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  • Mortgage coins in old houses. Mortgage coins at the corners of an old house (foundation)

    Mortgage coins in old houses.  Mortgage coins at the corners of an old house (foundation)

    Treasure - how pleasant this word sounds for a treasure hunter. But under this big word there are many nuances that not all search engines know about. After all, many simply go to the fields, according to old maps, and let's collect “lost money”, that is, coins. But you also need to understand where the treasures were hidden in old houses, so that not only in the fields to look for, as they say, “remains”, but also more valuable finds and be the first in place, and not finish off after someone what is left.

    Perhaps I won’t open America for someone, because this topic has been discussed 100 times on various forums, these methods were shown in the video, this topic was often discussed in VK groups. Therefore, since there is a lot of information on the Internet, but it is scattered in parts. I want to collect it in one heap and publish it on my blog.

    Attention!!! Whoever likes the article, and he wants to supplement it with his stories or secrets about hidden treasures, can write in the comments, I will be happy to supplement this article with your methods or guesses.

    Where were the treasures hidden?

    And so, initially in the old days they believed that when building a house, if you put silver coins in the foundation, then there will always be prosperity in the house. Some did such a ceremony to appease the brownie and he did not play pranks in the house. This ritual was called "Incense".

    Therefore, it does not matter what year the house was built, because. this sign or superstition has remained to this day, and even now, in the 21st century, coins are laid in the corner of the foundation so that supposedly there is money in the house.

    So it’s worth looking at the angle of the house in the foundation, especially if the house is being demolished.

    Every old house has a basement. Search engines know that in our time in old houses, basements are usually covered with garbage and little is left of them. It is, and it is the bitter truth. But in fact, we do not need the bottom of the basement, we need its walls. Because it is in the walls that you can often find the very secret brick that was walled with jewelry.

    I want to tell you one story about the treasure hidden in the basement, you should like it, maybe you will not be so disdainful to look for treasures in old cellars and cellars. Because there is a lot of dust, cobwebs and landslides, that's exactly how I used to reason, and not when I even climbed into them.

    1917, revolution! Anarchy completely engulfed Odessa. Banditry flourished. Only according to official data from police reports, every day 5-8 raids, 20-30 thefts and robberies, from 5 to 15 criminal murders were recorded. Just imagine the panic of the Odessans.

    A lot of Jews lived in Odessa at that time. And as a rule they did not live in poverty. Here is one of these elders of the Jews, who had plenty of gold, which would be enough for his children and grandchildren. He decided to hide it in his basement and quickly go abroad to his son until everything calms down. Naturally, he could not take all the acquired gold coins with him, because he was afraid of a robbery attack on him, and that he would be left with nothing.

    In the basement, he had a narrow niche, in which he put all the goods with a box in this bottom, laid bricks and cemented it. He did all this at night, on the day before his departure. And he went to his son in Israel.

    Exactly two years later, when in Odessa, the riots subsided more or less, he decided to return with his son for jewelry in order to pass them on to the heir. So when they returned, the house was demolished, and of course, its cache can no longer be found there. And the old man had a heart attack.

    I don’t know if this is true or not, one man told me this story, and I decided to share it with you.

    The attic is a place that is always dry and difficult to access. Therefore, treasures were often hidden in attics. Usually this place was near the chimney, or between the ceiling and the roof. As with the previous method, the attic is a permanent place where not only acquired wealth was hidden, but weapons were often hidden there from prying eyes.

    It is very common to find German helmets in attics. in Soviet times, if they found a German helmet in the yard, they could be sent to the tribunal. Therefore, those who found German helmets, or children brought them into the house, then the inhabitants tried to put them in the attic, from unnecessary problems.

    Also in the attics you can find a lot of interesting finds in the dust on the floor. When all the washed things were dried in attics in winter, coins, badges, etc., very often fell out of pockets. Calling it a treasure is hard. But as good finds, you can.

    Oak in Rus' has always been considered a magical tree. Therefore, an oak tree was often planted near the house as a symbol of the masculine principle, or to supposedly feed the house with energy. It was believed that the oak was a very tall tree, but it was never struck by lightning.

    Therefore, very often the treasures were hidden near the oak, because the oak is a long-lived tree, and our ancestors were sure that even after 100-200 years, this tree would be in the same place, and it very often served as a good guideline so as not to forget the place.

    So when looking for a treasure, pay attention not only to oaks, but to tall old trees, which can be the same treasure. As a rule, the treasure may not be in the roots themselves, because for many years the tree could pull the treasure a few meters around.

    Oh, and stock up on great patience and a sharp axe. because digging up coins from the roots is the hardest thing a treasure hunter can have.

    Well, this is exactly the place where they could dump everything acquired in haste. Because this place is very inaccessible.

    But in our time, it is very difficult to find wells that have already been preserved, they are all collapsed and silted up so much that it is already difficult to find something there. But throw the search magnet about which I wrote here. I highly recommend, if you have such an interesting thing, then do not forget about its use.

    By the way, silver was often thrown into the well. It is believed that silver cleanses the water and kills all bacteria. I don’t know how true this is, but the fact that this method has been used for a long time is true.

