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  • Charge any thing as a magic talisman. Practical charging of things with energy

    Charge any thing as a magic talisman. Practical charging of things with energy

    Any amulet or talisman, no matter how powerful a magician it was created, periodically requires recharging. This is due to the fact that in protecting its owner, the talisman gradually gives up its strength and sooner or later loses its properties. There are several ways to charge the amulet, but it is important to always adhere to strict rules during the ritual. Otherwise, the power of the amulet may be noticeably weakened.

    Reasons to charge the amulet

    The amulet has the ability to accumulate negative energy, which was directed at its owner, but the talisman was able to reflect it. To solve the problem, you can replace the amulet with a new one or refer it to the magician in order for him to carry out the appropriate magical manipulations. But if you figure out how to charge your talisman at home, using simple recommendations, a visit to the magician is not required.

    It should be remembered that restoring the power of the amulet requires a serious approach to this lesson. If a person is not confident in his abilities or is pre-determined to fail, then it is better to entrust the ritual to a professional.

    The rate at which the talisman is discharged depends on the number of negative effects on its owner. That is, if a person is always in sight, constantly in contact with other people who are unfavorably disposed towards him, then the totem can lose its properties in just a month.

    The fact that the amulet is discharged is evidenced by the fact that its owner again begins to be haunted by failures in business, frustration in his personal life, petty intrigues on the part of colleagues and other troubles.

    General rules for recharging an amulet

    Only a charged amulet will bring help to its owner. If the amulet is inherited, given to someone or simply purchased in a souvenir shop, it must first be charged with power. Some sellers claim that they are selling already charged amulets and that they will allegedly start to be useful right away. This is a big lie.

    How to charge your amulet and what its wearer needs to know for this are questions that not every magician can answer. It is important when carrying out recharging rituals to endow the talisman with the energy of a particular person, therefore, it will not work for different people to carry out magical manipulations in large quantities, in relation to several souvenirs.

    Important! A magical item can only have a certain power if it was made specifically for a person.

    You should not trust the charging of the attribute to an unfamiliar person or even a relative. That is, if the appropriate manipulations are carried out to order by a magician, in whose strength there is confidence, then this is permissible. If you ask a friend-friend or a close relative for this kind of things, then such an amulet can do some harm, because each person first of all thinks about himself and can involuntarily charge the talisman with negative energy.

    Ways to cleanse the amulet

    Before carrying out magical manipulations to charge the amulet, it is imperative to clear it of accumulated negative energy. In the old days, it was believed that only fire can cleanse amulets made of stone. Today this myth has been dispelled. Depending on the material from which the amulet is made, you can choose a method of purification that will not damage the talisman.

    1. Cleaning with running water. This method is suitable for products that are made of metal or stone. The essence of the technique is to keep the object under a stream of running water for a long time, which is able to "wash" the entire negative. Do not just soak the product in a container of water, as this will not help. To use this type of cleaning, the amulet is placed in a dish, which is placed under a tap with running water. It will take 2-3 hours to remove negative energy. After that, the talisman is not wiped off, but is left to dry in a place where the maximum amount of sunlight falls on it.
    2. Cleansing by the sun. The method is similar to the previous one, but in this case, the object is placed in a transparent bowl, which is filled to the top with water and left in the sun for 3-4 days.
    3. The use of church paraphernalia. To clean fragile amulets, you can use church candle smoke. To do this, a lit candle must be driven near the amulet as much as the wax melts. In this case, it is necessary to visualize that negative energy is burning along with the smoke. You can also use holy water to sprinkle products, fragrant oils and myrtle. In each case, cleansing is combined with prayer.
    4. At home, you can clean the charm by immersing it in a bowl with sea salt. The salt grains must completely cover the object to be cleaned. The negative energy will completely disappear in three days.

    Having chosen a convenient method of cleansing, you need to make it a rule to carry out such manipulations at least once a month. This will extend the charging time of the amulets and preserve their magical power.

    Charging the amulet with your own energy

    As you know, each person has an inner strength. Also, the mind is inextricably linked with space and other worlds, where it draws energy and restores strength. The amulet can be charged using this gift, when the amulet is endowed with the power of its owner. It is believed that the power of such a talisman is increased hundreds of times, since now the object and its bearer have a common feature - one energetic essence.

    Important! You should not experiment with charging the amulet with internal forces for those who are temporarily weakened or do not feel enough energy in themselves. In this case, the object may take too much of its owner's life force.

    So, how to charge the amulet with your energy - just follow the given sequence of actions. The ceremony takes place after sunset. It is advisable to go to a secluded place on the street or choose a day when you will be at home alone. The one who conducts the ceremony must sit on a chair, put his legs so that the entire foot is on the floor or ground. The whole body should be relaxed. The object to be charged is placed in the right hand so that it is as deep as possible in the fist. In your left hand you need to take a lit green candle.

    During the ceremony, a person must gaze into the candle flame for 5-10 minutes in order to clear his mind of negative thoughts. Then you need to close your eyes and imagine how a light beam is directed from the crown of the head into the sky. Reaching the sky, it increases and returns back in a huge flux of light that enters a person through the crown of the head, spreads throughout the body and connects to the ground through the feet. At the moment of visualization, you need to feel how the light fills every cell of the body, at this moment warmth is clearly felt. To enhance the effect, you need to pronounce a conspiracy:

    “Grant me me when I am not able, when I am powerless. From now on, you and I are one! "

    You need to pronounce the conspiracy 3-4 times with full faith in its action. After that, the talisman is completely ready to use.

    Charging the amulet with the power of the water element

    In Slavic rituals, water is often used, which is considered the strongest conductor of energy. If a person is not confident in his own abilities that he can independently feed a magical item, then it is worth learning how to charge an amulet from water. It is advisable to carry out such a ritual near an open reservoir (sea, river, lake, spring) or at a well, but so that none of the outsiders sees it. If there is no way to find such a reservoir, then the bathroom can also be used for the ceremony.

