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  • How to install compartment doors. How to install a compartment door with your own hands: step by step instructions, installation diagrams and drawings

    How to install compartment doors.  How to install a compartment door with your own hands: step by step instructions, installation diagrams and drawings

    Initially, compartment doors owed their popularity to the ability to save significant living space in small apartments. A little later, the owners of residential premises with a significant living space appreciated their noiselessness, original design, and durability. In addition, the installation of a compartment door in a plasterboard partition is possible without the involvement of a specialist, but only using your own skills and the usual tools available in every home.

    The inability to large-scale reschedule the area of ​​​​the apartment, the need to create two from one room or make an autonomous walk-through room prompted many owners to install a compartment door in a plasterboard partition or create several sliding canvases. They are a little more expensive than the usual, swinging counterparts familiar to everyone, but the possibility of self-installation, the freed up space and the comfort provided by the products compensate for the insignificant financial difference. Another significant plus is the absence of the need to "customize" an existing doorway for the product. In the case of a sliding door, this is unnecessary, since the product is as functional as possible and always fits the specified parameters.

    Sliding design is very convenient in terms of many parameters

    Additional advantages of the sliding door, emphasizing the correctness of such a choice, include:

    • silent operation;
    • the absence of thresholds dangerous for possible injuries for the elderly, children, and the disabled;
    • partial or complete isolation of premises;
    • availability of use;
    • structural durability.

    The installation process itself is not particularly difficult. In fact, the design consists of a canvas, a cassette and a mechanism on a special wheel.

    What to prepare for installation?

    As always, quality work is preceded by a period of careful preparation. The doorway is measured, the data is recorded. For convenience, you can use a tape measure. The parameters of each canvas cannot be identical to the main measurements, but must be at least 6-7 centimeters larger.

    Do-it-yourself installation of an interior compartment door requires the presence of:

    • a set of accessories;
    • door leaf;
    • self-tapping screws;
    • anchors;
    • platbands;
    • dobor;
    • finishing nails;
    • door frame.

    Before starting the installation of an interior compartment door with your own hands, you must make sure that the contours of the doorway have the correct shape. That is, all walls are strictly parallel, perfectly straight, do not contain relief bulges, curvatures. If the installation of the door will be carried out in an existing plasterboard partition, in most cases a wooden mortgage is mounted above it.

    During the preparation of the opening for installation, the existing platbands and the outdated door are removed, the old hinges are dismantled as unnecessary, and the box is simply pulled out. The old wall damage that appeared during the dismantling process is leveled with putty, and after drying, they are carefully polished. Wall alignment is a mandatory operation, since when installing a compartment door with your own hands, there are no platbands and the usual door frame, like swing counterparts.

    sliding door structure

    How is self-installation of the structure carried out?

    Instructions for installing a compartment door are not difficult. If the owner has conceived a design, using which the open door will be masked, it is worth installing a plasterboard structure. With the help of this technique, the room visually enlarges. But this is completely optional - moving on rollers simply along the guides, the product will also be functional.

    According to the installation instructions for the compartment door, a place for the handle on the canvas itself is initially prepared. A hole is cut out with a chisel, the roughness is cleaned, the door handle is installed and fixed. Further, a groove is cut out in the upper part of the existing doorway, where the P-guide is inserted. After fixing it, the lower part is mounted. After installing all the parts and checking their strength, the rollers are installed. The interior sliding door is mounted with the help of an assistant, since it is very difficult to hold it strictly vertically on your own and it is very difficult to carry out all the manipulations. The product is installed in the grooves near the bases of the rollers.

    It remains only to mark the place of the upper door guide. The area for the location of the rail, which should guarantee the smooth movement of the rollers, is indicated with a simple pencil. After the markings are made, the correctness of the measurements made is once again specified. If no errors are found, the rail is carefully and firmly fixed with pre-purchased anchors or self-tapping screws.

    You can check the strictly horizontal position of the product using a level. If an error is found, it must be corrected. Without paying due attention to the correctness of the process, interior sliding doors will provide the owners with a lot of trouble, opening spontaneously.

    To connect both parts of the mechanism, the door tilts slightly with its upper edge and is placed on the rails. The work is considered perfectly done if the structure is well fixed, the door moves without difficulty, and no extraneous sounds appear during its movement.

    Guiding mechanisms that ensure easy sliding of the structure

    Installing a product without a threshold

    Do-it-yourself installation of a compartment door, in case the threshold is not provided, is not very different from the previous instructions. In addition to safety for households, its advantages include the absence of the need to dismantle an existing floor covering.

    The dimensions of the canvas for work must exceed the size of the opening in the room where the installation of the compartment door will take place. During installation, strips are screwed to the door, a bearing is installed. Next, you need to drill holes, install the anchor. In order to prevent miscalculation - the design is tried on to the doorway. After fixing the bearing, the installation itself follows directly. If there is no assistant who could hold the door by lifting it, improvised things are placed under it.

