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  • Strip foundation for brick, frame and wooden houses. Constructions and arrangement of the foundation for a private house What should be the foundation of the house

    Strip foundation for brick, frame and wooden houses.  Constructions and arrangement of the foundation for a private house What should be the foundation of the house

    It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the foundation for any building, because the reliable foundation of the building is the paramount condition for its long-term trouble-free operation. You can build any, arbitrarily strong and beautiful walls, a well-designed and mounted roofing system, reliable ceilings, and carry out expensive finishes. But all this can “go to waste” if mistakes were made in the calculation of the foundation, and during its construction negligence was shown, unacceptable simplifications were made, poor-quality materials were used, the established technology was violated.

    So, the foundation is a key stage of any construction, which sometimes takes up to a third of the total budget. In an effort to somehow save money, some potential homeowners are seriously thinking about the problem: is it possible to build a foundation with your own hands? The answer to this question, alas, is not obvious. It is one thing to create the basis for a small country house, garage or outbuilding, and it is completely different for a full-fledged country mansion that has several levels, and even with adjoining outbuildings.

    This article will consider the main types of foundations, but the main focus will be on its tape version. We hope that after reading the article, it will become more clear to many visitors to the site whether they should undertake the independent construction of the foundation, or it would still be better to use the services of specialists.

    The main types of foundations

    There are a lot of varieties of foundations used in individual construction, but four main schemes are mainly used, as well as their various combinations. And the main types include tape, columnar, slab and pile foundations.

    Strip foundations

    This is the most commonly used scheme, as it is suitable for almost all construction conditions, with the exception, perhaps, only of regions with close occurrence of permafrost or for buildings built literally “on the water”.

    Despite a certain difference in the technologies for building strip foundations of various types, they all have a common feature - it is a continuous, closed strip-base around the entire perimeter of the house being built and under internal load-bearing structures. The tape itself is buried in the ground by the required calculated value, and protrudes from above with its basement. The width of the tape is maintained uniform throughout the foundation - this parameter should also be based on the calculations performed.

    Specify the requested values ​​and click "Calculate the minimum number of rods"

    Estimated height of the tape (taking into account the depth and base), meters

    Estimated tape thickness, meters

    Reinforcing bar diameter

    If it turned out 3 rods, then usually their number is increased to four in order to achieve such a design, as shown in the figure above. With another odd number, this unpaired rod can be used as an additional one in one of the tiers, mainly in the lower one.

    The connection of the rods into a common structure is carried out by tying with wire. Welding of the reinforcing cage can be carried out only under certain conditions, using special types of reinforcement, and only by highly qualified welders, therefore, it is impossible to resort to this method in conditions of independent construction - you can ruin all the work done.

    Reinforcement bars in one row are joined with a mandatory overlap of 50d, that is, for the most common diameters of 10 or 12 mm, this value is from 500 to 600 m. This must be taken into account when calculating the required amount of material.

    Particular attention is paid to corners and junction areas. No cross connections are allowed - there are special methods for linking these knots. They are well illustrated in the illustrations below.

    In order to fully perform its functions and, moreover, it does not corrode, the rods must be located at a distance of at least 50 mm from the outer walls of the concrete tape. This is achieved by installing props from below, as well as special calibration inserts put on longitudinal bars - they abut against the formwork walls and hold the reinforcement at the required distance from them.

    Now about how much reinforcement will be needed. It would seem that everything is simple, the length of the foundation tape is known, the number of rods in the section is also known. But we must not forget about overlaps. Obviously, the more there are, the greater the material consumption will become. The standard length of the reinforcement is 10 ÷ 16 mm - 11.7 meters. But it is not always possible to organize the delivery of such "long lengths" and you have to resort to cutting the rods in half - and this again increases the number of overlaps. So you have to decide what is more profitable - to order a special transport or be satisfied with the increase in consumption.

    To make it easier to navigate, use the calculators below:

    Rebar Consumption Calculators

    Specify the requested values ​​and click "Show rebar consumption options"

    The length of the foundation tape (the perimeter of the house and, if any, internal lintels), meters

    Estimated number of longitudinal reinforcement bars

    Now - a smooth reinforcing bar for clamps - vertical and horizontal jumpers. They are usually made from a single piece of rod, bent in the shape of a rectangle with vertices at the location of the longitudinal main reinforcing bars, with an extension on one of the sides by 100 mm for linking into a rectangular shape (shown in the illustration above).

