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  • Effective folk remedies for feeding potatoes. In what period and how to fertilize potatoes after planting How to feed potatoes after germination during hilling

    Effective folk remedies for feeding potatoes.  In what period and how to fertilize potatoes after planting How to feed potatoes after germination during hilling

    Many novice gardeners believe that potatoes do not need special feeding - they grow well without it. In a way, they are right. Indeed, if the soil is fertile and there are enough microelements necessary for the development of the plant, the question of how to feed the potatoes should not bother you. But what if the bushes do not receive any vitamins? In this case, top dressing can help out.

    Note that usually the necessary fertilizers are applied immediately before planting. If for some reason this moment was missed, foliar top dressing comes to the rescue. Their main feature is that they are not introduced into the ground, but, as a rule, are sprayed onto potato bushes. Once on the leaves, nutrients are very quickly distributed throughout the plant. The advantage of this method is that useful trace elements reach the tubers much faster than with conventional spring fertilization.

    How to feed potatoes after germination

    A few weeks (14-20 days) after germination, potatoes can and should be fed. During this period, the plant will need nitrogen supplements (for example,), which will significantly improve the rate of development of the potato bush. Such top dressing will be especially good for plants that have sprouted later and are a little late in development. The main requirement for the procedure for applying top dressing is to adhere to the dosage.

    Make sure that the granules of the product are dissolved in water. This is necessary so that the processed leaves do not receive a chemical burn.

    The flowering period of potatoes is the time for complex feeding

    When flowers begin to form on the bush, you need to feed the potatoes with mineral fertilizer . To prepare a working solution, you will need a number of tools:

    • potassium chloride (2 gr.);
    • (20 gr.);
    • copper sulfate (0.1 gr.).

    All components are dissolved in 10 liters of warm water, and then allowed to brew (this usually takes 3 hours). After the time has passed, a little water (about a liter) is added to the solution and collected in a sprayer. Such top dressing not only starts the processes that contribute to the development of plants, but also helps prevent fungal diseases. This is achieved due to the presence of copper sulfate in it.

    How to fertilize potatoes during the formation and maturation of tubers

    Foliar feeding of potatoes during the formation of tubers is especially important. They saturate the plant with essential trace elements and as a result, there is no doubt that the root crops will grow large and tasty.

    Feeding takes place in two stages:

    Foliar feeding: what you need to know

    Foliar feeding must be carried out correctly. If you do not observe even seemingly insignificant nuances, you can be left without a harvest.

    So, in this chapter we will talk about the main points that you need to pay attention to:

    1. The first feeding of potatoes after planting is done when about 2 weeks have passed. Previously, this is not recommended.
    2. It is noteworthy that more developed potato bushes absorb nutrients better, which cannot be said about plants affected by the disease. This is due to the fact that the leaves of weakened bushes have a dense structure, and therefore the penetration of the working solution into them is limited.
    3. It is better to process potato bushes in cloudy and calm weather. If the sun is shining outside, then spraying should be postponed to the morning or evening. Otherwise, the plants risk getting a thermal burn. And one more thing, if rain is expected according to the forecast, then it is better to wait a little with fertilizers for potatoes - in order for the solution to be absorbed, you need at least 2 hours. Atmospheric precipitation can interfere with this process.
    4. If negative temperatures (frosts) are observed outside at night, then the processing of the bushes should be postponed for 2-3 days.
    5. The amount of feeding directly depends on the variety of potatoes. If it is early, then more nutrients will be required for its full development than for mid-season. In addition, early ripening potato varieties react more intensively to foliar feeding, which means they will have to be fertilized more and more often.
    6. The undoubted advantage of foliar top dressing is that it is economical - it requires much less fertilizer than with conventional fertilization. Plus, it is thanks to foliar top dressing that the plant develops immunity, which allows it to resist various fungal diseases.

    So, foliar feeding can significantly increase the yield of potatoes. It is not necessary if fertilizers were applied to the ground in the spring. If this moment was missed, then foliar top dressing can become a real lifesaver. In general, summing up the above, we can say with confidence that even a beginner can grow tasty and healthy potatoes in his area. The main thing is to know when and how to fertilize potatoes, as well as at what time to carry out these procedures. We hope that our article will help you with this.

