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  • We plant tomatoes in the ground. How to plant tomatoes in open ground

    We plant tomatoes in the ground.  How to plant tomatoes in open ground
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    Disembarkation dates

    Seedlings choose strong, with thick legs. If these have not grown on the windowsill, it is worth growing them in a greenhouse, and then transplanting them into open ground. 2 top dressing: 10 days after the first.

    When to sow correctly, it is clear. It remains to figure out where to plant seedlings. The most correct choice would be planting in peat cups, which are now sold. If peat cups are too uneconomical in terms of money, then it is quite possible to use improvised material: boxes of juice, milk, plastic bottles with the top cut off, plastic cups. Many gardeners prefer to plant this way.

    Landing patterns

    Indeed, greenhouse plants will quickly bow their heads and will be sick for a long time, so you need to choose those that already know what the world around is with its temperature changes and burning sun rays. It is very simple to choose such plants: greenhouse seedlings are light green, tender. And hardened plants, ready for all the ups and downs, have a rich dark green color with a bluish or purple tint. This point must be taken into account if you want to know exactly at what distance to plant tomatoes. Hardened bushes will quickly start to grow and grow large and dense, while greenhouse bushes will be much smaller, with little or no side branches.

    I water the transplanted bushes of tomatoes with a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin. You can spray them with a solution of HB-101 (1-2 drops per 1 liter of water) - it will “revive” them, help them better endure stress after transplantation. Treatment with Epin-Extra helps well. With them, I periodically process not only transplanted tomatoes, but also those that I plant with seedlings that remain untouched in the holes. Epin-Extra increases the resistance of plants to diseases, adverse weather conditions.​


    Tried many different varieties. Every year I reject some varieties, add some. Now I'm telling you about growing tomatoes from seeds in the open field. To do this, I choose medium-sized or more often undersized varieties.


    After planting, tomatoes should be fed from time to time. In total, for the entire period of plant growth, four stages of feeding should occur.

    Usually, the soil is treated with copper sulphate, other fertilizers are applied and the soil is fertilized if any other vegetables grew on this soil before. ​

    Preparing for landing

    Few people know that the tomato is one of the most demanding and capricious vegetables. He loves the sun and heat, and does not tolerate excessive humidity and strong winds. That is why, when a gardener wants to get good tomatoes, planting and care in the open field must comply with all the rules for their maintenance. Horizontal planting is as follows. In seedlings, the lower leaves are cut off (about 2/3 of the stem). The prepared seedlings are placed in a previously prepared long groove "on the side". The angle to the surface of the earth is strictly from south to north. The part that is freed from the leaves is covered with earth.
    3 top dressing: 8-10 days after the second.
    The main thing is that before planting tomato seedlings, it is necessary to organize drainage in these containers by arranging a drainage hole at the bottom. Water should not stagnate in containers, otherwise you will never grow good seedlings - they will grow poorly and rot.

    Planting tomatoes

    The first two points are very important, however, when talking about how far you need to plant tomatoes, you need to consider how the plant will grow. There are giant varieties, the bushes of which reach two meters in height. Dwarf hybrids hardly grow more than 50 cm and, of course, do not have such a lush and branchy green part.

    Transplanted tomatoes, as well as those plants that remained intact, should be mulched - pour sawdust, dry or mowed grass on top of the soil - so that the highly moistened earth “does not take on a crust”, does not dry out the next day. If you have not mulched the soil around the plants, then you definitely need to loosen the ground. This must be done after each watering or rain.

    I planted the Beta Lux variety for two years in a row, I will plant it further. Really like. Low-growing variety, up to 50 cm high. Early ripe. Does not require pinching. Red fruits. The pulp is juicy, sugary. Very tasty. Suitable for both salads and canning.​

    Care after landing

    How to grow tomatoes? To grow tomatoes, you must follow the following rules:

    How to plant tomato seedlings? The first occurs three weeks after planting, the second after the second flower cluster begins to bloom, and the third when the third brush blooms. The last feeding is usually carried out three weeks after the third feeding.​

    Also, the soil should be dug up before planting a vegetable in order to open the soil to oxygen and sunlight. Then holes are made according to the scheme that was chosen, and they are poured with warm water. To choose the right depth of the hole, you should pay attention to the height of the bush, and if necessary, deepen only the soil bag.

    Since we know that a tomato is a heat-loving plant, the time when you can plant tomatoes in open ground is determined by atmospheric phenomena and weather. That is, as soon as the soil warms up a little, and there are no more frosts at night, seedlings can be planted. May is usually the month when tomato planting becomes possible. The second half of the month or the beginning of the next is best suited for landing.
    Over time, the seedlings will straighten up and grow vertically, and on the part that was covered with soil, many roots will appear, which will be a good help in the overall nutrition system.

    For feeding, take 1 part of mullein, 8 parts of water. 30 g of superphosphate is added to 10 l of solution.

    Pre-seed can be planted in boxes, where they grow until the first pick. Pre-boxes are filled with prepared soil and a day before it is decided to sow seedlings of early or mid-ripening tomatoes, they spill it so that the water is absorbed and glass.

    Before the seedlings get to their main place of residence, it is necessary to arrange a font for it to protect it from pests. To do this, you can use universal systemic insecticides or home solutions. Now make a deep furrow into which seedlings will be planted. Be sure to add fertilizer. It can be peat or biohumus, mineral or organic preparations, infusion of manure or chicken manure. Most importantly, do not over-fertilize, so as not to burn the roots. Fill the furrow with water from above and wait until it is absorbed.

    Video "Secrets of growing tomatoes in the open field"

    In order for the plants to develop quickly and well, I do top dressing. I start them after the plants have started to grow. I feed with ordinary mullein or chicken manure - the one that I have. I use potassium permanganate (per 10 liters of water - 1 g of potassium permanganate) and sometimes 1 matchbox of urea - this is for foliar top dressing. I breed mullein 1:10, and chicken manure - 1:15, sometimes I add 1 tablespoon of urea. The watering rate is about 1 liter of solution per plant. It is necessary to feed on already watered, moist soil.

    How to plant seedlings of tomatoes?

    Variety Alpatyeva 95A grew. I like the fact that it grows like a tree up to 50 cm high, sometimes lower, does not bend, although there are enough tomatoes hanging on the bush. Round fruits of good taste, not large. The variety is resistant to phytophthora.

    The plot with tomatoes should be located in a sunny place;

    Seed preparation

    It is planted in loose soil that contains nutrients and retains water well.

    When planning to plant tomatoes, you should still remember that planting tomatoes in open ground is not an easy task. This process is stressful both for the plant itself and for the gardener, therefore it is worth having patience and putting in as much effort as possible, following all the rules for caring for this capricious vegetable, and then a rich harvest will not keep you waiting.

    Also, before planting a tomato, you should take care of the readiness of the peg for the tomato garter in the future. The tomato itself needs to be watered abundantly before planting, so removing it from the pot will become easier and not a single element of the root system will be damaged.

    But still, before planting seedlings, it is worth knowing its variety and features of planting. In addition, the climate of the area where the tomatoes are planted has a great influence on the timing of planting. So, for example, in some areas you can plant tomatoes already in February, because there is a milder and warmer climate, but in places like Siberia and the Urals, you can plant vegetables not earlier than mid-March, or even in early April, if you want. get a harvest of tasty and healthy tomatoes.​

    Germination of stepchildren

    You can also spray tomato seedlings with microelements a couple of times - similar biostimulants are sold in stores.

