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  • Planting a tomato in open ground. Tomatoes in the open field

    Planting a tomato in open ground.  Tomatoes in the open field

    Tomatoes are thermophilic plants, so it is important to know the rules for planting them. Many do not know when to plant tomatoes in open ground and make mistakes that can affect the harvest. One of the most important and crucial moments is planting seedlings. However, before starting this process, the seedlings need to be well prepared for such an important stage. After all, it is after planting that tomatoes begin to actively grow and develop.

    How to properly prepare seedlings

    Planting a tomato in open ground begins with the preparatory stage of young plants for environmental conditions. In order for the number of established plants to increase significantly, seedlings must go through a hardening process. Therefore, two weeks before planting in open ground, conditions similar to those in which tomatoes will have to grow are created.

    Outdoor hardening is considered the best option, while the residence time should gradually increase. This adaptation can take up to two weeks. During this period of time, the plant gets used to the outdoor temperature and sunlight. Ultimately, seedlings can be left overnight, but only if frost is not expected.

    In order to determine whether the seedlings have hardened or not, you need to look at its leaves. The greenhouse plant has a light green color of the leaves, after adapting to outdoor conditions, they acquire a darker shade.

    The purple shade of the stems and dark green leaves indicate that the seedlings have adapted to the sun's rays, so they will not wither after planting in open ground.

    When should seedlings be planted outdoors?

    After the plant has fully adapted to external weather conditions, the question remains, when can tomatoes be planted in open ground? Tomato seedlings are planted only in the warm season, while the threat of freezing of the plant should be completely excluded. If we talk about the southern region of the country, planting takes place there in mid-May. In the central part - in early June.

    Planting tomatoes should occur only when the soil at a depth of 40 cm warms up to 15 degrees. Low soil temperature will inhibit the development of the root system.

    Seedlings planted in open ground before the due date, when there are still no suitable temperature conditions, will often suffer from fungal diseases (for example,). Nutrients will enter the roots slowly and either a reduced yield or the death of the plant is expected as a result. Therefore, it is important to know when tomatoes are planted in open ground.

    If you are guided by folk signs, then you should pay attention to such a tree as a birch. If the leaves have fully blossomed, this indicates that the soil has completely warmed up, and the time has come to plant the tomatoes.

    When deciding when to plant tomatoes in open ground with seedlings, it is recommended to always focus on weather conditions. It should also be understood that in one area the soil temperature can vary significantly.

    Planting seedlings correctly

    The first step is to decide on the site where the tomatoes will grow. The soil should be well warmed up by the sun's rays, there should be no drafts and wind exposure. In a shaded area, the plant will not develop properly and you can forget about the harvest.

    Tomatoes are not planted in the same area. The earth must change every year. Also, do not plant tomatoes after garlic.

    1. To get a good harvest, you need to plant strong seedlings. First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the stem - it should be thick and strong. Secondly, on the leaves - there should be from 6 to 8 pieces. After planting, after 1.5 months, the lower leaves are cut off to reduce phytophthora damage.
    2. In the evening before planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly. So it will be easier to get it and at the same time not damage the root system. If the plant grows in cups, then this should not be done, since the dried earth is much easier to get out of the glass without damaging the root.
    3. Landing is best done in the afternoon or in cloudy weather. If the decision is made to plant in the morning, then in the evening watering is canceled.
    4. Rows should be 70 cm apart and plants should be planted 40 cm apart.
    5. Pits are dug along the rows with a shovel. The depth will depend on the height of the seedling (long ones are planted deeper). During planting, it is important to thoroughly water the hole, then fill the seedling with dry earth or humus.

    After landing, it is recommended to start care, so it is important to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of this action. Tomatoes need not only watering and the right temperature conditions, but also nourishing the soil with nutrients. For this, special complex fertilizers containing calcium, boron, iron, magnesium are purchased and used according to the instructions.

    Growing tomatoes in the open field also provides for hilling the earth around the seedlings twice a week. Thus, a sufficient amount of oxygen will be supplied to the root system, which is so important for the development and growth of the plant.

    How to tie up tomatoes in the open field

    With proper care, tomatoes quickly stretch in growth. At this point, the question arises of how to tie up tomatoes in the open field. It should be noted right away that not all varieties of tomatoes are tied up. Low-growing plants do well without support. Tall varieties are tied up so that the stems do not lie on open ground, because lying bushes quickly rot and often get sick.

    Benefits of tying a tomato:

    • facilitates watering and fertilizing;
    • tied plants are well dried and ventilated after heavy rains;
    • fruits on tied bushes are warmed by the sun's rays evenly, so they will ripen faster.

    In order to tie up seedlings, you will need dressing material (for example, stockings, tights, nylon cord), metal rods, a thin plastic or metal pipe, or long wooden stakes. The length of the stake should be higher than the seedling.

    The dressing material will be in contact with the plant, so you should not use last year's, as pathogenic bacteria can remain on it.

    In order to tie up the tomatoes, the support is driven a few centimeters into the ground from the bush and the stem of the plant is tied to it (the ends of the garter material can be twisted or crossed with a figure eight).

    Knowing when to plant tomatoes in open ground and how to care for them, you can safely start planting vegetables.

    Video about planting a tomato in open ground

    Few people know that the tomato is one of the most demanding and capricious vegetables. He loves the sun and heat, and does not tolerate excessive humidity and strong winds. That is why, when a gardener wants to get good tomatoes, planting and care in the open field must comply with all the rules for their maintenance.

    Disembarkation dates

    Since we know that a tomato is a heat-loving plant, the time when it is possible to plant tomatoes in open ground is determined by atmospheric phenomena and weather. That is, as soon as the soil warms up a little, and there are no more frosts at night, seedlings can be planted. May is usually the month when tomato planting becomes possible. The second half of the month or the beginning of the next is best suited for disembarkation.

    But still, before planting seedlings, it is worth knowing its variety and features of planting. In addition, the climate of the area where the tomatoes are planted has a great influence on the timing of planting. So, for example, in some areas you can plant tomatoes already in February, because there is a milder and warmer climate, but in places like Siberia and the Urals, you can plant vegetables not earlier than mid-March, or even in early April, if you want. get a harvest of tasty and healthy tomatoes.

    It is worth noting that it is better to plant seedlings in the afternoon, for the reason that by the evening the soil warms up well, and the tomato will have the whole night ahead to absorb the heat and get stronger.

    Landing patterns

    Tomato planting is carried out according to schemes, which usually depend on their variety, height and irrigation system that is used in your garden. There are several planting schemes, but the main one should still be the fact that there should be a small distance between the bushes for sufficient air and sunlight to enter.


    This tomato planting pattern is suitable for high varieties of the vegetable, where row spacing is of particular importance, which helps keep the open ground loose and clear of weeds.

    Such a scheme involves planting a tomato at the corners of a square, thus reducing the number of plants in a row. In order not to plant too few plants in a row and, accordingly, not to reduce their number per hectare, planting is carried out as if in a “nest”, i.e. two or three plants are planted next to each other. Such planting allows to reduce the amount of processing time for rows with tomatoes by 10-20 working days and reduce labor costs by almost half. But the most important advantage of such a planting scheme is an increase in the amount of yield due to the timely inter-row processing of bushes. That is why this method is one of the most popular among gardeners, because it allows you to mechanize the processing of vegetables and makes it possible to carry it out in two directions.


    The tape-nested scheme allows you to plant more bushes in one area than the square-nested one. The advantage of this planting pattern is the fact that closely planted tomatoes can better withstand the weather. In this method, the soil is cut into irrigation furrows every 140 centimeters, and the bushes themselves are planted on both sides of these furrows. It is also worth noting that, ideally, a tomato during growth develops within 0.3 sq.m. Therefore, for good growth, each bush needs to be given its own space.

    Such planting of vegetables also allows mechanized processing of bushes and removal of weeds.

    Preparing for landing

    About a week before the time you are going to plant tomatoes, it will be correct to process the soil and prepare it for receiving seedlings. Usually, the soil is treated with copper sulphate, other fertilizers are applied, and the soil is fertilized if any other vegetables grew on this soil before.

    Also, the soil should be dug up before planting a vegetable in order to open the soil to oxygen and sunlight. Then holes are made according to the scheme that was chosen, and they are poured with warm water. To choose the right depth of the hole, you should pay attention to the height of the bush, and if necessary, deepen only the soil bag.

    Also, before planting a tomato, you should take care of the readiness of the peg for the tomato garter in the future. The tomato itself needs to be watered abundantly before planting, so removing it from the pot will become easier and not a single element of the root system will be damaged.

    Planting tomatoes

    When the soil is ready for planting a tomato, the seedlings are very carefully removed from the container in which they have been growing all this time, it is very important not to disturb the earthen ball that has formed around the root system of the bush, then the bush is vertically lowered into the hole, which must first be opened and lightly covered with earth. You can sprinkle a little compost around the planted bush so that the plant immediately receives nutrients and takes root better.

    The compost is again sprinkled with soil and the soil around the bush is slightly tamped. After that, water each bush, using a liter or two of water for each. After the bush is planted, you need to install a peg next to it, the height of which will depend on the variety of tomato, for example, for undersized tomatoes, pegs can be 50 cm high, but for medium-sized ones, the height of the peg should be about 80 cm.

    More effective is the method of tying tomatoes not to pegs, but to an arc and a wire about 1 meter high.

    Care after landing

    After you have managed to plant all the tomato bushes, it will be correct not to water them until the seedlings take root. Adaptation occurs from 8 to 10 days, and only after that you can open the irrigation period. It is necessary to water the bushes under the root, avoiding getting liquid on the leaves, this can lead to disease of tomatoes. It is also undesirable to water the tomatoes with the help of rain, because although the plant receives the necessary moisture, at the same time the temperature decreases and the humidity of the air rises, which tomatoes really do not like.

    It is worth watering vegetables in the afternoon - this way it is the roots that absorb all the liquid and it does not evaporate. What can not be said about if you water the tomatoes in the morning. Also, do not water them too often, especially before the fruit set, you just need to open the soil access to moderate moisture, but try not to flood it. But after fruit growth begins, tomatoes need more water. At this time, watering should become more frequent in order to maintain the level of moisture in the soil at the same level.

    It may also happen that individual bushes begin to wither. The reason for this may be an insufficient amount of sunlight, which is not detrimental to the vegetable. Therefore, you should not pull out or cut off the bush, if it has begun to fade a little, you do not need to water it too much either. If possible, you can try to open a little space so that more light enters this bush. Within a few weeks, the bush will come to life again, and the tomatoes will take on a healthy look, and you will not find yourself deprived of a crop.

    After you have watered the bush, it is worth loosening the soil around it and removing the weeds. The loosening depth should be about 8-12 cm in order to open the roots to good oxygenation and warming of the soil. In the future, the loosening depth decreases to 4-5 cm. It is worth being very careful with this stage of processing tomatoes, because soil compaction can damage the root system.

    It is also worth taking time to hill the tomato, at least two or three times a season. This will saturate the soil with oxygen, ensure the development of the root system and good plant nutrition, and during hilling, grooves form in the soil that retain water longer, which ensures regular soil moisture.

    After planting, tomatoes should be fed from time to time. In total, for the entire period of plant growth, four stages of feeding should occur.

    The first occurs three weeks after transplanting, the second after the second flower cluster begins to bloom, and the third when the third flower cluster blooms. The last feeding is usually carried out three weeks after the third feeding.

    When planning to plant tomatoes, you should still remember that planting tomatoes in open ground is not an easy task. This process is stressful both for the plant itself and for the gardener, therefore it is worth having patience and putting in as much effort as possible, following all the rules for caring for this capricious vegetable, and then a rich harvest will not take long.

    Video "Secrets of growing tomatoes in the open field"

    In the video, experienced vegetable growers talk about how to properly plant tomatoes in open ground, what fertilizers should be fertilized, and how to tie up tomatoes.

    At what distance to plant tomatoes in the open field and in the greenhouse?

    If you want to get a good harvest, then you need to properly plan the planting of seedlings. If this is not given enough attention, then the plants can be planted too far apart, and then you will have little room for all other crops. It is possible, and vice versa, to thicken the bed, which will inevitably lead to a deterioration in growth and a decrease in yield. Today we will talk about how far to plant tomatoes.

    Task number 1 - choose seedlings according to the state of the roots

    This is especially important for those who buy ready-made seedlings on the market. First of all, you need to pay attention to the roots. Picked seedlings have a well-developed peripheral root system. That is, already visually, you can determine that the plant will produce high growth and development rates only by examining a dense lump of roots. Accordingly, you can already figure out at what distance to plant tomatoes. Since the bush is large and strong, it means that it needs a lot of space. If the roots are of the rod type, then the plants did not dive. That is, they will increase their root power for a long time and only then start to grow. A little lower, we will take a closer look at how far to plant tomatoes, but if the plants are obviously late in growth, it can be significantly reduced.