    As a rule, a diameter of 6 mm is sufficient for clamps (with a tape height of 800 mm or more - 8 mm). The jumper installation step has already been mentioned - with the most economical arrangement, it should not exceed 0.75 of the height of the tape. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the compaction of the installation pitch at corners and abutments.

    The standard length of the rods is 6 meters, and it is quite possible that a part of each will go into trimmings.

    All this is taken into account in the calculator below:

    Calculator for calculating the number of smooth reinforcing bars for the manufacture of clamps

    Specify the requested values ​​and click "Calculate the number of rods for clamps"

    Foundation tape length, meters

    The total height of the tape, meters

    Tape thickness, meters

    Most often, metal depots release products not by the footage or the number of rods, but by weight, in kilograms or tons. You can also convert to these units of measurement.

    Kirill Sysoev

    Calloused hands do not know boredom!


    In housing construction, one of the main structures is the foundation for the house, which can only be chosen taking into account the soil and the load from the object itself. These are the main factors influencing the choice of one or another option. For a private house, several types of foundations are suitable at once. All of them differ in the type of construction, materials used and their price, installation technology. The foundation project is the basis of the entire future home, so the choice of a specific type must be taken seriously. This will help you information with photos and videos below.

    Types of foundations for a private house

    The main classification that describes what kind of foundations there are for building a house takes into account their design and the weight for which they are designed. In its pure form, tape, columnar, monolithic and pile stand out. In some cases, combinations are used. For example, tape around the perimeter of the building with pillars or piles in the center. It all depends on the magnitude of the load that the foundation experiences from the private house itself.


    The strip foundation owes its name to its appearance. These are tapes dug into the ground, which are supported by slabs. They perceive the weight from the overlying structures and transfer it to the ground. More often, such tapes are performed around the perimeter of the building and at the location of the load-bearing walls. There are two options for how to properly build a foundation - monolithic and prefabricated. In the first case, formwork is constructed, after which concrete mortar must be poured into it, and in the second, individual elements are used, for example, foam blocks, rubble concrete, rubble stone or foam concrete.


    The cheapest option is columnar. It requires a minimum of materials. The structure itself is a pillar, immersed to a certain depth or a concrete mixture. The latter is immersed in advance in a drilled well. For one-story cottages, this option is considered optimal, especially if it is light wooden. An inexpensive columnar foundation for a house can also be monolithic or prefabricated. In the first option, you need to dig wells into which concrete is poured, in the second, they collect pillars from blocks or brickwork.

    Monolithic slab

    The most expensive and reliable is the slab foundation for the house. It is a monolithic surface, slightly buried in the ground or lying on it. The thickness of the slab can vary from 0.3 to 1 m. For stability, it is reinforced with metal rods with a diameter of 12-25 mm. The slab is used for very high loads from the number of storeys (usually more than 2 floors) or weak soils. The plate evenly distributes forces over its entire surface. She happens:

    1. Monolithic. The most common option is when the entire area under the building is poured with concrete mortar up to 50 cm thick, depending on the calculated mass.
    2. Caisson. Suitable for light buildings - wooden or metal frame or from gas blocks. This is a lightweight and economical option.
    3. Swedish plate. Used in the construction of SIP-panels or frame. Only suitable for well-drained soil.

    on stilts

    A bit similar to a columnar pile foundation for a house, but it is more expensive. It is used on unstable soil or when strong soil is located very deep - sand, quicksand, with a close location of groundwater. Even significant weights are easily transferred to the piles, which are united by a grillage on the surface. They can be wooden, metal, concrete with reinforcement. According to the principle of deepening piles can be:

    • screw - twist into the ground;
    • driven - they are hammered with a special hydraulic hammer to failure;
    • stuffed - concrete is poured into a pre-drilled well;
    • pressed in - pressed in by hydraulic pumps.

    What is the best foundation

    It is difficult to determine exactly which foundation of the house is better. Everything depends on the mass, i.e. building height, soil type and budget. The most common and frequently used is tape. It is also suitable for buildings with a basement and will withstand even heavy loads well. Slab is better to use in case of large volumes. Piling is mainly used in case of insufficient strength of soils occurring at the construction site. Columnar is best used for light structures, for example, small wooden summer cottages.