    Soil and containers for seedlings

    The next day you can start planting seeds. They are laid out on the ground, keeping a distance of 1-2 cm between them and sprinkled with 1 cm of earth on top. When the seeds are sown, water the ground with a spray bottle so as not to wash it away.

    Now you can distribute the seedlings along the furrow. Here, too, there is an important nuance: it is imperative to plant tomatoes at an angle, this contributes to the rapid growth and development of the root system. In addition, try to plant the plant deeper so that additional roots form on the stem. As I grow, I weed out all the weeds, loosen the ground while hilling the stem. For many years I have been planting the Volgograd variety of tomatoes. I like that it is drought tolerant. Tomatoes are dense, suitable for salads, canning. Fruits almost until frost.

    Tomatoes need to be watered 2 times a week;

    Sowing and growing seedlings

    To get the best harvest, seedlings should be planted in soddy land. To it you need to add sand and humus. To achieve normal soil acidity, add 0.5 liters of resin and 100 grams of chalk for every 10 liters of soil mixture. This mixture can be bought at the store. Now on sale there are high-quality mixtures containing the nutrients necessary for seedlings.

    In the video, experienced vegetable growers talk about how to properly plant tomatoes in open ground, what fertilizers to fertilize them and how to tie up tomatoes.

    When the soil is ready for planting a tomato, the seedlings are very carefully removed from the container in which they have been growing all this time, it is very important not to disturb the earthen clod that has formed around the root system of the bush, then the bush is vertically lowered into the hole, which must first be opened and lightly sprinkled with earth. You can sprinkle some compost around the planted bush so that the plant immediately receives nutrients and takes root better.

    It is worth noting that it is better to plant seedlings in the afternoon, for the reason that by the evening the soil warms up well, and the tomato will have the whole night ahead to absorb the heat and get stronger.

    Removing the first lateral processes, or pinching, is an integral part of caring for tomatoes. As a rule, the removal of stepchildren is carried out so that they do not take away food from the plant. However, you can use them to strengthen the root system and form new bushes. The stepchildren are not removed, but allowed to grow, then the leaves are cut off from them, inclined to the ground and sprinkled with a ten-centimeter layer of earth. Stepsons begin to grow very quickly and after a month they do not differ from the mother bush. Near the ground, abundant fruiting begins on them.

    Two weeks before the moment when it was decided to plant the plants in the ground, the seedlings should be hardened off. In the room, the air temperature is reduced to 6-10 degrees. As a rule, for this purpose, seedlings are simply taken out to the balcony, first for a short time. Then the stay on the balcony is extended until the plants get used to the ambient temperature outside.

    To reduce the germination time of the seeds, the top of the boxes can be covered with plastic wrap. From time to time it is removed so that the earth does not turn sour and the seeds do not burn out from the heat. After germination, the film can be removed for a longer time. When the seedlings are completely stronger, the film is removed. This usually happens after 4 days. Now the tomatoes will grow on their own.

    Features of growing tomatoes

    Many amateur gardeners measure the distance between the bushes by eye, but this approach is not always correct, as this is easy to follow only if you need to plant 10-15 bushes. If the planting area is larger, then you need to follow a certain scheme. So, how far apart should tomatoes be planted? For planting tall combs, a distance of 40 cm between rows and 70 cm between bushes is observed. At the same time, do not forget to leave a path separating the rows with a width of 100 cm. This is necessary so that it is convenient to take care of the plantings. This method is called multi-line, because 2-3 rows form a line, and tracks remain between them.​

    At the beginning of the fruiting of tomatoes, I try to sprinkle the soil with ash, then loosen it, water it. I form undersized tomatoes so that 2-3 stems remain, and sometimes no shaping is required.

    • This year, for the first time, I will sow the variety Novinka Kuban. Mid-late variety for open ground. A plant up to 40 cm high. The description on the bag promises high taste quality, resistance to phytophthora.​
    • It is necessary to prepare the soil and apply fertilizers;
    • How to grow tomato seedlings? Gardeners usually grow a large number of seedlings. Seeds are first planted in large containers, and then the sprouts dive into another container. Many people use milk bags to plant sprouts. But bacteria can grow in such bags, which leads to mold. Therefore, the picking of seedlings must be carried out either in ordinary plastic bottles or in special peat pots that can be purchased at the store. At the bottom of all these containers should be holes for drainage.
    • Tomatoes are one of the most common vegetables in the world. In regions with cold winters, tomatoes are usually grown in seedlings. How to plant tomato seedlings and how to grow them? You need to start growing seedlings in January-March. To do this, you need seeds and a container for soil. You can grow seedlings on the windowsill. This is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. If the seedlings are grown correctly, then the tomato crop will be excellent.

    The compost is again sprinkled with soil and the soil around the bush is slightly tamped. After that, water each bush, using a liter or two of water for each. After the bush is planted, you need to install a peg next to it, the height of which will depend on the variety of tomato, for example, for undersized tomatoes, pegs can be 50 cm high, but for medium-sized tomatoes, the height of the peg should be about 80 cm.

    Growing tomatoes in open ground with seeds

    What could be tastier than a warm fragrant tomato just taken from the bush. And if he is also grown on his own, then there will be no limit to bliss. Everyone who considers himself to be a real gardener should think about this. The technology for growing tomatoes is different, but there are fairly simple options available to everyone. The main thing is patience, accuracy and responsible attitude to business.​

    Choosing a site for growing tomatoes in open ground

    You can grow strong strong environmentally resistant seedlings without much hassle. For planting in the ground, the age of seedlings should be 45-50 days. This must be taken into account when planting seeds and determining the time of planting in greenhouses.​

    Tomato seeds for seedlings should be grown in moist soil

    Do not forget that in the process of growth and development of the bushes, they will need to be weeded, pinched, sprayed. Also, keep in mind that tomatoes need basal watering, which means that it is very important to leave enough space to have access to each bush. Do not forget about the need for hilling and top dressing. Based on all this, leading agricultural technicians offer us the following option, at what distance to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse.​

    What varieties of tomatoes to choose

    When the ovary reaches the size of a walnut, I spray it with the new Tomato Rescuer preparation. It protects tomatoes from late blight, macrospariosis, while being a growth stimulant.

    After the appropriate, usual preparation, that is, warming up, disinfection, washing, I germinate the seeds.

    You need to harvest when the tomatoes are already red. If the tomatoes ripen after harvesting, they will lose their taste.

    When and how to plant tomato seeds in open ground

    More effective is the method of tying tomatoes not to pegs, but to an arc and a wire about 1 meter high.

    Tomato planting is carried out according to schemes, which usually depend on their variety, height and irrigation system that is used in your garden. There are several planting schemes, but the main one should still be the fact that there should be a small distance between the bushes for sufficient air and sunlight to enter. ​

    Proper care of tomatoes

    Attention, only TODAY!

    When the first 2 true leaves appear, the seedlings are taken out of the box and swooped down. Then it is necessary to plant it in individual containers. After picking, the seedlings are well watered. For several days, the air temperature must be lowered, so the plants will get stronger faster.

    Thinning out seedlings of tomatoes

    It has its own characteristics that distinguish it from landing in open ground. First of all, these are usually the modest dimensions of the greenhouse itself, which force the gardener to save space. It must be borne in mind that in this case it is bad to plant the bushes too wide, and, conversely, thicken the planting. What's wrong with the first option? An excess of free space will stimulate the growth of green mass, the plant will branch strongly, the crop will ripen later, and the fruits will not stick to the bushes due to too weak branches.