    So if there is an opportunity to dig not in a deep well, I would recommend looking there.

    The underground in the house is exactly the place where, according to statistics, treasures are found the most. What is easier is to remove the board and hide precious finds there. After all, this is the most inconspicuous place, and at the same time the easiest place to hide.

    I read on one forum that one guy (search engine) is only looking under the floor, while not looking into other hot spots. Justifying this by the fact that it is under the floor that all the most relish is. Roofing felts fell rolled, roofing felts just a hiding place. But it is there that he raises all the finds.

    Very often they hid coins in the stove, in the blower. Because the place is always dry, it was not conspicuous. That is why I would recommend to look there more often.

    In general, the best treasure hunt is on a tip. When someone tells you that he knows 100% that there is a treasure in this house. Then the percentage of the probability of finding something valuable there increases.

    For example, my friend on a tip found 2 gold coins. Although the one who told him about the treasure that he was sure that there should be more coins there, but most likely they are hidden in another place, because the whole house was searched. They climbed all the secret places, removed the underground, broke the stove and found nothing. And two gold coins were found in a clay brick in a shed.



    When an old house is demolished, the whole family takes a homemade icon and bread, goes out into the yard and asks: “Father brownie, come home.” If this is not done, then the brownie will remain in ruins and will wake up those around him at night with his scream, howl or cry.

    There is a belief that the brownie can come every night to the threshold of the house in the guise of different animals and scream heart-rendingly - asking to be let in. If you invite a brownie to your place, then the animal will stop coming under the door.

    A new, renovated house or apartment is vital. “Make a house from Loboda, but don’t take it to someone else,” the far-sighted young wife demanded from her husband. “Your own mud hut is better than someone else’s room, your own roof is your consolation,” the old people tell their grandchildren, who invite them to go live with them. Both the young housewife and the old grain grower consider only their own personal dwelling to be truly native, reliable and comfortable.

    And the reasons for this are quite important. Each dwelling has its own brownie, which guards not only the house, but also those who live under its roof. They begin to think about what the mood of the new home god will be even when choosing a place for building and laying a new house or at the entrance to a new apartment, from where the previous owners took the brownie with them or left a very evil old house spirit.

    A new house is a great acquisition, a new apartment - new thoughts and new home gods and spirits. “Don’t build a room near the border,” experienced people warn the young owner. Firstly, the border area is very dangerous for peaceful settlements, and secondly, in a house near the borders, the brownie will always try to draw boundaries between a woman and a man, and also quarrel with relatives.

    It is best to choose a place for a new home in the spring: it should be dry, in the morning heavy dew is undesirable on it. Next, a person digs four small holes in the future four corners and puts a piece of wool and a little cereal with slices of rye bread in each. Leave them for three nights. If all this remains intact, then you can safely build on this place. An apartment in which such baits for evil spirits were placed in the corners, remaining intact, is considered favorable for housing.

    If the groats are raked, it means that only a decrease awaits the new owners in this dwelling. If the heaps are touched in the future bedroom - family troubles, if in the kitchen - material difficulties. In such cases, the place for the future home is slightly changed, and it is better not to buy or change an apartment at all.

    It is also advisable to lie down on the ground allotted for the construction of the future house, and listen carefully: if you hear crying, you don’t need to build there, if there is a song, then everything is fine.

    It is good if there are traces of a dog, cat or cow on the site of the future home, and bad if a person or a horse. You can also determine how favorable energies live at the construction site by taking a cup with nine tablespoons of water. If water spills from the cup in the morning, it means that there will be prosperity in the house over the edge, but if the water in the cup subsides and does not spill onto the ground, then only losses await people in this dwelling.

    You can’t build a house right on the spot where the building was once, it’s better to slightly shift the place of the future building. In no case should you build a house in the place where lightning hit the buildings, and they burned down from this.

    When starting construction, try not to offend your masters, as they may attract kikimora, evil spirits or other unclean spirits into the house. Moreover, if a web appears in an unfinished house, it means that this is good and wealth.

    When laying the foundation, grains and a few coins are thrown into it for wealth, good luck and happiness. It is generally better to bookmark a house on the so-called “easy day”: not on Fridays, not on the days of the holy martyrs, not on Saturday.

    There is no need to lay a house where people cursed, died from serious illnesses, got drunk - all this could not happen without the participation of evil spirits, which somehow fell in love with this area. This means that either the area is full of black energy, or it is the habitat of unclean spirits and demons. In addition, the brownie does not like it when they build a house smaller than the old one - dissatisfied with cramped conditions, he can provoke a decrease in the family.

    A good place for a dwelling is considered to be a platform on which livestock or domestic animals willingly lie, where frequent traces of a dog or cat are visible - it is possible that it is the brownie himself who gives a sign to the owner.

    Rye or millet is poured into the corners of the future house, bread is placed, a glass of water is placed. If all this disappears at night, then you need to change the place, because, most likely, devils or other evil spirits meet and walk near the house.