    Task number 2 - choose hardened specimens

    Indeed, greenhouse plants will quickly bow their heads and will be sick for a long time, so you need to choose those that already know what the world around is with its temperature changes and burning sun rays. It is very simple to choose such plants: greenhouse seedlings are light green, tender. And hardened plants, ready for all the ups and downs, have a rich dark green color with a bluish or purple tint. This point must be taken into account if you want to know exactly at what distance to plant tomatoes. Hardened bushes will quickly start growing and grow large and dense, while greenhouse bushes will be much smaller, with little or no side branches.

    Task number 3 - choose a variety

    The first two points are very important, however, when talking about how far you need to plant tomatoes, you need to consider how the plant will grow. There are giant varieties, the bushes of which reach two meters in height. Dwarf hybrids, on the other hand, hardly grow more than 50 cm and, of course, do not have such a lush and branched green part.


    Before the seedlings get to their main place of residence, it is necessary to arrange a font for it to protect it from pests. To do this, you can use universal systemic insecticides or home solutions. Now make a deep furrow into which seedlings will be planted. Be sure to add fertilizer. It can be peat or biohumus, mineral or organic preparations, infusion of manure or chicken manure. Most importantly, do not over-fertilize, so as not to burn the roots. From above, fill the furrow with water and wait until it is absorbed.

    Now you can distribute the seedlings along the furrow. Here, too, there is an important nuance: it is imperative to plant tomatoes at an angle, this contributes to the rapid growth and development of the root system. In addition, try to plant the plant deeper so that additional roots form on the stem.

    Universal landing pattern

    Many amateur gardeners measure the distance between the bushes by eye, but this approach is not always correct, since this is easy to follow only if you need to plant 10-15 bushes. If the planting area is larger, then you need to follow a certain scheme. So, how far apart should tomatoes be planted? For planting tall combs, a distance of 40 cm between rows and 70 cm between bushes is observed. At the same time, do not forget to leave a path separating the rows with a width of 100 cm. This is necessary so that it is convenient to take care of the plantings. This method is called multi-line, because 2-3 rows form a line, and tracks remain between them.

    At what distance to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse

    Do not forget that in the process of growth and development of bushes, they will need to be weeded, pinched, sprayed. Also, keep in mind that tomatoes need basal watering, which means that it is very important to leave enough space to have access to each bush. Do not forget about the need for hilling and top dressing. Based on all this, leading agricultural technicians offer us the following option, at what distance to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse.

    It has its own characteristics that distinguish it from landing in open ground. First of all, these are usually the modest dimensions of the greenhouse itself, which force the gardener to save space. It must be borne in mind that in this case it is bad to plant the bushes too wide, and, conversely, thicken the planting. What's wrong with the first option? An excess of free space will stimulate the growth of green mass, the plant will branch strongly, the crop will ripen later, and the fruits will not stick to the bushes due to too weak branches.

    When planting tall varieties, the distance between them should be 50-60 cm. If space is very limited, then try planting plants in two rows or in a checkerboard pattern. If your choice is low-growing varieties, then the distance can be made smaller, 40 cm between bushes is enough and the same amount between rows. By following these recommendations, you provide optimal conditions for watering and caring for plants, optimal lighting for each plant, leaving room for normal growth and development of the bush. Another plus: maintaining the optimal distance, you will protect the plants from the mutual transmission of diseases.

    Features of landing in open ground

    The ideal distance in this case is the same - 50-60 cm. However, we are all severely limited by the size of our summer cottage. It should be noted that not every variety requires such a distance. Therefore, before planting seedlings in the ground, you should get acquainted with the characteristics of the variety. Usually the information is on the package with the seeds. So, at what distance to plant tomatoes in the ground? The densest varieties can be planted ultra-early and early ripening. The bushes of these varieties are usually small, their task is to produce fruits as quickly as possible, after which the bushes are removed. Therefore, a distance of 35 cm between bushes and rows is quite acceptable. Medium-ripening varieties will last longer in your beds, which means they need more room to grow. The optimal distance will be 45 cm between the bushes and 65 between the beds. For late varieties, it is desirable to further increase this distance. Between the bushes, you can also leave 45 cm, but the distance between the rows is recommended to be kept at least 75 cm.

    Summing up

    We have provided basic information on how far to plant tomato seedlings. By following these rules, you will get an excellent harvest in the shortest possible time. At the same time, the level of ease of maintenance of the beds cannot be discounted. Initially, an incorrect planting pattern leads to the fact that a solid green wall grows in your garden bed, which is very difficult to approach. The processing of stepchildren, hilling, weeding and watering will be greatly complicated, as well as the collection of fruits. In addition, the yield of bushes is also reduced. Therefore, your labors can bring much less result.

    How to plant and care for tomatoes?

    Tomato is one of the most beloved crops that is found on the site of almost any summer resident. In order for the harvest of this extremely tasty fruit to fully please, planting a tomato must be correct.

    It is impossible to know absolutely everything about growing your favorite tomatoes without watering, as well as feeding them and planting them in open ground or in a greenhouse, but everyone who dreams of a rich harvest should know the basic secrets of care.

    Selecting the right variety

    The variety of tomatoes is amazing. Fruits can be small, large, medium, elongated, round, pear-shaped, ellipsoid, oval and heart-like. The color scheme is also impressive. After the usual red tomatoes come orange, white, yellow of all shades and even almost black.

    Any experienced housewife will tell you not only everything about growing her favorite variety, but also the fact that not every fruit is equally good in a salad and for harvesting for the winter.

    Table of feed mixtures for tomatoes.

    Therefore, in addition to choosing early or late tomato varieties, one must also take into account its further purpose. For example, "Tigrovy", "Budenovka" and "Pink Honey" are best used fresh in salads, and the varieties "Scarlet Sails", "New Year", "Novichok" are ideal for harvesting for future use.

    1. "Eugene".
    2. "Aurora".
    3. "Red Sun"
    4. "Fat Jack"
    5. "A little prince".
    6. "Hurricane".
    7. "Admiral".
    8. "Dandy".
    9. "Spring drops".
    10. "Shady Lady".
    11. "Tsarskoye Selo".
    12. "Harmony".
    13. "Admiralty".

    Tomatoes of late varieties:

    1. "Vladimir F1".
    2. "De Barao".
    3. "Giraffe".
    4. Cosmonaut Volkov.
    5. "RIO GRAND".
    6. "Titanium".
    7. "Date fruit".
    8. "Finish".
    9. "Khutorskoy pickling".
    10. Market Miracle.
    11. "Octopus F1".

    Popular pink varieties:

    1. "Demidov".
    2. "My family".
    3. "Oh-la-la."
    4. "Moscow pear".
    5. "Sweetie".
    6. "Supermodel".
    7. "Petrusha the gardener".
    8. "Scarlet Candles".
    9. "Pink Stele".
    10. "Slav".
    11. "Monastic Meal"
    12. "Dad".

    The most delicious varieties for open ground:

    1. "Golden Queen".
    2. "Hope".
    3. "Ballerina".
    4. "Uncle Styopa".
    5. "Ivan Kupala".
    6. "Karatin".
    7. "Laura".
    8. "Kemerovo".
    9. "Scarlet Mustang".
    10. "Salting delicacy".
    11. "Siberian trump".
    12. "Sensei".
    13. "Scheherazade".
    14. "Pudovik".

    The best varieties of tomatoes in the greenhouse:

    1. "Yarilo".
    2. "Blessing".
    3. "Friend".
    4. "Scorpion".
    5. "Gina".
    6. "Funtik".
    7. "Semko-Sinbad".
    8. "F1 Soyuz 3".
    9. "F1 Soyuz 8".
    10. "Semko-Sinbad".
    11. "Red Cheeks".
    12. "Pink cheeks".
    13. "Cavalier".
    14. "Shustrik F1".

    Tomatoes for the northern regions:

    1. "Verlioka".
    2. "De Barao".
    3. Olya F1.
    4. "Ural F1".
    5. "Admiralty".

    In addition, you can choose specially varieties of tomato for wet soil, according to plant height, and even for transportation or long-term storage.

    Proper seed preparation

    Proper planting of tomatoes always begins with the very careful preparation of its seeds. One of the interesting and effective tips for growing tomatoes is exposing the seeds to contrasting temperatures. To do this, they are soaked for 12-15 hours between 2 layers of wet matter. The temperature should be around 20ºС. Then they are placed in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours. This procedure is carried out cyclically for 2 weeks. Thanks to this method, all weak seeds die. Tomatoes, the cultivation of which began with such hardening, always have high seedlings and a rich harvest.

    For sowing seeds in the ground, it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials:

    1. Seeds.
    2. Soil for seedlings.
    3. Peat humus cubes or any available container 4-5 cm deep.
    4. Watering can.
    5. Settled water.
    6. Cellophane film.
    7. Spray.
    8. Tablespoon.
    9. Ruler or cardboard with a straight edge.

    Step by step work:

    1. Pour moistened soil into peat cubes or your container so that about 1 cm remains to the top.
    2. Compact the soil.
    3. Moisten the surface of the soil with a sprayer
    4. If a container is used, then a 2x2 cm grid is drawn on the ground with a ruler or cardboard. When sowing in peat cubes, this step is skipped.
    5. Planting tomatoes is carried out according to the scheme 2x2 cm.
    6. After distributing the seeds, they are sprinkled with dry soil by 1 cm and compacted lightly with a tablespoon.
    7. The containers are covered with cellophane film and placed in front of the window.

    As soon as the very first loop of seedlings appears, without waiting for the remaining ones to appear, the container is immediately moved to a cool and bright place. It is better not to plant seedlings close to the glass. She is cold there and will not absorb food. The film is removed during the day.

    After opening the seven-lobed leaves, the seedlings switch to independent nutrition using their own root system. During this period, timely top dressing with mineral fertilizers is very important. Of those offered on the market, you can use the following: Kemira-lux, AVA, Uniflor-growth. The film is finally removed. Tomatoes should be watered moderately with a watering can.

    Proper lighting is as important as fertilizers, since at this stage the plant development program is formed. Fluorescent lamps are placed at a height of 7-10 cm above the seedlings. About 6-8 weeks after germination, tomatoes can be planted in open ground or a greenhouse.

    Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

    In order for the tomatoes in the greenhouse to feel good, not get sick and give a generous harvest, you need to prepare the greenhouse itself for the season according to all the rules. Planting tomatoes is carried out in early May. At this time, the nights are still cold, so the greenhouse should have a double layer of film. It is important to make windows on all sides, remove the top layer of soil, and disinfect the remaining soil with copper sulphate. If growing tomatoes in greenhouses is planned in winter, then you need to take care of additional heating and lighting.

    Vegetable neighborhood table.

    The beds are prepared a week before planting seedlings. The soil is loosened, weeds that have appeared are removed, humus is introduced. For poor soil per 1 m², you will need a full glass of charcoal and 5-7 kg of humus, for fertile soil - 3-4 kg of humus.

    Tips for growing healthy and productive tomatoes in a greenhouse are simple but important:

    1. The soil for planting must be warm.
    2. Seedlings should not be planted too deep.
    3. Nitrogen fertilizers should be in moderation.
    4. Landing and care must be timely. It is necessary to plant tomatoes in moist soil on a cloudy day or in the evening. Yellowed and diseased leaves are removed immediately.

    The beds are usually broken along the greenhouse. Their width is approximately 50-90 cm. The number depends on the parameters of the greenhouse itself. A passage of 50-70 cm is built between the beds. A distance of 40-60 cm is left between the tomatoes. The planting pattern of this crop in the greenhouse is determined by the method of plant formation and its variety. The traditional scheme looks like this.

    Experienced vegetable growers advise not to water in the very first days after planting a crop in a greenhouse. You need to wait a week until the culture takes root. In the future, it is important to adhere to the optimal water temperature for greenhouse tomatoes. Greenhouse tomatoes are watered with water at 20-22 ° C. Before the flowering phase, the plant is watered after 3-4 days, while about 5 liters of water are needed per 1 m². During flowering, watering is increased to 10 liters per 1 m². It is best to water greenhouse tomatoes at the root. This should be done in the morning, and not in the evening, when condensation forms.

    Another main condition for obtaining a rich harvest is maintaining humidity and optimal temperature conditions. Tomatoes are not afraid of drafts. You can ventilate the greenhouse in any way: open the ends, twist the film at the bottom, open the top and side windows. Be sure to ventilate the greenhouse 2 hours after watering, which is very important especially during flowering. Wet pollen cannot easily enter the pistil, so pollination will not occur.

    Growing tomatoes in the ground

    Under planting tomatoes in the ground, an open sunny place is taken away, reliably protected from cold winds. Unsuitable for this purpose are damp and low areas, with a close passage of groundwater, creating very unfavorable conditions for the root system of the crop.

    It is not recommended to plant tomatoes where eggplant, pepper and physalis were its predecessors. Do not plant 2 years in a row and a tomato in one place. Potatoes, carrots, zucchini, onions, pumpkins, cucumbers and cabbages are considered good predecessors.

    Prepare the soil before planting. It is disinfected and fertilized. The easiest and most affordable way to fertilize the soil is a mixture of ash and compost, at the rate of 1.5 cups of ash per full bucket of compost. Furrows or holes are well watered with this mixture.