    A metal rail is installed on one of the already fixed anchors and bearings with a fixed door are threaded onto it. The whole structure is carefully lifted, the remaining anchor is screwed to the metal rail. If, according to the owner's idea, door handles are needed, they are attached already at the end. Properly placed compartment doors will not make noise, but if there is a small child, sick, elderly people in the house who are sensitive to even a minor irritant, most often a small rubber strip is glued to the top rail. They buy it in a store, cut it out from a car camera or other similar item.

    It is very convenient when there are no thresholds in the premises, and the door is hidden in a false wall

    Correctly placing the compartment door, in comparison with more complex structures, is not very problematic. And especially if you take into account the benefits, savings, aesthetics and functionality that such doors offer to owners. The process itself takes no more than a few hours, but the result is such that it is really worth trying.

    Sections of the article:

    At the beginning of its appearance, sliding doors gained popularity due to significant space savings and were often installed in apartments with a small area. However, very soon their advantages were appreciated by the owners of large apartments and houses. Indeed, in addition to the original appearance and noiselessness, the design is highly durable, and the installation of compartment doors is quite simple and does not require special costs and can be easily done independently with standard tools.

    The principle of operation of the structure

    When installing compartment doors with your own hands, you should know that their design can be of several types, they differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in the method of installation and, as a result, the principle of opening. Common elements for all types of structures are wheels on the end part and a rail for moving the web. There are travel stops on both sides. The system itself turns out to be hanging, due to which a smooth ride and the absence of thresholds are achieved.

    Types of sliding systems

    The choice of sliding doors depends on the initial dimensions of the opening, as well as the functional purpose. So, to divide the room into separate zones, it is advantageous to use a structure of 2 or more canvases with movable mechanisms or equipped with sashes on the sides.

    To isolate two rooms, it will be effective to use a structure containing no more than 2 canvases moving along the rail along the wall. It is also possible to arrange a door that, when opened, enters the gap between a regular and false wall. The very installation of the doors of the coupe system with your own hands is shown in detail in the video in our article.

    The installation of the compartment door differs only in the form of the guide rail used. The number of roller mechanisms directly depends on the weight of the structure. If the weight of the web does not exceed 30 kg, it is enough to install 2 wheel carriages. If the doors are heavy, when installing the compartment door, it is necessary to proportionally increase the number of roller mechanisms for secure fastening and proper load distribution.

    Web material

    In the manufacture of compartment doors, it is possible to use both a single leaf from one material, and a combination of various elements. The canvas can be made from the following materials or their combinations:

    • Strained glass;
    • Laminated chipboard;
    • Tree;
    • Fiberglass.

    The final weight of the structure will depend on the choice of the composition of the door leaf and its decorative design. When installing a compartment door, the width and height of the product used must exceed the measurements of the opening by 6-7 cm.

    What is needed for installation

    To install a compartment door with your own hands, it is important to make sure that the contour of the doorway and walls are even. Quite often, a wooden block is additionally used to mount the door in a plasterboard partition. In the case of zonal division of space, the guide rail can be attached directly to the ceiling.

    When sliding compartment doors are installed, as you can see in the video in the article, the process begins with the dismantling of all existing elements of the old doors, including hinges. The box is removed, and defects and damage to the walls can be carefully puttied and polished. In addition to the canvas itself, installing a sliding compartment door will require you to have the following elements with you, the use of which during installation can be seen in the video guide in this article:

    • A set of suitable accessories;
    • self-tapping screws;
    • Anchor for attaching a wooden beam to the wall;
    • A bar with a section size of 5 * 5 cm, the length of the element should be twice the width of the door leaf;
    • Dobors and platbands for decor and hiding fasteners, as well as a frame framing the doorway;
    • Roulette;
    • Level;
    • Screwdriver;
    • Chisel;
    • Simple pencil;
    • Plumb.

    Construction installation

    When buying a sliding mechanism, in most cases, it is completed with detailed installation instructions. The principles of assembling such mechanisms from different manufacturers may vary slightly.

    Installation of a wooden beam

    Initially, do-it-yourself installation of a do-it-yourself coupe system door requires, as you can see from the video on our website, some measurements and calculations. It is necessary, vertically placing the door leaf against the opening, to mark the top line with a simple pencil on the wall. Having measured 6-7 cm upwards from it and setting the level, it is necessary to draw a horizontal strip. Orienting along the drawn line, with the help of anchors, a wooden bar is being installed.

    This is what the installed wooden beam looks like.

    The bar must be fixed on the wall in such a way that one half of it is directly above the opening, starting from the framing frame, and the other half is from the side into which the door will open. This method of installation is necessary for the complete closing and opening of the door mechanism.

    If you fasten a wooden beam without using a level, after installing the compartment door, the structure will open or close spontaneously.

    guide rail

    Holes are drilled to the lower end of the beam, at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. With their help, a metal guide rail is attached to a wooden beam. It is important to fix the rail in such a way that the distance between it and the wall allows the door to be moved freely.

    To install compartment doors that hide in the wall when opened, it is necessary to build a special plasterboard structure adjacent to the main wall. This technique can visually increase the size of the room.