    When all doubts remain, it’s like the owner arranges a laying of the house, to which a priest must be invited to consecrate the corners - possible future dwellings for good spirits. But the house spirit will not go to a new house without a special invitation.

    Sometimes, when laying a house, a brownie is settled earlier than the owners. It is “brought” into the house when laying the foundation in the form of a young tree, which is placed in the foundation or closed in the wall. In ancient times, when laying a new house, a pet was buried in the foundation, so its spirit became the new brownie. However, there is a danger that the spirit of the animal will turn into evil.


    When moving to a new house or apartment, you can call the brownie with you. It is necessary to pour dust or ash from the old apartment into slippers and say: “Brownie, brownie, don’t stay here, but go with our family.” The brownie can also be “transported” on a broom, in a cauldron, in a pot along with ashes from an old stove.

    Leaving the old apartment, say on the threshold: "My master, come with me." At night, the head of the family should invite the brownie to the table, setting him a treat - a slice of bread with salt and a cup of milk. They say at the same time: “Father, my master, my good brownie .. I will give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, without you there will be no happiness. They carry the brownie in a bag, where he is politely asked to climb. The material embodiment of the brownie becomes an ember or an awl, which should be put in a bag. Without an invitation, the brownie will not go with you and will remain lonely and abandoned. And with your kind brownie, well-being in a new place is guaranteed to you.

    Sometimes you can bring a brownie to a new house, taking a cat in one hand and inviting with the words: “The owner and the hostess, thank you very much, and welcome to the new house together for a new life.”

    After completing the relocation, feed the brownie so that he finally establishes himself in a new place. Set a good table, bow to all the corners of the room and say: “Mr. Hostess, take us to a rich courtyard, to life, to live, to wealth.” Or, after midnight has struck, put in the fireplace, near the hood or radiator, salted bread (for the first time bought in this house) and a glass of vodka and, turning to the east, say: "Master, welcome to my housewarming." If at least something is touched in the morning, then the brownie has come and is in a good mood.

    Often, when moving to a new place of residence, they let in a large fluffy cat first, while repeating: “Here you are, master, a shaggy beast for a rich life.”

    When moving to a purchased house or apartment, we advise you to perform a special ritual in order to persuade the brownie to move with the owners. If the brownie does not go, then the owners are threatened with many troubles. However, if the house already has its own brownie, then the residents will be in trouble, however, short-lived.

    Since the brownie lives in every house, without a brownie, a house or apartment will not be intact for a long time. In a new apartment or house that you have purchased, you must already have your own brownie. And what kind of person he is - you do not know.

    So, it turns out that there are two brownies in the house, "one's own" and "alien". The spirits begin to fight for housing among themselves until one of them leaves. When there is a war of brownies, there will be no peace and prosperity in the house: they will beat dishes, break things, spoil household appliances, make terrible noise and pinch. Here the owners can intervene, having previously decided who to leave: their brownie or a longtime occupant of this apartment. Take a brush, broom or broom and start sweeping from the floor and walls, and then whip the walls of the apartment. If this is a house, also go out into the yard and whip the walls of the house and outbuildings, saying: “Beat our stranger” or “Alien, beat ours.”

    Throw a heavy iron object at the place where the noise is heard, and say: "Hold on, grandfather brownie, let me help you." After such “participation, the desired house spirit is more likely to defeat the other and the mess in the apartment will end.

    Further, the brownie begins to put things in order, to arrange the well-being of the home and its owners. The comfort of the house, according to some magicians, first of all, depends on the energies that live in it. Energies, or house spirits, can be very different. Many remain from the previous owners. Their character changes, or rather deteriorates, because of your quarrels, from the strong emotions that you experience for each other, from the energy mood of friends and visitors who visit you.

    The house and its spirits remember everything. Therefore, it is necessary to perform special rites in the house in which someone has committed suicide, someone has been killed or beaten, or someone has been abused. The basis of these rituals are cleansing prayers and the treatment of the walls and floor of the apartment with holy water.

    But here it is neatly cleaned, and your life in it begins with a clean slate. In order for the house to be filled with favorable emotions, to attract and appease the house spirit, you need to build your own correct microworld in it. And then, in case of something unfavorable, the brownie will be able to independently repel these misfortunes. And you need to start by making everyone feel comfortable. What does it mean?

    Each person, and with him the brownie living in the house, should feel comfortable in it. This is determined, first of all, by the attitude towards each other of all family members. If someone is not loved in this house, the person will not be comfortable - this will negatively affect the brownie.

    It is very important that the house has individual things and corners. They will give a kind of reliability, will create a sense of stability. A personal mug, a designated spot at the dinner table, a place to relax. And never bring negative emotions into the house. If you have received a portion of rudeness, and heavy thoughts are spinning in your head, then before you go home, run the inside of your palm (from your wrist to your fingertips, pressing your palm tightly) against some jamb, corner or bracket. To yourself or in a whisper, you need to say: “What I took on myself, I left it here.” Men, of course, should say "took, left." Try to follow this rule in conjunction with another: when you get home, change clothes and wash at least your hands.