    It is the potato that occupies the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bany garden plot. And in order to get a good harvest, it is not enough just to bury the germinated tuber in the soil filled with fertilizers. Potatoes, like other crops, require care and feeding.

    Types of fertilizers

    Potatoes prefer organic. It is the introduction of manure that allows you to almost double the yield, but at the same time, the likelihood of developing scab in potatoes increases.

    A good alternative to manure is green manure plants. They also perfectly enrich the earth with all the necessary substances.

    Among the mineral fertilizers, the most popular are:
    - ammonium nitrate or urea (kilogram per hundred square meters before planting);
    - double superphosphate (applied in spring or autumn per kilogram per hundred square meters);
    - potassium sulfate (autumn or spring application of 2 kilograms per hundred square meters);
    - ash (5 kilograms per hundred square meters).

    For the very first feeding of potatoes, you can use both manure and chicken manure. But these are very strong agents and it is first necessary to prepare aqueous solutions from them.

    You will need:
    - manure or bird droppings (1 part);
    - water (15 parts).

    Fill the food with water and let it brew for several days. It is necessary to feed plants on well-moistened soil, i.e. either after a good rain or good watering. The consumption rate is a liter under a bush.

    How to feed potatoes before hilling

    At this stage, you can use the following compositions:
    1. Dissolve either a tablespoon of urea or ready-made Mortar fertilizer in 10 liters of water.
    2. Half a liter of liquid mullein or bird droppings is diluted in a bucket of water. Plants are fed in this case on well-moistened soil.

    In both cases, the consumption rate is 0.5 liters for each bush.

    You can also carry out foliar top dressing with ash. You can prepare a solution, or you can decoction. In the first case, you just need to dissolve 100 grams of ash in a bucket of water.

    To prepare a decoction, pour 300 grams of ash with hot water and boil for about half an hour. After that, the resulting broth is filtered and diluted with a bucket of water.

    Be sure to feed the potatoes during the formation of buds. Here you can use the following composition:
    - potassium sulfate (tablespoon);
    - wood ash (three tablespoons);
    - water (10 liters).

    You can also carry out foliar top dressing. When the bushes reach a height of about 30 centimeters, you can treat with the following solution: for 10 liters of water - 300 grams of urea.

    Superphosphate solution is popular among summer residents as a fertilizer during this period of potato development. It is prepared from the following calculation:
    - superphosphate (3 tablespoons);
    - water (10 liters).

    A particularly important top dressing is during flowering. It is she who accelerates the process of tuber formation. You will need:
    - superphosphate (2 large spoons);
    - mullein or chicken manure;
    - water (10 liters).

    The prepared solution is poured over each bush under the root.

    Helpful Hints

    In order for top dressing to benefit potatoes, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules:

    - Directly in the process of planting in the soil, it is best to apply nitrophoska. To do this, it is enough to add a teaspoon of fertilizer to each well.
    - Foliar feeding should be carried out in the evening, when the sun has already set. But never before the rain. Ideally, the rain should just pass.
    - Top dressing of potatoes of early varieties should coincide in time with the first hilling. Here you need to use a solution made up of potash (30 grams), phosphate (60 grams) and nitrogen (30 grams) fertilizers. The norm is given for a bucket of water.
    - Fertilizer solutions intended for root feeding should not fall on the leaves of the plant.
    - The first feeding is carried out during the growth of the tops, the second - during the formation of buds, the third - when the potatoes are flowering.
    - Root top dressing is carried out as follows: it is necessary to make several punctures near the plant and simply pour the prepared infusion into them.
    - Foliar feeding is not as effective, but requires less effort and time. You can water the plot with prepared fertilizer, or you can simply scatter the dry mineral mixture and water the plants well.
    - You need to feed the bushes only after the last rain or good watering.
    - Aqueous solutions of fertilizers are more effective than dry mixtures.
    - When fertilizing (in any form), it is necessary to ensure that they do not fall on potato leaves.
    - After fertilizing, the soil in the row-spacing must be loosened without fail.

