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  • When to pick tomatoes. When is it better to dive tomatoes after germination: dates and recommendations Picking seedlings in April

    When to pick tomatoes.  When is it better to dive tomatoes after germination: dates and recommendations Picking seedlings in April

    Experienced gardeners and summer residents know when to dive tomatoes after germination, but those who are just starting to get acquainted with such an activity cannot always understand when it is time to carry out such work. For this, recommendations are being made for picking tomatoes and the time that is most suitable for this in order to help people reap a rich and healthy harvest.

    Picking tomatoes according to the lunar calendar 2017 and emerging problems

    Experts say that picking should be carried out after the first pair of true leaves appear. This usually happens a week after the first shoots have appeared.

    Some difficulties may arise:

    1. Young tomatoes with one root after a dive can recover over a long period of time.
    2. Shortening large sprouts, you may encounter another problem. The roots of neighboring tomatoes tend to intertwine, which complicates the picking. Each seedling should have a voluminous clod of earth near the root, in which case the process will pass without complications.

    Some manufacturers write the dates of the most significant stages on the packages with seeds. You can refer to them, and also do not forget about the lunar calendar.

    An early dive will not lead to good results. The process will be very difficult. Later planting will not result in root entanglement due to the fact that their development is still insignificant.

    In April 2017, days from the 12th to the 16th are suitable for diving. In the first decade of the month, it is worth picking early ripe tomato varieties.

    The first pick of tomatoes in March 2017

    When should seedling picking be carried out? Gardeners prefer to focus on the lunar calendar. In it you can find suitable days for diving, as well as days on which you should not work.

    Some adhere to the rule of planting plants on the "women's days" of the lunar calendar. The one who dives tomatoes, based on this calendar, should pay attention to the days favorable for this.

    It's no secret that picking is best done in March. A couple of days before the new moon and a couple of days after are good for this. The moon must be waning.

    In 2017, the days will come:

    • March 12 at full moon;
    • 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 15th - the most suitable period for diving.

    When planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is necessary to postpone this event until the end of April or the beginning of May. The weather will be more suitable for planting.

    Do I need a pick and when to dive tomato seedlings

    Many people think that plants do not need picking. Gardeners select special varieties for which this process is not necessary, but the result is not always satisfactory.

    Dive is necessary because:

    1. Closely planted seedlings do not grow evenly. Each of them interferes with the other and obscures the light of neighboring shoots.
    2. Dive helps to choose the best planting material. After thinning the seedlings, the strongest is taken, then it is transferred to a separate cup. His growth will immediately accelerate, since nothing will interfere with him.
    3. Dive helps to get rid of sick and weak seedlings. This helps to control seedlings at an early stage of development.
    4. In the absence of a dive, the roots of seedlings can intertwine, which will make transplanting more difficult, and the likelihood of injury to plants during their transfer to open ground will increase.

    The best time for a dive can be considered the time when the plant has formed 4-5 true leaves. This happens about a month after sowing. During these periods, seedlings and the root system have time to become strong.

    There is an opinion that diving helps to achieve a bountiful harvest. There are gardeners who carry it out more than once.

    Those who are against picking argue that this procedure harms the roots, and the plant will take a long time to recover during transplanting into the ground.

    How to correctly and when tomatoes dive

    Tomatoes are the most beloved and popular vegetables on our tables. During their growth, they require attention and care and it is very important to provide them at every stage of plant development.

    Proper diving should be done as follows:

    1. Seedlings dive into peat pots. They have suitable material so that when transferred to open soil, it is not necessary to remove seedlings from them.
    2. It is necessary that in the pots the soil be filled by a third. You can take a universal soil and mix it with garden soil. This will help the seedling to get comfortable in the future in the open field. For easier extraction of seedlings during the day, watering is stopped.
    3. In the ground it is necessary to make holes with a pencil.
    4. The seedling is removed and transferred to a pot, then it is covered.
    5. At the end of the process, the pickled seedlings are watered with an infusion of egg shells.

