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  • Beautiful festive table setting - photo ideas Ideas for table setting
  • How to Serve at Home Table Decoration Ideas
  • How to arrange a table for an anniversary. How to decorate the table: simple ways to decorate products

    How to arrange a table for an anniversary.  How to decorate the table: simple ways to decorate products

    Any celebration, especially a birthday, requires careful preparation. Since when celebrating at home, the main attribute is a table with treats and drinks for guests, it is important to pay the most attention to its decoration and serving. Skillfully applying the basic rules for placing dishes and cutlery, as well as showing imagination in the design of the table, any hostess will amaze guests who have not even begun to try treats.


    Proper serving of the solemn table at home is not much different from the restaurant. Acquaintance of the hostess with the characteristic features of the arrangement of dishes and treats for a birthday will allow you to arrange a feast with taste:

    • You should start preparing for the feast in advance. First you need to clarify the number of expected guests. In accordance with this number, you need to prepare individual dishes.
    • For special occasions, a nice faience or china service with enough plates should be found in the house, since the use of dishes from different sets can be perceived as bad form. The rules for the location of portioned plates include two points: dishes must be placed at a distance of one centimeter from the edge of the table, and half a meter should be left between adjacent plates. This will allow guests to feel relaxed at the table and at the same time communicate without problems.
    • According to the rules of serving, a hot plate is placed at the very bottom, a deep bowl for first courses is placed on it, and small plates for snacks are already on top of it.

    • The location of cutlery also plays a significant role. On the left side of the plate should be a fork, on the right side - a spoon and a knife. Spoons and forks, according to the rules of serving, must be laid with the convex side down.
    • The next step is the arrangement of containers for drinks. On a birthday, it is customary to serve cold and alcoholic drinks in beautiful glass or crystal dishes. On the left side of the plate of each guest, the largest glasses should be placed, then all available containers are placed in descending order, and at the end, a glass is placed on the right side.
    • For organizing a children's birthday, it has recently become acceptable to use disposable tableware that is safe for active kids. In addition to the fact that she does not fight, mom does not have to spend time washing her. Manufacturers provide a huge selection of colorful designs of plastic and paper tableware with images of your favorite characters, which will please any little mischief.

    • There should be two types of napkins on the table: paper and fabric. The first ones are necessary for wiping lips and hands during and after the meal, and the second ones - to protect clothes from accidental contamination at the table. Napkins can additionally decorate the table. Paper napkins should be placed around the perimeter of the entire table, beautifully laid in napkin holders, and fabric napkins should be twisted into a tube and tied with a ribbon or threaded into special decorative rings.
    • When guests sit down at the table, cold appetizers, salads and sandwiches should already be placed on it. Dishes must be placed so that all guests can easily reach them. Instead of one large salad bowl, it is better to use two or even three containers spaced along the entire length of the table. All salads should be with spoons so that it is more convenient to impose them. The first hot dishes are poured from the common container with a ladle with the utmost care, then the second hot dish is served.

    What is the best way to cover?

    In addition to the correct arrangement of dishes and dishes, any hostess takes care of the festive decor. Decorated in a single style direction and thought out to the smallest detail, the room for meeting guests will allow you to hold a celebration at the highest level even at home.

    The choice of style and decorations for serving a festive table largely depends on the dishes and tablecloths. If necessary, a tablecloth as a less expensive attribute can be replaced with a more suitable one. So, for crystal dishes, a snow-white tablecloth without any patterns will be an excellent solution; napkins in this case should also be white. If the service for the celebration is made of porcelain, then when choosing a tablecloth, you can show your imagination. The most practical option is to purchase a universal plain tablecloth that will look good with any set of dishes.

    For special occasions, it can be decorated with a silk or satin ribbon, and for tea drinking in a pleasant company, the tablecloth can be decorated with lace napkins.

    Candles in beautiful candlesticks, arranged in a special way, will help to serve a truly solemn table at home. Whatever the number of candles used, they cannot be a substitute for basic lighting. The color scheme of candles and the style of candlesticks should resonate with the general.

    In addition to candles and napkins, today it is customary to decorate the table with other decorative elements that will set the mood during the feast. Often you can find decor recreated from natural materials. This manner of decorating the festive space belongs to the rustic style. It is often used in the design of weddings, but recently the style has become popular for anniversaries.

    Depending on the season, a variety of compositions can be placed on the table: baskets with apples and other crops, compositions with pumpkins or corn cobs will come in handy for autumn name days, in the spring and summer months the table can be decorated with unusual designs of seasonal flowers, and in winter the celebration will be decorated spruce branches and cones reminiscent of the approach of the main holiday.

    Fans of Russian traditions will love the decoration of the holiday in the style of "a la rus". This style is perfect for the anniversary of 55 years, when women and some men retire. Plates or teapots with Khokhloma, a samovar decorated with a bunch of bagels on the table, nesting dolls and sweet cockerels on sticks will help to recreate the spiritual atmosphere.

    For guests, you can save a few scarves or kokoshniks, painted felt boots and hats with earflaps for memorable photos, and as an entertainment, prepare several soulful compositions to the accordion.

    Trendy serving in black and white with the addition of gold and hot pink accents in the form of primitive prints will be a great solution. for celebrating a youth birthday. The main thing in this design is the play of colors and minimal decor. The birthday party in this style can be decorated with a composition of balloons.

    A woman does not always want to celebrate such a serious date as 45 years old. However, a properly decorated festive table will remind her that this age symbolizes the prime of life and reveals female beauty in a new way. That's why decorating the anniversary in a floral style will come in handy. The ideal option would be to pick up dishes with floral motifs, and arrange the same flowers all over the table in small vases. In addition to flowers, the table can be decorated with edible compositions of berries.