    I used to spray tomatoes with 1% Bordeaux liquid or blue vitriol (40-50 g per 10 liters of water). Sometimes even now I do 1-2 such treatments.​

    Different varieties require different times for germination - from 2-3 days to a week or even more. I try to equate this to April 10-15 (usually by this time the soil is ready for early vegetable crops). I make wide holes with a diameter of about 40 cm. I definitely water the hole with warm water with potassium permanganate. I sow the seeds dry and sprouted mixed, evenly distributing them over the area of ​​the hole. In this case, the consumption of seeds is increased. But I do it for insurance.

    Caring for tomatoes outdoors


    Before planting the seeds, you must first fill the container with soil mixture so that it is 3 cm below the edge. Then the soil must be watered, covered with a film and left under the film for a day for uniform moisture penetration. Then the soil is leveled and holes are made in it with a depth of 0.5 cm. Seeds are planted in them. The surface of the soil, after planting the seeds, should be poured with a solution of potassium permanganate, then cover the container with a film or glass lid and put in heat.

    Top dressing of tomatoes - open ground

    Before planting the seeds in the soil, they must be carefully prepared.

    After you managed to plant all the tomato bushes, it would be right not to water them until the seedlings take root. Adaptation occurs from 8 to 10 days, and only after that you can open the irrigation period. It is necessary to water the bushes under the root, avoiding getting liquid on the leaves, this can lead to disease of tomatoes. It is also undesirable to water the tomatoes with the help of rain, because although the plant receives the necessary moisture, at the same time the temperature decreases and the humidity of the air rises, which tomatoes really do not like.

    This tomato planting pattern is suitable for high varieties of vegetables, where row spacing is of particular importance, which helps keep open ground loose and clear of weeds.

    Processing tomatoes from pests and diseases

    There are two main approaches to growing tomatoes. The first method is based on planting seeds in open ground, and the second, more common, is growing tomatoes from seedlings. Without going into a deep analysis of the intricacies and advantages of these options, planting seedlings is more acceptable to most. In this case, the seed material can be purchased on the market or grown independently. In the latter case, the cultivation of tomatoes begins around mid-February. The technology of seed germination and seedling care is a separate issue. The main bias of this article is the technology of caring for tomatoes at all stages, from planting seedlings to harvesting.​

    ​0#1Elena04.08.2015 12:32 I have a question. I have been planting tomatoes for more than one year, the soil is sandy in the area, I add a little black earth to the hole when planting. From year to year, the bushes are very low, and some are very small, although they bear fruit. What is the reason, how should the soil be fertilized?+1#2Tanya11.08.2015 16:40I quote Elena: I have a question. I have been planting tomatoes for more than one year, the soil is sandy in the area, I add a little black earth to the hole when planting. From year to year, the bushes are very low, and some are very small, although they bear fruit. What is the reason why you need to fertilize the soil? I have a small plot of 6 acres with sandy soil. I added bird droppings with black soil, but a grandmother from a neighboring garden advised me to feed the tomatoes with mullein. I am doing this for the first time this year. Have you by any chance used this fertilizer?0#3Katya16.08.2015 06:31 I quote Elena: I have a question. I have been planting tomatoes for more than one year, the soil is sandy in the area, I add a little black earth to the hole when planting. From year to year, the bushes are very low, and some are very small, although they bear fruit. What is the reason, how do you need to fertilize the soil? Here you need to analyze several points besides the soil: is there enough lighting for tomatoes (they are very light-loving, there will be nothing in the shade), what varieties you plant (hybrids grow better in a greenhouse), plant in open or closed ground whether you are doing pinching.

    When we grow seedlings of peppers, tomato, eggplant, it is important to maintain the correct watering schedule and temperature.

    When planting tall varieties, the distance between them should be 50-60 cm. If space is very limited, then try planting plants in two rows or in a checkerboard pattern. If your choice is undersized varieties, then the distance can be made smaller, 40 cm between the bushes is enough and the same between the rows. By following these recommendations, you provide optimal conditions for watering and caring for plants, optimal lighting for each plant, leaving room for normal growth and development of the bush. Another plus: maintaining the optimal distance, you will protect plants from mutual transmission of diseases.​

    Garlic infusion helps well against diseases or pests: chop 1.5-2 cups of garlic with a garlic press or meat grinder, pour hot water (but not boiling water), put a little potassium permanganate, add up to 10 liters of warm water, mix, strain. No need to insist! This solution can be sprayed. I alternate treatments every 6-10 days. For better adhesion, I add liquid soap. I do 3-4 treatments as needed.

    Very often such a situation happened that during a cold snap or accidental frosts, the seedlings of germinated seeds died and had to be re-sown. And from dry seeds, plants will hatch later, they will avoid frost, they will definitely grow.

    At what distance to plant tomatoes in the open field and in the greenhouse?

    Tomatoes are favorites of gardeners, they contain many vitamins and have a wonderful taste. There are many varieties of tomatoes that differ in shape, color and taste. For all varieties of tomatoes, the principles of cultivation are the same. Learning how to grow tomatoes is quite difficult. But even a novice gardener, when following the basic rules of growing, can get beautiful, tasty and large tomatoes on his site. The most important thing is to grow healthy and high-quality seedlings, the harvest of tomatoes depends on it.

    Task number 1 - choose seedlings according to the state of the roots

    A week later, sprouts appear. After that, the film must be removed, and the seedlings put in a bright place. The ambient temperature must be maintained at about 15 degrees. This continues for a week. Then, after the sprouts get stronger, you need to raise the temperature to 24 degrees during the day and up to 12 degrees at night.

    Task number 2 - choose hardened specimens

    If the seed treatment is done correctly, then the seedlings will be of high quality and you are guaranteed a good harvest.

    Task number 3 - choose a variety

    It is worth watering the vegetables in the afternoon - in this way it is the roots that will absorb all the liquid and it will not evaporate.


    This scheme involves planting a tomato at the corners of a square, thus reducing the number of plants in a row. In order not to plant too few plants in a row and, accordingly, not to reduce their number per hectare, planting is carried out as if in a “nest”, i.e. two or three plants are planted next to each other. Such planting allows to reduce the amount of processing time for rows with tomatoes by 10-20 working days and reduce labor costs by almost half. But the most important advantage of such a planting scheme is an increase in the amount of yield due to the timely inter-row processing of bushes. That is why this method is one of the most popular among gardeners, because it allows you to mechanize the processing of vegetables and makes it possible to carry it out in two directions.