    Before the beginning of the ritual, a person should wash his face thoroughly and wash his hands, imagining how, together with water, negative flows down the drain. After that, you need to take a magic object in your hand and bring it to the stream of water, while pronouncing this conspiracy:

    “The water is pure, the water is transparent. No force can impede your flow. You, voditsa, cleanse my amulet from the unclean power, from the look of evil. Feed it with your mighty strength. Thank you, voditsa, for your help. "

    Every word should be pronounced thoughtfully and seriously. In total, the plot is read three times. After charging the amulet, you need to hide it in a secluded place and store it like that for three days. Then the magic item is completely ready for use.

    Harnessing the power of other elements

    If the amulet is not charged, and there is no desire to use the above methods for any reason, then you can turn to the rest of the elements for help - air, earth or fire. All of them have enough power to charge a thing for good luck, love, health or well-being. So, how to charge a talisman from the elements:

    1. In order to charge your amulet with the power of the earth, you need to dig it into the soil overnight. Any locality is suitable for this, the only condition is remoteness from the bustle of the city and prying eyes. During this ritual, you need to say the magic words: "Give the earth, take the amulet." In the morning, the amulet is ready for use.
    2. If you need to charge the amulet with fiery power, you need to purchase a yellow candle. both store and church options are suitable. After the wick has caught fire, the amulet must be mixed so that the candle flame barely touches it and say: “In the flame of anger and hatred, burn, and goodness multiply. I ask for strong strength from the majestic fire. " The duration of the ritual is equal to the time that the candle will burn.
    3. You can also charge your amulet with the power of the wind. To do this, in windy weather, you need to go outside and put the talisman on an outstretched hand under the air flow. You also need to say a conspiracy: “Wind-breeze, I ask you for protection from the unclean eye, from the abusive word. Take away all my troubles and strengthen my strength and my spirit. "

    Whichever method of conspiracy the person chooses, the amulet will acquire power only if you believe in what you say. Therefore, the main thing in this matter is to concentrate on what is happening and trust the power of the elements.

    Amulets and charms are almost a necessary attribute of any person. In ancient times, such things were worn by everyone - from young to old, both the youngest children and the elderly. Amulets and charms help a person to be protected from the negative manifestations of the other world.

    Another world, of course, is to a certain extent safe for people, and sooner or later we will all live there, however, the human body is simply not ready for some things and can react painfully. In addition, the other world is inhabited not only by the spirits of ancestors and Gods, but also by such spirits, which were previously called shakes, vampires and other names that can stick to a person, feed on his powers or even endow diseases, destroy fate, and so on. Also, amulets are designed to protect from the evil eye, from the evil slander of witches and sorcerers, from damage and other magical attacks. Amulets and charms equally affect both the manifestations of the magical or surreal plan, and the phenomena of the physical world, that is, they can protect and protect from an evil person, help out of a difficult situation, avert random troubles, protect from a wild beast, and so on. We must not forget that talismans and amulets are designed not only to drive away and scare away, but also to attract pleasant moments, to influence in a positive way the people around them, to attract attention and love, material values \u200b\u200band so on. Amulets, amulets and talismans can greatly help a person and make his life much easier and happier.

    As you yourself could understand, amulets and charms are practically necessary for a person. For this reason, in ancient times they were worn wherever possible - on the arms, legs, head, neck, belt. The amulets were very different and each of them was responsible for something different. Some attracted good luck, the second scared off diseases, the third favored on the way, and so on. A whole amulet culture has been associated with selection, creation, cleaning and wearing. This layer of the Slavic tradition is so huge and extensive that it will take several books to describe everything related to amulets in one edition. In this article, we will turn to such a task when working with amulets, such as cleaning and charging.

    I want to warn you right away that in this article I will try not to give various exact spells and different word forms, since I believe that spells that are learned like a poem at school, and being uttered only with the hope of fulfilling the pronounced formula, without a soul and deep understanding, will not bear any fruit. The words that need to be pronounced during rituals, you must choose only your own, that is, appeal to the Gods, spirits, ancestors with your thoughts and ask them to empower them with your own words, which are most sincere and come from the very heart. This is the only way to feel the importance of the moment and establish contact through a sincere desire, between yourself, your patrons and your mediator - an amulet or talisman.

    Before using an amulet, amulet, talisman and expecting real help and protection from him, it is necessary to carry out the necessary rituals or actions with him. This does not apply to natural or natural things, which in themselves are charged with natural force and do not require additional intervention. What are natural amulets? For example, when our ancestors used a bear claw as a talisman, they rarely performed additional manipulations and exercises with it, because the claw itself already possessed the powerful force that is inherent in the bear - the symbol of Veles. Or, for example, you can take the Chicken God (a leveled stone, a stone with a hole in the middle), which also does not make sense to charge, since in itself it is a charged amulet capable of protecting livestock and birds. Cleaning and charging can refer to charms that are made by human hands or the purity and strength of which you doubt.

    So, getting started cleaning and charging, it is worth knowing that one of the most popular and traditional methods is charging with the four elements. Since our ancestors and we are their descendants, we honor all manifestations and faces of nature and endow them with soul and divine power, then - fire, earth, air and water - are ideal for making an amulet not just a beautiful thing, but an effective thing and working. You can cleanse and charge the amulet both simultaneously with all the elements, or separately, depending on your goals.

    Fire. Charging with fire can be done with a fire, candle or sun. A bonfire can be lit on a certain day, holiday, or that day that seems significant to you, for example, on Thursday - Perun's day, Friday - Mokosh's day, and so on. The influence of the fire will be even stronger if it is laid from certain types of wood (oak logs, birch, and so on), without admixtures of garbage and unnecessary things. It is also believed that fire will have power if it is alive, that is, lit not with the help of matches, lighters or other modern means, but using the old method of making fire - friction.

