most solemn words, and the most vociferous singers will sing a hymn to potatoes in the widest area with all the crowds of people! I don’t know how, but I would cry listening to this hymn!”
    These are the wonderful words that the Siberian writer Viktor Astafiev wrote about potatoes in his ode to the Russian Garden. We do not know the anthem, but let's sing the song about potatoes from the movie "Breakfast on the Grass".

    How many times on a halt
    We baked potatoes.
    feast, feast
    There were conversations.

    Chorus: Oh potato, potato
    Coal in the skin
    golden sparks
    Blue smoke.
    And a very delicate thing.
    Even for a connoisseur
    Brown skillfully
    Potatoes have sides.

    From palm to palm
    You leave her
    And salt the potatoes
    Don't let it get cold.

    spring water
    We will drink potatoes
    And of course with you
    Have a drink by the fire.

    An invitation to the table.

    So many dishes can be made from potatoes
    Anything for the soul you will find here.
    We didn't harvest in vain!
    Come and choose whatever you want!
    People know from childhood
    There is no tastier potato!

    Autumn is harvest time, potato harvest time. Therefore, you can spend a holiday dedicated to this vegetable.


    Organize an exhibition of unusual tubers. The guys can supplement them with individual details: eyes, pens - match heads, sticks; hair - thread, paper; a headdress - a scarf, a hat, etc. Install signs with the name of the composition and the name of the author of the product. It is good to capture exhibition items together with the author in a photo or video. You can put a blank piece of paper next to each exhibit so that those who wish can name the exhibit themselves. Signatures will be announced at the gala dinner.


    All dishes are directly related to the "culprit" of the dinner. First, chefs present their dishes: they give the name, ingredients, creative advertising is possible (slogans, ditties with dancers, couplets, etc.).

    The parade of dishes ends with a win-win lottery: lottery tickets are received by those participants who can tell something about potatoes - from history, a recipe for a dish, about the valuable properties of potatoes, etc. Prepare tokens with ticket numbers for the draw. The author shows his dish, the presenter draws a token from the box, and the owner of the number receives this dish.

    Then the tasting takes place - prepare individual plates, forks, spoons in advance.


    The game is played in several rounds. The host announces tours throughout the evening or conducts the game at a time. The winner of each round is awarded a special prize or a lottery ticket to participate in the “Surprise from the Bag” venture (gifts with numbers are pulled out of the bag).

    Sample tasks:

    Determine the weight of a bag of potatoes by holding it in your hand for 10 seconds.

    How many potatoes are in the transparent bag? (There are small tubers in the package, you can watch for 10 seconds.)

    How much does a potato tuber weigh?

    How many red and white potatoes are in a transparent bag?

    How many centimeters between two plates of potatoes?


    Prepare knives, waste utensils, raw potatoes.

    The game takes place in 7 stages. Points are awarded for victory at each stage. The one who has more points by the end of the competition is declared the winner and the Great Potato Magician. Points are set by a jury consisting of experienced "potato eaters".

    Competition tasks:

    1. Skin - Peel the potato so that the skin forms a continuous ribbon. The winner is the one with the longest strip of peel.

    2. Halves - cut the potato so that the halves are equal in weight. The winner is the one with the smallest difference in the weight of the halves.*

    3. Hole punch - make a through hole in the potato so that the tuber does not fall apart. The one with the largest hole wins.

    4. Cube - cut the potato so that you get the right cube. The winner is the one whose carved polyhedron is most similar to a cube.

    5. Plate - cut the potato in half, and then cut off a thin plate from one of the halves. The winner is the one whose cut plate is the thinnest and, moreover, the largest in area.

    6. Straws - cut the potatoes into “straws” so that the length of each “straw” is at least five centimeters. The winner is the one who gets the most five-centimeter "straws".

    7. Metamorphoses - by cutting, turn a potato into any other vegetable, fruit or root crop, such as a carrot or pineapple. The winner is the one who gets the most original and exact copy.

    QUIZ on the topic POTATOES

    Write questions on cards and put them in a special envelope. Participants of the quiz draw a card and answer the question. If the answer is incorrect, the other participants try to give the correct answer. If they fail to do so, the moderator announces the answer. Prize tokens are given for correct answers.

    In the final, the participants who have collected the most tokens receive prizes, the rest are awarded incentive prizes for participation.


    Name the origin of the potato. (Peru and Chile)

    Where are wild potatoes found today? (In Central and South America)

    When, where and by whom were potatoes brought to Russia? (Peter the Great from Holland)

    How many ways are there to propagate potatoes? (Three: tubers, seeds and eyes)

    What is the name of the pest that eats potato leaves? (Colorado beetle)

    Are potatoes edible? (No, they are poisonous)

    What substances are obtained from potatoes? (Starch, molasses, glucose, alcohol, glue, etc.)

    What is a potato tuber and is it the root of a plant? (No, tubers are fleshy thickenings on the underground parts of the stem)

    When and why did potato riots start in Russia? (In 1834 and 1840-1844 after the decree of Nicholas I on the mandatory planting of potatoes)

    What is another name for potatoes? (Second bread)

    What was the name for potatoes in Russia? ("Damn's Apple")


    The program can be carried out during the day or carried out immediately, including competitions for the youngest, oldest, girls, boys, etc. connoisseurs, etc.

    most skillful

    Who will peel the potato faster and better.

    The most accurate

    Who will more accurately hit the potatoes in the bucket at a certain distance.

    plant potatoes

    Participants are given a bucket of potatoes. The task is to lay it out in one line, tuber to tuber. Who will "plant" potatoes faster?

    potato pickers

    The task is to collect as many potatoes scattered around as possible while blindfolded.

    Relay race

    Teams are playing. The task is to fill the pan with potatoes. Potatoes are carried by team members in turn on a spoon clamped in their mouths.

    Running with potatoes

    Competitors squeeze a potato between two sticks and run with it to the finish line. In case of loss, you need to raise the potato with chopsticks, and then move on.


    The winner is the one who makes more holes in a potato tuber in one minute so that it does not fall apart.