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  • What women want: (anti) rating of gifts according to the version of the beautiful half VSЁ42. What women want: (anti) rating of gifts according to the version of the beautiful half of VSЁ42 What do you want on March 8

    What women want: (anti) rating of gifts according to the version of the beautiful half VSЁ42.  What women want: (anti) rating of gifts according to the version of the beautiful half of VSЁ42 What do you want on March 8

      March 8 scares Russian men cleaner than the Apocalypse since the days of Clara Zetkin and the same Rosa, which is Luxembourg. And if in 1917 women demanded only “bread and peace”, now every year men begin to panic: what will the beloved woman demand as a gift this time, and most importantly, how much will it cost them.

      Men, do you really think that on March 8, women want to get diamonds, tickets to the Seychelles, mink coats and other “large-caliber” pleasures from you?

      Actually, the truth is that you are a bit late. For twenty years. Decent ladies have been able to buy all this for themselves for a long time.

      Asking for material gifts from you, they are just trying to "seize" their resentment and dissatisfaction. Like, with a black sheep, at least a tuft of wool. To please the woman you love, it’s not at all necessary to buy “a million scarlet roses” for her, just give her a decent cunnilingus that will not look like a brain-eating zombie attack, and no one will demand anything more from you on this “hated” day (now many men will be indignant, they say, nothing like that, we can do everything perfectly, but in fact, heartbreaking oral sex is the most common reason for girls to come to the training “How to teach a man to have sex”). No soft pink tulips (no, this one is too red, I didn’t want this one, but this one is too pale, and that one is sluggish, you don’t love me), nor washing dishes and dismantling the balcony (which caught Napoleon’s invasion in this form), no trip to the jewelry store. The “terrifying celebration of the victorious matriarchy” will turn into a pleasant romantic evening full of pleasure for both of you.

      Understand that a woman in the 21st century, and especially on March 8, lacks affection, tenderness and good sex. Seriously, any woman is more interested in her own orgasm than Louboutins. I have seen many times how girls in our sex shop buy intimate muscle trainers and G-spot stimulators with the same face that they used to buy Dior for themselves. They just say “I want to treat myself” in huge font.

      I'm sure your friend will enjoy your concern for her satisfaction and health much more than a useless trinket. What girl would be against some fun "girly" sex toy like a vibrating egg with a remote control or vibrating panties, remember, like in "The Naked Truth"? And it’s also a great reason to diversify your sex life, just don’t turn on the device during a visit to your parents or in line at Auchan. Your missus won't thank you.

      Or give her the opportunity to twist you, but only in bed. If she is a passionate fan of "50 shades of gray", then you can very well get a lot of sexual bonuses from this for your loved one. Let her become the Lady for one evening. Let him finally spank you to the fullest for guffawing the entire movie over the heartbreaking drama that unfolded between Christian Gray and Anastasia Steele and pouring beer on her friend. Let. It will cost you nothing, but your relationship will improve significantly. Nothing strengthens a woman's loyalty like a temporary and formal transfer of the "reins" into her tender hands.

      And finally stop perceiving March 8 as a necessary "duty". No one claims your dominant position and does not try to take away as many "resources" from you as possible. Girls just want to be loved. Only and everything.

    “It was a huge basket of live snowdrops. It turned out that a year before the holiday, closer to summer, my dad went to the forest, dug up snowdrop bulbs, planted them at his work and grew them to please my mom and me with this incredible miracle on March 8.

    And what is the most terrible?

    "Going to the zoo - apparently, the phrase about love for animals was interpreted literally."

    “It can be anything from tickets to a concert or theater to a weekend cruise or a picnic in the country. But not the zoo!

    Aliya Bagaveeva, flight attendant:

    “The most pleasant and at the same time unexpected gift for me was a flight on a private jet. The feeling of weightlessness, drive, the opportunity to observe incredible landscapes from a bird's eye view - euphoria did not leave me for a long time, I wanted to experience these feelings again and again. All these emotions made me fall in love with the sky, and it was that day that determined my future profession as a flight attendant.”

    And what is the most terrible?

    “Not to say that they are terrible - rather unpleasant. For example, home slippers are three sizes smaller (thanks for not being white at least). And also a cookbook - obviously with a hint.