    After making a fire, to charge the amulet, it is necessary to carry the amulet over the fire in open palms with a request to the fire, Gods and fire spirits and ancestors. This will often be enough. If the amulet is made of strong materials that are not afraid of fire, then you can put it for a short time in the fire itself, for example, by placing it on one of the logs, but with such a condition that it can be easily reached. The pure power of fire will drive out everything negative and charge the amulet with positive energy.

    The same goes for the candle. The candle must be new. A candle can be lit with a match. The amulet must be carried over the fire of candles in the palms, asking the fire and the Gods to endow it with protective powers. In the case of a candle, there is one important feature. After charging, it is necessary that the candle burns out completely. Candles can be of different colors. White - purity, sincerity and goodness. Green is healing. Red is love.

    If your amulet is made of material for which open fire is dangerous, then it must be held in the palms of your hands, not allowing it to touch the flames. For the transfer of energy, it will be sufficient if the fire touches your hands for a short time. Here you need to be careful not to burn yourself and hold your hands over the fire quickly, but not sharply and not hurriedly. The low density of the flame will not hurt your hands.

    For the same purposes, the amulet can be put for a while on a bright sunny day in an open space under the very rays of the sun.

    Do not forget about the moon. It is necessary to leave the amulet in an open and easily lit space on a full moon or for an increasing month. At the same time, it is better to choose clear nights so that the light of the moon falls on the amulet. This kind of exercise is especially relevant for girls and women, since the moon favors the female sex, symbolizes the "woman's patroness" Makosh.

    Earth. To clean and charge the amulet with the forces of the earth, you must bury it in dry ground overnight. During the night, the amulet is completely cleansed and charged. After the amulet is taken from the ground, the place where it lay must be dug up. To the sphere of cleaning the amulet by the forces of the earth, you can also refer to cleaning with salt. To do this, the amulet must be put in a jar of salt overnight. The salt must then be discarded. Purification with salt is used in cases where you suspect that the amulet has been negatively influenced by the touch of a stranger or after being exposed to a negative environment (for example, it fell into the dirt, was heavily soiled, etc.).

    Air. To clean and charge the amulet with air, rub is most often used. If the wind has risen outside, this is the time to make your amulet stronger. To do this, you need to stand in the place where the wind is blowing in full force and lift the amulet up on your hands so that it blows freely, asking the Gods and the spirits of the wind.

    Smoke charging also refers to cleaning and air charging. One of the most common is juniper smoke. In addition to juniper, you can use wormwood or thistle, or these herbs together. Juniper, as a magical plant, the Veles plant, which has been used since ancient times in order to cleanse the place of unkind spirits, is best suited for this. In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to place the amulet so that the smoke can envelop it. After that, you need to set fire to a branch of a juniper and after the smoke appears, circle the amulet and ask the forces of nature, spirits and Gods to give the amulet power. Also for these purposes, you can draw a little smoke into yourself and exhale a stream of smoke onto your amulet, imagining that you are giving it your energy, giving it special strength with the help of the smoke of a magic plant.

    Water. To charge the amulet with water, water from a tap or a column is not suitable. To do this, you need to find running water, a spring or a well. Rainwater and forest melt water are also suitable for charging. The charging principle is simple here. If you have a small river with running water or a spring in mind, then you can put your amulets on the bottom and ask the water spirits to give them strength. If your amulet is made of materials that do not like water and can deteriorate from its effects, then it will be enough to sprinkle a little drops on it.

    Water is also great for cleaning. If you think that your thing was held in the hands of a bad person, or you looked at him strangely (jinxed), then it will be enough to find running water (of natural origin - a river, stream) and leave the amulet in the water for a few minutes so that the water will wash away all adhering negative.

    It is believed that waves are not suitable as running water for charging (coastal waves on a river, sea, and so on, which run onto the shore and then retreat back).

    Ice and snow will help you clear the amulet. Cold perfectly removes all negativity from the amulet. To do this, you can dig it in the snow, in a snowdrift, on ice, or even leave it in the freezer of your refrigerator overnight.

    The amulet can be charged at once with all the elements at the same time, and not separately, having prepared all the necessary "ingredients" in nature. To do this at home, you need elements that symbolize these elements: a handful of earth (sprinkle with earth), a little water (sprinkle with water or dip into a container of water), smoke (you can use an aroma stick if there are no herbs; smoke will symbolize the wind) , fire (candle, torch).

    The timing must be correct for charging. The perfect choice would be a day on the waxing moon. In magic and Slavic tradition, it is not customary to perform positive rituals on the waning moon.

    Another way to charge an amulet is to make its contact with a cult place or, as they say, “prayed”. Cult places, which are distinguished by a special energy, reverence and influence of people of several generations, and maybe several millennia, can give an amulet extraordinary energy, since in such places the energy is so dense and dense that it can be “cut with a knife”. What is meant by a place of worship? These are places that have remained from ancient times and were once places of temples, sanctuaries, places where rituals were held, pagan holidays, and so on. For example, we can name the same Sin Stone on Lake Pleshcheevoy, Horse-stone, Jesters stone and much more. Even an ancient settlement or settlement, from which only ruins are now left, but whose population was previously pagan, will be able to give the amulet a strong energy that this place has been saturated with over the long years of its existence.

    You can easily charge an amulet from a cult place. To do this, you need to put your amulet on a stone or on the ground, ask mentally or aloud from the Gods and spirits of this place to give the stone strength and leave it for a while. Ten minutes is enough for charging. If there is an opportunity to leave the amulet for a longer period, for several hours, for the whole day or for the whole night, then you should not neglect this opportunity, but the shortest time is still enough for charging. At the same time, it should be understood that an amulet, amulet, talisman and any other thing that is charged (a piece of clothing, weapon, etc.) is not a mobile phone, the charging of which depends on the characteristics of the battery and must take some time. The transfer of the necessary energy from a charged place of worship to an amulet can take place very quickly - in one touch, if the owner of the amulet is open for such a charge and wishes to receive help and support.