    After installation, roller carriages are inserted into the guide rail to check the free movement of the mechanism. After a successful check, the ends of the rails must be closed with rubber shock absorbers. Further installation activities directly depend on the type of door being installed.

    Mounting a door with an additional bottom fixing

    In the case of installing a compartment door with additional fasteners from below, gradual damage to the flooring is possible. However, this design is more reliable during operation. There are several ways to mount the lower fastening of the compartment door:

    • In the area of ​​the lower end of the door leaf, a U-shaped profile or two thin rails are installed, mounted strictly parallel to each other;
    • Laying a groove in the end part for a guide rail or roller mechanism;
    • Installation of a metal guide rail across the entire width of the doorway on the floor. This option is used extremely rarely, because as a result a threshold is formed.

    In the case when the compartment doors are installed with the creation of a threshold, it is necessary to fasten the profile or grooves for the lower rollers. Grooves are made using a chisel or milling machine. The recess and width of the groove should be somewhat greater than the height of the lower guide mechanism and its width.

    Profile for the bottom fastening of doors.

    Brackets are attached to the upper end of the door, with the help of which the surface will be connected to the roller mechanism. For accurate installation of the lower guide rail, it is necessary to temporarily attach the carriages to the canvas, move the door to the extreme open position. After removing the door, fix the lower rail with a plumb line.

    Door leaf installation

    When the whole structure is ready, it is necessary to hook the guide rail with the lower groove of the door leaf. After that, the door is fixed on rollers. Using the level, it is necessary to tighten the adjusting bolts to a strict vertical position of the door leaf. In the absence of an assistant capable of lifting and holding the canvas, when installing compartment doors, you can put improvised means under it.

    Properly mounted construction does not produce noise during use. However, if there are small children in the house or adults who react sharply to even almost imperceptible irritants, it is recommended to install a rubber gasket on the top guide rail. The gasket can be purchased at a store or made independently from a car wheel chamber or another object similar in properties.

    Installation of dobors and accessories

    After completing the installation of the compartment doors, it is necessary to fix a rack on the wall away from the box, against which the door leaf will rest when fully closed. Exactly the same rack will be mounted on the opposite side, in the full opening zone. Fastening elements are closed with the help of extension elements.

    Hardware installation is done last. Platbands and handles are attached to the plane of the door using a special adhesive mixture or fixed with finishing nails in the area of ​​\u200b\u200buprights or the top beam.

    In an effort to make the house more comfortable and cozy, the idea often comes up to replace ordinary swing doors with sliding ones (they are also called retractable, sliding, hanging). The good news is that you can install sliding doors with your own hands without any problems. The bad news is that a normal mechanism costs about the same as a quality canvas. Bribes in them is the moment that in the open state they almost do not “eat up” space. They either hide in the wall (the best, but more difficult option to implement), or move along it.

    All this is true, but there is a significant disadvantage - a very low degree of sound insulation, especially in the variant of the compartment door. When the canvas just covers the opening. When installed in a pencil case (into a wall), the situation is slightly better, but the degree of sound insulation of a hinged door cannot be achieved even with this installation method. If all this does not scare you, you can study the systems, choose, and then install.

    Sliding door systems

    There are two types of mechanisms: suspended and rail. Both are not ideal. Briefly about their advantages and disadvantages - below.

    Suspension system on top rail

    The suspension mechanism is a carrier beam, to which a guide is attached in the form of the letter "P" with "legs" bent inward. The rollers to which the door leaf is attached move along this guide. In technical terms, this is a hanging door on the top rail.

    When installing such a door, the floor under the door remains smooth, only the lower roller is installed on the right and / or left in the doorway. It slides along the groove made in the bottom end of the canvas. It is necessary so that when moving it does not deviate vertically. This design is the easiest to install. Installation is very simple and consists of several steps:

    That's all. Roller doors installed. But this system, in this form, as in the photo, has very low noise isolation characteristics. They are practically zero: the passage is simply blocked.

    Rail sliding doors

    This type of door has two rails: top and bottom. The rollers are also installed at the top and bottom. Thanks to this design, the system has a high degree of rigidity: it can be shaken, and this will not cause much damage.

    Minus the rails in the floor is known: the complexity of cleaning. Debris and dust constantly gets into the grooves, you have to monitor their cleanliness. This type of door is most often used in cabinets,. They are installed as interior doors if mobile children grow up in the family. Then safety is more important than the difficulties with cleaning.

    Mounting options

    Regardless of the sliding door system, installation methods can be:

    The easiest installation option is compartment doors. They can be installed independently, and not only at the stage of repair, but also after it. It is only important that the opening is even, and the wall has a normal bearing capacity. The disadvantage of such a system is that you can’t put anything close to the wall in the place where the door rolls back. There is one more thing: very low sound insulation. It's easy to explain: if you look from the end, there is a gap of several millimeters on the sides. It is necessary so that the canvas does not “shuffle” along the wall. And all sounds perfectly penetrate through it, becoming only a little quieter.