    These two tips have their own rationale. The human body is designed so that the arms and legs serve as a kind of antennae. (Hence the opportunity to influence the body by massaging the feet). Therefore, hands and feet cling to themselves all the energy that a person has come into contact with, all fragments of other people's biofields. This is why cleansing the hands and feet is very important. Thus, you remove all negative energy from yourself, which contributes not only to protecting your health, but also protecting the "health" of your microclimate. And peaceful family evenings have never harmed anyone

    Rites of attracting happiness - the story of the appearance. After choosing a construction site and choosing materials for building a house or a bath, they began to assemble the house. The basis of the house is the basis of future wealth and prosperity. Therefore, coins were placed in the foundation (for wealth), amulets and consecrated grass from demons, and other donations to the brownie, so that he would not disturb the tenants later. All chips chipped from the salary were collected and poured into the building. It is this rite and gave rise to the expression "Do not wash dirty linen in public."

    Building technologies change, but the order of construction does not. And earlier they erected a log house (box), a roof that protected the log house from the sun and rain. Interior work began immediately after the roofing. The most important object of the house was considered to be a stove - a nurse and a source of heat. Traditionally, the owner of the house gathered a large team of young people, as for all difficult work. According to the rite, young people must contribute to laying the stove. Although the masonry master was alone. A whole crowd of young workers unanimously set about building a furnace under the guidance of an experienced craftsman. Such a convocation of workers was called "Toloka". After the installation of the furnace, a rich treat was arranged for all those who took part in the work. One of the first rituals carried out in a house with a new stove was lighting the stove and burning nine handfuls of grain in it. This procedure provided a clean pipe during its kindling. This ancient method prepared the surface of the chimney until the soot did not stick. Only after this ceremony it was possible to move into the house to live.

    Rituals associated with a new home

    But after all, a person is a creature not without envy and other bad thoughts. So it was necessary to carry out before entering Rituals of attracting happiness to a house under construction. Find out the rituals for choosing a construction site here.

    How did you attract happiness to a new home? Here are some of the rituals:

    they let a cat or a cat into the house on the first night before entering, watched the behavior of the animals, and if they did not experience anxiety, then the place was chosen well and the construction was carried out correctly. The same was done with other animals, which were not brought to a new place of residence all at once, individually. Such monitoring was intended to check every part of not only the new house but also the outbuildings, if everything was safe. After a week of checking the new place, animals could also enter people.

    In order for there to be happiness, the one who had to die before everyone else entered the house, i.e. the oldest member of the family. he had an important ritual task - to take on all the bad things that could be in the new house. This older man took upon himself all the revenge of nature for the fact that people cut down trees for construction. As they say: "Debt in payment is red!". But what about those who did not want to die? Agree - this is a normal desire!? In such cases, those who did not believe in God or treated such superstitious things with humor were invited. The main thing in this case was that the incoming person did not believe in devilry. In the modern interpretation of the rite, a rooster is allowed into the house, which then successfully went to the broth.

    How to enter the house to attract happiness?

    The first (after the rooster) was the owner with a tub for dough, then the hostess with a chicken and their children and younger relatives. And here, almost like in the Olympic rite of transporting fire, it was necessary to transfer a living fire from the old house to the new one. After laying burning coals in the house, all the tenants touted and cajoled Domovoy - the future keeper of happiness. “The Brownie is our Brownie! Come with me!". In such a building as a bath, there was also a good spirit Bannik and the female spirit of the Shishiga bath. Before entering the courtyard, the new owner performed the ritual of inviting good spirits:

    “Father Brownie and Mother Brownie, Father Yardyard and Mother Yardyard with the whole family, come to our new house to live with us!”.

    After the call, a pot with porridge and coals was brought into the new house, which symbolized treats for new spirits in the new house. From a loaf of bread, a crust was broken off by hand and thrust under the stove as an offering to the brownie.

    So that happiness in the house was long, they entered the house along a thread or a rope laid out on the floor. Rope or thread served as a symbol of family ties of all family members. The entrance to the house was accompanied by the introduction of a rich treat and a must. New happiness could not appear in a new house out of nothing, so a part (share) of it must be transferred from the old hut. Part of the Share and happiness was taken from the old house and brought into the new one. These were icons and amulets, and things dear to memory and particles of what was considered everyday life. In order for happiness not to be born again, it had to be extended, for this, undercooked porridge was brought into the new house and put it in the new stove “to reach”.

    It is good if there were pregnant women in the relatives at the time of the move. They were the best candidates for performing the rite of attracting happiness to a new home. The resettlement procedure itself had to be carried out in bright sunny weather.

    But in my opinion the best rite of bringing happiness to the house was considered children's laughter during a festive feast. Therefore, great importance was attached to the fun of children. The laughter of children under 12 was considered not only a sign of happiness, but also a pure healing, protective one. Laugh to your health!

    Do you know the signs for building a new house? These rules and superstitions were invented by our ancestors many centuries ago for a reason. If you follow them, happiness will never leave the walls of your home.