    In case of poor heating of the soil and a temperature of less than +8 ° C, planting in a greenhouse is postponed until a more suitable time.

    You can make a pot for seedlings yourself. A cut plastic bottle, disposable paper or plastic cup will do. The diameter of the pot should be 8-14 cm, and the height - 10-16 cm.

    During planting in the greenhouse, the seedlings should have a sufficient number of leaves (about 10), as well as a certain number of inflorescences that have begun.

    Features of the process and when tomato seedlings dive

    Gardeners who practice picking believe that the procedure strengthens the plant and helps the root system develop better.

    The dive will depend on the climatic zone in which the vegetables are planted. On average, the procedure is carried out in April.

    The first transplant should be carried out in a glass with a size of 150 ml. In it, the growth of tomatoes will occur for about 2 weeks.

    There are several dive features:

    1. Comfort for seedlings will provide a pot with a size of 0.5 or 1 liter. It is not worth transplanting into large containers, they can retain moisture, helping to develop mold. The soil can also turn sour.
    2. When the seedlings grow up, they need to be fertilized with the help of biological additives. A couple of days before the dive, the soil is moistened.
    3. To remove a seedling from a common pot, you need to use an auxiliary tool. For a small plant, you can take a match.
    4. The deepening of a tomato during transplantation can be carried out to the leaves of the cotyledon. This will help stretch the stem.

    In short, diving is a technique used when growing seedlings. The young plant is given a large area to feed, where the seedling grows and forms a root system.

    When to dive tomatoes (video)

    Any gardener will be happy with a healthy and plentiful harvest. Everyone has their own methods of growing, diving and baiting with fertilizers. Growing vegetables on your windowsill, in a greenhouse or open field is a kind of art, by investing your soul, time and effort into it, you can get not only the joy of the process, but also delicious fruits that will delight relatives and friends.

    Breeding home seedlings is an interesting activity, but not easy, young seedlings are quite capricious and require careful and careful care. The roots of young plants are tender, very sensitive to transplantation. Experienced gardeners recommend picking in the early stages of cultivation, then in the future the seedlings will be more hardy and strong. It is especially recommended to use the lunar calendar in March, when active work begins at the summer cottage, because how successful the selection of seeds, their planting, picking, care and planting in open soil will be, depends on getting a big harvest. In our article we will talk about auspicious days for picking seedlings in March 2018.

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    Auspicious days for picking seedlings in March 2018

    After planting the seeds, the first seedlings appear after 10-14 days. And you can dive plants when they have two true leaves, and this is at least 2-2.5 weeks. Therefore, picking tomatoes this year should be done no earlier than a month after sowing the seeds in containers.

    Phases of the Moon in March 2018

    • March 1 - the growing moon;
    • March 2 - full moon;
    • from March 3 to March 16 - the waning moon;
    • March 17 - new moon;
    • from March 18 to March 30 - the growing moon;
    • March 31 - full moon.

    Is it possible to dive seedlings on a waning moon

    Our ancestors were guided not only by the change of seasons when planting seedlings, but also by the phases of the moon. The influence of the moon on nature as a whole was proven back in the 19th century by German philosophers. They found that high tides occur when the moon is far away - it decreases, that is, the Earth moves away from it with its hemisphere in a given period, but low tides occur when the Moon is full - as it were, attracts liquids and pliable materials to itself. The influence of the satellite of our planet on plants and water is most noticeable, while solid materials remain relatively stable. Gardeners advise planting and replanting plants on a waxing moon or a full moon - seedlings are striving up with renewed vigor.

    What happens on the waning moon:

    • Plant juices move down;
    • Roots and root crops are saturated and develop.

    Advantages of picking seedlings and preparing for it

    The main advantage of transplanting tomatoes is that it allows you to choose healthier and stronger plants, group them, change the soil in a new container. All this affects the efficiency of the future harvest.

    After choosing a variety, producer and number of seeds, they are determined with a container for sowing. It can be: cardboard glasses; plastic boxes; peat tablets; dense polyethylene products.