    Planting seedlings is best done in the evening. Overnight, she will get stronger and endure the procedure much easier. For planting, they dig trenches or individual pits. Next, the bushes are carefully removed from the seedling containers and transferred to a prepared place along with a clod of earth. It is extremely important not to damage the root system. For painless extraction, the plant is abundantly watered about an hour before transplantation. The distance between tomatoes in the ground and their beds is done similarly to growing a crop in a greenhouse.

    Ground tomatoes are watered immediately regularly from the first time after planting. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil between the rows of plants. This perfectly saturates the soil with oxygen. This procedure will improve the entire process of crop growth and the ripening of its future fruits. If you water the tomato irregularly, then there is a high probability of damage to the top rot and the fragility of the plant itself. Mulching around the crop will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil.

    culture care

    A full-fledged care for tomatoes, both greenhouse and ground, is not conceivable without the rule of 3 "P" - garter, pinching, top dressing.

    Plant tying can be done in a variety of ways. In small areas for tall tomatoes, it is best to use a pyramid garter, in areas with frequent winds, the Staple supports. The figure schematically shows the supports with the designations: 1 - stake, 2 - bandage, 3 - bracket. Also, for ground crops, you can use a garter on a grape-type trellis or in the simplest and most affordable way, using a conventional peg and rope. For greenhouse crops, frame or linear trellises are mainly used.

    Stepping is a necessary procedure when growing tall tomato varieties and hybrids. If you do not stop the growth of the stem on its additional shoots, then this vegetable crop will spend the entire supply of nutrients on the growth of the vegetative mass, to the detriment of the growth of fruits. On undersized varieties, this procedure is not necessary. They have, the more stepchildren, the richer the yield. Stepping is usually carried out in the morning, so that all the wounds of the plant are healed until night. First of all, the lower stepchildren are removed. Cut them off with scissors, a knife or pinch off with nails. Finding stepchildren is very simple - this is a side shoot growing from the axils of the leaves. In order for the bush to grow in one stem, all stepchildren are removed. When forming a culture in two stems, you need to leave the main shoot and the strongest additional one. It is not recommended to grow more than three stems in a bush. It is necessary not to allow an unnecessary additional shoot to outgrow too much. It is better to inspect plants for pinching once a week.

    Plants need to be fertilized throughout the season. It is best to do this on a monthly basis. Compost and all kinds of fertilizers need to be applied between the rows. Any fertilizer is best applied a couple of weeks before planting. It is necessary to choose fertilizers with a low nitrogen content in relation to other main components.

    Collection and storage of fruits

    Tomatoes are harvested at any stage of maturity. It depends on their future destination. Collect red, brown, green and fruits that are at the stage of milky maturity. The fruits are torn off very carefully, thereby not damaging the entire plant.

    Ripe tomatoes are used for making tomato juice, salads, puree and pasta in canning for the winter or just for eating at the time of harvest. Ripe tomatoes can be stored in plastic boxes or cardboard boxes with paper on the bottom.

    Brown and green fruits are suitable for pickling and salting. All unripe tomato fruits are suitable for artificial ripening. For this, large fruits are selected, without visible damage and dents. To ripen such fruits of tomatoes it is better to leave them in cardboard boxes. During the process, 2-3 ripe fruits must be placed in the middle of the box.

    It is highly undesirable to store harvested tomatoes in damp cellars: high humidity in the room can cause them to rot. If the cellar is dry, it has ventilation, then the tomatoes will be stored for a long time and well. During long-term storage, the fruits must be sorted out from time to time in order to remove rotten tomatoes in a timely manner and prevent infection with rot and damage to the rest of the crop.

    Proper planting of tomatoes in open ground

    Planting a tomato in open ground has certain features, without knowing which it is difficult to grow a good crop. First of all, you need to choose the right varieties of tomatoes. After all, each of them is characterized by certain features.

    Tomatoes and their cultivation

    When buying tomato seeds, pay attention to the fact that the label says "for open ground". As for taste preferences, it should not be written in good, but in excellent taste. Considering the period of ripening of fruits, it is necessary to dwell on those whose length of development is no more than 100-105 days.

    Growing tomatoes in the open field begins with planting seedlings, which is carried out from the end of May to the beginning of June. The distance between plants should be 30 cm.

    If you plant medium-fruited tomato varieties, then you need to make sure that the soil is well warmed up. Try to avoid places where potatoes used to grow. Tomatoes do not like acidic soils, so give preference to areas where compost, ash, and lime were previously introduced.

    Caring for tomatoes outdoors means keeping the soil free of weeds. Remember that fruits ripen relatively slowly, so they need some moisture. But, if the soil is dry, then the green fruits may begin to gradually rot.

    Growing tomatoes can also be carried out without additional feeding. But, if the weather outside is consistently sunny, then in June you can apply nitrogen fertilizers under each tomato bush.

    How to plant tomato seedlings: seed treatment, planting dates, soil preparation, planting containers, planting process, care rules, instructions, photos, videos

    In order for seedlings to grow well, you need to properly prepare the ground for it.

    You can mix 1 part of sod land, 1 part of humus (compost), 1 part of peat. For 1 kg of soil add 2-3 g of superphosphate. Combinations of components can be different - it all depends on what is available. Humus can be replaced with compost, mullein, rotted manure.

    Important: you can sow seedlings in special soils for tomatoes, which are sold in gardening stores. But planting a tomato in potting soil for flowers for seedlings is categorically not recommended.

    What to plant seedlings

    When to sow correctly, it is clear. It remains to figure out where to plant seedlings. The most correct choice would be planting in peat cups, which are now sold. If peat cups are too uneconomical in terms of money, then it is quite possible to use improvised material: boxes of juice, milk, plastic bottles with the top cut off, plastic cups. Many gardeners prefer to plant this way.

    The main thing, before planting tomato seedlings, it is necessary to organize drainage in these containers by arranging a drainage hole at the bottom. Water should not stagnate in containers, otherwise you will never grow good seedlings - they will grow poorly and rot.

    Four factors affecting the yield of tomatoes (video)

    Planting seeds for seedlings

    Pre-seed can be planted in boxes, where they grow until the first pick. Pre-boxes are filled with prepared soil and a day before it is decided to sow seedlings of early or mid-ripening tomatoes, they spill it so that the water is absorbed and glass.

    The next day, you can start planting seeds. They are laid out on the ground, keeping a distance of 1-2 cm between them and sprinkled with 1 cm of earth on top. When the seeds are sown, water the ground with a spray gun so as not to blur it.

    To reduce the germination time of seeds, boxes can be covered with plastic wrap on top. From time to time it is removed so that the earth does not turn sour and the seeds do not burn out from the heat. After germination, the film can be removed for a longer time. When the seedlings are completely stronger, the film is removed. This usually happens after 4 days. Now the tomatoes will grow on their own.

    Tomato seeds for seedlings should be grown in moist soil

    When the first 2 true leaves appear, the seedlings are taken out of the box and swooped down. Then it is necessary to plant it in individual containers. After picking, the seedlings are well watered. For a few days, the air temperature should be lowered, so the plants will get stronger faster.

    seedling care

    When we grow seedlings of peppers, tomato, eggplant, it is important to maintain the correct watering schedule and temperature.

    In order for tomatoes to grow strong, the air temperature should be 14-18 degrees. At temperatures above 25 degrees, the seedlings begin to stretch. When the seedling is stretched, it weakens. If this happens, you need to lower the temperature even up to 10 degrees for a while. Also, in order for the seedlings not to stretch, it must be watered abundantly, trying to ensure that the earth is completely moistened. It is necessary to water from a sprayer so as not to erode the soil.

    Important: It is necessary to constantly turn the containers with seedlings from one side to the other side to the light. This is how we grow beautiful, not one-sided tomato seedlings.

    Do not forget about top dressing, you need to do it 2-3 times for the entire period of cultivation

    Feeding schedule:

    • 1 top dressing: 10 days after germination.
    • 2 top dressing: 10 days after the first.
    • 3 top dressing: 8-10 days after the second.

    For top dressing, take 1 part of mullein, 8 parts of water. To 10 liters of solution add 30 g of superphosphate.

    You can also spray tomato seedlings with microelements a couple of times - similar biostimulants are sold in stores.

    Two weeks before the moment when it was decided to plant the plants in the ground, the seedlings should be hardened off. In the room, the air temperature is reduced to 6-10 degrees. As a rule, for this purpose, seedlings are simply taken out to the balcony, first for a short time. Then the stay on the balcony is extended until the plants get used to the ambient temperature outside.

    You can grow strong, strong, environmentally resistant seedlings without much hassle. For planting in the ground, the age of seedlings should be 45-50 days. This must be taken into account when planting seeds and determining the time of planting in greenhouses.

    In winter, many owners of household plots and cottages begin to stock up on planting material for various vegetables and ask themselves the question - when to plant seeds of peppers, eggplant, cucumbers and tomatoes for seedlings? We talked about the timing and rules for planting peppers in a separate article, which can be read by clicking on this one. Here you can learn how and when to sow tomato seeds in 2019 in order to grow and get a good harvest as a result.

    Tomatoes are a very popular product that only very lazy or busy summer residents do not grow in their garden. Since the heat-loving culture grows for a rather long time, it is grown in seedlings. Approximately sixty days should pass from the emergence of seedlings to landing on the garden. The timing of planting tomato seeds depends on this:

    • greenhouse varieties sow should be in late February - early March;
    • outdoor tomatoes planted no earlier than the end of February, since overgrown plants take root worse.

    Also, the timing of planting tomatoes depends on the weather conditions of the region. If in areas with a warm climate, tomatoes are planted in a permanent place already in April and May, then seeds can be sown for seedlings in February. In Siberia and the Urals, there are frosts at the end of May, so it is recommended to sow seeds in March or even April.

    Do not forget that different varieties have different development periods, so when buying seeds, you need to pay attention to this:

    • varieties of large tomatoes usually late-ripening, so they should be planted after February 20th or early March;
    • undersized varieties for greenhouses– from the beginning to the middle of April;
    • tall indoor plants(greenhouses, greenhouses) - at the end of March;
    • early tomatoes, which will be planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse - in the second half of March;
    • early varieties for open ground- in the beginning of April.

    When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2019?

    Like other plants that produce a land crop, they plant tomatoes with the growing moon.

    Favorable days for planting tomatoes for seedlings in 2019 will be:

    • January - 15,16,18;
    • February - from 6 to 8, 11, 13 and 16;
    • March - 10, 11, 12, 14, 15.16. 19, 20;
    • April - 8, 11. 18;
    • May - 9th, 15th, 17th, 18th;
    • June: 5, 11.12, 13, 15.

    In the northern regions, Siberia and the Urals, where tomatoes are planted mainly in April, there are practically no favorable days for this, so it is recommended to choose a day in the zodiac circle with a growing moon and plant tomatoes from April 7 to April 17.

    Growing tomato seedlings at home

    To get healthy and strong seedlings in spring, before sowing seeds, you need to prepare:

    1. Seedling containers in the form of boxes, plastic containers, peat tablets, disposable cups or cassettes with a pallet.
    2. Suitable soil mix.
    3. Seeds that may need to be processed before sowing.

    Soil preparation

    For a tomato, you should choose a soil consisting of soddy soil, humus (1: 1) and a small amount of peat or sawdust. Today, many specialized stores sell soil mixes for planting tomatoes, so you don’t have to prepare the substrate yourself. But if possible, then the soil can be prepared independently from the above components or from garden soil, sand and black soil (1: 1: 1), to which a little vermiculite is added. Ready soil for tomatoes should have a pH of 5.5 to 6.0.

    Any soil mixture can contain fungal spores and pest larvae, so it should be decontaminated before use. To do this, everyone uses their own way. Here are some of them:

    • shed a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate;
    • place in the microwave and heat at full power for two minutes;
    • pour on a baking sheet and heat at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15 minutes in the oven;
    • put the soil in a well-packed bag into a container with hot water (+60 ... + 70 degrees), cover with a lid and leave until the water has completely cooled.

    The treated soil should be moistened and kept in a warm room for two weeks. During this time, bacteria useful for the growth and development of plants will multiply in it.

    seed processing

    Today, in stores, in most cases, already processed planting material is sold. Market-bought or self-collected seeds should be treated in one of the following ways before sowing:

    1. For 20 minutes, place in a 15 solution of potassium permanganate, previously wrapped in gauze.
    2. Hold for one or two hours in Fitosporin solution (1 drop of the drug per 100 ml of water).
    3. Soak for a day in a soda solution (1 gram of soda per 200 ml of water).
    4. For a day or two, soak in a solution of aloe juice with water squeezed out of leaves or purchased at a pharmacy. Aloe juice and water are taken in equal amounts and mixed. If juice is used that is squeezed from a homemade flower, then it should be kept in the refrigerator for 5 days beforehand. Plants obtained from seeds treated in this way will be distinguished by high quality fruits, good yields and resistance to various diseases.

    Planting a tomato for seedlings - photo

    If boxes or containers were chosen for sowing seeds, then they are filled with moist soil, in which small holes are made with a pencil or stick at a distance of about 3-4 cm from each other. A seed is placed in each hole, which is then sprinkled with soil and moistened with warm water from a spray bottle.