    Signs are a storehouse of wisdom of our ancestors, which is a truly significant heritage. A wide variety of superstitions have survived to our times.
    It is believed that construction should begin on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday or Thursday. It is best if there is a full moon on this day. Our ancestors were sure that by following the signs, people would be able to build a strong, reliable home.

    If you can't choose the time of year, go for spring or fall. It is believed that construction in a leap year will be fraught with various troubles. Remember, during construction you need to rest. A break must be taken during the holidays and on Sundays.

    Initially, pay attention to where you are building your home. Avoid enchanted squares located near places of power, old cemeteries. Having bought 2 plots, never place a building on the border, as this is a bad sign.

    Folk beliefs remind, when laying the foundation of a house, look for an anthill nearby. It is forbidden to lay a foundation at such a place, otherwise disagreements, quarrels, and high mortality of relatives are possible. Before construction, you should also pay attention to the signs for the sale of a house or apartment.

    When buying a territory on which some kind of building was located, be sure to specify who the previous tenants were. If there was a murder at this place earlier, a suicide was committed, the energy here is very bad. It is advisable to immediately carry out the rite of purification. You can do this either on your own, or invite the priest.

    The same manipulations should be carried out if the previous tenants were alcoholics and drug addicts, or were very seriously ill. Remember, the new house must be larger than the one you are demolishing. This is done in order to appease the brownie. He will not live in a cramped house and may even affect the reduction in the number of residents.

    It is forbidden to place a building on the site of the former baths, otherwise there will be a fire. It is forbidden to lay the foundation in the place where elderberry grows. It is an indicator that this territory is dead.

    Important: construction is prohibited on the site of the old road. Otherwise, joy, money, and even people will leave the house. And if you want well-being to never leave you, choose land that has never been plowed, where there is a lot of space and sunlight.

    If the area is very large, release a cow, dog or cat on it. Wherever an animal lies, a foundation must be laid.

    It often happens that people want to save money, because building your own home is not a cheap pleasure. That is why sometimes the owners buy materials that have already been used in construction. It is not desirable to do this, but it is possible.

    However, it is necessary to pay attention to what materials are used. It is forbidden to use those attributes that were in the house in which there was a fire, where a lot of relatives died.

    Otherwise, you yourself will expose yourself to exactly the same dangers. Refrain from using poplar (since ancient times, it has been known to be a vampire tree), aspen, or trees that grew in a cemetery.

    Read how to choose the trees that can be planted on the site.

    Did you know that in ancient times it was believed that the builders of the house must be appeased? Starting each stage of construction, it was necessary to treat the workers with delicious dishes and alcoholic beverages. Because they had to work with soul, not holding a grudge against the future owners of the home.

    At the first stage, when laying the foundation, it was necessary to put a piece of wool, a coin and incense into the ground. It was believed that in this way you will not only protect yourself from dark forces, but also will not freeze, but will begin to live in abundance. In rare cases, spruce branches were also laid. It was believed that this way you can protect yourself from lightning.

    Important: The first stone was always laid by a woman. It was believed that if this sign is observed, the house will always be calm and joyful. If the house is built from logs, they cannot be laid crosswise. Otherwise, you attract death.

    When building a roof, closed cones are necessarily placed under it so that evil spirits cannot enter the house. Furnaces are built only for the new moon, this will provide warmth and comfort. When the stove is ready, be sure to put a treat next to it for the real Owner of the room - a brownie.

    The building is never smeared on Mondays. It is believed that if you violate this belief, then rodents will start. When construction is completed, all diseased plants must be completely removed from the site. It was believed that if you leave them, then the ailments will pass on to the residents. It is also worth paying attention to the signs of the shefleri in the house.

    Garbage after finishing work is always removed at night. After all, it is at nighttime that angels look into the windows and give blessings to those who are clean and comfortable. Be sure to close all doors when you leave. Before you move to a new place of residence, be sure to run a cat.

    He will scare away evil spirits, get acquainted with the brownie and establish relations with him. After all, as you know, it is with cats that the brownie has very close contact. If you didn’t find a brownie, you can pick up yours from your previous place of residence.

    It is believed that it is impossible to move to a new building during the post. It is best to do this on a growing moon. Housewarming is arranged three days after the move.

    It is necessary to know the signs associated with building a house, because by observing them, you can protect yourself from the evil eye, failure, disease and evil spirits. Of course, it is up to you to decide whether to believe in signs or not and whether to use the wisdom of our ancestors.

    ratings, average:

    The place where the house will stand was chosen very carefully, a large number of rituals were performed, after which the place for building the house was determined. First of all, bread was baked and one bread was assigned to this house, i.e., if the bread falls apart or does not rise, then it will be bad and vice versa.

    In the evening they took a dry sheep's fleece, put it in the place where the hut should have stood, and if in the morning even one drop of water can be squeezed out of the wool, then the owner of the house will have some prosperity, and if the wool turns out to be dry, then this portends poverty.

