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  • How to ferment delicious cabbage at home. Sauerkraut for the winter

    How to ferment delicious cabbage at home. Sauerkraut for the winter

    Do you know how to deliciously ferment cabbage? You need to prepare in advance for the sauerkraut season. Therefore, I will show you a recipe for a very tasty homemade sauerkraut. I got it from my grandmother, so there is no doubt about its correctness.

    Homemade sauerkraut turns out to be very tasty, just lick your fingers! The recipe has been tested for so many years!

    Today you can find many different options for its preparation. My way can be considered a classic - it turns out delicious and crispy. A portion of sunflower oil and chopped onions will turn it into a divine dish.

    Pickling cabbage for the winter at home - how much salt

    The main question that interests all housewives. This is really important. If the salt is shifted, the dish will not be tasty. If you don't report it, then everything will turn sour. The classic norm is 1 level tablespoon per 1 kilogram.

    What you need for pickling cabbage

    1. Winter varieties of cabbage ... Summer varieties are not suitable for fermentation. I choose flat, flattened "specimens" that look like stuffed cabbage rolls. They are exactly what you need for fermentation, they will not let you down.
    2. Salt. Plain stone, but not marine or iodized. Unpleasant surprises are not needed in this case.
    3. Carrot. Grated on a Korean grater, it will give the finished dish an appetizing look and pleasant taste.
    4. Black peppercorns and allspice ... I definitely add it for flavor and piquancy.
    5. Bitter peppers in pods. Optional ingredient for those who like "sharper".
    6. Bay leaf. A small amount of it will add its own flavor.
    7. Dill seeds. At the request of an amateur. Some people cannot imagine taste without it.

    When is it better to salt cabbage in October 2017

    The best time for salting is the waxing moon. You should not neglect this rule, so as not to look for the cause of failure later. Therefore, we arm ourselves with a lunar calendar and select dates. In October, these are days - October 1-3 and October 23-31.

    Number of products

    • Chopped cabbage mass - 1 kg
    • Carrots - 2 pcs.
    • Rock salt - 1 tbsp. no top
    • A few peas of black and allspice
    • Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
    • Dill seeds and hot pepper pod (optional)

    Grandma's way of pickling crispy cabbage

    Tip: At this stage, you can add cranberries, thinly sliced \u200b\u200bapples or bell peppers if desired.

    • Add pepper, bay leaf and dill seeds.
    • We transfer to glass or enamel dishes. It can be a glass jar, an enamel pot. Aluminum cookware is not suitable for these purposes.
    • Now the main thing is to tamp the vegetable mixture very tightly into the dishes. Help yourself with a fist or a crush, as you please. Lay the mixture as tightly as possible; when pressing, juice should appear.

    Advice: hands and work utensils must be clean, otherwise bacteria and microorganisms may enter.

    • Cover the top with a saucer or plate, cover with cheesecloth to prevent debris or midges from flying. Place something heavy on top as a load. It can be a jar of water, cereals or a special clean stone for such purposes (oppression).
    • Leave it warm for two to three days. The dishes must be placed in a bowl, because the fermentation process will begin and the juice may overflow. If foam appears, then you did everything right. It must be removed with a clean spoon, and the contents of the dishes must be pierced with a thin stick twice a day. Do not be intimidated by the unpleasant smell of fermentation, it should be so.

    Advice: be sure to pierce, otherwise everything will deteriorate.

    As you can see, nothing complicated. You just need to know some of the subtleties that I talked about. It will turn out to be an excellent dish, it can be added to vinaigrette, cabbage soup, cabbage hodgepodge, salads. Try it, cook with us, and you will succeed in the best possible way! See you soon, I look forward to visiting!

    Discussion: 5 comments

      Sauerkraut is very useful, I always cook a couple of three-liter cans for the winter. This year I bought a wooden tub for 10 liters, I will experiment, they say it tastes better in wood.

      To answer

      1. Unsubscribe about the result, Alevtina. Let everything work out perfectly!

        To answer

      A wonderful cabbage turned out according to your recipe! This is how I felt that the growing moon and the cabbage is time to ferment)))) And it was like this: I was standing, which means I had to put out the chopped cabbage, and then I felt the taste of sauerkraut, but seasoned with homemade aromatic sunflower oil ... mmm .. So wanted! I remembered that I saw your recipe, and went to look at it) And at the same time, I put out the sliced \u200b\u200bcabbage for new cabbage) And I bought fresh butter on the market. And today, after three days, our crispy cabbage is ready! Hurrah Hurrah! I went with boiled potatoes, no, I just flew away) But there is also something left to hide in the refrigerator)))) Thank you for the details and subtleties, it seems that there is nothing difficult, but you gave useful advice. And everything turned out as it should) And last season I had the right sauerkraut came out only a couple of times, and the rest of the times it is too soft, sometimes too salty. And this one is just right! Hopefully now it will always work;)

      To answer

      1. It's always nice that the recipe is a success. Come visit 🙂

        To answer

      The most important thing in salting cabbage is absolutely not to salt on a full moon.

      To answer

    Cabbage, cabbage on the table is not empty! Sauerkraut, fresh, pickled, fried, in borscht and cabbage soup, cabbage rolls and salad, vinaigrette ... with or without meat, mushrooms and other vegetables! The variety of dishes made from this product amazes the imagination, what a good hostess does not prepare from this popular vegetable, which has long been recognized by us for native Russian ...