    Cassette doors are good because in the open state the leaf is in the niche of the wall and does not interfere. The second plus is that seals can be installed around the perimeter of the opening, which give much higher sound insulation performance. The disadvantage of installing a sliding door in a niche is that it can only be done at the repair stage. The second drawback: to make a pencil case for sliding doors, they usually put a false wall, and this is stolen centimeters of area.

    Cascading - one of the varieties of compartment doors. It just has more guides: according to the number of movable door panels. Installation is perhaps the most difficult: a lot of details and high accuracy of installation is required. The systems are classified as elite, and they rarely save on installation: repairs will cost more.

    Features and installation procedure

    You can install sliding doors with your own hands even without much experience. It is quite possible to do without installers. It will take a little time, and also - installation instructions. We will try to give a detailed description of the process with photo and video materials.

    Self-installation of sliding interior sliding doors

    The systems may differ slightly, but the general rules remain the same. There are several requirements that must be met prior to installation:

    • The opening must be even, otherwise you will have to take a canvas that covers all deviations with a margin.
    • The bearing capacity of the sides of the doorway should be high, as well as the wall above it.
    • The opening should already be finished: plastered and painted, wallpapered or decorated with decorative panels.

    Next, let's start assembling. You can attach videos first. Different manufacturers have their own recommendations. Some recommend retreating from the edge 1/6 of the width of the door leaf, in other systems they are attached immediately from the edge, and the mounting plates provide the indent. We install such a system: in it, roller platforms are installed immediately from the corner.

    Marking the location of the rollers

    We center them, measuring so that the distances are the same. Having exposed the plate, with a pencil or marker we outline the places for the fasteners. We drill holes in the marked places. The diameter of the drill is 1 mm smaller than the diameter of the self-tapping screw.

    We expose the plates, screw in the screws. The length of the fastener depends on the weight of the canvas, but not less than 70 mm. We twist them exactly perpendicularly, otherwise unnecessary stresses will arise.

    Installing rollers

    Supports for rollers are inserted into the installed plates. They are fixed with a cover on the side surface. Next, roller platforms are screwed onto the threaded pins.

    It is also convenient to install handles and locks before hanging. They need special, mortise. If you bought a ready-made kit, the required holes are available. If you have adapted an ordinary canvas, you will have to trace the outline with a pencil, and remove the excess with a chisel. After the handle or lock enters the recess, the attachment points are marked, holes are drilled under them and fittings are installed.

    The most convenient way is to hang sliding doors on a dry wooden beam. Its cross section is less than 50 * 70 mm, its length is twice the width of the door leaf + 5 cm. We cut off the guide of the same length.

    Having placed the guide along the bar, it is attached to the bar with self-tapping screws at least 8 cm long. The number of fasteners - at least three - departing 10 cm from the edges and in the middle (more often, less often - no).

    Now you can measure at what height to mount the beam. A guide with a bar is “rolled” on the door with installed rollers. So you can accurately note how high the doors turned out. We drill at least four holes in the side face of the beam for fastening to the wall.

    The guide with a bar "rolls" on the rollers on the door

    7-10 mm are added to the mark obtained - the doors should hang, and not shuffle on the floor. 7 mm is the minimum gap that is sufficient if there are no floor coverings in the opening. If they are supposed (later lay laminate, carpet, linoleum, etc.), then the thickness of these coatings must also be taken into account.

    So that the canvas does not “walk” during installation, it is jammed with small wooden wedges. You need at least two stops - near both rollers.

    Having attached the beam to the wall and correcting its position with the help of a level, we mark its position with a pencil. If the wall allows, you can fasten it to the wall through, but take self-tapping screws with a length of at least 120 mm for this, or better, put it on anchor bolts.

    If the wall, for example, is concrete, the installation of dowels is required. To do this, you need to transfer the marks under the fasteners to the wall. This can be done using a thin and long drill, the diameter of which is smaller than the drilled hole.

    An even simpler option: a long thin nail. It is inserted into the hole and a mark is made on the wall with a couple of blows. Further, the procedure is known: we drill holes for the plugs of the dowels, insert the plugs, if necessary, hammering them. Then we install the doors.

    Attaching sliding doors to the wall

    Stoppers must be fixed along the edges of the guide. They are brought in from the sides, the required location is established empirically (so that the canvas covers the opening completely in the closed state, and rolls back sufficiently when opened. They are fixed with clamping screws.

    Having opened the doors, we install a flag roller on the floor. It goes into a groove sawn at the bottom of the canvas. It is necessary so that the doors do not deviate vertically.

    First, we insert it into the groove, mark the holes for fasteners, drill, then fix it with short self-tapping screws (length about 15-20 mm).

    On this we can assume that the sliding doors have been installed. They are already fully functional. Remaining finishing work. The mounting bar with the guide is closed with a decorative trim matched to the tone of the door leaf. It can be nailed directly to the beam with finishing nails.

    Only when you expose it, make sure that the wheels are closed. So much more beautiful)) Now - that's it, you installed the sliding doors with your own hands.