    In addition, in the evening they brought water from the well, and while no one was taking water from a bucket, they measured out with a glass three times nine glasses, each time counting from the first, at which the glasses should be full and poured water into the pot, which should be dry. Such pots with measured water and densely covered were placed in the place where the house was to be built in every corner. A slice of bread and salt were also placed there. If the water turns out to be arriving in the morning, then this portends happiness, but if it subsides, then there is no need to build houses at a loss to your household. The third rite was as follows: they cut off the top of the whole cow, put salt on it and put it in the same place for the night, and if the bread disappears, then it will be good and the bread was given to the dog.

    At the end of the construction of the house, the following unusual rite was observed: without entering the house, they first set up a table covered with a white tablecloth in the middle of the room. Rye bread with salt was placed on this table and left overnight. The next day, in the evening, they let a black rooster and a chicken in and left them to spend the night, if they spend the night safely, then there is nothing to fear from evil spirits, if they disappear - there is an evil spirit. On the third night, a black cat and a cat were allowed in, which were watched like roosters.

    When moving to a new house, they celebrated a housewarming party. Housewarming in the old days was also accompanied by a whole series of rituals. When going to the house, the time was chosen as early as possible before sunrise and, moreover, not on Monday and not on Saturday. This was done in order not to often move from house to house. The owner and the hostess entered the room together, holding bread and salt in their hands, and the children followed them and on the threshold they said: rent for you." Then, entering the room, they put bread and salt on the table.

    Rituals in Rus' during the construction of a house and housewarming at a later time.

    Ritual during the construction of the house.

    When building a new house, a Russian person invited a priest, served a prayer service and put a few coins under the foundation of the house, and at the end of the ceremony, those present were treated to dinner. At the end, a prayer service was served and the whole house was sprinkled with holy water.

    Housewarming ceremony.

    When moving to a new house, they first brought in an icon and bread - salt, and then a rooster and a chicken. Having settled down, they made a housewarming party, treated relatives and friends to dinner, and then all those present had to send bread and salt to the new settlers. Moreover, it was considered that the richer the bread, the more respect the sender expresses, and many added silver straw, sugar, tea, etc. to this.

    They don’t build a house on the site of a burnt one, according to signs, sooner or later a fire will happen in such a place again. If it is necessary to build a house, then stand in the place of the former house and say:

    Mother of God ordered:

    "Don't build a house where the earth was on fire."

    I bend my back down

    I will come closer to Her throne:

    "Bless my building business

    And every living body.

    Who will live in this house

    That Mother of God will be honored.

    Taco be, taco be, taco be!

    Forever and ever!

    It is believed that it is good to build a house in the place where poultry walks: this place has favorable energy.

    If you build a house of wood, then make sure that a log with a knot in the middle is not laid in the crown of the house, otherwise the owners of the house may die within seven years.

    In addition, during the construction of a wooden house, no one can guarantee that a log made from a tree on which a person once hung himself will not be used. To insure and avert trouble, collect the first shavings from logs and burn it, reading such a protective plot:

    The roots are in the ground, but the amulet is on me.

    Taco be, taco be, taco be! Forever and ever!

    Do not start building a house on the 13th - there will be no happiness in this house. As they used to say in the old days: "They are building a hut for the devils."

    In any case, no matter what house you build - stone or wooden - before starting construction, you must read a prayer on the foundation of the house:

    God the Almighty, who created the heavens with reason and founded the earth on its firmament, the Creator and Maker of all, look at Your Child (name), who deigned in the power of Your fortress, erect a house in a dwelling, and erect a building with it: establish it on a solid stone, and base according to Your Divine voice, neither wind, nor water, nor anything else can harm it: favor it to come to the end, and in it those who want to live from any slander of the opposing SVAboda. For Yours is the State, and Yours is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory! Taco be, taco be, taco be! Now and forever and forever and ever. Ohm.

    There are words for a rich and happy life in a new home.

    Starting the construction of a house, put a trifle under three corners of the future foundation, while saying:

    Peace, tranquility, wealth.

    To the Glory of our Gods and Ancestors!

    And also a charm on the plot in front of the house.

    Hang the wedding ring on a woolen thread made of sheep's wool and go through your backyard (cottage) plot crosswise with the words:

    My God, my Grace, do not let me take even a speck of dust from this place. Just as a dead person does not see the light, so a thief will not offend this place. My watchmen in heaven.

    Now and forever and forever and ever. Ohm.

    Finally, the most reliable conspiracy from troubles and troubles.

    Chur-Churilo, old old.

    You sit, sit, sit!

    You look, look look!

    You go, go walk!

    Yes, dare (name) trouble.

    Be taco, be taco, be taco!

    In our today's review, we will study from all sides another promising search for coins, in this case, mortgage coins at the corners of an old house, under the foundation. Novice searchers will ask, “How did they get there”? They got there along with the tradition, according to which, from ancient times, coins were placed under the corners of the foundation of the house, during the construction of it, for prosperity, so that money would always be found in it.

    The denomination of mortgage coins depended on the wealth of the future owner of the house, of course, under the house of the poor, you will not find royal silver and gold coins.