    The choice of the installation site for containers with future seedlings at home is also individual. From February to mid-March, seedlings can be placed where there is sufficient penetration of sunlight: on the window; on the glazed loggia; in a greenhouse. First, it is worth checking the seeds for germination by lowering them into a solution of 3-5% sodium chloride with water.

    Seeds that have settled to the bottom will have excellent germination rates. Sowing according to the lunar phases gives dense vegetation. Small seedlings do not interfere with each other as long as there is enough space, light, and life-giving elements. With growth, natural selection is activated, and a strong process begins to suppress the weak one. Survivors will reach for the light, stop growing. If you do not dive seedlings, then you can not expect a big harvest. After all, weakened seedlings in the struggle "for a place under the sun" will be unproductive.

    In what cases is it necessary to pick seedlings

    If you want to get seedlings with a strong root system: picking promotes the development of lateral roots.

    If you sowed the seeds not in personal pots, but in a common box: picking into separate containers will save you from braiding the roots and facilitate the subsequent planting of seedlings in a permanent place.

    If there are more shoots of seedlings than planned: picking will allow you to select the best and healthiest seedlings, and get rid of the extra ones.

    If diseased plants appear: picking into a new soil can save seedlings that have not yet been infected from fungal infections, the causative agents of which may be in the soil.

    If it is necessary to stop the growth of seedlings: sometimes adult seedlings dive when there is a danger of overgrowing. Transplanting will help delay the development of plants.

    What cultures do not tolerate picking

    • plants with a tap root system (poppies, aquilegia, mallow). It is better to grow them immediately in separate pots, and if picking is carried out, then at an early stage of development and only by the “transshipment” method.
    • pumpkin (pumpkin, zucchini, melon). They are grown in individual containers and the stages of three or four true leaves are immediately planted in open ground.

    Lunar calendar for planting seedlings in March 2018

    Of course, there are gardeners who only sow seedlings in March, so the Lunar calendar for planting seedlings in March 2018 is very important for them. Many gardeners one way or another are guided by favorable days for starting work. Therefore, the days below, which indicate when and what can be planted, will help you navigate.

    Favorable landing days in March 2018

    • Cucumbers - 5, 20, 21, 24, 25;
    • Tomatoes - 5, 6, 7, 15, 20, 21, 24, 25;
    • Eggplant - 5, 6, 15, 20, 21, 24, 25;
    • Radish, radish - 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15;
    • Sweet pepper - 5, 6, 10, 11, 20, 21, 24, 25;
    • Greens are different - 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 21;
    • Cabbage - 10, 11, 15, 20, 21, 24, 25.

    Growing seedlings is an important stage of garden work, which begins long before work directly on the plot. Seedlings must first be sown, provided with proper care, good growing conditions. It needs to be watered and fed in time, and also dive in time, that is, seated in more spacious containers.

    Many gardeners prefer to correlate garden work with the lunar calendar, rightly believing that this night luminary has its effect on plants. So picking seedlings is best done on the most favorable days for this. Set aside other things and take time to seedlings, then the picking will go smoothly, the seedlings will remain strong and healthy.

    When to dive seedlings?

    A variety of plants occurs in the spring months - and. If you follow the lunar calendar, then it is best to dive seedlings on the so-called growth days. Every year these are different days, because the moon lives according to its own calendar. How is the Lunar calendar compiled and the days favorable for certain works are determined? First, the phase of the moon is taken into account. Do not work on a full moon or a new moon. Certain types of gardening work are done on the waning and rising moon.

    Also, the Moon can be in certain signs of the zodiac at different times. Each of them also has its own element and is responsible for certain activities. In combination, all this allows you to determine good days for certain jobs, including diving.

    You can carry out the analysis yourself, but there are specially created lunar calendars. According to them, the most favorable days for diving seedlings in 2018 are:

    • in March - 12th, 13th, 16th, 17th, 21st;
    • in April - 9, 12-14 numbers.

    Any of these days is ideal for diving seedlings.