    Depending on the weather conditions and the variety of tomato, planting seedlings in open ground is carried out from the end of April to mid-May. Seedlings are planted in rows with a distance of about one meter between them. The distance between plants in a row should be at least half a meter. Before planting seedlings on the east and west sides of the beds, stakes are driven into the ground at one meter intervals and ropes are pulled to form rows. Ditches are dug along the ropes as deep as the bayonet of a shovel. The bottom of the ditch is loosened with pitchforks and filled with not quite rotted manure. With an interval of two meters, powerful stakes up to two meters high are driven into the bottom of the ditch. Subsequently, a rope for tying tomatoes will be stretched on them. The dived seedlings, together with the cups, must be soaked with a solution of mullein or chicken manure. To do this, the solution is poured into a suitable container in which the cups are placed. After impregnation of the cups, the lower leaves are removed from the seedlings. Only 3-4 top ones are left. The cup is kneaded a little by hands, turned over and the plant is carefully taken out. Having laid the plant in a ditch, its root part is a little covered with fluffy soil with hands and lightly tamped. After planting a row with a chopper, the ditch is finally covered with the previously excavated earth. This is followed by abundant watering until the soil settles and mulching. For mulching, you can use half-rotted manure with sawdust, humus or leaves. This method of planting does not violate the root system, and the plants take root faster. Mulch protects seedling roots from overheating and retains moisture. Under a five-centimeter layer of leaves, worms are bred, which loosen the soil and enrich it with humus. Mulch also prevents the growth of weeds and fertilizes the soil when it decomposes.​

    Universal landing pattern

    The birthplace of the tomato is considered to be South America. They were transported to Europe only in the 16th century, and appeared in Russia even later. Many hundreds of different varieties of tomato are now known. This herbaceous plant reaches a height of about one and a half meters, belongs to the nightshade family, that is, a relative of the potato. Fruits of various colors from typical red to black. There are yellow and orange tomatoes. The fruits are fleshy and tasty. Flowering in July-August, fruiting until September. There is a lot of fiber in the fruits of tomatoes, there are proteins, enzymes, organic acids, vitamins, trace elements. No modern kitchen is complete without it. They are marinated and salted. sour, make tomato juice.

    At what distance to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse

    In order for tomatoes to grow strong, the air temperature should be 14-18 degrees. At temperatures above 25 degrees, the seedlings begin to stretch. When the seedling is stretched, it weakens. If this happens, you need to lower the temperature even up to 10 degrees for a while. Also, in order for the seedlings not to stretch, it must be watered abundantly, trying to ensure that the earth is completely moistened. It is necessary to water from a sprayer so as not to erode the soil.

    The ideal distance in this case is the same - 50-60 cm. However, we are all severely limited by the size of our summer cottage. It should be noted that not every variety requires such a distance. Therefore, before planting seedlings in the ground, you should get acquainted with the characteristics of the variety. Usually the information is on the package with the seeds. So, at what distance to plant tomatoes in the ground? The densest varieties can be planted ultra-early and early ripening. The bushes of these varieties are usually small, their task is to produce fruits as quickly as possible, after which the bushes are removed. Therefore, a distance of 35 cm between bushes and rows is quite acceptable. Medium-ripening varieties will last longer in your beds, which means they need more room to grow. The optimal distance will be 45 cm between the bushes and 65 between the beds. For late varieties, it is desirable to further increase this distance. You can also leave 45 cm between the bushes, but the distance between the rows is recommended to be kept at least 75 cm.

    I cut off the leaves at the bottom of the bush or yellowed leaves. Experts assure that this technique speeds up the ripening process, tomatoes - the fruits are larger.

    Features of landing in open ground

    I also plant seedlings of tomatoes, but, as a result, all plants grown from seeds catch up with seedlings, besides, they are stronger, stronger, less affected by diseases.

    Summing up

    Growing tomatoes in the open field has its own characteristics and difficulties. In the spring, as soon as the soil dries up, I loosen the dug up soil filled with organic matter with a rake or a manual cultivator since autumn, level it - this helps to preserve moisture and destroy weeds.

    How to plant tomato seedlings: seed treatment, planting dates, soil preparation, planting containers, planting process, care rules, instructions, photos, videos

    After the first leaves appear, the sprouts dive into a separate container. Before transplanting, you need to make sure that the sprouts are strong enough. For a good development of the root system during transplantation, it is necessary to pinch the main root. Before planting sprouts in open ground, it is necessary to harden the seedlings. To do this, reduce the temperature to 17 degrees.

    First you need to sort the seeds, checking them for weight. To do this, the seeds are immersed in a 6% salt solution. To prepare such a solution, you need to stir 2 tablespoons of table salt in a liter of water. Having immersed the seeds in the solution, they are mixed and after 7-8 minutes the ones that have floated to the surface are removed, and the rest are washed and continue their preparation for seedlings. Then the seeds are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate and washed again with water. You need to prepare a 1% solution of potassium permanganate by stirring 2 grams of potassium permanganate in 200 milligrams of water.

    What can not be said about if you water the tomatoes in the morning. Also, do not water them too often, especially before the fruit set, you just need to open the soil access to moderate moisture, but try not to flood it. But after fruit growth begins, tomatoes need more water. At this time, watering should become more frequent in order to maintain the level of moisture in the soil at the same level. ​

    What to plant seedlings

    Feed the plants begin during the period of flowering and fruit set. A good natural top dressing without "chemistry" is a specially prepared solution of slurry diluted with water in a ratio of 1:100. You can use chicken or pigeon droppings. Two hundred and fifty grams of litter is diluted with water in a ten-liter bucket. Top dressing is done every ten days at the rate of three liters of solution per plant. Watering is carried out in the evening as needed. The water should be slightly warm.​

    Four factors affecting the yield of tomatoes (video)

    Planting seeds for seedlings


    Important: It is necessary to constantly turn the containers with seedlings from one side to the other side to the light. This is how we grow beautiful, not one-sided tomato seedlings.​

    We have provided basic information on how far to plant tomato seedlings. By following these rules, you will get an excellent harvest in the shortest possible time. At the same time, the level of ease of maintenance of the beds cannot be discounted. Initially, an incorrect planting pattern leads to the fact that a solid green wall grows in your garden bed, which is very difficult to approach. The processing of stepchildren, hilling, weeding and watering will be greatly complicated, as well as the collection of fruits. In addition, the yield of bushes is also reduced. Therefore, your labors can bring much less result.​

    Pinching the tops of fruit-bearing shoots will also help to hasten the ripening of tomatoes; under the fruits lying on the ground, lay planks or prop them up with flyers; regularly pick ripe or browned tomatoes.

    In the first one and a half to two weeks, there is a lot of trouble with the shoots that have appeared. I don’t cover my plantings with anything, they grow at first, of course, very slowly.

    seedling care

    Tomatoes are affected by the same diseases and pests as potatoes, peppers, eggplants. Therefore, I try not to plant them in the same place where these crops grew before.

    It can also happen that individual bushes begin to wither. The reason for this may be an insufficient amount of sunlight, which is not detrimental to the vegetable. Therefore, you should not pull out or cut the bush, if it has begun to fade a little, you do not need to water it too much either. If possible, you can try to open a little space so that more light enters this bush. In a few weeks, the bush will come to life again, and the tomatoes will take on a healthy look, and you will not be deprived of a crop.

    The tape-nested scheme allows you to plant more bushes in one area than the square-nested one. The advantage of this planting pattern is the fact that closely planted tomatoes can better withstand the weather. In this method, the soil is cut into irrigation furrows every 140 centimeters, and the bushes themselves are planted on both sides of these furrows. It is also worth noting that, ideally, a tomato during growth develops within 0.3 sq.m. Therefore, for good growth, each bush needs to be given its own space.