    Amulets and charms can be charged with trees. If you have your own divine patron, which, as you think, favors you the most, then charging such a God with a tree can bring you special benefits and endow the object with the power you need. As you know, a particular tree is dedicated to each God: Perun - oak, Veles - spruce, juniper, Lada - birch, Rod - ash or maple, Makosh - aspen and evergreen varieties of trees, Svarog - elm, Chernobog - nut, Yarilo - ash, etc. In order for the tree to make your amulet strong, you need to find a hollow, a branch, a lagging bark and put the amulet there for the night, while asking the tree, the Divine patron of this tree, as well as the spirits of the place to fulfill your desire. Also, you can dig your charged item a little into the ground - where the roots of the tree you have chosen are.

    The place where you can carry out the ritual of charging with earth, fire, air and water can be the place where you loved to spend time in childhood. If you have a place that was your own favorite when you were still a child, then this is just wonderful. The child very clearly feels the places that are best suited for him in terms of his energy, those factors and even those spirits that live here. Thus, the amulet will be able to receive the most necessary and correct power for you.

    If charging the amulet is not urgent, then it is best to wait for the solar holiday for these purposes, which in the year 4 (four) - two solstices and two equinoxes. On these days, the forces of nature and all four elements are especially strong and charging your things on such days is much better than on any other date. Let me remind you that the four solar holidays are Kolyada, Maslenitsa, Kupala and Radogoshch.

    If you are making a temporary amulet, then this must be approached taking into account the purpose of its action. For example, we can give an amulet for a patient who must drive away a disease or destroy a disease and is made specifically for destruction. After its work, such an amulet is usually destroyed. In this case, you need to energize the waning moon amulet. The waning moon is a symbol of the end, a symbol of death, destruction. An amulet for the destruction of a disease, charged to the waning moon, charged by the forces of the earth or the smoke of a juniper, will act on the disease and such an amulet must be dedicated not to the sick, but to the disease. An amulet for a patient, for his recovery, is made on the arriving moon, as a symbol of life, by the forces of fire (fire is a symbol of the soul, life, struggle) and three other elements.

    All of the above actions can be applied together. That is, charge together or in turn with the forces of earth, air, fire and wind, then charge with the power of a tree, the forces of cult places and hold the amulet in the bright sun, and then on a clear moon at a full moon.

    An important piece of advice will be to wash well and put on clean clothes before the ritual.

    The talisman will be even stronger and even more attached to you if he has a name. Find a name suitable for him (not a name), the one that you like or what best describes him, and then the amulet will become not just an object charged for positive things, but your ally, friend and faithful assistant.

    First, let's clear the amulet from any information. To do this, it is enough to place the amulet under running water for a couple of hours. Tap water is fine, but spring or river running water is best.

    How to cleanse a charm with fire? To do this, carry the amulet over the candle flame several times from right to left and in the opposite direction, and in your thoughts imagine that negative energy burns out and turns into smoke.

    Someone utters certain conspiracies or directs a thought-image to cleanse the amulet. Your intuition or ancestral memory will help you in this matter.

    There can be many ways to charge the amulet. We will only provide a general scheme that can be used as a template. Of course, all the information is in our ancestral memory. For example, unlike a person of Western culture, from birth, we do not consider it delusional to talk to the wind, the sun, etc. Therefore, each of us can have our own technique, our own conspiracies ...

    When performing the rite, it is worth remembering that any rite has a mystical character and must be treated with all seriousness and complete confidence in one's strengths and abilities.

    About a week before the ceremony (it is better, of course, always) :) lead a righteous life, listen to the voice of the heart, people around and nature, limit yourself to worldly pleasures. Naturally, on the day of the ceremony, a good spiritual and physical condition is obligatory (good sleep, etc.).

    As far as possible, the main elements should be called into the ceremony: ether (conspiracies, hymns to the Gods), air, fire, water and earth.

    It is better to choose a secluded place in nature, in a place of power, it is desirable (where bright Slavic holidays are held, for example). At the very least, you should be comfortable in this place. There should be no cemetery nearby or swamps, dumpsites.

    It will be good if you manage to make a fire on the shore of a natural reservoir.

    It is advisable to stand with bare feet (if it is cold, then of course, in shoes) and start exercising with reading hymns. Hymns (praises) should come from the heart, it is not necessary to memorize something, you can do everything in your own words and in your own way, because there are no intermediaries between us and God. Then sprinkle the amulet with native earth, wash the amulet in water, hold it over the fire and dry it in the air.

    During physical contact with the elements, say appeals to them with a request to endow the amulet with the necessary qualities. Don't be shy, be natural. Nature loves us no matter what. You can remember some pleasant episode from your childhood in order to enter the desired state.

    If it is difficult to do this rite in nature, do it at home, but try to have all the elements. At home, it will probably be more difficult to tune in the right way. Remember that the inner attitude is always more important than the outer circumstances.

    After charging the amulet, consider that you have breathed soul into it, i.e. you need to treat the amulet with respect and care. You need to keep the amulet clean, not to be grabbed with dirty hands. It is generally not advisable to give it to someone for a long time. Especially to someone you don't know well.

    Most likely, you will very soon feel a change for the better in your everyday life. Even such a formality as a morning bath will turn into joy when you see your native symbol reflected in the mirror.

    Remember, NATIVE Gods are capable of any deeds. They do not regret anything for us, we simply do not notice how they pour their grace on us every second. But help is given primarily to those who help themselves, therefore, continuing to lead an unworthy lifestyle, it is foolish to count on mountains of gold. Money and other benefits that come to an unworthy person, the most harmless simply do not bring him happiness. We will not talk about the bad consequences, everyone knows perfectly well what it is about.