    The classic way of table setting is suitable for the 50th anniversary for both men and women. This style of decoration of the celebration is chosen for its simplicity and the absence of unnecessary details, which helps to save money and not be distracted from the person of the hero of the day by various trifles. Characteristic for this style is the obligatory presence of a snow-white tablecloth and the same dishes, but with a gold edging. Modern trends allow you to replace a white tablecloth with any other warm shade.

    Another modern trend in the festive sphere is the organization of theme parties. Such ideas are great not only for celebrating a children's birthday, but are quite applicable for adult gatherings. Consider a few original ideas for decorating a holiday:

    • Pirate gatherings. Decoration does not require overly complex details. It is enough to hang a pirate flag on the wall, choose a striped print for table textiles, prepare pirate gold coins for competitions as a souvenir. Other festive attributes and costume elements should also reflect the general theme.

    • gangster meeting. The stylization of the holiday under the 30s of the last century will be a very stylish and unusual solution for a theme party. The festive table can resemble a poker game, cigars can be prepared for adults, and dummies of pistols can be distributed to children. Subdued lighting will convey the atmosphere of an underground casino, in which the money of the birthday boy's own bank is laid out in every corner.
    • Stilyaga-style. Fans of bright colors and crazy emotions will love this anniversary decoration. You can use old vinyl records, retro household items, bright accessories and clothing - everything that will help guests feel the atmosphere of that time.
    • Hawaiian party is another very colorful idea for organizing a birthday party. For this style, you can prepare garlands of paper flowers of the brightest shades and distribute them to guests, arrange various transparent containers with water, as well as sea pebbles, shells or flowers around the perimeter of the table. The bottom of the table can be draped with a traditional Hawaiian skirt, and the walls can be decorated with brightly colored, whimsical, wooden masks.

    Flower decoration

    No anniversary or other celebration is complete without flowers. Flowers in this case are not only a compliment from the guests, but also a wonderful decorative composition for decorating the table. Original and aesthetically designed bouquets will set the mood for the holiday, make it truly royal. Often, to create such compositions for an anniversary, they turn to the help of florists, but at home you can create a flower island on your own.

    • Table decoration in this way should be balanced. That is, a bouquet of decent size should be in the singular and decorate the central part of the table or the place of the birthday. Miniature compositions can be located along the entire length of the table.
    • When choosing the size and splendor of the bouquet, it should be borne in mind that it should not close the interlocutors from each other. In addition, voluminous flower islands should not be placed on a richly furnished table, and during tea drinking an impressive bouquet would be quite appropriate.
    • To decorate a feast, you should choose specimens with a subtle, subtle aroma. This will allow you not to interrupt the smells of food, and also protect guests from allergies or headaches.
    • The color scheme of the composition should also be chosen wisely. A colorful bouquet will look great on a classic snow-white tablecloth, but with an abundance of bright colors, it is better to give preference to a monophonic one that echoes the main color scheme of the composition.

    • The choice of vases is another important point. The best option is simple shapes and materials that echo other dishes. Laconic glass vases are versatile. For round tables, you can choose oval flower stands, while voluminous bouquets are best placed in the center of the table, and small identical compositions are placed in a circle. The square shape of the tabletop determines the choice of vases with clear lines, and on a rectangular table, the arrangement of vases of any shape along the center on a strip of fabric contrasting to the tablecloth will be successful.

    Knowing the rules of table setting and how to decorate it, you can arrange a truly royal feast. A few tricks will help make the holiday as comfortable as possible:

    • Before you think over the festive decor, you should analyze the status of the guests. Almost any serving is suitable for a cozy home environment, but it is better to choose light warm colors, floral arrangements and classic dishes. For a youth party, bright design styles with unusual details will be appropriate. A feast with young children requires the presence of sweet treats and safe cutlery. Colleagues, business partners or unfamiliar people are better off organizing a feast in a discreet atmosphere without any frills, observing the rules of business etiquette used in the office.

    • If you plan to organize a feast in a sauna or a country bath, you should also carefully consider serving. Before steam treatments, you can prepare a small buffet with light vegetable or fruit snacks and non-alcoholic refreshing drinks. In this case, the main treats should be served only after all the guests have swum in the pool, visited the steam room and recovered a little. Vegetable and fruit salads, seafood dishes, and nuts are chosen as dishes in such an environment.

    Rolls and sushi, snacks in pita bread, tartlets will also be appropriate. Alcoholic drinks can be served with the main dishes - barbecue, grilled chicken, baked fish, grilled vegetables.

    • To arrange flower arrangements, it is not necessary to go to the store for vases. Flower stands can be prepared independently, based on glass jars, cut plastic bottles or cans from canned food. As a decor, you can use lace, satin ribbons, rhinestones, baggy fabric or paints for working on glass. This approach will allow not only to create truly exclusive things, but also to fit the compositions perfectly into the main decor.

    • At a feast with a large number of people who are not always familiar with each other, it would be appropriate use of name cards for seating arrangements. This will allow you to most comfortably arrange guests and not create crushes while seated at the table. Name badges can also be performed independently in a common style format. Instead of names, you can use humorous pseudonyms or children's nicknames.

    Budget and at the same time beautiful decor elements for a festive feast can be made from corrugated paper, colored cardboard or foil, tulle or tulle. With a little imagination, you can recreate a unique decor and impress guests on the spot.

    beautiful ideas

    The table in vintage style involves the use of gilded antique candlesticks, ornate napkin holders and antique cutlery.

    Solemnly and colorfully looks the design of the table in the trendy color of Marsala.

    For a men's company, an excellent solution would be to use a rich blue color combined with black accents.

    How to properly set the table, see the following video.

