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  • Ways to improve the efficiency of public administration. The effectiveness of public administration, its criteria and ways to improve

    Ways to improve the efficiency of public administration.  The effectiveness of public administration, its criteria and ways to improve

    As the main strategy for improving the activities of public administration and local self-government bodies, a management strategy based on results is currently being implemented, which provides for their assessment based on performance indicators, normatively defined in the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 21.08.2012 No. 1199 “On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation "and dated April 28, 2008 No. 607 (as amended on October 14, 2012)" On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local self-government bodies in urban districts and municipal districts. " In pursuance of the Decrees, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed and approved methods for assessing efficiency (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2009 No. 322 and Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 11, 2008 (as amended on December 18, 2010) No. 1313-r (as amended on May 15 .2010)

    The current level of development of society in Russia requires state and municipal authorities to pay more and more attention to the implementation of the formation of a conceptual model for increasing the efficiency of the work of state power and state institutions, simultaneously with the introduction of new comprehensive mechanisms of goal-setting and goal-setting, as well as performance-oriented budgeting.

    The effectiveness of the activities of state and municipal executive bodies of government can be determined, firstly, by the costs of providing services to the population, as well as by the quantity and undoubtedly the quality of services, and secondly, by the costs of the resulting result of professional service activities of a state civil (municipal) employee or an executive body , the level of productivity in the public sector, as well as the consistency of the budgetary process with the performance of state and municipal executive bodies.

    The creation of conditions for the effectiveness of public administration is a necessary element in the process of public administration, as it allows to determine both the quality of the public administration system for the performance of public functions and the provision of public services, and the overall quality of political governance in the country.

    Analyzing various approaches to determining the effectiveness of the activities of public authorities, we can conclude that it is customary to highlight the economic and social effectiveness of the activities of public authorities. Since the political efficiency of public administration is associated with such a phenomenon as the vertical of power, the distribution of power, legitimacy, the level of democratization of society, the economic efficiency is determined by the volume of production, the degree of openness of the economy, freedom of doing business, and many others. The social efficiency of public administration in practice consists in the establishment of clear, efficient mechanisms of social interconnection.

    Following the assertion of Grigory Vasilyevich Atamanchuk, a very important place for all state power must be given to the social effect that society receives during the entire life cycle of a product, service, idea. The essence of the social effect lies in the fact that it must be stable, reproducible, progressive, contain not only the result, but also the source and means for subsequent development, act as a permanent and durable link in the chain of continuous reproduction of social life.

    G.V. Atamanchuk divides the social efficiency of public administration in general and the activities of public authorities, in particular, into three types:

    • 1. General social efficiency - reveals the generalized results of the functioning of the public administration system (that is, the totality of state bodies and objects controlled by them).
    • 2. Special social efficiency - characterizes the state of organization and functioning of the state itself as a subject of managing social processes.
    • 3. Specific social efficiency - reflects the activities of individual management bodies and officials, single management decisions, actions, relationships.

    The analysis made it possible to conclude that the existing assessment systems are focused on solving problems of local importance, the analysis of the situation of public administration, from the point of view of the main directions of the administrative reform, fixed in its concept, leaves out of the scope of research attention the processes of reforming the civil service system, budget management and other important trends.

    Public administration is the practical, organizing and regulating influence of the state on the social life of people in order to streamline it, preserve or transform it, based on its power. Currently, there are several theoretical and methodological approaches to defining the essence of efficiency. In different areas of activity, the understanding of efficiency has its own specific characteristics. In its most general form, efficiency is understood as: the possibility of achieving a result; the significance of obtaining the result for those to whom it is intended; the ratio of the significance of this result to the amount of effort spent on achieving it. For example, in politics, the term "efficiency" is viewed as something positive and desirable, thereby obtaining the meaning of the value characteristics of activity. In relation to the activities of the authorities, this term has become an effective political symbol capable of organizing public opinion in support of certain proposals. A comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of government bodies should be carried out taking into account the following two aspects. Target aspect - efficiency is assessed based on the dynamics of progress towards the normative values ​​of target indicators of socio-economic development in accordance with the criterion "costs - results". Evaluation criteria: degree of progress towards actual goals; dynamics of indicators characterizing the general goals of socio-economic development; compliance with environmental and social development constraints; effective GDP growth; the quality of life of the population; the effectiveness of projects and programs implemented with the participation of the government. Functional aspect - performance assessment is based on performance indicators of the main management functions and the availability of conditions for their implementation. Evaluation criteria: quality of the system of targeted strategic planning and management; legislative, regulatory and methodological support; availability and quality of work of functional units of target planning and management; availability of an information and analytical system for assessing the socio-economic situation; the presence of informal institutions of market infrastructure; availability of a system of training and advanced training for employees of government bodies. Recently, public administration efficiency has often been viewed in terms of two measurable components: technical efficiency and economic efficiency. The technical efficiency of public administration is determined by the degree of achievement of the set goals of activity, taking into account public interests. It reflects the compliance of public administration with the requirements of the external environment, taking into account the influence it has on the state of society, and is linked by quantitative and qualitative indicators, the important characteristics of which are their efficiency and regularity. The economic efficiency of public administration is defined as the ratio of the cost of the volume of services provided to the cost of the volume of resources attracted for this. It reflects the internal state of affairs in the public administration system, its own activities. As an economic category, economic efficiency reflects the relationship regarding the achievement of the desired result and the costs incurred. It is efficiency that most characterizes the level of economic development of a country, directly or indirectly reflecting the quality, state and level of use of all types of resources involved in the production process. After defining the concept of "public administration efficiency", it is necessary to familiarize oneself with the criteria of public administration efficiency.

    The concept of "efficiency criterion" of public administration denotes a sign or a set of signs on the basis of which the effectiveness of the management system as a whole, as well as individual management decisions, is assessed. The specific meaning of the term "assessment" is the ambiguity of the procedure for evaluating the results and consequences of the same actions and decisions of the managing subject by people. Evaluation of the effectiveness of public administration is necessary not only for state authorities, but also for society, which makes it possible to control the quality of the activities of state institutions. And for civil servants - improvement of management activities. The objects of efficiency assessment are various results of management activities: means of subsistence, types of social relations, processes, specific acts of activity, etc. They are called "object values". Objects are evaluated, i.e. their social significance is determined in accordance with ideals, principles, goals, concepts, norms, etc. These phenomena are referred to as "subjective values". They should be distinguished from “subject values” (objects of assessment). The effectiveness criteria are based on the principles of public administration, since they are objectively determined by the regulatory requirements developed by the practice of social and public administration, and the means of regulating the relationship between the goals and results of management activities. The principles express the requirements of objective laws of management; their action is associated with the implementation of the functions of the control system and stimulates the initiative and initiative of the controlled masses. The criteria for the effectiveness of public administration are formed on the basis of a system of subjective values ​​expressed in the ideology of the social and state system, for the strategic purposes of the ruling subject - the political course, in the concepts, political attitudes and norms of the management system, which are underpinned by common national-state interests. Often, the interests of the ruling classes or dominant national-ethnic groups are presented as such. The foregoing explains the relativity of the evaluation criteria of efficiency, their dependence primarily on the type of political system, as well as the specific historical conditions in which it functions. Values, goals, concepts, principles of public administration, the regulatory framework of the management system, and finally, public needs and interests - all these elements of the criteria for the effectiveness of public administration are variables determined by the social and state system, political regime and specific environment (historical and natural) in which the political community lives. Together, they constitute a mechanism for the response of the behavior of the state as a community of people to changes in the external environment and its internal state, a system of control over external and internal processes of change. The wider the sphere of control, i.e. rational influence, the higher the efficiency of management. But control, rational management of society and the environment cannot expand indefinitely. In the theory of organization and administrative management, efficiency is defined as the ratio of net positive outcomes (excess of desirable consequences over undesirable ones) and acceptable costs. In studies on economics and management, there are two approaches to assessing efficiency. The first is related to the assessment of technical efficiency, the second - economic efficiency. In terms of technical efficiency, the nature of the assessed activity is reflected: it indicates that “the right things are being done”. The indicators of economic efficiency characterize how the assessed activity is implemented, how productively the expended resources are used, that is, how “these things are done correctly”. The effectiveness of managerial or administrative work is assessed by determining the ratio between the result obtained and the resources expended. In studies of the effectiveness of public administration, several theoretical and methodological approaches can be distinguished that link efficiency with certain factors.