    Believe in your strength, the power of the Gods and Elements!

    If you have created or purchased a new amulet for yourself, then the question of how to charge the talisman will become your top priority. Without proper activation, such a magical item is nothing more than an ordinary decoration or trinket: it has no directed magical energy.

    In the event that you created the amulet yourself with your own hands, the process of energy exchange between you and the talisman has already begun, because willingly or unwillingly, you have already endowed the object with a part of your aura.

    The acquired talisman does not have such a characteristic and is especially in dire need of a properly performed ritual of activating a magical object.

    Energy Activation Basics

    Any object in our world has its own energy: in living and inanimate objects, it is different in its structure, just as the magical aura differs from the natural one. In any case, such energy is subordinated to one higher force, therefore it has similar features, even if their goals are different.

    The concept of "charging an amulet" means the purposeful filling of the talisman with the higher power we need and giving it certain features.

    Such rituals have their roots in ancient times, because all the peoples of the world used magic artifacts, which means that the rituals of activating such talismans exist in different forms and types. However, the very essence of the energy being filled has not changed over the centuries, all these rituals have similar features, differing only in minor nuances.

    Any magical object must be activated by consecration and purification by the four elements of nature: fire, water, air and earth. These elements form the basis of our universe and possess the highest spiritual power. In addition, in such rituals of consecration and purification, the power of the heavenly bodies - the moon and the sun - is often used. In conjunction with your personal focus and the necessary magic words, you can charge any amulet, whatever the final goal it has.

    Activation ritual with four elements

    This universal rite will help you not only charge the amulet with the necessary energy, but at the same time cleanse it of various negativity and extraneous interference, which is very important.

    It should be remembered that the material from which the talisman is made is not of fundamental importance for the activation ceremony, just like its shape or appearance. There is only one mandatory rule: only the person who will subsequently be the bearer and owner of a magical artifact should carry out the initiation process.

    The ceremony itself is carried out in four full stages, each of which has similar features, but differs in the element that controls it:

    • First step. Initial activation occurs by the power of the earth. To do this, the finished amulet should be placed directly in the ground for three days. This ceremony will be most effective if you are not too lazy and go to a small real forest or garden, the most important thing is that such a procedure does not have outsiders. The talisman should be pre-treated: cover it with a wash-off layer of blue or golden paint. If this is not possible, then simply wrap the item in a small piece of new fabric of the appropriate color. After all these manipulations, just place the amulet in a small hole and sprinkle it with earth. One should step over such a mound three times, each of which must be accompanied by words of gratitude to the earth, and also forgive her permission to place a talisman in it. After three days, not earlier, the amulet can be removed from the ground and started at the next stage.
    • Second phase. The next initiating element will be water. For a properly performed ceremony, you will need to collect natural living water: from a spring or a small river. Pour it into a clear glass vessel and place the talisman there. First, you need to turn to the water in your own words and ask it for help and permission to place the talisman there. You can do this in your own words. The vessel with the activated amulet should be removed to a dark place hidden from prying eyes for exactly three days. After that, the talisman can be removed, the main thing to remember is that you cannot wipe the water off it: the object must dry naturally. Used water should be immediately removed from the house and disposed of at the nearest road junction.
    • Stage three. At this stage, the power of fire talisman will help you activate. To do this, purchase an ordinary wax candle in advance, it is best to do this in a church. Late in the evening, when you can be alone, light a candle from a new box of matches and ask the flame for help with your question. After that, carry the amulet three times in the candle flame, then thank the fire and blow out the candle. The flame should be blown out three times: the first two should be blown weakly, and the third time stronger, so that the flame will definitely go out. The used candle and all the wax from it should be carefully collected and taken out of your home: it is best to bury them under any tree.
    • Fourth stage. At the final stage, the power of air will help you activate the amulet. To do this, first of all, you should mentally tune yourself in the right way: banish all extraneous thoughts from your head and focus on the issue that worries you most. After that, take the amulet in your left palm, and through the right, folded in a tube, exhale air onto the object. In each such action, put your thoughts and desires, part of your personal energy into the talisman.

    After the end of the fourth stage of activation, your talisman is considered fully charged. Carry it with you at all times, especially during the first weeks, so that the bond between you will strengthen. From time to time take the talisman in your hands: you can ask for what you need, or you can thank for what has happened. This communication between you is important enough that it should not be ignored.

    Personalization of the mascot

    In the event that the question of how to charge the amulet is no longer in front of you, you may need information about such a magical ritual as individualization.

    If a magic artifact was acquired by you, and not created with your own hands, then it is very important, in addition to activating it, also to fill the object with your personal energy, so to speak, to individualize the talisman. This is necessary first of all so that a reliable magical connection is established between you, because otherwise the amulet may not consider you the owner, and therefore direct its energy in the other direction.

    In addition, such amulets are rarely absolutely pure in the magical sense of the word: one way or another, but they have already been in other hands, which means they bear part of the energy of another person. All these moments in combination can greatly weaken the power of the talisman. To prevent such negative consequences, the ritual of individualization of any magical thing was invented.

    To carry it out correctly, first of all, you should choose the correct day of the week for the ceremony:

    • If you are a girl, then perform the individualization ritual exclusively on women's days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
    • Other days are suitable for men: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

    The ceremony itself should be carried out late in the evening, when the sun has already disappeared behind the horizon. To do this, you need to be completely alone so that there are no extraneous distractions. Sit down at the table and mentally tune in to the ritual: take your future talisman in your hands and feel it not only physically, but also spiritually.

    When you feel ready, say these words:

    “My amulet, I decided to choose you! Now we have one fate! You will bring me luck, you will bring me luck, I will please you with care and attention! "

    After you repeat the conspiracy words three times, wrap the amulet in new material and hide it in a safe cache. There it should lie for at least a week, after which it should be carried constantly with you. Take your talisman from time to time in your hands and turn to him with words of gratitude or ask for help: if you do not do this, your energetic connection may collapse.