    In the foundation of the poor, usually: a piglet, a three-ruble note, a penny, less often money or a penny (in Soviet-built houses - rarely silver fifty dollars). A noble old house or a landowner's estate was often given to stubborn treasure hunters - silver rubles and fifty rubles, especially lucky ones - gold chervonets, but this is one case in a thousand dug up rich foundations. Usually a coin that had gone out of circulation was laid down - the king changed, the coins remained.

    Therefore, the age of the house cannot be judged by the mortgage coin; in most cases, it is younger than the year of the coin. Together with coins, charmed herbs from evil spirits, bread, incense and other traditional things were placed under the foundation.

    Where can mortgage coins be found? extraction technology.

    Almost always you will find a mortgage coin under the so-called "Red Corner"- the right corner of the wall of the house running parallel to the street of the village on which your house stands (they started building the house from it). You need to look for it between the lower rows of logs (usually between the first and second logs).

    Some made depressions in the log, put a coin there, and closed it with the next one - perpendicular. Others put a mortgage coin under a specially prepared foundation stone, which was located in the foundation of the house. In general, at different times, and in different regions, the bookmarking technology was peculiar, there is no unambiguous recipe for everyone here.

    Usually an icon was placed in the “Red Corner”. "Red Corner" - located on the east side. If the house stands alone (settlement), or only one foundation remains from it, we first examine the corner directed to the east (for the “dense” - where the Sun rises).

    Of course, it is optimal to make a pit of the entire foundation, i.e. dig up the survey area for a bayonet or two bayonets (depending on the thickness of the layering of the remains of the house), this applies to the case of the absence of a building.

    And now it is very difficult to find whole old houses, all of them have been combed by seekers. Often there are entire villages of abandoned houses with corners already cut down.

    I remembered one case from my first cop outings. Now I don’t remember what the exit was - like the third one. The metal detector is the first educational and simple “outrageously”, everything is as it should be. I arrive at the place of the landowner's estate, according to the stories of locals, I learn that the building was made of brick, they broke it 60 years ago (most likely the brick was carried away for construction purposes).

    With joy I am running around the foundation of the estate, a bunch of future finds flash in my thoughts, but I only receive signals from traffic jams that lie almost on the surface (see 5-7). The soil is difficult to dig, fragments of brick are all here, in general, I did not find anything.

    Now I often recall that incident, and laugh at my inexperience at that time. After all, a layer of bricks and all sorts of debris removed the cultural layer (the layer where the objects of the ancient era are located) of the finds by at least 20-30 cm + another 15-20 cm, if you look for mortgage coins in the foundation. But my “ASYA 150” () could not boast of such a search depth, and it is unlikely that a super fancy metal detector could see a dime, for example, at a depth of half a meter, a little more than a Soviet penny.

    In my case, the only correct solution would be to remove the layer of debris, and pit for 1-2 bayonets of the next layer, then the probability of finding finds would increase to 90-95%. Without modesty, I would have pulled everything out of there, although it would have required a titanic labor of removing the layer and digging it (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe estate was about 30 by 40 meters).

    Newcomers to the search (I think most of the readers of this article will be exactly them) take note if you set about the foundation of the estate, dig a foundation pit, the finds will pay off all the corns and sweat. At the very least, this occupation will bring many times more than the collection of dead "losses" in the fields. Indeed, along with mortgage coins, the list of finds will be replenished: items of ancient utensils (not necessarily coins, maybe some valuable good), valuable pugs, coins under the floor, etc.

    I’m still going to cop-revenge this unfortunate estate of my first steps in treasure hunting, but until “my hands reach it”, I’ll insert the report right into this article. But back to the topic of our article. Under all four corners of the house, coins are very rare.

    In parallel (if the house has been preserved), we check the space under the porch (under the threshold), under the window sills (they put coins in protection from evil spirits). From the inventory for the inspection of the foundation we take: a crowbar, two shovels (one in reserve), preferably a chainsaw and a jack.

    Good luck in finding. Read our blog.