    The following signs will help determine which nutrients the potato is lacking:
    - If the stems are very thin, and the leaves are small and directed upwards, then the plant lacks nitrogen.
    - Curly leaves of light green color - lack of phosphorus.
    - Narrow long leaves of a pale color, sticking up - the potato lacks potassium.
    - Brown spots located on the lower leaves - a lack of magnesium with excessive moisture or zinc during a drought.

    Probably, in every summer cottage there is a place for potatoes. This popular culture is rightly called the "second bread", because most of the national cuisine consists of this product. It takes a lot of effort to grow a good potato crop.

    In addition to planting and digging, each gardener goes through no less time-consuming stages of pest control, watering and hilling. The features of this process, as well as how you can protect the crop from a characteristic pest - wireworm, our article will tell you.

    Feed selection

    The hilling procedure is usually carried out after the potato shoots reach 15 - 20 centimeters in height. Many gardeners prefer to wait for other signs, such as bud formation.

    To reliably protect potatoes from recurrent frosts, you need to know. In case of drought and drowning of replanting with weeds, hilling should be carried out twice per season. In addition to the protective function, such manipulations help aerate the soil, retain moisture, and will also allow you to get a large crop due to the compact formation of the bush.

    On the video - how to feed potatoes before hilling:

    At this stage, you can use the following top dressing options:

    Usually, hilling is carried out twice per season, therefore, double the amount of fertilizer must be applied. To provide all the needs of the plant before flowering and setting roots, you can use another type of mineral complexes. Despite the fact that potatoes respond extremely well to organic fertilizers, it is better to apply slightly different preparations before flowering.

    What top dressing to use before the second hilling:

    • Dilute 300 grams of urea in a bucket of water. The best result in this case is given by foliar top dressing.

      Urea for feeding

    • Three tablespoons of superphosphate per bucket of water. Such top dressing is applied to the root area, and is also used for spraying plants.


    • Dissolve a kilogram of mullein in a bucket of water, add two tablespoons of superphosphate. Pour the resulting solution half a liter under each bush. By clicking on the link you can learn more about

      Mullein for feeding

    • Complex mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus, manganese and boron help the tubers set up better, as well as improve their taste. Potatoes do not like chlorine, so the content of this trace element is undesirable. Such top dressing is best used by the foliar method (spray the tops of the plant). And that's how the best drugs happen. referred to in the article.

    • If the area of ​​​​the potato field is too large, you can simply spread the rotted manure between the rows and actively water the plantings. It is undesirable to use fresh organic matter, because this can lead to the accumulation of nitrates in tubers. It will also be useful to know

      rotted manure

    It is very important not only to carry out hilling on time, but also to ensure the correct algorithm of the process. In order for the bushes to be neat and form tubers well, the earthen ball must be broken, and it is best to do this immediately after rain or watering. Do not do this work on a sunny day. This will not only make hilling difficult and even dangerous to health, but can also damage plants. But is it possible to water potatoes with ammonia, and how to do it correctly, is indicated

    What to process before hilling

    At this stage of the growing season, it is very important to provide reliable protection against pests. You can carry out complex processing before hilling, as well as use folk remedies for crop protection.

    You should be aware that insecticide treatment is not carried out for early varieties of potatoes, because the chemicals will accumulate in the tubers. For safer protection, folk remedies are preferable.

    Pest control options:

    • The Bazudin preparation, which is sold in granules, has proven itself well. Processing is carried out not only before planting, but also before flowering. Helps against wireworm and other common pests.

    • From aphids and phytophthora, nettle infusion helps well. It is prepared from fresh nettle, which is insisted for several days. Approximate dosage: half a kilo of chopped stems and leaves per bucket of water. But this is what aphids look like on currants, and how you can deal with it, this one will help you understand

      Nettle infusion

    • A weak solution of copper sulfate also helps from the wireworm (about 100 grams per bucket of water). Spraying should be carried out immediately after rain or watering, so as not to burn the leaves. But how it is applied is described in this article.

      copper sulphate solution

    • To get rid of the bear, you can dig crushed eggshells flavored with sunflower oil around the perimeter of the potato field (always roasted for a more attractive aroma). Such traps can be scattered between rows, as well as introduced before planting. It will also be useful to know

      Crushed eggshell

    • Preventive treatments against the Colorado potato beetle can be applied using special insecticides, or you can use the following solution. To prepare it, you need to insist 200 grams of crushed wormwood and a glass of wood ash per bucket of water. But how to apply Prestige poison from the Colorado potato beetle, and how effective this remedy is, is indicated

      crushed wormwood

    • A strong infusion of onion peel will also help fight pests and diseases. For this, spraying is carried out at any stage of the growing season, because this remedy is harmless to humans and does not harm the tubers.