    How to use the amulet

    In order for a properly charged talisman not to lose its power and the connection between you is not broken, you should adhere to the simple and accessible rules for its operation:

    • Your amulet is a thing charged with personal energy. In no case should it be given into the hands of a stranger. It is best if such a talisman is not even worn in full view of everyone.
    • Treat the talisman with care: keep it in a safe place, do not drop it and do not forget to take care of its appearance.
    • Communicate with the amulet: be sure to pick it up from time to time and say words of gratitude for the service rendered.

    If all these conditions are met, your amulet will be highly effective and will serve you for a very long time.

    When an amulet has just been purchased or made, it needs to be charged. This is the activation of the magical qualities inherent in it. Without this procedure, it will be just a beautiful thing. If it is made by someone else's hands, it is required to remove extraneous energy from it. We offer a description of the rituals for cleaning amulets and charging them with the help of various elements.

    What is an amulet

    This word in Arabic means "to wear". It is an item endowed with magical powers. According to the plan, he should bring benefit to his owner and protect him from any troubles.

    Amulets are often used as body jewelry. They are often found in cockpits, cars and other vehicles.

    Place them in houses. They can surround a barnyard. The materials of the amulets are different. This is wood, steel, and silver.

    It is very important to clean and charge them in the right way. There are natural types of amulets. They do not need additional recharge. By default, they already have powerful natural strength. These species include many animal elements, for example:

    • He gives his master remarkable strength, like a bear.
    • A stone with a hole in the center. He protects livestock.
    • Clover with four leaves.

    Cleansing procedure

    It is based on prayer. A frying pan is used. Salt is poured into it. It is calcined for 10 minutes. The fire mode is slow. During these minutes you need to stir the salt and say prayers, for example: "Our Father." The salt is removed from the flame when it turns a little yellow.

    After cooling, it is poured into a cup. An amulet is placed in this dish. The salt should cover it completely. In this state, he remains for the whole night. You can charge it in the morning.

    There are different methods for this. They are outlined below.

    Operation using a church candle

    How to charge an amulet in this way? A church candle is placed on the table. You need to say prayers, while moving the object over the fire. The displacement vector does not matter. Then the amulet should receive a charge of your energy.

    It is taken in the left hand. You need to look at him and beg for help. You need to explain to him its purpose, what do you expect from him. After that, the amulet is covered with the palm of the right hand. You should feel how the energy flow is directed from it. He fills the amulet. The transformed energy flows towards you through the left hand. So this object becomes one with you.

    Using the elements

    As you know, there are four elements: water, air, fire and earth. How to charge an amulet for one or all of them?

    The rite requires components associated with them:

    • A handful of earth.
    • A glass of water.
    • Fire.

    Working with the ground

    The earth is poured into a clay cup. The amulet itself is buried. In this case, a prayer should be read.

    It is important to observe the following criteria here:

    • The ground must be dry.
    • The duration of the stay of the amulet in the ground is the whole night. Under these conditions, he will receive the necessary charge.
    • When you get the amulet, dig up the place where it was.

    Application of water energy

    How to charge an amulet from water? First, it comes from a spring or other natural source. Secondly, it needs to be poured into a crystal glass. Place the amulet in this dish. Read conspiracies over it that match your goals (for protection, for luck, and so on). You need to focus very much on your desires.

    You can go to a natural source. There, put your amulet on the bottom. Ask the water spirits to fill it with power.

    If the material of your amulet is afraid of water, you can simply sprinkle it lightly on it.

    You should not use for this rite of passage waves running on the shore and back. They are believed to bring a lot of negativity.

    Working with air

    How to charge an amulet with this method? Wind is usually used to solve this problem. If he is on the street, this is the right moment for the intended procedure.

    It is required to stand where it blows more powerfully. Pick up the amulet and pick it up. It should be well ventilated. At this moment, you can ask for help from the Higher powers and the wind.

    You can also charge with smoke. Most often, they burn juniper or wormwood. You can use them together.

    Juniper has been considered a Veles plant since ancient times. They drove out evil spirits. Place the amulet so that the smoke envelops it. Then, light a twig of this plant. When smoke appears, ask the deities and nature to fill the amulet with power.

    Rite of passage with fire

    For the amulet to receive the energy of fire, a fire is often used for this. It can be bred on any important day for you. For example, on the day of Perun or Mokosh. It's Thursday and Friday.

    The effect of the fire will increase if it is laid out with specific types of wood. It should be free of rubbish and debris.

    Make a fire. Place the amulet in the palm of your hand. Carry it over the flame. Ask for help from fire, gods, ancestors. In many cases, this is enough.

    If the amulet is fire resistant, you can put it directly into the fire for a short time, but so that it can be reached without any problems. The noble fiery power will eliminate all negativity and fill the amulet with its energy.

    For the ceremony, you can use a new candle. Use only a match to light it. The amulet sweeps over her flames. In this case, you can ask for help from both fire and the gods. Task - the amulet must acquire protective abilities.

    After the procedure, the candle should burn out completely.

    The color of the candle also matters. If it is green, the amulet will be directed towards healing. If - white, for the reign of kindness and understanding in your home. If red - for love.

    If your amulet is not flame resistant, then hold it in your palms. It will charge even after a short contact of your hands with fire.

    Solar energy is also equated to the energy of fire. On a clear day, put the amulet in an open place so that the sun's rays fall on it.

    You can charge the amulet on a full moon. The second acceptable option is during an increasing month. Better to act on a clear night. So the moonlight will completely touch the amulet.

    Territories of power

    Special energy is concentrated in the cult zones. It can be transferred to objects if the material from which they are made is energy-intensive. Then the amulet will gain tremendous power. Precious metals have such qualities.