    When it comes time for our own birthday, we plunge into these pleasant preparatory chores ... In our article, we will offer you 33 original ideas for decorating the festive table.

    We all love to visit the holidays to enjoy the reigning atmosphere of solemnity and fun. Part of this mood, of course, creates the interior of the room and the festive table itself.

    Do you have a birthday ahead of you? Then it's time to get acquainted with our original ideas to surprise and delight guests, as well as yourself.

    So how can you decorate a table for a birthday?

    The starting point should be the choice of a tablecloth, it will be, as it were, the basis of our “delicious picture”. Tablecloths of warm saturated rich shades will help us in creating a festive atmosphere - these are golden, terracotta, orange and reddish tones. A rich blue, bright red or dark green tablecloth will also look very elegant. The main thing is to correctly build the entire color scheme of the festive table composition when using saturated shades. You can put covers on the chairs by tying them with a ribbon.

    How to decorate a table for a birthday: dishes and napkins

    A good choice for a birthday would be dishes with edging. Snow-white and gold will be perfectly combined with the warm color of the tablecloth. If you opted for a saturated bright color, then use colored dishes, choosing a good contrast.

    Napkins will also become an important element of table setting. They should be combined with a tablecloth and, in addition, they can be given the most intricate shape, which is sure to attract the attention of guests and immediately set them up for a festive mood. There are many options for folding napkins. One of the most uncomplicated, but elegant - just roll it up and tie it with a thin satin ribbon. You can give it the appearance of a turret and install it vertically, or, after a little manipulation, making a few kinks, give it the shape of a fan and secure it with tape from one edge of the fold. Here you can safely experiment and come up with something of your own, unique and completely new.

    How to decorate a birthday table with flowers

    As for the presence of flowers on the table, of course, this will decorate and emphasize the festive atmosphere. Just note that you need to avoid strongly scented flowers. Their smell should not distract from the culinary delights and should not cause any disturbance to the guests. A small amount of flower petals can be unobtrusively sprinkled on the table between dishes.

    Flower vases should be low, almost flat, and flower stems short enough. Floral arrangements should not block the view of guests, they serve only as an addition to the table decoration. You can use a multi-component flower arrangement - place a large bouquet in a flat vase in the center of the table, and miniature flower arrangements in the same style near each device.

    At decorate the birthday table unusually

    Do not be afraid to use some unusual design items, add your unexpected details. It can be anything. For example, decorative vases, unusually shaped hodgepodges made of glass. They can be placed at each device or along the edges of the table.

    And in no case do not forget about the candles, they will decorate any holiday table. Candles can play the role of a central element within a flower arrangement or be an independent element on the table. In the second case, you can focus on a beautiful candlestick. The candlestick can be tall, elegant and the candles in it are thin and generally towering above the table. And, perhaps, you will like the option with a flat bowl, where small colored candles and flower petals will float.

    You can celebrate your birthday in the form of a costume themed party. But, even without using costumes, you can create some special holiday style. For example, let this evening be held in Japanese style. Red, black and white colors in serving will help you with this. Dishes with a black edging and a red flower will emphasize the Japanese flavor, the tablecloth, perhaps, will be of a soft pink hue - all this will create the sophistication and mystery of the East.

    If the table is already stylishly decorated with a tablecloth and dishes, there are flowers or candles on it, it is worth moving on to the dishes. If you just put a dish on a plate, the design will not look original. Try to decorate them exquisitely with imagination. When planning the menu, keep in mind that guests will be of different age categories and with their own tastes. Let there be few dishes on the table, but all of them will be decorated with soul and taste.

    The arrangement of dishes deserves special attention. Put multi-colored canapes on skewers, sliced ​​\u200b\u200band tartlets. Decorate bottles with drinks with ribbons, paper and flowers. Everything should be in tune with the main serving.

    How can I decorate the table for a child's birthday?

    First of all, you need to think over the style of decorating the holiday, and based on this, choose a color scheme for dishes, tablecloths, decor items.

    Above the table you need to hang ceiling decorations in the form of balls, garlands, paper decorations.

    A tablecloth can be easily made by hand from taffeta, organza, mesh or wrapping film. In order to fix the drapery, you can use tape or, for example, a stapler.

    Dishes at a children's party should be healthy and light. Decorate them in the form of your favorite children's characters, dolls, cars. Create a whole fairy tale from dishes!

    Be guided by your preferences and good mood when decorating the festive table, and your guests will appreciate your efforts!

    If you have never encountered this work, then at the initial stage it is important to understand that setting the table for any festive event is a very difficult task.

      Basic Rules

      How to arrange dishes

      What you should pay attention to?

      About self-serving table

      How can you style your holiday table?

      Summing up

      Photo gallery - table setting for a birthday

    It is important to follow all the basic design rules, otherwise you will not be able to produce the desired effect on the guests. A properly set table can be a source of your pride, as well as the admiration of every invited guest.

    The definition of serving should mean the arrangement of dishes in a certain sequence, appliances, as well as table decoration. The design always depends on what kind of holiday you intend to celebrate and how big.

    Table setting for a birthday

    Decorating should be approached with full responsibility, regardless of what became the reason for the celebration. Of course, it is desirable first of all to make sure that the celebration takes place in a spacious room. This is necessary in order to be able to accommodate all the guests that you want to see that day. In addition, it is important to consider what kind of dishes to use, but in any case, it should be beautiful. Near the festive plate, you need to place the necessary utensils for eating.

    Use beautiful tableware to set the table

    Auxiliary devices must be present on the table, because they serve directly, so that it is possible to comfortably take food. Individual tools are the familiar forks and spoons, as well as small tongs and many other common tools. It is important to remember that the spoon is always in the right hand, but the fork is in the other. Sauces should be applied with ladles, but this should be done as carefully as possible, as one awkward movement and the tablecloth can be damaged. Of course, these cutlery must also be present on the table.