    See below for a video tutorial on installing such a door. There are several installation options.

    We mount cassette-type sliding doors (in a case)

    The process of mounting the guide, hanging the door leaf almost one to one repeats those described above. There is no need only for finishing, and all other steps are necessary. Instead of mounting a decorative strip, a false wall is mounted at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall. Usually it is made of plasterboard profiles, which are sheathed with wall plasterboard. But this is not important - you can use GVL or plywood, any other suitable material.

    Where does the distance of 10 cm come from? The thickness of the door leaf and the gaps on both sides are 5 cm. A minimum of 5 cm is added to them for installing the profile. So it turns out 10 cm.

    Since the main load will fall on the wall, the profile frame can not be reinforced. If such a wall does not seem very reliable to you, you can insert wooden bars inside, which you can fasten with self-tapping screws. This will make the structure very rigid.

    The basic principles for calculating the case for a sliding door, as well as the marking features, the principles of preparing a doorway for installation, see the video.

    Homemade sliding doors

    Any door leaf can be mounted on rollers and will work as a sliding door. The guide and all other components - rollers (carrier and flag), stoppers, stops - can be bought. Hang on them at least a piece of plywood or a door assembled from several boards. This is the easiest and cheapest option. But to make a mechanism on your own is already a more difficult task. One of the options for a sliding door mechanism made from improvised materials (from round pipes of different diameters) in the video. The system was supposed to be installed in a closet, but judging by designs, easy can withstand even an oak door from an array.

    It is very important to remember before installing compartment doors that the future design should be 5-7 cm wider than the doorway. Before buying, it is better to remove the existing one and prepare the walls. In almost all cases, it is necessary to install platbands - they are needed for the normal design of the doorway and its fastening. The editors of the publication tell how to choose and install sliding doors in an apartment.

    Do-it-yourself installation of compartment doors

    The installation instructions are the same for both professionals and amateurs. If installation is carried out for the first time, it is better to invite a measurer from the manufacturing company to determine the straightness of the doorway, the verticality of the wall, the minimum and maximum of its thickness, including the corners of the opening.

    The installation scheme for compartment doors from any manufacturer always requires a flat surface (the tightness of the door depends on this). When the installation site is ready, you can proceed to the following operations:

    1. installation of the lower guide: as a rule, this guide is twice as long as the width of the opening (this is the length of the free play). At one end, the guide is approximately 5-7 cm longer than the opening;
    2. installation of the guide according to the instructions should not cause difficulties;
    3. finding a place for the top rail: to determine everything for the top rail, you need to hang the rollers on the door and put it on the bottom rail; the extreme positions of the structure will indicate its position at the top;
    4. installation of the upper rail: first, the lower rail must be fixed to the beam (as a rule, its dimensions are 40 mmx40 mm);
    5. a bar with an upper guide is attached with dowels and self-tapping screws according to the marks made in advance;
    6. installation of stoppers: stoppers are placed on the upper rail on both sides, they are necessary to fix the structure in the selected position;
    7. door installation: the leaf itself “starts” first from the side of the upper guide, after which the structure must be lifted, and then the rollers must be installed on the lower guide - both the upper and lower rollers must be on the rails;
    8. installation of decorative panels: the bottom of the door does not require any modifications, and its upper part - the guide - is closed with a panel, which is already fixed with self-tapping screws;
    9. the heads of the screws are hidden with decorative buttons;
    10. after it is necessary to check the progress of the structure, the operation of the latch + how well the canvas adjoins the wall.

    IMPORTANT! It will be useful to get acquainted with how sliding doors are installed - video reports and manuals - of a specific manufacturer. Such materials can be distributed quite officially by both the manufacturer and dealers.


    Self-installation of sliding doors

    For installation you will need:

    • door fittings and fasteners;
    • wooden beam with a section of 50x50 mm;
    • door frame, extensions and platbands;
    • anchors for fastening the timber to the wall, additional self-tapping screws, finishing nails;
    • tools: tape measure, level, plumb line, screwdriver, pencil, milling machine or chisel.

    Independent installation of the structure from the outside begins with the determination of the main values: the distance from the opening and the lower edge of the spacer (usually 60 mm), the dimensions of the opening and canvases.

    Step 2 - Mechanisms for performance: stoppers for rollers, rollers, bolts and screws for attaching the structure to the rollers, a key for adjustment

    Sometimes the spacer and bars are replaced with one bar (approximately 50 mmx50 mm), on which the rail is then attached from below.

    This sliding door fastening technology requires the guide rail to be exactly horizontal and firmly attached to the wall, no matter how flat the wall is. But even in this simplified case, you need to make sure that there is enough space between the door leaf and the wall for the door to move freely. After that, you can fix the guide rail on the installed bar.