    How to choose

    It has already been said above what determines the choice of foundation for the house. These are a number of factors, each of which is important to consider. The presence of groundwater and its level, the depth of soil freezing, and whether a basement is planned under the project are affected. Some even have to do the math. Others can often be found on the Internet - the depth of freezing for a particular region. You can also find out from organizations involved in construction. This is especially true for soil types and the location of groundwater.

    Groundwater availability

    One of the first factors affecting the laying of foundation structures is the groundwater level (GWL). To determine it, at least 4 wells are drilled at the corners of the proposed structure. Their depth should be 50 cm lower than the expected level of the sole. The complexity of the choice will be only with a high occurrence of water. It will require backfilling, waterproofing material, drainage and insulation. The basis itself is chosen as follows:

    • at GWL below 1.5 m - a shallow slab or tape;
    • above 0.5 m - only pile, and it is better from screw piles, because they are cheaper;
    • below 0.5 m - an unburied slab, columnar, is suitable.

    Soil freezing depth

    It is equally important to determine the freezing of the soil. The foundation sole must lie below this level. This will help to avoid the lifting of structures due to frost heaving of the earth. Moreover, for unheated premises, the freezing value increases by 10%, and for heated premises it decreases by 20-30%. It is measured from the ground level or the basement floor, if such is provided.

    Foundation and soil types

    Only a professional geotechnician can accurately tell how to determine the type of soil. But this can also be done according to the characteristic features of the soil at the construction site. In any place, almost always several varieties of soil lie at once. Of these, the main ones are:

    1. Rocky or clastic. This is a rock mass, it does not swell and does not freeze, but it is difficult to build a structure on it, but it can be shallow.
    2. Sandy. Sand particles of different sizes are not prone to heaving, are easily compacted, but require preparation to strengthen the walls of trenches and pits.
    3. Clayey. The most difficult due to the high rate of heaving. In most cases, only piles are suitable here.
    4. Dusty clayey. The bases are not at all suitable for pouring, as they freeze and swell strongly.

    Foundation calculation

    To properly build the foundation, you will have to make several calculations. The first of these is called the collection of weights. It is necessary to determine the mass of all structures that will be located above the ground. Based on this value, the optimal basis is selected. Next, you need to define a few more values. This is the area and depth. The latter is determined depending on freezing. These are the main recommendations describing how to calculate the foundation for a house.

    House weight calculation

    The first task is to determine the weight of the house. It takes into account many values, so it is better to use a special online service. It's called the Home Weight Calculator. There, you will only need to enter the characteristics of the future structure that you will find in the project. In addition to a quick calculation of values, the calculator will also offer you a sequence of calculations with a detailed explanation of all steps.

    Calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foundation

    Instructions on how to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foundation depend on the type of structure chosen. For tape, it is necessary to calculate the length of the entire tape - this is the perimeter of the building. Further, this value is multiplied by the width of the base, as a result, the area is obtained. In general, it is calculated as follows - S \u003d yn * F / y c * R 0. The values ​​​​used in the formula:

    • S is the desired area (cm2);
    • yn = 1.2 – reliability factor;
    • F is the design load on the base, i.e. weight of the building (kg);
    • R 0 - design soil resistance at a laying depth of 1.5-2 m.
    • Another value in the formula y c is the coefficient of working conditions:
    • 1.0 - for plastic clay, stone walls of the building;
    • 1.1 - for plastic clay, but under wooden or frame walls;
    • 1,2 - weakly plastic clay, soil - silty sands;
    • 1,2 - coarse sand, long structure;
    • 1.3 - fine sand, any structures;
    • 1.4 - coarse sand, non-rigid structures or rigid, but long.

    How deep should the foundation be?

    Taking into account the freezing of the earth, the depth of the foundation for the house is determined. The soil has a high or low heaving index. In the first case, the sole is located below the estimated level of ground freezing. In the second option, it can have a height of 0.5-1 m. On coarse sand or rocky ground, a laying depth of about half a meter is allowed.

    How to calculate materials

    The construction of the foundation is the calculation of the materials themselves. It will be necessary to determine the amount of concrete mix, reinforcement and piles. In some cases, the volume of the required brick is also calculated, for example, for a columnar foundation. The data obtained will help to avoid unnecessary expenses. Including transport. In addition, it generally reduces the construction time of the structure.