    Classic recipe plus 8 pickling recipes - Lick your fingers:

    There is an abyss of vitamins and minerals in it, it seems to surpass even the famous guest of the overseas lemon koi in what, it is definitely useful, there are no special contraindications either.

    And, whatever one may say, for the majority of dishes exactly it is required - sauerkraut. You can, of course, go and buy, there is variety and abundance on the market now, but made with your own handles was, is and will be the pride of any housewife. Especially if you succeed - white, juicy, crispy!

    Of course, there is a lot of fuss and cleaning after, but it's worth it. I can't even imagine how cans with this beauty will not stand in a row in my cellar. And what a balm for the heart when a guest, having tasted at the table, asks for a recipe or subtly hints that a jar of such deliciousness would be the best gift for him.

    So, today we ferment cabbage in different ways and options, and which one I will write in the very recipe!

    For work you need: a couple of large basins or pots, enameled buckets are also good, cleanly washed and well-dried cans in a row, plastic lids, also well washed, two for each can - then I'll tell you why two.

    Grandma's shredder or a newfangled knife with three blades, for the especially lazy - a food processor with a shredder attachment, I will say right away that she cuts too small, but those who have none of this will be helped out by a simple kitchen knife with a long blade and an ordinary hand grater. And salt, the main thing not to forget, is coarsely ground in a large 3 liter jar with a stuck spoon, we will need a lot of it today!

    It seems that I have listed everything, we are starting the process of fermenting very tasty cabbage. Everything is as usual, at first the recipes are simpler, and then with bells and whistles. Everything is step by step, easy and fast.

    How delicious to ferment cabbage at home: secrets and tricks

    There are many tricks in this process, so beginners read what I am writing next with special attention:

    1. We choose medium and late varieties for pickling, the early one is absolutely not suitable - it will be soft and unappetizing. The head of cabbage is dense, hard, weighty, the color inside is white.
    2. It is not worth it to grind especially when cutting, otherwise you will not hear the crunch.
    3. Coarse salt, not iodized.
    4. Dishes for the product - glass, enamel, wood. No alumina or stainless steel!
    5. The fermentation temperature is cool, 18-22 and no changes.
    6. For fermentation in an enameled bucket, a cistern or a wooden barrel, it is imperative to have oppression - a circle slightly smaller in diameter than the capacity and weight on top. Our grandmothers used a wooden circle and cleanly washed cobblestones; as an advanced granddaughter, I use a suitable inverted enamel lid from a saucepan instead of a wooden circle and a five-liter plastic water bottle instead of cobblestone.
    7. A new wooden skewer for kebabs is fine or piercing.
    8. You need to store this finished workpiece in a cold cellar or refrigerator, so that it does not overoxidize from 0 to 3 degrees.
    9. The longer the cabbage is stored, the sour it becomes.
    10. For borscht, bigos or cabbage soup, sauerkraut can be frozen in the freezer, packaged in small containers or bags, so that it can be defrosted to use at a time.
    11. And the last thing - it's better to ferment cabbage on the growing moon ... why I don't know, but my grandmother always did that.

    God help, as they say!

    Kvasim in a three-liter jar!

    • cabbage forks for one and a half to two kg;
    • two hundred and one gram carrots,
    • salt two tablespoons without top,
    • sugar half a tablespoon.


    1. Three in a bowl carrots on a coarse grater, chop the cabbage on top.
    2. Sprinkle with salt and sugar, stir.
    3. After waiting a couple of minutes, lightly rub the mass with your hands, until the juice appears.
    4. We tamp it tightly into a three-liter jar to the top, along with the released juice.
    5. Cover with a lid, set to ferment at room temperature for three days. We put the jar in a tray (a plate can be used), suitable for collecting the juice released during fermentation, so as not to flood the table.
    6. We pierce the cabbage every day from top to bottom with a wooden skewer in two or three places.
    7. Cover the finished cabbage with two lids. We bend one in half and insert it inside, where it will straighten out and press the base so that it does not deteriorate from above, and the second, as it should be, we put on the neck. We put it in a cold place.

    You can add anise or coriander to cabbage, dill seeds to taste.

    Well, here in general everything is simple, you immediately get a ready-made salad, you don't need to clean it far into the cellar, you can eat tomorrow!

    • small one and a half kilogram forks.
    • one carrot, medium,
    • a tablespoon of salt
    • 100g vegetable oil
    • a tablespoon of acetic acid,
    • sugar 4 tablespoons,
    • black peppercorns 5pcs,
    • lavrushka 2 leaves.


    Shred cabbage and mix with grated carrots and pepper, lavrushka, fold tightly into a jar. We cook the marinade from the rest of the ingredients: boil half a liter of water and add salt, sugar, oil, vinegar to the boiling water. Pour boiling marinade. A little oppression from above and into the refrigerator. You can eat tomorrow. Enjoy your meal!

    Very tasty sauerkraut for the winter in 3 liter jars in honey brine

    This recipe differs from the classics in that we will cook in honey brine and immediately roll it into 3 liter jars. You can do a lot, but you can cook in the fall or winter. Since it will take a little time to cook, it turns out very fast and very tasty cabbage.

    Preparation time - take note of these recipes (be sure to watch):

    1. Dressing for borscht for the winter

    Sauerkraut without salt and sugar - a classic recipe

    This is a recipe for those for whom salt is contraindicated, but still want cabbage soup with sauerkraut.

