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  • Mysterious Mayan Civilization. Mysteries of the Maya should not be solved The anniversary of the civilization of the Mayan tribe is dedicated

    Mysterious Mayan Civilization.  Mysteries of the Maya should not be solved The anniversary of the civilization of the Mayan tribe is dedicated

    Maya lived in one of the most comfortable corners of our planet. They did not need warm clothes, they were content with thick and long strips of fabric, with which they wrapped their bodies in a special manner. They ate mainly corn and what was mined in the jungle, cocoa, fruits, and game. They did not keep domestic animals either for transportation or for food. The wheel was not used. According to modern concepts, it was the most primitive of the civilizations of the Stone Age, they were far from Greece and Rome. However, the fact remains that archaeologists have confirmed that during the period mentioned, this people managed to build several dozen amazing cities on a fairly large territory, far from each other. The basis of these cities is usually a complex of pyramids and powerful stone buildings, completely covered with strange mask-like icons and various dashes.

    The highest of the Mayan pyramids are not lower than the Egyptian ones. For scientists, it still remains a mystery: how these structures were built!

    And why were such cities of pre-Columbian civilization, perfect in beauty and sophistication, suddenly abandoned, as if on command, by their inhabitants at the turn of 830 AD?

    At that very time, the center of civilization went out, the peasants who lived around these cities scattered into the jungle, and all the priestly traditions suddenly degenerated sharply. All subsequent bursts of civilization in this region were distinguished by sharp forms of power.

    However, back to our topic. Those same Mayan, who left their cities, fifteen centuries before Columbus invented an accurate solar calendar and developed hieroglyphic writing, used the concept of zero in mathematics. The classical Maya confidently predicted solar and lunar eclipses and even predicted the Day of Judgment.

    How did they do it

    To answer this question, you and I will have to look beyond what is permitted by established prejudices and question the correctness of the official interpretation of some historical events.

    Maya - Geniuses of the pre-Columbian era

    During his fourth American voyage in 1502, Columbus landed on a small island off the coast of what is now the Republic of Honduras. Here Columbus met Indian merchants sailing on a large ship. He asked where they were from, and they, as Columbus recorded, answered: “From Mayan province". It is believed that the generally accepted name of the Maya civilization is formed from the name of this province, which, like the word "Indian", is, in essence, an invention of the great admiral.

    The name of the main tribal territory of the Maya proper - the Yucatan Peninsula - is of a similar origin. For the first time anchoring off the coast of the peninsula, the conquistadors asked the local inhabitants what their land was called. The Indians answered all questions: "Siu tan", which meant "I do not understand you." Since then, the Spaniards began to call this large peninsula Siugan, and later Siutan became Yucatan. In addition to the Yucatan (during the conquest of the main territory of this people), the Maya lived in the mountainous region of the Central American Cordillera and in the tropical jungle of the so-called Metene, a lowland located in present-day Guatemala and Honduras. Maya culture probably originated in this area. Here, in the basin of the Usu-masinta river, the first Mayan pyramids were erected and the first magnificent cities of this civilization were built.

    Mayan territory

    By the beginning of the Spanish conquest in the 16th century Mayan culture occupied a vast and diverse territory in terms of natural conditions, which included the modern Mexican states of Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo, as well as all of Guatemala, Belize (formerly British Honduras), the western regions of El Salvador and Honduras. millennium, apparently, more or less coincided with those mentioned above. At present, most scientists distinguish within this territory three large cultural and geographical regions, or zones: Northern, Central and Southern.

    Maya civilization location map

    The northern region includes the entire Yucatan Peninsula - a flat limestone plain with shrub vegetation, crossed in some places by chains of low rocky hills. The poor and thin soils of the peninsula, especially along the coast, are not very favorable for maize farming. In addition, there are no rivers, lakes and streams; the only source of water (except for rain) are natural karst wells - senates.

    The central region occupies the territory of modern Guatemala (Peten department), the southern Mexican states of Tabasco, Chiapas (eastern) and Campeche, as well as Belize and a small area in the west of Honduras. This is a zone of tropical rain forests, low rocky hills, limestone plains and extensive seasonal swamps. There are many large rivers and lakes here: rivers - Usumacinta, Grijalva, Belize, Chamelekon, etc., lakes - Isabel, Peten Itza, etc. The climate is warm, tropical, with an average annual temperature of 25 above zero Celsius. The year is divided into two seasons: dry (lasts from late January to late May) and the rainy season. In total, from 100 to 300 cm of precipitation falls here per year. Fertile soils, the lush splendor of the flora and fauna of the tropics greatly distinguish the Central Region from the Yucatan.