    The order of the layout of devices on the table

    It does not hurt to place a set of napkins near each guest, as they can quickly remove dirt from the tablecloth without drawing special attention to your person. If we are talking about the traditional design of the table, then it will imply the execution of work in a certain order.

    An example of serving a festive table

    How to arrange dishes

    First of all, you need to place all the porcelain items on the table, then put the necessary cutlery in the correct sequence, and only then arrange the glasses, festive glasses and other glass or crystal items. You can decorate all this in many ways, but most often this is done using fabric and paper designer napkins. Their first type can be safely used in any situation, as they will look sophisticated and elegant. If guests are used to following the rules of etiquette, then they should be placed on their knees before eating. This will keep food from staining your clothes. As for paper napkins, it is customary to wipe your lips or hands with them in the process of eating.

    Decor options for napkins for a birthday table

    Name days are the most anticipated holiday for people of all ages, so serving should be given special attention. It should be unusual and at the same time bright with festive notes. The tablecloth will also be important. You can choose a bright white version or resort to multi-colored counterparts. The use of tablecloths with lace trim will make the table as solemn as possible.

    A lace tablecloth will add solemnity to the holiday

    During the celebration, guests can smear a beautiful tablecloth, so to prevent this unpleasant event, a transparent oilcloth should be placed on top. It is recommended to place several wicker baskets on the table, in which all kinds of fruits will lie. You can safely use vases, glass and porcelain glasses, as well as beautiful plates.

    Decorate your holiday table with porcelain vases

    What you should pay attention to?

    At the initial stage, it is worth knowing exactly how many people will come to you, since you need to calculate exactly how many cutlery you will need to use. Each visitor should be given a separate place, otherwise awkward situations will arise. It is important to immediately take a place for the birthday man. It should be perfectly visible, despite the vase of flowers placed near this place.

    Name cards help guests find their place

    As for fruit baskets, it is advisable to place them on different sides, since each guest should have free access to them. Next, you need to place on the table a couple of coasters with bread, sandwiches, but at the same time they should be at the same distance between them. Between them it is customary to put drinks.

    The distance between plates should be at least 50 cm.

    The only thing you need to know about the arrangement of plates is that they should be placed strictly half a meter apart, but only a centimeter of free space should remain from the edge. It is not recommended to put multi-colored plates and coffee cups. It is advisable to use one or more identical services. The advantage of this solution is that all products will be not only bright and pretty, but also the same.

    For harmonious serving, use plates from the same service

    The first step is to put shallow plates, where the second dish will then be superimposed. It is customary to install deep plates for served first courses on them. On top of them should be placed the smallest, which are intended exclusively for pre-prepared snacks. As for cutlery, there are special subtleties in their placement. Available paper napkins should be placed next to the left side of the plate. Glasses, glasses and glasses should be arranged in descending order, but the largest vessel should be the first.

    Proper serving of plates for the festive table

    The celebration most often begins with the serving of cold dishes, that is, salads, various snacks and other similar foods, and only then hot delicacies and dessert are brought. As for the hot, it should always consist of the first and second. At the stage of serving the festive table, you need to make sure that there is a spoon in each salad bowl, otherwise it will be inconvenient for those who come to you for the holiday to put them on.

    Cold appetizers are served first.

    If we talk about serving tol for children and adults, then there are practically no differences. Most often, plastic disposable tableware is placed on the table for children in order to prevent the likelihood of injury. Safety should also be given important attention, as children tend to be active and most likely they will fool around. It can be decorated in different ways, so that in style they can fully fit into the interior of the table.

    Table setting for children's birthday

    We all know that most children have a weakness for sweets and this circumstance must be taken into account. It makes sense to focus on cookies, sweets and ice cream. All this should be in a beautiful dish available to every child. As for fruits, then you should not forget about them. Finely chop them and place them on the spacing. Drinks should also be taken care of. Most often, it is customary to please children with juices, fruit drinks or coffee. The main decoration of such a table will be the cake, which must be ordered in advance.

    Sweet table decoration for children's birthday

    About self-serving table

    The main task of every hostess at the stage of preparation for the celebration is to make sure that the festive table is decorated as much as possible. It makes sense to think about what style it should be decorated in, because there are actually a lot of options. The first step is to take into account the dishes and tablecloths you have. The latter is much easier to choose for a service, since the cost of this thing is minimal compared to dishes. In the presence of a large amount of crystal tableware, it makes sense to use a white tablecloth and the same napkins. This combination will look solemn and have a meal.

    A white tablecloth is ideal for setting a table with crystal

    You can also place several beautiful bouquets on the table, but they should be in crystal vases to fit into the overall design of the festive table. As for porcelain dishes, choosing the right canvas for it is extremely simple, since almost any accessories will look harmonious on it.

    Beautiful bouquets in crystal vases will decorate the table

    If you want to make the festive table as elegant and aesthetically attractive as possible, then it makes sense to use colored napkins. They can be folded into different figures, which will look very unusual.

    Beautifully folded napkins will decorate the festive table

    It is important to pay attention that all applied attributes are in harmony. The most suitable option would be a single-color large tablecloth, as it can harmoniously fit almost any of your stylistic decisions. When you need to achieve the most solemn look, you need to use silk ribbons.

    If you have a beautiful service, it also makes sense to resort to using a lace tablecloth and napkins. They will harmoniously complement all the dishes that will be placed on the festive table. Paper napkins can always be laid in some special way and it makes sense to use this, since in the end it is this decision that will help complete the image of the festive table.