    As usual, chop the cabbage and mix with the carrots. Rub in a basin with our hands thoroughly until it gives a fair amount of juice.

    We put it in a jar and press down on top with oppression. A glass bottle of water is fine. Every day we take out the oppression and mix the contents.

    Ready in three days. Store in the refrigerator, consume quickly, as the shelf life is very short.

    Ooooh! ... This is my favorite recipe and I have improved it slightly. To use it in large quantities of blanks, it is necessary to have a cold cellar near the house, if not, then only a couple of cans in the refrigerator.

    • carrots, grated on a coarse grater bucket,
    • 10 dense peeled cabbage heads weighing 3-4 kg each,
    • water, boiled and cooled, it is better just a spring bucket, I was lucky, in our village there is artesian water in the tap, the purest, so I pour it directly from the tap as needed,
    • salt,
    • three-liter cans, washed with soda and dried, about twenty.

    Classic cooking recipe:

    1. In the prepared three-liter jars, I pour a little more than half a liter of water into each and throw in two tablespoons of salt without top, stir to disperse. In a huge basin on an old grandmother's shredder, I cut a couple of cabbage heads and sprinkle them with grated carrots, about 5 part of the bucket, mix lightly and immediately tamp them into the jars in the basin until the brine goes over the top. I do it with my hands and a wooden crush, as tightly as possible.
    2. When the mixture is over, I completely repeat the first point. And so three more times, until the carrots and cabbage run out.
    3. I cover the jars with lids, one inside, the other on top, and immediately lower them into the cold cellar.

    No pickling, piercing and waiting! A couple of times during the winter I go down to the cellar, with a bucket of clean water and add it to where the water evaporated a little during storage.

    The result is beyond praise, whoever tried it, they say you can eat your mind! The cabbage is lightly salted, snow-white, very crispy and without acid. When you open the can, if you try it, it tastes a little bitter, it should be so. But while you put it on a plate, there is no trace of bitterness! Onion and butter in it, which smells like seeds, you can rub an apple on a grater ... and even at a festive table with all sorts of delicacies, its guests will grind it first!

    • three heads of cabbage, two kg each or two, three kg each,
    • a kilogram of coarsely grated carrots,
    • salt a glass a little more than half a glass,
    • apples 1-2 kg, as you like.

    Let's start to ferment:

    1. Chop the heads of cabbage in a large bowl, stir in the carrots and salt.
    2. Quickly peel the washed apples - remove the seed chamber and cut into thin slices. Stir in the cabbage without delay so that the apples don't darken.
    3. Put in an enamel bucket and tamp, cover with clean cabbage leaves and put under oppression. A big weight is not needed, a plastic polka dot with water is enough.
    4. We pierce twice every day and remove the foam as it appears.
    5. Ferment for no more than 5 days, regularly remove the resulting foam.
    6. When the brine is cleaned, put it in jars and put it in a cold cellar.

    Great salad with onion and sunflower oil!

    Well, a very simple recipe! The main thing is not to allow fermentation to start, and therefore do everything quickly.

    • cabbage forks a little more than two kilograms,
    • one medium carrot,
    • half a cup of cranberries, preferably hard
    • sugar 2 tablespoons,
    • salt 2 tablespoons without top.

    Prescription for a three-liter jar.


    1. Chop forks and mix in a bowl with grated carrots, salt and sugar, rub with your hands to make the juice stand out.
    2. Stir with cranberries and tamp tightly into a jar.
    3. Pour the released juice to the top.
    4. A lid inside, another outside on the neck and immediately into the cellar or refrigerator. It will be ready in twenty days!

    The salad turns out to be very tasty and vitamin-rich, with a good traditional taste.

    Sauerkraut with beets - a classic recipe for the winter

    Well, not just with beets, but let's make it spicy and spicy in Georgian style.

    • two kilos of cabbage, cut into large cubes with a side of three centimeters,
    • good celery root, grated,
    • hot pepper, with harvested seeds, finely chopped,
    • a good beetroot three hundred grams, grated on a coarse grater or cut into strips,
    • salt two tablespoons,
    • water 1 liter,
    • acetic acid half a tablespoon.

    Cooking classics:

    1. We mix all the vegetables in a cup and put them very tightly, but do not ram, into a three-liter jar with a screw euro-lid, if the mixture remains, then you can also fill a small jar, for example, a liter, depending on the remaining volume.
    2. We boil water, add salt and acetic acid. Cool the marinade, pour it right under the lid, screw the lid on and immediately into the cold cellar.

    You can put a small one in the refrigerator, and after a week try it with potatoes, you get a salad - you will lick your fingers!

    Sauerkraut: benefits and harms

    Well, in terms of vitamins and trace elements, I said at the beginning, they are immensely in cabbage and in its brine, too, accordingly, it regulates metabolism, strengthens the immune system, makes a person resistant to stress, strengthens blood vessels and lowers cholesterol.

    Because it is low in calories, it is used in various diets for those who want to lose weight.

    And the harm? Of course, it is harmful to ulcers with high acidity, kidneys and hypertensive patients, since salt causes an increased load on the kidneys and increases blood pressure. Well, as my grandmother used to say, don't eat a bucket right away, a couple of spoons is enough! ..

    Now you know how to ferment the most popular appetizer, now everything is possible with this preparation - even a soup, even a salad, or even a bite. Very spicy and any can be our snow-white. Be sure to at least prepare a jar for the winter!