    The central region of the Maya is central not only geographically. This is also the area where Mayan civilization reached the pinnacle of its development in the first millennium. Most of the largest urban centers were also located here at that time: Tikal, Palenque, Yaxchilan, Naranjo, Piedras Negras, Copan, Quiriguaidr.

    The southern region includes the mountainous regions and the Pacific coast of Guatemala, the Mexican state of Chiapas (its mountainous part), and certain regions of El Salvador. This territory is distinguished by an unusual diversity of ethnic composition, a variety of natural and climatic conditions, and a significant cultural specificity, which noticeably distinguishes it from the background of other areas of the Maya.

    These three regions differ not only geographically. They are different from each other and their historical destinies.

    Although all of them were inhabited from very early times, there was certainly a kind of transfer of the "baton" of cultural leadership between them: the Southern (mountainous) region, apparently, gave a powerful impetus to the development of the classical Mayan culture in the Central region, and the last reflection of the great Mayan civilization is associated with the Northern region (Yucatan).

    With all the power of modern man and his striving forward, the need to get acquainted with the previous moments in the development of civilization cannot but arise. If the already relatively well-known ancient times are of considerable interest, what can we say about the poorly studied Maya tribe.

    Mayan tribe - a mysterious civilization

    Let's hasten to disappoint fans of sensations. The mystery of the Maya is due either to the lack of knowledge of specific people about it, or the poor knowledge of some point. In fact, what is known to archaeologists and other researchers today about the Maya is enough to say: it was one of a large number of ancient civilizations. The search for mystical components in it and its fate is inappropriate.

    The Maya built chic palaces and large cities with large areas. Their civilizational achievements allowed them to dominate for about one thousand five hundred years.

    The disappearance of the Mayan tribe

    Let's start from the end. 9th century AD, present-day Guatemala. The Indians are experiencing a shortage of water and food, epidemics literally mow people down. Cities emptied rapidly and civilization collapsed. Archaeologists were able to find out: the image of the "wise peaceful Maya" is a little less than in any way true. Their city-states (analogous to the Greek policies) fought among themselves.

    The emergence of the Mayan civilization dates back to the second millennium BC. After one and a half thousand years, they became so numerous that they began to control almost all of Central America. Around 250 AD, city-states arose. Between these formations and their rulers there was a continuous struggle, sometimes armed. Of course, the rulers and the priesthood represented these wars solely by the will of the gods. Human sacrifice was a daily occurrence. None of the cities had clear leadership.

    Mayan Tribe - Incredible Facts

    Contrary to popular tales, the Maya were a Stone Age civilization. The tools with which their buildings were erected were appropriate. At the same time, there were no metal tools and draft animals. The wheel and metal were known in principle, but the majestic "pyramids" were built without them - apparently, such a cultural feature, the more difficult the work, the more valuable the result.

    The mathematical achievements of this civilization were almost higher than those of any of its contemporaries. This is where the symbol zero first appears. It is believed that the Maya also knew the square root. Maya engineers created an excellent drainage system and aqueducts that were in no way inferior to the Roman ones.

    How did all this prosperity collapse? There are several versions. One - depletion of reserves and ecological catastrophe - seems to be the most adequate. People fled from cities where it became impossible to live. According to another, the main factor was the raids of nomadic tribes.

    Mayan magic stone

    In the Villaaeromas Museum there is a stone on which the "ominous" date is inscribed - December 21, 2012. Today we already know for sure, 100%: there is nothing serious behind this prophecy. But it is all the more interesting to really comprehend those cultural meanings that are hidden in these inscriptions.

    Mayan clothing over the past centuries has not changed much, at least among the elderly it is the same as in antiquity. Their concept of beauty is emphatically not European - for example, it was widely believed that strabismus and a flattened forehead, as well as an aquiline nose, are beautiful. Clothing was made from white and brown cotton, as well as from wood fibers. Later, silk and wool began to be used. Organic and mineral dyes were used.

    Mayan Creation Version, like other layers of their culture, betrays the systemic unity of the peoples of pre-Columbian America. The basis of Mayan mythology is the cyclical nature of the universe with periods of 5000 years. Each period is subdivided into thirteen parts and, according to ideas, invariably ends in disaster. The purpose of people is to perform deeds pleasing to the gods, such as crafts and agriculture. Each polis had its own legends.