    How to fold napkins

    Today, the range of such products is simply huge, so at the stage of forming a festive table for any celebration, you can choose a thematic option. It is recommended to use special napkin holders, which are commercially available in a wide range.

    Original napkin holders

    It makes sense to install a number of beautiful candles, which will decorate the overall design, creating a solemn atmosphere. Such accessories are always appropriate, but it is unacceptable to use them as the main source of light, because in the end the table must be as illuminated as possible. The color of the candles should be in harmony with the dishes on the table and everything else. You can use white classic candles and be sure that they will not stand out from the general interior. Most often they are placed near bouquets or form a separate composition.

    Candles create a festive atmosphere

    Currently, it is customary to serve a festive table, subject to the use of various additional items. For example, all kinds of silk ribbons will look great. They must be in harmony with the dishes and with the tablecloth, but otherwise there are no strict rules. From them, you can form rings and other figures, going from bouquets of flowers to the bottom of the table. As a result, a feeling of smoothness of all lines and unusual solemnity will be created.

    Decor from ribbons for the festive table

    It makes sense to use silver items, as they will also fit perfectly into the overall interior, regardless of its style. Flowers are present almost always and have become in fact an indispensable attribute of the festive table. It is important that the bouquets are properly arranged and present on the table in a certain sequence.

    Bouquets should harmoniously fit into the table setting for the birthday

    Most often, serving is done on weekends, because it will be necessary to gather the whole family and invite guests. It is unpleasant when someone close to you will not be able to come to the celebration and you need to take this circumstance into account. You need to cook all the dishes that each family member likes more than others.

    You can cook a table for a birthday with your children

    If the table is set well in compliance with all the basic rules, then it will allow children from a young age to learn how to properly use all cutlery. It will also be conducive to a pleasant meal and will bring pleasure to every member of the family. It is necessary to properly set the table, regardless of the occasion. If everything is done right in the morning, then a comfortable meal is guaranteed to cheer you up for the rest of the day. First of all, you need to arrange the plates where the appetizer will be placed, and only after that the glasses on the saucers.

    Pastries are placed on special dishes

    It is noteworthy that the handle of the cup and spoon must certainly be on the right side. There are special utensils for individual dishes that should be used. For example, boiled eggs should be served in a bowl with a long handle. Porridge should be placed exclusively in special plates, and those are placed on top of the previous ones. But all hot drinks are always served in special vessels installed in the center. Baking should be placed on capacious wide containers and also placed in the central part if there is free space. If there is none, then you can put them on the side, where the circles are.

    Layout of cutlery on the festive table

    How can you style your holiday table?

    This can be done through the use of unusual dishes and accessories. You can start with the same napkins, the range of which is simply huge. If you are preparing a table for a birthday celebration, then it makes sense to buy themed napkins. Their cost will be low, but it will immediately become clear to the guests who have come, what a reason for the celebration, although it has long been announced.

    Decorative elements for stylization of the festive table

    It may seem that doing this does not make sense, but it is precisely such nuances that form a holistic perception of the situation. Special attention should be paid to the birthday cake. Although it comes to him at the very end of the feast, he must be not only tasty, but also beautiful. You can order a birthday cake, which will also emphasize the theme of the celebration.

    The cake must match the chosen theme of the birthday

    Bottled drinks can be decorated with ribbons and thus give them an unusual look. Do not avoid using table decorations, which are also available in almost every store. The more various coasters and other accessories there are, the more solemn the table will look. The tablecloth must be chosen with full responsibility, and you should also resort to the use of nameplates and menus. All this is guaranteed to surprise and please every guest, and you will not need to spend a lot of time and money organizing a festive table.

    Use ready-made decorative elements to decorate the festive table

    Summing up

    As you understand, table setting is always subject to certain rules, but you should not avoid manifestations of your own initiative. As for the arrangement of dishes, there are certain facets here, but with the decoration of the table there are no restrictions and you can implement your even the most daring ideas. The more unusual things on the table, the better. The main thing is to first make sure that its size is sufficient to use all these elements.

    If we are talking about decorating a small table, then there is no point in piling it up with useless accessories. Dishes should be arranged so that there is still free space between them. If this rule is ignored, then it will be inconvenient for guests to take them, and visually the table will look cluttered. It is necessary to approach the matter with maximum responsibility and then it will be possible to achieve the desired result in a short time.

    Photo gallery - table setting for a birthday

    There is a strong opinion that decor is a costly business. Actually this is not true. Armed with imagination and good taste, even ordinary things can be turned into original jewelry. How? See our selection!


    Yes, the most common fruits can transform your table beyond recognition. Just do not need to imagine them folded in an even slide in a vase - act outside the box. For these purposes, apples, pears, pomegranates, citrus fruits are perfect. Everything that does not lose its appearance for a long time. Place them in the center of the table, using greens as a substrate - this option can be called the easiest. And after dinner, the fruit can be used for its intended purpose.

    If beauty is more important to you than rationality, feel free to cut fruits (especially citrus fruits) in half or into slices. An amazing smell is added to the interesting decor.

    In general, there are a lot of options for how to use fruits. For example, you can put a small tree (lime, orange or lemon) in the center of the table, and arrange its fruits on plates. Or add fruit to a transparent vase containing a bouquet. Just make sure that none of the guests accidentally encroach on this "lemonade".

    ice cream cones

    No, you didn't think so. This year, the "tasty" trend has gained a strong position. In decoration, horns are usually used instead of wrapping paper in mini-bouquets. Looks funny and very cute. Try it - your guests will be delighted.


    What holiday is complete without balloons? Now the decorators have gone further and offer to decorate with them not only the rooms, but also the table itself. They can be centered or attached to each guest's plate. But this decor option should be considered as temporary, because then it will have to be removed: after all, peeking out from behind the balls, trying to catch the eye of a neighbor on the table, is not very convenient.