    • The classic way of tying tomatoes to stakes is inferior to the trellis method, in which plant branches are held by a stretched rope or wire. This significantly reduces the load and provides more uniform illumination and ventilation. With this method, tomatoes can not be pinched. To provide a trellis garter between the stakes hammered in the rows during landing, a strong rope or wire is pulled every thirty centimeters. The main care for tomatoes in this case is the constant tying of stepchildren and tomato brushes to the trellises as they appear. Only the lower stepchildren should be removed, which have nothing to tie up. Without removing the stepchildren, the harvest will be more abundant, although the fruits may be somewhat inferior in size. The choice is up to the gardener.
    • It is interesting to note that tomatoes or tomatoes are still found in the wild in South America, where they actually come from. In the sixteenth century, with the conquest of America by the Spaniards, the tomato came to Europe where it gained wide popularity, it is reliably known that Napoleon was a big fan of this culture and even came up with his own cooking recipe. In Russia, tomatoes are planted in the ground with seedlings.
    • Do not forget about top dressing, you need to do it 2-3 times for the entire period of cultivation

    In order for seedlings to grow well, you need to properly prepare the ground for it.

    Here is my experience of growing tomatoes in open ground. Share yours - leave a comment!​

    As soon as 2-3 true leaves appear, seedlings should be thinned out. I try to leave those plants between which the distance is 5-10 cm. Of course, I leave the strongest plants.​

    After all, pathogenic spores, viruses, pests live in the ground for several years. It is not recommended to sow tomatoes where they grew 3-4 years ago. Their proximity to potatoes is not desirable - this will help to avoid infection with late blight. The Colorado potato beetle won't get there either.

    Seedlings planted in the ground must be fed. The first top dressing should be done 10 days after transplantation. You need to take 30 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium sulfate, 4 g of urea and dissolve them in 10 liters of water. This mixture can also be bought at the store. After 2 weeks, a second top dressing is performed. After each feeding, water the seedlings and loosen the soil. Excessive watering of seedlings should be avoided, as this can lead to disease. It is necessary that the lighting is sufficient.​

    Planting tomato seedlings is one of the most important agricultural activities. It depends on how well the seedlings and soil are prepared, the timing of transplantation and even the distance between the beds, whether it will be possible to grow tomatoes and harvest a good harvest.

    How to determine the readiness of seedlings?

    The time when seedlings need to be planted can be determined visually. Plants have strong stems, the height of which is more than 20 cm (ideally 25-35 cm). There should be 6 to 8 true leaves per stem and one flower cluster may be formed. If the tomato seedlings were well cared for, the feeding rules were followed, the distance between the leaves will be small - about 5 cm. A distance of more than 5 cm indicates that the plant is weak, it will not be possible to grow a healthy tomato bush with a good yield.

    Preparation for disembarkation

    Transplanting into open ground is stressful for plants, so before planting tomatoes in garden beds, they need to be given special care. Preparations begin a few weeks before the moment when tomato seedlings are supposed to be transplanted. During this period, the room with seedlings is regularly ventilated so that the temperature drops by several degrees.

    About a week (7-10 days) before planting tomatoes, watering is reduced, and on the day of transplantation, on the contrary, it is plentiful. If a flower brush has already been formed on the tomatoes, then they need to be planted before planting. Spraying is carried out a few days before the proposed transplant. The solution is prepared based on the proportion: 1 teaspoon of boric acid per 1 liter of water (hot).

    Treatment of seedlings from diseases and fungi

    The most "weak point" of tomatoes is their susceptibility to late blight. This disease is manifested by gray-brown spots on the leaves and stems, and subsequently on the fruits. In order to grow healthy plants, it is better to start the fight against late blight even at the stage of planting seeds. But seedlings also need to be processed before transplanting them to the garden.

    To date, there are many preparations for phytophthora on sale, starting with the well-known, but ineffective "Bordeaux liquid" and ending with modern systemic fungicides. They penetrate the plant tissue and are not washed off by atmospheric precipitation. Such drugs as Tattu, Previkur, Quadris have proven themselves well. Caring for tomatoes with systemic fungicides is the best way to protect plants from late blight.

    To increase the resistance of tomatoes to various fungi and diseases, 10 days after diving, the seedlings are sprayed with the following solution of trace elements:

    • potassium permanganate - 10 g;
    • boric acid - 3 g;
    • copper sulfate - 3 g;
    • zinc sulfate - 2 g;
    • water - 10 l.

    Landing dates and favorable days (lunar calendar - 2017)

    The calendar dates for planting tomato seedlings depend on the geographical location and are not a determining factor. In order for the plants to take root well in the open field, it is better to take into account the weather conditions and the established temperature, and not the calendar. If the average daily temperature reached + 12 ºС, then the time for planting seedlings of early varieties of tomatoes arrived. In the south of Russia, such a temperature can be established already from mid-April, and in the central part - in May.

    Mid-season and late-ripening varieties are less cold-resistant, they can be planted when the thermometer shows + 15 ºС and above, and the soil warms up to + 10 ºС (about two to three weeks later than early tomatoes). If, after planting the seedlings, a sharp cold snap occurred, the seedlings must be covered with a film.

    For those who carry out agricultural work on favorable days, it will be useful to learn that it is better to sow seeds and plant tomatoes on a growing moon. It must be said that it is correct, first of all, to focus not on the lunar calendar and the favorable days indicated there, but on the timing of plant ripening, since it is poorly accepted, its root system is worse formed, which affects productivity.

    Favorable days for planting tomatoes in open ground (lunar calendar for 2017):

    • May: 14,15,16, from 19 to 23 and 28-29;
    • June: 5-7.

    How to stop the growth of seedlings and why is it necessary?

    If weather conditions do not allow planting seedlings in open ground on time, you need to suspend its development. You can do this in the following way.

    • Move the pallets with seedlings to a colder and shady place.
    • Reduce watering of plants: do it less often and give less water.
    • Use growth regulators - retardants that slow down the extension of the stem in height (for example, "Athlete").

    If the seedlings nevertheless outgrew, it needs to be pegs stuck nearby in the ground. When the height of the plant is too large - "it was possible" to grow plants above 50 cm - it is necessary to cut off the upper part. Planting overgrown plants is carried out with cut lower leaves and planted them at a depth greater than usual.

    It is necessary to spray the plants with the regulator correctly: not abundantly, so that there is no runoff from the leaves. If you overdo it with "chemistry", a burn of the leaves may occur.

    Site selection and soil preparation

    Tomatoes are photophilous plants, so when planning the placement of beds, they need to allocate a well-lit place. The lowlands, where moisture stagnates, are not categorically suitable for tomatoes, since diseases quickly develop there that can completely destroy both plants and crops. It will not be possible to grow tomatoes there that are not affected by diseases or fungi.

    Light, slightly acidic or neutral soils are best suited for planting tomato seedlings there. Loams are also suitable, but additional care will be needed - fertilizer. Preparation should be done about a week before transplanting tomato seedlings, in the following sequence.

    • Watering the beds (7-10 m²) with a solution - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of copper oxychloride per 10 liters of water.
    • Fertilizer loamy soils - 0.5 buckets of manure humus, a bucket of sawdust, a bucket of peat, 2 cups of wood ash and 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate per m².
    • Soil digging.
    • Watering the beds with a hot solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Consumption - 3 liters per m².

    The correct scheme for planting a tomato depends on the variety of tomatoes. The distance between medium-sized tomatoes should be at least 50 cm with the same row spacing. But undersized tomatoes can be planted at a distance of 40 cm. Between the rows, as with medium-sized tomatoes, they leave 50 cm. A passage is made between each pair of rows, it needs a distance of 70-80 cm. The depth of the holes is 15-20 cm. For overgrown plants, holes are made to a depth of 25 cm.