    • 1) Approach based on the concept of leadership. Representatives of this direction link the effectiveness of the organization with leadership skills, management style, individual characteristics and qualities of government leaders, systems of selection, assessment of task performance, motivation and professional development of civil servants.
    • 2) An approach that develops the theory of Weber's rational bureaucracy. From the standpoint of this approach, attention is focused on the hierarchical structure, functional specialization, the presence of clear principles for the regulation of the professional activities of civil servants, which are considered as necessary prerequisites for the effective activity of power structures.
    • 3) The approach to performance, associated with the theory of life cycles, is to consider the effectiveness of public administration in conjunction with the assessment of the impact of constantly and cyclically forming coalitions or groups of influence in government. The nature of decision-making in bureaucratic structures and their effectiveness are considered in the context of the life cycles of the organization's development.
    • 4) Within the framework of the concept of professionalism, effective activity is directly dependent on the professionalization of public authorities, the presence of career (professional) officials, on the level of their professionalism and competence.
    • 5) An economic approach linking the increase in the efficiency of government bodies with the presence of a competition mechanism among departments, a system for introducing innovations, as well as political and social accountability of government bodies, primarily to taxpayers.
    • 6) An environmental approach, which emphasizes that the results of the bureaucracy's activities depend on the nature of the external environment (the organization's ecology) and the ability of public authorities to manage changes and innovations in order to adapt to these changes.
    • 7) Approach based on the concept of quality management. Within the framework of this approach, the main focus is on creating a system of continuous improvement of processes and public services in public authorities; involving civil servants in this activity, making the most of their creative potential and organizing their group work. Quality management is based on the relationship between the potential of public authorities and the results of their activities, while constantly correlating with strategic goals and involving employees in quality processes, training them, increasing their competence and motivation. Depending on what is recognized as the main sign of efficiency, three groups of criteria are distinguished: value-rational, goal-rational and pragmatic. Determining the effectiveness of management on the basis of the conformity of the results of decisions and their consequences to the values ​​recognized by the state, expressed in political strategy, we call the value-rational criterion. If, as an indicator of management efficiency, the compliance of the results of the execution of the decision with the set goals, practical tasks expressed in state programs and plans is taken, then such a criterion is called goal-rational. Measuring management efficiency by type - "input - output" or "cost - result" characterizes the pragmatic criterion. These management criteria are general, since they can be applied in assessing decisions related to the activities of a governing subject in any area of ​​public life. At the same time, each of the types of criteria can be applied to the analysis of decisions of various levels, scales and significance for the state and society. The value-rational criterion will help the politician and theorist to evaluate the effectiveness of global, system-wide decisions of the authorities and top-level administration, the results and consequences of which are manifested in profound changes in the whole society or in many of its spheres. It is incorrect to judge the effectiveness of such decisions by individual positive results, as well as by the identified losses. Both are felt and comprehended by the ruling subject and controlled gradually, often over a long period. Moreover, it is impossible to express these results and expected consequences in any exact numerical values. Only by considering what happened, the occurring and possible results through the prism of the value system, the analyst will be able to determine the positive or negative effectiveness of these large-scale management actions of the state entity (I used the terminology of M. Weber). The goal-oriented criterion is also general, complex, but it is focused on assessing the effectiveness of management by fairly specific indicators that characterize the direct results of the goals achieved, the tasks solved, the implemented strategies and programs, taking into account the used public resources. The integral indicator - compliance of results with the interests of the state and society is also more specific than “compliance with values”. The marked indicators of assessment can be recorded by quantitative methods and qualitative characteristics. For example, indicators of the level and quality of life, political activity of citizens - voters, health status. The effectiveness of many government decisions at the highest and regional levels is not quantifiable, but even in such situations, the latter can play a supporting role. The pragmatic criterion of effectiveness involves assessing the effectiveness of individual specific decisions of the governing bodies at different levels. However, primitive pragmatism motivated by so-called common sense and the omnipresent scarcity of resources should be avoided here.

    An analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to determining efficiency allows us to conclude that, as a rule, economic and social efficiency are distinguished. The independence of these types of efficiency is, of course, relative, since they are in close unity and interconnection. When analyzing the effectiveness of public administration, the social effect is of particular importance. The essence of the social effect is that it must be stable, reproducible, progressive, contain a source for subsequent social development. The Russian sociologist G.V. Atamanchuk divides the social efficiency of public administration in general and the activities of public authorities in particular into three types:

    • 1. Overall social performance. It reveals the results of the functioning of the public administration system (that is, the totality of state bodies and objects controlled by them). Types of criteria for general social efficiency:
      • · The level of labor productivity, correlated with world parameters for its respective types;
      • · The rate and scale of growth of national wealth, calculated in the UN methodology;
      • · The level of national well-being of people per capita and with a breakdown of incomes of different categories, as well as in comparison with the standards of developed countries;
      • · Orderliness, safety and reliability of social relations, their reproduction with an increasing positive result.
    • 2. Special social effectiveness. It characterizes the state of organization and functioning of the state itself as a subject of managing social processes. Criteria of this type include:
      • The expediency and purposefulness of the organization and functioning of the state-governing system, its large subsystems and other organizational structures, which is determined through the degree of their control actions compliance with the goals objectively proceeding from their position and role in society. It is necessary to legislatively establish what goals each state body should implement and, upon their achievement, evaluate the relevant leaders and officials;
      • · Standards of time spent on the solution of management issues, on the development and passage of any management information;
      • · Style of functioning of the state apparatus;
      • · Norms, technologies, standards that every leader and civil servant must follow;
      • · The complexity of the organization of the state apparatus, resulting from its "fragmentation", multistage and abundance of managerial interdependencies;
      • · The costs of maintaining and ensuring the functioning of the state apparatus.
    • 3. Specific social effectiveness. It reflects the activities of each management body and official, each single management decision, action, relationship. Among the criteria, one can single out such as the degree of compliance of the directions, content and results of the management activities of bodies and officials with those of its parameters that are indicated in the legal status (and competence) of the body and public office; the legality of decisions and actions of state and local authorities, as well as their officials; reality of control actions.