    How to charge an amulet if it is made of silver or gold? First, the desired location is selected. Power is there, where rituals have been carried out since ancient times, sanctuaries worked, pagan celebrations were held.

    Ancient settlements will also work for this purpose. Even if today only ruins remain of them, magical power is still preserved here.

    Examples of similar places:

    1. Blue Stone
    2. Horse-Stone.
    3. Jesters stone.
    4. Arkaim.

    You need to listen to the selected place. Its energy should correspond to your intentions. You must feel it. The amulet is charged as follows:

    It is located on an earthen or stone surface. You ask the spirits of the given territory to grant him power. Leave it here for 10-20 minutes. If conditions allow, you can leave it for a day. But 10 minutes is enough for a full charge. Energy transfer is instantaneous.

    After the procedure, be sure to thank the spirits of the place for their support.

    Elements in the complex

    How to properly charge an amulet using all the elements at the same time? For this, all the necessary components are taken from nature. This is a handful of earth, a little spring water, smoke from lit twigs, the sun or the flame of a fire. You can also use a candle.

    How to charge an amulet at home with such a kit? The following algorithm is implemented:

    1. The amulet is sprinkled with a handful of earth.
    2. Sprayed with water or placed in a container with it.
    3. Fumigated with smoke.
    4. Held over a lit candle.

    You can also perform the ritual outdoors. The same steps are followed. The place for the ceremony can be a clearing in the forest, some area in a meadow, on the bank of a river, in a garden.

    Strength from trees

    Trees can also give positive energy to an amulet. If you have your highest patron, then the amulet is charged from his tree. Then the amulet will acquire the potential that you personally need.

    The Slavs dedicated a certain tree to each deity:

    • Oak to Perun.
    • Spruce and juniper - to Veles.
    • Maple to Rod.
    • Birch - Lada.
    • Aspen - Makosha.
    • Walnut - Chernobog.
    • Ash - Yarila.

    How to charge an amulet with wood energy? For the ceremony, you need to find the right places on the tree itself. This could be:

    • Hollow.
    • Flaking bark.
    • Branching.

    Place the amulet in any of these places. Contact the deity of this tree and the spirits of the forest with a request to help you realize your plans.

    Charging through yourself

    This implies a connection with space, passing its energy through oneself. And then it already penetrates the amulet. The person himself is fed by it. The ritual is contraindicated for people with very weak energy. They can faint and become seriously weak.

    How to charge an amulet at home in this way? Retire. Light a green candle. Hold the amulet in your hands. Look at the burning candle for a couple of minutes. This will make it easier for you to go into a trance.

    Sit in a chair. Feet should touch the floor surface. This is the connection to the earth. Maintain an upright posture. Imagine this picture: a beam of light is coming out of your head. Through it you are in contact with space. It expands, you take in large amounts of positive energy. The whole body is gradually filled with light. You feel warm.

    When the cosmic light is in your hands with the help of your imagination, imagine that it penetrates the amulet. At this moment, you merge with the amulet. You can say the following words:

    "Grant me me when I am weak, because you are me."

    Then return to the real world. Complete this connection. Such a procedure and one visual contact with the amulet is enough to feel a surge of fresh energy.

    Rite at home with water and conspiracies

    How to charge an amulet at home using water and conspiracies? Follow the amulet to the bathroom. For the ceremony, use only cold water. Wash your hands with soap and water. Wash yourself. Say three times:

    "Vodichka, wash my personal, remove the pendulum, grant lightness."

    Grasp the amulet with your hands. Place it under a stream of running water. Indulge in the sensations of this stream of water. It's easier to get out of trance this way. Say: “The purest water washes away all obstacles on the road. Nothing and no one can cope with its powerful flow. Take away, little water, all the dirt from my amulet, turn it down with your noise. To leave all the dirty tricks from him, all the sensations left him. Let him be born again and brighten again. Thank you, water. "

    Another conspiracy can be applied. There are many ready-made options. Choose any you like.

    After that, hold the amulet under water for a while. It is important to grasp your own and his energy. After the ceremony, sleep one night away from the amulet. For example, place it in a different room. So it will finally recover and charge.

    Love rites

    How to charge an amulet for love? Usually, the actions depend on the type of amulet with such a program. They are as follows.

    Special runes

    For example: Laguz, Kano and Gebo. A runescript is formed from them. The main requirement for him is harmony. You should feel that the structure you have created carries strength. Signs can be of different colors. The color depends on your purpose:

    • Red is for ardent love.
    • Pink is for romance.
    • Green is for a calm and deep relationship.

    On the back of the amulet, write your details (date of birth and full name) and goals. Take it in your hands with signs up. Imagine charging each rune from penetrating light. Then fully charge this entire rune system.

    Pouch of Gris-Gris

    Its material is red suede. Dimensions: 5 x 10 cm. It holds ruby, turquoise, dried verbena, rhodolite, rosebuds and horse chestnut. Also add to this set an item related to you, such as a ring, scarf, etc.

    The required number of components is here: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, or 13. Odd order. You have to stick to it. Before being placed in the bag, all items are consecrated on the altar. They can be christened or conspiracies can be pronounced over them.

    When the bag is complete, a special mixture is added to it. It is created from amber, cardamom, rose and lavender. The bag is coated with it from the outside. It needs to be pinned on the inside of the garment. So he runs.

    Intuitive amulet

    It is created from those components that you think are associated with love. For example: a figurine of a heart, a red ribbon, or a rosebud.

    A red candle is used for charging. The process goes on over her flame. In this case, you are casting spells invented personally.

    If you have difficulties with such an amulet, seek assistance from experts in this field.

    About money amulets

    For this purpose, it is optimal to work with several amulets at once. This opens up more ways to replenish the budget.