    Seedling transplant

    For transplantation, the most favorable are cloudy days or evenings. Tomatoes are carefully removed from cassettes, pots or cups so as not to damage the root system and stem. When the plant is taken out correctly, the earth ball is not disturbed. In order for the earth to easily move away from the walls of the container, you must not forget to water the seedlings abundantly before “relocation”.

    Plants are placed in the holes on their side and watered in several passes. After that, the wells fall asleep. Please note that normal seedlings should stand upright after sprinkling, and overgrown seedlings should be slightly on their side. This position of overgrown plants is necessary so that the roots do not go too deep into the cold ground.

    After the holes are covered with earth, it is not recommended to water them so that a crust does not form on the surface of the beds.

    Care in the first days after transplantation

    In the first days after planting seedlings of tomatoes in open ground, those plants that have outgrown must be lifted and tied up. This must be done carefully so as not to change the position of the roots, but only change the direction of the stem by tying it to a peg. Pegs are also installed near the rest of the tomatoes, but plants need to be tied to them later, when they grow up. The height of the pegs for low-growing tomatoes is 50 cm, for medium-sized ones - 80 cm.

    The planted plants are not watered for the first 10 days, and so that the soil does not lose moisture, it is covered with mulch. If the air temperature drops below +12º C, the plants can be covered with foil. Such seedling care will allow you to grow healthy plants and harvest a good crop of tomatoes.

    South America is considered the birthplace of tomatoes, where today you can find various types of this crop in nature. Thanks to its nutritional and taste qualities, variety of varieties and good yields, the tomato is popular everywhere. It is most often grown in greenhouses, but in the open field you can get a fairly plentiful harvest. The main thing is to choose the right variety and provide the culture with the most optimal conditions for vegetation and fruiting.

    It is advisable to prepare the soil for growing tomatoes in the fall: humus should be introduced into the ground, which will provoke saturation of the substrate with substances useful for the culture. Tomatoes grow very poorly on acidic soils, therefore, at high pH values, it is advisable to deoxidize the soil with chalk or ordinary charcoal. If it is not possible to determine the acidity of the soil, know that sorrel or horsetail grows well on acidic lands.

    In addition to humus in the fall, the soil should be fertilized with potash and phosphorus types of mineral fertilizers. Potassium nitrate, which contains nitrogen, is especially useful for tomatoes.

    It is advisable to choose those types of fertilizers that remain in the soil for a long time.

    If you plan to fertilize the soil with ammonium nitrate, then it is best to apply it to the ground in the spring, since its ions dissolve very quickly in the substrate and are washed out of it.

    It is advisable to choose a place for tomatoes wisely. Tomatoes need a long daylight hours, feel good in direct sunlight. Because of this feature, you need to choose a place for planting a crop not in the shade, but in open, well-lit areas. Lowlands should also be avoided, where water accumulates in the soil after precipitation. This can lead to a number of diseases.

    You can not plant tomatoes in those areas where solanaceous crops and corn have grown before. It is also not recommended to plant tomatoes for several years in a row in the same place. The most useful predecessors of tomatoes are root crops, radishes, cabbage, lettuce, legumes.

    Transplant process

    Most often, seedlings are planted in tomatoes. Germination of seeds in the open field is associated with a number of problems even in regions with a very mild climate: low germination, uneven germination of seedlings, the inability to create optimal humidity and temperature, and so on. Therefore, the most popular method is seedlings, which were sown in boxes in late February or early March.

    It is important to know! Seedlings, which are planned to be planted in open ground, must be well hardened. Otherwise, you can lose some of the shoots or, due to sudden changes in conditions, the growth of seedlings will be delayed.

    The timing of transplanting young plants depends on the climatic region, as the seedlings will not withstand frost or too low night temperatures. The optimal time is the whole of May. When the air temperature drops, it is always possible to protect seedlings with special designs with film or agrofabric.

    After the area with soil for planting the crop is completely ready, then it is dug up, leveled, you can start planting seedlings. It is best to do this early in the morning, when the sun is still not too hot. The plot for tomatoes should be divided into sectors and mark the places where holes for seedlings will be dug. The distance between the holes depends on the crop variety, if the tomato bushes are high, then it is recommended to leave about 70 cm, if not too large, then 40-50 cm. If you plan to plant several rows of tomatoes, it is best to place the plants in a checkerboard pattern, this will help save square. The distance between the rows should also depend on the variety (from 70 to 40 cm).

    After digging not too deep holes, the soil should be disinfected. For these purposes, potassium permanganate is diluted in a bucket of water, the solution should be light pink in color. The wells are thoroughly watered with a disinfectant solution. After this procedure, you can additionally water the recesses so that the soil is very well moistened, since after planting the seedlings cannot be watered for several days.

    Methods for planting seedlings

    The vertical method is the classic planting method. The seedling is removed from the container and placed in the hole, after which the roots of the plant are sprinkled with a substrate and slightly compacted. This method is suitable for those young plants whose length during the planting period does not exceed 40 cm.

    The horizontal planting method is used for seedlings that have grown too tall during the growing process. When planting, the seedling is tilted, the roots and part of the stem are sprinkled with earth. It is believed that this method allows the development of an additional root system on the stems and thereby improves plant nutrition during the growing season.

    Planting seedlings - scheme

    After planting seedlings in the ground, it is not recommended to water them for the first 8-10 days. You can make an exception only if the weather is too hot and sunny. It is best to water the seedlings in the evening with settled water, which is heated in the sun.

    If the weather conditions leave much to be desired, watering the seedlings after transplanting is prohibited. Watering will negatively affect the plants, they can become infected with late blight and you can forget about the harvest. This rule applies not only to young animals, but also to adult plants during the growing season and fruiting.

    Adult plants during the growing season should be watered periodically, focusing on the weather and the appearance of the bushes. When adding moisture to tomatoes, care should be taken to ensure that water gets only to the root area. Leaves and shoots are not allowed to be watered.

    When flowering and fruiting, tomatoes need increased watering, since a lack of moisture can provoke a drop in inflorescences, cracking or a decrease in fruit size.

    plant care

    In the process of growth, tomatoes need constant care. Hilling is a very important process when growing tomatoes in open ground.

    With periodic hilling, additional roots are formed in plants, which contribute to greater absorption of nutrients from the soil. Hilling is especially important during the fruiting period, when the formation of fruits requires more oxygen and nutrients, with a lack of which plants shed inflorescences or recently set tomatoes.

    Tomatoes can be mulched. This will keep moisture near the roots, which is important in a dry summer. The only caveat is that the bark of coniferous trees increases the acidity of the soil, as it releases acids into the ground when wet. Therefore, it is best not to use it.

    Fertilizer for tomatoes

    Top dressing significantly affects the yield of tomatoes. For the entire period after transplanting plants into open ground, it is recommended to carry out 4 top dressings with mixtures that include different fertilizers.

    The first top dressing should be carried out 21 days after transplanting seedlings into open ground. In a bucket of water, it is recommended to dilute a tablespoon of nitrophoska and ready-made Ideal fertilizer. 0.5 liters of solution is poured under one bush.

    The second fertilization is carried out when the second pair of inflorescences appears on the bushes. Plant growers recommend using a ready-made solution "Signor Tomato" or a fertilizer with a similar composition.

    Fertilizer "Signor tomato"

    The third basal fertilization is carried out after the appearance of the third pair of inflorescences. The composition and dose of fertilizers are exactly the same as for the first feeding.

    The fourth fertilization is carried out 14 days after the third. 2 teaspoons of superphosphate are diluted in a bucket of water and the mixture is applied under the root, the dose is a bucket of water per square meter of soil.