    Seedling containers are covered from above with cling film, a transparent plastic bag or glass and placed in a warm place with an air temperature of +25 to +30 degrees.

    So that the soil does not start to mold, it must be ventilated every day, lifting the film for this. As the soil dries, it is moistened with a spray bottle.

    seedling care

    The term of emergence of seedlings depends on the variety of tomatoes, the quality of the seeds and the conditions for keeping the crops. The first seedlings may appear in 3-4 days. So that they do not stretch out, seedling containers are placed in a bright place. The film can be removed after all shoots appear. The air temperature for young plants during the day should be within +20 degrees, and at night from +16 to +18 degrees. It is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not stand in a draft.

    Caring for tomato seedlings consists in performing the following procedures:

    1. Watering. Seedlings should be moistened regularly, but carefully, only after the soil has dried. Seedlings growing in constantly heavily damp soil can easily rot and die. For irrigation use warm settled water.
    2. Backlight. If the tomato bushes do not have enough light, they will begin to stretch. Therefore, if necessary, they should be provided with a twelve-hour daylight hours, using an additional light source for this.
    3. top dressing. Well-growing and developing plants with a thick trunk can not be fed. If poor land was used for planting tomatoes, and they do not grow well, then you can feed the plants with Kornerost or Agricola. Fertilizers should be applied when the seedlings have 1-2 true leaves. Before use, a teaspoon of top dressing is diluted in one liter of water.
    4. picking. Tomatoes are not afraid of transplanting, and new roots quickly develop on their trunks buried in the soil, so many gardeners dive seedlings once or even twice. The first pick is carried out when the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves. To do this, you need to prepare a separate cup with moist soil for tomatoes, dig a bush with a fork or spatula, pinch the main root to a third of the earth and move it to a new container. Plants are buried to the cotyledons, sprinkled with soil mixture and watered. After picking, tomatoes should be provided with an air temperature 2-3 degrees higher than they grew before. When they take root in a new container, the temperature is lowered again.

    After picking, seedling care remains the same as before. Bushes must be watered in a timely manner and provide them with good lighting without direct sunlight. Since the transplant will be carried out in a new soil, there is no point in fertilizing.

    When to plant tomato seedlings?

    When the threat of frost passes and warm weather sets in, tomato seedlings can be planted in open ground.

    In the Krasnodar Territory and other warm regions, they are planted in early May. In Siberia, the Urals and the North, tomato seedlings are planted in open ground no earlier than the end of May - the beginning of June. Under the film, greenhouse varieties should be planted two weeks earlier.

    10-14 days before planting, the plants are hardened, for which they are taken out on a plot or an open balcony on warm days.

    Planting tomatoes is recommended after beets, carrots, green onions, cabbage, turnips, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins, cabbage, green manure. You can not plant tomatoes in the beds where tomatoes, peas, physalis, eggplant, peppers, potatoes grew last year.

    Proper planting, care and crop rotation will guarantee a good harvest of tasty and healthy tomatoes that can be eaten fresh and pickled for the winter. And you can find out when and how to plant and grow and if you follow the highlighted links.

    One of the most popular vegetables in home gardens is the tomato. It is used to prepare various dishes, including winter preparations. Vitamins and amino acids are preserved even in canned fruits. In order to harvest good crops every year, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the agricultural technology of tomatoes and the rules of care for growing and planting in open ground.

    In the article, we will consider the most acceptable and productive varieties for the Russian region, the correct planting methods and the secrets of transplanting, as well as how to fertilize and how to feed the bushes.

    Landing work begins after establishing a night temperature with a positive indicator. In the middle lane, this period falls on the 20th of May - the beginning of June.

    Terms are determined taking into account the plant variety and the climatic features of the region. As soon as the average daily temperature is established +12 degrees, you can start disembarking. It is important to take into account the maturity of seedlings:

    • shoot height reaches 20-25 cm;
    • the stem has 7-9 well-formed leaflets.

    Planting of early varieties in the south of Russia and in Ukraine begins from the second half of April to the first days of May. Gardeners in the central regions of Russia transfer seedlings to the garden from May 1 to May 15.

    Mid-season varieties are planted 2-3 weeks later. Work in progress in cloudy weather or in the evening after 20-00.

    Young shoots need protection from spring frosts, therefore, after planting, the bed is covered with agrofiber or covered with plastic wrap, which should be completely removed after June 5-10.

    Varieties resistant to temperatures for planting in Ukraine and Russia

    Ukrainian gardeners and summer residents of Donbass have identified the top five varieties of tomatoes that give good yields that can be planted in these regions.

    The plant begins to bear fruit early, pink tomatoes can be harvested until the end of summer. Vegetation lasts 65 days, the weight of a medium-sized tomato is 200-220 gr. With proper care, up to 100 tons of crops are harvested per hectare.

    The hybrid is tolerant to various diseases (fusarium, verticillosis), suitable for cultivation in the country in different types of soil, withstands adverse weather conditions.

    High-yielding hybrid with early ripening (vegetation period - 60-65 days). Large fruits weighing up to 300 gr. have fleshy flesh and a sweet taste.

    This plant is characterized by: a developed root system, excellent set, weighty fruits, large crops. Supernova shows resistance to cold and disease. Fruits retain their marketable appearance for a long time due to the dense peel.

    The hybrid is suitable for industrial cultivation, plants are resistant to weather disasters, diseases typical of tomatoes.

    The yield per hectare, for example, if planted in the Donetsk region, is about 100 tons. Slightly elongated fruits, outwardly similar to cream, medium in size with weight up to 80 gr.

    Vegetation lasts 115-125 days, there is a simultaneous ripening of tomatoes. The fleshy pulp with a dense structure is ideal for processing.

    The plant is recognized by its branched compact bush and a large number of fruits, the weight of which does not exceed 60-70 gr.

    The growing season lasts 65-70 days. The hybrid is stress-resistant, easily tolerates hot weather and cold weather, shows tolerance to Fusarium wilt, nematode. There is a hint of sweetness in the taste.

    Among Russian gardeners, the following varieties of tomatoes are popular.

    Bushes of tomatoes are formed of medium size with dense ovaries of fruits weighing up to 70 gr. Tomatoes ripen even at low temperatures.

    Increased yield allows you to collect more than 100 tons of vegetables per hectare.

    Vegetation requires 95 days. Vegetables are well transported due to the elastic peel and dense pulp with a sweetish taste.

    The hybrid is an improved version of the White filling, it is distinguished by strong immunity and the ability to develop at low temperatures and heavy rainfall.

    The fruits literally stick to a short bush, red tomatoes hang on average 200 gr. More than 4 kg of crop is harvested from one bush.

    The result of the work of English breeders is highly resistant to a humid environment and fungal infections. Tomatoes are formed in a round shape of light red color, the weight reaches 100 gr.

    The growing season lasts 110-125 days. Up to 40 tomatoes are removed from the bush, if grown correctly.

    The fruits are formed by brushes, outwardly similar to cream, weight is about 90 gr. The height of the bush reaches only 70-75 cm. The variety is valued for the ability to sow in open ground.

    The plant easily tolerates heat and coolness in spring. The growing season lasts 96-98 days.

    How to plant tomatoes for a good harvest

    Seedling selection

    Some gardeners prefer to buy seedlings on the market, while others prefer to grow their own. In both cases, seedlings with a well-formed root system, a strong stem that has reached the length 20 cm.

    On each shoot should have time to form 7-8 leaves, their rich green color indicates a healthy state. Paleness or spotting on the greens may signal some kind of disease or violations of the conditions for growing seedlings.

    When growing seedlings on your own, it is worth considering the timing of sowing and observing the temperature regime at each stage of development.

    What is the preparation of the beds for?

    Before planting seedlings, disinfect the soil a solution of copper sulfate (1 tbsp. funds for a bucket of water). 1.5 liters of working fluid should go per 1 m2. After that, fertilizers are introduced.

    Tomatoes respond well to organics and minerals.

    For loam and clay soils, you can use the following mixture: manure humus, peat and sawdust, taken in a bucket. From minerals, a mixture of superphosphate (2 tablespoons), potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon), wood ash (2 cups) is suitable. Preparatory work with the soil is being completed a week before the start of the landing.

    Secrets of planting seedlings in spring

    It's better to land on cloudy days or after sunset. At night, the shoots will be easier to adapt to the new environment. The planting pattern is selected taking into account the variety of tomatoes. Each bush should be well ventilated and illuminated by sunlight.

    Tomatoes with an average ripening period are planted in a row at a distance 50-60 cm from each other. The row spacing is 50-60 cm. Compact plants are placed at a distance 40 cm.

    Holes for seedlings are dug up to the size of a shovel bayonet. After abundant watering of the pits and absorption of water, the seedlings are transferred one by one to the holes along with an earthen clod. It is not recommended to violate the integrity of the root system, so it will take less time to adapt. The work is completed by watering the beds (1-2 liters per bush).

    The most important care after transplanting into the ground

    For the development of the root system and the plant as a whole, oxygen is needed, so every 2-3 weeks you need a bed loosen(tool immersion depth 8-12 cm). If the soil is dense, then work should be done more often.

    The loosening procedure is often combined with weeding. Weeds provoke the invasion of pests and retain moisture in the beds, which creates favorable conditions for the development of diseases. In addition, the thickened bed is poorly ventilated. After the first weeding of established seedlings, the soil can be mulched.

    Watering carried out under the root of tomatoes, greens do not need to be watered. Of the existing irrigation systems, preference is given to spot irrigation, sprinkling provokes shedding of inflorescences, causes blanching of fruits.

    The first time after planting, you should not get carried away with irrigation, it is enough to carry out water procedures 1-2 times a week, preventing the soil from drying out.

    For the stability of the bushes, many gardeners carry out hilling. To do this, soil is raked under each stem.

    IN stepchildren many varieties need it, especially large-fruited ones. Stepchildren are removed every 2 weeks so that all forces and nutrients are distributed exclusively for the formation of tomatoes.

    Pollination methods

    In order for the fruit to form in the inflorescence, pollination is required. There are different varieties: pollinated by bees and self-pollinated.

    If insects are absent from the garden due to weather conditions or for a number of other reasons, then you can pollinate the flowers yourself. To do this, you need to determine the male and female inflorescences.

    A soft brush is first carried out over the pistils, then the pollen is shaken on the stamens. Such manipulation is usually done in greenhouses, and then only with those varieties that need pollination.

    To attract insects to the beds for the purpose of pollinating the crop, it is recommended to plant in the aisle honey plants(basil, marigold, etc.).

    Acceptable top dressings and fertilizers to get a productive tomato

    After planting the seedlings, 3-4 feedings are carried out.

    1. In 3 weeks after landing seedlings, fertilizer "Ideal" is introduced into the soil with the addition of nitrophoska (1 tablespoon) to a bucket of water. One tomato consumes 0.5 liters of solution.
    2. When the second flower brush will begin to bloom, a second complementary food is introduced. Mix in 10 liters of water: potassium sulfate (1 tsp), superphosphate (1 tbsp), potassium chloride (1 tsp), Agricola-Vegeta fertilizer (1 tbsp). Another option involves the use of "Signor Tomato" (st. L. per 10 liters of water).
    3. When blooming third flower brush introduce "Sodium humate" or "Ideal".
    4. After 2 weeks, a solution of 10 liters of water and st. l. superphosphate.

    Errors in growing and sowing

    To protect your crop from unforeseen losses, you need to familiarize yourself with the mistakes that gardeners often make when growing tomatoes.

    Buying seedlings with inflorescences is one of the common mistakes when growing tomatoes.

    Among the main ones:

    • planting seedlings or seeds out of time indicated on the packaging, or a selection of varieties intended for cultivation in a greenhouse;
    • buying seedlings with inflorescences(subsequently, the formation of ovaries is disrupted);
    • abundant watering (provokes rotting of the root system);
    • excessive fertilization of the soil (leads to intensive development of the stem and leaves, while the inflorescences look lethargic);
    • landing in open ground ahead of schedule(violation of the temperature regime negatively affects the formation of ovaries).

    Diseases and pests - what poison to spray from them

    Most of the diseases are caused by violations of the temperature regime and irrigation norms. Humid environment and warm weather create optimal conditions for the development of harmful microorganisms.

    The following diseases are considered dangerous for tomatoes:

    • in which brown spots appear on the stem and leaves. On the reverse side of the sheet one can see a characteristic white coating. The fruits are covered with brown spots. The main reasons for the development of the disease are strong temperature fluctuations, high humidity. The fight against late blight involves spraying: the first time the seedlings are treated 20 days after planting with the Barrier solution, the second time the treatment is carried out after another 20 days with the Barrier biological product.
    • characterized by the appearance of black depressed spots on green fruits. The cause of the development of the disease is: insufficient moisture of the plant, an excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil, calcium deficiency. If zones of damage are found, it is recommended to treat the bushes with a solution of calcium nitrate. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of the product in a bucket of water. Severely affected tomatoes must be removed from the garden and disposed of.
    • root rot of tomatoes occurs due to waterlogging of the soil or is transmitted through contaminated soil. Therefore, before planting, the garden bed must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulphate; during the growing season of the crop, irrigation rules must be strictly observed.
    • Tomatoes are recognized by the characteristic brown spots on the stem, leaves and fruits. The disease affects tomatoes more often when they reach maturity. At first, small round foci appear, which quickly grow in size, which may not be immediately noticed. If signs of the disease are found, the plants should be sprayed with Fitolavin.