      Infusion of onion peel

    Judging by, growing any variety takes a lot of time and effort, so any nuance is important in this matter. Double hilling per season helps to improve soil aeration, promotes normal growth and tuber formation. During this period, it is also important to introduce the necessary mineral and organic complexes. Features of feeding root crops before hilling, as well as ways to protect against potato pests and characteristic diseases - all the necessary information is only with us.

    High-quality fertilizer and complete top dressing is the key to a good harvest. Potatoes need this no less than other residents of household plots.

    What means it is advisable to use for this and what can be used during flowering, we will consider further.

    Rules for feeding potatoes

    Not every gardener can boast of fertile soil on his plot, and no matter how rich it is, the reserves run out sooner or later. So the issue of plant nutrition will always be relevant.

    If we talk about potatoes, this procedure must be carried out three times per season, especially if the soil is sandy or sandy.

    The first procedure is carried out during the emergence of shoots. The fact that the plant needs support can be determined by pale, weak leaves.

    In a bucket of water, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of dry chicken manure (this is ideal, but in principle any bird manure will do). Under each bush, pour half a liter of the resulting solution.

    If there is no litter, you can use another option. To do this, young nettles are collected and finely chopped, then they are poured with water and allowed to stand warm for 5-6 days until they begin to ferment. After that, under each bush, you need to pour a liter of the resulting solution.

    Note! In the resulting natural fertilizer, you can add humus in proportions of 1: 1. This will make the tool more powerful, significantly increase its nutritional capabilities.

    During the formation of buds, a second top dressing should be carried out. Now in a bucket of water it will be necessary to dissolve 2-3 tables. spoons of wood ash and irrigate in the same proportions as with litter.

    This not only nourishes the plant, but also greatly optimizes the process of color formation on the potato.

    But in the phase of active flowering, it is necessary to carry out the third top dressing. Here again, fertilizer based on chicken (or bird) manure is used, only the volume is reduced. For one bush, 0.5 liters of solution is more than enough.

    Root top dressing with organic matter

    The best option for root feeding of potatoes is considered organic and, first of all, it is high-quality humus. You can simply pour two handfuls under each bush, you can also scatter between the rows.

    Important! If the fertilizer will be laid out between the beds, make sure that the distance to the bushes is no more than 5-6 cm.

    If manure is used for top dressing, it must be diluted with water in proportions of 1: 5. Such a solution must be poured under each bush by 1.5-2 liters. Feeding should be carried out after watering or after heavy rain.

    note ! Organic top dressing should be applied exclusively under the root. If it gets on the leaves, it can burn them.

    Potato fertilization during tuber ripening

    Top dressing can be carried out both throughout the site and by the nesting (hole) method.

    Bird droppings are very useful for potatoes, and we have already dwelled on the rules for its use. But you can also use urea, mullein and herbal infusion. The last option is the easiest and safest.

    All you need is a big barrel and some weeds. And there are enough of them in any area. The grass is laid out in a barrel, filled with water and kept in the sun until it ferments. By the smell, you can also understand that the fertilizer is already ready. The aroma is exactly like that of fresh manure.

    After that, you just need to dilute it with water to the state of weak tea and pour the potatoes under the root. It is optimal to carry out such top dressing in June, when the plant especially needs nitrogen.

    Foliar application of potatoes

    Despite the popularity of the potato and its almost universal cultivation, it has a huge drawback. He has a very low susceptibility to any top dressing.

    But this can be corrected by additional fertilization through the leaves. This is called foliar feeding, and it is sometimes more effective than introducing nutrients directly under the root. Leaves, stems and even flowers are able to absorb micro and macro elements, and they give preference to those that they need in the first place.