    Along with general criteria of efficiency in science and practice, specific for each sphere of management are used: political, social, economic, etc. interests. The specificity is determined by essential signs of efficiency, which are manifested only in this type of management. For example, for political governance it is the level of development of political activity of the masses and protection of human rights and freedoms; for the social - ensuring an improvement in the quality of life, etc. The general criterion is concretized and supplemented by a special one used to determine the effectiveness of management of individual spheres of public life. Thus, the definition of the effectiveness of management activities known in theory as the ratio of "net positive results (excess of desirable consequences over undesirable ones) and acceptable costs" can be successfully developed when assessing decisions on specific socio-economic issues related to individual organizations and industries. The effectiveness of public administration is manifested at all levels of the functioning of the system: from an individual organization to a local society, from a local level to a regional one, from a regional community to a social system and its political organization - the state. At each of the levels, effectiveness is measured by its own criteria that characterize the ratio of goals and results, and in a different plane, the correspondence of results to the interests of managers and managed, expressed in goals. Public administration, as we have already emphasized more than once, is focused on purposeful change of a managed public object in the interests of the latter and the state. The effectiveness of management activities in any area is ultimately measured by the extent to which the goal is achieved. Within the framework of the general criterion, which serves as a guideline for determining the effectiveness of numerous individual decisions on particular issues, pragmatic criteria developed in the theory of social management are applied. G.V. Atamanchuk The theory of public administration. Publisher: Omega-L, 2004. - S. 240

    One requirement of a methodological nature should be emphasized: the effectiveness of each specific decision should be determined in accordance with a criterion due to the content of the decision and its results. We need a specific approach to the selection of criteria and taking into account the specific situation of making and executing a decision. So, if we are talking about a decision related to the extraction of some resources by the subject or their distribution, then the application of the criterion "resource provision - costs - results" - in this case requires significant adjustment. The result of the execution of this decision is the acquisition of the required resources. The costs are the use of a certain type of capital: political, social, informational, etc. Most likely, the effectiveness of this type of managerial action should be determined by the “goal-result-interests” model or by the “cost-benefit” criterion, on the basis of which decisions on the allocation of resources are made. Evaluation of the effectiveness of certain state programs (economic, social or cultural development) is possible with the involvement of such indicators: the volume of work performed and activities carried out, correlated with costs; implementation of officially established standards for the consumption of goods and services; the level of satisfaction of the needs and demands of the population in certain services and items of vital necessity, which is recorded, in particular, by surveys of the population and analysis of complaints and suggestions of citizens; dynamics of growth of budgetary allocations, etc. Effective concrete decisions of state organizations are, therefore, optimal. Those that ensure the implementation of generally valid goals, but do not involve large costs; those that bring significant success to one side, but do not require large losses for the other side. An optimal solution is a solution that yields significant positive results for all parties (“super optimal solution”); a solution that ensures the achievement of a combination of conflicting actions, interest groups, the practical elimination of specific sources of conflict or the settlement of the latter Holzer M, Productivity, governance and democracy. P.36. To improve the efficiency of public administration in certain spheres of public life in Russia, it is necessary to introduce a systematic assessment of their activities. The implementation of the goals and objectives of a systematic assessment will allow: to maximize the orientation of public administration in various spheres to achieve goals and comply with the constraints of economic development; to form an organizational and normative-legal mechanism for their achievement adequate to the set goals; to ensure reporting and systematic assessment of the result of target program activities, the development on its basis of measures to correct the action; improve the efficiency, productivity, efficiency and quality of management activities in any area. Thus, it seems necessary to form an effective system of state management of the processes of socio-economic development, taking into account modern requirements for ensuring transparency and efficiency of the activities of state institutions.

    Improving the efficiency of the public administration system is one of the most important institutional conditions for accelerating the pace of socio-economic development of the country. The priority areas of personnel policy in the civil service system, according to the Concept of reforming the civil service system of the Russian Federation, are:

    Formation of an effective mechanism for the selection of the staff of civil servants and work with him;

    Enhancing the prestige of the civil service and the authority of civil servants;

    Improvement of training and professional development programs for civil servants.

    33. The main threats to the national security of Russia. Terrorism. Functions of state power in ensuring security.

    Threats to the national security of the Russian Federation include:

    1. Terrorist threat. Local conflicts, often on ethnic grounds, and inter-confessional confrontation, which are artificially inflamed and imposed on the world by extremists of various stripes, remain a significant fuel for terrorists, a source of their weapons and a field of activity.

    terrorism is defined as the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing public consciousness, decision-making by state authorities, local governments or international organizations, associated with force, intimidation of the population and / or other forms of unlawful violent actions

    2. The threat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). If such weapons fall into the hands of terrorists, the consequences can be simply catastrophic. Nuclear weapons are now possessed by 9 states of the world (Russia, USA, England, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, North Korea). Another 8 states are close to its creation.

    3. The threat is the arms race, reaching a new technological level, threatening the emergence of a whole arsenal of new destabilizing weapons.

    4. Lack of a guarantee that weapons, including nuclear weapons, will not be withdrawn into space. The launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles with non-nuclear warheads could provoke an inadequate reaction from the nuclear powers, including a retaliatory strike using strategic nuclear forces. The situation with the development of ballistic missiles in the DPRK, Iran.

    5. The threat of the stereotype of block thinking.

    6. Threats in the economic sphere:

    - reduction of high-tech industries;

    - decrease in investment and innovation activity;

    - destruction of the scientific and technical potential of the country;

    - an increase in the export of foreign exchange reserves outside Russia, strategically important types of raw materials, an outflow of qualified personnel and intellectual property;

    - an increase in the share of the fuel and raw materials sector in industry;

    - the formation of an economic model based on the export of fuel and raw materials and the import of equipment, food and consumer goods, that is, the country's dependence on foreign manufacturers of high-tech equipment is growing, there is a technological dependence of the Russian Federation on Western countries and the defense potential of the state is undermined.

    7. Threats in the social sphere:

    - an increase in the proportion of the population living below the poverty line;

    - stratification of society into a narrow circle of the rich and the predominant mass of low-income citizens.

    8. The threat to the physical health of the nation is manifested in the crisis state of the health care systems and social protection of the population, in the growth of alcohol and drug consumption. A serious problem is the demographic situation in the country: in a number of regions of the Russian Federation, the death rate exceeds the birth rate, and the health of people is deteriorating.

    9. Threat of depletion of natural resources and deterioration of the ecological situation. This threat is especially great due to the predominant development of the fuel and energy industries, the underdevelopment of the legislative framework for environmental protection measures, and the failure to use nature-saving technologies. There is a growing tendency to use the territory of Russia as a burial place for hazardous materials and substances, to locate hazardous industries on Russian territory.

    10. Increase in the likelihood of man-made disasters. The share of man-made emergencies in the total amount in our country is 91.8%.

    11. Threats in the international sphere are manifested through the attempts of some states to oppose the strengthening of Russia as one of the centers of the emerging multipolar world. This is manifested in actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, as well as in territorial claims.

    12. Threats in the military sphere. The importance of military force in the system of international relations has not diminished lately. The military-political situation does not exclude the possibility of major armed conflicts occurring near the borders of Russia, affecting the security interests of the Russian Federation.

    13. sea piracy.

    Federal Law "On Security" Art. 4: State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies, within their competence, ensure the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of security.

    1. State policy in the field of security is part of the domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation and is a set of coordinated and united by a single idea of ​​political, organizational, socio-economic, military, legal, informational, special and other measures.

    2. The main directions of state security policy are determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

    3. State security policy is implemented by federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies on the basis of the national security strategy of the Russian Federation, other conceptual and doctrinal documents developed by the Security Council and approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

    4. Citizens and public associations participate in the implementation of state security policy.

    Art. 3 FZ Security activities include:

    1) forecasting, identification, analysis and assessment of security threats;

    2) determination of the main directions of state policy and strategic planning in the field of security;

    3) legal regulation in the field of security;

    4) development and application of a set of operational and long-term measures to identify, prevent and eliminate security threats, localize and neutralize the consequences of their manifestation;

    5) the use of special economic measures to ensure security;

    6) development, production and introduction of modern types of weapons, military and special equipment, as well as dual and civilian equipment in order to ensure security;

    7) organization of scientific activities in the field of security;

    8) coordination of the activities of federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government in the field of ensuring security;

    9) financing of security costs, control over the targeted spending of allocated funds;

    10) international cooperation to ensure security;

    11) implementation of other measures in the field of security in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    37. Modern trends in the development of political processes in the world economy.