    Among the dangerous pests that can cause significant damage to the crop:

    • bear;
    • wireworm;
    • nibbling owls;
    • whitefly;
    • melon aphid, etc.
    • Bazudin;
    • Arrow;
    • Thunder;
    • Phosbecid and others.

    Timely fertilization of plants strengthens the immune system which makes them unattractive to insects. They like to attack weak and young shoots. And a strong culture with a well-formed root and stem will be able to resist diseases and pests, giving the owners a generous harvest.

    To grow a good crop outdoors on the street, you need to carefully look after the plantings, cover the bushes as needed. In some cases, you need to feed the ground soil even before planting the seedlings, but, most often, you need to start feeding the plants after sowing.

    ​Related Articles​

    Tomatoes and their cultivation

    How to increase frost resistance in tomatoes

    Caring for a double bush is different in that it needs to be watered and fed more often and more abundantly, given the presence of two roots. When planting, they put a reliable support, because the bush turns out to be much larger than usual.

    In the first 2-2.5 weeks, seedlings must be illuminated daily for 12-14 hours (200 W per 1 sq. Meter), and when mass shoots appear, the temperature must be reduced to 14-13 ° C during the week in order for the seedlings strengthened and better developed root system. Further, the temperature can be increased depending on the degree of illumination. Watering should be no more than twice a week. After the second true leaf is formed, the seedlings need to be picked into boxes 12 cm deep according to the 5x5 cm scheme, deepening them to the cotyledon leaves. For better survival, immediately after picking, reduce lighting and give full coverage only on the third day. Avoid direct sunlight. After the seedlings have finally taken root, you can give maximum lighting. Bring the duration of illumination up to 14 hours a day with the help of additional illumination. If at the end of March weather conditions do not allow transferring seedlings to greenhouses, it is necessary to cause an artificial growth retardation - by lowering the temperature to 10-12 ° C, reduce watering, reduce lighting and gradually reduce the temperature to 8 ° C. You can also slow down the growth of plants by picking. Each pick delays the growth of plants for a week and, in addition, the plants become resistant to adverse conditions. To remove plants from the state of conservation, it is necessary to gradually, within 3 days, increase the temperature and illumination, and after 6 days give top dressing.

    When choosing a fertilizer, it is better for novice agronomists to give preference to complex complex fertilizers, so it will be easier to care for vegetables.

    The scheme for planting tomatoes in the open field depends on the planted variety: early ripe tomatoes are usually planted according to the scheme 30x40 cm, late ones - 50x50 cm and on the method of formation of the bush.

    Growing tomatoes (tomatoes): varieties, planting and care, watering

    With a lack of iron, tomatoes stop growing. Young leaves are affected by chlorosis. In the most severe cases, the leaves may turn completely white. A lack of zinc causes the appearance of small, pale leaves.

    Potassium nitrate 30.4; There is another way to form a tomato. On the trellis with the help of special coils it is necessary to attach a vertical twine. The growing stem descends onto the net or staples. In this case, the lower leaves must be removed. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the gardener's calendar in order to choose the most accurate date for planting tomatoes in the ground.In the southern regions of Russia, tomatoes are grown by sowing in the ground. In other regions of the country, it is customary to plant seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses on insulated beds, which are then planted in the ground.​ Planting a tomato in open ground has certain features, without knowing which it is difficult to grow a good crop. First of all, you need to choose the right varieties of tomatoes. After all, each of them is characterized by certain features.

    Very unkind weather in Transbaikalia, frosts here can happen at the end of June and again make themselves felt in August. But even here skill and sharpness help. So, Chita V. Ya. Vtorushin grows each tomato stalk on two root systems. To do this, he puts two pots with seedlings side by side. In the upper third of the stems, it carefully cuts the skin and connects the plants with a braid (Fig. 3). It turns out like grafting one stem to another. Before planting the seedlings, the braid is removed, the weaker stem is cut off above the graft. It turns out "one plant on two roots." Plant the plants on the ridge after the return frosts have passed. The bush does not get sick and grows evenly. Planting holes fall asleep gradually, 5 cm per week. During the period of increased growth and fruiting, Vladimir Yakovlevich gives top dressing from nitrogen and potash fertilizers, and in the last top dressing he pours a glass of wood ash under each bush. Combine all top dressing with watering with water heated in the sun. Pours it under the root, trying not to wet the plant itself. When the plants are sufficiently heaped up, the gardener switches to a ditch irrigation system, that is, he spuds the bushes as high as possible, leaving narrow grooves between them, where he pours water. After watering, it is not necessary to loosen the soil, because in the main root zone it remains loose, and the water flows through the grooves. By the time the fruits ripen, the lower tier of leaves must be removed in order to improve air exchange inside the bush. This is necessary to prevent fungal diseases. Removing the lower leaves does not affect the yield. If, nevertheless, a fungal disease of tomatoes is detected, then the gardener fights against it with the help of copper sulfate or an extract from wood ash (10 r ash per liter of water). Watering is carried out twice.

    How to grow tomatoes by May without a greenhouse and without seedlings

    Prepare a solution for feeding as follows: 30 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water. Pour 100 ml of an aqueous extract of ash there (1 cup per 1 liter of water). Prepare the ash extract 1 day before feeding. Consumption rate - 1 bucket per 1 sq. meter of boxes.​

    The most common fertilizer is Mortar. The name itself speaks for itself, it is completely soluble in water, it contains macro and microelements necessary for plant growth in the required balanced amount (20 grams are added for crops).​

    Sowing and caring for seedlings

    Tomato care includes timely watering, weeding, top dressing, garter, pinching and, if necessary, disease control.

    Harvest fruits in the stage of maturity should be daily. It is recommended to pick tomatoes in the pink degree of maturity, as red fruits accelerate the maturation of the brush. It is better to collect fruits without stalks.

    Potassium phosphate 20.4;

    Care for tomatoes at an early stage of development

    When buying tomato seeds, pay attention to the fact that the label says "for open ground". As for taste preferences, it should not be written in good, but in excellent taste. Considering the ripening period of fruits, you need to dwell on those whose length of development is no more than 100-105 days.

    soil for tomatoes

    ​Fig. 3. This is how two stems are connected to make a graft.

    In the fall, just before the frost, when the fruiting of tomatoes stops, tear off several shoots from the bushes (of any variety) you like and put them in water for 5-6 days (put the plucked shoots into the water immediately or with a minimum period of time, otherwise you won’t get a positive result). After the specified time, the shoots will give roots, after which you can transplant them into the ground or into plastic bags, or into flower pots. During the winter, the tomato bushes will stretch out, and from each of them it will be necessary to break off the top and also put it in water, which, in turn, will give roots, after which they must be planted. Around April, your tomatoes will bloom, and in May they will already give red fruits.

    In order to grow stocky, unstretched seedlings, it is necessary to adjust the ratio of the amount of fertilizer in the soil mixture. So, when preparing the mixture before picking, it is necessary to add the same amount of superphosphate and ash as was added for the first time, while the amount of nitrogen remained at the same level, bordering on a deficiency. This is a factor in the formation of stocky, powerful seedlings. If a lack of nitrogen is noticeable by the color of the leaves, then give nitrogen in the form of foliar top dressing - 20 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water at the rate of 2 liters of solution per 1 sq.m of the box area. At the end of March, in the phase of 4 true leaves, the seedlings must be dived a second time, but already in a greenhouse. It must be carried out on a quiet day at an air temperature of at least +8 degrees. The soil temperature in the greenhouse by this time should be 15-18°C. Since autumn, the greenhouse has been stuffed with dry leaves for less freezing. Now they need to be taken out, disinfected with a 5% formalin solution and stuffed with manure. After the manure flares up and settles, sprinkle with a layer of ash 3 mm and fill with a layer of soil mixture 15-18 cm thick.​

    "Kemira Lux" - complex fertilizer, instant. The composition contains nitrogen and potassium, phosphorus, as well as boron and manganese. Dissolve one tablespoon in 20 liters of water and water the tomatoes under the root once every two weeks.​

    Watering tomatoes should be carried out on average once a week, but this is very dependent on the weather, this is the difference in growing tomatoes in a greenhouse and in open ground - it is impossible to control watering.

    Place to land

    Potassium sulfate 4.4;

    Fertilization of a tomato flower occurs at a temperature of 23-32 degrees C. If the temperature drops below 15 degrees C, the tomato will not bloom, at temperatures below 10 degrees C, the growth of the plant stops. Too high a temperature is also unfavorable for the growth and development of plants - pollen grains do not germinate and photosynthesis is inhibited.

    Trays and boxes for sowing seeds are recommended to be placed on open racks above heating devices. There should be a fairly large distance between the racks and heating devices (at least 0.5 m) to prevent overheating. With the help of racks, you can maintain a uniform temperature. Before the first shoots appear, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of no more than 23 degrees C. The film from the garden should be removed immediately after the sprouts appear. In order not to expose the seedlings to excessive evaporation, the film should be removed in the afternoon.

    Growing tomatoes in the open field begins with planting seedlings, which is carried out from the end of May to the beginning of June. The distance between plants should be 30 cm.

    Plants on two roots bear fruit earlier than usual. Run - three weeks! From August, Chita residents begin to grow tomatoes in their rooms.​ Using this method, tomatoes can be grown even in areas where warm summers are very short.

    Seedling heating

    Seedlings are planted in it according to the 10x10 cm scheme. When the seedlings in the greenhouse take root well, it is necessary to spray it with a 0.1% solution of boric acid, and feed it every other day: pour 10 liters of chicken manure infusion into a 12-liter bucket, 100 g extracts from ash, 2.5 g of potassium permanganate, 1.5 g of boric acid. Before feeding the plants, water - 5 liters per 1 sq.m with a water temperature of 18 ° C. Top dressing should be carried out along the aisles at the rate of 100 ml of solution for each plant. Before planting seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to regulate the temperature and humidity of the soil. During cold periods, the air temperature can drop significantly. In this case, it is necessary to securely cover the greenhouse with kraft paper, mats. Seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of April, when buds form on the first cyst. If the weather does not allow, then it is necessary to wait, but in the morning sprinkle with a solution of boric acid (10 g per 10 liters of water) to prevent the buds from falling off.

    Vegetables can still be fed with yeast, mullein, chicken manure, as well as ash and iodine.

    Planting tomato seedlings in open ground

    When the seedlings take root, it is best to mulch the soil with straw, so it will be much easier to keep the soil moist, and the weeds hardly grow. There is no crust under the straw and therefore loosening is not required. A sort of lazy way of growing tomatoes.

    Tomatoes can also be grown indoors: on the windowsill or on the balcony. For the windowsill, it is better to choose low-growing varieties, on the balcony you can put a rather large flowerpot for a tomato and grow tall and large-fruited plants, for example: "Bull's Heart", "De Barao" and "Carlson".

    Magnesium sulfate 18.5;

    The beds should not be over-filled with water when watering. Soil moisture is best checked by hand by lifting cylinders or soil-humus cubes. It should be watered only with a very finely sprayed jet. So that the seed film does not remain on the seedlings, the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

    Tomato seeds can also be planted in peat pots and cubes. Seedlings need to dive regularly. After 6-8 weeks after germination, seedlings can be planted in open ground in a square or square-nested method on ridges or ridges. We also recommend reading an article about growing tomatoes and tomatoes in a greenhouse.​

    When to start planting seedlings?

    If you plant medium-fruited tomato varieties, then you need to make sure that the soil is well warmed up. Try to avoid places where potatoes used to grow. Tomatoes do not like acidic soils, so give preference to areas where compost, ash, and lime were previously introduced.

    How to get large tomato fruits

    Growing a tomato according to Maslov

    Removing leaves

    Prepare the soil before planting in advance: loosen with an iron rake and cover with a dark film. This will provoke the growth of weeds, when they start to grow, they will be easily destroyed by repeated harrowing. On the eve of this operation, it is necessary to additionally apply mineral fertilizers: nitroammophos - 30 g, ammonium sulfate - 20 g, potassium magnesia - 20 g, potassium sulfate - 20 g per 1 sq.m. Then dig the site without turning the reservoir to a depth of 30 cm.​

    Fertilize your tomatoes no more than once every 14 days, unless you see that the plant needs to be fed. Otherwise, you run the risk of oversaturating your tomatoes with dressings, and they will begin to fatten, which will have a bad effect on yields.

    The most common option for tying tomato bushes in the open field is a garter to stakes stuck next to the bushes. So you can tie undersized varieties, but what about tall ones? We offer you other ways to garter tomatoes. Click on the photo to enlarge it.​

    The number of leaves on a bush

    Growing tomatoes in the open field includes sowing seeds for seedlings, growing seedlings, planting seedlings in the ground, caring for adult plants and harvesting.