    Scheme 1 - Sketch of the assembled mechanism
      On Scheme 1:
      left, side view:
    1. rollers with a guide fixed to the wall;
    2. canvas;
    3. support roller;
    4. wall.

    right, top view:

    1. canvas. The arrow shows the direction of movement;
    2. opening;
    3. clearance between the canvas and the wall.
    Step 3 - Mounting the casters Step 4 - Floor rail to move the structure Step 6 - Mounting the top rail Step 7 - Installing the rubber stopper Step 10 - This is what the installed structure looks like

    On the fixed rails, it is necessary to assemble the carriages and test the travel along the entire length of the rails. After the installation of carriages with rollers, travel stops must be installed on the rails - rubber shock absorbers must be inside.

    IMPORTANT! Each manufacturer's instructions may vary in detail, but the installation sequence is always the same.

    The next step is to mount the web mounts on the carriages with rollers. The door leaf fixed on the carriages does not need to be fixed: make sure that it will move freely along the entire length of the rails up to the travel limiter. As a rule, in any factory design there are adjusting bolts, which, together with fasteners, make it possible to finally fine-tune the position of the web in the composition of the entire structure.

    IMPORTANT! A detailed illustrated installation diagram of the "accordion" is included in the kit - work must begin with a careful study.

    The final installation points are handles for sliding doors and a decorative trim on the top. The casing, as a rule, should be hinged to provide access to the carriage mechanisms and rollers.

    The installation price depends on the design and on what preparatory work is needed in a particular case. However, the installation cost will always include the installation of a door frame, since the installation of a sliding structure implies preliminary preparation of the site. Photo 16 - Interior glass by van Ellen + Sheryn Architects

    Self-installation of doors: "accordion"

    Photo 17 - Interior by Yulia Piskareva (YOLO)

    Installing an "accordion" is within the power of any home master who has a standard set of tools: a hacksaw, a drill, screwdrivers, a tape measure.

    Installation of an "accordion" is a less time-consuming process than installing a swing model. Moreover, the "accordion" is a more budget option than the interior option.

    Photo 19 - Designed by Koch Architects, Inc. Joanne Koch

    First of all, it is necessary to make measurements of the opening; if the dimensions are far from standard, then you need to find out how many panels should be in this case. After you need to adjust the length of the door panels, which should be 4 cm shorter - taking into account the required gaps at the edges. The length of the rail itself depends on the width of the opening. After that, the axles for the rollers are installed at the top and bottom and the canvas itself is assembled.

    IMPORTANT! The design features of each door may require additional manipulation and preparation in order to get a more holistic view of how the accordion is installed correctly.

    Photo 20 - Design by Sergey Krasyuk

    A sliding structure cannot fully replace reliable and durable doors - after all, sliding models, as a rule, are not assigned a protective function. However, in places where a dense partition between rooms is needed and there is a shortage of space, sliding door options are simply irreplaceable.

    Sliding door installation: step-by-step installation video

    Installation of sliding interior structures can be made exclusively using the top rail. Then the installation of sliding models is the easiest: you need to install one guide using standard doors.

    The technology for installing sliding doors can be different - not only when they move along the wall, but also when they are built into the wall; however, such an installation scheme is very laborious and will be difficult to implement on your own.

    Door installation: Versailles system

    The cost of works and structures

    • Measurer services (Moscow / Kyiv) - from 500 rubles / 50 UAH;
    • Installation of extensions - from 150 rubles / 150 UAH (per meter);
    • Cutting the door leaf - from 800 rubles / 100 UAH;
    • The price of doors - from 2000 rubles / 1000 UAH;
    • Installation - from 2000 rubles / 400 UAH;

    To protect one space from another, doors were invented. Many designs on the market today can satisfy the needs of any, even the most demanding customer. But there are designs that do not give up their leading positions for a long time. These include compartment doors. You can install such doors with your own hands, the main thing is to study their features, types and methods of installation.


    Compartment doors are sliding structures that have their own characteristics that must be studied before proceeding with the installation of doors with their own hands.

    Compartment doors have a simple design, consisting of a door leaf, a roller mechanism and guides. The door leaf moves with the help of rollers along the profile, in which stoppers are installed on each side, limiting the movement of the doors to the set points.

    Without a doubt, this design is in great demand, as it has advantages over swing doors.

    The door leaf, due to the fastening features, always moves parallel to the wall, and some models roll back inside the lined niche, so there is no dead zone in the corner. Any room with compartment doors installed is visually perceived as more spacious than with hinged structures.

    A compartment-type door just won’t open from a sudden gust of draft and it’s impossible for her to accidentally pinch her finger, which is important for families with young children.

    The design of the door panels is very diverse. You can buy a finished canvas, or you can make it yourself. A home-made design will look no worse than the purchased copy. And the installation of compartment doors is not difficult. If desired, with the necessary tools and correctly made measurements, even a non-professional can handle it.


    There is a classification of compartment doors, thanks to which they are divided into different types. The classification depends on the place and method of installation, design and number of door panels.

    Sliding doors are used in different places. They are installed in doorways in the kitchen, room, toilet or bathroom. With their help, they enclose the space, separating one area from another.

    Compartment doors are mounted in niches, using this storage space.