    Amount of concrete

    It makes no difference whether you decide to order work on the construction of the base or mount it yourself, it will not be superfluous to estimate the required volume of concrete. It is very easy to do this. The calculation is carried out according to one simple formula. You need to take the area value already calculated above, multiply this number by its height. The result will be the volume of the structure. This is how much concrete is needed for the foundation.

    Armature and wire

    It is somewhat more difficult to calculate the amount of reinforcement. It all depends on the type of foundation itself, the type of soil and the weight of the building. The larger the last factor, the thicker the reinforcement should be. It should occupy at least 0.001% of the cross section of the base of any type of structure. This applies to ribbed reinforcement. Smooth is only a binder, so it will need 1.5-2 times less. Wire for knitting reinforcement is taken at the rate of 20-30 cm per connection.

    Calculation of the number of piles

    To calculate the pile foundation, you will need the value of the required area calculated above. In the formula, it is the main value. It must be divided by the cross-sectional area of ​​​​one pile. The result will be their number. For example, the required area is 6 m2, and the cross section of the piles is 0.3 m2, then the following is obtained - 6 / 0.3 \u003d 20. The result is that 20 piles are required.

    How to make a foundation

    In order to properly build the foundation for the house, it is important to step by step markup, then build the formwork, after which it will be possible to pour the concrete mix. These steps are also suitable for a prefabricated structure. Only instead of pouring the solution, you will need to lay all the elements in a certain order. Formwork is required only for columnar, tape and slab types. The pile is mounted without it.


    Even before the start of earthworks, they mark the corners and sides of the building according to the drawn scheme. This will require simple materials and tools - a rope, cord or fishing line that would be visible against the background of the earth. You also need to stock up on a tape measure and pegs to mark the corners. Step-by-step instructions on how to mark the foundation:

    1. Drive one peg into the base corner of the building, any of your choice.
    2. Further, in the direction of one of the walls, measure 4 m. Drive in another peg, connect it to the previous one with a rope.
    3. Then go to the adjacent wall. From the first peg, measure 3 m in its direction, drive in another peg, connect them.
    4. Measure the distance between the unconnected pegs - it should be 5 m (the rule of the golden triangle, or Pythagoras).
    5. Adjust the position of the pegs so that the sides are equal to 3, 4 and 5 m.
    6. Next, stretch the rope to the required length of the walls. In the same way, make other right angles.

    How to fill

    The next stage after marking is pouring the foundation. It is better to place the concrete mixer in close proximity to the place of its device. It is necessary to pour everything at once or so that the number of layers of concrete does not exceed two. Each of them must be sealed, for example, with a reinforcement bar or with a special vibrator. At the end of the work, the finished structure is covered over the entire area with a layer of film or roofing material to protect it from weather factors. The design strength of concrete is gaining after 28 days.

    The foundation is the basis of the house, and this is not a figure of speech at all. The durability of the building depends entirely on how correctly the type of foundation is chosen and how it is executed. The rickety houses and cracked walls of the dacha only once again convince of the increased responsibility of the work associated with the design and construction of the foundation. The first thing everyone who starts construction should do is choose the type of foundation for a private house, and for this it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors and know the key features of all types of foundations.

    No. 1. Types of foundation by type of assembly

    Depending on whether factory elements are used in the construction, or all of them are formed directly on the site, the foundations are divided into:

    • monolithic. For their manufacture, a formwork is arranged into which it is poured;
    • prefabricated monolithic obtained when concrete is filled with ready-made constituent elements;
    • prefabricated foundations are built from prefabricated concrete products.

    Naturally, monolithic foundations are much stronger than precast-monolithic and, moreover, prefabricated ones, but they require more time and effort for arrangement.