    Manganese sulfate 0.16;

    Video - how to grow tomatoes

    Care of mature plants

    Seedlings are transplanted into soil-humus cubes, peat pots or plastic pots 10-14 days after sowing. During this period, the first true leaf reaches 0.5 cm in length.

    Tomato care is carried out by regular loosening of the soil, weeding, fertilizing, bush formation, systematic watering, and pest control. The most common diseases are macrosporiosis, septoria, late blight, blossom end rot, streak and stolbur. Pests: bears, scoops, wireworms, gall nematode, whitefly.

    Caring for tomatoes outdoors means keeping the soil free of weeds. Remember that fruits ripen relatively slowly, so they need some moisture. But, if the soil is dry, then the green fruits may begin to gradually rot.

    Watering tomatoes

    Mulching greatly contributes to the growth of tomatoes, reduces labor costs for watering and loosening.

    (up to 70 kg per plant)

    Over watering

    ​The scheme of planting the White Filling variety: between rows located from south to north - 35 cm, in a row between the centers of the holes - 30 cm. There are 4 rows on each bed, the width of the passage between the beds is 50 cm. On one hundred square meters (100 sq.m.) accommodates 1000 plants. Holes are dug 30 cm deep. Half a liter of a fertilizer mixture is poured into each well, consisting of 1 bucket of sifted humus, half a liter of ash from burning tops of tomatoes and potatoes, half a glass of double superphosphate, half a glass of nitroammophos, 30-40 g of potassium magnesia . This mixture must be prepared in advance, mix thoroughly.

    When caring for vegetables, you still need to know how to water tomatoes in the open field. Remember that they love dry air and moist soil, but this does not mean that they need to be filled with water. Watering should be generous, but not frequent. Do not use a rain watering can when watering plants. Pour water along the grooves nearby, or under the root, trying not to get on the stems and leaves. If you do not know how much water is needed for irrigation, the plants themselves will tell you. With an excess of moisture, the leaves become dark and begin to fade, and with a lack of vice versa - faded, and then dry out. Knowing all these simple subtleties, you will definitely be able to grow a tasty and rich harvest!

    Preparation of nutrient solutions

    The material for tying tomatoes should not cut into the trunk of the plant, should not damage it in any way.

    • In this article, we will tell novice gardeners in detail how to grow tomatoes in the open field.
    • Boric acid 0.12;
    • There are two ways to water tomatoes. Irrigation with sprinkler systems is traditional but outdated.​
    • Seedlings are best transplanted into soil cubes measuring 10x10x10 cm. Plants cannot be transplanted before noon: in the morning they are too fragile and can be damaged. If, nevertheless, planting is done in the morning, then it is better not to water the seedlings the night before.
    • Growing tomatoes can also be carried out without additional feeding. But, if the weather outside is consistently sunny, then in June you can apply nitrogen fertilizers under each tomato bush.
    • For mulching the soil, you can use rotted manure or peat. Mulch immediately after planting seedlings and before watering and rains have time to compact the soil. For bush tomatoes, mulching is even more important than for tall ones. The fruits of bush tomatoes often come into contact with the soil or become contaminated by it during heavy rains. Chopped straw mulch prevents this better than manure or peat.​
    • - Having observed the development of tomato plants for many years, I came to the conclusion that in order to ensure the pouring of a large number of fruits, a powerful root system is needed.
    • In addition to the fertilizer mixture, pour half a liter of chicken manure solution and 2 liters of water. When the water is absorbed, mix the soil with fertilizer. Plant seedlings with a large clod of earth in a doughy mass. Deepen the cotyledon leaves. After 1 hour, water - 1 liter of water per plant. When the bed of four rows is planted, place thick wire arches (diameter 8-10 mm) 60 cm apart. Fasten the arcs with a cord in 4 rows (above each row). Just in case of bad weather, prepare a double layer of polyethylene film with a kraft paper between them (3 layers).​
    • ​ A lot of interesting things​
    • Now, with regard to the stepsoning of tomatoes in the open field ... A lot depends on the region - if you have a warm climate in which the fruits even on stepchildren have time to ripen before the cold weather, then of course you can not stepchild bushes. If the summer is short, it is better to pinch, that is, break out the side shoots growing from the axils of the leaves, or at least pinch to the first flower brush. Read more about this in the article how to stepchild tomatoes correctly.
    • The approximate time for planting your tomato variety is indicated on the seed bag, and the most favorable dates for this can be found if you look at the lunar calendar for gardeners.
    • Zinc sulfate 0.11;
    • A more modern way is watering with drip irrigation systems. In this case, watering and fertilizing the plants occurs at the same time, since fertilizers are added to the nutrient solution. The advantages of this method of irrigation are as follows: water flows for a long period of time and does not cause a sharp fluctuation in soil moisture; the set humidity level is not violated; water does not stagnate on the soil surface, and this reduces the risk of fungal diseases.​

    The consequences of a lack of elements

    Tomatoes grow well on any warm, humus-rich, medium soil, not fertilized with fresh manure, and always in open sunny areas. Although tomatoes do well in soils recently fertilized with manure, it is better to use areas that have not received manure. You should not rush with the introduction of lime. Tomatoes are very sensitive to chlorine. Although tomatoes do not suffer from soil fatigue and therefore they can be grown in the same place for several years, the main thing is that the soil is not infected with late blight.

    I tried to increase it in two ways. The first is planting seedlings not vertically, as is usually the case, but lying down. In a previously prepared furrow, I lay not only the root, but 2/3 of the stem, having previously removed the leaves from this part. I fall asleep with a layer of soil of 10-12 cm. I lay the plant strictly from south to north, so that as it grows, it reaches for the sun, straightens up and grows vertically. On the buried part of the stem, roots quickly form, which are included in the general nutrition system (Fig. 1). Moreover, these roots are several times greater in size and efficiency than the main one.​

    Planting seedlings in a permanent place is best done in cloudy, wet weather. If the weather is sunny, then early in the morning or in the evening. As soon as the plants take root in a new place, at the beginning of flowering, it is necessary to spray again with a 0.1% solution of boric acid.

    When planting and growing a tomato, four basic rules should be followed.

    The harvest of tomatoes, if it is large and generous, and grown with your own hands, will always please the summer resident. Considerable work and effort must be applied to achieve the desired result. A lot depends on what seeds you are going to sow, what seedlings you have grown and in what conditions you grow this vegetable. So that your efforts do not bring a disastrous result, you need to know some of the subtleties of cultivating this crop and how to grow tomatoes in the open field, we will tell in this article.

    In any case, tomato seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 55-60 days. Estimate approximately when the last return frosts in your area, subtract 60 days, add 5-7 days for seedlings and get an approximate time for sowing seeds for seedlings. Usually this is the end of February - the beginning of March.​

    Copper sulfate 0.012;

    Do not forget that excessive watering of tomatoes is very harmful. Water should be at room temperature. Amateur summer residents are advised to water in the evenings and not to water the plants on a hot sunny day. If tomatoes are grown indoors, then you can water through the pan. When watering plants, care must be taken to ensure that water does not get on the leaves and trunk and does not cause burns.

    Growing tomato seedlings (video)

    fruit harvesting

    When transplanting seedlings from the garden, it is necessary to lift a part of the earthen coma together with the plant, supporting it from below with your hand, loosen the soil and place it in a soil cube. You can not pull the plant out of the soil. After placing the seedlings in a soil cube, the soil must be gently kneaded by hand so that the roots properly contact the ground.

    In greenhouses, tomatoes can be grown in soil and on mineral wool. Identical results in different climatic conditions cannot be guaranteed. Nevertheless, such information may be useful for practicing vegetable growers.​

    For indoor plant lovers

    Tomatoes, herbaceous plants from the Solanaceae family, are divided into three large groups: Peruvian, hairy and ordinary. Plants with bright, extremely tasty fruits have long gained worldwide popularity. Now, few people remember that they were taken out of South America in the 16th century, and at first they served as decorations for the gardens and parks of the sovereigns of European countries. No one dared to eat beautiful fruits then: apparently, someone spread a villainous rumor about their supposedly poisonous properties. The plants got their name from their native, Aztec "​

    Growing tomatoes outdoors

    Regular top dressing allows you to get very large tomato fruits. Top dressing begins two weeks after planting seedlings. To prevent the plants from forming a large vegetative mass without benefit, apply a complete fertilizer with a ratio of basic nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) 1:1:1. The easiest way to apply top dressing is superficially in a dry form. Fertilizers are evenly scattered between plants on mulch, and when watered, they dissolve it, thus delivering it to the roots. Top dressing is repeated every two weeks until mid-August. Each time, no more than 20 g of fertilizer per 1 square meter is applied.

    ​Fig. 1. This method of planting tomatoes is suitable for large areas of land.​

    If prolonged rains fall in the flowering phase, then it is better to cover the beds with arcs with a film.

    1. Plant tomatoes where they can get the most sunlight.​

    The tomato is an annual plant in the nightshade family. When choosing a soil for planting, it is necessary to take into account its acidity; slightly acidic or neutral soil is best for tomatoes. In acidic soil, your plant will simply die. Tomatoes prefer loose soil rich in trace elements.

    The soil for growing seedlings can be taken purchased, already prepared, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, mix 1 part of sod land, peat and humus.

    Ammonium molybdate 0.012.

    When transplanting seedlings from cassettes, it is better to remove soil cylinders with seedlings from cassettes using spikelet substrates.


    Planting a tomato in open ground

    In tall tomatoes, stepchildren should be regularly removed and the plants tied to a support. Stepchildren are removed not with a knife, but with fingers; this avoids damage to the main shoot. Stepchildren develop at the junction of the leaf with the main stem. When removing stepchildren, the sheet cannot also be damaged. Stepchildren are removed as soon as they can be grasped with fingers. To tie the stem to the support, fairly wide materials (ribbon, twine) are used, because thin threads and ropes cut through the stems. When tying, take into account the possible thickening of the stem and therefore tie it up not too tight.

    Now for the second method. It is even simpler and accessible to any gardener. I suggest that some stepchildren on tomato plants not be removed, but used to make the root system more powerful. How? Very simple. The first side shoots - I don’t remove the stepchildren, but let them grow longer. I tear off the leaves from them, bend them to the ground and cover them with a layer of soil of 10-12 cm (Fig. 2). The dug-in stepchildren grow quickly. After a month, it is difficult to distinguish them from the main plant both in height and in the number of ripened fruits. It is characteristic that abundant fruiting begins in the immediate vicinity of the ground.

    All plants must be formed into one stem with three inflorescences. Remove unnecessary stepchildren until the crop is formed on the last inflorescence, then mint - cut off the top. 20-30 days before fruit ripening, root dressing through mulching layers: add half a liter of ash and a glass of double superphosphate to each bucket of humus. The predominance of phosphorus and potassium over nitrogen in the soil accelerates the ripening of fruits. Simultaneously with the removal of stepchildren, it is necessary to tie the ribbons to the arcs and the cord with which the arcs are connected to each other. This method eliminates the tie to the peg and reduces the load on the plants.​

    Caring for tomatoes in the open field

    2. Give each bush weekly 15 to 25 ml of moisture. After all, after all, a tomato is 90% water.

    If the soil in your garden with high acidity, then it must be reduced, for this it is best to add ordinary lime.

    For 1 bucket of such a soil mixture, add a liter jar of river sand (and preferably vermiculite) and a tablespoon of ash and superphosphate.

    Garter tomato in the open field

    When preparing the mother liquor, the concentration of elements should not be violated, since tomatoes require a certain amount of elements, the lack of which adversely affects the ovary and development of the fruit.

    Nutrient solution for tomatoes should be made on the basis of concentrated stock solutions. The working solution is supplied to the plant through a drip irrigation system. Fertilizers for mother liquors are selected in such a way that the individual components do not precipitate.​

    If the seedlings are too dense and the light comes only from above, the plants may stretch too much. In order for the seedlings to be low and strong, it is necessary that the light also falls on the sides of the stem. Therefore, 2-3 weeks after picking the plants, it is imperative to arrange the seedlings when the plants are distributed in 20-30 pieces per 1 sq.m.

    How to grow tomatoes outdoors

    ​Seedling cultivation: 250-350 pcs. (number of seeds in 1 g); seed consumption - 25.000-30.000 pcs/ha; maximum germination temperature - 25 degrees C.​

    Preparing the soil for a good harvest

    ", transformed into a pan-European"

    At the end of August, the tops of the main shoots are removed, since the fruits that develop later will no longer have time to ripen, but will only take away nutrients from already formed fruits.

    ​Fig. 2. On the left - plants with rooted stepchildren. On the right - the usual way of landing.

    And here is a link to growing different vegetables Growing vegetables in the window that opens, click\Cultures\​

    3. Let them fully mature on the bush. The more the tomato is connected to the bush, the better it will taste. The taste and aroma of a tomato is determined by the balance of its sugar and acid content.