    Dive technology

    It is important not only to dive seedlings on time, but also to correctly follow the technology of this operation.

    1. The first step is to prepare a container of suitable size, fertile soil, a small scoop and fabric gloves. Note that seedlings should always be held only by the roots and the lower part of the stem.
    2. Separate the stems from the soil with a small scoop, you can use a teaspoon or even a toothpick if the sprouts are very small. In the container where the sprouts will be transplanted, you need to make a recess, and then place the seedlings in it along with a clod of earth.
    3. Dive seedlings in different ways. You can transplant the sprouts into one large container, then the distance between them should be sufficient. Ideally, seedlings should be transplanted in separate containers.
    4. The soil around the seedling should be compacted and moistened. Water for irrigation is used only at room temperature.

    Seedling picking is usually performed twice. Two to three weeks pass from the moment of the first manipulation to the second picking - the exact period depends on the type of plants grown.

    Summer residents are already actively implementing various methods of agricultural technology in order to get seedlings of garden crops and flowers by the right time, but there are also newcomers among them. The latter are very afraid of doing something wrong - somewhere they lack knowledge, somewhere they lack skills. But everything comes with experience, and accuracy when working with seedlings does not hurt, because they are so fragile. So, to help beginners, our today's article on the topic - when and how the picking of tomatoes takes place, let's talk about technology, about the dates in March, April 2018 according to the lunar calendar. The information is useful and necessary for everyone who.

    On a note!

    Many inexperienced summer residents ask the question - is it possible, without picking at all? Yes, but subject to immediately separate planting or planting in cups of 2-3 seeds, followed by the removal of weak seedlings from the container.

    Let's start with the basics. Many do not even know the meaning of the word - picking. Simply put, it is division or thinning. Since we are talking about tomatoes, this is the separation of seedlings, which have already managed to get a little stronger into separate cups. Containers can be different - plastic, peat, thick cardboard, simple cut packaging for dairy products. To whomever. Seedlings dive into the new soil, which must be prepared in advance and must be pickled, but more on that later.

    What is this action for, newbies ask? In order for your seedlings to grow quickly, be strong, healthy, receive enough nutrition and light. Seedlings are also hard and stuffy in one tray when they grow, like people in a cramped bus. Everyone needs their own space, air.

    So here are the young tomatoes - when they just sprout, they are quite frail, the roots are small, but every day the process goes on. Soon, the root shoots grow, the leaves open, the soil becomes not only crowded, but also there is little nutrition. After all, you understand that seedlings feed from the soil. So, if you leave everything in its place, then very soon you will begin to notice the first alarming bells - the seedlings are stretched out, twisted, wither, grow poorly and their leaves become smaller. As a result, it is simply impossible to plant seedlings in open ground - they are stunted and will quickly die. We will draw further conclusions from this.

    The positive side of the pick

    • By transplanting into a new soil, you also give a new nutrition - it is balanced and saturated.
    • You give growth and development to the root system, and only healthy roots can provide a good green mass from above.
    • The seedlings are free and at the top, that is, they do not crowd each other, do not bend, do not break.
    • Good nutrition is a strong stem and resources for growing roots and leaves.
    • Seedling immunity will be much higher.

    We hope that we have already answered this part of the question well, and all newcomers have no question, and maybe they will grow up like that. No, if you don’t want to mess around, you’re afraid to break fragile seedlings, then either immediately plant them in separate containers - now there is a lot of everything for this on sale, or simply don’t grow seedlings. But everything comes with experience, and picking soon ceases to frighten young gardeners. If you want to plant seeds in different containers, then there are peat tablets and cups made of plastic, paper, cardboard for this. But there is another important aspect in this matter - the timing of picking tomatoes.

    Auspicious days according to the lunar calendar

    What is this well-known sowing calendar, is it so important? You may also have this question. Of course, it is important - after all, since school we know that our satellite, the moon, affects us and many processes on the planet. Including plants, which is why scientists have created a calendar for summer residents to help, which not only tells about planting dates every year, but also gives recommendations on all methods of agricultural technology. Including picking.