    “A couple of days ago I came across an article where sociologists ranked the desired gifts for March 8th. It turned out that every fifth woman would not refuse a ticket to a resort or jewelry. In my opinion, men do not need to blindly follow these statistics. You just have to listen to your beloved women and remember their desires. I wouldn't mind another private jet flight, flowers and hugs."

    Natalia Voitenko, flight attendant:

    “Usually they give me what I order, so most often there are no problems with gifts. I love it when they give emotions. One of the best gifts was a certificate for the quest. The adventure hour flew by. Then my friends and I remembered and discussed all the mysteries of the locked room for a long time. I would love to go to something like this again.”

    And what is the most terrible?

    “Despite the fact that I am very economic, I don’t like it when people give me the right things – like pots or pans. I immediately forget about the holiday and start thinking about household chores.

    “Weekend in some country spa hotel for two. Two weekends in a row for a flight attendant is already a gift, and if they also coincide with the weekend of my husband, who also works in this field, it will be an unforgettable March 8th.

    Yulia Mikheeva, flight attendant-instructor :

    “A couple of years ago, my dear friends gave me a printed album. Photo collages were collected there - from kindergarten and school, from holidays with friends, with my dogs and, of course, from my favorite work. It was so touching! Joy knew no bounds. I even cried."

    And what is the most terrible?

    “I heard a lot from my friends about useless gifts like ashtrays, photo frames, vases, stationery and other things. I have never received anything like this."

    “A bike or a new pair of ski gloves. Although I would also be happy with a box of sweets or flowers.”

    Nadezhda Gladkova, flight attendant:

    “That was five years ago. My boyfriend gave me a huge bouquet and a pink Swatch watch, my favorite brand. This is how we celebrated our first joint March 8.”

    And what is the most terrible?

    “The most useless gift was a duffel bag. It never came in handy for me: although there were many plans and attempts to go in for sports, I never found free time.

    “Desired gifts for me are perfume or gold jewelry. The holiday is for women, so I want to get something not necessarily expensive, but chosen especially for you. In general, March 8 is a special holiday for me. It was on this day a couple of years ago that I took my first flight as a flight attendant. We flew to Sochi. Passengers sincerely congratulated us - it was very nice. And we were handing out small gifts to all the women.”

    Valeria Savinova, flight attendant:

    "Skydiving. I have long wanted to do this, but did not dare. And after the holidays, I went to the indicated address and made my first jump - I was simply delighted with the sensations. Once again, I was presented with an ordinary chocolate egg, inside of which, instead of a plastic designer, earrings were waiting for me. As friends later explained, the egg was carefully opened, the surprise was hidden, and after the chocolate had melted, they were put in the refrigerator.

    And what is the most terrible?

    “In my memory, the most terrible gift was the cellulite cream.”

    "I dream of a candlelight dinner with my boyfriend in some romantic place."

    Anna Fedorova, flight attendant:

    “For me, the most pleasant gift, especially on International Women's Day, is flowers. There are never many of them."

    And what is the most terrible?

    “The most ridiculous gifts were at school, when the boys bought the same trinkets for all the girls. I don't even remember what was there. Attention, of course, is nice, but they never guessed with gifts: there were still inexperienced ones.

    “That which replaces sleep. The specifics of my work is such that there is no fixed schedule. And I'm a creative and active girl, it's a pity to waste time sleeping. I want something that will restore strength without the help of a bed and pillow. It would be the perfect gift!"

    Alina Nagl-Lyubeva, flight attendant:

    “When I was very young, my father brought two bouquets of tulips for my mother and me. These were the first flowers I received. He also pleased us with chocolate and a Pink Dream cake. Then I was very surprised, but my parents explained that on March 8, all women are given flowers and gifts. For me, that day was the most beautiful, and the gift was the most memorable.

    And what is the most terrible?

    “The worst gift is his absence. In my opinion, at least a verbal congratulation will already make this day special.

    “What could be better than diamonds? Another nice gift for me can be a perfume - for example, Amouage or Kilian. I would also be happy to relax in a spa hotel.

    Anna Yelopova, flight attendant:

    “The most memorable was a bouquet of 151 roses, and the most favorite was a Casio watch with a metal strap and stones around the dial. At work, I periodically look at them, and it always evokes pleasant memories and a smile.