    One of the most mysterious civilizations that existed on the planet is the Mayan civilization. The high level of development of medicine, science, architecture strikes the minds of our contemporaries. One and a half thousand years before the discovery of the American continent by Columbus, the Mayan people already used their hieroglyphic writing, invented the calendar system, were the first to use the concept of zero in mathematics, and the counting system in many respects surpassed that used by their contemporaries in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece.

    Secrets of the Mayan Civilization

    The ancient Indians possessed amazing information about space for that era. Scientists still cannot understand how the Mayan tribes received such accurate knowledge in astronomy long before the invention of the telescope. The artifacts discovered by scientists raise new questions, the answers to which have not yet been found. Consider the most amazing of the finds related to this great civilization:

    The most amazing feature of this architectural monument is the visual effect that is created 2 times a year, exactly on the days of the autumn and spring equinoxes. As a result of the play of sunlight and shadow, an image of a huge snake appears, the body of which ends with a stone sculpture of a snake's head at the base of a 25-meter pyramid. Such a visual effect could only be achieved by carefully calculating the location of the building and having accurate knowledge of astronomy and topography.

    Another interesting and mysterious feature of the pyramids is that they are a huge sound resonator. Such effects are known as: the sounds of the steps of people going to the top are heard at the base of the pyramid, like the sounds of rain; people who are at a distance of 150 meters from each other at different sites can clearly hear each other, while not hearing the sounds made next to them. To create such an acoustic effect, the ancient architects had to make the most accurate calculations of the thickness of the walls.

    Mayan culture

    Unfortunately, one can learn about the culture, history, religion of the Indian tribes only from the preserved architectural and cultural material values. Due to the barbaric attitude of the Spanish conquerors, who destroyed most of the cultural heritage of the ancient Indians, there are very few sources for descendants to gain knowledge about the origin, development and reasons for the decline of this majestic civilization!

    Possessing a developed written language, during their heyday, the Maya left a huge amount of information about themselves. However, most of the historical heritage was destroyed by the Spanish priests, who planted the Christian religion among the Indians of Central America during its colonization.

    Only inscriptions on stone slabs have survived. But the key to deciphering the writing remained unsolved. Only a third of the signs are accessible to the understanding of modern scientists.

    • Architecture: Maya erected stone cities, striking in their majesty. Temples and palaces were built in the center of cities. The pyramids are amazing. Without metal tools, the ancient Indians somehow amazingly created pyramids that were not inferior in their majesty to the famous Egyptian ones. The pyramids had to be built every 52 years. This is due to religious canons. A distinctive feature of these pyramids is that around the existing one, the construction of a new one began.
    • Art: on the walls of stone structures, traces of painting and stone sculptures, mostly of a religious nature, have survived to this day.
    • Life: the ancient Indians were engaged in gathering, hunting, farming, growing beans, maize, cocoa, cotton. The irrigation system was widely used. Some tribes mined salt, then exchanging it for other goods, which served as the development of trade, which was in the nature of barter. Stretchers or boats were used to move goods, cargo, and to move along rivers.
    • Religion: Maya were pagans. The priests had knowledge in the field of mathematics and astronomy, predicting lunar and solar eclipses. Religious rites contained rituals of suicide.
    • The science: The Indians had developed writing, had knowledge in the field of mathematics and, as noted above, had amazing knowledge in the field of astronomy.

    Why did the Maya disappear?

    The beginning of the Maya civilization dates back to the second millennium BC. The heyday of culture occurred at the end of the first millennium - 200-900 years. BC. The most important achievements are:

    • Fully designed calendar that accurately reflects the changing seasons;
    • Hieroglyphic writing, which scientists have not yet fully deciphered;
    • The use of the concept of zero in mathematics, which was absent in other advanced civilizations of the ancient world;
    • Use of the number system;
    • Discoveries in the field of astronomy and mathematics - Mayan scientists were hundreds of years ahead of their contemporaries. Their discoveries surpassed all the achievements of the Europeans who lived at that time.

    The civilization of the New World reached its peak without such important technical achievements as the invention of the potter's wheel, the wheel, the smelting of iron and steel, the use of domestic animals in agriculture and other achievements that gave impetus to the development of other peoples.

    After the 10th century, the Maya civilization fades away.

    Modern scientists still cannot name the reason for the decline of one of the greatest peoples of antiquity.