    So, in order to properly divide seedlings in March 2018, you must do this during the period - from the 19th to the 24th, as well as March 27-28. This is the most auspicious time. But if you sowed the seeds late, your seedlings have just begun to grow, they are very fragile, then picking during this period will not bring a positive result. It is better to wait until the seedlings get stronger and plant them in April. Nothing wrong with that. pick tomato in April can be made: 5–7, 9–11, 19, 20, 23–25.

    For information!

    If you suddenly do not have time to do everything on specific dates of the lunar calendar, then just stick to the main rule - on the new moon and full moon it is better not to do anything either with seedlings or on the site.

    Read also:

    Picking methods

    Very often, inexperienced summer residents confuse the two main methods of transferring to a new place. It's about transplanting and transshipment. These are completely different methods of agricultural technology and you should always carefully read what is recommended in the article or the manufacturer on the packaging so as not to harm the seedlings. So, let's figure it out.


    This is a commonly used concept, and people refer to everything as a transplant, as a rule. However, in reality, this technique involves the transfer of a seedling or flower, yes, even a tree from one place to another with the cleansing of the earth from the root system. That is, the earthen ball collapses, and bare roots remain. When this method is relevant:

    • if the seedlings are sick, and the reason may be rotten roots, and you need to see them in order to process them;
    • when the lump just crumbled during transshipment;
    • when you need to completely replace the soil - it is acidic, infected, poor, and so on.

    So only in this case the transplant will be relevant. And remember, whenever you transplant crops, you always need to observe the timing of picking, both tomatoes and all living plants and trees.


    This method is often called sparing, since the roots are practically not injured, and the seedlings quickly adapt to a new place and give growth and development. As you can understand, here the earthen ball remains on the root system. To do this, it is well moistened before picking for 1-2 hours. All actions are very accurate, the new soil should be nutritious and the container should be larger. Actual for all plants and crops that have delicate roots, weak, do not tolerate transplantation.

    Good to know!

    In general, tomatoes are a culture that tolerates a pick quite easily, while you can do it more than once. They respond well to all supplements, rather than the same capricious eggplants and peppers.

    Step-by-step picking of tomato seedlings

    So, it's time to get down to the most important thing. Just so you can understand, for fragile seedlings, of course, it is always better to use the transshipment method. So, it will quickly take over and begin to bear fruit earlier.

    The scheme of actions will be something like this:

    • a container with young seedlings, which already have 3-4 leaves - this is about 3-4 weeks after sowing, spill well with warm water;
    • the trays should stand and soak, after which first outline the strongest seedlings, where there are more leaves and the stem is thicker;
    • start with them. But in no case do not just pull your seedlings by the top of your head. You need to take a narrow spatula or with the back of a spoon pry a seedling under the very bottom and remove it from the tray;
    • cups should already be prepared in advance, and it is better that they be 0.4-0.5 liters each. They need to pour the soil mixture, which should be spilled in advance with boiling water with manganese;
    • drainage and holes are made at the bottom, after which soil is approximately poured by a third and seedlings are placed on top;
    • holding each seedling, you fill the voids with soil;
    • After that, lightly tamp it at the base of the stem, spill it with a small amount of water, since the earthen ball, so, was well moistened by you in advance.

    And now you already know all the basics - and about picking tomatoes according to the lunar calendar 2018, that is, about the timing, and about the main nuances, and about the methodology, now you need to talk about care and possible problems.

    On a note!

    If you took cups from peat, then you can not do drainage, since the material absorbs moisture very well, such cups are watered more often. And this must be monitored so that the soil does not move away from the walls.

    Top dressing and watering after picking tomatoes

    It is not enough to transplant seedlings into a new nutrient soil, they need to be well looked after. So, of course, seedlings need light, that is, put trays with cups inside it, as it is convenient, on the window. But it is important to note that many cultures on the southern windows begin to burn, so you either have to shade the seedlings, or simply place it next to the window on the cabinet to create the so-called lace shade from the curtains.