    In the modern world economy, the following development trends are most pronounced:

    1. Internationalization and globalization of international economic relations

    2. International economic integration

    3. International movement of capital

    4. The objective need for interstate regulation of world economic problems

    The process of internationalization of international economic relations is developing very much today. quickly thanks to the rapid development of scientific and technological progress.

    The process of internationalization of international economic relations nowadays acquires the following features:

    · New international currency zones are being formed, each of which includes dozens of countries. We can talk about several such zones, where the main currency is the US dollar, the Japanese yen, and the euro.

    · Modern economic integration means not only free movement of capital, goods and services, labor. Nation states are increasingly delegating part of their sovereignty to supranational bodies. The European Union (EU) is one example of this.

    · The internationalization of international economic relations today is entering a qualitatively new stage - globalization.

    The essence international economic integration consists in the voluntary economic and political unification of countries, taking into account their division of labor in national economies.

    The basis for unification is the interaction of their socio-economic and state structures at different levels and in various forms.

    Integration is the highest form of internationalization and globalization of international economic relations.

    Forms of economic integration:

    1. Free trade zone, within which trade restrictions between the participating countries and, above all, customs duties are canceled. This is the simplest form.

    2. Customs Union - along with the functioning of the free trade zone, the establishment of a single foreign trade tariff and the implementation of a common foreign trade policy in relation to third countries. In both cases, interstate relations relate only to the sphere of exchange, in order to provide the participating countries with the same opportunities for the development of mutual trade and financial settlements.

    3. A common market, providing its participants, along with freedom of trade and a single external tariff, the freedom of movement of capital and labor, as well as a coordinated economic policy. This is a more complex form.

    4. But, the most difficult form of interstate integration is an economic and monetary union that combines all of the above forms with the implementation of a common monetary, financial and state policy.

    International movement of capital is the placement and functioning of capital abroad, primarily with the aim of its self-growth. The term "capital" means not only capital itself as a factor of production, but also labor, land, entrepreneurial abilities: since it is difficult to distinguish between them when making investments abroad.

    Fourth trend. Objective necessity of interstate regulation of world economic problems

    Attempts at interstate regulation were made at the early stages of the formation of the world economy, when the need arose for general rules of international trade, shipping, currency and credit transactions, etc.

    The development of the world economy led to the aggravation of contradictions between individual countries, increased competition, which in turn required effective regulation. A number of different international organizations have emerged. The largest of these, the League of Nations, was created in 1919. Its functions already included informing about the economic situation of the member states of the League and creating conditions for a broad discussion of certain economic problems. In 1919, the International Labor Organization (ILO) began its activities. In the 1920s and 1930s, an attempt was made to create an intergovernmental instrument for regulating the international credit sphere and mutual settlements of industrialized countries. For this purpose, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was formed in 1929.

    41. Economic security of the country. External and internal threats to the economic security of the country. Regional component of Russia's economic security.

    Economic security is a set of internal and external conditions conducive to the effective dynamic growth of the national economy, its ability to meet the needs of society, the state, the individual, to ensure competitiveness in foreign markets, which guarantees against various kinds of threats and losses.

    The immediate danger to economic interests is created by economic threats that disrupt the normal course of social reproduction.

    TO external threats primarily include geopolitical and foreign economic factors, as well as global environmental processes.

    Foreign economic security in an open economy requires: first, that the country's participation in world economic relations creates the most favorable conditions for national production; secondly, the national economy should feel the least unfavorable development of events in the world both in the economic and political spheres, although it is impossible to completely avoid this influence in an open economy.

    External factors that pose a threat to economic security include: - the predominance of raw materials in exports, the loss of traditional sales markets for military and engineering products;

    The country's dependence on imports of many types of products, including those of strategic importance, food products;

    Increasing external debt;

    Insufficient export and foreign exchange controls and the openness of the customs border;

    Underdeveloped modern financial, organizational and information infrastructure to support export competitiveness and rationalize the import structure;

    Underdeveloped transport infrastructure serving export-import operations.

    In the domestic economic sphere, security is due to natural, technical and technological, infrastructural, social and other factors of macro- and microeconomic development, internal immunity and external protection from all sorts of destabilizing and destructive influences.

    Internal factors that pose a threat to economic security include:

    Structural deformation of the economy inherited from the past;

    Low competitiveness of the national economy caused by the backwardness of the technological base of most industries, high energy and resource intensity;

    High level of monopolization of the economy;

    High inflation rate;

    Insufficient development and stability of infrastructure facilities;

    Weak degree of exploration of the mineral resource base and insufficient opportunities to involve resources in economic circulation;

    The deterioration of the state of the country's scientific and technological potential, the loss of leading positions in certain areas of scientific and technological development, including as a result of the "brain drain" abroad and in other areas of activity, the loss of the prestige of intellectual work;

    Displacement of domestic producers, especially consumer goods, from the domestic market by foreign firms;

    Regional separatist tendencies and a high level of sectoral lobbying when making managerial decisions;

    Low investment activity;

    Preference for current expenses to the detriment of capital;

    Potential threat of social conflicts, including due to imperfection of the mechanism of remuneration, growth of unemployment, population stratification, decline in the quality and level of education;

    Imperfection of legal legislation, monopoly position and dishonesty of actions of a number of economic entities in the domestic and foreign markets, their low legal discipline;

    Low financial and contractual discipline of the Market agents;

    Criminalization of the Economy and Corruption in the Field of Economic Management;

    Massive concealment of income and tax evasion;

    Illegal transfer of funds abroad.

    To the main types of regional economic security can be attributed: financial; industrial; informational; investment and innovation; ecological; food security.

    Financial security is a part of economic and national security in general.

    Financial security- this is such a state of the financial and banking system, in which the region can, within certain limits, guarantee the general economic conditions for the functioning of state institutions of power and market institutions.

    Industrial Safety the region includes a whole range of elements, including energy security, transport security, the composition of the sectoral structure and the dynamics of the region's production (industrial safety).

    Energy security is the most important component of the economic security of a territory of any level. The reason for this is the key role of the energy sector, which determines the development and functioning of almost all other sectors of the economy. The concepts of energy security of the country and the region are similar, in both cases the same aspects are considered, only in relation to territories of different levels. The difference in approaches to energy security at the federal and regional levels is expressed in the greater or lesser importance of different aspects of security.

    The specificity of Russia is that most of its territory is characterized by a rather cold climate.

    Therefore, from the point of view of energy security, for a significant part of the regions (especially the northern ones), two circumstances are most important.

    First, due to the cold climate, it is necessary to generate not only a significant amount of electricity, but also heat energy. This is not just a condition for the functioning of the national economic complex, but, first of all, a condition for the life of people.

    Secondly, many Russian regions are characterized by the availability of mineral resources sufficient for industrial development. This determines the structure of the industry with a predominance of energy-intensive industries (mining, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy). Often, deployed production facilities are continuous, their shutdown due to insufficient supply of energy resources can entail significant economic damage.

    transport safety. transport is an important component of the economy of Russia and its regions, as it is a material carrier between regions, industries, enterprises. The specialization of regions and their integrated development are impossible without a transport system. The transport factor affects the location of production; without taking it into account, it is impossible to achieve a rational distribution of productive forces.

    When placing production, the need for transportation, the mass of raw materials for finished products, their transportability, provision of transport routes, their throughput, etc. are taken into account. Depending on the influence of these components, enterprises are located. The rationalization of transportation affects the production efficiency of both individual enterprises and regions and the country as a whole.

    The provision of a territory with a well-developed transport system is one of the important factors in attracting the population and production, is an important advantage for the location of productive forces and gives an integration effect.

    Industrial safety characterized by the presence of a resource base, conditions that ensure integration processes, the forced reproduction system in the objectively established specialization in the region.