    I don’t know from what historical times mankind has been souring cabbage, but I suppose that since ancient times, and in our country, most likely, since the introduction of this wonderful healthy and rich in unique vitamin U vegetable culture into the domestic gardening and vegetable growing. And who only and where is not engaged in this useful business - from home to industrial production. And the product is still running! As they say, both in a feast and in peace and good people: they do not mind eating and it is inexpensive. Although the last statement has become obsolete in our time: look at the prices on the market and in stores for sauerkraut! And many housewives who follow the figures of the family budget prefer to buy a head of cabbage or two and make sauerkraut at home.

    You can ferment white cabbage for the whole winter if there are conditions for proper storage, in special wooden barrels or in glass containers. You can also make small pieces of work in three-liter glass jars under the screw with the calculation: ate, bought a new head of cabbage and fermented the next container of chopped cabbage. Stagnant cabbage has its own flavors and advantages, but there are also lovers of lightly salted, in the sense of fresh 3-4-day salting.

    The value of such a sourdough is that all its vitamins and minerals inherent in it are preserved in the best possible form, plus, it becomes a delicious cold appetizer that induces appetite and decorates the meal.

    And although it is possible to spoil cabbage during pickling only by a lack of salt in the norm, some rules of this process cannot be superfluous. You can improve the taste of sauerkraut by adding a choice of bright sour berries (lingonberries and cranberries), beets and red peppers, caraway and bay leaves.

    Nutritional value of sauerkraut for the winter at home

    In sauerkraut, vitamin C (ascorbigen) is not only retained for six months from the moment of fermentation, but is also stable even when it is thermally processed. Being in a bound form, it is not destroyed, turning into ascorbic acid.

    • the most valuable in white cabbage is vitamin U (methylmethionine), thanks to which cabbage, when consumed in food, helps to cure ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • the ability of sauerkraut has long been known to help with stress, when removing toxins from the body, to overcome infectious diseases in the complex of all medical measures and to support the body's immune forces;
    • sauerkraut helps the metabolism of the whole body through the presence of vitamins B, K and PP in it; various minerals, especially potassium; amino acids and enzymes;
    • a great advantage of sauerkraut, those seeking to lose weight and not gain weight, recognize its low calorie content: 25 kilocalories per 100 grams of this product;
    • the presence of a large volume of vegetable fiber in sauerkraut makes it an excellent broom of toxins and stagnant intestine residues.

    Pickling cabbage for the winter at home - essential products

    The main preservatives that ensure long-term storage of sauerkraut at home under cool conditions is lactic acid, which is formed under the influence of natural lactic acid bacteria capable of converting the sugar present in cabbage into lactic acid, and the fermentation process itself with the release of alcohol and carbon dioxide must be supported by the introduction table salt, excluding further rotting of the product.

    Particular attention should be paid to the selection of high-quality and dense heads of ripe fresh cabbage of late white cabbage, weighing at least 0.8 kilograms. Defects are allowed only those that are easily eliminated. The best, in the general opinion of experts, are the varieties from the mid-season: Belarusian, Kashirka, Ladoga, Mozharskaya, Saburovka, Slava Gribovskaya, Slava Altai; late-ripening: Zavadovskaya, egg-capsule, lykurishka, Moscow late, Slav.

    Proven Sauerkraut Recipes

    The classic recipe for sauerkraut for the winter at home, with carrots

    This is the most common recipe for pickling white cabbage, which, after removing the top leaves, is chopped using finely available methods: with a sharp knife on a cutting board, on a special shredder in the form of a board with three knives, on a grater, in a food processor, and so on. Washed and peeled fresh carrots are grated on the coarse side of the grater in the proportions that you can choose at will.

    Ingredients for making classic sauerkraut:

    • cabbage - 3 kilograms;
    • carrots - 100 grams;
    • table salt - 70 grams;
    • granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons.

    According to the classic recipe, sauer cabbage like this:

    1. In a suitable container, mix chopped cabbage with grated carrots, add the amount of salt that is allowed per weight of chopped vegetables. If the cabbage is juicy, it is enough to grind it with salt and sugar until it gives juice, and spread or put it completely in a suitable glass, wooden or stainless steel container.
    2. Seal the entire mass of chopped cabbage, if possible, put an object with a load suitable for oppression on top, hoping that during the fermentation period, from the second and third days, cabbage juice can overflow if the container is filled close to the edges. If the chopped cabbage is dry and does not give a sufficient amount of natural juice, you can add the required amount of water.
    3. During the fermentation period, the container with cabbage should be in a warm place, covered with a gauze napkin on top, and when foam appears, it must be collected.
    4. On the third or fourth day, you can try cabbage and prepare salads from it, although the fermentation process completely ends on the seventh day. If the volume of cabbage is large enough, then you can pierce its thickness in several places with a knitting needle or mix and tamp it again under oppression. But in any case, sauerkraut should be further stored in a dry, dark and cool place in order to exclude the loss of its nutritional beneficial and attractive properties.

    Rustic recipe for cabbage, sauerkraut for the winter at home with spicy herbs and pumpkin

    The inclusion of pumpkin, ripe and bright orange, into shredded cabbage will add a sweet note to it, and mint and tarragon will harmoniously go into the overall flavor of the entire fermented product.

    Ingredients for making rustic sauerkraut:

    • cabbage - 4 kilograms;
    • pumpkin - 300 grams;
    • salt - 130 grams;
    • mint and tarragon to taste.