    The temperature and moisture of the soil is the next important condition for the growth and development of tomatoes. The room should not be hot and dry. That is, when the seedlings are just emerging, then a temperature of 25 degrees is needed, but 18-20 degrees will be enough for growth and development. Before transferring to the street for two weeks, it will be necessary to further reduce the temperature for hardening. If the air in the room is dry, then just put water trays or vases, but you can also buy a humidifier in the store.

    Moisten the soil as it dries and loosen gently about twice a week. But only water strictly, as the soil has dried up. Water is used warm and settled for a day. And, of course, you will need to feed twice. Then your seedlings will not only grow faster, but will also give a harvest and be strong before diseases.

    Therefore, two weeks after the pick, nitrogen supplementation is introduced - it is needed for the growth of greenery, it can be complexes where there is the most nitrogen, or urea. The second mineral fertilizer is applied after another two weeks, for example, such a composition - 12 grams of potassium sulfate, 35 grams of superphosphate and 4 grams of urea are diluted in a bucket of water. Well, let's move on to possible problems.

    On a note!

    In the lunar calendar, you should look not only for favorable days in March or other months for picking tomatoes, but also for recommendations on fertilizing, loosening, and other things.

    What to do if the seedlings stretched out?

    The most common mistake of all novice gardeners is long seedlings, curves, which eventually break. Why is this happening? Since school we know that where there is a lot of light, everything grows and smells sweet, and vice versa. With seedlings, everything is the same - she has little light. This is especially true for early planting, for cold climate regions, for houses where all windows are north. In addition, the climate is now so changeable, so it is always better to play it safe in advance. To do this, you need to prepare lamps.

    They are installed at a height of about half a meter to provide additional light in the dark. In general, tomatoes need to be illuminated so that, in general, the light falls for about 10-12 hours. Lamps for this use either special phyto or simple fluorescent tubes. But what else can cause seedlings to stretch and how to solve the problem? Read on.

    Causes of the problem and methods of solution:

    • lack of nitrogen. Solution - top dressing with urea at the rate of 1 tablespoon of fertilizer per bucket of water. Also, the loss of green pigment on the leaves can indicate a shortage;
    • too tight fit. If you planted seedlings often even after picking into a common tray, then urgently do a re-thinning;
    • if the seedlings are already large for various reasons, then the decision can already be made in the garden - during planting, the seedling is left no higher than 50 cm above the ground, the root and part of the stem are laid at an angle to the south;
    • if it is too early to transfer seedlings, then the stalk is laid in a semicircle or loop right in the pot and sprinkle;
    • if the seedlings are stretched, become frail, grow dull, then perhaps watering regime is not observed. Have to or transplant into new dry soil, or loosen the soil well until it dries and then water only as it dries;
    • if the seedlings are large, but stretch up, then you can create a stressful situation by cutting off the lower leaves. In about a week, the seedlings will return to normal again.

    Read more about:

    What to do if development has slowed down after picking?

    And the last most common problem. You transplanted seedlings and that's it - it sits in place and not a single new leaf. There may be different reasons:

    • the room is cold. Below 15 degrees, the seedlings go into a dormant state;
    • you filled the glasses;
    • seedlings do not have enough nutrition, that is, you forgot about feeding, and the soil was not suitable;
    • you injured the roots, the aerial part. Now seedlings need, so to speak, to heal the wounds;
    • not enough light.

    As you can see, the reasons are banal, but everything is easy to solve. If you have a cold apartment, you will have to put a heater. When pouring seedlings, you will either have to urgently transfer the seedlings into a new glass again, or simply loosen them more often. We said about top dressing - every two weeks after picking. If the roots are injured, then you need to wait and just perform all the techniques according to the schedule. Well, you also already learned about the world. In addition to the lamps, do not forget to turn your cups from time to time towards the sun, then they will be even, with a good, strong stem. You will not have any problems during the transfer to open ground.