    Given that the fertilizer gets directly to the part of the plant that needs it, it turns out to achieve excellent performance and significantly increase yields.

    The first foliar top dressing is carried out after just before the formation of buds. It is advisable to carry out nitrogen spraying. For this 300 gr. urea must be dissolved in a bucket of water and carefully process each bush.

    If this is not possible, ash can be used. For this 200-300 gr. dissolve in a bucket of water, mix and bring to a boil over low heat. After cooling, strain and thoroughly spray the previously watered potato beds.

    Take note! Foliar feeding of potatoes should be carried out in the evening, when the sun has already set.

    What mineral fertilizers to feed potatoes during flowering

    We have considered organic methods of feeding, but they are not always enough. And then minerals come to the rescue. These are nutrients that can be complex or consist of a single component.

    Consider the most popular.

    Ammonium nitrate

    After being introduced into the soil, it dissolves, as a result of metabolic processes, a slight acidification of the soil occurs.

    Application is carried out in the beds during sowing (10-20 gr. N square meter), often used in combination with potassium and phosphorus.

    It can also be used for spraying during flowering and budding (50 g per 100 liters of water). This is enough to process 100 square meters).


    Many gardeners have been using this tool for years. Nitrogen fertilizer, when sprayed or applied directly to the soil, significantly increases the yield and taste of potatoes. The undoubted advantage of urea is that it keeps for quite a long time even in places with high humidity, it is not washed out by rains.

    Also, unlike most of these preparations, it does not burn the leaves, and if it acidifies some types of soil, it is insignificant.

    Absorbed well, digested too.

    Top dressing with urea can be used as a prophylaxis of nitrogen starvation, or it can be used when its signs appear, the main of which is the pale color of the leaves and the depressed state of the tops.

    Urea is sold in white or yellow capsules that are odorless. The first time it is desirable to bring it into the wells 10-15 days before planting, deepening by 4 cm. After that, fill it well with water.

    You may be interested in:

    Spraying is carried out 2-3 times per season early in the morning or when the sun has already set. Instructions for preparing the solution are on the package, but the standard is 35-40 gr. for 10 liters of water.


    Using wood ash is a great alternative to many chemical fertilizers. By the amount of potassium content, it is indispensable for potatoes. A natural remedy perfectly regulates the acidity of the soil, adds microelements to it and org. necessary for the full development of plants. substances.

    This economical and effective fertilizer has been used for centuries.

    You can prepare the required amount yourself. To do this, the wood that will be burned is carefully reviewed, sorted out so that it does not contain unnecessary elements, such as nails or paint.

    After cooling, the ashes are sieved, and then stored in plastic bags or metal, hermetically sealed containers. Keep the ashes in a dry, dark place or you can immediately use them for top dressing.

    Note! Wood ash is a source of caustic alkali, so do not forget about personal protective equipment during work.

    The first time wood ash must be applied to the soil after harvesting potatoes in the fall at the rate of 100 g per meter kV. In the spring, when the soil dries slightly, the procedure is repeated. The next processing concerns the planting material. Prepared tubers are generously covered with ashes (about a kilogram per bag).

    When planting in each hole, pour 2-3 tbsp. spoons of ashes, thoroughly mixed with the ground.

    The next top dressing is carried out at the first hilling. Under each bush, 2 tablespoons of ashes are also poured. When the formation of buds begins, 50 g of ash is poured under the bushes and a second hilling is carried out.

    Potassium sulfate

    To enrich the soil with potassium, gardeners use manure or compost, but it is not always enough, so sometimes you can’t do without chemicals.

    Potassium sulfate is obtained from shenite and langbeinite. Outwardly, they look like small crystals of white or light yellow color.

    It contains 50% potassium and additional components, but chlorine is completely absent. This is a huge plus, because most plants suffer from it.

    Its use on the soil significantly increases the content of sugars and vitamins in the soil, is a proven way to prevent infection with gray rot and other dangerous diseases.

    The drug is used to prevent deficiency in the soil, as well as when plants clearly lack it. You can determine this by the following signs:

    • leaves turn yellow, curl;
    • stepchildren are actively formed;
    • shoots and stems become weak, brittle;
    • lower leaves lose color, spots may appear on them;
    • growth stops and yields decrease.