    Therefore, a convenient alternative was invented. Instead of a large number of balls, only one is used, but in a beautiful composition. Usually the balloon is tied to a basket of flowers or sweets. By the way, this prompted florists to a new idea: often this combination is made in the form of a balloon.

    paper boats

    Another budget-friendly way to decorate your holiday table. Boats can be made from plain paper, as well as from colored or craft paper. It all depends on the theme of your holiday. For example, at a children's birthday party, kids can be invited to apply patterns on a completely white frigate themselves.


    And again, a decoration that you can get absolutely free. Branches are perfect for dinner in a slightly mystical atmosphere. The main thing is to add more candles. If you think that this decor looks too gloomy, you can paint the branches with bright or pearlescent paint, or decorate them with flowers and leaves.


    Speaking of leaves. Dried, they can also be an excellent table decoration. We do not recommend using green leaves torn from twigs, as they quickly lose their external freshness. But from the dried "brothers" will decorate any autumn party, and it is not at all necessary to make bouquets of them.


    This year's hit is feathers. Moreover, the more colorful and bright they are, the better. Just remember to take care of safety, especially if you plan to arrange them on plates. Well disinfect them first.


    The undisputed leader in terms of frequency of use in table decor in the 2018-2019 season. Moreover, it is appreciated by decorators in any form: both in the form of separate branches and in the form of lush garlands. Eucalyptus, ivy, needles and succulents have gained particular popularity.

    As for the ways to use greens, there are a lot of them. For example, twigs can be casually scattered on the table, arranged in beautiful wreaths, decorated with greenery for serving cutlery or napkins, and tiny bouquets with nameplates attached to them can be placed in front of each of the guests. By the way, the fashion for the tropics is still preserved, so take a closer look at the plants that you strongly associate with the jungle.

    humble flowers

    Stylish decor does not have to resemble decorations on royal tables. Sometimes the smallest detail can make the biggest impression. This technique is often used by decorators, especially since it is many times cheaper than all the others.

    Cutlery is most often decorated with a single flower or a modest bouquet, and they can also be placed on a plate as a small compliment before dinner. Stock up on ribbons - they will give the composition completeness.


    Of course, speaking of decor, we couldn't help but mention the bouquets. No doubt they always look spectacular. Unless you need to follow simple rules. It is not customary to put flowers in cellophane on the table, in addition, it is better for them to choose a transparent plain vase so that it does not block the view and does not distract attention from the bouquet itself.

    Recently, decorators prefer simpler compositions. It can even be flowers without any decorations - they are beautiful in their natural naturalness. As well as bouquets of wild flowers. Their main drawback is the short flowering period. It is also considered fashionable to make more than one large bouquet, but to combine several small ones in different vessels.

    Bottles and cans

    If you start preparing for the holiday in advance, pay attention to what you throw in the trash. Suddenly, some things will look much better on your holiday table. These include, for example, tin cans. Why not a stylish vase?

    The same goes for glass bottles, especially if they are of a non-standard shape or color. In this case, you can not even put anything in them, they will be perceived as an element of stylish decor. But it is necessary that such decoration is combined with the general theme of the holiday. Perfect for rustic style.

    Don't throw away the extra jars. Take them to your grandmother for seaming or use as a decoration. They make excellent vases and candle holders, especially if you complement them with twine or ribbons.

    Glasses and glasses

    Yes, they can also be used not only for their intended purpose, and not only in the usual way for us. It is enough to just ... turn them over. And inside you can hide a flower in a small pot. The guests will be delighted.

    Of course, glasses can also be used as vases. If you fill them completely with flowers, you will get the feeling that each guest has been given the most unusual dessert in the world.


    As for colors, white and gray are the most popular, complemented by cutlery in gold or bronze and transparent glass stemware. This trend dictates a certain philosophy: relax and enjoy what is happening.

    Take note: it will look stylish if you use several tablecloths at once. Moreover, they can be veiled at least on top of each other, at least crosswise, at least across. If you like classic options, don't worry - they never lose their relevance. The main thing is to supplement them with modern details.

    Complex serving

    An option for those who are ready to get confused and offer a change of cutlery and a few front plates. The good news is that it is not necessary that all the dishes are from the same collection. On the contrary, the more non-standard combinations you come up with, the cooler.

    In fact, it doesn't take much to make the serving look sophisticated. There can even be one set of cutlery, except that you need two plates of different sizes, a linen napkin (by no means paper!) And a cute element that will tie the whole composition together.


    In this subsection, we have collected those details that will make even a simple table setting unforgettable and create the atmosphere you need. The first element is candles, they are able to save even the dullest atmosphere. The second is nameplates. This is just a rule of good manners and a sign of respect for the guests.

    The third detail is the decor located in the center of the table. It will help make all the decorations more visible. The fourth (important) detail is good napkins, but we mentioned this above.

    And, finally, the fifth point is an element that evokes a strong association with the hosts of the evening. It can be a detail of your favorite color, a plate signed by you personally, or your favorite plant. In any case, this will emphasize the mood with which you were preparing for the holiday.

    Children's birthday, like any other event, has its own characteristics of table setting and the organization of the holiday as a whole. Also, the design of the celebration is influenced by fashion trends reflected in the decor and the rules for holding it.

    But all parents have the opportunity to arrange an unforgettable and bright holiday for their child and his guests, which will not only remain in the common memory, but also fit into the budget.