    Seedlings are very sensitive to soil acidity. You should always check it so that the pH is between 6 and 7. Acid soil is either changed if possible, or lime, chalk, dolomite flour are added.

    This is such an informative article. All these recommendations are quite simple to follow, but at the same time, you will always get the result from your actions.

    What are the favorable days for planting and picking tomatoes this year? Pinching the root is always carried out somewhere from one third of the root, so that the root grows in length in the future, and not on the sides. Plus, you need to pick up on time so that the root system still has time to recover while it is young.

    You can take specific growth days that are suitable for growth. If you know how to choose the best dates, then any crop, including tomatoes, after each manipulation will be healthy, grow actively during the season and in the future please with a good harvest.

    For agricultural crops, depending on whether they bear fruit on the ground or already on the bush, various favorable lunar dates are determined. Also, when planting and picking seedlings, one cannot ignore the climatic features of each particular area. So, this year, dates in March were suitable for diving tomato seedlings - 12-13, 16-17, and also the 21st. In April, the Lunar calendar pays special attention to such auspicious days as April 9, 12-14.

    Considering specific dates in April 2017, you need to understand that dates for open ground and greenhouses will be slightly different. The optimal time in the second month of spring, after the dates already mentioned above, is April 19 and 20, 24, and also April 27 and 28. When compiling the picking calendar, not only the phase of the moon is taken into account, but also the position of the satellite of our planet relative to the zodiac constellations.

    Interesting! Some activities related to the cultivation of garden plants should be carried out on the waning moon. But landing and picking, as a rule, takes place on the growing moon. But for each crop there may be its own characteristics, which the gardener must take into account if he wants to get an excellent harvest.

    Care after picking

    When the pick is made, the to-do list is not reduced, but increased. Because, for young tomato bushes, this is a trauma and you need to help survive the rehabilitation period as easily as possible. During the first three days after picking, put the tomatoes in a shaded place, then you can transfer the seedlings to grow in a place with the optimal amount of bright light.

    When choosing a new place for already dived tomatoes, it is important to consider that direct sunlight will not benefit the seedlings, but there should be a lot of light during the day. It is already possible to start preparing seedlings for transplanting into open or closed ground, for which every day leave for 30-60 minutes in the fresh air, constantly increasing the time of such ventilation.

    Advice! During the first two or three days after picking, the air temperature in the room where the seedlings are kept should be 20-22 degrees Celsius, dropping to 16-18 degrees at night. After that, the temperature during the day is reduced to 18-20 degrees and to 15-16 degrees at night.

    As for top dressing, it should be carried out no earlier than the tenth day from the date of the pick. Further top dressing is carried out every two weeks with complex fertilizer. Fertilizers are being prepared based on ten liters of water, 12 grams of potassium sulfate, 35 grams of superphosphate with the addition of four grams of urea.

    Correct picking technology:

    • Separate stems need to be removed from the ground using a convenient improvised tool. These items will leave a sufficient amount of earthy clod on the roots, which will prevent them from severe damage (you can take a regular teaspoon or a table fork).
    • In order for the roots to form actively later, a deepening is required in the new container. Send seedlings with earthen lumps there, deepen to the cotyledons. Do not plant the plant too deep: this will negatively affect its growth.
    • Disembarkation can be carried out both in separate containers and in a common container. In the second situation, it is imperative to leave a distance of at least six centimeters between the seedlings; with a secondary pick, the distance between the bushes should be from 15 cm.
    • The soil will definitely need to be compacted immediately after picking, then moistened with water at room temperature.

    If the picking is carried out in order to immediately plant seedlings in a greenhouse or simply plant already fairly large bushes, it is extremely important to focus on specific favorable dates of the lunar calendar. In April, there will not be many such days, but they are both at the beginning and at the end of the month. So, it is important to decide exactly when to carry out the manipulation and how to do everything correctly so that the bushes do not experience stress and begin to grow actively and quickly immediately after planting, delighting in the future with abundant flowering and an excellent harvest.