    You should also know the signs of an overabundance of the mineral in the soil. In this case:

    • the thickness of the leaves decreases;
    • the upper leaves acquire a brownish tint;
    • necrosis begins;
    • roots die.

    Potassium sulfate is applied according to a certain scheme and only after determining the composition of the soil. Therefore, first hand it over for analysis, and then seek help from breeders who can help you make a feeding schedule.

    Most often, it is scattered in a dry form on the soil after harvesting and immediately before planting, and then dug up. If use is necessary during the growing season, then this is carried out in the form of watering or spraying. The solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions on the package. The effect is excellent, because. the agent goes directly to the part of the plant that needs it.

    Double superphosphate

    This preparation belongs to nitrogen-phosphorus and sulfur-containing fertilizers. Available in the form of a powder or gray granules.

    Phosphorus is necessary for plants for normal development, and this need is especially noted during flowering and fruiting.

    You can determine the need for it by shedding color, by a weak ovary of fruits.

    The use of the drug contributes to:

    • seedling acceleration;
    • stimulation of the development of the root system and violent flowering;
    • slowing down aging;
    • enhancing taste.

    Potatoes are fed with superphosphate by adding it to the well (3-5 g per plant).

    If necessary, re-treatment, watering or spraying is carried out. The second option is more efficient.

    Phosphorus deficiency is determined by the oppressed tops, by small, purple-burgundy leaves, by small fruits.

    By the way, the use of superphosphate together with wood ash gives very good results (no more than 8% of the total mass is taken).

    At the same time, interaction with urea, ammonium nitrate is strictly prohibited, it is also undesirable to use it simultaneously with chalk, dolomite, lime, etc.

    When we plant potatoes on a plot where there was virgin soil before, the harvest is excellent without any fertilizer. But if we inherit a dacha from our grandmother, where active gardening has been going on for forty years with digging, weeding and other delights, you just can’t grow good potatoes.

    For all its apparent simplicity, potatoes annually consume a huge amount of minerals. One plant per season “draws” 50 grams of nitrogen, 100 grams of potassium and 20 grams of phosphorus from the soil. So it is necessary to feed, especially on poor soils. How to fertilize potatoes? When is the best time to fertilize potatoes? Let's figure it out...

    By and large, we all understand that it is possible to fertilize areas intended for growing potatoes both in spring before planting and in autumn after harvesting. As they say, fertilize when it suits you.

    Fertilizers for spring plowing

    Before the spring digging of a plot for potatoes, the joint use of organic and mineral fertilizers gives the greatest effect. Combinations can be different:

    Option 1. 10 kilograms of humus, 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of potassium sulfate, 40 grams of superphosphate, 450 grams of dolomite flour per 1 square meter.

    Option 2. 7 kilograms of compost, 30 grams of nitrophoska, 20 grams of potassium sulfate, 20 grams of ammonium nitrate per 1 square meter.

    Option 3. 1 bucket of humus, 3 tablespoons of nitrophoska, 1 glass of ash per 1 square meter.

    Option 4. If they grow on the site, then along with the incorporation of green mass, it is enough to add 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of potassium sulfate per 1 square meter.

    Option 5. With a shortage of organic matter, complex fertilizers are applied: nitrophoska at the rate of 5 kilograms per hundred square meters or nitroammophoska (3 kilograms per hundred square meters).

    Microelements can be included in the fertilizer mixture, for example: copper (0.5 grams of copper sulfate per 1 square meter) and molybdenum (0.1 grams of ammonium molybdate per 1 square meter). They help the absorption of the main macronutrients.

    All fertilizers are usually applied superficially. They are simply scattered over the surface of the soil, and then buried to a depth of 20-25 centimeters when plowing, digging or loosening with a flat cutter.

    Fertilizing the hole at planting

    The second method of fertilizing in the spring is even simpler and even more efficient - all fertilizers are applied directly to the hole along with the planting of the tuber. Fertilizers in the planting hole can be applied both organic and mineral.

    Organic option: Five tablespoons of ash and a 700 gram jar of dry humus in each well.