    According to Doctrine information security Information security of the Russian Federation is a state of protection of national interests in the information sphere, determined by a set of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state.

    Information protection is a set of measures aimed at ensuring information security. In practice, this means maintaining the integrity, availability and, if necessary, confidentiality of information and resources used to enter, store, process and transmit data.

    Under investment security of the region its ability to generate an investment process that supports sustainable growth and strategic competitiveness of the economy is understood.

    The investment security policy of the region can be implemented in three areas:

    1. Ensuring the overall sufficiency of investments for sustainable economic development.

    2. Optimization of the sectoral and territorial structure of investments.

    3. Filling the investment process, all ongoing investment projects with innovative content.

    Currently, many regions of Russia are experiencing environmental problems, which makes it necessary to separate them into a separate species - environmental safety.

    The concept of environmental safety is formulated in the Law of the Russian Federation of 10.01.2002 No. 7-FZ "On environmental protection" as follows: technogenic character, their consequences ”.

    Socio-economic security touches upon such issues as: the threat of a decrease (or insufficient growth) of incomes of the population, stratification of society into a narrow circle of the rich and the overwhelming mass of low-income citizens, achieving a high proportion of people living below the poverty line in the entire population, increasing unemployment, narrowing the sphere of free services in the social sphere and inaccessibility for many quality paid services, low fertility and high mortality.

    Food security of the region Is a powerful geopolitical factor and the main instrument for ensuring the sustainability of socio-economic processes in the region.

    Food policy should be considered as a set of measures to effectively solve the problems of intensive development of agricultural production, storage and processing of products, foreign trade, regulation of the food market, social development of the countryside. It determines the priorities and "points of growth" of certain types of activities of the agro-industrial complex and the national economy. The competitiveness of business, regions and the country as a whole depends on it. If the state does not have food security, then it cannot be economically stable and have prospects for progressive development.

    53. Concept and system of public service of the Russian Federation. Legal foundations of the civil service. Principles of the State Civil Service.

    Federal Law "On the system of civil service of the Russian Federation"

    Public service- professional service activities of citizens of the Russian Federation to ensure the execution of powers:

    Russian Federation;

    federal government bodies, other federal government bodies;

    subjects of the Russian Federation;

    bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    persons filling positions established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws for the direct execution of the powers of federal state bodies;

    persons filling positions established by the constitutions, charters, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the direct execution of the powers of state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    System public service includes:

    State civil service;

    Military service;

    Public service of other types.

    The state civil service is subdivided into the federal state civil service and the state civil service of the subject of the Russian Federation.

    Military service and other types of public service, which are established by federal laws, are types of federal public service.

    Legal regulation and organization of the federal state civil service are under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. Legal regulation of the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and its organization is under the jurisdiction of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" The principles of the civil service are:

    1) the priority of human and civil rights and freedoms;

    2) the unity of the legal and organizational foundations of the federal civil service and the civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    3) equal access of citizens who speak the state language of the Russian Federation to the civil service and equal conditions for its passage regardless of gender, race, nationality, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, and also from other circumstances not related to the professional and business qualities of a civil servant;

    4) professionalism and competence of civil servants;

    5) stability of the civil service;

    6) the availability of information about the civil service;

    7) interaction with public associations and citizens;

    8) protection of civil servants from unlawful interference in their professional service activities.

    Improving the efficiency of the public administration system is one of the most important institutional conditions for accelerating the pace of socio-economic development of the country. The priority areas of personnel policy in the civil service system, according to the Concept of reforming the civil service system of the Russian Federation, are: the formation of an effective mechanism for the selection of civil servants and work with him; enhancing the prestige of the civil service and the authority of civil servants; improvement of training and professional development programs for civil servants. The implementation of these priority areas presupposes the solution of a number of basic tasks: - management of the development of professional qualities of civil servants; - renewal and prototyping of the cadre of civil servants; - formation of a personnel reserve and ensuring its effective use; - an objective assessment of the performance of civil servants, primarily during certification or qualification examination. According to the Concept of Reforming the Civil Service System of the Russian Federation (2001) and the Federal Program (2002), negative tendencies in the civil service of Russia should be overcome: 1. the principle of the unity of the civil service and the system and its management at the federal and regional levels was approved; 2. developed legislative mechanisms for the relationship between the state and municipal services; 3. contradictions and gaps in the legislation of the Russian Federation on public service have been eliminated; 4. the social and legal status of a civil servant has been brought into line with the degree of responsibility imposed on him; 5. the efficiency of the activities of state bodies has been increased; 6. widespread use of modern technologies of public administration, including those that meet the task of implementing large-scale government programs and projects; 7. increasing the efficiency of legal and organizational measures to control the activities of state bodies by civil society; 8. high efficiency of personnel policy in the field of public service; 9. departure from the conservative system of training and professional development of civil servants; 10. Strengthening the resource provision of the civil service. The Concept of Civil Service Reform and the Federal Program emphasize that all these problems are closely interconnected and cannot be solved separately. Reform of the civil service and personnel policy should be carried out within the framework of the concept of balanced development, and it should not consist of one-stage cardinal changes in the existing civil service. Consistency and gradualness are the principles of modern civil service reform and personnel policy. Reforming the civil service is becoming a priority in the field of state building and involves solving the following main tasks: creating conditions for optimal organizational and legal support of the civil service; determination of duties, powers and measures of responsibility of civil servants on the basis of official (service) regulations; introduction of the basic methods of planning, stimulating and evaluating the activities of civil servants, rational use of resources in the civil service system; ensuring the openness of the civil service in the interests of the development of civil society and the strengthening of the state; the use of effective methods for the selection of qualified personnel for the civil service, the assessment of the performance of civil servants, as well as the creation of conditions for their official (service) growth; implementation of training programs for civil service and professional development of civil servants; introduction of mechanisms for identifying and resolving conflicts of interest in the civil service, as well as legislative regulation of the professional ethics of civil servants; creation of optimal material and technical conditions for the effective functioning of the civil service and the performance by civil servants of their official (official) duties; ensuring the development of the civil service management system at the federal level, at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and at the level of a state body. These measures are designed to improve the efficiency of the Russian civil service in the interests of the development of civil society and the state, to strengthen citizens' confidence in the apparatus of state authorities, to ensure the transparency of the civil service, to increase its authority and to improve the social security of civil servants.

    27. Municipal service is a professional activity that is carried out on an ongoing basis in a municipal office, which is not an elective. Thus, deputies, members of an elected body of local self-government, elected officials of local self-government are not municipal employees.

    Legal regulation of the municipal service, including the requirements for municipal posts of the municipal service, the determination of the status of a municipal employee, the conditions and procedure for passing municipal service, is carried out by federal law, as well as the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the charters of municipalities adopted in accordance with it.

    Federal Law Federal Law No. 25-FZ of March 2, 2007 "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation" established the general principles of organizing municipal service and the basis for the legal status of municipal employees in the Russian Federation.

    The municipal service is based on the following principles:

    The supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal and regional laws over other regulatory legal acts, job descriptions in the performance of official duties by municipal employees and ensuring the rights of municipal employees;

    Priority of human and civil rights and freedoms, their direct action;

    The independence of local self-government bodies within the limits of their powers;

    Professionalism and competence of municipal employees;

    Responsibility of municipal employees for non-performance or improper performance of their official duties;

    Equal access of citizens to municipal service in accordance with their abilities and professional training;

    Unity of the basic requirements for municipal service in the Russian Federation, as well as taking into account historical and other local traditions;

    Legal and social protection of municipal employees;

    Non-partisan municipal service.

    The municipal service is financed from the local budget. The minimum necessary expenditures of municipalities for municipal service are taken into account by federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Federation when determining the minimum local budgets.