    No. 2. Types of foundation by design

    All foundations used in private construction can be divided into four groups:

    • strip foundations- this is a solid canvas of reinforced concrete (much less often from), which is laid under all the load-bearing walls of the house and looks like a closed loop or tape, from where the name came from. The most common type;
    • slab foundations also called "floating", they are a solid monolithic concrete slab, which allows you to most evenly distribute the load;
    • columnar foundations, as the name suggests, are a system of pillars made of concrete, brick, stone, less often wood, and located at a uniform distance from each other at the locations of the bearing walls and corners of the future house. For reliability, the pillars are combined with a grillage (a frame that connects all the pillars), but they can do without it. This type of foundation is suitable for small light houses;
    • pile foundations consist of supports that are screwed or driven into the ground (pillar foundation supports are installed in pits) to a relatively large depth. Piles can be reinforced concrete or metal, used on loose and heaving soils.

    The choice of the type of foundation for the house depends on the number of storeys and dimensions of the latter, the materials of the walls and ceilings, as well as on the type of soil, the level of its freezing, the depth of groundwater, the presence of underground, the need to equip the basement.

    No. 3. Strip foundation for a private house

    The most common type of foundation when building a private house, it is considered tape. It is a tape or frame made of concrete, which is laid under the bearing walls. A sand and gravel pad is formed under the concrete, which allows a more even distribution of the load on the soil and eliminates the need for more serious soil preparation before laying the foundation. The sand and gravel cushion plays the role of drainage and protects against groundwater. The foundation requires and.

    The main advantages of the strip foundation include:

    • the ability to withstand decent loads, so it is used in the construction of both relatively light and 2- and 3-story brick buildings;
    • the ability to use such a foundation for arranging a basement;
    • the shape of the strip foundation can be any (exception - prefabricated structures);
    • minimum earthworks.


    The strip foundation can be of two fundamentally different types:

    • monolithic;
    • made.

    Monolithic strip foundation form by arranging the formwork, and pouring sand-concrete or rubble-concrete mixture. It can be of any shape, and due to its integrity, excellent heat and waterproofing qualities, as well as strength, are provided.

    Prefabricated strip foundation create from ready-made, which greatly simplifies and speeds up installation. Separate parts are fastened with cement with reinforcement, the structure is inferior in strength to a monolithic one, and its main disadvantage- insufficient waterproofing at the junction of blocks, which in areas with elevated groundwater levels and in swampy areas can lead to premature resolution of such a foundation. Much less often, prefabricated foundations are equipped brick, but their service life is less than that of concrete.

    Separately, it is worth highlighting intermittent strip foundation, which is laid not in a solid line, but in separate sections, but clearly under the bearing elements. This design allows good savings in the construction of lightweight buildings.

    In those cases when weak soil is located under the strip foundation, its base must be expanded, and this is done by ledge formation, resulting in a stepped design: the main load will be placed on the wide part (sole). It is also possible to form a foundation in the shape of a trapezoid: The bottom wide part will become the main support. If groundwater is located at a shallow depth, it is recommended to use and additionally protect it with bituminous mastic.

    As is clear from the above, strip foundation can be built from the following materials:

    According to the depth of occurrence, the foundations are divided into:

    • shallow(depth 50-70 cm) - an option for slightly heaving soils, i.e. those that are little susceptible to frost heaving;
    • deep-seated are laid at a depth of 20-30 cm below the freezing level of the soil. Used for the construction of heavy structures and in places with difficult soil.

    No. 4. Slab foundation for a private house

    The slab foundation is equipped in areas with loose, heaving and moving soil. A monolithic concrete slab, located under the entire future structure, prevents the negative effects of soil movements and allows you to evenly distribute the load of the house on the soil. Under the influence of swelling of the soil, this type of foundation is able to rise and fall evenly (which is why it is called floating) - cracks in its structure and the bearing walls of the house do not appear.

    The slab foundation is made of several layers:

    • geotextile;
    • sand and gravel cushion;
    • insulation layer:
    • concrete with reinforcing reinforcing cage.

    The thickness of the main concrete layer ranges from 30 to 100 cm, only monolithic structures, so the concrete is prepared and poured into the formwork on site. In rare cases, ready-made precast concrete slabs, but this method is allowed only for the construction of small light buildings, since the strength of such a foundation is not very high.

    A sand and gravel layer is used to level the base, sometimes it is replaced with low-strength concrete. Be sure to use when organizing such a foundation. If it is necessary to build a large house, then on a concrete monolith it is recommended to do expansion joints- the foundation is simply cut with division into several smaller parts. This helps prevent cracking.