    Basic rules for organizing a children's table

    To arrange a magical birthday for your child, first of all, you need:

    1. Choose a general theme for the event. It can be a favorite cartoon that will immediately determine the color scheme, holiday attributes and even the child's outfit. Today, Frozen, Minions, Smeshariki are especially popular, and classic Disney princesses or comics also remain relevant. The theme of the holiday can also be a hobby or a child's desire for some kind of work;
    2. Choose a room in which a children's table will be organized. It can be directly a children's room, and a living room and a kitchen, if its size allows.
    3. Create a menu with suitable recipes. On the table, there must be an assortment of sweets and all kinds of healthy goodies that will not be difficult for children - mini-formats, tartlets, skewers, canapes are desirable;
    4. Prepare small gifts for the little guests. These can be toys in the general theme of the holiday, sweet presents, etc. It's good if children can use them immediately during the celebration, and then take them with them - magic wands, pipes, bandages or jewelry, etc. You can put them on plates.

    The main thing is to start preparing for the children's holiday as early as possible so that there is time to check the selected recipes, use or make decor with your own hands and search for everything you need. At the same time, it must be remembered that the children's table is not a place for spicy, fatty, overly salty and smoked dishes, plus it is important to find out from the parents of young guests in advance if they are allergic to any products, and exclude them from the menu.

    There is no need to come up with too sophisticated dishes, because children may refuse them - they are happy to eat only well-known, traditional food. And in no case should you try to force one of the children to eat, because such adult behavior can lead to a tantrum that will ruin the whole holiday.

    Table decoration for children's birthday

    Decorating a children's table for holiday gatherings has its own requirements:

    1. Excerpt of the general color range. Regardless of whether a certain theme is chosen for the holiday (cartoons, professions, hobbies, etc.) or a neutral design is chosen in the form of stars, hearts, polka dots, etc., it is important that the entire table setting matches 2-3 primary colors or shades of choice;
    2. Decorating the space around and above the table. These can be “Happy Birthday!” garlands, paper decorations, a background made of paper or fabric, figurines, flowers, etc .;
    3. Choosing the right utensils You will definitely need plates, cutlery, glasses, shelves for sweets and fruits, a cake stand, vases for sweets, and trays and more dishes may also come in handy. But for reasons of convenience and safety, it is better to choose paper or plastic dishes that can be made in the colors of the holiday. No - universal white will do;
    4. Making a festive tablecloth. It should also fit into the color scheme, so you should not buy a tablecloth separately for one holiday. It can even be a disposable oilcloth, if it suits the theme, but even the simplest white tablecloth can be easily decorated with frills or a garland (using a stapler), or painted with watercolors, adding inscriptions and drawings;
    5. Making decor for the festive table. We are talking about themed napkins, vases, underplates, decorations for straws, cutlery, cakes and desserts, candlesticks, etc. - all this can be done from improvised materials;
    6. Chair decoration. Chairs are an important attribute of the festive table, for which they need to be draped, tied with bows, decorated with balls, or hang name plates and other attributes on them that correspond to the theme.

    Children's birthday table: menu planning and recipes

    Children's birthday is a celebration of the stomach (including for parents), its menu must be composed of simple but very tasty dishes.

    Nuggets, french fries, baked potatoes with stuffing, macaroni and cheese, salads in tartlets, etc., have the greatest chances of being eaten, and not complex meat or vegetable dishes.

    The children's table can even consist entirely of snacks - small sandwiches, mini-burgers, pies, spring rolls, etc. As an option - a sweet table of donuts, muffins, cookies, cakes, macaroons, lollipops, marshmallows, marmalade, sweets and , of course, a cake with candles.

    Sweets can be supplemented with fruits, berries, nuts and yogurts (including frozen ones). Naturally, we need more juices or soda.

    Healthy nuggets

    Required Ingredients:

    • 0.5 kg chicken fillet;
    • 0.25 l of heavy cream (above 20%);
    • 70 gr. breadcrumbs and sesame;
    • salt and pepper to taste;
    • vegetable oil for frying.

    Cooking time: 30 minutes plus 4 hours for marinating.

    Calorie content: about 70 kcal / 100 gr.

    First you need to marinate the chicken fillet, cut into small pieces in cream with salt and pepper for 4 hours in the refrigerator. Then roll each piece of meat in breadcrumbs with sesame seeds and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. You can serve with any sauce - cheese, sweet and sour, homemade mayonnaise, vegetable sauce, etc.

    American macaroni and cheese

    Required Ingredients:

    • 300 gr. pasta horns;
    • 100 gr. smoked bacon;
    • 100 gr. hard cheese (preferably cheddar);
    • 100 gr. mozzarella (in extreme cases, you can replace it with suluguni);
    • 200 gr. frozen green peas;
    • 400 ml cream 20%;
    • 50 gr. butter;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour;
    • a pinch of grated nutmeg;
    • salt to taste.

    Cooking time: 50 minutes.

    Calorie content: about 330 kcal / 100 gr.

    You need to start by boiling the pasta and preparing the sauce in parallel, which requires melting the butter, pouring flour into it, quickly mixing until smooth and pouring cream. Boil until thickened, season with nutmeg and salt.

    Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry in a dry frying pan (a lot of fat will be rendered), grate the cheese. Mix together cooked pasta, bacon, peas, cheese and put the mass in a baking dish. Cook in the oven at 200 degrees until crispy.

    Children's birthday buffet: menu planning and recipes

    If it is clear that the birthday boy and his guests are active children, and it will be difficult for them to sit still at the festively set table, it is appropriate to dwell on the buffet option, in which many portioned snacks such as canapes will be placed on a separate table. Usually, such a table setting delights children, and they eat everything with appetite.

    Canape with sausage and tomatoes

    Required Ingredients:

    • 1 baguette (preferably grain);
    • 200 gr. boiled sausage;
    • a bunch of cherry tomatoes;
    • 150 gr. processed spreadable cheese;
    • lettuce leaves.