    According to a village recipe, cook sauerkraut with herbs and pumpkin like this:

    1. Cut the peeled pumpkin without the peel into small slices into a separate bowl, sprinkle with sugar and let it brew until the juice is released.
    2. Chop the prepared cabbage, sprinkle with salt and rub with your hands. Chop the greens, washed beforehand, finely and, sprinkling with chopped cabbage with it, mix everything evenly.
    3. Put the processed cabbage in a clean, suitable container, tamping tightly. Cover the top layer with slices of juicy sweetened pumpkin, cover with oppression and a gauze napkin. The natural fermentation of the cabbage mass should take place at a warm room temperature.
    4. Within a week, the foam accumulated on the surface of the container with cabbage should be removed, and at the end of it, store the finished pickled vegetable product in a cool, dark and dry place.

    An elegant recipe for sauerkraut for the winter at home with tomatoes, zucchini and bell peppers

    It turns out a very elegant cabbage with an original taste and aroma, but it is better to cook it periodically, as it is consumed: you have eaten everything - prepare a new portion.

    Ingredients for making sauerkraut according to the folk recipe:

    • sweet pepper - 1 kilogram;
    • zucchini - by preference;
    • carrots - 5 medium roots;
    • table salt - 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of brine;
    • garlic, cilantro (coriander), hot pepper and parsley - to taste.

    According to an elegant recipe, sauerkraut with tomatoes, zucchini and bell peppers like this:

    1. Prepare and grind all the vegetables indicated in the recipe as you wish: cut the cabbage forks into 4 parts and put them in boiling water; pepper, without seeds, - into 4 parts and also in boiling water; zucchini, tomatoes, ripe, dense fleshy varieties, and cut carrots into slices; peel the garlic and cut the slices in half; coriander beans; peel hot ripe peppers and cut with a knife. Chop the parsley with a knife.
    2. Lay all prepared vegetables in layers in a dish that is indifferent to oxidation, alternating red and orange with layers of cabbage. It is not necessary to tamp strongly so as not to crush the tomatoes.
    3. Put vegetables in a container so that the brine rises during fermentation, and you can prepare it from clean drinking water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

    The conditions for fermenting such a vegetable salad are classic: a warm room, the fermentation process for up to 7 days (you can try it earlier), and an elegant salad will become an ordinary snack on the table until it ends. Store pickled cabbage salad in a cool, dark and dry place.

    Onion recipe for sauerkraut for the winter at home

    This method of preparing sauerkraut for future use for lovers of the additional smell of onions in many types of canned vegetables. The output of sauerkraut according to this recipe is voluminous, because it takes 5 large heads of cabbage, about 20 kilograms of white cabbage. Any container can be used: from a wooden tub to three-liter glass.

    Ingredients for making sauerkraut:

    • white cabbage - 20 kilograms;
    • onions - 1 kilogram;
    • carrots - 600 grams;
    • table salt - 500 grams;
    • ground black pepper - to taste;
    • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
    • sugar - 30 grams.

    According to the onion recipe, cook sauerkraut at home like this:

    1. Cut the peeled and washed fresh carrots into strips in advance. Finely chop the peeled onions with a knife.
    2. Finely chop the prepared clean cabbage heads and place them in a bowl convenient for mixing. Sprinkle the whole mass of chopped cabbage with sugar, salt and black pepper, distribute the carrots evenly into strips and chopped onions - mix everything and rub with your hands until juicy.
    3. Put the resulting mixture, tamping, in a sufficiently deep container, put pressure on top, cover with a clean cloth and leave alone for 3 days.
    4. After these days, during which the container with cabbage should be in a sufficiently warm place, pierce it repeatedly around the circumference with a wooden knitting needle to remove the mixture of the resulting gases.
    5. Squeeze all the cabbage with your hands from excess brine and put it again, tamping it tightly, into a container under oppression.

    To store onion-fermented cabbage, you need to choose a dry, dark and cool enough place so that it retains its impeccable taste for a long time.

    It should be noted that the volume of sauerkraut according to the onion recipe can be proportionally set several times less: within 2-3 liters.

    Honey and grape recipe for sauerkraut for the winter at home

    Such an exquisite recipe especially for those who love something this kind, although it is built on the basis of the classic recipe for sauerkraut. For those who are worried about the end result of this exercise, we advise you to test on a low percentage dose to see if you like this solution.

    Ingredients for making sauerkraut according to honey and grape recipe:

    • white cabbage - 2 kilograms;
    • fresh grapes - 1 kilogram;
    • fresh carrots - 200 grams;
    • natural honey - 100 grams;
    • basil - 100 grams or preferred;
    • table salt - 15 grams per 1 liter of brine.

    According to the grape-honey recipe, white cabbage for the winter at home is fermented like this:

    1. Chop the prepared heads of cabbage in the usual way - into strips.
    2. Chop the peeled and washed fresh carrots into thin cubes. Cut the grapes with scissors with short tassels and rinse under running water through a colander - let the water drain.
    3. Everything is crushed, a container is prepared for mixing cabbage with carrots and liquid honey - mix everything evenly.
    4. In a prepared container, put a few grapes on the bottom, followed by a layer of cabbage mixture, a layer of basil leaves - and so on, spread the grape berries and basil evenly, carefully compacting the entire mass so that the berries remain intact.
    5. Tamp the whole mass of cabbage under oppression, pour over with steep salted boiling water and leave for fermentation in the usual way for 1-3 days. Honey and grapes will not only add a sweet and sour note, but also speed up fermentation. For this reason, within a day you can taste the taste of grape-honey cabbage.