    Advantages of slab foundation:


    • inability to equip the basement;
    • high cost, this is the most expensive of all types of foundation for a house, so its use is justified only in areas with loose soil;
    • the need for a flat terrain, otherwise the site must be properly planned.

    No. 5. Column foundation for a private house

    The columnar foundation consists of columns equidistant from each other, recessed into the ground. The pillars can be:

    • concrete with reinforcement;
    • brick;
    • wooden;
    • stone;
    • rubble concrete.

    The most durable are concrete and rubble concrete, they can withstand serious loads, brick pillars are inferior to them, and wooden ones can only be used as a base for small wooden buildings (, etc.). Pillars to increase strength and reduce mobility from above can be connected with reinforced concrete strapping beams.

    Under the columnar foundation, it is recommended to equip a sandy layer with a thickness of about 50 cm - it will prevent swelling. The pillars are installed at a distance of 2-3 m from each other along the contour of the house, in the corners of the building and at the locations of the load-bearing partitions. The columnar foundation can be:

    • monolithic. All supports are created on site, reinforced concrete or rubble concrete and wooden formwork are used;
    • made. For its construction, concrete supports produced in the factory are used. They are installed on special "glass cushions" with a thickness of about 0.15 m.

    The calculation of the number and depth of the pillars is made taking into account the type of soil and structure. If the building is small and light, then it is even allowed to use a shallow (this is about half the standard depth) and an unburied foundation (by 40-50 cm).

    Advantages column foundation:

    • relative simplicity and low cost of arrangement;
    • ideal for building small houses on stable soils.


    No. 6. Pile foundation for a private house

    It consists of a system of piles, long pointed posts that are driven or screwed into the ground either straight or at an angle. The large length of such elements allows them to be used in areas with weak and loose soil, because they are installed at such a depth as to rely on stronger and denser layers of soil that do not freeze through in winter. This principle allows the use of a pile foundation even in the most difficult conditions. From above they are connected with a concrete slab or beam - grillage. This type of foundation is used for the construction of wooden, panel and other light houses, as well as fences. According to the installation technology, piles are:

    Among the main advantages of pile foundation:

    • the ability to install on any type of soil, there is no dependence on the level of groundwater;
    • reduction in the amount of consumable concrete;
    • reduction in the number of earthworks;
    • relative speed of installation.


    No. 7. What is important to consider when choosing the type of foundation?

    It is better to entrust the calculations and design of the foundation to specialists, especially when it comes to a large house with heavy load-bearing walls and ceilings. If a private house or a small cottage is being built on its own and is light in weight, then many people prefer to do without detailed calculations, which is not entirely true. To avoid mistakes, it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors, and the main principles for choosing the type of foundation for a house and its arrangement are:

    • on heavily heaving soils, the foundation must be equipped below the freezing level of the soil. In conditionally non-rocky foundations, the depth of the foundation can be 0.5-1 m;
    • the average and maximum depth of soil freezing are not constant values, and it is not always easy to determine them. The organization that owns the land must have the relevant data, along with other characteristics of the soil, otherwise you will have to conduct your own research. The most unreliable way is to ask your neighbors in the area, but the soil can be heterogeneous, so such data is not always accurate;
    • the more dense and moist the soil, the more it freezes during the cold season. The most difficult in this regard is clay soil, which not only swells, but also unevenly. The most effective way to prevent possible deformations is to replace complex soil with sand or to equip a sand cushion;
    • sandy soil considered ideal for the construction of any kind of foundation and the construction of houses made of bricks and other materials, it passes water well, almost does not swell. Rocky soils they practically do not swell, do not freeze and do not change their properties under the influence of external factors, but it is also difficult to organize the foundation in them due to the increased hardness. Clay soils require either the arrangement of a sand cushion or the use of piles;
    • if other massive structures are located near the proposed construction site, then you should definitely take into account total load on the ground;
    • on silty and heaving soils, it is better not to use a strip and column foundation;
    • a pile foundation is justified only when other options are not suitable at all - it is expensive to equip.

    The foundation will last for many years, if you also remember to take care of its waterproofing and insulation. Much also depends on the quality of the materials used and the responsibility of those who build the foundation.