    Planting seedlings of tomatoes

    It is better to start preparing a bed for planting in the autumn months. Be sure to dig the earth for tomatoes, apply the necessary fertilizers. In the autumn season, phosphorus and potash supplements can be applied, but nitrogen soil improvement is recommended in the spring. You can also add compost, about 10 kilograms per square meter.​

    Now we pour prepared soil into the boxes, compact it a little and sow tomato seeds. Sprinkle more soil on top, about 0.5-1 cm. If the sowing depth is less, sprouts may appear with a seed coat on them. (In this case, do not tear it off, but drip it with water and a little later the seed will be removed easily). The soil after sowing must be watered from the sprayer.​

    A lack of nitrogen causes changes in the color of the leaves, stems and fruits of tomatoes. The leaves become small, yellowish, the veins on the underside of the leaf acquire a red-blue hue, the fruits grow small and hard.

    Necessary feeding and care

    ​Mother solutions (kg/m3)​

    Tomato seedlings should be planted in a permanent place after the appearance of the first flower brush. The plant should have 7-8 leaves, a strong root system and about 30 cm in height. Seedlings should be transplanted vertically to a permanent place. The stem cannot be covered with earth.

    In winter, seedlings should be grown for 9 weeks, in spring - 6 weeks; in summer - 5 weeks. Before the flowering stage of the first brush, seedlings should be healthy and well developed.


    Pinch the top of the plant should be above the brush, the flowers of which have already opened. It is necessary to leave at least one more leaf above this brush, otherwise it will not fruit. Pinching can accelerate the development of the fruits remaining on the plant. After pinching, you need to continue to monitor so that stepchildren do not appear.

    - In passing, a question. Many readers ask: is it possible to use this method if tomato seedlings have already been planted in the ground in the usual way?

    Plants that bear fruit in June and July almost always go away from phytophthora. As a preventive measure, you can spray the plants with an infusion of garlic: insist 200 g of crushed cloves in 1 bucket of water, tightly closing it. Spray in 10-15 days starting from the last days of July.​

    Secrets of growing tomatoes and cucumbers in the open field

    4. Fertilize bushes at an early stage of development, and then stop feeding until the ovary has formed. Excess nitrogen fertilizer slows down the formation of ovaries. When the ovary has taken shape and formed, fertilizers will benefit the plants. Gardeners consider abundant flowering and the presence of varieties with a complex brush on the site to be the key to a good harvest. But often expectations are not justified, many flowers fall off without giving an ovary. The thing is that fruit formation largely depends on the quality of pollen and full pollination. To help the plant, mechanical additional pollination is used. This method is the most natural and accessible. It consists in shaking the plants by the stem or directly flowering inflorescence 2-3 times a week from 8 to 13 hours.

    Clay soil for growing tomatoes is best diluted with river sand, manure and peat to increase its fertility, and agronomists also advise adding mowed grass and straw to such land.

    To speed up the emergence of seedlings, plantings can be covered with a film. As soon as shoots appear, the film must be removed.

    With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves are wrapped inside.

    Stock solution A:

    Tall tomato varieties are planted in a two-line method: 100 + 60 + 45 (50) cm, plant density 2.5 pcs / sq.m. Bushes not exceeding 100-120 cm can be placed thicker: 3-3.5 pieces / sq.m. After planting, the plants must be watered.

    A separate area should be used for sowing. The nursery must be disinfected and provided with lighting, air ventilation and temperature control. It is best to separate part of the greenhouse with a film for sowing seedlings. A constant microclimate can be achieved with a double film.​

    "". The Italians were the first to try the dangerous fruits and, admiring the wonderful taste, gave the new products the second name "pomodoro" - "tomato", or "apple of gold". Since then, the victorious procession of tomatoes began in the kitchens of the whole world.

    - Not being able to get overgrown seedlings at home so that it has a thick stem, I plant it vertically in the soil of an unheated greenhouse. For some time I let it grow, get stronger, and then, almost at the stage of the beginning of fruiting, I transplant it in my own way, lying down. I note that not only are tomato plants not afraid of frequent transplants, but, on the contrary, in my opinion, they love them. After each transplant, the plants take root even better, gain strength very quickly, grow well and bear fruit abundantly.

    It is necessary to especially note such a high-yielding variety as "De Barao". The shape of the fruit resembles a chicken egg, high taste. Taken in autumn, they can be stored until January. An exceptional feature of the variety is a high yield per unit area (up to 45 kg per 1 sq.m.), cold resistance, low susceptibility to diseases, including late blight.

    In addition, you should know that tomatoes stop turning red when the weather starts to get too hot. This is because the final stage of red pigment formation is inhibited when it is too hot. If unripe fruits are removed, then their shelf life increases by an average of two days, but the quality, alas, deteriorates sharply. Brown-green tomatoes are 2-3 times poorer in vitamins, sugars, amino acids; when artificially ripened, they never accumulate nutrients in the same quantities as on the mother plant.

    In the spring, when the air temperature warms up enough, you can prepare the beds. The length and width of your beds can be any, but the distance between the rows is at least 40-50 centimeters so that the plants do not take nutrients and moisture from each other. The depth of the hole for tomatoes is approximately 15-20 centimeters. A tablespoon of superphosphate and a small handful of ash are placed in the hole, then watered abundantly.

    Boxes with seedlings should stand in a very lit place. If the seedlings begin to stretch, then it does not have enough light. In this case, fix additional lighting above the landings, 1 40 W fluorescent lamp is enough for 1 square meter. If there is no way to hang the lamp, you can compensate for the lack of lighting by applying potash fertilizers.​

    Potassium deficiency causes curling of young leaves and burns of old ones.

    Calcium nitrate - 63.7;

    A few days after planting, the plants must be tied to a twine stretched vertically. This operation should be carried out at least once a week. Having tied up a seedling, you must immediately begin to form a plant.

    If cassettes are used for seedlings, then they should be with drainage holes at the bottom. Several types of seed substrate are used. The most popular is compost made from a mixture of peat and sand. Seeds are best sown on greenhouse racks.

    Rot of tops and fruits (late blight) is a very dangerous disease of tomatoes, most often appears in rainy summers. Leaves turn brown and die. Brown and even black spots form on the fruits, and they rot and crack. Affected fruits become poisonous and inedible. Late blight can easily spread to potatoes.

    - Our readers are interested in the rationale for your method.

    The De Barao variety grows well and bears fruit in apartment conditions. Vegetable growers, who have been testing many varieties of tomatoes for decades, have come to the conclusion that De Barao is the best variety of tomatoes. Growing the De Barao variety has its own characteristics. It requires a more nutritious potting mix, both for seedlings and for potting. The mixture for seedlings consists of two parts of horse manure humus and one part of sod land. To this mass add 10% sand, half a liter of ash and half a glass of double superphosphate per bucket of the mixture. The soil mixture must be prepared in September so that it has time to freeze well in winter. At the end of January, the mixture is thawed, at the beginning of February - processing and hardening of seeds, then sowing is carried out. The first pick at the stage of two true leaves is carried out in the apartment, the second - in the greenhouse in early April - in the phase of 3-4 true leaves. From May 2 to May 10, seedlings are planted in open ground. Planting pits are made with a volume of 10 m. 3 liters of nutrient mixture are poured into each (half a liter of wood ash, half a glass of superphosphate, half a glass of nitroammophos, 50 g of potassium magnesia per humus bucket), and when the nutrient mixture is absorbed, add another 3 liters of water. Mix the mixture with the soil and plant the seedlings, deepening it along the cotyledon leaves. An hour after planting, water each plant with 1.5 liters of water, mulch with humus, this will save you from having to loosen the soil. Feeding is not required throughout the growing season - plants have a large supply of root food. To speed up the process of fruit ripening, you can add half a liter of ash and a glass of double superphosphate to the humus during the last mulching for every 10 liters. Plants are formed into three stems and placed in a checkerboard pattern with a distance between plants of 70 cm. The maximum height of plants after pinching should be up to 2 meters.

    How to grow a high yield of tomatoes

    Planting tomatoes in open ground is no less important than sowing seeds for seedlings. Planting of seedlings is carried out no later than the 20th of May, but in each region the dates may vary slightly. Plants are ready for transplanting if they have reached 20-25 centimeters in height, and you see that the root system is sufficiently formed. It is better to moisten the prepared seedlings before planting them in the ground. Try not to damage the roots when embedding in the soil, so carefully place the plants along with the clod of earth in the hole.

    When the plants have two true leaves, the seedlings need to dive (seed), that is, carefully remove the plants from the common box and plant each in a separate cup - the roots need more space to grow. First, pour an incomplete glass of soil, it is better to add it later as the plant grows, so that additional lateral roots form on the stem.

    With a lack of calcium, young leaves become covered with yellow spots, old leaves increase in size and become dark green. Often in these cases, plants undergo vertex rot, especially at high humidity.

    Potassium nitrate - 10.0;

    1.5-2 months after planting, it is necessary to begin the gradual removal of the lower leaves of the seedling, which cause air stagnation in the surface zone, which can subsequently lead to plant diseases. This operation is carried out at least once a week. For 1 time, you can remove no more than 3 leaves. 24 hours after removing the leaves, the plant must be watered.

    If water is retained in the garden due to insufficient drainage, the seedlings may be infected with a "black leg".

    In turn, the common tomato is divided into cultivated, semi-cultural and wild species. There are more than 2000 varieties of common tomato.​

    Prevention measures are very simple: first of all, tomatoes should be planted in warm, sunny, open, well-ventilated areas. It is advisable to spray the plants with copper-containing preparations for preventive purposes, but the fruits after such treatment must be washed before use. Affected plants must be immediately removed and burned.

    - Tomatoes are, of course, not bread, not potatoes and not meat. But people need them. They are loved both fresh and canned, therefore, significant areas are allocated for their cultivation. If, however, the yield of tomatoes is sharply increased, then it is possible to have this vegetable in the required quantities and at the same time free up significant areas for growing other crops.

    How to get 50-60 tomatoes from each bush

    Each gardener can get 30 and even 45 kg of tomatoes per square meter in open ground conditions. The technology for growing tomato seedlings is available to most gardeners, it does not require large expenses, and the first ripe fruits can be obtained on June 20-25.
    If your varieties of tomatoes are undersized, then put the seedling straight and compact it well with earth from above, but we plant tall and medium-sized tomatoes obliquely, and also cover it tightly with earth from above. It happens that the seedlings have stretched or outgrown by the time of planting, then feel free to cut off the lower leaves and deepen them into the hole. Stick pre-prepared stakes near the root, or so that you can then tie up your tomatoes.

    A couple of weeks before planting seedlings in open ground, they begin to harden it. If possible, move it to a cooler, but not cold, place. Reduce watering.​

    In cases of sulfur starvation, the leaves first turn pale green, then turn yellow or even red. Sulfur starvation appears first on young leaves. Plant stems become too brittle and brittle.

    Ammonium nitrate - 4.0;

    ​When seedlings are sown directly into the soil, the seeds should not be sown too thickly so that the seedlings are not too thin and weak. Sowing is best done in rows to make the most of the lighting.​

    The tomato is an annual plant with an erect or decumbent pubescent or bare stem and unpaired pinnately dissected leaves. The inflorescence of a tomato is a simple, uncomplicated or polysyllabic curl. Inflorescences can be small or large in various shades of yellow. The ovaries come in different sizes and shapes: round, elongated, smooth and ribbed. Fruits - large or small berries of round, elongated, ellipsoid, pear-shaped, oval shape. The color of the fruit can be extremely diverse: white, all shades of yellow, orange, red and even black and red. Tomatoes contain soluble sugars, organic acids, pectins, vitamins and minerals.

    ​To introduce a new method, no additional material costs are required, you just need to understand the nature of the tomato plant. Unfortunately, plants cannot speak. If the tomato spoke, he would tell that, having intervened in the life of the plant, the person did not think through everything to the end. With the help of ropes, stakes, he made the plant grow vertically so that it occupies a smaller area. Well, that's not bad. But if a cucumber or grapes can grow well and bear fruit abundantly, being planted vertically, while holding both the plant itself and its numerous fruits due to the fact that wildlife itself provided the so-called “whiskers” for this purpose, then a tomato plant of such It does not have a mustache, and therefore it is not suitable for vertical cultivation. The tomato plant all the time tends to the ground in order to live a normal life, determined by nature, but it is not allowed to do this by the ropes on which the plant is suspended. It does not die, grows and even bears fruit, taking care of the offspring.

    One bush of tomatoes can be grown on two roots - and the place is saved, and the harvest will be more abundant. Thus, you can get up to 50-60 good large tomatoes from each bush. The variety does not matter.