    Tomato bush garter

    Varieties of tomatoes can be different in height, so very often tall bushes need to be tied up. This must be done so that the rather fragile shoots of plants do not break from the wind or from the weight of the fruit during the fruiting period. To fix the shoots, you can use ordinary wooden sticks, soft mesh, trellises. It all depends on the height of the culture. Bushes up to half a meter in height should not be tied up; for two-meter giants, a trellis is best suited; for one and a half meter shoots, you can use an agronet made of soft material that will not damage delicate branches.

    It is also worth monitoring the condition of the shoots when the fruits ripen. In high-yielding varieties, sometimes many fruits ripen on one branch, under the weight of which the plant can break. Therefore, it is recommended to take measures to save the crop.

    Ways to increase yield

    Under favorable conditions, tomato bushes tend to grow very strongly, forming many side shoots. Because of this, yields are reduced due to the fact that the plant spends a lot of nutrients on the growth of unnecessary branches. With strong growth, it is recommended to carry out pinching - the removal of side branches with ovaries.

    Pasynkovanie is carried out during the growing season of plants. You should leave the main stem and the first stepson - the second well-formed stem. The remaining shoots are recommended to be carefully removed, which allows you to form a tall and strong bush. Doing this procedure is shown every 10 days. If, for some reason, there are too many large side shoots, you do not need to break them off, this can destroy the plant. In this case, it is recommended to stop the growth of the side shoot by pinching off the top.

    By removing the top from the main shoots, it is possible to accelerate the formation and ripening of fruits, since the plant will direct all its strength and nutrients not to the growth of the bush, but to fruiting.

    Video - How to properly pinch tomatoes

    Pests and diseases

    Late blight is a fairly common disease that affects tomatoes in the open field. It is manifested by brown spotting on the surface of leaves and fruits, white bloom under the leaves, significantly reduces yield and leads to plant death. Appears with high humidity or sudden changes in temperature. An effective remedy for late blight is the Zaslon composition, which needs to process tomatoes several times per season.

    Mosaic is a viral infection that affects the green mass of tomatoes, because of which the plants quickly wither and die. Modern hybrids have resistance to mosaic, but when the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to use a solution of potassium permanganate to treat the infection.

    Gray rot appears at the end of the season, with temperature drops or drops. Manifested by the appearance of brown spots on mature or green fruits. Tomatoes affected by gray rot are not stored, very quickly become watery and tasteless. In the fight against the disease, fungicides are effective, removal of infected fruits from the branches.

    Also, tomatoes very often become attractive to various pests, from which special preparations effectively help. Fruits and bushes of culture can be affected by aphids, whitefly, bear, scoop.


    Tomatoes tend to ripen very quickly and unevenly, so during the fruiting period, you need to constantly ensure that ripe fruits are removed from the bush on time. Under adverse conditions, you can harvest in advance, despite the fact that the tomatoes are still green. If the plant is not infected with any infection, the fruits ripen normally in boxes or on windowsills, which does not affect their taste in any way.

    The most adapted tomato varieties for outdoor cultivation


    Quite a new variety, which is characterized by high yield and fruit quality. The bushes are not too high - up to 40 cm, the shoots are strong, elastic, so they do not need to be tied up. Fruits are round, in a ripe form of saturated red color, weight is up to 170 grams. Zagadka is one of the most early maturing varieties: 85-90 days pass from the germination of seedlings to the technical maturity of the fruit. The only drawback of this type of tomato is excessive pinching, which can reduce the yield.
    This variety is known for its large fruits - up to 700 grams. The fruits are lobed, without voids, light crimson color. The stalk is immersed deep in the pulp, it tastes sweet, the skin is thin.

    The bushes are strong, tall, need a mandatory garter. It belongs to the medium-early variety: a little more than 100 days pass from the appearance of sprouts to the ripening of the crop. The variety needs constant watering, it is resistant to most diseases and pests.

    The variety belongs to early ripening, technical maturity occurs after 100 days. The bush is formed into several stems, the tomatoes are tied in brushes, thanks to which the variety has a high yield. The average fruit weight is 200 grams. The shape of the fruit is slightly elongated, with a pointed tip, the color is red, the skin is dense, the pulp is juicy. In mature fruits, the area near the stalk often remains green. With proper care, you can collect up to 11 kg of fruit from one bush.
    This variety belongs to mid-season - fruit ripening occurs 3 months after the appearance of the first shoots of seedlings. The bushes of this tomato variety are very high - up to 2 meters, so they need a mandatory garter. Tomatoes ripen on a complex brush, sometimes up to 25-30 fruits, weighing about 200 grams, can form in one bunch.

    The shape of the fruit is round, with a noticeable protruding tip, the color is scarlet, the flesh is juicy, sweet-sour. the skin is hard. Well transported, used for canning.

    This tomato has an exotic shape and color and looks like a lemon. The variety belongs to mid-season - up to 120 days of vegetation. The bush is high - up to 2 meters, blooms well and bears fruit. Up to 12 kg of fruits can be removed from one bush per season. Tomatoes taste sweet, fleshy, with a dense skin. The variety is distinguished by evenness of fruits, good preservation, resistance to lack of watering.
    This honeycomb is early ripening: less than 3 months pass from seed germination to technical maturity. The height of the bushes does not exceed half a meter, the fruits are elongated, of medium size. Differs in magnificent tastes, resistance to a septorioz and vertex rot.

    Video - Growing tomatoes in the open field

    Gardeners who do not have the opportunity to build greenhouses and greenhouses on their plots are forced to plant tomatoes in open beds.

    In a warm climate, tomatoes grow well, bear fruit without the need for a protective shelter for them. In regions with a colder climate, plants need temporary cover with a film. Vegetable growers prefer the seedling method of planting tomatoes, which allows for a reduction in the growing season, which makes it possible to count on a quick harvest.

    Planting tomatoes in an open garden has certain pros and cons. Plants growing in open ground are stronger, have increased immunity. Tomatoes feel uncomfortable in conditions of high humidity, but in the open space a favorable atmosphere is created for them, which excludes the development of many dangerous diseases of nightshade crops.

    Unfortunately, growing many valuable ones requires knowledge: how to transplant tomato seedlings into a greenhouse, because bushes will simply die in a garden without shelter. In an open garden, it is not possible to adjust the humidity and soil temperature, which is why the growth of tomatoes is slower. The crop yields in the greenhouse are much higher. Often, the fruits do not have enough time to fully ripen, which forces summer residents to pluck them while still green.

    The right choice of varieties is the key to success.

    To be successful in growing tomatoes in garden beds, you should give preference to proven, specially bred varieties that are resistant to weather "surprises": the onset of sudden frosts, rain, prolonged cloudiness, heat, drought.

    In most cases, for planting in open beds, vegetable growers choose crops with early, mid-early ripening periods.

    Optimal will be low plants of the determinant type, which do not need pinching, shaping. Also, indeterminate varieties are suitable, demonstrating the formation of compact, non-branching, non-stretching bushes.

    In order not to run into trouble later, it is advisable to carefully study the manufacturer's annotations published on seed bags. A win-win will be the purchase of seed products, on the packaging of which there is a note about its suitability for planting in open ground. This does not mean at all that the seeds are to be directly sown immediately on open beds, since in our latitudes summer residents prefer to first get strong, healthy seedlings suitable for subsequent planting in the garden.