    Most often, sliding doors at home are installed between two rooms. They can move both along the wall and have an open structure, or they can be built into a niche, and when opened, completely hide inside it. Hidden design requires the installation of a frame and other significant repairs that are carried out before the door is installed.

    The compartment door is also used in wardrobes. Furniture designs have their own specifics. As a rule, such a door moves along two guides and has two pairs of rollers. Some are located at the bottom of the door leaf, while others are at the top. Interior compartment doors, unlike furniture options, most often have one guide - the top one. In this design, it performs two functions: holding the door leaf and ensuring movement.

    In the dressing room, you can install any design. It all depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe enclosed space and the desire of the owners. The surface of the door leaf in the dressing room, as a rule, is mirrored.

    Very often, a dressing room or wardrobe may have an irregular shape. Then doors are installed that have a non-standard radius shape. For radius doors, the smoothness of the corners and the peculiar curvature of the leaf are characteristic. The fixation and movement of unusual doors is carried out along two guides, which have the same curved shape and are installed both in the upper and lower parts.


    To make compartment doors with your own hands, you need to purchase the appropriate materials and choose the design of the door leaf, which can be solid (panel) or paneled, consisting of different materials and supported by a frame.

    For the manufacture of the canvas, you can use solid wood. The choice of breed depends on your preferences. Most often, pine is used, and the surface is covered with veneer from more valuable species. From the array, both a solid canvas and panels of the most diverse shapes are made. You can also use wood as a frame.

    When working with solid wood, not only accuracy and precision are required, but also quite a lot of experience.

    A good alternative to solid wood is plywood, which has a lot of advantages. Unlike a tree array, it is much easier to work with. It bends, and therefore it is not difficult to give it the desired shape. Plywood doors are resistant to temperature changes, sunlight, moisture, synthetic detergents. Practical and wear-resistant plywood is often used for the manufacture of door panels, not only because of its positive qualities, but also because of its reasonable price.

    Slightly lower in cost are chipboard boards, which are also used to make door panels. The surface of this material can be covered with a film or veneer. When working with chipboard, it must be remembered that the edge must always be closed, regardless of whether the solid canvas will be used to make a door or panel, or not. The disadvantage of this material is the presence of harmful resins that are released into the surrounding space when exposed to certain factors.

    Glass is also used as a material for the manufacture of door panels. It can be used as a solid sheet or as inserts in combination with panels of other materials. The surface of the glass sheets can be decorated with sandblasting, photo printing or engraving.

    Instead of glass, light and durable polycarbonate can be used to make the door leaf. Doors made of it are flexible, and therefore they are often the basis of radius structures. This material is fire resistant and has a fairly long service life.

    A mirror is also used as a door leaf, installed both as a separate leaf and in combination with other materials.

    How to calculate dimensions?

    Proper installation requires thorough preparation, which includes competent measurement of the opening. The dimensions of the canvas, the installation method and the number of canvases will depend on the results obtained.

    Measurement must start from the height of the opening. Measurements are taken at several points in increments of approximately 70 cm. As a rule, measurements are taken in the center of the opening, as well as on the left and right sides. The height difference should be no more than 15 mm. The minimum value is taken as the main value.

    The width is also measured at several points. Here the main value is the maximum value. The difference should be no more than 20 mm. Similarly, you need to measure the depth of the opening. This value is necessary when making an opening with a box.

    If the width of the doorway does not exceed 110 cm, then, as a rule, one door leaf will be required, but if it is larger, then two leaves will have to be installed. The optimal width of the door leaf is in the range of 55-90 cm. Its dimensions should exceed the size of the opening by 50-70 mm.

    In addition to measuring the height, width and depth of the opening, you need to determine the distance from the opening to the corners (with an open installation method). This measurement is necessary to understand whether there will be enough space when moving the door leaf.

    The height of the door leaf depends not only on the height of the opening, but also on the method of installation of the mechanism. It can be attached to a beam or a special profile. A profile or beam with a compartment mechanism is attached directly above the opening or to the ceiling surface. The height of the leaf also depends on the location of the lower guide and the presence or absence of rollers in the lower part of the door leaf.

    How to do at home?

    In order to make a door structure with your own hands, you must first decide on the material of the door and its design.

    If glass or plastic is planned as a canvas, then it is better to order a ready-made sash, since it will be quite difficult to prepare these materials on your own. Handles and profile frames must be purchased according to the dimensions of the door leaf. Both materials are best suited for installation in the bathroom.

    The easiest way is to make your own door leaf from raw MDF board or natural wood. To do this, you will need a number of tools: a miter saw, a drill, a milling cutter (for grooves). It will also be necessary to purchase additional materials: varnish, trim tape, PVC film or veneer to cover the surface, sandpaper in the absence of a grinder. If desired, you can order the finished canvas of the desired size.

    First, the canvas is cut to the desired size, and then the ends are polished. After you can cut a hole for the handle, after making a mark on the canvas. If you plan to install a suspension system, then in the lower part of the canvas you need to make a groove, and make marks for the roller mechanism in the upper part and drill holes.