    The municipal service and the state civil service are closely interconnected. According to Art. 7 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", this relationship is ensured through:

    Unity of basic qualification requirements for civil service positions and municipal service positions;

    Unity of restrictions and obligations in the passage of civil service and municipal service;

    Unity of requirements for professional training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants and municipal employees;

    Taking into account the length of service in the municipal service when calculating the length of service in the civil service and the length of service in the civil service when calculating the length of service in the municipal service;

    The correlation of the basic conditions of remuneration and social guarantees of civil servants and municipal employees;

    The correlation of the basic conditions of state pension provision for citizens who underwent civil service, and citizens who underwent municipal service, and their families in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.

    2.2.3 Principles of Municipal Service

    1.2.1 The concept of "municipal service"

    The concept of "municipal service" is relatively new for our legislation. The concept, types, content of the municipal service are directly related to the understanding and legislative establishment of local self-government and the system of its bodies.

    During the years of the existence of the USSR, they did not talk about municipal service. But at the level of local government at that time there were civil servants who performed specific functions, but did not have a special name, that is, they were "civil servants of local government bodies."

    With the adoption in the 1990s of new laws establishing the system of local self-government, the question arises about employees working in local self-government bodies, about their legal status and the specifics of functioning and service. Adopted by local governments, normative legal acts also fix the legal status of municipal employees.

    Before the transition to the organization of local government on the basis of self-government and the formation of local self-government as an independent form of exercising power of the people, the concept of "municipal service" was not used in the legislation, because there was no need for it: employees of local government bodies - local councils and executive committees - were civil servants.

    The RSFSR Law "On Local Self-Government in the RSFSR" also did not use the concept of "municipal service". Service in local government bodies was initially interpreted as part of the civil service. Civil servant and municipal employee were considered as equivalent concepts. According to this view, a municipal employee is a civil servant working in a local government.

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993, established that local government bodies are not part of the system of government bodies.

    The municipal service is a complex social and legal institution. This institution is a system of legal norms governing the rights and obligations, restrictions, prohibitions, incentives, responsibility of employees, the procedure for the emergence and termination of service relations. In the moral aspect - examines the ethical foundations of municipal service. If we talk about the difference between the tasks of municipal employees and the tasks of state civil servants, then it lies only in the level (federal, regional, local self-government), that is, there is no qualitative difference: everything is aimed at improving the welfare of society, meeting public interests.

    The municipal service is a mechanism for implementing the functions and tasks of local self-government bodies. For their implementation, the municipal service uses the achievements of various sciences - sociology of management, administrative law, political science, management psychology, economic and other sciences. On this basis, a general theory of municipal service is being formed, which develops ways of implementing this service as a management activity.

    There are common features characteristic of the municipal service of any developed country:

    The municipal service is largely integrated into the state mechanism, performs many functions of national importance;

    The municipal service functions ultimately under the control of the central government;

    The executive functions are carried out by professionals.

    According to the Federal Law "On the Basics of Municipal Service in the Russian Federation", municipal service is understood as a professional activity that is carried out on an ongoing basis.

    1.2.2 Goals, tasks and functions of the municipal service of the Russian Federation

    The main goals of the municipal service:

    The municipal service should become an effective structure of social services, accountable to the state and accountable to the population;

    The municipal service can function successfully at the lower levels of government, without waiting for commands from the "upper floors", in accordance with the principle of efficiency of management;

    The municipal service is able to more effectively develop the natural, economic, human resources of the municipality through the self-organization of local teams and professional management.

    The main tasks of the municipal service are:

    Ensuring, along with the state service, human and civil rights and freedoms on the territory of the municipality;

    Ensuring the independent solution of local issues by the population;

    Preparation, adoption, execution and control of decisions within the powers of local self-government bodies;

    Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the municipality.

    Moreover, in terms of tasks, this service is represented by

    In the social aspect: it is the professional implementation of publicly useful activities by persons on behalf of the state;

    In the political: as an activity for the implementation of state policy, the achievement of goals and objectives in society and the state, that is, the stability of public relations depends on its stability and efficiency;

    In legal: the legal establishment of service relations, in the implementation of which the practical fulfillment of official duties and powers of employees is achieved.

    In general, if we talk about functions, then the executive and administrative activities are aimed at all spheres of the municipality.

    First of all, this is the financial sphere, that is, the development of a draft local budget, a report on its implementation, as well as direct support of the local budget.

    Further, the development and organization of socio-economic programs for the development of the territory and ensuring their implementation; development of normative legal acts on issues of local importance; management and disposal of municipal property.

    An equally important function is the management of municipal health care, the operation of the municipal housing stock, communal and road facilities and other municipal enterprises, organizations, and institutions.

    Finally, the most important function: the exercise of the powers of state authorities transferred by federal laws or laws of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with the simultaneous transfer of the necessary material and financial resources.

    So, the functions of the municipal service should be understood as the main directions of the practical implementation of the legal norms of the institution of the municipal service, contributing to the achievement of the relevant goals of legal regulation of service relations and the fulfillment by the municipal service of its social role and state-legal purpose.

    Each sub-institute of the municipal service performs, along with general, also specific functions. For example, a sub-institute for attestation of municipal employees is characterized by the functions of assessment, control, information, etc. The main function of the law of the municipal service is, first of all, to provide detailed, precise and definite normative regulation of municipal-service relations.


    In modern Russia, local self-government is one of the foundations of the constitutional order. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, local self-government is recognized and guaranteed in the Russian Federation. Local self-government is independent within the limits of its powers. Local government bodies are not part of the system of government bodies. Local self-government, as an institution of public authority, is characterized by the presence of inalienable attributes, which are:

    The territory in which local self-government is exercised;

    The presence of an elected body (Council);

    Local budget availability;

    Adoption of binding regulatory legal acts;

    Responsibility for failure to comply with decisions of local self-government bodies.

    In St. Petersburg, representative bodies of local self-government are also given the right to initiate legislation.

    The formation of the institution of local self-government in Russia took place since 1985 during a period of significant transformations in the political and social spheres of public life in Russia in accordance with the requirements of the European Charter of Local Self-Government.

    St. Petersburg is a subject of the Russian Federation - a city of federal significance, which has a special constitutional status that predetermined the specifics of the formation and development of the local government system on its territory. This specificity is due to the close intertwining and interconnection of all the most important sectors of the urban economy, formed by the management system in a single infrastructure, high population density, and the peculiarities of the territorial position.

    In St. Petersburg, in accordance with the Law of St. Petersburg dated July 25, 2005 "On the territorial structure of St. Petersburg", local self-government is carried out in 111 municipalities - inner-city territories of a city of federal significance, of which 9 cities, 21 villages, 81 municipal districts. The boundaries of municipalities are inscribed within the boundaries of districts of St. Petersburg, the aforementioned law establishes that the territory of a municipal formation must be fully included in the territory of a district of the city and a municipal formation cannot be located on the territory of several districts of St. Petersburg.

    The list of issues within the competence of local significance is established by the Law of St. Petersburg dated May 7, 2005 No. 237-30 "On the organization of local self-government in St. Petersburg." In general, today the list of issues of local importance in St. Petersburg for municipal districts consists of 41 items, for settlements - from 44, for cities - from 47 questions of local importance. The main emphasis within the list is made

    on solving a complex of everyday issues and issues of life support of the population of municipalities,

    on activities for the current repair and landscaping of territories and yards,

    on promoting the maintenance of public order,

    on the exercise of the functions of custody and guardianship over children,

    on carrying out work on the military-patriotic education of citizens,

    organizing and conducting leisure activities for children and adolescents,

    on the implementation of measures in the field of protecting the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, etc.