    Exists several versions of the reasons for the disappearance of a great civilization. Consider the most likely of them:

    The nationality was a group of disparate city-states, often at war with each other. The reason for the enmity was the gradual depletion of the soil and the decline of agriculture. The rulers, in order to maintain power, pursued a policy of capture and destruction. The surviving images from the end of the eighth century tell that the number of internecine wars increased. In most cities, an economic crisis developed. The scale of the ruin was so great that it led to the decline and further disappearance of the greatest civilization.

    Where did the Mayan peoples live?

    The Maya inhabited most of the territory of Central America, modern Mexico. The vast territory occupied by the tribes was distinguished by an abundance of flora and fauna, a variety of natural zones - mountains and rivers, deserts and coastal zones. This was of no small importance in the development of this civilization. The Maya lived in city-states such as Tikal, Kamaknul, Uxmal, and others. The population of each of these cities was more than 20,000 people. Merging into one administrative entity did not occur. Having a common culture, a similar system of government, the customs of these mini-states formed a civilization.

    Modern Maya - who are they and where do they live?

    The modern Maya are Indian tribes inhabiting the territory of South America. Their number is over three million. Modern descendants have the same distinctive anthropological features as their distant ancestors: short stature, low wide skull.

    Until now, the tribes live apart, only partially accepting the achievements of modern civilization.

    The ancient Mayan people were far ahead of their contemporaries in the development of science and culture.

    They had excellent knowledge in astronomy - they had an idea about the movement pattern of the sun, moon and other planets and stars. Written language and exact sciences were very developed. Unlike their distant ancestors, modern Indians do not have any achievements in the development of the culture of their people.

    Video about the Mayan civilization

    This documentary will tell about the mysterious Mayan peoples, what mysteries they left behind, which of their prophecies came true, what they died from:

    Maya Indians are perhaps the most mysterious tribe of both Americas. Although, "tribe" is not the most appropriate definition for them. Maya is a whole civilization that arose in a very impressive territory, starting from Central America and all the way to Mexico. The few finds that remain from the knowledge and culture of the Maya amaze the minds of archaeologists, anthropologists and sociologists with the degree of their development. And the mysterious mysteries that the ancient Mayan peoples left us ruined more than one carefully planned expedition before at least some small answers were discovered . The evidence that scientists have uncovered indicates that the Mayan peoples developed an original, extremely detailed form of determining and measuring time, and a rather complex alphabet based on hieroglyphs. Mayan tribes settled in the territories of modern El Salvador, Honduras, Belize, Guatemala and Mexico. The exact date of the appearance of the first Mayan settlements is still a mystery, one thing is clear: 1000 years before our era, there were already their representatives in this territory.
    Today, the Mayan peoples are famous for their original tombs and pyramidal temples, which miraculously survived to our times even after the appearance of the Spaniards in these territories, who mercilessly burned everything that, one way or another, was interpreted as “paganism” and belonged to pagan culture. That is why most of the Maya chronicles, which could shed light on many secrets of the ancient civilization, were destroyed. And yet, despite the barbaric attitude of the Spanish colonists to the culture of the Mayan peoples, the traces of the existence of the oldest of civilizations were not completely destroyed. Even the little that was discovered by archaeologists at the site of ancient settlements confirms the highest level of technical and social development. As with the Egyptian pyramids, the manner in which the ancient Mayan temples were built raises much controversy among the luminaries of history. It is also quite obvious that the Mayan society had a clear and competent social structure, as well as the principles of the division of power. The remains of the annals of the Mayan peoples, as well as the records of the colonists, tell how the administration was carried out in the settlements and the conquest of neighboring tribes. The Maya also actively participated in trade, exchanging cocoa, salt and obsidian for the household items they needed. In addition, it became known that the Mayan people were excellent farmers, using unique agricultural technologies and systems developed by them, which were far ahead of their time. As for the applied art of the Mayan peoples, it no less clearly reflects their highest development and is considered more advanced than other peoples of that era. But the most mysterious thing in the entire history of the Mayan peoples, without a doubt, is that no one can ever guess what happened to this civilization after all. Around 900 - 1000 AD, the Maya simply disappeared ...

    The history of the Mayan civilization is full of mysteries. One of them is the reason for the sudden disappearance of this ancient people, who reached a surprisingly high level of cultural development.

    Origin and habitat

    Maya, one of the civilizations of Mesoamerica, began to form around 2000 BC. e. It has developed in the Mexican states of Yucatan and Tabasco, the countries of Guatemala and Belize, Honduras and El Salvador. The area where these ancient tribes lived is divided into three climatic zones: rocky and arid mountainous territory, tropical selva and areas with rich fauna.