    Mortgage coins at the corners of an old house (foundation). How to find? In our today's review, we will study from all sides another promising search for coins, in this case, mortgage coins at the corners of an old house, under the foundation. Beginners of the search will ask: "How did they get there"? They got there, along with the tradition, according to which, from ancient times, they put coins under the corners of the foundation of the house, during the construction of it, for prosperity, so that money would always be found in it. The denomination of mortgage coins depended on the wealth of the future owner of the house, of course, under the house of the poor, you will not find royal silver and gold coins. In the foundation of the poor, usually: a piglet, a three-ruble note, a penny, less often money or a penny (in Soviet-built houses - rarely silver fifty dollars). A noble old house or a landowner's estate was often given to stubborn treasure hunters - silver rubles and fifty rubles, especially lucky ones - gold chervonets, but this is one case in a thousand dug up rich foundations. Usually a coin that had gone out of circulation was laid down - the king changed, the coins remained. Therefore, by the mortgage coin, one cannot judge the age of the house, in most cases it is younger than the year of the coin. Together with coins, charmed herbs from evil spirits, bread, incense and other traditional things were placed under the foundation. Where can mortgage coins be found? extraction technology. Almost always you will find a mortgage coin at the so-called "Red Corner" - the right corner of the wall of the house, running parallel to the street of the village on which your house stands (they started building the house from it) You need to look for it between the lower rows of logs (usually between the first and second log). Some made recesses in the log, put a coin there, and closed it with the next one - perpendicular. Others put a mortgage coin under a specially prepared foundation stone, which was located in the foundation of the house. In general, at different times, and in different regions, the bookmark technology was peculiar, there is no unambiguous recipe for everyone. Usually an icon was placed in the "Red" corner. "Red Corner" - located on the east side. If the house stands alone (village), or only one foundation remains from it, we first examine the angle directed to the east (for the "dense" - where the Sun rises). Of course, it is optimal to make a pit of the entire foundation, i.e. dig up the survey area for a bayonet or two bayonets (depending on the thickness of the layering of the remains of the house), this is with regard to the case of the absence of a building. And now it is very difficult to find whole old houses, all of them have been combed by seekers. Often there are entire villages of abandoned houses, with corners already cut down. I remembered one case from my first cop outings. Now I don’t remember what the exit was - like the third one. The metal detector is the first educational and simple "outrageously", everything is as it should be. I arrive at the site of the landowner's estate, according to local stories, I learn that the building was made of brick, they broke it 60 years ago (most likely the brick was taken away for construction needs). With joy I am running around the foundation of the estate, a bunch of future finds flashes in my thoughts, but I only receive signals from traffic jams that lie almost on the surface (see 5-7). The soil is difficult to dig, fragments of brick are all here, in general, I did not find anything. Now I often recall that incident, and laugh at my inexperience at that time. After all, a layer of bricks and all sorts of debris removed the cultural layer (the layer where objects of the ancient era are located) of the finds by at least 20 - 30 cm + another 15 - 20 cm, if you look for mortgage coins in the foundation. But my "ASYA 150" (Garrett ACE 150 metal detector) could not boast of such a search depth, and it is unlikely that a super sophisticated metal detector could see a dime, for example, at a depth of half a meter, a little more than a Soviet penny. In my case, the only correct solution would be to remove the layer of debris, and pit for 1-2 bayonets of the next layer, then the probability of finding finds would increase to 90-95%. Without modesty, I would have pulled everything out of there, although it would have required a titanic work of removing the layer and digging it (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe estate was about 30-40 meters). Newcomers to the search (I think most of the readers of this article will be exactly them) take note if you set about the foundation of the estate, dig a foundation pit, the finds will pay off all the corns and sweat. At the very least, this activity will bring many times more than the collection of dead "losses" in the fields. Indeed, along with mortgage coins, the list of finds will be replenished: items of ancient utensils, various treasures (not necessarily coins, maybe some valuable good), valuable pugs, coins under the floor, etc. in treasure hunting, but until "hands do not reach", as they reach, I will insert the report directly into this article. But back to the topic of our article. Under all four corners of the house, coins are very rare. In parallel (if the house has been preserved), we check the space under the porch (under the threshold), under the window sills (they put coins in protection from evil spirits). From the inventory, for the inspection of the foundation we take: a crowbar, two shovels (one in reserve), preferably a chainsaw and a jack

    (function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -261686-3", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-261686-3", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s .type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this , this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

    In winter, there is nowhere to look for coins ... except for houses. In addition to the lost items, coins could have been hidden in the house during construction. These are the so-called mortgage coins. They were placed in the structural elements of the house, which is a good omen. The richer the owners were, the fatter the coins can lie there. Here are the main places where they can hide:

    • at the red angle
    • From all angles
    • Under the window sills
    • under the threshold
    • Under the mat
    • nowhere

    It depends on the place and time. As it was customary at what time, a coin was put there. And they also pawned not only coins, but also crosses.

    At the corners, the coin is walled up in the foundation, for example, if the house is made of stone. And if wooden, then between the foundation and the first crown or between the first and second crown.

    The red corner is the place where the icons were. Since ancient times, this place has been special. More often this is the eastern corner of the hut, between the side and front walls, diagonally from the stove. Its location may depend on the terrain and building traditions.

    (function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -261686-2", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-261686-2", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s .type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this , this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

    Matrix is ​​a log or beam that serves as a support for the ceiling. This element of the hut is also considered mystical. In the old days, herbs and amulets were hung under it. And in those places where it was laid on a log of the wall, coins were also placed. By the way, even the name of this element varies: in our country it is called a matrix, and somewhere it is a matrix. Now, few places use this type of ceiling support in construction.

    Also under the windowsill, in addition to mortgage coins and crosses, you can find booms and even small pawns.

    There are many houses where there are no mortgage coins at all. Well, they didn’t put it, what can you do ...

    Usually, nickels served as a mortgage coin. Catherine, Elizabethan, ringers, and so on. Such specimens are often found in pits and plowed places. And basically they are all intact, because they were not lying in an aggressive environment.

    Surely, in the villages you met sawn or hollowed out corners, so this is the work of pigs. I consider this type of activity looting. A pawn coin can be easily removed from an angle using a hydraulic jack. Without noise, smoke and gasoline.

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