    Citizens can exercise local self-government by participating in local referendums, municipal elections, through other forms of direct expression of will (voting on the recall of a deputy, a member of an elected local government body, an elected local government official, voting on changing the boundaries of a municipal formation, transforming a municipal formation). Federal legislation provides for such forms of local self-government as gatherings of citizens, territorial public self-government, public hearings, polls, meetings and conferences of citizens (meeting of delegates).

    In accordance with the legislation, in the structure of local self-government bodies, the following are mandatory:

    Representative bodies of municipalities - in St. Petersburg - municipal councils;

    Heads of municipalities;

    Local administrations of municipalities.

    In order to elect deputies, members of an elected body of local self-government, elected officials of local self-government on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot, municipal elections are held.

    Guarantees of citizens' electoral rights during municipal elections, the procedure for appointing, preparing, conducting, determining the results of municipal elections in St. Petersburg are established by Federal Law No. 67-FZ of June 12, 2002 "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation "And the Law of St. Petersburg dated October 29, 2008 N 681-118" On the election of deputies of municipal councils in St. Petersburg. "

    The statutes of the municipalities of St. Petersburg establish the term for which the deputies are elected.

    Deputies, in accordance with the statutes of municipalities, are elected on the basis of a majority system (a system of relative majority) in single or multi-member constituencies.

    Preparation and conduct of municipal elections, ensuring the implementation and protection of citizens' electoral rights, as well as monitoring the observance of these rights are entrusted to election commissions within their competence established by federal laws, laws of St. Petersburg and the charter of the municipality.

    During the preparation and conduct of elections, the following election commissions operate within the powers assigned to them by law:

    St. Petersburg Election Commission;

    election commissions of municipalities;

    district election commissions;

    precinct election commissions.

    Election commissions are obliged, within the limits of their competence, to consider appeals received by them during the election campaign on violations of the election legislation, to carry out checks on these appeals and to give written responses to the persons who sent the appeals.

    Election commissions have the right to apply to law enforcement agencies, executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg with representations on the conduct of appropriate inspections and suppression of violations of electoral legislation.

    Election commissions ensure that voters are informed about the timing and procedure for carrying out electoral actions, about the course of the electoral campaign, as well as about nominated and registered candidates.

    The decisions of the higher election commission made within its competence are binding on the lower election commissions.

    Financial support for the activities of the electoral commission of the municipal formation for the preparation and conduct of elections is carried out from the local budget within the limits of allocations provided for these purposes by the regulatory legal act of the local government on the local budget for the next financial year.

    When holding municipal elections, the state automated system "Elections" is used.

    When preparing and holding elections, election commissions, within the limits of their competence, are independent from state authorities and local self-government bodies.

    Decisions and other acts of election commissions adopted within their competence, established by federal laws, the Charter of St. Petersburg, the laws of St. Petersburg, the charter of a municipality, are binding on the relevant local government bodies, candidates, electoral associations, public associations, organizations, officials , voters.

    The results of municipal elections are subject to official publication (promulgation).

    1 Goncharov A.A. The essence and concept of civil control // Management of social and economic systems. - 2011. - No. 2

    2 For more details see: Distribution package of the Perm Civil Chamber “Theory of civil control. Civil control: what is it? why is it? like this?". URL: Date of visit -06.10.2013

    3 Russia: center and regions, issue 23, Moscow: 2013 // Levashov V.K., Afanasyev V.A., Novozhenina O.P., Shushpanova I.S. How are you, Russia? XXXVII stage of sociological monitoring, December 2012.– Moscow: ISPI RAN, 2013.

    4 See in more detail: Nisnevich Yu.A. Civil control as a mechanism for countering corruption: implementation problems in Russia // Polis. 2011. No. 1. 17.

          5 For more details see: Information and analytical materials of the State Duma /Analytical bulletinIssue 25 Fight against corruption: state and problems of legislative support, M.-2001.Url:

    6 Goncharov A.A. Civil control over the authorities, Moscow: Ves Mir, 2010. P.224

    7 See in more detail: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2010 N 1815-r, Moscow "On the State Program of the Russian Federation" Information Society (2011-2020) "". URL:

    For the effective functioning of the state, including for combating corruption, it is necessary to clearly delineate the powers of all branches of government. At the same time, the system of executive power should become a modern well-oiled machine capable of managing the economy throughout the country. Vladimir Dmitrievich ANDRIANOV, Director of the Department for Strategic Analysis and Development of Vnesheconombank, Professor, Doctor of Economics n.

    Looking for a model

    As PA Stolypin wrote, "no government will ever accomplish any work, not only repressive, but also constructive, if it does not have a perfect executive power apparatus in its hands." One of the basic conditions for the development of Russia is the formation of an effective system of executive power, which would be capable of solving issues of modernizing the economy and combating corruption. The state of the system of executive power and its individual institutions is a significant element of the "organizational capital" of the country, which directly affects its competitiveness. Public administration is effective if it ensures stability and progressive development of the social system.

    The experience of Russian reforms of the executive branch of the last decades shows that these institutions are not self-tuning. To maintain and develop "organizational capital", the authorities need permanent change management mechanisms. This is especially important for Russia, which has a complex, multi-tier system of executive power, for which no effective model has yet been found. The modern structure of executive power should be compact, purely functional, relatively stable and built in such a way as not to depend on changes in the alignment of political forces and political cataclysms.

    One of the main long-term tasks that the government must solve is the formation of an institutional basis for the modernization and innovative development of a socially oriented market economy. At the same time, the activities of all government bodies should be based on the concept of “integrated public administration”, the essence of which is to consider the needs of citizens as the starting point for all subsequent actions of the executive branch. Therefore, the improvement of the structure of the executive branch should be based on the principle of "public administration", one of the key elements of which should be the transfer of a large volume of activities related to the provision of certain types of public services directly from the government to independent specialized agencies of the next level of government.

    Electronic government

    Electronic government should become an important element of the public administration system, which in modern conditions is an integral part of the information society and should be considered as an important tool for combating corruption. The use of the most advanced methods of collecting, processing and analyzing information will make it possible to use it when making important government decisions.

    For Russia, e-government should become a necessary component of effective governance. The introduction of e-government technologies will allow:

    • to increase the transparency of the preparation and adoption of decisions, legislative acts;
    • to reduce the bureaucratic apparatus and the costs of its maintenance;
    • significantly simplify procedures for citizens and businesses in the provision of public services, which will significantly reduce the possibility of corruption;
    • to increase the level of efficiency of public administration and, as a consequence, the international image of the state.

    In addition, the introduction of e-government can make a certain contribution to the increase in the growth rate of the economy. According to experts, an increase in the efficiency of public administration can give up to 2% of GDP growth.

    Among the main directions of the functioning of e-government are the following:

    • “Government to citizens”;
    • “Government to business”;
    • "The government - to officials";
    • "The government - to the Government of the Russian Federation".

    By building a feedback system with the main consumers of public services and transferring part of its functions to the sphere of virtual communications, the government will be able to significantly increase the efficiency of its activities. To ensure the rights of consumers of public services, a special law should be developed and adopted (its provisional name may be the "Citizen's Charter"), the main provisions of which would make an official dependent on the quality of his work, and citizens would cease to be hostages of bureaucratic arbitrariness.

    Effective leadership

    The functions of the state apparatus must be reoriented towards solving strategic problems. The intellectual elite of the nation should be concentrated in the structures of state power, capable of developing and consistently implementing the concept and strategy of the country's development for the long term, giving the economy a dynamic and stable character.