    Growing seedlings at home

    For the subsequent production of excellent bushes, you will need to perform the correct sowing of seeds in prepared containers with soil. In order for the transplantation of tomato seedlings in March to be successful when diving, you need to carefully remove the seedlings from the old container, trying not to damage their delicate roots. Plants are placed in new containers, in which a third of the root length is first plucked off.

    Experienced gardeners who recommend when to transplant tomato seedlings into pots insist that bushes with 3 true leaves are suitable for such a procedure. Often the time of this event is calculated according to the lunar calendar. For a procedure such as transplanting tomato seedlings in March, favorable days are chosen in the phase of the growing moon.

    Planting dates in open ground

    The vegetable grower should definitely find out: when to plant tomatoes in open ground with seedlings in order to plan the timing of the procedure in advance. Planting senets on a permanent bed is carried out in the period: mid-April - mid-May. Determining the timing must be done with an eye to the climatic conditions of your area. When deciding when to plant tomatoes in a garden bed, it is worth considering that the rapid rooting of plants, their growth is observed in conditions of air temperature from + 15 ° C, when the soil warms up to + 10 ... + 12 ° C.

    In order to prevent the death of tomatoes planted in the garden in mid-April due to the possible return of frosts, it will be necessary to provide the plants with temporary shelter in the form of a transparent film, which will be removed in the first decade of June after warm weather sets in.

    Often summer residents are interested in when to transplant tomato seedlings according to the lunar calendar to the garden? Such unrest is fully justified, since plants planted during the waxing moon are considered stronger. The same can be said for pre-produced . A vegetable grower who knows when to plant tomatoes according to the lunar calendar will surely get beautiful bushes suitable for growing in beds.

    In the old days, transplanting tomato seedlings to a permanent place in the garden was carried out with a focus on the flowering of mountain ash. During this period, cold, rainy weather gives way to warm, sunny. Looking through the folk calendar for transplanting tomato seedlings into a garden bed, you should pay attention that at this time the probability of a return of frost is minimized.

    Soil preparation in the garden

    The gardener will not be mistaken if he prepares garden soil in the fall. The priority is the choice of a sunny site. In order to prevent infection of tomatoes with phytophthora, an annual change of place for planting is practiced. The choice of a site where potatoes were previously planted is not welcome. The best predecessors of tomatoes are: carrots, corn, legumes, beets.

    In autumn, rotted manure is introduced into the soil (bucket / sq.m.). If this was not possible, a week before planting the seedlings, humus and wood ash can be added to each well. Also, during this period it is worth processing the land with copper, digging the site.

    Having decided when to transplant tomato seedlings into the garden, you need to prepare holes for plants in advance and pour them with warm water. The depth of the holes is calculated based on the height of the bush. Also, the volume of each recess should be sufficient to deepen the soil bag of the bush.

    Preparing seedlings for planting

    Having decided on the time when you can plant seedlings of tomatoes in garden soil, you should do the preliminary preparation of seedlings. 14 days before the planned planting, you will need to take the seedlings to the balcony for hardening. A similar procedure is performed at an average daily temperature not lower than + 13 ° C. Initially, the plants are taken out for a short time. Then the time of their stay in the open air increases to a day.

    Planting technology for tomatoes

    A vegetable grower who has decided when to plant on the beds definitely needs to water the bushes an hour before the planting procedure. When planting, you need to carefully remove the plants from the containers one by one, trying not to disturb the earthen clod formed around the roots. The bush descends vertically into the hole. A small amount of compost is poured into the hole, followed by backfilling, tamping the soil.

    After the performed manipulations, the bushes are watered with water (1 - 2 l / plant), and then the pegs are installed. When planting low-growing varieties, stakes 0.5 m high are sufficient. Medium-sized plants require fixation to pegs from 0.8 m in height.

    A summer resident who is interested in when to plant tomato and pepper seedlings in the beds should know that such an event would be optimal in the evening. Gardeners living in regions with perpetually cloudy weather should prefer daytime planting.

    Planting schemes for tomato seedlings

    When deciding how to properly transplant tomato seedlings into a garden bed, it is worth deciding in advance on the layout of the seedlings.

    Here the variety, height, as well as the method of irrigating plants play an important role. The main criterion is to provide the bushes with sufficient lighting. If tomato seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse, it is also worth following the recommended schemes for placing seedlings in the ground.

    Square-jack scheme

    This scheme will be preferable when planting tall plants, since it provides ease of processing row spacing, makes it possible to maintain a loose state of the soil, and facilitates the removal of weeds. When studying how to properly plant tomato seedlings, according to this scheme, you need to take into account that seedlings are determined in the corners of 70 x 70 cm squares. Planting is done in a “nest” of 2 bushes.

    Tape-jack scheme

    The advantage of this scheme is the possibility of planting more seedlings on the site, which makes it possible for young plants to better tolerate bad weather. The vegetable grower will need to cut the soil into furrows for irrigation at intervals of 1.4 m. Tomatoes are planted on the sides of the trenches with a plot of 0.3 sq.m.

    Tape-row scheme

    The use of a tape scheme involves digging furrows of 30 cm with an interval of 80 - 90 cm. Seedlings are planted at a distance of about 45 cm. The advantage of such a scheme is the creation of conditions for the simplest watering.

    Checkerboard Landing Pattern

    The choice in favor of such a scheme requires planting seedlings in a checkerboard pattern on both sides of the excavated trench. This will ensure that any plant from the second row is placed between the two bushes from the first. The interval between trenches is about 1.5 m.

    Outdoor plant care

    After planting tomatoes in a permanent place of growth, it is not recommended to water them until the bushes take root. It takes 8-10 days for plants to adapt, after which the start of the irrigation period is allowed. Watering the bushes should be done at the root, trying to avoid wetting the leaves.

    The most successful time for watering is the second half of the day. During this period, the roots of tomatoes absorb moisture better. Too early in the morning, excessively frequent watering during the period of growth, flowering can adversely affect the health of the crop. After the beginning of the formation of fruits, it is worth irrigating more often, trying to maintain soil moisture at a certain level.

    The wilting of individual bushes indicates that the culture is not receiving enough light from the sun. It is not necessary to increase the frequency of watering plants with signs of wilting, it is better to try to free up space around them to improve the illumination.

    After irrigation, it is necessary to loosen the soil surrounding the bushes, uproot the weeds. The earth is loosened to a depth of about 8 - 12 cm to ensure saturation of the root system with oxygen, warming up the inner soil layers.
    Over time, it is worth reducing the loosening depth to 4 - 5 cm. This procedure must be done with the utmost care to avoid damage to the roots.

    The vegetable grower will need to hill the plants in a timely manner: at least 2 to 3 times during the season. Such activities provide saturation of the soil with oxygen, stimulate the development of roots, and improve the nutrition of tomatoes. Grooves in the ground, formed due to hilling, help retain water in the soil.

    Tomatoes planted in garden beds need periodic feeding. During the season, about 4 stages of crop feeding are performed. The implementation of the first procedure is performed 3 weeks after disembarkation. The next one is performed during the period when the second flower brush begins to bloom. The third - when the third brush blooms. The last top dressing should be carried out at intervals of 3 weeks after the third.

    A gardener who platinizes planting tomatoes in open beds should know that in order to get a plentiful, high-quality harvest, he will have to work hard. However, the result is worth it. You don't have to be afraid of difficulties. A smart approach will surely lead to success. Planted plants will delight you with many excellent fruits - tasty, juicy and very healthy.