    Amulets are divided into the following categories:

    1. Type of exposure.
    2. External appearance.
    3. Compliance with certain customs.

    Amulets of the first category presented can be aimed at:

    • Getting a sudden amount. As a rule, it is insignificant.
    • Growth in income from an existing business or job. The increase in cash flow depends on the starting position of the business and the power of the amulet. The effect lasts for a very long time.
    • Creation of new money routes. For example, often people have a hobby that can bring them significant profit, and they do not even know about it. Thanks to the amulet, the road to additional income opens.

    The appearance of amulets can be graceful, like coins with holes, or simple, like ordinary banknotes or pebbles.

    According to custom, these items can be Scandinavian, Chinese, Egyptian and Wiccan.

    The most popular money amulets are:

    • Imperial coin.
    • Chinese

    How to charge amulets for money? The methods depend on their types. They are outlined below.

    First bill

    After receiving it, mentally say "I open the way to prosperity." During the year with income, say that money is attracted to money.

    How to charge an amulet for money differently? You can imagine that other banknotes are attracted to this bill. Over time, this will happen


    You need to buy it on the first day of the new moon. You should not bargain and take change. Bringing the toad home, say that this is her domain today. Here she should bring financial well-being. Put it in its proper place and thank. Clean it with water once a week.

    How to charge the money amulet "Toad" in another way? With each arrival of finance, put part of the funds under it. One coin or bill is enough.

    Imperial coin

    If it was done correctly, then it will certainly attract monetary well-being to its owner.

    How to charge and handle an imperial amulet? Charging happens with your own energy. You seem to communicate with the amulet as if you were your best friend. Ask him for help. This procedure must be repeated 1-2 times in 14 days.

    Proper handling of the amulet implies compliance with the following formalities:

    • Hide this item from everyone.
    • Do not give or donate it to anyone.
    • Don't tell anyone about him.
    • Keep it clean and tidy.

    It is optimal to always carry it with you. It is effective at home and at work.

    About the Slavic "Istok"

    How to charge the source amulet? This question is often of interest to those who wish to purchase this item. By default, Slavic amulets are already charged. They bestow solar clean energy on their master.

    However, there are opinions that such an amulet cannot be charged. This is true in many cases, but only for the average user.

    This amulet is charged by the master for a specific person. This is a purely individual amulet. He speaks only with the consent of the customer. This takes into account its goals.

    Luck is unfairly bypassed by many people. In this case, an effective way will help you, thanks to which you can get the location of Fortune - with the help of an ordinary thing, which first needs to be properly charged.

    On store shelves, you can see a huge variety of amulets that can attract money, luck, love, and so on. You can always purchase such a talisman, but it will be much better if you charge with your energy the thing that already belongs to you. In this article, the site's experts will tell you about proven methods by which you can charge any thing, thereby enhancing its energy.

    Method one

    If you have already chosen a thing that will become your talisman of good luck, now is the time to find out how to properly charge it. You can do this using the energy of the four elements.

    The element of fire.For centuries, fire was considered a symbol of victory. That is why the fiery element can rightfully be called the most powerful. In order to charge a thing with fire, you need to purchase one church candle. Light a candle and carry the thing over the flame several times so that it can be charged with the energy of the fire. Let the candle burn out. You can charge any thing in this way, and then it will become your talisman of good luck.

    The element of water. If you want to charge an accessory that will not spoil moisture, you can do it using the element of water. It is advisable to use consecrated, river or melt water, since such water has a stronger energy than ordinary water. In no case should you use boiled water, since it is completely devoid of energy properties, which means that you will not be able to charge a thing with its help.

    Fill a shallow container with water, and then lower the accessory there. Leave it on for a few hours and then take it out and pour the water away from your home. In this short time, the energy of your talisman will become stronger, which means that with its help you can attract luck into your life and become happier.

    The element of the earth. Quite often, the earth is used as an attribute for rituals, so you can also charge your thing with it. To do this, you need to collect land, preferably in the forest. Then bring it home, put it in a sturdy bag and put your thing in there. Leave the package intact for a day. After the expiration of the time, get the talisman, and take the earth to where you collected it. Be careful not to dig the ground near hospitals, cemeteries, landfills: there is a risk that the talisman can absorb negativity.

    Element of air... Probably the easiest and fastest way to charge a thing. To do this, you need to go outside, raise your hand up in which you will hold your talisman. At this moment, you should imagine how your thing literally absorbs the energy of the world and becomes stronger. After that, return home and do not take the talisman in your hands during the day so that its energetic properties become stronger.

    Method two

    Using the energy of the night luminary, you can charge your talisman in one night. But for this you need to choose the most suitable phase, namely the Full Moon. During this period, the moon has the strongest energy that you can use for personal purposes.

    Place the item on the window so that the moonlight shines at least partially on it. After that, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

    “The light of the moon hits my talisman, gives it power. Let him relieve me of problems and attract good luck into my life. "

    The next day, at the same time that you charged the item, take it and from that moment always carry it with you, since now it will bring you good luck.

    Method three

    At all times, people have resorted to the help of rituals to find what they want and change their lives for the better. Now we suggest that you use an effective rite, thanks to which you can make a strong talisman out of an ordinary thing.

    To carry out the ceremony, you will need:

    • three church candles;
    • any thing;
    • red cloth.

    After sunrise, retire to a separate room, light three candles and arrange them so that a triangle forms. Place a red cloth in the middle of the triangle, and on top of it the item you want to charge. After that, say these words:

    “I charge a thing, I attract luck into my life. The fire burns everything in its path, so let all my problems and failures burn out. I give strength to every word I say. "

    Leave the candles to burn out and discard the remaining wax. Wrap the garment tightly in a red cloth and leave overnight.

    Most often, stones are used as talismans, since their energy is so strong and constant that with its help you can attract whatever you want into your life, as well as solve your problems. To choose the right talisman, find out which stone suits you according to your Zodiac Sign. We wish you happiness and good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

    17.09.2018 06:24

    Many people do not even realize that some familiar things attract money and luck. Be sure to place ...