    And what is the most terrible?

    “This was not the case - close people know me and my preferences well. Therefore, I always receive the desired gifts.

    “For me, the best gifts are those that money can’t buy: mother’s health, love, sincerity, harmony at home and work, smiles of others. I have everything else."

    Poll results

    March 8 is close, close and it is better to buy gifts in advance. I conducted these surveys several times on social networks, hundreds of women participated in them, the results were verified many times. I hope that this knowledge will help readers of Restorunner to please a woman in the right way.


    The bad news: many women dream of a man surprise them. This is the most difficult, because. you need to either love a woman very much, or strain your brain. You can also listen to what a woman says: sometimes she herself hints at what specific surprise she wants, or “accidentally” blurs it out. And by the way, it is not always the Moon from the sky or something else unnecessary. Sometimes it is enough for a man to be sober and a man for at least one day.


    This is our salvation, for in them we sometimes understand. Most often they ask for a powerful external battery for smartphones / iPhones (well, the iPhone itself, because the old one is quickly discharged), a new laptop, a removable hard drive, sometimes cameras or cars. By the way, make no mistake with the color! As it turned out, they like not only red ones.


    Everyone, even women! - They love money. But giving a pack of euros is somehow not very decent. But many women are not at all averse to making themselves happy if they are presented with:
    – certificate for cosmetics, perfume, shoes, linen stores
    - a certificate in a spa or some kind of beauty salon
    - certificate for a photo shoot
    - a subscription to a fitness center - but be careful with this. It is very important for a woman to understand correctly and not be offended. Therefore, it is much safer to give such a slender and athletic one than to those who have grown fat and launched themselves.

    For two

    Some girls are ready to share the pleasure with you. This refers to the joint choice of underwear, the joint choice of perfume, joint yoga classes or a marriage proposal. Traveling somewhere far away is also welcome, especially with elections approaching.



    Most often asked:
    bags and wallets
    garter belt and stockings
    pavloposadsky scarf
    converse limited edition sneakers (and not limited too)
    white shirts (can't be too many)
    what a cute outfit "for adults"
    scarves and shawls, such as silk with pictures
    But this is also clearly better to buy together, so as not to be mistaken.

    Candies and flowers

    Many women claim that a bouquet of flowers and sweets is a great gift. Especially if they are not spoiled by them on all other days. But normal men know: a bouquet of flowers is an addition to the main gift. And the main one is something from the list above.


    Here her women mentioned infrequently and reluctantly. However, good Japanese knives, beautiful and handy cheese slicers, pepper and coffee grinders, and clay pots flashed by. You can find them in the collections of useful gadgets on our website. And the most popular and popular is still.

    But what about the food? Don't worry! Something, and you will never miss holiday offers from restaurants if you read regularly. We are the first to know about food and tell you everything right away.

    Sociologists also compiled an anti-rating of spring gifts. According to the survey, women are most annoyed when they are given various kinds of kitchen utensils, including even blenders and steamers, not to mention vegetable graters and garlic presses.

    “Utensils” for the office are also not in favor: pens, staplers, pencil holders and telephones, 5% of women name among the items that they would never want to receive for the first spring holiday. Another 5% of respondents recognized strange and inappropriate flowers as the most ridiculous gifts - dried flowers, mimosa, carnations and, of course, cacti.

    A postcard, even a homemade one, is also considered by 3% of women to be an unsuccessful gift. One of the respondents told how her husband once gave her not just a postcard, but a paper greeting made by his ex-girlfriend. Tights, socks and other items from the category of similar things close the anti-rating. Approximately 3% of women also voted against them.

    At the request of sociologists, women named "record holders" among the most ridiculous gifts: these are anti-aging cosmetics and floor scales, a plunger and a toilet brush, a bottle of vodka and a bottle of beer, a calendar for last year, a CD of the Civil Defense group, three absolutely identical coffee sets and a straw for drinks in the form of "male dignity".

    What are men ready for?