    Cooking time: 20 minutes.

    Calorie content: about 210 kcal / 100 gr.

    For squeezing small circles, a glass with thick walls, a baking dish, or even half a container from a kinder surprise is suitable. And you need to squeeze them out of the baguette and sausage cut into thin slices, although the sausage can be cut into very thin pieces and simply fold them four times.

    Each of the slices of bread should be smeared with melted cheese, covered with a small piece of lettuce and put on a skewer. On the same skewer, put another piece of sausage and cherry tomato (you can use half). Ready!

    Meat balls

    Required Ingredients:

    • 0.5 kg of mixed minced meat;
    • 1 pack of puff pastry;
    • salt to taste;
    • vegetable oil for lubrication.

    Cooking time: 40 minutes.

    Calorie content: about 250 kcal / 100 gr.

    You need to salt the minced meat and roll small meatballs out of it, and defrost the puff pastry and cut into thin strips according to the number of the resulting meatballs - they need to be wrapped with them. Put the resulting balls on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees - until crusty.

    This is the simplest and most versatile recipe - you can put any salad that your child likes into tartlets, including traditional Russian salad and crab. The tartlets themselves can be either bought at any store or made from puff pastry or shortcrust pastry in muffin tins. As a result, the children's buffet table will be very supported.

    Sweet table for a children's birthday: menu planning and recipes

    It's no secret that desserts are the most anticipated dish for both little birthday people and guests, and (even if secretly) for their parents. A sweet table can support the main meal or be an independent holiday menu, but the scope for serving it is truly limitless. And you can't go wrong with it.

    Cottage cheese and pineapple dessert

    Required Ingredients:

    • 0.4 kg of cottage cheese;
    • 0.2 kg of sour cream;
    • 1 can of canned pineapples;
    • 0.5 l of pineapple juice;
    • 0.5 cans of condensed milk;
    • 25 gr. gelatin;
    • vanilla sachet.

    Preparation time: 15 minutes plus chilling and soaking time.

    Calorie content: about 150 kcal / 100 gr.

    Initially, you need to soak the gelatin in pineapple juice for an hour, and then dissolve it over low heat, without bringing the liquid to a boil. Next, the preparation is elementary - all the ingredients, except for pineapples, need to be beaten with a blender and combined with pineapple slices and a cooled gelatin mixture. Pour the mass into a mold or molds and let it harden.

    Buckwheat sweets "A la truffles"

    Required Ingredients:

    • 200 gr. buckwheat flour (you can make it yourself in a coffee grinder);
    • 200 ml of natural yogurt;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder;
    • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
    • 5 st. spoons of prune puree;
    • 5 pieces. whole prunes;
    • 5 st. spoons of liquid honey;
    • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
    • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
    • sesame seeds for sprinkling.

    Cooking time: half an hour.

    Calorie content: about 300 kcal / 100 gr.

    First you need to mix all the dry ingredients, and then mix them with prune puree and yogurt, as well as sunflower oil. Finely chop prunes.

    From the finished dough, make small cakes, put a few pieces of prunes in them, close and form balls that need to be laid out on a baking sheet and baked at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. When cool, they will need to be dipped in honey and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

    Required Ingredients:

    • 0.5 kg "Anniversary" cookies;
    • 200 gr. butter;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder;
    • 1 glass of milk;
    • 100 gr. Sahara.

    Cooking time: 20 minutes plus 6 hours to set.

    Calorie content: about 420 kcal / 100 gr.

    Biscuits need to be divided into two parts and crushed in a blender, and the second broken into pieces by hand. Melt the butter with milk, add cocoa powder and sugar, then bring the mixture to a boil.

    Pour the ground cookies, remove from heat and knead the resulting mass well, adding the remaining pieces of cookies to it as a result, and put it on cling film or parchment paper, forming it in the shape of a sausage. It remains to send the dessert to the refrigerator for several hours and cut into slices before serving.

    How to decorate a children's table for a birthday: ideas, photos

    Some of the most relevant topics in the decor of a children's holiday today are "Princesses" and "Cold Heart" for girls, "Pirates" and "Minions" for boys.

    You can create a fabulous atmosphere of a Disney holiday for a little princess with the help of bright and lush decorations - clusters of balloons, pink bows and ribbons, banners with inscriptions, draperies of chairs, tables and lampshades, paper garlands. In this case, more flowers in the design are desirable - both living and artificial, and even in pots, as well as cardboard models of castles and towers or posters with their drawings.

    The Frozen cartoon won the hearts of all girls, so a holiday in this style will surely make them the happiest in the world. Here, blue and white colors come to the fore, as well as any imitations of snow and ice.

    Snowdrifts made of synthetic winterizer or other material, cardboard figures painted with glitter paint or covered with shiny glue paper, snowflakes made from Christmas decorations, cookies of the same shape, cupcakes with blue cream and sprinkled with silver confectionery sprinkles ... And balls.

    You can arrange a pirate party for a little birthday boy with bandanas, vests and pirate hats, which are sold in many children's stores. There you can also find toy daggers and treasure chests. Bananas, chocolate coins, appetizers with seafood and caviar (you can imitate it) are obligatory in the treat.

    "Minions" are adored by all children, so the design of a children's birthday in this style is suitable not only for boys, but also for mixed holidays. It is advisable to find hats or minion masks for all guests, but you can simply print their images from the Internet and hang them on the walls.

    You can write wish cards in the warped language of minions and distribute them to children, learn a funny dance with them. Bananas are also obligatory in treats, as well as all kinds of images of these creatures.

    And a few more ideas for dishes for a children's birthday - in the next video.