    In the policy of recruiting and placing personnel at a high state level, it is advisable to adhere to the management principle of meritocracy, according to which the most capable people, regardless of their social and economic origin, should occupy leading positions. I would like to draw your attention to one of the statements of P. A. Stolypin, which after many decades has not lost its relevance: “In those countries where certain legal norms have not yet been developed, the center of gravity, the center of power lies not in people. "

    It should be emphasized that while bureaucratization has historically meant the end of the classical era of individualism, it also created an opportunity for exceptional individuals to achieve their ideas at the head of the organization, if only the process of social selection allowed them to take this position. From this point of view, no modernization and no reform, including the executive branch, are possible without effective leadership, including in the top and middle levels of government. Leaders at the center of the decision-making and decision-making system have a responsibility to provide the basis for the preparation of clearly articulated national interests in both domestic and foreign policy. They must have the ability to think strategically, clearly identify the main problems and propose the best ways to solve them, personally influence the course of events, focusing efforts on performing a given function. The wisdom of an official is not to command the economy by telephone or through departmental instructions, but to determine the priority areas of economic development, form the principles of investment policy, the concept of sectoral balances, and create conditions for maintaining a competitive environment. Therefore, it is necessary to provide opportunities for independent leadership in the economic and political spheres, which ultimately can subordinate the power of officials to effective control. A forward-looking program to train leaders for various levels of civil service can meet this challenge.

    Corporate culture of public administration

    In addition to leadership, an important aspect of public administration is the creation of an effective team (collective). It is necessary to pay special attention to methods that ensure the conscious and active participation of an official in the implementation of the set goals. Experience shows that a civil servant achieves better results if there is faith in leadership and a properly built system of priorities in work, recognition of merit and reward for success in work (not necessarily in cash). Officials highly value management's trust, the opportunity to undergo retraining, learn new skills, or improve their qualifications.

    The effectiveness of public administration largely depends on the professionalism, flexibility and responsibility of civil servants and the system of their training. All civil servants must be given equal opportunity to encourage them to take creative solutions and learn new ways of working. Wide attraction of talent, openness to new ideas is a significant step forward in terms of changing the corporate culture of public administration. This culture embodies a code of conduct, as well as certain ideological premises that limit the scope of possible political action.

    Finally, for those who attach the greatest importance to the application of specialized knowledge to solving public problems, efficiency means creating an organizational structure in which specialists can make the best use of their professional qualities. At the same time, it is necessary to develop a “competency assessment system”, with the help of which it is possible to determine the qualities required by the highest civil servants. The use of such a system provides objective grounds for the development of human resources, recruitment, promotion, and encouragement of officials. This system will make it possible to determine the criteria for the certification of all employees of the highest levels of the civil service. Ultimately, the bureaucracy should become a truly privileged aristocratic class, and the profession of an official should not only be highly paid, but also respected in society.

    State economic policy

    The need to strengthen government regulation and management of economic processes in almost all areas of the economy became apparent after the global financial and economic crisis, which once again shook the global economy in 2008. Any crisis should be viewed not as an abnormal, but as a completely natural phenomenon in the dynamics of the economic system development. Objective contradictions, which are immanent in any economic system, at a certain stage reach a critical point, resulting in a cyclical, structural, financial, stock market or other crisis.

    The crisis reveals the main elements of the entropy of the previous stage of development, highlights the inefficiency of the functioning of individual links of the economic mechanism, disproportions in the structure of material production, the ballast of speculative credit, disruptions in the functioning of the monetary and financial system, changes in consumer demand. Based on the general patterns of functioning of large systems, autarkic tendencies in the global economy in a crisis reflect the moment of the phase transition of the system from one state to another.

    The crisis gives a signal about the danger for the further development of the system in a certain direction, about the need to take specific measures to remove the pressing contradictions. The deep economic and financial crisis of the global economy, paradoxically, is a factor favoring the transition to other principles of economic activity. In this regard, it is not the search for universal development models that comes to the fore, but the creation of an economic system capable of flexible response to new challenges of our time. Therefore, Russia needs a change in the economic paradigm, a shift in emphasis towards a social market economy and the creation of a stable self-regulating economy. It is necessary to build a coherent, harmonious system of regulation of socio-economic processes and their management, when at the microeconomic level self-regulatory organizations will provide stability, and at the macroeconomic level - functional economic systems.

    One of the most important concepts of economic theory and a necessary instrument of macroeconomic regulation and management is the economic policy of the state, which must be implemented through the strategy of socio-economic development developed and officially approved by the government. It is quite obvious that for the successful implementation of economic policy, the state also needs a "dashboard" that would give the correct guidelines for the chosen socio-economic course. Therefore, the author proposes to develop a system of balanced socio-economic indicators of sustainable development.

    This system could combine four groups of indicators - macroeconomic, social, institutional and environmental.

    Key macroeconomic indicators:

    • GDP growth rates;
    • inflation rate;
    • the size of the state budget deficit;
    • the size of the public debt;
    • the volume of gold and foreign exchange reserves;
    • the level of monetization of the economy;
    • limits of fluctuation of the national currency rate.

    Key social indicators:

    • unemployment rate;
    • poverty rate;
    • the degree of inequality in the distribution of monetary incomes of various strata of the population (Gini index);
    • the level of quality of life.

    Key indicators of institutional development:

    • the index of the quality of the development of institutions;
    • quality and efficiency index of public administration;
    • readiness for the introduction and use of e-government;
    • the level of perception of corruption.

    Key environmental indicators:

    • the level of environmental sustainability;
    • the level of production of various types of waste;
    • the share of renewable energy sources in the energy balance;
    • energy intensity of GDP and individual industries;
    • the volume of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

    The most important principle of economic policy should be the targeting of the main macroeconomic, social and environmental indicators and the creation of functional economic systems that ensure their maintenance in the specified optimal parameters in the self-regulation mode. The main problem in the construction of functional economic systems is to determine the optimal values ​​of these indicators and indicators, to build mechanisms for their constant monitoring and control, a feedback system, adjusting indicators that ensure the equilibrium of the economic system.

    In a self-regulating economic system, the principles of management can also gradually change. The hierarchical principle is complemented by the principle of project and network management, which in the future may lead to a change in the existing structure of public administration. Thus, in the context of the growing role of economic theory in understanding the patterns and trends in the development of the world economy, the theory of self-regulation can be used as the basis for the development of a long-term, scientifically grounded economic concept and strategy of the Russian state.

    The system of balanced indicators of sustainable development should be included in the system of strategic management of the country and the constituent entities of the Federation. Only under this condition will these indicators become guidelines and instruments for long-term and current planning of the development of the Russian economy. The system of balanced indicators of sustainable development will allow ensuring control over the achievement of established indicators, linking the budget process with the plans and results of development of industries and regions of Russia, assessing the effectiveness of the state's economic policy. The new model of self-regulation of a market economy, based on a system of balanced socio-economic indicators of sustainable development, can be quite universal and used both at the country and at the regional and municipal levels.

    Despite the global financial and economic crisis, political stability in Russia, the continuity of the socio-economic course, the availability of natural, labor and financial resources once again give the country a chance to carry out real economic transformations, lay the foundation for the revival and modernization of Russia, and reduce the scale of corruption. It should be emphasized that restructuring in a stable economy is a very long and painful process, and drastic changes in a crisis are a relatively quick and more natural process.

    However, any economic transformation cannot be abstract and must be carried out exclusively in the interests of the people. Reforms should be carried out not for the sake of reforms, but for the benefit of the person, and this fully relates to the topic of combating corruption. In this regard, I would like to quote the words of an outstanding Russian scientist, unfortunately little-known, Yuri Krizhanich (1617-1683), said more than 300 years ago, which have not lost their relevance and may well be addressed to the current leaders of the country: “Edit so that it is for the good of those who are ruled; carry out all sorts of transformations so that life becomes "certainly happier" and the people richer; look for your own path and believe in the lucky star of Russia, which the Lord will not leave without his favors. "