    As for those from whom the ladies expect gifts, only half of the working men agree to please their female colleagues on the occasion of International Women's Day. 9% are not going to congratulate colleagues even in words, explaining this, in particular, by the poor financial situation of the company (and, accordingly, its employees), showed a survey of the Research Center of the portal

    And yet, they basically agree that gifts for women on March 8 are a good good tradition. Every second admitted that in his company for a day or two they begin to think about how to please women. 22% said that they would solemnly congratulate all working ladies in the office, 1% less were ready to lay a festive table for women. "We are doing something like a holiday newspaper - there will be about every girl in our department"; "Flowers and table"; "We'll cut sandwiches and order cakes ourselves"; "And women will be allowed to go home after congratulations on March 7," the respondents reported.

    In 6% of cases, the company plans a corporate evening, for example, in a restaurant or bowling club. Not every employer is ready for such an expense, but International Women's Day parties are organized more often than on February 23, writes

    According to Gazeta.SPb

    And here are the results of a survey about what a woman does not want on March 8:

    The worst gifts on International Women's Day, according to the women themselves, are cheap jewelry, products from sex shops and souvenirs.

    In the first place in the ranking of the most unfortunate gifts, Russian women put cheap jewelry. 58% of Russian women do not want to receive such a gift.`I really like jewelry, including high-quality jewelry. If they gave me jewelry, I liked it, because they were given by close people who know my taste, ”the portal cites the explanations of the survey participants.

    The second place was taken by products from sex shops. `It's gone!' - say 42% of respondents. 41% of women are not ready for such an extreme gift as a parachute jump, most of whom admitted that they are afraid of heights.

    Next on the list of inappropriate gifts are key rings, figurines and other souvenirs that “irritate and clutter up the space.” 38% of women would not like to receive such a gift. considers it more of a household necessity than a gift 18% of Russian women do not want to receive a frying pan or a combine as a gift.

      Lace underwear was also called not a very good gift. It was rejected by 13% of women. 12% of Russian women least of all dream of getting a subscription to a fitness club on March 8, and 11% will not be happy with a course of SPA procedures or a gift certificate to a store.

      At the same time, as noted in the research center that conducted the survey, mainly women over 45 spoke out against skydiving as a sign of attention from men, saying that “they are no longer at the age to be given cheap nonsense.” women's day, they expect to receive a `more elegant and necessary' gift. In turn, souvenirs and kitchen utensils are more likely to be rejected by Russian women aged 25 to 34, who are ready to receive as a gift "anything, but not pots and worthless souvenirs."

      Meanwhile, 5% of women could not name a gift that would upset them. `Any gift is attention. And any attention is nice," they assured.

      Sociologists conducted similar surveys to help men in previous years. Thus, pets became leaders among the worst gifts - 33% of Russian women did not want to receive such a gift. The second place was occupied by sports equipment (28%) - from year to year, our women believe that a sports store is not the best place to choose gifts. Then, oddly enough, came soft toys (18%). Dishes and kitchen utensils (16%), money and underwear (13% each) figured in the anti-rating.

      1. Cheap jewelry - 58%
      2. Products from an intimate store - 42%
      3. Certificate for skydiving - 41%
      4. Souvenirs - 38%
      5. Household appliances or kitchen utensils - 18%
      6. Lace underwear - 13%
      7. Subscription to a fitness club -12%
      8. Gift certificate to any store - 11%
      9. Other - 6%

      So what to give?

      Meanwhile, Interfax gives advice on how to please the ladies on their holiday. Most Russian women expect to receive a spring bouquet as a gift, considering flowers to be the best gift for March 8. 54% of men are going to give them this year, and 45% would like to receive women, sociologists from the Levada Center told Interfax following the results of an all-Russian poll.

      However, many ladies would not refuse jewelry and jewelry, every fifth woman (23%) is waiting for them, but not everyone will wait - half as many men prepare such a gift for their loved ones - 12%.

      13% of women would like to receive cosmetics and perfumery, while 19% of men prepare such gifts. Candies and other sweets are expected as a gift by 13% of women.

      Many women (13%) would not mind receiving a gift in the form of `monetary compensation', but only 6% of Russians will solve the annual problem of choosing a gift this way.

      In general, 13% of women would like to receive dishes, crystal and porcelain, a mobile phone, a book as a gift, and 8% of Russian women would like to receive any household appliances. Every tenth Russian woman (11%) expects an invitation to a holiday at the theater or a romantic dinner in a restaurant, but only 3% of women will have this wish come true.

      According to the site "Sociology"

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