    In the original version of this recipe, it is suggested to dissolve honey in boiling brine, but given that during heat treatment it loses its best and useful qualities, I do not do this. Store such cabbage under normal conditions for open preservation of sauerkraut - in a dry, cool and dark place under a soft lid.

    Apple recipe for sauerkraut for the winter at home

    A very interesting recipe that combines two of the most delicious products in the union in fermented form. There is caraway in the recipe, but if someone doesn't like it, then just exclude the cumin.

    Ingredients for making sauerkraut:

    • white cabbage - 10 kilograms;
    • sweet and sour apples - 1 kilogram;
    • dry dill and caraway seeds - optional;
    • table salt - 250-300 grams.

    According to the apple recipe, cook sauerkraut for the winter at home as follows:

    1. Chop the prepared white cabbage in the usual way and rub with salt with your hands, so that it gives juice faster.
    2. Wash, dry the apples, remove the peel and, after removing the core, cut into slices.
    3. In a container for fermentation, lay out in layers: cabbage - apples - cabbage - and so on to the top, sprinkling along the way with dill and caraway seeds.
    4. Complete the laying of cabbage with apples by imposing oppression with a load. Leave it to ferment in a warm place for several days, periodically removing the foam and piercing it with a wooden pointed needle to the bottom to help escape the gases produced during fermentation.

    If it is not possible to store cabbage in a large container in a cool, suitable place, then at the end of the fermentation, the cabbage can be decomposed into smaller containers and stored in such a convenient form in the refrigerator.

    Shades of taste and aroma of sauerkraut depend on additives in such a ratio of products: 1 - Savoy cabbage - 10 kilograms; ripe viburnum berries - 1 kilogram; dill seeds - 200 grams; table salt - 200 grams. 2 - a head of cabbage - 1 piece; fresh grated horseradish - by preference; fresh garlic - 2-3 cloves; fresh carrots - 1 root; table salt - 1 tablespoon; granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon. 3 - beet marinade: cabbage - 2 kilograms; fresh garlic - 1 head; sweet pepper - 1 pod. Marinade: drinking water - 1 liter; beet juice - from 1 root vegetable; vegetable oil - 0.5 cups; table salt - 2 tablespoons; granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons; table vinegar 9% - 1 teaspoon. Bring everything except the beet juice to a boil, remove from the heat, pour in the beet juice and pour the shredded cabbage tightly packed into a suitable dish. Such cabbage will acquire a very beautiful beetroot color and ferment without foam, thanks to the presence of vinegar in the brine. After a couple of days, you can already try it.

    The basic rules for the preparation and the process of fermenting cabbage for the winter at home for all recipes are almost the same: chop cabbage and vegetables, add additives, grind with salt or pour with brine, impose oppression with a load in a container with cabbage and let it ferment in a warm room, periodically removing the foam.

    Each housewife in the pantry or cellar has a variety of preparations from fruits, berries and vegetables. On the shelves are jars and bottles, and on the floor there are barrels and pots with sauerkraut, soaked apples, sour cucumbers and tomatoes, and even soaked watermelons. Learn how to ferment cabbage at home in different ways and increase your range of harvests for the winter.

    How to ferment cabbage at home

    Pickling has always been considered the best way to harvest vegetables for the winter. After all, we do not use any preservatives and use minimal salt. Only a few recipes contain a small amount of sugar. During the fermentation process, a unique preservative is produced - acid, which also inhibits the development and growth of pathogenic bacteria.

    Sauerkraut is used to prepare various dishes. These are salads, and saltwort, and dumplings, and pies. Sauerkraut is also served as a separate salad with onions and vegetable oil.

    In order for the preparation for the winter to succeed, several rules must be observed:

    For 1 kg of fresh cabbage, add 25 g of rock salt. If you take more salt, the fermentation process will be weak or the workpiece will not ferment at all. Less salt will make the cabbage sour more quickly.

    Sour cabbage in jars

    The recipe is for a full three liter can of delicious crispy cabbage.

    Ingredients for the starter culture:

    • white cabbage - 3.5 kg;
    • two medium carrots;
    • 3 sheets;
    • 5 black peppercorns;
    • horseradish leaf;
    • dill umbrella;
    • 2 bay leaves;
    • salt - 75 g.

    Cooking process:

    For 1 kg of cabbage, add 100 g of carrots.

    To add spice to the workpiece, you can put a few cloves of garlic and a couple of fresh ones on the bottom of the jar.

    Sauerkraut in a saucepan with caraway seeds

    A completely different taste of sauerkraut appears if you add caraway seeds during harvesting. We also need quite a bit of allspice peas, dill seeds and a couple of bay leaves. Also, sugar must be used in this recipe. Its amount is equal to the amount of rock salt.

    For 2 kg of chopped cabbage, add 1 tsp. cumin seeds.