    Seed preparation begins at the end of January. First, the seeds must be heated at a temperature of 55-60 ° C, then placed in a 3% solution of table salt, mix well. For sowing, only those seeds that have settled to the bottom are used, they must be washed with running water, and then placed in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) for 20 minutes. Then rinse again and dry at room temperature for one hour. After that, the seeds are soaked in a solution of micronutrient fertilizers - a quarter of a tablet per 2.5 liters of water or in an ash extract for 12 hours. Next, the seeds must be hardened - wet seeds wrapped in gauze alternately (for 12 hours) are kept at room temperature and at a temperature of minus 1-2 ° C. Hardening is carried out within 12 days. After that, the seeds are sown in boxes in the first half of February. The soil mixture should be prepared in the summer. It consists of sod land, manure humus and lowland peat - 1 bucket of each component. The mixture is seasoned with fertilizers: nitroammiphos - 100 g, double superphosphate - 200 g, potassium magnesia - 100 g and ash from burning tomato tops 1.5 liters. The mixture is saturated with nutrients in the fall, before freezing. The thawed mixture is poured into boxes with a layer of 6-8 cm and seeds are laid out in shallow holes, sprinkled with soil, moistened and covered with a film. The boxes are placed in a warm place with a constant temperature of 25-28 ° C.

    When planting tomatoes, do not forget about the air temperature, if the nights are still too cold, cover your seedlings for the night. Shelter is not difficult to make, install iron or wooden arcs along your garden bed and cover with a film or spunbond.

    Seedlings are planted in the ground in May-June, depending on which region you live in. In any case, the risk of returning frosts should be minimal, or be prepared to cover the tomatoes with a covering material.

    Boron deficiency causes blackening of the growing point of the stem. New leaves begin to grow at the bottom of the stem, the cuttings of young leaves are fragile. The fruits are affected by brown spots.

    Iron chelate (9%) 0.56.​

    When 7-9 brushes are formed on the plant, it can reach the length of the upper trellis, but the growth of some varieties of tomatoes may continue. One of the most popular ways to form a seedling is tossing the plant over a trellis. After that, it should be carefully lowered and tied to the stems of neighboring plants.

    Immediately before sowing, the substrate should be thoroughly moistened. After sowing, the substrate should be covered with a 5 mm layer of vermiculite, sand or peat and a film to maintain soil moisture. If necessary, the plastic film can be replaced with paper or jute.​

    Patlakh V.V. Penza, 1996

    - But even in such a state, which you think is abnormal for tomatoes, gardeners get quite good results.

    To do this, seeds are planted in one container close to each other - at a distance of no more than 1 cm. When the seedlings grow and the thickness of the stem becomes large enough, the top layer of the stems of two adjacent plants is removed with a sharp razor from the side that they face each other, to expose the cambium. The length of the incision is 2-3 centimeters. After that, the plants are tilted towards each other so that the exposed sections of the stems are aligned, and tightly wrap this place with a ribbon of film about 1 cm wide. Then such plants are grown as ordinary seedlings.

    Usually shoots appear after 3 days.

    The first top dressing of tomatoes can already be carried out 7-10 days after planting seedlings in the ground. Manure has always been considered the best and most effective fertilizer, because. it is he who increases the number of fruits on your plants, but this type of fertilizer is not available to everyone, so we buy many top dressings and fertilizers in stores.​

    When planting seedlings in the ground, the plant is carefully removed from the cup and placed in a prepared hole, which is preferably pre-spill with warm water. The plant is lowered into the hole to the cotyledon leaves and sprinkled around with earth, compacting it a little.

    With a lack of molybdenum, tomato leaves turn yellow and twist up, the entire leaf plate is affected by chlorosis.

    Stock solution B:

    A plant with a high degree of vegetative development must have at least 15 leaves and 8 brushes with fruits. The normal frequency is the formation of 1 brush per week. Between the brushes should grow at least 3 leaves. A plant is considered overloaded if more than 8 racemes bloom on it. In this case, enhancing the generative development of the plant should be avoided.

    To prevent overheating, the beds can be covered with white polystyrene foam plates.

    Tomatoes are heat-loving plants that die with a sharp drop in temperature. Seeds germinate at a temperature of 20-25 degrees C. Seedlings should be kept for a week at a temperature of 10-12 degrees C during the day and 8-10 degrees C at night. Tomatoes begin to bloom at a temperature of about 20 degrees C. The most optimal conditions for good growth and development are at least 25 degrees C with an air humidity of 50% and 70% of the total moisture capacity of the soil. Plants can be grown in fertile, loose soil with an acidity of about 4.5. Growing tomatoes in open ground. Harvest guarantee is, first of all, high-quality seeds. Seeds of tomato varieties Roma, Diablo, Ikarus, Profitable business, Elko F1, Kaspar F1, Express F1, Kamila F1, President F1, Ronco F1, Rio Grande, Rio Fuego, recommended for Ukrainian conditions, do not require pre-sowing treatment, unlike domestic seeds , since the seeds are treated and treated with pesticides, which provides optimal conditions for seed germination, protects it from diseases and pests at the first stages of development. To obtain early production, seedlings in open ground should be planted when the plants have the first inflorescence. These are approximately 65-70 day old seedlings. Therefore, the seeds must be sown at the following times: in Polissya and in the Forest-Steppe - the end of February, in the Steppe - the middle of February, and in the western regions - the beginning of March. Roma, Diablo, Ikarus, Rio Grande, Rio Fuego, as well as Elko F1, Caspar F1, Express F1, Camila F1, President F1 varieties are suitable for this purpose. Tomatoes for later use are Profitable, Ronco F1. Seeds are sown in boxes with pre-prepared soil mixture. It should be easily permeable to air and at the same time rich in nutrients. To do this, mix sand, soddy soil and humus in a ratio of 1:1:2. Sowing is carried out to a depth of 1.5-2.0 cm, the distance between rows is 5 cm, in a row between seeds - 2-3 cm. Seeds are carefully sown, watered with warm rainwater. In order to create optimal conditions for seed germination, the boxes are covered with a transparent plastic film. After sowing the seeds, it is necessary to try to maintain the temperature of the soil 23-25, and the air 23-250C. Some amateur vegetable growers very often make a mistake: they rearrange the boxes with the seeds sown in them to a warm place in the room, a central heating battery, a stove - and forget about them. At this time, shoots appear, plants without light are drawn out, stretch out. Therefore, when the first shoots appear, the plants should be placed closer to the light, remove the film and, if possible, reduce the growing temperature for a week: at night 10-12 0C, and in the daytime 15-160C. This will promote intensive growth of the root system and reduce the growth of the above-ground parts of plants. After a week, the cultivation temperature should be raised: up to 20-22 0C and at night 12-140C. When the first true leaf appears, it is necessary to pick the seedlings. When picking, the plants are transplanted into the ground (5 parts of humus and 1 part of soddy soil). For 1 bucket of soil, you need to add the following mineral fertilizers: 15 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulphate. We remind you that one tablespoon contains: 12 g of ammonium nitrate or 18 g of granulated superphosphate, 19 g of potassium sulphate. Plants are transplanted into peat-humus pots with a diameter of 7-10 cm. You can also plant plants in paper or film pots made by yourself. If there are no pots, you can use large boxes, up to 15 cm deep. The planting pattern in the box should be 10x10 cm. The plant is carefully dug from the soil, one third of the main root is split off, planted in prepared soil so that the cotyledons are placed on the surface of the soil . The soil around the plant is carefully tamped with your fingers. It is watered with water at room temperature and brought into a dark place for 2 days, which will contribute to a better engraftment of plants. A week later, after diving, the first feeding of plants is carried out, and 10-14 days after it, the next one. To do this, 6-8 g of ammonium nitrate, 20-25 g of potassium sulphate and 25-35 g of superphosphate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. After each feeding, the plants should be thoroughly watered with warm water. Irrigation water will wash away mineral fertilizer residues that can cause plant burns. During cultivation, the plants must be periodically watered with warm water. In this case, you should try to irrigate only the soil so that moisture does not get on the plants. Twice a week, seedlings should be turned in different directions to the light. When growing seedlings in boxes, 10-14 days before planting the seedlings, cut the soil in the middle of the row spacing with a knife to a depth of 10-12 cm for better rooting of the soil. Plants are hardened two weeks before planting. For this purpose, watering is stopped, boxes and pots with seedlings begin to be taken out into the fresh air, starting from 2-3 hours a day, gradually increasing the period of exposure to fresh air, and at the end of the hardening period, the plants must be outdoors around the clock. A few days before planting in open ground, the plants are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid. To prepare 10 liters of solution, 100 g of quicklime is quenched in 9 liters of water, and 100 g of copper sulfate is dissolved in 1 liter. A solution of copper sulfate, with continuous stirring, is poured into a solution of lime. To check the correctness of the preparation, a metal nail should be placed in the solution for 10-15 minutes. If glimpses of copper are visible on the nail, a portion of quicklime should also be added. The consumption rate of the solution is 5 liters per 100 square meters. m area. Planting seedlings. Tomato is a light and heat-loving crop, so it is necessary to allocate the best places in your garden for it. Tomatoes are planted after crops under which fresh manure was applied: cabbage, cucumbers, sweet corn. You can not grow tomatoes after nightshade (peppers, eggplant, potatoes). Tomatoes return to the same growing place no earlier than 3-4 years. Soil preparation begins with the collection of the remains of the previous crop. In autumn, the soil is dug up or plowed to a depth of 25-27 cm with the simultaneous application of 300-500 kg / 100 sq. m of humus, 25-30 kg / 100 sq. m of superphosphate, 25-30 kg / 100 sq. m of potassium sulphate. Fresh manure is not recommended for tomatoes, as it contains a lot of nitrogen, an excess of which will lead to increased growth of the vegetative mass and a decrease in the number of flowers. In the spring, at the first opportunity to go into the field, you should close the moisture by harrowing with the simultaneous introduction of ammonium nitrate: 2-3 kg / 100 sq. m. Since ammonium nitrate is a readily soluble fertilizer, during the autumn-spring period it can be washed out with rainwater from the soil ball accessible to the root system of plants. Tomato seedlings should be planted when the threat of spring frosts has passed: in the Steppe - this is, as a rule, from April 20-30, in the Forest-Steppe - from May 1-15, in Polesie - from May 5-20. Before sampling, the plants must be well watered. During planting, it is necessary to prevent direct exposure to sunlight. Seedlings of the varieties Roma, Diablo, Ikarus, Rio Grande, Rio Fuego (if the seedling method of cultivation is used), hybrids Elko F1, Caspar F1, Express F1, Camila F1, President F1 are planted first in terms of timing, 5-7 days after that - Profitable case, Ronco F1. The distance between rows should be 70-80 cm, and between plants in a row depends on the hybrid: seedlings of Roma, Diablo, Rio Grande, Rio Fuego plant 350-370 plants per 1 weave, Ikarus, Yelko F1, Caspar F1, Express F1, Camila F1, President F1 - 300-350 plants, Profitable business, Ronco F1 - 230-250 plants. If the seedling has outgrown, it is planted a little obliquely. 1-2 days after planting the seedlings, the planting is checked, new plants from the reserve are planted instead of the dead plants. Watering the soil after planting is not recommended, as water will lower the temperature of the soil, which will negatively affect the development of the root system and will contribute to the formation of soil crust. Therefore, it is better to add 0.5 liters of water to each hole at the time of planting. After 7-10 days, the first loosening of the row spacing is carried out with the simultaneous removal of weeds. In total, 5-6 loosenings are carried out during the season, spending the last one before closing the rows. Loosening is carried out after rains and watering. Hilling the lower part of plants with moist soil promotes the formation of additional roots, which improves the supply of nutrients, increases the resistance of plants to lodging. Therefore, 2 hillings are carried out, if possible, combining them with loosening of row spacings. The first hilling is carried out 15-20 days after planting seedlings. The second - 20-30 days after the first. A prerequisite for a good harvest is sufficient mineral nutrition for plants. After all, a plant for its growth and development requires not only light energy, moisture, but also nutrients. For this purpose, 2-3 plant feedings are carried out. Top dressing should be combined with watering. The first feeding is carried out during the mass flowering of 1 bunch of plants. To do this, 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. For 1 sq. m use 5-6 liters of working solution. After fertilizing, the plants are watered. The second top dressing is carried out during the mass filling of fruits. For 10 liters of water, 15 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium sulphate are used. The consumption rate of the solution is 5-6 l / sq. m. When watering, it should be watered so that the plants are dry and the soil is moist. Since wet plants are susceptible to disease, plants should be watered infrequently, but at increased rates. A particularly large amount of moisture is required during flowering and filling. The irrigation rate during this period can be up to 5 liters of water per 1 sq. m. An important element in the agricultural technology of tomatoes is the fight against diseases and pests. Late blight has been a real natural disaster for tomatoes in recent years. At the first detection of signs of this disease, plants should be immediately treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture or 0.4-0.5% solution of chemicals: copper oxychloride or cuprosan (4-5 grams of the drug per 1 liter of water). Treatments should be carried out every 10 days, stopping 20 days before harvest. To control pests (Colorado potato beetle, cutworms), plants should be sprayed with a 0.04% solution of decis 2.5% emulsion concentrate or other similar preparations. By following the advice of Cowell®, you will be able to grow an extraordinary crop of tomatoes, from which you and your family will receive sincere satisfaction. How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes Video about cucumbers But what they probably came up with in America http:/ / But probably in China. In Kiev, they sell the structure itself for 10-12 Euros. But you can make it yourself from a pipe and a plastic bucket or a sewn tarpaulin - so that the earth breathes inside. But you can’t deceive nature - they reach for the sun. The best cucumbers for open ground