    Now you need to clean the door leaf from dust. If work is carried out with wood, then the surface is first treated with impregnation from decay, and only then varnished. If an MDF canvas is being processed, then a film or veneer is applied to its surface, which, if desired, can be varnished.

    Tape is used to process the ends. On its inner surface is a special composition that is activated when heated. It must be applied to the outer ends and ironed around the entire perimeter. Residues of glue are removed with sandpaper.

    For the combined filling of the door leaf, you can use a combination of a variety of materials. In order to put together all the parts, you will need special profiles that can be purchased at any hardware store. In addition, you will need handle profiles.

    Horizontal profiles designed to hold inserts are cut according to the width of the blade, taking into account the width of the handle. Now you can start assembling the canvas from the inserts. If glass or a mirror is used in their quality, then it is necessary to purchase a silicone sealant used to protect the ends. It is desirable to apply a special film on the mirror from the inside. If the mirror surface is broken, it will not allow the fragments to scatter in different directions.

    In order to attach the handle, you need to make holes in the top and bottom of the inserts. Two through holes are drilled at the top, and 4 holes at the bottom. The diameter of the holes located on the surface of the handle must be greater than the diameter of the holes located under them. In the upper part of the handle, holes are drilled with an indent of 7 mm. At the bottom, the first pair is drilled with the same indent, and the second pair should be located at least 42 mm from the edge.

    Now you can start assembling the canvas. Prepared canvases are inserted into the profiles. To do this, we install the canvas with the end face, apply a profile to it and with the help of a mallet, gently tapping, insert the canvas into the groove of the profile. We do the same with the rest of the profiles.

    Before installing the door leaf between the rooms, you need to install a frame, extensions (if the frame is already an opening) and prepare platbands. It is better to install them after mounting the door. The structure itself is mounted above the doorway with fastening to the wall.

    In a plasterboard wall, the canvas is mounted on a metal frame, which must be installed at the repair stage. First, the frame is installed, then the door is mounted, and only then comes the plasterboard sheathing.

    Despite the fact that compartment door systems have some differences, the principle of operation and installation remain approximately the same. Therefore, the step-by-step installation instructions look almost the same for both a hinged system and a system with a bottom support.

    To install the door leaf you will need a wooden beam. Its length should be 4 times the width of the canvas. This is necessary for the free divergence of the doors in different directions.

    Installation of the door begins with the fastening of a beam or a special profile. A rail pre-prepared in size is attached to the beam with the help of self-tapping screws. This prepared structure can be attached either to the wall, or to the ceiling, or to a metal frame. Mounting method depends on the installation location. When installing a door in a niche, the timber is attached to the ceiling, in the partition it is fixed to the frame, and the wall mounting method is suitable for interior doorways.

    For proper fixing on the wall, the canvas is first placed in the opening and a mark is made, it is indented upwards by 7 cm and a horizontal line is drawn. The prepared beam is screwed with self-tapping screws to the wall strictly horizontally relative to the opening. You can check the position of the beam with the profile using the building level.

    The prepared web with rollers is inserted into the rail. The ends of the profile are closed with rubber shock absorbers. In order for the door to move exactly along a precisely defined path, a flag stopper is installed on the floor.

    The open system that allows the movement of the door can be covered with a decorative panel.

    To install a sliding door with a lower support, in addition to the upper guide, a lower profile is installed. Stoppers in this case are located in the lower profile. To install the door, you must first bring the upper part of the leaf into the upper guide, and then, pressing the lower rollers, install the lower part of the leaf on the rail.


    To date, there is a huge selection of components for installing a do-it-yourself coupe door.

    To install a system with a bottom support, you need to purchase a set of guides and rollers corresponding to the weight and thickness of the doors to be installed, handles, a pair of stoppers for each leaf installed in the grooves of the bottom guide, and closers can be purchased if desired.

    For the suspension system, it is enough to choose the top rail, a pair of rollers installed at different ends of the canvas, a pair of flag stoppers and handles for the sashes.

    There are some differences between the parts designed for the suspension and support system. The upper guide of the suspension system, as a rule, is made in the shape of the letter "P" and contributes not only to the sliding of the canvas, but also supports it in weight. It bears the main load.

    As a rule, the material of manufacture is aluminum, but there are tube-shaped models made of steel. It is not customary to cover the top track in the form of a pipe with a false panel, their shape and appearance are an additional decor for the room.

    In the support system, the upper guide has the shape of a double letter "P" and does not carry the main load. Its function is to keep the sash in a vertical position. The main load in the support system falls on the lower guide. This profile has two parallel grooves designed to move the rollers.

    Each system has its own sets of rollers and stoppers.

    Successful examples in the interior

    Sliding doors are a universal solution for any room. With their help, you can turn any niche into a comfortable and very functional dressing room. Thanks to them, a large opening looks just great; with a swing door, this effect cannot be achieved. No built-in wardrobe is complete without them. Sliding doors help to beautifully and effectively separate one room from another.