    There are several theories about the origin of the people, as well as about where the Mayans disappeared. There is a version that they came from Asia, and even a fantastic assumption that they are the descendants of the inhabitants of the mythical Atlantis. Another theory claims that they come from Palestine. As evidence, they cite the fact that many elements are similar to Christian ones (the idea of ​​the coming of the Messiah, the symbol of the cross). In addition, the people are very similar to the Egyptian, and this suggests that it is somehow connected with Ancient Egypt.

    Maya Indians: the history of a great civilization

    The researchers were lucky - many sources have been preserved, according to which one can draw a picture of the life of this ancient people. Its history is divided into several large periods.

    In the preclassic era, the Indians were small tribes, hunting and gathering for food. Around 1000 BC. e. there are many small settlements of farmers. El Mirador is one of the first Mayan cities, now known for its huge pyramidal complex 72 meters high. It was the largest metropolis of the preclassic period.

    The next era (400 BC - 250 AD) is characterized by great changes in the life of the Indians. There is a rapid growth of cities, monumental architectural complexes are being erected.

    250-600 AD n. e. - the time of the classical era of the development of the people of Mesoamerica. During this period, competing city-states developed. Their architecture was represented by magnificent architectural structures. Usually the buildings were located around a rectangular central square and were decorated with masks of gods and mythological characters carved in stone. The history of the Mayan tribe says that a feature of their settlements was the presence of pyramids up to 15 meters high in the center of cities.

    By the end of the classical period, the population of the lowlands of Guatemala had reached an impressive number of 3 million people.

    The late classical period is the time of the highest flowering of the culture of the ancient people of Mesoamerica. Then the great cities were founded - Uxmal, Chichen Itza and Coba. The population of each of them ranged from 10 to 25 thousand people. The history of the Mayan tribe cannot but surprise - at the same time there were no such large settlements in medieval Europe.

    Mayan occupations and crafts

    The main occupations of the Indians were agriculture (slash-and-burn and irrigation), beekeeping and crafts. They grew maize (the main crop), beans, tomatoes, pumpkin, various types of peppers, tobacco, cotton, sweet potato and various spices. An important crop was cocoa.

    The Mayans were engaged in the cultivation of fruits. Now it is difficult to say which of the fruit trees were cultivated. Residents used papaya, avocado, ramon, chicosapote, nance, maranion for food.

    Despite the high level of development, the Maya never stopped gathering. Palm leaves were used as material for roofing and basket weaving, the collected resin was used as incense, and flour was made from koroso.

    Hunting and fishing were also among the main occupations of the Indians.

    It is clear from archaeological research that skilful artisans lived in Yucatan and Guatemala: gunsmiths, weavers, jewelers, sculptors and architects.


    The Maya are known for their majestic buildings: pyramidal complexes and palaces of rulers. In addition, they created beautiful sculptures and bas-reliefs, the main motifs of which were anthropomorphic deities.


    Among the buildings that have survived to this day, the main part is occupied by buildings of a religious nature. This fact and other sources allow us to conclude that religion occupied a central place in the life of the Maya. They are known for their bloodletting rites and human sacrifices to the gods. The most cruel of the rites was burying the victim alive, as well as ripping open the stomach and tearing the heart out of the body of a still living person. Not only captives were sacrificed, but also fellow tribesmen.

    The mystery of the disappearance of the people

    The question of where the Maya disappeared continues to interest many researchers. It is known that by the 9th century the southern territories of the Indians began to empty. For some reason, the inhabitants began to leave the city. This process soon spread to the central Yucatan. Where did the Mayans go and why did they leave their homes? There is no answer to this question yet. There are hypotheses that try to explain the sudden disappearance of one of the peoples of Mesoamerica. Researchers name the following reasons: enemy invasions, bloody uprisings, epidemics and ecological catastrophe. Perhaps the Maya upset the balance between nature and man. The rapidly growing population has finally depleted natural resources and began to experience serious problems with a lack of fertile soil and drinking water.

    The latest hypothesis about the decline of the Mayan civilization suggests that this was due to a severe drought, which led to the devastation of cities.

    None of these theories has received serious confirmation, and the question of where the Maya disappeared is still open.

    Modern Maya

    The ancient people of Mesoamerica did not disappear without a trace. He survived in his descendants - the modern Maya Indians. They continue to live in the homeland of their famous ancestors - in Guatemala and Mexico, preserving their language, customs and way of life.