    Cooking process:

    1. Chop ripe late varieties of cabbage in any way.
    2. Use a coarse grater to chop the carrots.
    3. Put chopped cabbage in a large bowl, add sugar and salt. Mix well.
    4. Sprinkle with caraway seeds and mix thoroughly again.
    5. Add the grated carrots and lightly press together to mix all the ingredients. As a result, some cabbage juice will appear.
    6. Wash and dry well the enamel pot. Put the workpiece in it and tamp it tightly. The denser the cabbage is packed, then the better the fermentation result will be.
    7. Lay the cabbage leaves removed in advance on top. Install oppression. If you are fermenting a lot of cabbage in a large saucepan, you can use a wooden circle as oppression. For small pots, use a suitably sized plate. Press down on top of either a bottle of water or something else heavy in weight.
    8. During fermentation every day, you need to pierce the cabbage with a large knife to release the gas bubbles. If there is a thin rolling pin for rolling out the dough, then use it. Immediately put oppression back on.

    It remains to wait for the result, when the cabbage is ready to eat. The higher the temperature in the room where the pan is placed, the faster the result will be. After fermentation is complete, the cabbage can be transferred to jars.

    Sourdough cabbage at home for the winter

    For long-term storage, cabbage is fermented with apples, cranberries, beets and other vegetables. Each recipe is worthy of your attention.

    How to ferment cabbage at home in Georgian

    The Georgian recipe for cooking cabbage for the winter involves the use of large quantities of dark red beets and carrots. Georgian sauerkraut is served as a savory snack on the festive table when believers are fasting.

    Ingredients for sourdough cabbage:

    • a head of cabbage weighing 2.5-3 kg;
    • one carrot and one burgundy beet;
    • head of garlic;
    • optional 6 black peppercorns, one hot pepper and one onion.

    Prepare brine from a liter of water, 50 g of salt, 200 g of vinegar and 100 g of sugar.

    Cooking steps:

    After 12 hours, you can try sauerkraut with beets and carrots.

    You can store sauerkraut in a normal cool room.

    Sour delicious cabbage with apples

    Just three days after cooking, you can already taste the cabbage sauerkraut with apples and spices.

    Ingredients for fermentation:

    • white cabbage - 3 kg;
    • 300 g of apples and carrots;
    • ginger root - 45 g;
    • dill and cumin seeds, 1.5 tsp;
    • an incomplete teaspoon of ground black pepper;
    • 75 g of salt.

    Step by step cooking:

    How to ferment cabbage at home with cranberries in a bucket

    Sour lingonberries or cranberries improve the taste of sauerkraut.

    A set of ingredients for the preparation:

    • 8 kg of white cabbage;
    • 500 g fresh or frozen cranberries;
    • 3 kg of carrots;
    • 150 g of rock salt.

    The amount of ingredients is given in a ten-liter enamel bucket.

    Step by step cooking:

    For sourdough cabbage use only a whole bucket without any chips.

    There are many options for sourdough cabbage for the winter, and each time you get a completely new taste of the preparation. Instead of cranberries, they use raisins, lingonberries and even mushrooms. Apples are added whole or cut. There are recipes for quick preparation of sauerkraut, and there are preparations for slow fermentation. The choice always remains with the hostess.

    How to ferment cabbage at home with honey - video recipe

    Video recipe for fermenting cabbage in an old Russian way

    Crispy slices of sauerkraut are an excellent appetizer for strong alcoholic beverages, an appetizing addition to hot meat dishes, as well as an irreplaceable component of some salads of Russian cuisine. We must not forget that such a product holds the record for the content of vitamin C. Therefore, it will be useful for every housewife to know how to ferment cabbage at home.

    Ingredients: 3 kilos of fresh white cabbage, 330 g of carrots, 75 g of rock salt. These ingredients are included in one of the easiest and quickest sauerkraut recipes.

    1. You can shred a vegetable by hand, but it is much easier to do this with a special grater.
    2. Rub the carrots coarsely with a regular grater.
    3. Prepared cabbage is mixed with salt and kneaded with your hands. When the juice begins to stand out from it and the surface of the product shines, you can add carrots.
    4. The vegetable mass is placed in a saucepan, covered with a film and a lid. Oppression is installed from above.
    5. In this form, the structure should stand for 3 days at room temperature. The main thing is not to forget to periodically pierce the surface of the vegetable mass with a wooden stick in order to prevent the appearance of bitterness in the finished snack.
    6. It remains to decompose the product into clean jars, pour over the released marinade and close with nylon caps.

    Kept cold.

    Sourdough without added vinegar

    Ingredients: 3 kilos of fresh cabbage, 2 carrots, 35 g of rock salt, a pinch of caraway seeds, black peppercorns.

    1. The sourdough of cabbage begins with its shredding into thin strips. Next, the vegetable is transferred to a capacious enamel container. All peeled carrots are also rubbed here.
    2. The vegetable mass is salted, after which it is thoroughly kneaded and rubbed with hands until juice begins to stand out from it. After that, spices are immediately added, and the mixture is transferred to a glass container.
    3. The jar is covered with a clean napkin and placed in the basin, as the brine will gradually pour out of the neck as a result of fermentation. It is also important not to forget to release the carbon dioxide with a wooden skewer.

    The whole fermentation process will take about 2 days.

    Apples recipe

    Ingredients: 5 kilos of fresh cabbage, 4-5 sweet and sour apples, a pound of carrots, 110 g of coarse salt.

    1. The cabbage is finely chopped, combined with grated carrots and salt. The ingredients are mixed by hand, but you do not need to grind them.
    2. A couple of whole cabbage leaves are laid on the bottom of the glass container in which the sourdough will take place. Shredded vegetables are added on top. The mass is compacted.
    3. Then again there are a couple of whole leaves and apples in a peel in one row.
    4. Then there is a couple of cabbage leaves and the remaining shredded ones.
    5. The container will stand under the load for 3 days at room temperature.