    In order to make a strip foundation for a house with your own hands, a design scheme is being developed. This is a drawing that takes into account the size of the future building, the bearing capacity of the base, its material and other data necessary for work. You can make a foundation from:

    1. cement mortar;
    2. Foam blocks, aerated concrete, foam concrete;
    3. bricks;
    4. piles.

    Concrete strip foundation is considered the most practical and reliable. It does not need to be additionally insulated or waterproofed, like foam concrete, and at the same time it copes well with heavy loads. The foam concrete version is easy to make yourself, but it does not have the same bearing capacity as the cement one. The pile is used in problem areas and, in the end, is still reinforced with a concrete screed. Brick can be made for utility rooms (garage, sauna, veranda, summer kitchen, etc.).

    Photo - foundation calculation

    The first thing to do is determine the type of soil. Depending on its structure, you can choose the right type of support structure. Also, these data are necessary to determine the pressure of the future building on the ground. Of course, it is optimal to learn these values ​​​​from specialists, but if it is not possible, then reference data can be used:

    Weight per square meter of wall (kg / m 2):

    Weight of roofing materials kg/m2:

    The weight of floors, insulation, windows, doors, household appliances and furniture is also taken into account. The required number is multiplied by a factor of 1.3 to ensure maximum structural strength. It is desirable to take into account some man-made factors:

    1. Deformation of soils under the influence of runoff during a thaw;
    2. Frost heaving (in winter, when the temperature drops in the ground, there is a slight movement of rocks).

    The result should be a value that corresponds to the equation:

    Based on the parameters, it is necessary to calculate the width of one tape. Some craftsmen use the width of the wall as a basis for choosing the width of the foundation, but this is not entirely true, as high pressure affects the supporting structure. Hence the golden rule: the minimum width of the systems is equal to the thickness of the walls, but it is desirable that the width of the foundation exceed this figure by 10-15 centimeters. At the same time, if you are building the base for a country house or a small house from blocks, then you can use a "narrow" reinforced version, which will help reduce costs.

    Photo - reinforcement scheme

    The calculation of the dimensions of the strip foundation for the house can be done independently or ordered from specialists.

    Photo - strip foundation

    After that, you need to mark the site of the future construction site. A prerequisite is the absence of communications around within 2 meters. This is especially true for gas lines and water supply. In the marked place, you need to dig a trench of the selected depth and width. You must understand that if you calculate the wrong depth threshold, then when the soil freezes, the foundation can be deformed, so take this issue especially seriously.

    Building a house on a strip foundation necessarily involves laying a sand and gravel pillow, its device is the same as with any other carrier system. To make it, combine sand and gravel in equal parts, and lay it on the bottom of the trench, it falls asleep on 1/3 of the pit. Thoroughly tamp and compact the embankment. Then reinforce the walls with wooden boards that will serve as formwork. With sufficient soil density, this is not always necessary.

    Photo - foam concrete foundation

    Next, you need to install bundles of reinforcement in the pit, which will give the base rigidity and strength. They can be connected with wire or welding, as you wish. The size of the rods depends on what kind of strip foundation you want to make for the house. For a shallow one, you can take a thinner wire, for a deep one - more durable and with a large cross section.

    Photo - foundation reinforcement

    After the pouring is carried out, for a strip and monolithic-strip foundation, it is carried out with a standard solution of M500 concrete, the height is indicated in the drawing and depends on the size of the private house. The threshold or sole of the base in most cases protrudes at least a third from the ground. If desired, you can make a building with a higher base.

    Photo - Pouring the foundation

    It is desirable to fill the system in one go, otherwise the solidification of the solution will be uneven, which may cause cracks. After completion of work, the construction site is covered with a film to avoid getting wet from dew or rain. On average, concrete hardens in 3 to 7 days.

    Naturally, the price of a strip foundation for a private house made of piles or poles will be significantly lower than the cost of a deep-buried counterpart. An estimate according to the drawing will help you calculate the values ​​\u200b\u200bmore accurately.

    Restoration of the structure

    Any building needs repairs from time to time, the strip foundation for a house is no exception. It is advisable to eliminate all breakdowns as soon as they see it, since cracks or breaks can significantly affect the bearing capacity of the system. Every six months, check the base for possible cracks. If they appear, smear them with a solution. To do this, it is thrown into the hole.

    The upper part of the base is also very exposed to atmospheric conditions, it is advisable to protect the base with a cement "coat" or foam.