    Mineral option: 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska in each well or 15-20 grams of Kemira Potato complex fertilizer.

    Feeding potatoes in summer

    If in the spring they were late with fertilizers, did not have time, or by the appearance of the plants it is clear that they do not have enough food, top dressing helps out. You can feed potatoes until mid-July, it doesn’t take longer, otherwise the plants will gain excess green mass, and they will “forget” about the tubers. Any top dressing is best done after watering or rain.

    Root top dressing of potatoes

    First feeding carried out at the beginning of the growth of tops. It is needed if the potato stalks are thin and pale green.
    Usually it is applied immediately before the first hilling.

    The first feeding option. 1 teaspoon of urea (or ammonium nitrate) + 1.5 cups of humus per 1 linear meter of potato strip.
    The second feeding option. 3 grams of superphosphate, 3 grams of potassium chloride or sulfate, 2 grams of urea or ammonium nitrate for each bush.
    The third feeding option. 10 grams of nitrophoska per plant.
    The fourth feeding option. 10 grams of dry bird droppings under each bush or watering the grooves between potato rows with infusion of chicken droppings in a ratio of 1:10.
    Fifth feeding option. Two handfuls of humus per bush.
    The sixth feeding option. 1 tablespoon of urea per 10 liters of water. The consumption rate for one plant is 0.5 liters.
    The seventh feeding option.
    Eighth feeding option. 20 grams of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water. The consumption rate under the bush is 0.5 liters.
    The ninth feeding option. 1 liter of mullein per 10 liters of water. This solution is watered between rows.

    As you can see, there are plenty of variations of the first top dressing so that everyone can choose the most suitable one for their garden.

    The first feeding option. 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate and 3 tablespoons of ash per 1 linear meter strip of potatoes.
    The second feeding option. 30 grams of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water per 10 square meters.
    The third feeding option. Two handfuls of ashes are mixed with the same amount of earth and added under each bush.

    Third top dressing do during flowering to accelerate the formation of tubers. To do this, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 cup of mullein are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Make 0.5 liters of the resulting solution under each bush.

    Foliar top dressing of potatoes

    Someone likes to water, and someone is more comfortable spraying. If you belong to the second group, then you should definitely pay attention to foliar top dressing, which is sprayed directly on the leaves of plants. Such dressings deliver nutrients “to the address” faster, activating the metabolic processes of the plant.

    Nitrogen-potassium supplement. For 5 liters of water, 100 grams of urea, 150 grams of potassium monophosphate, 5 grams of boric acid are taken. You can add trace elements - boron, copper, manganese, zinc and cobalt in a dosage of not more than 0.5 grams per 5 liters.

    Such top dressing is carried out two weeks after germination. If necessary, repeat again. Potatoes can be sprayed with this solution before flowering with a two-week interval.

    Proponents of organic farming spray potato plots with fermented nettle infusion or solutions of gummates.

    Phosphorus supplement. At the very end of the flowering of potatoes, to increase the yield and starch content of tubers, potato bushes are sprayed with an extract of superphosphate: 20 grams of fertilizer is poured into 10 liters of warm water and insisted for two days, stirring occasionally. The consumption rate of such an infusion: 1 liter per hundred square meters.

    Fertilizing potato beds in the fall

    Those who value every minute in the spring prefer to fertilize the land for potatoes in the fall. This option has many advantages: some phosphate fertilizers (for example, superphosphate) do not immediately turn into forms that are easily digestible for plants, but by spring they are just transformed. You can’t put fresh manure directly into the hole either, but when applied in the autumn, it will just have time to overheat.

    If it is tight with manure and humus, a green fertilizer called green manure helps out. After harvesting, all the beds are sown with green manure plants, the ideal option for potatoes is oil radish and others. Before the onset of cold weather, green manure will have time to gain enough green mass, and by the next season they will already be in the soil as useful organics. By the way, for those who use (or want to try) no-till technology for growing potatoes, rye is perfect as green manure for potatoes.

    But if it’s very difficult with organic matter, you can only apply mineral fertilizers in the fall. In this case, it is better to use potassium sulfate at the rate of 2 kilograms per hundred square meters and double superphosphate (1 kilogram per hundred square meters).