    Every day, the jar needs to be pierced to the bottom with a wooden skewer.

    How to ferment cabbage in 3 liter jars?

    Ingredients: 2.5-3 kg head of cabbage, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar, 5-6 carrots, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sea salt, filtered water.

    1. The cabbage is finely chopped, kneaded by hands and combined with grated carrots.
    2. The vegetable mass is compacted into a three liter jar. Salt is poured right on top of the food and fills the neck of the container.
    3. Water is poured into the container. It should reach the very neck of the can.
    4. The container is covered with gauze and left on the table for 2-3 days. Every day, cabbage is pierced with a wood skewer along the entire length of the can.
    5. When the vegetables stop producing juice, all the brine from the container is drained, sweetened and returned back.

    It remains to close the jar with a silicone lid and send it to the cold for a day.

    With beets, quick sourdough

    Ingredients: medium cabbage forks, large beets, half a liter of filtered water, 120 ml of refined oil, 3 carrots, half a glass of granulated sugar, 3 pcs. cloves, 1 tbsp. spoon of coarse salt, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 3-4 garlic cloves, horseradish root and a pinch of ground cinnamon.

    1. For the marinade, all spices and bulk components are sent to the water. After boiling, the liquid is cooked for 5-6 minutes and left to cool.
    2. Cabbage is finely chopped, beets and carrots are rubbed coarsely, and garlic and horseradish are cut into cubes. All vegetable slices are well mixed and wrinkled by hand.
    3. Oil and vinegar are added to the cooled brine, after which vegetables are poured.

    The appetizer should stand under oppression in the cold for 4-5 hours.

    Cabbage, sauerkraut

    Ingredients: 5 kg of cabbage in small heads of cabbage, 35 g of granulated sugar, 160 g of rock salt, ½ teaspoon of ground chili pepper.

    1. Contaminated leaves are removed from heads of cabbage.
    2. You also need to make a triangular incision and cut out the entire stump. If you skip this stage, then the brine simply will not penetrate into the head of cabbage.
    3. You need to take enough water so that it covers all the heads of cabbage in the container chosen for the leaven. Sugar, salt, ground pepper are added to the liquid. The mixture is brought to a boil, after which it is immediately removed from the heat and cooled to room temperature.
    4. The heads of cabbage are placed in a container lined with whole cabbage leaves. This will speed up the fermentation.
    5. The brine from the third step is poured from above and oppression is established.

    The snack will be prepared for 14 days at room temperature. Punctures should be done every two days.

    Cooking recipe in 2 hours

    Ingredients: half a kilo of white cabbage, half a fleshy sweet bell pepper (it is better to take red), half a carrot, 4-5 garlic cloves, 3 bay leaves, a pinch of freshly ground black pepper, 90 ml of table vinegar, 900 ml of filtered water, 2 tbsp. flat spoons of coarse rock salt, half a glass of granulated sugar.

    1. The cabbage is finely chopped and placed in a large saucepan. Do not take an aluminum container. Grated carrots and strips of pepper are also sent here.
    2. Thin slices of garlic and spices are distributed on top.
    3. The contents of the pot mix well.
    4. For the marinade, salt and sugar are added to the water, after which the liquid is brought to a boil. Vinegar and bay leaves are sent to it. After 3-4 minutes of boiling, the marinade is poured onto the cabbage.

    A covered pot is infused in the room for 2 hours, then wrung out, transferred to a glass container and sent to the cold for storage.

    Crunchy and juicy

    Ingredients: 4 kilos head of cabbage, 6 carrots, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of coarse rock salt and granulated sugar.

    1. The cabbage is finely chopped, combined with coarsely grated carrots. Chopped vegetables are ground with sugar and salt. As a result, juice should begin to stand out.
    2. At this stage, the future salad is tasted. It should be slightly salty.
    3. Glass jars are filled with vegetable mass. Periodically, it is sandwiched with whole cabbage leaves. Approximately 2-3 per 3 liter container.
    4. Banks are filled up to the level of the hangers.
    5. Open containers are left in a warm place for 3 days. Every day the salad is pierced with a wood skewer.

    Ready crispy sauerkraut should be kept cold.

    Tasty and fast in Armenian

    Ingredients: 2.5 kg fresh cabbage, 60 g garlic, 220 g carrots, small beets, 2 pcs. red hot pepper, 120 g of petiole celery root, a bunch of fresh cilantro, 3 liters of water, 160 g of coarse salt, half a cinnamon stick, 2 bay leaves, 8-9 black peppercorns.

    1. Salt, lavrushka, all spices are added to the water. The liquid is brought to a boil and then cooled.
    2. The cabbage is finely chopped. Beets and carrots are cut into thin slices, pepper and garlic are cut into small cubes, roots are cut into 4 pieces. The greens are chopped with a sharp knife. All prepared components are mixed.
    3. Whole cabbage leaves are placed on the bottom of the pan. Next - a mass of vegetables, roots and herbs, which must be poured with chilled brine.
      1. The cabbage is thinly chopped and combined with grated carrots.
      2. The ingredients are put in a saucepan and covered with salt, and then kneaded with your hands until the juice appears.
      3. Red pepper is added.
      4. After the next mixing, the components are transferred to a large saucepan, crushed, covered with a plate, pressed down by oppression.